10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, November 6, 1962 - Mary Street H&S Association Has Most Successful Year Mary Street Home and School Asseciation - one of the older associations in the City has had @ most successful year,: with meetings .of varied interests and activities, under the leader- ship of Mrs. H. B, Armstrong, president. Late in the spring a film on reading was presented and the members of the Association also enjoyed a buffet supper to close for the summer vacation. The first meeting of the fall geason was a Get Acquainted might in October, which is one of the most popular meetings when the teaching staff present to the parents the program and schedule of the coming year's work, In November Mrs. J. C. Tamblyn brought to the group the story of the Courtice Me- morial Library and this meet- ing was followed the next month by another one of the very popular meetings -- the Christ- mas meeting when many of the children take part. This year the grade 2 pupils of Miss Ferne Ledgett presented the Christmas - Story when portions of it were read by the children and many Jovely carols' were sung. Mr. Junkins' Grade 6 siudents gave a choral reading of St. Luke's Birth of Christ, and Rev. George Caroll spoke about the "True Meaning of Christmas'. In January a Talent Night was held when many of the boys and girls of various grades per- formed very commendably for their parents and friends. In February, Mr. G. S. Boychy, Mr. Harold McNeil and Mr. Stanley Mason presented a panel discussion on Juvenile Delin- quency, which was followed in March by a discussion of the New Mental Health Clinic in Oshawa, given by Dr. James R. Bayne. The April meeting was in charge of the fathers of the as- sociation and following the showing of a film entitled "Dan- gerous Stranger', a very gay evening of square dancing was enjoyed by everyone. -- The family donation plan was again adopted for this year and this plan, whereby each family with children attending school donate a nominal sum as a unity, provides most of the funds for the association for the year. The budget covers the costs of books and magazines for the school, the Bursary Fund, attendance awards made monthly, the Graduation Party for Grade 6 in June and the Mothers' Tea for Grade 1 Mo- thers in the fall; the winter Carnival and the safety Patrol Party, along with various other small items requiring the at- tention of the Association. This year additional funds were raised this year with Dake Sales prior to the meetings and two rummage 'sales. This year a special gift of a record player was made to the school and more jerseys were purchased for the Field Day Activities. In May Mrs. Bryce Brown WIFE PRESERVERS An old toothbrush makes a fine weapon for cleaning those grimy seams between tiles. LIKE GOOD FOOD! See... BACK PAGE! Planning to Travel? -- whether it's -- NORTH, SOUTH OR OVERSEAS .. . By Bus, Plane or Steamship For Professional Trip Planning Contact TRAVEL SERVICE 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH MEADOW @ We make all arrangements @ PHONE 723-9441 ... for complete information succeeded Mrs. Harold B. Arm- strong as president for the coming year. | Canadiennes Francaises Are " Active in Ste. Marie Parish To start their fifth year in| January 1962, the members of | Femmes | Canadiennes Francaises elected | the Federation des a new committee as follows: President, Mrs. Lucien Cham- berland; Ist vice-president, Mrs. Wellie Richard; 2nd vice-presi- | ;mas and during the dent, Mrs. Howard Gimblet; secretary, Mrs. Yvan Gilbert; treasurer, Mrs. Alcide Lecler; sick convener, Mrs. Richard Lacroix; poor convener, Mrs. Yvon Leger; altar convener, Mrs. Gerard Rancourt; spiritual | held an amateur night concert, convener, Mrs. Bertrand Blouin. | The group was. inaugurated March, 1958 by Mrs. Benjamin Michaud of Toronto, the region- al president. From a handful of. willing workers when it was organized, it now numbers some 40 mem- bers. The club uses various -means of raising nunds. Half of the money assists the pastor of the bilingual Ste. Marie du Peuple parish, the Rev. Father Norbert Gignac, to meet the need of his church, which also doubles as an auditorium and assists with his own welfare. The club also helps a num- ber of poor families by giving groceries and clothes for Christ- winter months, and by helping with the cost of bus tickets for some of their bilingual school children. For the last two years, in February, the members have and in June on th sacerdatal anniversary of the Rev. Nor- bert Gignac, a surprise tea is held in conjunction with the gewl. For the last three years with the co-operation of the mem- bers of the St. pag of. the People CWL, the club sponsored a Parish Anniversary supper. This event proved/to be an im- mense. success and was held again this year, October 28. easy - er ever . « « Women prefer the non-breakoble Pure-Pok contain- toned bottles. 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