a EEE WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Manager: Lloyd Robertson Tel, MO. 8-3703' OTTAWA (CP)--'"The farm- ers' friend," shouted somebody from the Conservative side of the Commons towards the end of Friday's inconclusive debate on the Farm Credit Act. The remark, tossed at Hazen Argue (L--Assiniboia), was not intended as a compliment, Mr. Argue, the Saskatchewan farmer who bolted the New Democratic Party last winter to join the ranks of the Liberals, had just raised Conservative heckles by holding up introduc- tion of amendments to the act. The amendments would in- crease the capital of the Farm Credit Corporation to $16,000,- 000 from $12,000,000 so as to boost the corporation's lending capacity to $400,000,000 from | By JACK BEST However, they cannot be in- troduced until the way is paved through approval of a prelimin- ary resolution--and Mr, Argue decided not to allow the resolu- tion the required quick consent Friday, Debate Unsettled On Farm Credit a storm began to blow up in the Commons over the govern- ment's intention to submit its budgetary proposals to a com- mittee of the whole House rather than hold the customary full - dress budget debate. The Liberals and NDP re- acted bitterly to the plan, com- plaining that it would deny the oppoistion the privilege of pro- posing non-confidence motions against the government -- cus- bate. Gordon Churchill, government leader in the House, promised only that the government would give "careful consideration" to a full-dress debate. In other Commons Friday: 1, Mr. Diefenbaker said the government is studying the case of a Quebec City firm accused by the United States of con- travening the U.S. embargo on export of American-made goods to Cuba. 2. Spending authorizations for business tomary in a regular budget de- Hi Red Agitators Blamed For Bombings --~ JOHANNESBURG (Reuters)-- Justice Minister Balthazar Vors- ter Saturday night lashed out at "Communist agitators" as the government moved to crush pop- ular support for the Black Pim- pernel, Nelson Mandela, by ban- ning all protest meetings throughout the country for six months. Vorster ordered the house ar- rest of Walter Sisulu, former ex- ecutive member of the banned African National Congress, and amed Kathadra, secretary of the "free Mandela'. movement. Police are hunting for both men. His action followed Friday night's bomb explosion which wrecked the Pretoria office of Dirk Uys, minister of agricul- tural economics and marketing, Vorster said he wished to they were mistaken if they throught the government would relax steps against "commu- nists" as a result of such acts. "On the contrary, they can ex-| pect stronger action from the government against them in the future," Vorster told a National jtario, sometimes is dyed red or warn "Communist agitators") THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, October 22, 1962 §_ Water Pollution © Worries Province By GREG MacDONALD Canadian Press Staff Writer Residents along stretches of the St. Lawrence River in Que- bec often have to keep their windows closed to'shut out the smell. The Don River, which runs through Toronto into Lake On- blue because of industrial waste. Fish eggs and food are de- stroyed in British Columbia mountain streams as a by-prod- uct of logging. Water pollution in Canada is causing concern among federal, provincial and municipal offi- cials. Education pto grams have been started by many commu-: nities and at different levels of overnment to tell the public what it is all about. In some cases they appear to be having some success. In Quebec recently, a man wrote provincial authorities asking for' ed wipe out commercial tish- ing. : The problem in Canada, how- ever, is not as acute as in the United States, says Dr. Albert E. Berry of the Ontario Water Resources Commission, "There. will alw: a. ~ ~~ oe io aati