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Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Nov 1962, p. 4

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i ' Dogcatcher | 15 Girl Guides Base Line Site For =| >sfho | attend Cound > + BOWMANVILLE (Staff) = A 'Town's New Industry Rabies dead Hntod wee ca cil last night in connection wi heir 'citizens badge'. BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- pany, announced that. construc-/ BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- t eoune The town's new industry will ', tion will start on the new fac-|Town Dog Gonteat oS Bad a Denna eee Seat | be a chemical processing plant. ory after Nov. 15. Archie Hoskin is undergoing|tg know how council is elected In a year's time, it will employ ON BASE LINE treatment for fabies preven-|and operates Avene... nesses, : He said that when the plant| on. after being bitten by 4' "We thought there would' be We nds acmmmnded Sak aiahd ; is in operation, offices will be) "Councillor Wesley Fice told) 20 better way to find out : established both-in Bowmanville ies operates than to attend," she Hg AAS BO snc Oshawa, 'The detergent ov" count ae nigh that si trial committee, at a regular product, which will be in plas-| ovate eve: Prong 4 y The group was pg = ge by _ meeting of cduncil tic bottles, will be available in|"9y. vise H "4 honk ot Mayor, Ivan Hobbs, com: Mr. Hughes made it clear to stores in two weeks time. It will : sa e mented that he was glad i ie © SUReeee reece tae the raccoon Was sent to Ottawa 4 : also be used by manufacturers. at least one deputation pa Ramone re Sg od a The new plant will be located |{r analysis and the- report] council chamber that on the Base Line road, with 427|°@m¢. back that it was rabid. |nave a problem. NEW BOWMANVILLE INDUSTRY SKETCHED ped Brgy Nag bong? at 7 : feet frontage on Highway 401, |, Couinell decided not to relax iat Bowmanville, into qeeet, ext fou ampnins as 'has "been I 3 dd Sh tin ; 2 H 7 Cl b Town Takes Over ' oa § ae ae bg : , Last Tuesday, council held a Se tee aber "ah the ae 00 g Reeve re) etire urricam U pee ae ee , or. ' apetial meeting to give ' this a Preto oe ee Subdivision Road | Mir 'itooper said nat Town ' reading to its industrial land|)413 council that a rabies epl Said Accident D t $70 1 Clerk Jack Reid. should be servicing bylaw, which had|{0ld council that a tite ober. he Vonates 0 | OWMANV ILLES (stat) ag.|eiven credit for his work in ' been tabled juntil an industry sions it did in 1958, next yeat. | HOLLYWOOD (AP) = Alan ar gton ea : ing to a bylaw to accept and|Securing the new 'industry for : mag: z wh uid "| He said that this summer,|/Lada told police' Monday hée : Alden School establish Barbara street. the town.: ex Ontario County had morelshot himself ih the chest acoi- This is a small street off| Mr. Hughes said the com. tabies cases than any place|dentally when he started after HAMPTON (Staff) -- Garnetjice, Mr. Rickard has seen the| ; Jackman road. The subdivider,|Pany will be called the N, BE. else in Canada. what he thought was & prowlef, Rickatd, Darlington Township|population of Darlington Town-| AJAX -- From out of destruc- Wilson Abernathy. had agreed {g|Sweet Company Limited and N. E. SWEET DIVIDENDS "1 pitked up & dog today in| It was the first time the 4% A ' im.|tion has come construction -- in) i ill usé the trade name "Sar- | ob tas % reeve, officially announced last|ship tripled, and a general im-| uN ot Cte cheque for the| fix the road with granular base bow" for its products. Mr. Sweet, of 121 Thomas street,| By THE CANADIAN PRESS Sunderland," said Mr. Woolsey, |year-old actor was able to give night his 17 years of township|provement in the area's etl before the town would take it : A : "and I'm quite sure it had|his account of the incident singe service will end this year. -- jeconomy. Laden "Delioel fer Materaee OM ee Contacted after the meeting, Oshawa, president of the