ANN LANDERS 3 Does my husband have an|and asked them not to say any- ST, -JOSEPH'S PTA THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 5, 1962 Lh obligation to this child? I' still] thing because I might not like it) The November meeting ofthe - jove him but how can I trust] I am fuming, My husband) St. Joseph's PTA was held in|Wh0 are moving to Toronto. Mr.jat 10.30 a.m. and the film hou him after this? Please help me.|agrees that she had no right to the St, Joseph's High Sch 1jand Mrs. Balfour were present-|held Saturday afternoon at 2.30° ; é --QUICKSAND do this. But he thinks it would|the St. Joseph's High School).q with a gift as a token of/p.m, Another important service our-riusners Never ie Dear Quicksand: Your hus-|Serve no purpose to chew herjauditorium recently with the/appreciation. available to children is the new. ult: band is morally and legally ob-|out. What would you do if you|president, Robert McDonnell,) Mrs, Richard Malik intro-/Bookmobile which is stations; ' 5 3 ? ligated to support his child, |Wére in my shoes?--FRIED | presiding. duced the guest speaker, Mrs.jed at the A and P parking lots Hoodwink Animals _ Give him the break he doesn't| Dear Fried Shoes: Nothing) The vice-president, Mrs.|Kathleen Foy, who is a librar-/every other Thursday afternoon. . a" desevce and stand by him. He|20W. Your husband is right. In/Ralph Vodden, speaking on be-lian in the Children's Depart-| Mrs. Foy showed a selectiom may be a better husband after| 'Me future instruct the neighbors|half of the executive, thanked|ment of thé Oshawa Public Li-lof children's non-fiction wo dia. you demonstrate faith and con- not to give the house key to/Mrs, William O'Neill and Mrs.|/brary. Mrs. Foy gave an inter-|which are available at the Os Dear Ann Landers: I just)A young woman. showed up atifidence. If you can carry this os ae, They'll ee a and/Robert McDonnell and members/esting talk on the various facil-'awa Public Library. : read the letter from Debbie and|my front door and introduced|off with dignity and courage, so will your mother-in-law. who assisted in catering for thejities offered by the boys' and| The speaker was thanked by was stunned because I had Aliorcoy ag my husband's '"'se-/You are @ real heroine -- and teachers' convention luncheon, girls' department of the Oshawa/Mrs, Clarence Allen. similar experience 30 years ago. ; aan your reward may well be a real BACKWARD FORWARD which was held in St. Gregory's Public Library. These include a} The prize for the class with. We had a large, gray tomens| Set, Wamarried wile." I almost jighand, Try turning your classic car-|Auditorium. film library and a record li-\the best attendance went to Sis: jinamed Sir Gregory. He hated| "Tyo i Dear Ann Landers: My hus-|digan back to front, to wear| Mrs. Dermott Conway, speak-/brary as well as books for all|ter St. Dorothy's room. as my boy friend, Horace. Sir Gre- This woman is 26, neat, at-) GM 1a 1 went away for alover your toreador pants.|ing for all the members of St,jages. Of special interest are the) The social convener for the i cocy's hair etood on.end when.|'Tactve and soft-spoken. She), "vacation ih October.|L00ks mew, looks ke # knitiJoseph's ETA, sald goodbye to|story hours for children aged 4jevening was Mrs, Normaf ever Horace came to see me. wai mi ca oe bapspegen We left our house key with the|Plouse, looks good Mr. and Mrs. Charles Balfour'to 12 held on Saturday morning!Michael, He hid under the buffet when) 45 ghe could. Now she is in dire|people next door and asked |jpssse ti _ : . " ; ||Horace was in the house. When|,..4 and must. have financial|them to check every few days to Horace walked past the buffet help to raise her two-year-old| See if everything was O.K. (We Sir Gregory lashed out and|oniiq which is my husband's. | did the same thing for.them last , scratched his. highly polished) 'phe story soundéd so fantas-|¥eaT-) . ; \ 2 G, $ arnre® ee leather shoes. Once Sir Gregory|tic.7 refused'to believe it. When| When we returned the neigh- f\put his claws clean through!she showed me pictures of the|bors informed us that my hus- Mt yn ee Horace's sox. Child there were no doubts in|band's mother had asked for our 3 7 C '| 1 married Horace and it was|my mind. She looked like a twin|house key. the day after we left : ; the biggest mistake of my life.