Ss no hope for restoring pol- luted waters to a state of = purity but they can be cleaned up to a safe. level." , Pollution control in this coun: try is mainly the responsibility of the provinces, Some degreé of help is given by the federal gov- ernment, which in co-operation with the United States, looks after boundary waters. ; In large centres in the coun- try municipal governments take pede he gh Industry usually works in close ra- tion with them, to Much of the problem is caused by domestic sewage, Every day, from..Canadian' = November, -- totalling - $231,819,- permission before emptying the|alone, more than 2,500,000,000 URGED FAST PASSAGE ._ 1569, were speedily approved by Party rally at Alberton, seven water from hia swimming pooll gations of raw or a rectna Agriculture Minister Alvin tha Hates. |miles from here. inte the St. Lateedne Sewage: 1é aul ie are eres tied: edseihiek te teat BLAMES COMMUNISTS iI is am international problem | and lakes " ; The justice minister said the|along the Canada-Unite es ce yee ol ace thee be ut OLD COUNTRY persons responsible for the Pre-|border, where authorities re- HW If fRcorporating the amendments. toria bombing would be dealt|gard the polluting effects of in- a e Mr. Argue thereupon re- SOCCER LEAGUES with "relentlessly." Anyone with|dustrial waste as an even |quested assurance that the bill| sense. could see this ben the eae pa ba is rg' is ing . 3 "hand of Communists which was) bacterial contamination tha ; Lear - peat, alter. seceiid| nha ol serine od nig eg showing," he said. spread much diseases as ty-| Today's tense living, overwork, eiiteen | sf riculture and cols Coe, Standings (including Sat-)" Vorster is one of the archi-|phoid fever. , ea sea or action. : . site USereation' eters improvements|""day's games): tects of apartheid and of the re-| At the anrual meeting of the| ;) jumeyisa™n -- eo Id be roposed by the Lib- ENGLISH LEAGUE cent General Law Amendment|International Water Pollution "tired" feeling often follow. That's IODE PRESENTS PORTRAIT TO BRASS BAND | a gay og (sabotage) Act which carries|Control Federation in Toronto in! aw whe Dead's Ki = é lhe A the death penalty for certain of-| October, was shown », TL. In a formal ceremony, the | to the Whitby Brass Band, a | Mrs. F. W. Brown, Regent of | aed Band, Gerry ae vary | The Secular eae WTL F AP (fences. water pollution can' endanger penne yey & Viscount Greenwood Chapter | portrait which will hand in | the chapter. Shown at the pre- } and secretary, an rs. jcountered by seges : fir {| Everton 9 2 2 28 1420! Observers said the govern-|health, spoil recreation, lower| .better--work 'eae the Sane Po of the IODE on Saturday pre- | the social room of the band. sentation are, left to right, | Browne, ' |the legislation e passe eh |Wolver. 8 3 2 31 1819) ment, alarmed at growing un-|property values, affect drinking| Dedd's Pills now. You can sented a portrait of the Queen | The presentation was made by | Harry Baxter, director of the Be Oshawa Times hoto se tte 'the fallin eastern |e H 3 3 FH nie derground Negro. support. for| water, cause offensive odors and! dapenden i Ps eae ee ee ee ee gab ret | Tottenham ; ; ith increas- ' |Canada"--and officials of the| Leicester 144 9 IV 18 lor eabeiage cummbete 'ear oe: ; NEWS /Farm Credit Corporation ex- |! ts, : ANDERSON HIGH lamined in committee later. | Division 11 ing to silence the "free Man . | This proposal did not com-|Huddersfield 7 6 0 24 10 20)dela" committee. | * BOWLING NEWS |mend itself to the Liberals' Sunderland 8 3 3 29 1419) } 1 n. The. debate| Bury 8 3 3 22 1219 ! : sates Re Chel 8 24 26 1218 ea WHITBY LADIES likely will be resumed next|\Nelsea } ror | Stoke City 6 6 2 25 1218)] Have your furnace cleaned free this || CANDY BOWLING LEAGUE | week. 3 ocr tina Snated tien 5 7 summi guoran' e Points for the Day -- Allsorts| Mr. Argue told