com-| Aunor Gold Mines Lid., com-|-ahing * he was wounded last Thursday Mr. Rickard told council in| Mr. Rickard was the first|dren -- from the local Hurri-| Ver + mon five cents, Dec. 1, record) "yy, suggested that councillnight at his Hidden Valley r "1 | Town Clerk Jack Reid report-| - Hampton that he will not be a|chairman of the Darlington Pub-|cams Rod and Custom aca iat this had been done. Nov. 16. would be itl advised to telatlranch home, i i and saw the; The $70 resulted from anal habs Bune Canada Malting Co. Ltd., Grakic codes tir Sour. - Firat planning intrOaéed to the|club's recent Smasherama, in| Durham County common 50 cents, plus'S0 cents ime. opie akeinulincters at Woodiane Park 'ae He said he'd given a lot of|township. jwhich the public was 'nvited to} N D s ' jextra, Dec. 15, record Nov. 15.|" Goinciltor Roy Nichols said,|Hospital, Doctors remdved & thought to his retirement from take two whacks at an old and| @ar rowning | Canada Safeway Limited,|.7 think we should let the dogs Ss-calibre bullet from his chest. township politics but had ac- discarded automobile for 25) | pfd. $1.10, Jan. 1, record Dec. have a little bit of fun until wel jtis condition is improving they cele th wominaton ae Pte cns,Froeede rom tis eest Todeg Resident |F arm Calendar : have ale of unl conan is umbrovn gressive Conservative candidate m iu ance Wilk ages Mg a gt I eS1 en Big cn cay Ege soa ae 4 Councillor Kenneth Seson|" . rediile sinoliant hia Seunal ciaction and test thet the "yetarded: chilasna's, cant BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- A| BOWMANVILLE -- The fol--- Orono Town Hall, Durham| vanada 4 common 50 spoke against the motion to Te-ltoig two sheriff's dstectives A ' Pi ; ' .\cents, plus 20 cents extra, U.S. 1 Ee © j lresident told town council last|lowing is a list of farm activi-/Junior Award Night. Presenta p ' lax the bylaw, by saying thatlthat he had gone to bed and an of responsibilities would Service paign. light that a schoolboy might|ties faking place in Durham|tion of special prizes and troph- funds, Dec. 20, record Nov. 20. professional advice ftom peo-\was awakened by what hé "This is a tremendous sign off Growned in'a ditch last (County. The list was réleased|ies to Durham' 4H Club and|, Laurentide Finanelal Corn/ai6 ike Tr. Woolsey should BElthought was a prowler He got His decision to step down the times for our youth," said) week if no one had been\by the Ontario Department of|Junior Farmer members. Guest $1.25 series pfd. 31% M heeded. out of bed the rook the revolver 0 in 4 | ; § El Fp | be from the township was done r. Parish, "when young boys} around. Agriculture in Bowmanville. |speaker, Mr. LeRoy Brown, on las ag gag reluctantly because "I think Approved can get together on a wort! Tuesd Apri a epresentative Lawrence Cement Co ' trom a drawer in his bedside ; ture In far ? f this Parl : } ly ch on iat tal. a cents, Ap! fec- BRITISH TOYS table, In the darkness, he stum- here is a big future in store while fun 'ojec ke this) Ernest Jones of 31 Carlisle uesday, Nov. 6, 8 p.m. HF SriCunu P Class A 10 cents, Aptil 80, fec- : : tor Darlington f edesiegs csachoraaes, 'ond at the ro,|aventie complained that some-|Local 78, Farmers Union at! Victoria unty. Yd April 15; Class-A 10 cente,| Britain's Riss er 4 fell r something, ' d Wednesday, Jan- , some , ie thi hould be done about the| home of Joe Trudeau. | Tuesday an ay ) eguetion of bed can't know whak, Tae BF Mr. Rickard began his muni-| HAMPTON (Staff) -- Dar-|Sults of it into work for the Te citch on the south side of Church| Tuesday, Nov, 6, 8.00 p.m, --juary 8 and 9 -- Staff Manage-| uly , record July 15; Class|toys is about $129 i : 10 cents, Oct. 31, record Oct.