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Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Oct 1962, p. 14

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G4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, October 23, 1962 Woman Bullfighter Awarded Prized 'Ear For Her First Kill pert eae oy feel rg she a sword into a bull for the first time. "Man!" laughed Carolyn Hay- ward. "I felt happy." a black - haired ccna weighs a scant 103 Pounds and says she's 23, is pos- sibly Canada's most unusual , even though she 'has er performed in her native country. The native of St. John's, Nfid., in Toronto for a televi- sion appearance, is one of the world's few professional women bullfighte: rs. "Look at it this way,' she said, smoothing the skirt of her | bright red wool dress, "It's nice [ for a bull to die that way. "It's better that he died as a brave animal, fighting to the end, than in a slaughter house somewhere." In her five years as a bull- fighter, Carolyn has helped 120 bulls achieve this happy ending. Only rarely does she miss kill- ing them on the first thrust. GOT AN EAR The first time she killed a bull she needed two thrusts. "But," she added proudly, "I got an ear." When a bullfighter has put on 2 satisfactory performance, the fans wave white handkerchiefs which is a signal that the bull- fighter should be awarded the qar of his fallen foe. "T have many ears," she said. #50: many that I've lost count." « Why does she enjoy killing bulls for a living? "The a. she re- . and, I'm always lyn, who grew up in &t. 's where she attended Spencer College, later Wed in Montreal but left to t in Spain six years ler 'parents now live in LIKES BULL FIGHTING-- Carolyn Hayward, one of the world's few women matadors, says she enjoys the excite- ment of killing bulls for a liv- ing. And she believes it's nicer for a bull to die in the ring than in a_ slaughter After several more trips to the Madrid bull ring, Carolyn began boasting that she could fight a bull. Finally, a friend took her to a small-town ring for beginners. "He thought I would chicken out but I couldn't; he was stand- ing right behind me watching. I got a lot of bruises but it was exciting." Because it is against the law for women to fight: bulls in Spain, Carolyn began travelling to small out-of-the-way places to pick up experience. There was no killing--just fighting. Who taught her to fight bulls? ae she replied, "the bulls A few months later she Spainjheaded for Mexico, where women are allowed to fight, and Practised on ganaderias--farms 'The wa Times "LONDON = The Football As- sociation has come in for a good of adverse criticism it impossible for Derek international centre to play for. his native of Ireland against Eng- was sent off the if in @ recent game with Not- Forest, and the FA tee ordered 9 suspen- of this player for 14 days. nd it timed the suspension so Ad could not play for Ire- England, a post mag he would have been fan autometic selection. + The charge has been made oe et that the Football has used its powers, ty- legally, to weaken team to play against team. Danny er, captain of Tot- mham and Ireland, in an ar- cle in a Sunday newspaper, quite outspoken in his con- lemnation of the action of the 'A. He said: AINT-HEARTED ' "Dougan suspended by the 'A. He would not be able to lay for us against England. berty. How silly and laint-hearted can the men who trol h soceer become? a meets -- some are pl gag that were on the other might be just. ig not a true Irish- could take such an and hold his head an committed no with the Irish team, a: we have to suffer. Could not short-sighted legislators ve delayed the suspension un- after the game between Ire- and England?" lower may be _ hailed the coals by the FA for so outspoken, but he is saieing the views of the football lovers i so as to keep him out of 'Irish side against England. (0 MANAGER YET The Football Association is at a dead-end in its for a. successor to Walter interbottom as manager of 's international football m. Jimmy Adamson, last season's Footballer of the Year, has declined the honor, and now one of the country's top team managers, who is unnamed, has