Christmas Events Listed For Kedron KEDRON -- The dates have been set for special Christmas events at Kedron United Church. Toronto Leafs' Jim Constable Wins IL Award NEW YORK (AP)--Jim Con- stable of Toronto Maple Leafs, a left-hander who was out of baseball for three years because of a nervous breakdown, was of- ficially confirmed today as the International League's leading pitoher for 1962. The 29 - year - old southpaw topped the triple A league's pitchers in earned run avérage, 2.56, and winning percentage, 800. He won 16 games and lost four for the second-place Leafs and finished the season with Milwakuee Braves of the Na- Six Nominated For Pickering School Area BROUGHAM -- At a nomina- tion meeting in the Township Hall in Brougham on Friday night, nominations were re. ceived by Township Clerk L. T. Johnston for six . trustees for School Area 3, a new area form- ne _.. Orono Electorate OKs eS =| Public Water System | HAMPTON (Staff) -- Dar-, William Wilson, All in by accl-|Dermott, John Helm, Dr. John lington township elected its;mation. ae Price. first woman to council Monday.| Hydro Commission -- Denis School Board (three onsitions) Mrs. Mary Budai polled 702)Whelan (accl.) -- Glen VanCamp, Robert V. votes to win the third seat on} A total of 57.3 of the elector-/Archer, Ross Sweetman, Gor- township council. jate voted. don Goode, Mrs, Margare* Geof- ed last year by the amalgama- In the race for Deputy-Reeve,| ; frey, Stanley Bruton. \tion of Greenwood and Kinsale incumbent councillor, Harold c,|NEWCASTLE é Hydro Commission (one posi-| gahgg}s Muir defeated incumbent coun.| Reeve -- E. J. Cunningham tion) -- Arthur Cox, John Helm,|" Nominated were Donald Good. cillor Sidney Cornish. Mr. Muir|(2#2). Fred ©. Couch (166). | J. E. Jackson, Archie Farmer. | win, Greenwood; Charles Me. had 1008 votes compared to Mr. | Council (fou Us 5) Nominees have until 9 p.m lTaggart, Greenwood; Stanley Cornish's 733. |R. Lovekin, Jack Nesbi t, J./tonight to qualify. Election, if E. Hoar, Kinsale; Leonard L Carl Down topped the pols| Momas Brown and H. "- Bona-'needed, will be held on Dec. 12. Waltham, Kinsale: Mrs. Gwen. for council with 1112 votes. Kich-|'han. in Dy acclamation. |------------- or aoe Mawhtay "adh Herbert Se eee Sunday, December 9, will be White Gift Sunday. Children are asked to bring wrapped gifts for the Christmas Weifare Work of the Fred Victor Mis- sion in Toronto. It would be ap- preciated if each parcel is mark- ed as to its contents, or as to what age and sex of child it would suit, There will be a spe- cial offering taken for the Over- seas Relief work of the church. The Sunday School 'concerts will be held on Saturday, De- School Board (three positions) Middleton, Greenwood. Five trustees are required, so} cembéer 15. A party for pre. school children, and school chil- tional League. Ron Taylor of Leaside, a sub- ORGANIST LILA TREDWELL Appearing Nightly GENOSHA HOTEL fore he made his final dive to death off Avalon, Calif., Mon- day. The British skindiver lost his wife while trying to repair a faulty hatch on a -- Wilfred Gould BOTH FIRST OSHAWA SHOWINGS! $ vee TANTALIZING ADDED FEATURE ' AND PROVOCA She Was a Living Doll . + Pocket Size NUDE iisPOCKET : Starring JEAN MARIS -- AGNES LAUREN' eo' | BAUM Kft Ihe drama of a woman's need for a man Maanifeent i Ofbsession~ e TECHNICOLOR AGNES MOOREHEAD-OTTO KRUGER+ GREGG PALMEF FEATURE TIMES -- 1:30 - 3:25 - 5:20 - 7:25 - 9:10 xo NOW fe ogres PLAYING | WIDE WALLACE ANNOUNCING THE COMMERCE SAVING AND SPENDING PLAN cuts the cost of paying bills builds. savings and interest at the same time FUNDS RECEIVED BY THE 10th, EARN FROM THE 1st GULF iwrerconrinenrat : FINANCE corporation tp. YOU EARN 84% INTEREST PER-YEAR FOR YOUR 360 DAY SHORT TERM FUNDS. { rine fa ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ALSO 8% INTEREST PER YEAR FOR YOUR 180 DAY 5 SHORT TERM FUNDS, can make a Offices in principal cities In Quebec and Ontario. ONTARIO BRANCHES 483 St. Clalr St. w. Toronto, Ont. 