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Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Dec 1962, p. 24

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24 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, December 5, 1962 Call the Direct Classified Number 723-3492 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS; 8 A.M, to 5 P.M. Petar ig 8 rig | BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY A Cartage it nts tied ONARD JAMES BROOKS, Cert LEON Accountants. Suite 205W . Osh awa Shopping Centre, 725-9953. RAYMOND B. PROSSER, CA. Char- Oshawa, Whitby, Reasonable 728-3661. JOHN'S MOVING AND STORAGE, |FIRST AND SECOND mortgages. Fl ee ae by the day, rates.|agreements Fully equipped and insured. Ph one/Hennick Mortgages |TV -- Radio Repairs aM ea rhigiad | t Parkway Television, 18) purchased. and y Hennick, . Barristers, 31|Simeoe North, 723-3043, 723-7232. |GUARAD ) repairs to all makes iiamgmeaE radio, car A tara Thompson El | and = Street East, t . tered Accountant, | 906 | Cenite | Steel! Dressmaking North, Whitby. _ Telephone 668 668-5447. , DRESSMAKING, aiterations, "jing, shortie drapes. 184 Bond Street West. 723-9565. | ant cufi- Reasonable rates.| x | PRIVATE and corporation monies to tr _|tend on all types of mortgages; mort-| ig gages and agreements of sale pur. }chased. Creighton, Drynam*and Mur-} jdoch. (See heading -- "Barristers. ats TV. TOWERS | | PRIVATE "and corporation monies to aon Fuel and Wood All galvanized, no paint 12--Articles Wonted |16--Female Help V Wanted |17--Male Help Wanted Cash. Telephone condition. Telephone Brooklin 655- 4984. WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS Row Furs, Deer Skins, Metals : (collect) 1, TURNER 723-2043 -- 723-2281 725-1253. | at night. PIANO Wi WANTED, suitable for student. | Call 668-8631. LEVER action wanted. Telepho! e 728-5574. /HAY wanted, mixed clover, baled, good| RELIABLE person te | quailty. fiaan 'les and 0 other © oid: guns) counter, | "in| Siirssce jown handwriting, to Post Office. Box;|ROOM AND BOARD for young "gentle. ORCHARD VIEW BLVD, 22 -- 'three- jth Apply South End Restaurant, oe | WOMAN or girl wanted {0 for lu mornings, 345 Ritson Road South. jkeeping position, must be \ehildren, Private room. Live in Telephone 7: [TYPIST for smail 25- 7704. ~ office. App! ply » Oshawa. EARN $25 on your day off. Apply Box) in TAPE ¥ E Ww nted, in good EXPERIENCED waitress, Shift ~ work!| THREE-ROOM apartment. a : REC onD RO be f Also part-time and weekends. | 49 Oshawa Times. 5 Bloor)TWO MEN to work, 40 hours tor $90. une eh: Full time. "Abply| PEDDLE player wanted, young ama| quired for house- 281, fond of f 2254 8936. ly or = . se ee ly 51 Ibo: St nitty nce and bath, close to store and EXPERIENCED waitresses wanted rat Bast, 125-0 ee ee ee e RJN Restaurant, 315 Brock Street - |South, Whitby Shopping Centre. 663-9061 RO |HOUSEKEEPER {9 live in, three chil- liend on all types of mortgages; mort ies children, dren, two school age. |ticulars, telephone 725-0386 after 1 p. RELIABLE girl or woman, {ond mother's helper, live For further par- -m, of |25--Apt. & Flats For Rent ,26--Rooms For Rent ATHOL STREET EAST, 6 -- Single rooms, suitable for gentlemen. on te bus stop and downtown, Apply above, Hot water heating by oil. On No. 2 Highway be- tween Whitby and Ajax, $45. monthly. [Mo 8-3804. |TWO ROOM, partly furnished apart- ment, also single room, private en- band. /|trance. central, parking, reasonable. 96 Centre Street. |s50--1WO BRIGHT room bed rooms, oil furnace, gara, in village. Oshawa 15 minutes. Refere . Tele- phone Hampton 263-2394. jper week. Write Box 48, Osnawa | Times. TV. rates, $15, double, Telephone 725-5102. -----| LARGE houdekeeping Sam clean home. Suit one or two friends. Gentlemen only, 728-4504. Apoly Ww Street. |S MCOE STREET NORTH -- Purnlah- ed room, een privileges, suit laay jor g lau sey facilities. After. ' 'toiaolicae 723-1300, mi nn he. Sonata eur, to rehearse with country Write Country Music Enterprises, Box! Willowdale, Ontario, Phone! '20--Room and Board 'men,. central. Friendly 'home, m apartment, heated, private en- schools, $60, monthly. | Prevost, . aa Apply (Stan) above address. "and board for "two gentlemen, . Close single room, double room, parking! |THREE-ROOM apartment, 1 newly. decor- Gentlemen preferred, Telephone space, all conveniences. 154 Livision.|ated, self-contained, private entrance. after 4 p.m, 723-7814. Telephone 725-3887. suit "naar be a Arrancar eg AVENUE sTREET, ROWE STREET -- Room and board.