Mr. Hamilton Division 11 free all. winter, if you purchase 0, Gumdrops 4, Humbugs 1,\/he was doing a disservice to! Northampton 95 2 42 2023 ainite toer cities fuel cil from ff GAME 1r S Jelly Beans 3, Life Savers 4, Lol-|farmers across Canada by re-|Peterborough 9 5 4 40 2923\) Yestern O! Co. j OW oO lipops 3, Maple Buds 0 and Pep-|fusing to place the farm credit|Notts County 8 5 4 22 2321 DIAL 725-1212 ? permints 1. |bill before a Commons com-|Swindon Town 6 7 4 32 21 19) ) 4 0.H. A METRO ri -- -|mi y | ome By CANDY O'CONNOR sus School" volleyball match|thusiastically when they gave ail kc teea kt epee 918 40 3419 A Mes! JUNIOR "A" and STEWART LOFTHOUSE took place in the early part of|their sparkling performance. ley 634, J. Handscomb 606, K,| WOULD BE AMAZED Division IV DECORATING | ¢ & R A Thursday, Oct. 4, Andersonjthe term. The Scarlet Slaiders| )) aygy Loyst 572, T. Shaw 566, E. Moss.| Prairie snore + gy Ming hyo 4 : : bY bf 5a w High: won a close 2824 viciory|were beaten 1S (Ot "The Scar-|. A meeting of the Drama club|crop 561, G. Gale S51, M. Far.jamaved fo learn that Mr. Ham. (mts 5 9 2 30 21 10] Fer FREE Advice ond Color | Opening Ceremonies sah gn ype seg heggoes rd phon ine applied a hu-|/ast week was well ere gcd mag) mre a meng 4% come in." |Brentford $834 8 20 19| Schemes in your Home or in J} 8:15 P.M, scored two touchdowns in ' ' : other year of successful produc-| Wiles 515, B. Pascoe 507, B. Hu-| : j 54 : ; . first quarter. Plays by Raivo Ab-| morous note by wearing football| 7. is anticipated under the di-/sted 505, G. Sandford 504 and ge epee said Op Sibert Crewe 7 26 22 19] our Modern Store. | Tues 23rd ermann, Rod Crawford and/gear in the gymnasium. rection of Miss Sloan. The large |B. Moase 500. ee ak cane seo0,0e Phot SCOFTISH LEAGUE | Cell... ae : 7 Oct. Wayne psu brought the ne | The ve a | oer Jun. | attendance at the meeting indi-| ng nag gAety SGlte oe ues 1008, Division T |] For Day or Evening | tory to Anderson. ; ior Girls' Volleyba eam! cates a growing inferest among > 3, 263, 243; E. | ae 8 620 10 14 Pigeon i: ero" QUE Case tose Ube arama eM PE nmamattaneaaon ieee, tien tu) DODD&SOUTER |) | NEIL WHITBY i igh play-|day . 19, e College! 50, A. r , EB. ca) | } a our first pec ah Aaters| Groinae bets Knderson teaens|* Greenley 234, 227; G. Gale 228,|would welcome gym to a : : : hed : A Paint & Wallpaper Store | MeNEIL vs DUNLOPS son on Oct. 10 when Anderson! were defeated but the Junior|THE CHOIR A Hewis 227, 208, 203; M Lit- Quebec counties to fell farmers Dunfermline. § 12 19 911 107 Syren Se. 8, Wh Formerly St. Michel's t 1 benefit: dud itby was defeated 30-0. These two/team by only one point. | Under the direction of Mr./ner 220, T. Shaw 218, 208; M.|what federal benefits, including y' . College Juniers teams meet again on Nov: 1 at! Norton, regular practices of the| Farquhar 209, 208; B. Husted 207/farm credit, are available to Divison 11 Days PH. 668-5862 Henry Street. HIGH DANCE choir have been held during|K: Loyst 205 and G. Sandford|them. : Stranraer 722 30 16 16) | The Anderson Junior -team|,, Anderson High held its first the past week. 'This important 202 =| Inother developments Friday. St. Johnstone 7 11 32 1415|] tyenings PH. 668-5066 | WHITBY COMMUNITY ARENA dance this year on Friday, Oct./facet of school life has not| denbeath 3 3 Ree ee ey area Healliy "The Moster Mash' Drov-|been overlooked end eager: stu ow Aye United 5 443 18 1514] Your Friendly €-1-. Dealer Adults 1.00--Children 25¢ Students with ards 50c Crawford made touchdowns for/ed 10 be a great success with/dents who have accepted the| Queen's Park 5 3 3 24 1713 sie iia ee! Andereon. |students from both Henry and challenge await an opportunity | Tl 18 oman -- corm cre comers Anderson attending. The new\to perform in public. VOLLEYBALL group of entertainers, "The, The annual Teachers ver-|Shadows" were