been offered the post and has also turned it down. In fact, not one of the top lor|/bracket of club managers -- men like Stan Cullis, Joe Mer- cer, Billy Nicholson, Alf Ram- sey and Billy Wright, would touch the job with a 10-foot pole. They just cannot visualize the Football Association giving Eng- land's team manager the free house. Miss Hayward, a na- tive of St. John's, Nfld., who learned bullfighting in Spain five years ago, has killed 120 bulls so far in contests in Mexico and several South Am- erican countries. --(CP Photo) or ranches where fighting bulls are raised. "We practised on cows and if they were brave the ranchers purposes."" Another method of practising is to thrust a sword into a cac- tus wrapped on a contraption built on one bicycle with two handles, The front has bull's horns where the handlebars are supposed to be. A fellow fighter would run at her, pushing the mock bull by the handles. NO SERIOUS INJURY One year later she dropped her first bull in his tracks. "You have to be careful, you know. You have to go over the horns to thrust the sword and if the bull lifts his head sud- denly you've had it." Carolyn hasn't had a serious but spent three weeks in a bed once when caught in the stomach. The wind blew her cape up over her head and the bull didn't miss. She would like to fight bulls in Canada and feels. she would be an attraction at the Calgary Stampede. In countries such as Canada, where killing the bull is not allowed, it is slaughtered after the fight and sold as meat. "They have to kill them. These bulls know only how to fight and you never fight them twice. If a bull was allowed to fight a second time the matador wouldn't. have a chance; the bull would be too smart." Asked whether she plans to marry and raise a family, she replied: "I haven't time. I'd have to give up bullfighting and I'm really just reaching the peak of my career, It just wouldn't look right to have a bullfighter with children," Larks' Dixon Maintains Lead By One Major By. THE CANADIAN PRESS George Dixon of Montreal Pegg averaging a touch- a game, added six poms jit the weekend to keep frst place in the Eastern Foot! Conference individual scoring race. He scored a touchdown Satur- day as the Alouettes and Ottawa Rough Riders tied 21-21 and now has 72 points--12 touchdowns in|old 12 games. Second is Moe Racine of Ot- tawa, who kicked two field|* goals, two converts and a sin- gle Saturday to boost his total to 65. Garney Henley of Hamilton Tiger-Cats jumped to a third. place tie with Dick Shatto of Toronto Argonauts Sunday as Hamilton defeated Toronto 27- 24. He scored two touchdowns to boost his total to 60, The leaders: TDC FGS = 12 00 0 3010 5 10 00 0 10 600 030 8 5 0 32 7 8 Sutherin, H would use them for breeding) CALL OFF GAME, ALL HAVE TEARS BALDWIN PARK, Calif. (CP)--Neither team lost the football game between Bald- win Park High school and Nogales High Saturday. But there was plenty of weeping. Tears were streaming from both spectators and players long before the bat- tle was called off in the third quarter, A farmer near the sta- dium fumigated his property with a tear gas component Wind carried the gas into the stadium. REMEMBER WHEN... ? By THE CANADIAN PRESS The Stanley Cup was still achallenge trophy and Montreal Wanderers filed the first challenge of the season 57 years ago today, Montreal went on to win it the following spring by de- feating the famed Ottawa team of 1893-94. CANADIANS BEATEN CORK, Ireland (Reuters)--The visiting Canadian rugby team was defeated 11-8 by Munster Lions here Saturday, taking its third defeat in three games at the start of a 17-match tour. The Canadians, most of them from B.C., were in trouble all the way although they played their best rugby so far. WOULD KEEP TEAM INTACT BOB TRIMBEE EDMONTON (CP) -- Cana- many people suggest they are, in George Bougie! a 41-year. city building inspector who next month puts away his bulld- pin sl in favor of the boxing ba! Bougie, coach of Canada's British Empire Games boxing ieam, says more Canadians are sports "If this is true, and I doubt anyone can prove otherwise, how can you say that physically Canadians are going down hill? a little more weight on people, but that hardly is reason to say we're not fit. "The sa that bothers me, though, is that as spectators, Canadians would rather watch their sports on television, .. "It's a difficult thing to fill even a small park with rela- tives or friends of the kids tak- ing part in amateur sports. That's what hurts, especially when it involves people who profess a real interest in the oo activities of their young. rs."' STARTED AT 10 Bougie, who keeps himself in top shape and looks every: bit an athlete, has definite opinions as "a dull-witted sport." 