|-o' Nea! bus $65. Telephone 725-213 Parking avail- KING and Oshawa Boulevard ~ er home, tight housekeeping. Guitabl ble zr rooms to down- wt Furnished: two newly decorated rooms in Gentlemen preferred. three rooms, (V 3--Business Opportu Upp plex, bath, Masten, ° range and refrigerator, completely pri- 'Telephone' 728-0802, Parking available, ahs ie preferred. $75, Telephone} ------___------___. TWO large e furnished housekeeping [rooms kitchen with cupboards and sink. mM. | able. Telephone 728-3350, CLEAN, | quiet home gentterian,| clerk reauired junches' packed, laundry if desized.| part-time, evenings Shift workers welcome, $15 weekly, Apply Box 118, Oshawa southend Telephone 723-1248 ONE. ~ jSages and agreements of sale Pure) jchased. Creighton, Drynan and Mur. } jdoch. (See heading "Barristers".) } "NEED A 725-5891 days, 5697 evenings cXPERIENCED sales ;for variety store, Sand weekends. d WILSON AND BURROWS, chartere » Osh- sorted sila cnomieaahtciginieaiistcontoipeloahpepmeos Pha ort ee a TE AT OUE FACTORY HARDWOOD cuttings. able for stoves, 'furnaces, ete. ld F. Wilson, CA; : livered. Telephone 728-8: LEN & LOU'S "Suit-| ~ for De |BE YOUR o1 own boss. A growing busi jness, full or part-time; small ni ment, The only diaper service in th tered Accountants, 172 King Street) East, Oshawa, Ontario, 725-3 508 4 MONTEITH, , MONTEITH, RIEHL, 3 anc | Co., Chartered Accountants, 728 135 Simeoe Street North, omnes Ajax! WH 2-089, Whitby MO 4-413 | YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND 10o| | Chartered Accountants, License: | tee in Baeirseecr? 64 King Street East, Oshawa, 728-7371 Appraisers Chee PATRICK O DANIEL, AACE Real Estate Appraiser and Broker, Whitby. Phone MO 8-231) Auto Parts Save At Western Service Centre Burrows, CA. 728 , oe HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO. C furnace cleaned FREE. Your 24 hour burner service FREE oll winter if you purchase WHITE ROSE unifined furn- ace oil from Western Oil Co. DIAL 725-1212 : Furnace Cleanout FoR EE You Purchase FINA FUEL from ROSS HILL 728-7761 If q ANTENNAS TV TOWERS Economy and Deluxe PRIVATE PARTY to invest in | MORTGAGE LOAN first and second mortgages Priced to suit your budget, TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 728-8180 DAY OR NIGHT ond Low waiting, service. for quick all 723-3211; )-2539 MONIES Agreements for sale purchased fees, mortgages No immediate ults. C 725 rates no re eve nings Repairs to All Makes LICENSED MECHANICS 145 King West --- 728-1607 ite. Wor ce "FIV YS TO SERVE YOU" |Centre._ a | HOUS EHOLD) APPLI ANCE REPAIR SERVICE RANGES, WASHERS, DRYERS, POLISHERS, IRONERS Service Guaranteed 25 years' experience a | Formerly with THOR of Canada TELEPHONE 725-8296 FREE ESTIMATES Household Repairs CIAL anteed Elina, § Oshawa § Barristers = | HTON, DRYNAN AND MUR.) Barristers, Solicitors, Notar-| jes Public, Bank of Commerce Build-| ing, 3 Simcoe Street North, Oshaws. 723-3446. Residences: ; G. M, Drynan, Murdoch, 723-4768. | Mortgages and agreements of sale| bought, sold and arranged DOCH. FOR MORTGAGES ' Monies available for all types { of first mortgages at 7% } WELL DIGGING by without bonus. Monies also | MACHINE available on second mort- {| P gages. Mortgages and Agree- | SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE ments for Sale purchased. | 668-2563 -- 668-3809 Monies loaned on first and | WHITBY, ONTARIO second mortgages. Mortgage {; 204 CHESTNUT 7 WEST I- Well _Drilling--Digging -- commitments for loans given. P.O. BOX att F, SWARTZ, WELL | DIGGING BOWMAN, DAVID L., Barrister. Solici- tor, 3% Simcoe South, 725-9592. Resi- dence 728-0264 DONALD BLAKE DODDS, and Solicitor, 26% King Street East./POW. ' Telephones: Business 723-2201; Resi-/ dence 728-5373 experience. a A "GALMERS, 1 BA, Barrister, Solici-/OM!Y. Act now. 725-1054. |Instruction {HARVEY "Barrister tap, RAD Ballet, Highland 424 King Street West. 725-6122 By DANCE ACADEMY, baton, Register "student counsellor, |c interview tor, ete:, 13% Simcoe Street North./LILLIAN MAE M 3-1101. Residence, 725-5542 Dancing 'Goon , 'EY. BA, Barrister, ] kinderdance. Fridays, V. MACKEY, BA, Barrister,|Pre-schoo Pr fear Notary Public. Mortgage|"ays. Masonic Temple. 723-7253, funds available. 36% King Street East. |MUSIC LESSONS, « lar. Piano accordion, lgaxkphone, clarinet, drums, ete. Ni and used instruments. Alto Music su plies, 453 Simcoe Street South. 