received en- Benevolent Lodge Welcomes New Members ' The meeting of Benevolent|conductor sister Wanda Tizzard,| Guild Plans For Jailed In Home s | JOHANNESBURG (AP) -- If| She cannot leave her home on Christmas Party xs Helen Joseph gets in ajpublic holidays or weekends, | traffic jam driving home from| cannot attend any political or so- Ali Saints' Anglican Ohurch|her downtown office she stepsjcial gatherings and must report St. Margaret's Guild held its/on the gas to get out of it fast./to the police every day except regular meeting at the church) Otherwise she may be in trou-/Sundays and holidays. Further- hall . ble with the South African gov-|more, she is silenced here and, President Mrs. L. M. Tutton|ernment, because for the next|cannot be quoted by word or Rebekah Lodge No. 132 wasj|color-bearer sister Jean Camp- i ' ing with prayer.|five years she has to be home| Wtiting. | rought to order by noble grand/bell, RSNG sister Mabel James,| pened the meeting with | Mister Stella McLean assisied by|LSNG sister Isabell Meier aged Per yer Ete yrs ved jae ged Spy ge ae oe ye Se d sister Mary Church-|SISTER Dorothy Adair, LSVG. si/held at which time @ committee) Mrs. Joseph is the first white): 8 8 i | rei ie isitors were wel-\ter Isabelle Saunders, IG sister|W@S Set up for St. Margaret's| woman to be placed under house up to three years. prc ee ees vai ding dis-|Grace Harris, OG Olive O'Dell,|'@ble for the annual Afternoon| arrest under new political con-| The Johannesburg English- comed from pein "4 Dplcces cortespontient ester Kath-| Guild's bazaar and tea to be itrol laws exercised by Justice|language Rand Daily Mail has eee Bast ae Sane intro- ses Brough : held on Nov. 20 at the church|Minister Balthazar Vorster. | headlined: "Mrs. Joseph's home duced by. sister Tena Roberts) With sister Churchyard in the) hall ee ata eee ra e aa apt Te pl eddaso ala lcomed. chair the meeting continued hs were made st-\things that she is confine vey , spleen ' .. |Sister Ball spoke briefly as did|™MaS Party. to be held Dec. 13./her home from 6:30 p.m. tojcat, Siti, and she gets newspa- District deputy president sis-/" tT "Browning outlining the\The meeting adjourned ancdj|é6:30 a.m. She is forbidden to|pers and still has a telephone tor Masgaren Broaing 9s eg ram of ister Eula He ckie| Mrs. S, Armstrong, wife of the/have visitors there except a doc-|that rings constantly, Well-wish- troduced by sister Greta Camp-|PT08 6 the Rebekah A y biy| rector, showed a large selection |{or, ers' calls mix with anonymous bell NG and welcomed. ahypoes Cease | of children's book from the An-,-- ---------- messages. Sister Mary Churchyard gave} glican book centre, Toronto. | c d Sh ld Mrs. Joseph works in a down- of Ontario and also thanking the a very good report of the visit-|0dse for a very kind welcome.|"1 oh was served by Mrs. J. town medical aid society doing ing committee and the members ¢, Mighton, Mrs. N. Patterson and| | Negro welfare work. T d With | (A pei interview with Mrs. Joseph that has become avail- | Ta e I jable outside South Africa quotes Mrs. F. Jollymore. The next meeting will be held on Thurs- day, November 1. Sister Bunker a visitor from| ; shawa Lodge No. 3 spoke re-| SS aT state! minsing fo the time when she fall and is confined to her home jinstalled the officers of Benevo-| all and is contin '|lent lodge some 15 years ago.