'Tel. : 924-735 they will earn 3% interest in your Savings Account, And to make chequing more convenient, we pro- vide two services not given by any other bank. We send you an itemized statement of your chequing account every month. You also get a handy, wallet- size Personal Chequing Kit. : Ask about the all-new Saving and Spending Plan at your local branch, today. -- BANK PrHAT[BUIL DS Here's a plan that out-dates the single-account method of saving money and paying bills. It's the exclusive Bank of Commerce Saving and Spending Plan, On one hand, you use our special Personal Chequ- ing Account to cut the cost of paying bills. Cheques cost only 10¢ (compared to 15¢ ona savings account). On the other hand, you build your savings where 370 Main St. E. Hamilton, Ont. Tol. : 528-4275 OGL: and a fool out of a OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS TILL @ P.M. () DROP THIS COUPON IN THE MAIL TODAY FOR OUR "INVESTMENT. STORY" BOOKLET = es ae ee ae Write To: Nearest Branch ! | 2 Name. DOBIOOE {scrrrrrscrccossccecsccecncsssccescesecoosonnces a seenenenarasoverssaseenss seLOM@s oes se5sPPOV, . MGM # SUSAN HAYWA PETER FINCH LAST DAY TWO COLOR HITS! ADULT ENTERT. "FUNNY FACE" - Regeten® CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE Over 1260 branches to serve you 380; Herbert Thompson, 389 and)" pyc --Lloyd Stevenson (164), |December 8, at the Greenwood cert for the° older children wi!|| Ville Suns, finished with a 12-4 jchairman, Robert Craig, led) police Trustees -- Roy For- OTTAWA (CP)--For the first, progressing. It will accommo.|of Qhristmas", a Fred Waring) aw sewer, HOUSE | votes. you in favor of Orono' getting ajtistics, reporting this today, said home from the hospital last jewel house. It will house the Sod-Turni -lurning |Blanchard, said he will treat the surplus for the same period from the injuries he suffered) cramped. Mayor -- Mrs. It notes that the change coin. N. E. Sweet Co. Ltd., will take chair, but his family and Keller and Peter he didn't all support me. fer! members on the vessel CP Wirephoto) ; : oe (CI panto jwork for the benefit of all our!son and Howard Young. All in dians--one of the government's|cessing plant. i Millbrook Man Reeve Candidates that we will be able to work in) Jean Keating. All in by accla- tourist spending shareholders; Mayor Ivan jand I invite your suggestions,| account with other countries of Pentecostal Church. {Kenny (accl.) nen i positions) -- However, it adds that the def for the reeveship of Whitbyon the Whitby Towship council Bethany. Guest speaker for the| results in the district are a8! Ong. (QQuttkisiiny : Boyd, Bruce Beare, Grant Mc-| many years there was a surplus | 723-2721 8 - 14% KING E. eo es the Gredhd ialaes tue two candl| ers Association, who spoke on I Fi t ¢ d ly facing the potato growers. Council (four positions) -- A-jan annual contest for aspiring bate with Reeve Down on "'any stressed the fact that packing) 4), in by acclamation. in the lire equivalent of $4,000| term of office," said Goodwin, |@nts Saturday after a 12-year The winner of the 500 Bushel ; is Mr, and Mrs.. Serge Smirnov of Enniskillen this village 30 miles north of The Durham County 500) Admit that h ' i - dmitting that he has never|2?, who was staying with rela the. Durham 4-H Potato 'Club, me Sees. the family paid $3,500 to Com-|year the Potato Pricess was In accepting the challenge, country. ard Porter. ditions to existing homes in a| were required in the original by-| sided over by board member D.| years ago, and this established ed in these various zones. These were in existence when this by- applications for building per; of. the floor space, in the ma-| NEW BYLAW passed permitting additions to quired in the original bylaw. produced increased assessment, Those who opposed the ap- referred to certain types of were of the opinion that these ard Gibbs was second with 895. i 9 ' |--- Mrs, Pauline Storks (278), Candidates for 'council. who} ¢ p N Ju- Good B ] : r were unsuccessful were Russell ee se fight dock a ance ~ |an election for five out of the|dren up to Grade 2 level in thé urb of Toronto, pitching with Dow; with 650; Elmer Pollard es Le six will be held on Saturday,|afternoon at 3.00 p.m. The con-|the pennant - winning Jackson- ; ' s\garet Brereton (195). ourists | Keith Lamb, 253. : : School, between the hours of 12! 