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Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Nov 1962, p. 36

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eR ae a 'month in 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, November 6, 1962 OGH Nurses Alumnae Assoc. Furthers Fellowship of Graduates In April of this year the Alumnae Association,. Oshawa General Hospital, School of Nursing, 40 years old. It was organized in. April, 1922, with 22 'members and was affiliated with the Graduate Nurses' As- Christ Church Evening Guild The Evening Guild of Christ Memorial Church was first. or- ganized in November 1939, with Miss Irene Barton as president. Meetings are held the first and third Thursday of each the church lounge. Membership is open to ail women of the parish. Volunteer members go to Hillsdale Manor when request- ed, ta visit and work in the Manor tuck shop. The Evening Guild has donated Communion Linen and men books for the Chapel at illsdale Manor. Fund raising activities include bazaars, catering, rummage eales, etc. Donations are given each year to the Sunday School Caravan Fund. Prize winning girls and boys of the Sunday School re- ceive pins donated by the Guild. Contributions are given for altar} flowers in the church when re- quested. The Evening Guild joins with the other women's groups of the church for the May sale and the annual Christmas bazaar in De- cember. Each member assists eat, or contributes to all group and fund raising activities. The present slate of officers is as| follows: honorary president, | Mrs. H. D. Cleverdon; presi- dent, Mrs. Wolfe Miller; 1st vice - president, Mrs. G. H. Knowler; 2nd vice - president, Mrs. E. Reading; secretary, Mrs. Stanley Gales; treasurer, Mrs. Richard Evans; telephone convener, Mrs. G. Leslie; Par- ish Council, Mrs. Garnet White; Sunshine convener, Mrs. G. abled. During the five year period the Oshawa _ Kinettes Elliott; social convener, Mrs. C. Corbett. Bathe Park Aux. Supplies Treats To Area Children The Ladies' Auxiliary of Bathe Park was organized in 1948. The meetings are held once a month in the club house on Eulalie avenue. Various ways of raising money are bingos, euchres, bazaars, bake gales, and a membership fee. Some of the activities for the year are the. banquets given to baseball and hockey teams representing the park. Refresh- ment booths are taken over by the auxiliary members 'at the Opening and closing of the park, and treats given out to mem- bers' children. During the year Many improvements have been made and necessary equipment bought: for the kitchen. New members are needed as so much ean be accomplished for the children in that area. The bingos held on Thursday at 2 p.m. are one of the projects of the auxiliary, and with increas- ing numbers attending these, more help would be appreciated. All women in the Bathe Park area are cordially inyited to join. The officers for 1962 are as follows -- Past president, Mrs. Gordon Drinkle; president, Mrs. William Haight; secretary, Mrs. Stanley Hicks; treasurer, Mrs. John, Fisher; card convener, Mrs. Robert Bell; social con- vener, Mrs. Cleve McMann; bingo conveners, Mrs. Wilfrid Ogden, Mrs. Cleve McMann; ress reporter, Mrs.. William ed, sociation of Ontario. We now have 638 members spread over six countries; seven provinces Pe aes and ll States of the The aim of our. organization is to encourage fellowship among the graduates of our Scho»! of Nursing; to stimulate- interest in the advances in our profes- sion and to assist in maintaining a high standard of nursing ethics among the students and graduates in our School of Nurs- ing; to stimulate interest in the advances in our. profession and to, assist in maintaining a high standard of nursing ethics among the students and gradu- ates in our School of Nursing. The Alumnae Association is not a money making organiza- tion, However, we do have spe- cial projects such as bake sales, turkey draws etc. to help aug- ment the funds derived from our fees in order to meet our annual commitments which are: 1. To entertain. the junior class upon their acceptance into the School of Nursing. 