$4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, Cetober 29, 1963 A.M, Scalgy euagats 5 en8i ats 5. Looks By R i$ S++s Sha | i = fesSttst 1 e, ++ #F FF SEF. s¥8g0 85 SSSEris whe Bun $5 SE steqy 8S gusgerss y3"? s5sgsete FEF i z >i ss ght 5488 gee eee gts 3% 3 2 # aus S508 g8t Rages s Sayed poses oeegy + + +B+ + + os = = apap rneey 4 FESSS SyeEe Fed ++] EH KFSSS F SPORE CySGe Fgh yee BEERS & Bueee keezs 28 ++ eS Today's Toront aig 5 33 i ++3 se 8 enesSeneteet E & 74 > pet ao F iste # = § geusy!egiays SEStgRgEgEE gessgiegigs fis o Stoc 93 a. i i 3 : i e : 3 a ry ¥ebshs? if 3 a a tet eeee | ++4+ & B + se : ° "2 g BetybSges s¥augeds sed8aea Geese 8¥eke leet % ++ +41 SS FRE b I | q i +++ + Seek = aaa: >E > +++ Pitatia a3 SoEE yy Bubogae ZoSeu, yeudy ways say Ut yeis Fp%uuy yeuty = Eps Eds 3+ 3 1=4 é E = i" ifr lie SEESSESE E- FBalgd VEN SESE FxSSEe CEERE 3 =ge2k8y sgea585 poe g e g83 * 8 = 433 Sts 8 3 o z * oe eB. ze "3 S5S SRE S35 sb3e Pe tbe Fit er getrpcpgiyspactgsy 3 sEpEESeRSECeSERS. == a #2 ssee® seeet®ess 3? Spe SuBeXShRsak + eget | sgetbelsse7s S apibvtenSediten susht ub-Feragetesendssgse,§ i oe fe : aE Ene. iff -7 2 BE SSL Lee oe ewe SHE 3 $ +s eee +tttt] ii g BEE em 2avazcESetetels slur Gueetele i RRR fg Hi wOadblen swept ubapyptgetedarnsekedsed SEeSenbsse8eu susye wbsp grasses sey sees a s55°5 "4 oudiizts ot > +1 t * = = x] a F Fy 2s 8 +3 k Market Listings f E : : A i 3 Py} & s + = Pi : : : >> Hi i sabes 47) E t S.ness +4ee+ s"s"" 4 : ca = L - raFe Gey 2 ottgSa.Beerd ++% Fr: Ai i Hi i of e il rSanate tts Fe Fe} ggrgttsrd ghide ourgerd pcSrese.Ssgrgider3. oe SP8ssses TeFsheehiciselazFsekeiss BLL - FT ase él yicbesan§ i ra i BREE 3,28 hdd occgse' wbSeesaebsge ibe SBs ~ gota) > FFF g sepiaac bbb operas gupeesctiée = e = & i Sectatbizestathe F eee ® = BE eeSs' if i ge gb ec erpcztb eekegsesegact i 7 ZZ ui i++} ww mee i i = i Sg gbdete sud 25% 2 se poupeshs Be ate Bee cto HESe SH + teeter 5 s*5*5 g ses sé & gesye $"s7° = ge & gs 38 gesyg « 88R oer eet 3 Essst cid gex¥e. ++4 eee Ss - gi abcd $28e, 82 Sudeune goskgky Fe S8t ivereddy E08 tepiyli B_bubs28 EucbeSasg &ts en nt te SBsd SEBE Sanssebaeeess we slsdeune gevelle SuSsdeuse gosestus 3B Gales to 11 a.m.: 1,352,000. v fy 2 & OTTAWA (CP) -- A consider- '@ble battle appears to be shap- ] up involving the House of mons vacancy created last Thursday when a Newfoundland voided the election of Lib- ral Richard Cashin in St. John's West. " The argument is over whether s@the byelection should be called ; soon as possible, or after a . Cashin, 25, who defeated 'former solicitor-general William 'J. Browne in the June 18 gen- eral election on the strength of armed forces vote, says he to hit the campaign at [ a law practice if the election doesn't come , However, in St. John's Cashin family is not fe- "garded as impecunious. ree & House of Commons again. 'Byelection Time Sparks Hot Feud and the fact that he has dem onstrated a certain giant-killer ability. This tends ¢o build up sympathy support for him, the Conservatives acknowledge. The other is the current vincial general election and its probably outcome Nov. 19. The Consetvatives say their New- 'foundiland cohorts under the leadership of James Greene have a major war with innu- merable battles on their hands in the fight with Premier Smail- wood's Liberals. If the Conservatives do not make a good showing provin- cially, the Liberal would tend to add weight to Mr. Ca- shin's election hopes, the Con- servatives say. y lieve, time -- and lots of twill work to theif ad- vantage. The St. John's West seat will be officially declared vacant Nov. 5, if the statutory time limits run their course. The gov- ernment then has 186 days to set the date for a byelection, but it can set the date for any time in the future. Fire Cuts Swath at Conservative steategisis| Through N.S. Town here believe that his chances of victory may be greater if the byelection is delayed. The former solicitor-general, are special attention of the byelection One is Mr. Cashin's youth PARRSBORO, N.S. (CP) Fire hit this northern Nova Sco- tia town Saturday night, caus- ing $200,000 damage and de- stroying a large section of the business district started near a fuel radio-television repair shop. sessions. There were no injuries The blaze, believed to have storage