IPED Bat itt arygataay aba AEDS ae agay SO Sa gp RIOT De eae ee ae ms a aoe g Seno = ne scactiee > ole yee qa iti, Lat ee, get yin DAG Ly FOP ge ay wn w tee Se wg tens . eign S ae ' - ¥ a Z| a i al allt vw > wy > ~ * ver a ee ein oe pw ee ee PF OPOP DA LP EE OO DE ER EE GE FFF FOE Re I a bor 4 oe 9 8 Oy wi Or' wens vet Sead ets ah hd ol he =v? : ' ' - THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, October 24, 1962 2] 3 Today's Stock Market Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge ; Stock 200 $13% 13% 13% -- % seeing ae - ar ne _8 ab ySSersreagistud Bests et Sustee cE. EF Pl Sire EE g? at8 ' £ ij tet ggte BEosetsu RENGee bbbL s Sesseseeigess Seles, lenges cnbed dd 7 8 Ss rhategtge? uiynSogegseSee usu Esgggeese a eS £F =F 5g 4 a ] wy Zegzgtegge' Baxees $ Bezersiee ry ity ss 3 2 $29 $11% 11% lie $15% 15% 15% + W $17% 17% li% 100 at le $22 Lgz* aaag ths 83. a3 i a 40 40 $11% 11% 11% -- 4] E $13% 13% 13% 96% 6% Ga -- % $16% 16% ih = % ee . " be 200 $20%4 20% 20 amo "3 we : ; ELLEN FLOOD, Co-star of the Domino TV Show says: nn on 3 fe 1 -- 2: 5M '¢ : g my "Every family has its own likes and dislikes, its own tastes .. er 10 - i : : , and preft You can always be sure of finding the ' 5 5 : > aoe bee Sit mnie won 200 $11% 11% 11% jHollinger 229 S186 194 : , Br : brand your family likes at Dominion, because Dominion " | -- | Hi Bay f i % sao 28 ase sso] Zon 'oo 390 345348 <3 | vara "Ex 3000. 25% 25% ; ; stocks all the famous nationally-advertised brands, Plus x70 310% 16% 16% OILS [3 "waite me SS eae tt : ee 'O : : many high-quality low-price products packed especially for + ls ld | Jelli 6000 Dominion. And at Dominion... in Bee gee se ep eee PLAY DOMINO WITH ELLEN FLOOD (Lefl) AND PAT MURRAY EVERY pst ip eer * Se ae ae $354 35% 3514 2000 Se $5 ml eee te te WEEKDAY FROM 9:30 TO 10:30 A.M. OVER CFTO-TV CHANNEL 9 vacates Bale : DOMINION 816% 15% 16% + %| Ang ills 21% 2ih |Kirk Min 6000 25% 25 5 g or money. back!" | Bie. bent chesinn hn AEE a : fant 23% 23% Kirk Town' 2000 a ooeg > 3 a ~ og ge Ee omy # yt ef 4 1235 9 2% TO 3 LB. AVERAGE a BRSSohFarte asexeSene . 3USB BaSe = i; Kf 180 180 180 --10 10 $120% 120% 120% -- % 41 44 --% get é " = 8 = | FS Ee 3 §a88 Fa " je%s - g E FS & : e Be se SeGsds. ose ceu wasces ae ge Q> 2 £828 2 5 Fre = SeZe 1+] FRE = e 2 FE iagEi BSESgUeuSES eyeueta: &8 "J = $ 3-55" 2 S wes wis Com Sec A rte af B BE wesot L ne $f fw | ght2s 32 ERE U.S etoteSa - #2- 28 eteccskten BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Revival Noticed = Starratt bed Steeloy Steep R In Trade Fairs = |Sud Cont | Sullivan MONTREA (CP)--The jet, from Toronto equal about 20,000 Tesress age has produced the greatest/ public visitors." Brac te A revival in trade fairs since their) Japan will probably be the |Tormont heyday in the middle ages, says|"star" of the show, he said, as a the president of the Montreal|it will have the |.rgest display |, International Trade Fair. This/area. / ears fair opens in Montreal] Schunichi Azuma, director of |W riday, with exhibitors from|the Japanese pavilion, says . three continents looking for or-;/many of the exhibited products z $955 25 9528582282232 2°2 os¥aSs pagtee sgh oarccseee. aS 0l, Beds .oges- set exceeds Sbsksss, ess t= Bn s855 & s = £ a an 8750 ae ALLAN'S us 40% -- % 220 3 HALLOWE'EN KISSES or te, 59 Fresh Grade A Roasting or Frying $15% 15% 15% -- 4) righ 2000 20% 2 2 ' 5 33 e593 3 -- 4 | Cone Del oO fo a 8 tare ' 1-8 3-LB PRE-DRESSED ait fib, iy -- ule ine, Sue oe a --s | vs ou-- 1 HALLOWE'EN POPS ixc: 29° xc: 79 we 0 Im TH+ Dome 'Pete 100 12 18 13, -- 14) Macfie, % 3% ALLAN'S RS lb C ra van y 9 y ag Dyaunie " a pe 2000 ry ENERGIE FRUIT ROLLS OF 60 59 a $ WO + Widlacer 500 1 ~ 2 Naroos 4 %} --% il DARE'S HALLOWE'EN 7 | Mari 1 oie eM 2 feo osu |i JELLY BEANS "pxe. 29° iF ' , 1 M 260630 36 --1 |} ints 1 oo «65 Ms 8 MeCORMICK'S FRESH GRADE "A" Presswood or Burn's Presswood ene HAMS McCORMICK'S 2% TO 3 LB, 4 CARAMELS 22. 