THESE TWO PRETTY Grade 12 students at the new Clarke High School were on hand to distribute pamphlets School Jammed | For Ceremony Economical NEWCASTLE (Staff) ~ --.More} than a t the new Clarke High Scheel for its official opening Priday night. Greetings were brought by E. Walkey, reeve of Clarke town- ship; D. J. Cunningham, reeve of Newcastle; G. S. Philp, war- den of the United Counties; Rus- sell C. Honey, M. P. Durham Riding; Alex Carruthers, MPP, Durham Riding; R. W. Froats of the Department of Education and C. A. Tamblyn, chairman of the Durham County District High School Board. The gold-plated over-sized key Auto Body Shop Still Hot HAMPTON (Staff) ing permit, again ignited a ho session of Darlington township council Friday. A motion by Councillor Sid-| ney Cornish and seconded by Councillor Harold Muir, accommodated in the bylaw, was passed by council. Mrs. Mary Budai, The; case of an auto-body shop own- dier, whose building burned down and was rebuilt without a build- in-) structing the township solicitor to draft a legal solution to the roblem as soon as possible so that Theodore Lieffers can be); secretary) Food Dollar Ot Diabetics Talk Subject AJAX -- Isobel Lockérbie, chief dietitian of the Canadian Diabetic Association, spoke on "Stretching the Diabetic Food Dollar" at the initial meeting in Ajax of the Oshawa and Dis- trict branch of the Association. Branch president Albert Rose of Bowmanville was chairman poy nag grr meeting, a or 'he/which was held i protection gf the people" said' resident. of ry ax and Pick Mr. Rickard, "and it seemSj/ering General dower Miss that the majority of the people) Lockerbie was introduced Dy | th in this area are in favor.of the/Mrs, Uriah Jones of Oshawa. building being re-established." | People suffering from Dia- |betes must east three meals a | day, and each meal must be Topi "Is that a threat?" demanded Mr. Cornish. "It's a promise," said. Mrs. Budai, just as emphatically. Reeve Rickard expressed the}. |view that bylaws are made as a guide for council, not a, rigid rele to follow, and each case |should stand on its own merit. "Bylaws are made for the jt WATER PROGRAM left, and Gail Allin, 16, RR 1, Orono, right. --Oshawa Times Photo to the guests as 'they ar- rived for. the official opening ceremonies, They are, Julie | Hawke, 17, of RR 2, Orono, | Villagers Want Road To Bypass Brougham BROUGHAM "For the Brougham of today and the Brougham of tomorrow"',. Don- ald Gibson submitted a petition signed by 53 residents on or ad- jacent to the Brock Road in Brougham, at last week's coun- cil meeting. The petition asked Council to use its power with the County of Ontario to construct the Brock round Brougham rather| than through it. In a letter which Mr. Gibson read to council, he advised that the rebuilding of Brock Road/ pan was complete to the Fourth Con- cession, and that plans were being made to extend the con- struction Brougham. First, the letter read, the whole- sale cutting and burning of, trees will continue, then the bulldozers to have a cheaper highway? Must we sacrifice the beauty and safety of our village for this kind of progress?"'. Reeve J. Sherman Scott sug- gested that Mr. Gibson present his petition to county council at its next meeting. Said Mr. Gibson: "We can not speak as loudly as you can. Use your power to execute our re- est.' quest. *T hope, Mr. Gibson," said the Reeve, "you do not give us more credit for having more in- fluence 'han we have," Deputy Reeve Mrs. Jean Mc- Pherson told the speaker that) the Pickering township reeve was very persuasive at county, -- council. "Not persuasive," reeve, "just difficult." A resolution was moved by| Ward 2 councillor, Milton Mow- | bray, and passed, that an at-) tempt be made to persuade jmatter how unfortunate the ac- i| PICKERING SENATOR stead of the municipality. We| whether or not he would be able; buy insurance to protect 'he|to return to it as his place of municipality. This is the sort of/ residence. thing with which council should; Reeve Scott advised that he have nothing to do. If it involves|contacted Hon. Michael Starr, itself, we may find ourselves|and told him that council would paying without getting anything/be proud to have Senator Gro- out of the insurance company.|sart known as 'The Senator We are not entitled to do that from Pickering." with the taxpayers' money.' He went on to say, that no| TENDERS FOR GRAVEL Deputy Reeve Mrs. McPher- cident or terrible the conse-|son submitted a resolution that quences, if the insurance com-|Claude Smith's gravel crushing pany feels the township not at/contract be extended to crush fault, these other things are not/ another 30,000 tons at 214c per relevant. ton. Home of his equipment still Mr. Mowbray suggested that|remained at the township gravel when people approach members | pit. of council about claims they; Members of Council felt that should be told it is up to the|since it was a new contract insurance company, and if they|that {enders must be called. do not settle, the council cannot|/Mrs. McPherson withdrew her settle, motion, and tenders will be call- No action was taken other |ed for a new supply of gravel. than L. T. Johnston, Clerk, be- of the insurance company in-| pality, although he did not know! changed hands on the stage from Frank McLellan of Bathe and McLellan, contractors, to L. G. Baker of Pentland and Baker, architects, to Irwin Col- will, chairman of the Clarke committee and finally to E. G.