725.4 LEARN TO DRIVE Oshawa: Driving School DAY or EVENING Late Models, Standards Automatics, Dual Controlled ' OSHAWA ond WHITBY CALL 728-0091 Satur- violin, Barri otary, Alger Building, 37 King East, 723-4943. Mortgage mon- fes available. RICHARD ) A. DONALD, BA, Barrister, Solicitor, ary Public, 542 Simcoe BA, and THOMAS BH. Associate a won and Solie- GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Soli- eitors, ete, 114 King Street East. Dial 723-2273. Residence Phones: J. M. ARSH, DEA, DMA, examined at home. Dial Ballet, tap, acrobatic, clasical and pc popu- jborne. i 4191 P- * Painting and Decorating | Greer, BA, BSc, 725-3363; Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL, 728-5832. JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA, LLB., Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Rue lic, The Commercial Building, West Ontario. Client Lawn Mowers ALMOST EVERYTHING GIVE US A CALL . . STAN'S CORNER KING AT BURK STS, 723-3224 mee NING F. SWARTZ AND BONALD L, SWART Barristers, itors, Notaries. Money to loan. Henry grr 26% King Street East, 723-4697, Resi- dence, dial 723-4029. ay JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Barrister, Solicitor, Money to loan. Office, 14%4/ King Street East, Oshawa, 728-8232 | WE SHARPEN and RENT MoGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barrister Solicitors. Clients' funds available for first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street North, 725-3366; Charles C. MeGibbon, QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, Qc. HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and BILL- MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, King Street East, s - Money to Loan Is Your 2ND OR 3RD Mortgage COMING DUE ? Before Renewing See Us ABOUT A | Low Cost | Mortgage Loan Low Monthly Payments No Bonus No Extra Charges No Legal Fees SUPERIOR DISCOUNT LIMITED "The Fastest Growing All- Canadian Loan Company 17 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA 725-6541 A. 725-1173; Residence, 3 MO 28-2761, 725-5203. NHA and other) mortgage funds available. Bookkeeping COMPLETE bookkeeping services offered for smal) business Building Trades BUILDING and alterations. 516 Palace Street, Pp A Whitby. kinds of} corcrete| Telephone ~ CONSTRUCTION. All ki specialize in types roofing. CARPENTRY, new w building, remodel- ling, garages, cupboards, fireplaces, J. mmers, 95 Jones Avenue. 728-7245. CARPENTRY, painting. Experienced| man. Free estimates. A. Wambolt, 113} Heron Drive, Ajax, WH 2-3236 JAMES O'MALLEY CONSTRUCTION. Additions, renovations, new homes. Oshawa 'and District. "Insist on the best." 723-7122. YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chimneys built and repaired, gas linings installed, oe vacuumed. Free estimates, 2997 | | : TYP: cS ol of building re repairs, roof- ing, chimneys, fireplaces, sidewalks, stoops. Gordon Ma 28-0394. NEW PLASTERING, and -epairs, te modelling, cement plastering. Tele phone 725-5082. YOUR child won't ever ~~ forget this Christmas if there's a bike under the tree. To find the right one, check "Bikes for Sale" in the Classified Sec- tion today. PETER JOHANSEN | LTD. } Custom built homes. N.H.A. and conventional. Also addi tions, alterations, rec rooms repairs. No down payment All work quaronteed. 723-9207 Classified Ad Rates 25 WORDS OR LESS Better described offers get faster results. Cash 6 consecutive days 3.75 3 consecutive days... Zia If not paid Sithin 7 days, charge tate opplies. Professional listings, 3 lines per month i Each additional line per month Count each word, initial, Box number id won' Mortgages ae THE pet Santa promised is w "Pets for Sale" in Classified now. MORTGAGES LOANS Available for loan on first and second mortgages and residential, industrial, city, | suburban, country and sum- ; mer cottages } SUMMERLAND SECURITIES | LIMITED | 112 Simcoe St. North Oshawa, Ontario--725-3568 Charge 4.13 2.48 7.50 1.60 figure or abbreviation os one word. 15¢ DEADLINES Word ads 5. p.m. doy previous Classified Disploy.. -2:30 p.m. day previous Births, memorioms, - 9 a.m. day of publication Lost and Found -- 8 30 a.m. day of publication Cancellations and Corrections---8:30 o.m. dey of publication. REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors. ments submitted otherwise than in writing, not for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement, mor beyond the price charge for single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs. The