89¢ aveact" Q5* 45< . LIBBY DEEP BROWNED MAPLE LEAF T STORE IN OSHAWA OR WHITBY DOMINO FANCY WESTON'S SHELL-OUTS Psy 79° weuT UP Cooked Smoked Boneless SKINLESS (IN. SHELL) In A GOLDEN DEW AYLMER -- WITH PECTIN BEANS with PORK *°"' 3% 49° PURITAN MEAT BALLS 3 ™ 1.00 LIQUID DFTERGENT *~ 69° MAZOLA CORN OIL mm 79° EE when you present this TOMATO JUICE 4 =i: 45 1.00 +3 Bs SoghS.8 SS usics wSou88,8, stgis HALLOWE'EN SUCKERS ore au Assontep Puxrxms zt 2% | CHICKEN | DINNER | | onc BEAVER PEANUTS '5° 37¢ 74.07 4ge BASKET RECFULAR MARGARINE 485° STRAWBERRY JAM "x 39° MUSHROOMS """"-""" 2 '= 59° BUDGET WAX PAPER "on 49° ph bb & fb fb fb & & & & 4 bp tp tp' & TAKE THIS COUPON TO YOUR DOMINION ep TOMATOES °INo cuoice 6 MxF 1.00 coupon at your Dominion 3 3s BusSsS.z Exe tore DOMINO INSTANT COFFEE *i; 29° Six 75° 'ir 95¢ Seas ja) lt. BAG OF POTATOES ..$ reawor sorren == cra UTILITY JAR President Robert Letendre|*! machinery and consumer this coupon good until Nov. 1, 1962 with eech 5.00 purchase +447e|2000s--have never before been|Zenmac 10500 > oe an interview that 'it'slimported or even exhibited in| 100 a7 GINGER ALE "ro ev 2 mor 29° to the direct contact form of|C@nada. | Sales to 1i m.m.: 1,115,000. : : selling which grew up around the few crossroads in Europe || CHOCOLATE -- VINALLA -- BUTTERSCOTCH eaters te et | METRECAL LIQUID "1: 1,49 TABLE SYRUP "™ nt 59° 6 DELICIOUS VARIETIES tes and pogo gl sll oh grad | GIANT Size . " =o Sg ode ge? TIDE DETERGENT 85 ™In nll across Europe, the fairs | PKG. CAKE MIXES ; a 59° 38 $3 3 = es ocBS. 8.8 = Li by Sy 8 ome off. a | ' BLUE -- PINK -- WHITE -- SOFT-RITE 'wnaree NAR , on ' ; 2 erie hee | | TOILET TISSUE 2 xa 49° BISCU "ow Se 29° ease, there's a great revival and new crossroads get organ- NOTICE sr HALLOWE'EN PACK sont far a chatered ane pects no sali CHICLETS GUM "oe Set ede McINTOSH come to lair for a one-day id shopping trip. Another 100 buy- TO ALL ' » _ WRIGLEY'S i Pom coming in a body see attrective C J VICY FRUIT GUM ; ia Nes 49¢ | | shopping , HAS EXPERIENCE i R Al LW AY ] bag PLANTERS PEANUTS "i 89s 22 years experience in organiz- ROBIN HOOD ing industrial shows, says Mont. farger trade. fair' it taclies | ff Ontario No. 1 Clean Dry Cooking INSTANT or QUICK OATS 2%: 29° were available | ? ASS EN G ERS INSTANT CHOCOLATE DRINK were, Ot | }ONIONS or 2 uk 3 4 TODDY -- 10° OFF wh Be Show Mart, an exhibition hall/ ! with an available area of 75,000 | POLY eval Ap pega the size of a football field. ; - Five countries will have of- In the event that Canadian Pacific is unable ficial pavilions--Japan, Pakis- | BAG ONLY AT DOMINION -- DOMINO FANCY SLICED to continue Passenger train Operation after STRAWBERRIES 2 'x<.69° tan, Italy, Bel i Meas Wl eecdeuaes hows hal 12 Noon, Local Standard Time, Monday, | PKGS. countries, ranging from the! October 29th, 1962, because of the strike HIGHLINER Mexican silversmith to the Ital-| notice issued by the Brotherhoou of Railroad T.V.'s MOST POPULAR CASH PRIZE WINNERS wed WEEK ENDING OCT. cop FISH STICKS 2 9-05. 59° ian electronics manufacturer, | " " t PLAY AT HOME" SHOW! PKGS. will have exhibits in the pavil: Trainmen, passengers should be prepared to | ons. terminate their journey by 12:00 Noon, a % There will also be a secti Em | with exhibits from 'companies Monday, October 29th. | DOM a N 0 e in other countries, chiefly Unled Sate | > @ Everything Guaranteed tations to the fair were maicé| QANADIAN PACIFIC | CFTO-TV | ce sg WINNER) 3yrouy3.rx to companies in Ontario, Que-| CHANNEL 9 eo. Fae j bec and the Maritimes. 4 ef '$900 WINTER fir. J. CARDWELL §=-- 6 Rock Sin Ra, SCARBORO JAPAN TO BE STAR | $ : 'WiNkER Westview ied. TORONTO 'last year 169,000 people vis-| OCTOBER 24, 1962 30 »] 30 a prc rnmegl ™ pene ited the fair. But Mr. Letendre « ¢aid the number of visitors isn't etre H MONDAY TO FRIDAY '$100 WINWER irs. LINDENSMIITH (43 Cotvington Dy. Oo WHSVIEW the important thing -- it's the ' : : / Values Effective Until 6 p.m. Saturday, Oct, 29th at Your mber of ord duced that Rice : -- Dominion Stores in Oshawa and Whitby. 1 "We figure our 100 buyers