'I'm not talking about the professional boxer. His is a career far removed from ama- -- Bad help him to fit into ocTpatvidual sports, si as 9 |boxing, hit at this even Everyone is on his own at one time in his life and sports that require individual decisions and actions builds into a person the confidence and poise needed to meet these situations. at .| system would help Canadian too on people who view boxing gin ~4|decisions while a member of the dians aren't the physical wrecks "The improved foods may put' GEORGE BOUGIE says a ehange in the team selection boxers win more Olympic gold dals. Bantam champion for Alberta in 1934 and coach this year of Canada's British Em- pire Games boxing squad, he urges that the team be kept to- gether after the games in November as the nucleus of the Canadian entry for the Pan-American games --(CP Photo) "I was 10 when I first started) and | it's a good age to be- In the years that followed, Bougie won the 118-pound Al. berta title in 1934 and as a welterweight took 35 straight RCAF team. SON ALSO BOXES Mpg the Second World War} he turned to coaching. Today he handles about 135 Ares 'lwho turn out three times a week at the HMCS Nonsuch|Pe club. He. also corresponds with the| coaches of the six boxers rep-| resenting Canada at the B.E. Games next month at Perth,| Australia. In his capacity as a| member of both the national| and provincial Amateur Athle-| tic Union's boxing executive, even puts on a pair of gloves. Bougie works with other. execu-! both English and French flu- ently went a long way toward his selection as team coach. "The coach's job is to main- tain discipline and to help the |boys improve their qualities, jnot to remake the fighter or| jchange his style a week before | \the championships. "T've never been on an inter- national squad before, but I've seen all our boys in action at the Canadian championships and I'm very confident wé will do well. "But if it's gold medals that Canadians want from out box- ers we had better change our selection system and we can start at Perth. "These boys will represent an investment in international ex- perience. Without this oa snot Ba almost impossible to "What we should do is to try jand keep this team together lafter the games and use it as the nucleus of our Pan-Ameri- can Games team. : "Good newcomers can be jadded or replace the boxers |who don't keep up their stan- Boxing Builds Body, Mind And Character "I suggested this, but few go along with me. As a coach I KNOW WHY MOST DO NOT. "They all have boxers just a year away from international calibre or who just missed this team. They fear that by keep- ing the team together it might work against their lads. 4 i i E | | a ? 2 dl He fake i i g 4 z : i i 3 i ze i Ss > ne z 2 Et : PUNTER QUITS ALS MONTREAL (CP) -- Punter Mike Mercer, under scrutiny Montreal Alouettes since. week, has left the club of own accord, it was learned. day night. Mercer was cut two weeks ago by Minnesota Vikings of the National Football League. "It's a natural feeling, but a purposes. conditions, you are FINANCING FOR CANADIAN BUSINESS The Industrial Development Bank helps finance most types of small and medium- size Canadian businesses for a variety of If you are engaged in a business, or plan to start one, and required financing is not available elsewhere on reasonable terms and invited to visit. an I.D.B. office or write to one for a booklet. INDUSTRIAL GEvELOrINEr BANK T 250 Uni: Tel: 368-1145 Branch: 'dard. Halliday _ Mf» __ KLEEN - FLO FUEL OIL OIL BURNERS & FURNACES Halliday Fuels LIMITED 375 