| whi 30,000,000 worth is\discharged and a bullet entered cipal career with three years as ington Township Council last}tarded children. _ \Street near the Vincent Massey|Durham County Hog Producers|ment Workshop, OAC. se aaite: cents, Oc cord one ag k rege a teuslee gt Daruingion schoo! alge passed ¢ bela, approving e,cfun et ihe erent Be lpuble schoo. Directors, Meeting, Departmedt| "Devnam gall and crop im: area board. a q ; . | ' of Ag ' ee be 4 Following this, he was four|the district. _ |better picture is illustrated in| that last Tuesday, Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2.00 p.m.|provement Assoc. Annual meet- years a member of council,| Entered into by Bowmanville,jthe Hurricams project -- and} -- Ganaraska Conservation Au- i : ng. i ibuti |the culverts became blocked "rata Fan. 14-16 -- Dairy Farmers eal revo e tow Carino a ewes ibe mach nnd obo lan heater backed up tte gone? -- Town Hall POT' 98.006" gaa" edie 1S 138 3 ; 1 of the road. ' ; 16. Mr, Rickard spent the next|"ually to Owen Sound ambu-) The campaign by the Ajax| "One of the boys pushed an-| Thursday, Nov. 8, 8.00 p.m Hotel London, London, Ontario i ' istri | i i ' General sessions Januafy 15-17. year on Durham District High rae Ee Oe uence, Pickering canvassers is|other little boy on their way|Durham Junior Farmers to|"Orcti9 Farm Radio Forum | sa bor om oi Brae aay lg, Mowe fro ln whe Gare lal RL aR t= Cuil \stamstiy" the 'ouncil for threé more years as . ; reports ar4] yj in the water," sai t, decorations : ; oe The deputy reeve. ' a geht has agreed ieifiltering in from Whitby. Early Jones, welcome to help. Ala terange' A _ ee it's the wonderful family time to see ..6 During his last year as deputy-|" ina) page Fo, corned comlete|{Unds returns amount to $1,500/ It was suggested that the mat.) Thursday, Nov. 8, 8.00 p.m.jnairy Policy. reeve,-he was a Warden of the| S\ancoy out of the $25,000 objective. | ter be referred to the roads and|-- Durham Federation of Agri- United Counties. He was the ---- cet and ¢ "The level of income appears|streets committee. culture monthly meeting, home first deputy reeve ever to be a it , h to be satisfactory," said Mr.| '1 would hesitdte to give thejof Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mof- V d ] B B i in r wardn, he said. dalig' paves rT ak sui Parish, 'although there stili re-jroads and streets committee fatt, Orono. an a § urn or : hat nag eeg nig bony reeve| "Mr. Hatvey says he'll charge|Mains much for us to do in|power to act," said Councillor) Nov. 9, 9.00 p.m. -- Durham or ast thrée ; i ille order to reach the campaign ob-|Kenneth Hooper, "after seeing| Junior Farmers Formal, Solina D li ' During his 17 years of setv- poten pc Saas ae jective." sites some of the ditches they are re-| Hall. ar ington again by TCA! ' as well on calls outside the town.) He pointed out that the Ajax,|SPonsible for in the past.) =| Nov. 9 - 17 -- Royal Agricul- My The area was previously ser-| Picker; ; ; He moved that it be.referred)tural Winter Fair, Toronto. os ita e t B ckering and Whitby Associa-lig the roads and streets com-| Tuesday and Wednesday ae ; : Pp 5 pit td boy st Bad Me a tion for Retarded Children 1s) mittee to investigate and report| Noy. 20 and 21 -- Regional Con- MuPTON (aia) Vaneall Sapam Jet TCA home to Britain or on to any other country in Europe via Don ation From The funeral homes gave as|"0t supported by the United Ap-jback to council at the nextiference, Extension Branch, On-|, oa gown the township dump Europe for two weeks of holiday on connecting airline. Or choose BOAC poo geen Be quitting, "in peal Fund and must faise its ae The motion was car- -- ae of Agricul: torage shed on Hallowe'en} @ 17-Day Jet Economy Excursion 707 jet or low-cost turbo-prop Britan- own 'money, There is no con-|---- ; ' s night, caretaker -Albert Craw- Return Fare and you'll save up to nia services to Britain (in association Darlington increseing umber of MENWAY|Eribution from the 'Toronto, or w y-- Durham' Farm. Sateiy Com' fold Darlington 'Townshio) $138 over regular summertime jet with TCA). Pay just 109% down HAMPTON (Staff) -- Darling-| After passing of the bylaw.) Finds received will