1 record and was second in the , li tok a and K, R. . noon and 7.00 p.m. be held 'at 7.30 p.m. |ERA department with a 2.67 SCHOOL BOARD pruners, S17)s it a The erection of a new five. The choir is preparing a) mark. For school board, incumbent|grono roomed school at Greenwood is|Christmas Cantata, "The Song)---- masa jwith 761; presnet member, /rester, H. M. Mercer, Douglas time in many years Canada has/date pupils from former school|presentation, for the: Candle- 2p) -- Are' . |Harry Oyler copped the second Sask All in by acclamation |@ favorable balance of tourist sections 9 and 19. light Service at 7.30 p.m. on Aig ig pon yehonge 4 jseat with 712, The other candi-| Orono voters cast their baliot|tfade with the United States. oceania | DACEMbEr 16, foundations are dug in the jdate, William Cameron had 588\9n the following question '"Are| The Dominion Bureau Of Sta- Ne I d st ' Mr, Orville. Greer - returned tower of London for a new After the election, Mr. Muir,/complete water system at a cost|Canada had a surplus of $89,- Ww n u ry 5 week after a stay of nearly|Crown Jewels and should be |who will represent Darlington!$175,000." Results: Yes 270,000,000 in its travel account with) four months. "Mr : Greer has|Teady by 1966. Wakefield Tower, township at counties' council/nays, 99. A total of 370 voted other countries in the third ghee "|where the royal, regalia is kept jwith acclamated reéve, Arthurjout of a possible 425, {quarter of the year. Last year made a miraculous recovery) 9 present, is considered too . everyone the same, regardless UXBRIDGE was $35,000,000, On Dec 7 when he was struck by a car i OTe oat 7 - : lor who voted for him. Uxbridge voters voted against' The bureau said the improve. ' as he walked along Taunton we Mrs. Budai had this to say [Sunday sports or games after ment reflects a substantial re-| BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- : j ; | ES LAST CHECK BEFORE FATAL DIVE "T am convinced that i repre.|1:30 p.m. last night. Results: quction by much larger U.S./The official sodturning of the|"ead in July. He is still con- MAK sent the majority of thé peo-|%¢2 183, nays 348. ._,,{Spending in Canada. town's newest industry, the fined t© his bed and a wheel. Diver Chris Wittaker of diving bell being used by |ple of our township éven though| ide igs 4 i vhris Tanne | | (acel.) cided with last May's pegging of Place Friday at 2.30 p.m friends are very happy that he London gestures to crew Small in their attempt to go |yarious reasons. , the Canadian dollar at 9244/Supervisor of General Motors|can be home well before Christ- 1,000 feet below the surface of | «4 y have in the past few\ Sc'), aoe cents in U.S. funds, and the re-\Harvey Moyer, executive mas Eureka that he doesn't want the ocean and leave the bell. | years 1 will now continue to! Council -- A. G. Tipper, duction in the duty-free customs|°f Canada, will turn the first/------ -- Gig ecetbichd sone,' just de years, . Charles F'. Steward, B. J. Simp-|ajiowance for returning Cana.|$0¢ for the new chemical pro- ' Eiht ean dada | ; : |people, regardless of their poli-/py acclamation. ' Among the dignitaries expect- § 4 » Tegare ae "| sterit asu 8 gnitari p tical or religious affiliations or) "School Board -- Dr. John Mc- 'Today's statement gives no ed, are N. E. Sweet, president difference of opinions, and hope|intyre, Aleck Williamson, Mrs./phreakdown of Canadian . U.s.(of the company; some of the | [arsomny ag council as py mation. It points out that in the first|Hobbs of Bowmanville and otato u . -- - common nai PUC -- L. W. Siegrist (accl.)