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 725-4354 24 HR. OIL BURNER SERVICE hand to run the show that they now enjoy with their respective clubs. And it is also doubtful if the FA would offer them any more salary than they are now receiv- ing from the clubs of which they are now manager, So this key job still remains unfilled, and the FA continues its search. BITS AND PIECES -- Gerry Hitches, Aston Villa's former English star centre forward, who was sold to Milan Interna- tional a year ago, has been transferred by that club to Turin, also of Italy . . . Queen's Parks Rangers, determined to win promotion to the second div- ision this year, have signed wing half Andy Malcolm from Chel- sea and centre half Jimmy Dug- dale from Aston Villa . . . John} Bloom,.one of Britain' $s young.| est millionaires, has joined the| board of directors of Queen's Park Rangers, and will give the club strong financial backing, Rangers are now going after some top-ranking players to help "dba their promotion bid. _ SPORTS IN BRIEF MOSS UNDER KNIFE LONDON (AP) -- Stirling Moss, British auto ace, under-| went surgery Monday for the clearance of a nasal passage| and a tear duct in the left eye. An announcement from St. Thomas' Hospital said his con- dition was satisfactory. Moss, 33, made a remarkable recov- ery from an auto crash last April which threatened to end his racing career. NEW CHESS CHAMP LONDON (Reuters) -- Nona Caprindashvili, a 21 . year - old Georgian, became. the new women's world chess champion when she beat Elizabeth By- kova, the Soviet news agency Tass said lie a Scissored Sports RESILACRETE CONCRETE MASONRY Preserves @ Beautifies @ Protects @ Repairs MATERIALS The sie en and RESILACRETE MASONRY FILLER An inexpensive surfece fil- ler for concrete blocks. 7 colors. 8.80 RESILACRETE CONCRETE HARDENER For basement floors Water- proofs, ends dusting. May be tiled later. Only Gal. Only for Mostbs. . RESILACRETE WALLPLATE Ready to use, easy to apply, waterproof. Gives a smooth attractive color finish. Only Gal, RESILACRETE Moisture Bar For coating masonry walls be- fore paneling Protects panels from moisture attack. Also used for interior cistern and tank coating. 3.90 Only Gal, © Budget Terms © 6 to 60 Months To Pay MILLWORK & BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. 1279 SIMCOE NORTH 728-6291 Open 7 A.M..to 6 P.M. Fri. Till 9 P.M. PURY TWO-DOOR HARDTOP uncage this tiger just Plymouth dealer} Step into Plymouth and GO! GO! GO! And, man--that going is great! Swing it around a corner or two--feel what it's like to be in a carthat goes for thefun of it! Andso smoothly. The brand-new '63 Plymouth is like a tiger on the road, And what happens when you has to be called sen- sational! Truth of the matter is, the only way you'll catch a Plymouth is to own one. It's a very appealing thought. Specially when you've heard the full story from your PLYMOUTH SHOWS THE WAY TO GO! With its 145 hp Slant-Six engine, Plymouth packs 7 goingest, thriftiest. "six" on the road'! Gives you maximum pull-away power and all-day cruising speeds as effortlessly as you like ! And economically ! For really moving, there's the mighty 225 hp Fury V-8, the Plymouth power-plant--consistent Mobilges Economy-Run winner! And, brand- new for '63, there's the optional 380 hp Golden Commando V-8, Plymouth's happy-GO-livellest engine~with 4- barrel carburetion, dual exhausts and other special features ! like a figer on the road! NEW 5-YEAR OR 50,000-MILE WARRANTY! On all '63 Plymouths, the "power-train" (which includes the engine, transmission, torque cone verter, drive shaft and universal joints, rear axle, differential and rear wheel bearings) is now backed by a 5-year or 50,000-mile warranty! This new warranty safeguards you against costly major re» pairs, greatly increases the resale value of your ear, and is honoured by Chrysler of Canada dealers from coast to coast! P 63 PLYMOUTH the happy-G0-liveliest car of the year! wits FOR THE FOLLOWING On THE PUIMPInNE~ FRIDAY Cranfield Motor Sales 331 PARK RD. SOUTH, OSHAWA, ONT. Disney Motors Limited Ringeen, Road & & Church, CH RYSLER CANADA kering, On

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