| Sister Joan Mace was wel-|Gifts were presented to sister| comed into Benevolent Lodge as|Browning DD and sister Mc-| a member. The installation of/Lean JNG on behalf of the; officers was next order of busi-)members. A gift was also pre-| ness. Sister Browning and staff|sented to sister Mary Church- 1 A Ba aa src her as saying of her arrest: Cuba-Pearson |"It doesn't feel very nice. But At I try to keep busy at my wel- FREDERICTON (CP) -- Lib- fare work, and cheerful.") leral Leader Lester B. Pearson, Mrs. Joseph, a childless divor- Social Night 7 } : ji | said Saturday he sees no reasen) cee, spent four months in prison of White Dove Rebekah Lodge/yard for having attained the] jwhy Canada should embargo|as one of the defendants in are to be congratulated on the|noble grand's chair by sister} : , |normal trade with Cuba so long| South Africa's marathon treason efficient manner they perform-/Edith Hoar giving her great] Salvation Army Women's|as Canadian ships do not bare trial. All the defendants were ed their duty. The officers in-|pleasure at having proposed her|Home League held its weekly | strategic goods to that country.|/acquitted because the stalled are Junior past noble|to membership in the lodge. meeting at the Citadel with Mrs. | grand sister Stella McLean,| Birthdays of the month were|A. Carr and her group in| noble grand sister Mary Church-|sisters Lena Pellow and Grace|charge. Mrs. Earle was iN} be used as trans-shipment points| munist conspiracy. yard, vice grand sister Gwen|Harris. The lodge closed in the|charge of the devotional for goods banned by the United! Since Mrs. Joseph was horn Halton. Recording secretary sis-|usual manner and a social hour) Mrs. Captain Reed chaired | States, jin England and has a British ter Lena C. Pellow, financial|was spent with refreshments|the business meeting. She thank-| "We should no more bar our|passport, some people are secretary sister Jean Wickett,| served by sister Greta Campbell)ed all the ladies who helped | ports to ships carrying goods to| amazed that the South African treasurer sister Verna Atwood,/and a very capable committee. | with the serving of lunch for the!Cyuba than to ships carrying, government did not simply de- chaplain sister Greta Campbell,| The meeting of the Past Noble| Scouts "Association. _ goods to Red China.' However|port her. She has dual citizen- musician sister Alma Dewey,|Grand "Unity Club" has been) More tickets were distributed | Canada would be "'silly"to pre-| ship--British by birth and South warden sister Martha Ward, |cencelled for October. for the Turkey supper of Thurs-|judice her good trading and|African by domicile since 1931. = "hia Nov. 22. This -- being |neighborly relations with the| British authorities and Mrs. BROCK Evening Shows At 7 & 9 P.M. Evrae _enuee en~'| United States by "being cateless|Joseph's friends believe that if WHITBY Feature Starts At 7 & 9:30 He told a press conference|ruled the government had not |that Canadian ports should not! proved they were guilty of Com- |joyed playing games. Lunch was | about this." | served by the group in charge. | wr. Pearson flew here hyd bw South African government |would be glad to let her go. But her friends say she has S\the New Brunswick Liberal/no intenetion of leaving the | party, Later he addressed about! country. |1,200 delegates and party sup-|------- 528) (porters and left Saturday night He ni eeue | for Ottawa, age | Ex-A st Was Find Woman Dead! OLC Teacher In Parked Auto | yLoRONTO (CP) -- Bertha) I ngle, 84, a former por-| OTTAWA (CP)--The body of|trait and landscape artist, died| jtract settlement drafted Friday) a 26-year-old Ottawa woman was) Saturday in hospital, | | by-company representatives and| discovered Sunday in a parked) Born near Guelph, Miss Ingle, | officials of the Oil, Atomic and}car 10 miles south of here near was raised and educated in| | Chemical Workers Union. (CLC)| Manotick, Ont. Owen Sound, She received her) The contract, which ends a; Police from the neighboring/art training at the McGillivray-| jyear - long dispute, provides|townships of Gloucester and Ne-| Knowles studio in Toronto and| |raises ranging from 12 to 16 per|pean said .they believe the|was a teacher of art at the On- | |cent over a three-year period for) woman--Flavi Thillman -- was|tario Ladies' College in Whitby! various categories of