drum, destroyed a drug store restaurant, grocery store and Four families occupying apartments over the business Works Minister Hits Grits For Socialist Bent SARNIA (CP)--Public Works Minister Fulton Saturday night criticized the Liberal party for its "cynical leaning toward so- Cialism" and personal attacks on Prime Minister Diefenbaker. Mr. Fulton described current Liberal policies as "a pallid im- age of the programs and poli- cies of others' and accused Lib- étal Leader Lester Pearson of damaging the Canadian reputa- tion abroad. "It is one thing to attack the policies of the government," he told delegates attending the Western Ontario District Coun- cil Conference of Young Pro- gressive Conservatives, but quite another "to attack the fundamental soundness of the Canadian economy ... an at- tack on the Canadian nation." Car Clocked At 100 MPH During Wild City Dash LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Brian J. Kincaid o fLondon, Ont., was charged with dangefous driving Sunday following an early morn- ing chase through city streets at speeds up to 100 miles an hour. Police said the car they were chasing raced through two road blocks, sideswiped a@ police car and crashed into another one being used as a road block. Fol- lowing the crash, the car veered to the side and collided with an oncoming car. Seven police cars were involved in the chase. Kincaid and an occupant in establishments lost all their pos-|treated. in hospital for broken . noses and face cuts, the car he was driving were! f, CLEVELAND (AP) -- "Jon Glenn" is a lamb who was born twice, the second time from an artificial plastic womb. This unique medical triumph! now promises to save hundreds or thousands of premature babies whose own lungs aré not yet good enough to keep them alive, a Canadian surgeon said Sunday, The artificial womb would take ag until babies could breather properly. Dr. John C, Callaghan of Ed monton described the bowl shaped, Buble womb at closing scientific ses sions of the American Hear Association. The lamb was taken from the body of its mother by ean section two weeks before i was due to be born. It was kly transferred to e ber, filled with mother's womb, and a type of heart lung machine toppic plastic thet in ne} foint Lamb Born Twice In Plastic Womb 'me baby, already born na- turally but early, would not be submerged in fluid. But he would be connected by vein ané artery to an automatic system pumping oxygen - rich blood through his body, thus supple/tha' menting his faulty lungs. In many premature infants, and ¢ven some born at full term, the Ings are not yet al- ready to do the job fully. Even in incubators they turn ashen grey or blue, and die within two to 36 hours, Dr. Callaghan explained. The artificial womb would supply a continuous bloo transfusion until the infant's lungs were working at 100 per cem efficiency. The completely substitute womb was used to study le hazards and problems keeping a premature animal alive, Dr. Callaghan said in a report with Drs. Jose los Angeles and Beatriz Bor- fachia, *4/2 score of shipments of goods '"!were not in connection with Special to The Oshawa Times LONDON -- British customs officials are hot on the trail of foreign exporters who try to sé- cure the benefit of the Common- wealth preferential tariffs to get their products into the United Kingdom. This year, more than from abroad have been seized or held up by customs officials. The latest seizure was of a shipment of electrical origin, but which were found after customs examination to have been made in the Untted Customs Breakers Face U.K. Wrath | ~ By M. McINTYRE HOOD {to investigate some other ship- ments of goods sent under false manufacturing certificates. They' ef ngty oe gg co-operation' of the Cana customs thorities. Dae One consignment of goods which arrived in Britain from Canada was held up when a customs officer printed instruction slips with goods seemed to have been cut off at the bottom. He had every! claimed to be of Australian\ te" ts. The extra words on the raised suspicions that fos had been made in the Inited States. After inquiries were made, the noticed tha: t the Largest Ali-Canadian Consumer Lean Company 286 King Street West, Tel: 728-1636 _W. @, MeKnight, Ot es. Open Friday 9 te 1S aah asa ' Branches