Murra Reid thittee, Safety Night and annual)" ea council in a dil-| economy fares, Jet in DC-8 comfort before you leave on TCA's Fly Now = ton Township council will re-|Reeve Garnett Rickard said he's received be used meeting, Orono Oddfellows Hall, P l : nd = ion yese's coun-|heard of one ambulance oper- for operation of the Aldon Schoo! Orono. emma over whether to build to England, Scotland, France, Ger- Pay Later Plan. Home is $138 closer a . gage on the building. -- Durham 500 Bushel Club An-jone or buy a trailer that can Ghate Cosa" Hospital" toh tsps phi ng am plenty of nual Banquet and Award Night.|be stored away at night. cep See how you save: Toronto to London $395.70 ($3975 poe lowing an appeal for funds young bucks out ripping up the New Police Force St. yore chop yg _-- B poses one naps of yoy Toronte to Glasgow : $366.50 ($36.65 down! 7 t i any. Guest speaker -- Dr. Johnjed buying an 0 us for the ote be gil bogey pngckiod be haga is Dunne Ar n Bo ard F. Brown, secretary-treasurer,|job, Crawford said: "Next year : tek it was imperative that the : In Hope Townshi e a Ontario Fruit and Vegetable they'll break all the glass in the See your Travel Agent or contact TCA Fares vist road ig en eer ae . e teencial '0pp0 from P BOWMANVILLE (Staff) iui meniens 'Gataro Depe. v Grennind said Ontario Lands ee Merch s10t, _ a -- a A tS Darlin; on : . OFL Suggests PORT HOPE (CP et Hope Council accepted the resignation|of Agriculture, Bowmanville. |and Forests drivers who used Mr Giron said six per cent Township formed its first police) 5+ @ R Guthrie from the Bow-| Sat. Dec. 1 -- Durham Hol-\the dump to empty refuse from : ot OGH patients are from Dar. ' force Monday and appointed manville Arena Board. stein Club annual meeting. Darlington Provincial Park Save even mote with TCA's Group Trevel Fares for 28 persons or more, for example: Torente te London Iiigton Township Way To Probe four temporary constables. In a letter to council, Mr.| Monday, 'Dec. 3 -- Bowman-|were co-operative with him. $341.70 return eeonomy class. Said Councillor Sidney Cor- Their main assignment is t0)Guthrie stated, "as I have re-|ville Lions Club 4-H and Junior| He said provincial trucks used nish: "We've been passing the s enforce a "'no-hunting" bylaw|signed as a member ofthe Kins-| F'armer recognition night. the dump once a day for three ustry 1 passed by the council last week cil that it make allowance in|ator who had wanted $5000 be-|'t Ajax and for retiring a mort- N d T Tuesday, Nov. 27, 7.00 p.m.|another wooden shed, a brick) nany, Switzerland,.Austria, Ireland; -- see your travel agent or TCA now, k from one council to an- ; men Club, I am no longer in a| Friday, Dec. 7 -- Durham/months during the summer. po fer vent; Sut we've no- after complaints of reckless! position to represent st organ-|Holstein Club Banquet, Black-| Council decided to bill the thing in the budget again this) NIAGARA FALLS, Ont, (cP)|unting had been received from| ization on your board." stock. Lands and Forests Department year." The Ontario Federatiun of La- township farmers. Council appointed Murray| Thursday, Dec. 13, 8.00 p.m.!$100 for use of the dump. seks heating of nam ota cateo the BroNC ag ot Orhan he vacancy. ° | ar. Pr ype ney -- - zn - government to establish an|¢@St of Oshawa. - -- |the vacancy. nual grant to the hospital when) agency within the labor depart- = sere renee he first came to work for the}ment in investigate transfer of HELD OVER FOR Qn d BIG WEEK! 2 ACTION FILLED FEATURES! e township. plants from one community to He said before he came coun-| another. ae eae MR RES Ri eld a a ean cil donated about $1000 a year to) 4 resolution passed at' the wn , the Hospital. federation's annual convention SOPHIA THE WHO UNCENSORED : Monday also asked that employ- igs LOREN 4 ] Kill ed ers be required to offer their j up e employees the option of mov- ing their jobs, with the compa- B D ¥ namite nis fone Ob ere: ECHNIRAMA TS." --"FECHNICOLORS - y For those who did not choose TILL 5 P.M. AFTER 5 P.M. oT ARE N ES In Str t : move with their jobs payment CHORES re _ Lefer uy $0 : th ay of a year's wages on termina- phe ante: ee tion of employment wouid be re- |] ADULTS .... 