|to our own little girl. town. She said she would do the) \ | ' ¢ aT m ous f\He turned out to be selfish and! My husband came off the road| checking. ) ; « ithful. The kindness he|the next day and I told him| She then went over daily and || . showered on me during court-| about my visitor. At first he de-|spent several hours doing Se j|ship was an act. I wish I hadinied everything, but when he| heaven knows what. A few days / a. known then that animals havelfound it was useless to try to|before we returned, she gave '4 i instincts about people who are|fool me, he confessed. |the key back to the neighbors 1S FRUITS AND NU putting on a false front. : "Y hope and pray that Debbie) ; OVER "\drops her boy friend and finds| ' ' #\a young man her airedale can BAILE é ee 7 j ee *|warm up to. -- Smart too -- . hele Sn, $3 Me" ee "ae LATE - : MARK 55th ANNIVERSARY Dear Smart: The divorce rate --" _-- o_o : os ae ; ; ; nt| & ; 4 3 dis. and re, Kaware Teich, whom are stl ving. 'They [Cate perhaps mate selectioa| THE FOOD SHOP | hs ots " $ Richmond street east, were are Mrs. Gordon Duth (Win- | ought to be left to the family OSHAWA AND WHITBY PLAZA a i : . . fecently honored on the occa- nie), Bay Ridges; Mrs. Ed- pets. They couldn't do much sion of their 55th wedding an- mund B shag Gy), om worse than people. fo Fieve Frid d Saturday l'A-lb versary by a dinner party awa; Mrs. Raymond Kennedy : cials: ursda riday an a ld at the home of Mr. and. (Nevada), Whitby; and Mrs, Dear Ann Landers: I thought od hs y 7 ' ; ri my husband and I had a good Mrs. Raymond Kennedy, Whit- Fred O'Dell (Catherine) of marriage until three weeks ago. DELICIOUS by. A surprise party was also Pembroke. They have nine is < a A co iw held in their honor at the grandchildren and six great- RAISIN PIE saci Ale - me, ae Pp UND RIN $ 29 home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- grandchildren. During the |toaster was made to the bride- Nee pS i ng 4 mund Weldon, Oshawa. The evening the honored couple to-be by girls of one of thell crisp HOME MADE couple have been residents of were presented with a dozen |Engineering Departments of OOKIES Doz. 83° Oshawa for the past 25 years' red roses. General Motors of Canada, Cc REG, 926 FOR and had six daughters, four of --Oshawa Times Photo | Following the wedding re- _alowing the meade re Foe QUALITY, FRESHNESS and FLAVOR Check The Savings On These Extra Specials Linda Fursey Feted 37. sr ine bride-eiect. co-|entertained at the home of Mr.1 Shop at.the Bakery with the large variety. i Reg. Price pkg 850--SAVE Oe workers of the bride-elect. | and Mrs. Percy Sweet, Colum-| A ' . | Miss Susan Baker held a' mis-|2US- & E EA B Prior To Marriage |cellaneous shower at her home.| pa FURL UE MU RRR OULU ' ULE EE ME HEU ? pkg of 60 € |She was assisted by her mo- REGULAR AND QUARTERS is ther, Mrs. Victor Baker and eg. Price 4-lbe 990---SAVE 100 Animas § Her Heart Is Set on hive Linde orsey ny bene of Cony and Ler RINE MONARCH 4:89. honored by many friends and street gathered at the home of) Jor to her marriage|Mrs. Earl Fielding, where a| ' @ ; ah Warne Hove rria8°| miscellaneous shower was held. | nIBeY? Reg. Prive 2 tine S70--SAVE 10 M aM Hacinal Donde Mrs. Fielding was assisted by| | @ ep ° r. and Mrs. Keg her three daughters, Mrs. Jack| ; thorne, Frontenac street, enter-| Mrs. G Gud | re 15-fl-oz tins ¢ tained fellow-workers of Mr raham, Mrs. George Gudgeon, ne ; wL,|Miss Earla Fielding and also) | Sweet, and their wives. The), JANE PARKER bridal couple were presented Mrs. Edward Jetfrey. 