|i Witherspoon, principal of ane} school on Highway 115 between here and Orono. Guest speaker was Moffat St. Andrew Woodside, principal of University College at the Univer- sity of Toronto. Dedication was made by Rev. D. R. Dewdney, followed by the singing of "Bless this House" by the Clarke High School glee glub. 'REMEMBER WHEN... ? | | By THE CANADIAN RESS Harry Greb, former. world middleweight and light- heavy boxing champion, died at Atlantic City 25 years ago today following a minor nose operation. The "Pittsburgh Windmill' had beaten almost every man he fought in more than 300 contests over a 13-year per- iod. He was the only fighter ever to beat Gene Tunney, when he won the light-heavyweight title from Tunney on points in 15 jing to have to take the conse-| |quences."" of the Darlington Ratepayers' MEXICO CITY (AP) -- The Association and likely contend: ministry of hydraulic resources er for a position on township has announced a $23,000,000 pro- council in this December's elec-.gram to provide modern water tion, charged that council sas] Service to an estimated 5,000 0,-| oe alia daly: (000 people, including many liy- ing | in n rural areas. TWO SOLUTIONS : ee Alan Strike, township. solici-| GROSSCUP IN RESERVE tor, told council there would be} DALLAS, Tex. (AP) -- The} two ways to_overcome this prob-' American Football League of.-| lem, "rezone the property from|fice said Thursday New York| Cl te C2 to give the building/Titans placed quarterback Lee| enough frontage required in Grosscup on the reserve injuned| the zoning bylaw, or amend the| list. ylaw." Grosseup, whom the Titans| Mr. Cornish called statements) ipicked ad from the National| quoted in a report of the most) |Football League, injured _ his| recent ratepayers' meeting, "alknee against Denver in New| lot of hogwash'. Reeve Garnet) york and again at Houston last | Rickard, the only member of Sunday. council to attend the meeting,| In New 'York, club president | disagreed. Not taking kindly to Mr. |Harry Wismer said _ Johnny Cornish's attitude that the town- Green had -been reactivated and ship bylaws should be rigidly en-| would replace Grosscup as quar-|-- forced in all cases, Mrs. Budailterback. Green played pre- charged, "remember, you're g0- |voously with Chattanooga Uni- versity, Toronto Argonauts and 'Buffalo Bills. | "SHANTI, TWRLLNG ENTERTNNMENT! It has rarely, f ever been equalled. In the extravagant rounds An 1922, BB |bers felt that it would require }some study. "T think it would have to be; inthe same category as business | + tax, which is not a lien on the| land,"' said Councillor Mowbray. | Councillor Hubert Wank noted) the increase in vandalism by juveniles, and felt that the res- olution should be supported. Since a fatality occurred in Bay Ridges, the Bay Ridges Ratepayers' Association, repre- sented at Council: by Mr. Wil- liams, asked that a 30 mile speed limit be adopted on the whole of the Base Line Rroad, and on parts of the Brock Road. Mr, Williams asked for coun- cil's pport in the pr of his request to county council, ing instructed to suggest to the|? ARENTS RESPONSIBLE jand a resolution was passed historical epic tradition of The 'Ten Commandments' and *Ben Hur'! A grandly exciting and super-spectacularmovie!" Jesse Zunser Cue Mogazine SAMUEL BRONSTON Presents 0 HARE WS ---- aA MAP On MT SHOW AT I Sows s1s STARTS FRIDAY SEATS ARE NOT RESERVED | available 8 properly balanced, with carbo- hydrates, proteins, and fats, to allow a certain number of calor- work, of the National organiza- tion. There are now 27 branches in Canada, with 1664 branches in the International Diabetic Fed- eration. Money for research is|a an ever-present must. He also mentioned the summer camps for children and the benefits re- ceived from them. E. G, Roberts, new President of the Toronto Branch of the from Mrs. G. Glassford, Central Park Blvd. North, Osh- awa. The telephone number is Oshawa 725-0173, and her committee, served sult able refreshments in the at the close of the meeting. Tf enough show interest in meeting together, it is possible local branch will be formed, to meet regularly at the hospital. Information can be CDA, demonstrated the new identification disc, to be worn on a chain around the neck. Maunsel Gerrow, of the admin- istrative staff of the hospital, quickly endorsed the use of this means of identification, espe- HEALTH EXPENSES A total of $1,178,000,000. was spent in building and -- Canadian hospitals between cially if the wearer happened