90 ADULTS ... 1.00 HOPE, B.C. (CP)--A 23-year-| quired. SHOWN AT: 1:45 - 5:00 - 8:15 old miner and his estranged 19-|" An amendment by the OFL THURSDAY AT 1:48 ONLY SelB OES ELATESS CREATE year-old wife were killed Mon-|resolutions committee charged day. when the husband appar-|the Ford Motor Company of ently set off a huge dynamite|Canada Limited with disregard MAKING MUSICAL charge while the two were talk-/for moral and hurmaliitarian.ob- sal eae : : 2 BIG HITS ! id N ng on the street. \ligations to its Windsor empioy- , 'olice said the dynamite ex-jees in a bid for higher profits.| i C ' M-C-M presents ploded in the husband's car) The resolution said that since INEmaScoPhi Spencer TRACY while Albert David Hoffman|1953 thousands of Ford workers bay Pei tiplad Joan BENNETT was talking with his wife Jytte|have been deprived of the right| COLOR! Eli outside the home of his wife's|to earn a living and have been : . beth TAYLOR e parents at Silver Creek, near|subjected to the humiliation of this community 100 miles east/seeking and accepting relief be- SEVEN BRIDES of Vancouver, cause of relocation of the com- Married in 1960, they had pany's assembly nacilities in FOR SEVEN BROTHERS been separated since Sept. 16.! Oakville. Mrs. Hoffman was living with stamnc JANE POWELL CONTINUOUS SHOWS ) her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Max-/WANTS TO STAY HOWARD KEEL FROM 1:00 P.M. well Petersen, and Mr. Peter-| George Burt, Canadian direc- TIE ETE te sen said Hoffman had made re-|tor of the United Auto Workers peated attempts at reconcilia-(union (CLC), challenged man- ' ~ @.. tics. agement in Windsor to "live up ye He made two calls Monday.|to its responsibilities and com. ae READ On the second call his wife|mitments" and stay in the bor- walked to his parked car 15 feet|der city. from the house. pt agi Tecate eA ar : See your travel agent Amoment later, an explosion|@ trek to Ottawa, similar to one . , mpcked the Petersens to the prowl yong M ed the Ontario oor and blew in the windows ment buildings in Tor- : $0 Teepe of their house. onto, to bring the problem to , Lie § TRANS:CANADA AIR LINES AIR CANADA a) Police said it was hot known|the attention of the federal gov- ae s 00 'ou FoR . ae , whether the girl had onteredj¢™mment. Mr. Burt said from zs i DEa,, Written by JACK W. THOMAS: * the car or was standing beside|the convention floor that the ap-|§ @ . % ' ; Produced by JACK LEEWOOD it. The car was blown to pieces, std ad ied government|§ 7 4 ° ae Gicw ! : wy py thpmaeird with some debris falling a biock iced no results. oe j ' y : " k away. . "It is pretty near time we 4 ' A CONTEMPORA PRODUCTION ~--BOOK THROUGH-- i and : NET EARNINGS (tine "cma Pompom fe Cdded. Hit, | inne DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE even entire communities ik 4 HUNCHBACK || g = THE LAST MAN TO HANG" | 200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY | MO 8-3304 7 bo Phage oe Ye the United States," he said. ™ OF NOTRE DAM ro Mines Lid., 9 8. cathe faesin : sown Sept 30: 1963, 9208000] _ GREAT MOVEMENT Conan nteoPt TOM CONWAY -- ELIZABETH SELLARS 10.6 cents @ share; 1961, $530,] LONDON (CP) -- There now = mein ALLIED ARTISTS Pictures 124, 19.2 cents. nearly 9,000,000 Boy: Scouts in|} penne oe pe Inter - Provincial Commer.) he world, the : . imternational amen Recommended as & cial Discount Corporation Ltd..|:ommittee was told during 1t 2 Bat Wesemesn | 2 PLAZA bw $ year ended July 31: 1962, $65,} mnual conference here. Boy BILTMOR > DOORS OPEN AT 6 P.M. : -- 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PHONE 723-9441. 549; 1961, $45,572. Scouts in Britain total 560,000, y

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