2. to provide the annual grad- uation dinner and dance to honor the new graduates of the current year. 3. To present an award at the graduation exercises to a mem- ber of the junior class for gen- eral proficiency in her first year of training, Over the years we have do- nated to the building funds of the hospital and provide need- ed equipment as the need arose. Our organization holds itself ready to do anything possible to promote the advancement of the School of Nursing and en- |deavours to keep our members informed of the progress being made in the School so that their interest will be a source of encouragement to both the staff and the students. The 1062 slate of officers is: Honorary president, Mrs. M. Ritson H&S | 39 Years Old October 9; 1923, was the birth date of the Ritson Home and School Association. Many money making projects have been used and discarded over the years- At present we use the dollar per family plan. Membership has incrased as has the size of: the school. Although it has been a junior school which consists of kindergarten to Grade 6 _in- clusive, for the past few years, it has the largest pupil enrol- ment of the city public schools. Following its formation the early Association was instru- mental in obtaining a piano, sports equipment; books and music, furnishings. for the teachers' room, kitchen equip- ment and many other items. This trend has continued with our present association adding greatly to these first purchases. Currently we are _ responsible for the plaques and _ trophies awarded yearly for scholastic and public speaking achieve- ments. Delegates selected from. the general membership attend the Annual Conference and Conven- tion instituted by the Federa- tion. Our Association sponsors var- ious. events during the school year. Each December _ the Grade 5 students are presented with school pins. We have a family skating night in January when the Arena is rented and the families of school children enjoy a night of free skating. The biggest yearly event is the Telford; past president, Mrs. L. Dean; president, Mrs. F,. Lit- ster; first vice-president, Mrs. M. Peterson; second vice-presi- dent, Miss P, Crawforth; re- cording secretary, Miss .M. At- kinson; correspondiag secre- tary, Mrs. R. Heard; treasur- er, Mrs. J. Skaife; social con- vener, Mrs. E. Johnston; pro- gram convener, Miss P. Craw- forth; rep. to Canadian Nurse, Miss M. Atkinston; sick con- venor, Mrs.* W. Fairbrother; bulletin editor, Mrs. B. Stinson; membership committee: Mrs. E. Mountjoy, Mrs. E. Stocks. Annual Field Day planned and | Kewin; "recording secre- sone by _ lege ons _ tary, Mrs. William Milne; cor- in late May. e Association | respon Gor purchases and presents the win- Pies, car llgyig to, Ra Mrs. ners'. prize ribbons. Hot .dogs Frank Zarow ny Executive and soft drinks are distributed) members, Mrs: Donald Harper free to each child as well. Mrs. W. Boujsiak, Mrs. A. Our present slate of officers |Bourne, Mrs. W. Dart, Mrs. . is: president, Mrs. Eric Cooper; | Head and school principal Mr. vice . president, Mrs. Jack'A. S, Winter. Saar PLASTIC COATED Qesworlhy PRE-PASTED WALLPAPERS SAVE YOU ag HOURS IN DECORATING Al] you need is Water Tray Sponge and Sdssors" at Aak for our simple in Fete. es to May We Advise You... AT THE "DO-IT-YOURSELF STORE" EDGAR'S = CENTRE 34 KING ST. WEST _ 723-7351 DOUBLE GUARAN TEE Oshawa Discount House All Merchandise is Guaranteed by Both the Manufacturer and Oshawa Discount House e FINEST QUALITY. e BRAND NAME ITEMS © Convenient (10:30 a.m. 10:00 p.m.) Shopping Hours ATTENTION! Service Clubs, Social Clubs, Industrial Relations and Fraternities : USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN ot Oshawa Discount House _Use Our Revolving Credit -- No Down Payment -- Open an Account Now © DISCOUNT PRICES e AMPLE FREE PARKING ee AT OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE you'll find an ever-increasing volume of money-saving values on dis- play . . . everything from brand name electric appliances to toys. Send your committee members -- or -- phone 728-0311... see how you can really save; 1038 KING ST. WEST (ATOP MOUNT LAWN CEMETERY) 728-0311 OPEN TILL 10 p.m. EVERY NITE-CLOSED MONDAYS-SAT. 10 a.m.-6 p.m.

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