to be involved in an accident, He! HELP for thought many serious conse- quences could be avoided absrtey first-aid. The use of cards in the| out person. Mrs. A. Rose, of Bowmanville, | much better you feel ton wallet or purse are good, but) cuss only as long as they are on the) pave r itmet Feel i¢s that will balance with the In sulin dosage and the amount of exercise taken by each individ- jual diabetic, Miss Lockerbie | | Said. No two are exactly alike,' |So great cdre must be taken rd leach patient to carry out the routine prepared -by their medi- eal adviser. Several good manuals are howing types and {quantities of food servings, and! jexchanges, so that menus do not have to be monotonous, to conform with prescribed diets. Mrs. John Mills thanked the speaker for her talk. John Gillam, executive direct |of the. 'Toronto Branch of the CDA, spoke briefly on the ex: |pansion of the Association in Canada, and the necessity of raising funds to carry on the} Don't Neglect S Slipping | FALSE TEETH Do false teeth drop, slip or wobble when you talk, eat, laugh or sneeze? Don't be annoyed and eraberreeed by such handicaps. FASTEETH, alkaline (non-acid) powder Yo apr kle on your plates, keeps faise more firmly set. Gives confident ped {pe ot of Betis and added comfort. y taste or feel- fone C Get ¢ PASTERTE today at drug counters everywhere. pili Ballet, Cheracter, MASONIC 91 CENTRE ST., Information: SCHOOL OF DANCING ~ Pre-School, FRIDAYS SATURDAYS AT THE D.E.A. Tap, Acrobatic, Kinderdance. and TEMPLE OSHAWA 723-7253 From the Rockies to the Atlantic! CANADIAN OIL GAS OL MAKERS OF N-E.S rou & « LL, Oy "jinsurance company that more} consideration might be given to} claims which appeared to be!' legitimate. | | Concil endorsed a resolution of supporting this submission. po Be Town of Oakville which pro- ided that the parents of minors who cause damage to public buildings be held responsible When Jayne becomes the -- Prize... financially. This resolution A letter from Senator Alistair; would propose a change in pre- Grosart advised council that he|sent legislation, and because would be pleased to be known| of some difficulties, such as the as "the Senator from Pickering" |responsibilties of parents who Mr. Grosart said that he owned/are tenants, and not ilable for property in the township, had|taxes to which the damages @ great interest in the munici- would be charged, council mem- said the r LAST DAY "THE INTERNS" ADULT ENT. PHONE 723-2843 wterring c WILLARD PARKER' MERRY ANDERS Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer {3 LOVE, LOOT AND LAWLESSNESS WAS THE CAPONE CREED! 'vie Another GMC Extra Value county council to authorize that the road be built around Broug. | Ai "4 ham instead of through it, and) UL NEWMAN : Mr. Gibson was asked to pre-| sent his appeal to the county} council at their meeting on Nov. | 13. | CLAIM NOT PAID Considerable time was taken in discussing an insurance claim for which the township -insur-| ance agents denied payment. Councilor Ross Deakin ex-| plained that at the corner of Glendale and Glenanna Streets in his Ward children waiting for a school bus are obliged to stand in the ditch to avoid vehi- cular traffic. At this location T bars have been placed by the towsnhip, holding the culvert from sliding forward, and the) stakes. were not level to the) earth. A girl fell and received) a large gash in her leg. She re- quired hospitalization, and the child's parents believe that the costs may amount to some $500. A claim was sent to the insnr- ance company. Mr. Deakin felt that the claim should be paid since it was on township pro- perty, noted the large premiums paid by the municipality, and the few claims that were paid. Councillor Milton Mowbray said: "We pay premiums for§ liability insurance so that when |§ people ere injured * comes out | New go-ahead true truck power for '63 in every GMC truck so valuable to you See your GMC dealer soon. There's EXTRA VALUE in every GMC truck BASED ON THE PLAY | BY ; Three great new engines from GMC mean you'll get exactly the power you need. These new engines, a four and two sixes, reflect GMC's years of quality building of in-line engines. The four gives 90 hp and the sixes sock out a solid 140 and 165 hp respectively. These engines feature cast alloy iron blocks . . overhead valve design... larger intake valves...short exhaust ports: main béaring crankshafts (five mains in the four cylinder) . . . full circle cooling around the spark plugs and more. More in a long line of features that make the Extra Value a BE SURE TO WATCH "THE TOMMY AMBROSE SHOW" AND "OUR MAN HIGGINS" ON THE CBC NETWORK AND "THE DICK POWELL SHOW" ON THE CTV NETWORK, CHECK LOCAL LISTINGS FOR THE TIME AND CHANNEL, The Cliff Mills Motors H. Dick Pontiac-Buick Ltd. 266 King St. W., Oshawa, Ont. -- Phone 723-4364 Whitby, Ont, 4 new kind of love-story starring Lm: HARTVEY-CAPUCINE: st FONDA WE BAXTER trans STANWYER ar Sesteouiennie naumnanoiace seems BILTMORE 19 <i rely!