4 ' | Mrs. Alfred Fursey entertain-| C ae a . hy Fob ; ed at an evening shower for her| ] . COTY G a ANG EL AKE h 3 9 . Mrs. Archiba rown, aunt) sranddaughter. A presentation) : = by enc of the bridegroom, assisted by|of china . the bride's chosen| WZ come KI L'AIMANT | ¢ Mrs. Jack Brown and Mrs.|pattern was made. The host- ANS : George Olliffe, was hostess atless was assisted by Mrs. Ray- : ae EMERAUDE @ kitchen and pantry shower. | mond Hallaren and Mrs. A. Mar- : 4 "A. miscellaneous shower was|tin. : GIFT A&P HANDLES ONLY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT INSPECTED MEATS held by Miss Pat Brewster.| A supper shower was held at _ Mary street. Assisting were|the South End Restaurant where) : \} : y SETS Miss Phyllis Warren and Missia presentation of an automatic} Sl \ : ¥ , i A a 3.50 » | : * ' A| we sk | April Showers * FRESH LEAN # Givehra Red Roded sitt set SKIN SHANKLESS 39 49 amera pag |) "awe °°" Baume ||| Seoutbers & DZS | sins' 6 AR all-over Skin Care and SOAP 12-08. LEGS, THIGHS, BREASTS a : KARN'S | Just two of the attractive Yardley gift sets at SPECIAL 1.00 C i} | C K E N Cc U TS Ib. me) ABU |] HEAD CHEESE,>s:, 39¢ | Gigi wine the 'forbidden' fragrance Choice Quality, Sliced Swift Brookfield, Skinless, Pure PORK LIVER +33: ; PORK SAUSAGE +53 Schneider's, "Red Hots" Shamrock Brand, Sliced Beef WIENERS 637: | BOLOGNA = +39 Sea Seald Allgood, Smoked, Sliced, Rindless Eb OB. $n ew HADDOCK FILLETS +39 | SIDE BACON «1.19 YOU'LL MAKE NO MISTAKES) ' =\ ; -- 4, 4 : y i A&P Fancy sa Reg. Price 2 tins 290--SAVE 3e | Mistake-proof ip AA Vs i , f APPLESAUCE = 7 5#2:im 99 Fruits and Vegetables PURSE-SIZE COLOGNE $900 | TALC POWDER $950 Betty Crocker, Assorted Flavours Reg. pkg 390--SAVE 17 YI" >. | Z PARIS © NEW YORK * TORONTO y% S&S } : - ' VALENCIA, NO. 1 GRADE, SWEET AND JUICY Cameras Lys > CAKE MIXES 3:01.00 . 2,75 up le « . Just aim--look for the green light in the viewfinder--and "U) . A\é Soft Rite (2c Off Deal) Reg. Price pkg 260--SAVE 20 shoot! Agfamatic brings you perfect results automatically. z : } Pictures turn out natural and lifelike in either colour or po y TOILET TISSUE pkg of 2 rolls 2 3 black and white. we ! And Agfamatic makes an 97 : | munievens Lipton exciting gift that will goon : ef ott H : Self arr Tat 2 | | ONION SOUP 2e=e35: | 5-tb ever the occasion, it's a gift ig ' es | GIFT THE BEST PERFUME PARIS HAS To OfrER ¢ the whole family will enjoy. 4; "Lanvin coffret, containing 2 golden flacons, In a de luxe en- Jane Parker Reg. Price each 69e--SAVE 200 cello bag Four models to choose from, | SETS semble, Travel size (toilet water) Purse size (extract) in ARPEGE BLUEBERRY PIE lnrae 24-02 0} 49 Agfamatics sre priced from and CRESCENDO fragrances $7.50. jarge 24-02 pie ¢ under $86.95 3 25 Gift set handsomely packaged -- Agfamatic I Camera, e uP Also available in My Sin with a crystal flacon of Eau de Lanvin Florida, White, Marsh Seediess, No. 1 Grade -- . is LIDO BISCUITS GRAPEFRUIT 10.59. AGE, 'AM ATIC p> WE ARE OPEN TH IS SUNDAY AND EVERY SUNDAY | LY. SNACK . CRANBERRIE z 25. HOURS: FROM 12 NOON TO 6 P.M. Arizona, Crisp, Firm: Heads, Ne. 1 Grade FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE ck LETTUCE 2 , ft ' for 29: Florida, Tender, Round Stringless, No. 1 Grade GREEN BEANS 2:39. California, Fresh Eating, Unpitted, No. 1 Grade DATES I2ozcellobes @, De GiTyY WIDE EF REE=DELIVERY LIDO BISCUITS C/A M E VANS) 8 KING ST. E. [530 SIMCOE ST. S. | FAMILY MIX 2b eks &Ye rac mes ce RING 9: © -- JUNIOR MALLOWS is:1262.9c FOOD STORES LIDO BISCUITS A&P MEANS DEPENDABILITY OPEN TIL 9 P.M. -- FREE DELIVERY MARILYN pkg of 24 > Qe ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THI8 AD GUARANTEED THROUGH ATURDAY, DECEMBER 8th, 1962