throughout until he found a States. The result was the col- lection of 20 per cent duty on the ete plus a penalty im- posed on the British importers, Customs officials state that most of the attempted evasion offences are in relation to goods shipped to Britain as Canadian. They attribute this to the fact that many United States com- panies have subsidiaries in the United States, and find it fairly easy to switch their goods made in the U.S., across the border and then ship them to Britain under the preference arrange- ment. But all of the offences United States goods. In one} case the customs seized a quan- tity of women's dresses which were described as Canadian, but) which had been made in For-| mosa. CATCHING THE DODGERS Other countries coming under} the Commonwealth preference, however, have also been invol- ved. Machinery parts which, it wais Claimed, were made in Eire were seized when they were found to be of German origin. A shipment of machinery from South Africa, imported on Com- monwealth duty-free documents, was in fact from the United States, Because of these attempted frauds, customs officers have aeroves their methods of cat- ching the duty dodgers. For in- stance, they have made arrange-|_ ments with the Hong Kong department of trade and com- merce to stop Red Chinese and Japanese goods being passed off as having been manufactured in it colony, The long-range documentary controls are being supplemented by making on-the-spot checks at factories overseas. Recently, customs officials flew to Canada LoTs OF LEAVES NEW YORK (AP)--New York City expects to collect an esti- mated 67,000 tons of leaves in {ts annual autumn cleanup due to begin today. The city has some 546,000 curb-side trees. for business... for pleasure FLY TCA TORONTO to MONCTON Ask about even lower Group F 10 or nist, up Fares for groups of flying in Canada. @ 2 hours 10 minutes © Up to 3 flights daily ® $90 Economy return See your Travel int or contact TCA at: 130 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Ontario. TRANS-CANADA AIR LINES (&) AIR CANADA What The Marriage | pumped' blood through the lamb's body. Forty minutes later June 11, the little pioneer was "deliv- ered" a second time, and took its own first breath of air. SYSTEM MODIFIED The system has been modi- fied for human infants and a Canadian team of doctors hopes SUGAR SALES DOWN Production of. refined beet and cane sugar in September amounted to 170,902,000 pounds, little changed from the corres- ponding 1961 total of 170,742,000 pounds. Sales declined 0.9 per cent in the month to 164,349,000 pounds. 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST --BOOK THROUGH-- DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE 'WHITBY MO 8-3304 men women are being over- looked. Get your copy of Reader's Digest and Poss how you can ex a new road to true com} 'e soon to try to prema ture babies dying of suffoca- tion. So | Don't let sore, itching, burning piles maxe you miserable another day or wen with. out making the CHINAROID 5 bd help hea} and shrink sore, swollen tisgues. Feel weleome comfort i} k, ride or work, Get today, Te alee tn Much better you feel tomorrow, While you were talking to this customer............you missed this one! 'Customers who can't get through to you may be lost fo the competition. Znough lines and extensions, the right equipment in the right place help you keep your telephone door open for business. __ The one source for sil business communications BELL® MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PHONE 723-9441 NOW! A cigarette that filters ONE...TWO...THREE ways! NEW TWIN FILTER MAYFAIR Not just one filter---TWO! And Twin Filter Mayfair is King Size! This scientific combination of two totally different filtering materials plus the new mildness of specially refined : tobaccos gives you TRIPLE FILTRATION! two They bined tt with soft, super-ab- sorbent "Astra. Thlie le Canada's most efficient filter. one The imperial Toba aclentists started with e Ing her of calinose--- ~ nature'e own filtering agent. Mayfalt's tobaccos--spe- cially refined to a new milde ness--edd their own recoge nized filtering action. Result: TRIPLE FILTRATION! ANOTHER STEP FORWARD FROM IMPERIAL TOBACCO'S RESEARCH LABORATORIES? *Aatra is a registered trade-mark.