/nine months of 1962, Canada Council; and Rev. R. A, Bom-| Agree '@) e ate : end I invite your suggestions, NOMINATIONS had a net deficit in its travel|bay, pastor of Simcoe Street} W |comments or criticisms." |PORT PERRY _ or tes Wot chuscaeb eth Gide isu BROOKLIN (Staff) -- Reeve|Down said "I have broad shoul. inner | Out of 4800 eligible voters,| Peeve -- J. J. Gibson (accl')/999\990' in the same period last Heber Down has accepted a/ders. I will debate, with MI powsranviLiié, -- The Dur|ies tan 2000 "people. tarned|, Depa rear A. E. Johnson 0.D. ten 20 'Goodwin a former! Reeve Down, owner of four!am County 500 Bushel Potato| ut a ion |, council (three icit entirely from transac ¥ js r . p an 3 . y fr sac- councillor making his 'first try farms in the Township, has been|Club held its annual banquet at) Other Monday night election) witiam G. Chapman, J pba pie Angin OPTOMETRIST Townshi tor' 58 vents evening was Dr. John Brown,|follows: Ivan Parkinson, Irvitipecause for the first time in 'The debate, firet of its kingh---- ---- Italo Beas aud Voocabte Cee | MAAVERTON ee | -- |with the U.S ip the Gras. tae bok pk ott |tarlo Fruit and Vegetable Grow-|"") oe. William J.' Gilles-| COMPOSERS contest | With the US. eens AY 5 : Bo 14 Starts digo ent.|Die (359), John MeCrorie (186).|, MILAN, Italy (AP) -- This| dale can fhd 6 halk y, 7) the economic problems present- : jindustrial city has established Goodwin has agreed to pay I is talk. Dr. B |\C, McKenzie, William Westcott, , the cost of renting a hall to de- nage Oa fy © Stanley Rickard, Sam Newman. atent. "the HP eg a ea y y subject that he wishes". STOUFFVILLE, Ont. (CP) --jand quality are essential in] p44 o ducation -- Orville and a one-ni - -night program at the) a will debate = him en -- cor vaddod Wie Wis coe, order ed --. potatoes OF Smith, Mrs. Frances Hartmier,|famed La Scala opera house | any record connec w is any other commodity. a 30- old tool and die maker|S¢Paration, started school in i - .. Ganeeal Mietons grade 1 Monday although he|Potato Club award. or sotale- ein ted two topics,|°22t speak a word of English.|'"& the highest yield this year pe cyt y ye Geleg we Harvey 'McGill of Enniskillen na jcame to Canada in 1050 and|#arvey McG i ap xvi lace' settled on a 25-acre farm near|¥®S. second. velo. apeinet having crtarieial tore": They were slorces to|Bushel Potato Princess was} eave so suddenly they didn't/crowned at the banquet.. The " | " ice at the Brooklin Arena? ;have time to collect Ivan, then potato princess is chosen from had any experience in debating, |tives. : : Mr. Goodwin stated that he felt! The parents wouldn't give a|the princess being the girl who| the public would be interested |; but neighbor: has the highest score on her, in ih i h \figure but neighbors said they | the many issues that could/gathered from other children| year's work in the 4-H club, This "We would need a moderator.| munist officials to have the boy Reeve Down can pick anyonelsent to Canada. They had been| Miss Linda Porter of Pontypool, that he wishes. | saving since they arrived in this|daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Leon- me the 73-year-old farmer, Heber| ----- = The Most Exciting OMB Approves | preg es Darlington TORONTO -- Approval of a} bylaw passed. by Darlington) Township council permitting ad-| restricted area, even if the min-| imum floor space does not| reach the minimums which law was given Wednesday by the Ontario municipal board. At the hearing last week, pre.! Jamieson, evidence showed that the township had passed an overall zoning bylaw three) several types of use zones and also established minimum floor areas for dwellings to be erect- minimum requirements varied with the type of zone. The ma- jority of the dwellings, which law was passed, had floor areas) of less than the minimum areas set forth in the bylaw. Many mits were made to permit ad- ditions to these existing build- ings. It was found that the total! jority of these cases, was less! than the minimum area re- quired. The municipal council studied the matter; as did the planning| board and the new bylaw was these homes in all cases, even if the minimum floor space did not reach the minimum as re- Those in support of the new bylaw said that an addition to the non-conforming dwellings and in many cases there was mo increase in the number of persons living in such a house. plication wanted non-conform. ing houses' brought up to the minimum prescribed. They also} dwellings which they felt were substandard and these included basements and garages, they should be enlarged. However there were not a great number pf these, \ ENQUIRE ABOUT OUR CONVENIENT BANK-BY-MAIL AND NIGHT DEPOSITORY SERVICES, TOO! "RED GARTERS"