employ-|strangled. Her husband, Ber- for 10 years until about 1928. ees, The company had origin-|thold Thillman is being held for Some of her oils and water. col- jally offered a nine - per ~ cent/questioning in connection with/ors' were exhibited by the On- Next week's meeting will be night from Ottawa to attend the in the charge of Mrs. Captain] first: convention i . f| Ried endo eueet spur firs vention in four years of| been invited. Att THE FIGHTING Crawine, Lovine OF Flesu-Anp- Bioop Peopte! Gas Workers Sign 3-Year Agreement HAMILTON (CP) Three hundred employees of the United |Gas Company here voted Sun- | day to accept a proposed con- PAMELA TIFFIN as Nelle RITA MORENO & as Rosa Ri ero Una Merkel rep Pon @ Jom Melnire Thomas Gomez yess Ree PANAISION® sain! Recommended As ADULT ENTERTAINMENT boost, jthe death, jtario Society of Artists. | court| 668-3386 |she wanted to leave the country| CLIP AND SAVE FOR WEEKLY REFERENCE! SPOR This Programme Presented By The Local Business Firms of WHITBY and DISTRICT! ! CALENDAR Glass Installed eur we Alesana Ree WEEKLY and Accessories E ts ! PHONE 668-5861 oe L. F. ROBINSON Gloss and Screen Repairs ALUMINUM & GLASS 1200 DUNDAS ST. E,, WHITBY Glass Cut Any Size co. FOR THE BEST IN NEWS | While It Is News | HAVE THE OSHAWA TIMES Delivered to your door | Just Phone 668-3703 | Meet At The HOTEL | after the game Eee Where All Good Sports Come Excellent Facilities For } PARTIES, ETC. SPRUCE VILLA BANQUETS, MEETINGS, WHITBY Wanta Sell'um Gotta Tell'um -- use the -- Times Classified Ads ing Rousseau Upholstery FURNITURE AND Our tecetion at 216 MARY ST. EAST 1 block North of Post Office in Whitby Is Most Convenient For Your Buy-_ FURNISHINGS Needs of Quality Goods ot Prices That Savel 668-. HOCKEY | STAFFORD | Brothers Lid. Monuments 668-3552 Whitby 1 Jr, MAM {formerly St. Dunlops, ot Whiteby Arena. Whitby Mercontile League et 9 p.m., Esso's vs Larry's at SKATING Arena, | GEORGE'S | FINA SERVICE Washing and Lubrication Tune-ups. Licenced Mechonie Tires and Batteries PICK UP AND DELIVERY 668-4232 932 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY Friday, thildren. Saturday, Oct. 27, 2 to 4 inder. ul ' Oct. 26, 8:30 to FOOTBALL Tuesday Oct, 23, Henry St. 3:15 p.m.,, Junior Football 3:30 p.m., Senior Football THIS WEEK'S SPORTS EVENTS League. Tuesday, Oct. 23, at 8:30 p.m., Neil McNeill Collegiate Michoel's College Juniors) vs Sundoy, Oct. 28, Whitby eafs vs Robinson Leather, " Ottenbrites vs Fleming's Shel!, at 2 p.m. at Whitby Arena, Whitby Industrial Night League Sunday, Oct. 28, Whitby Leafs vs Rebinsen eather, vs Wood's Transport, ot 1] p.m, at Whitby Arena, Wednesday, Oct. 24, 8 to 10 p.m., adults only, Whitby Thursday, Oct. 25, Bowmanville at Anderson St. High Svchool, at 3:30 p.m.; Henry St. High School at Clarke; Friday, Oct, 26, Courtice at Anderson St. High School, 115 p.m., Junior Exhibition Game, 110 WwW. C. TOWN Funeral & Ambulance Service You don't have to play @ sport NERAL CHAPEL LTD. to be a good sport Dundes St. E. 668-3410 WHITBY ue. Whitby Exhibition Game. 10 p.m., Harry's Novelties MERCURY AUTO BODY @ Collision Specialists @."Custom" Bodywork @ .European Models @ . Duco-Dulux @ . Spray Painting @ Arc-Acetylene Weldin 324 ASH ST., WHITB 668-8522 10:30 p.m. adults and p.m, children 14 years High School at Courtice, » This Space Reserved for another Sports Minded Advertiser. 668-3703 AND BUILDERS 411 Fairview Drive WHITBY SEPTIC TANK SERVICE CONSTRUCTION CO, LTD. GENERAL CONTRACTORS 668-3566 TRENCHING AND COMPLETE General Motors CHEVROLET BROOKLIN HOOKER & SONS LTD. No. 7 Highway, 3 miles West of CHEVROLET--OLDSMOBILE CORVAIR GOOD SPORTS S t hi ti rts, HOME TOWN SPORTS Brooklin Support the focal suppliers of en Dealer For BUILDING SUPPLIES" TRUCKS 655-4811 ' 244 BR DIAL 668-3524 WHITBY, ONT. 24 Hr. Burner Service SAWDONS' (Whitby) LIMITED OCK ST. S.