Oshawa Times reserves the right to classi according to its proper classification. : In the 'case of display advertisements, The Times will held responsible for more space than thot in which the error occupies, The publishers endeavour to reproduce all tising matter correctly, but assume no liabi if any inaccurecies in eny form ere conte cords of thanks -- in advertise. fy advertising not be actual adver lity of advertisement ned therein. n'Sales and Service | CALL 728-6781 Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 CLEANOUTS and DEEPENING TED VEENHOF pBB-3864 | '}F, RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of "Op |1--Women's Column jtometry, the examination of eyes, coi | _|tact lenses. 136 Simcoe North, at Col- 31. | PERMANENTS on special. Page Hair-| Telephone | Evenings by appointment. 723- Eee 396 Pine Avenue. i j Optometrist _ _ | B. TUCK, RO, Optometrist, Please| accounts at downtown Dominion or 74 Burk Street Invalids | | pay | Bank SEWING lessons in your own home Group or individual. Also alterations ine service. Dial 728-2976. | a ~|NEW WINTER rates! Papering and |p. ATION garments| jpainting; also Gyproc applied and| jand brassieres, individually designed; | |taped. G. Golding, 204 Church, 725-7297. |siso slips; panty briefs. Spirella Gar-| | ments, Mra, J. Hendershot, 324 Admiral} Road pa | DODD | & SOUTER _ | | PAINTING AND DECORATING |2--Personel CONTRACTORS IF YOU HAVE a drinking problem Painting, Paperhanging write Box 333, Whitby, or call 668-3034 Gyptex, Full Wall Murals or 725-0893, Spray Painting 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY DAYS 668-5862 NIGHTS 725-7426 Personal Service | EXPERT tuning and repair, pri Is jel i Phone | anytime Ajax 942-1664. F MODERN GRILL _ Removal of superfluous | helt, Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, Dec. 10, 11 and 12th. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appoint- ment. ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 HEARING AIDS New Beltone Service Centre located in Oshawa Bar-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home Made Pies and Desserts. WE DELIVER 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH 725-3887 |Plumbing | and Heating (ALL P MBING and heating suneiie | | Phone 21. Harold H. Stark, Ltd., at |Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, | South | ica t9PeE ors goo and remodel- 42 SIMCOE ST. N. jing, mew and used materials. Reason , 728-0004 Estimates Dia a s.| e| Free cleaning and checkup, | Foley [REPAIRS and remodelling ot a Free hearing test at home or in office. and used materials. Free estimates, 7: Free two year guarantee on all*new aids. rath Plumbing and Heatin Service and batteries to all ALL WELL . aids | But if you insist | on the best. . . call Special offer until Christmas Phorie or mail your letter now. free. IGUSCOTT PLUMBING, land HEATING Limited! Apply 728-5804 or 725-7844 Htelophome AEH dada Road South or}, Grocery store with modern equipment $60,000.00 turn- over, 10 years old. 2 storey brick building in excellent condition. 6 rooms immacu- fate 'apartment with attrac- tive living and large bed- rooms. Call for further part- iculars Guide Realty Limited, 16. Simcoe St. S. Oshawa 723-1121 OPPORTUNITY Texaco Canada Ltd. Offers Service Station | Tire Salesman for lease, Simcoe St. South. Paid training and financial assistance available to right man. Ithvestment necessary. An excellent op- portunity for on aggressive business mon CALL 668-3211 Between 8-5, and leave your name and number or 728- 4231 even on Interested in going | into business for your- self? IMPERIAL OIL Is looking fo an aggressive man, preferably a class "A" mechanic, to operate a service station locat- ed near a large subdivision. This business op- portunity is im- mediately avail able to right man. Apply E. N. Grant P.O. Box 45] Call after 6 p.m. Pickering 942-5884 or days IMPERIAL OIL LTD. Keele & Finch, ' Downsview 787-2411 | Part-time, Live in, | Oshaw a Times | | un jright jsmall well equipped garage, 'town area. Good wages, Group insurance, awa ROUTE lcanvassing for Ferienced with bread or milk routes or Streets, 8 in. oe Phone! frontage on similar MODERN HIGH VOLUME Hing imes. children Mother to look after housekeeping, WOMAN do light al bath. Whitby. Reply to Box and men, works |share, private room, ore 'Park Road South 26, |17--Male Help Wanted CABINET MAKER for boat jexperienced all-round woodworker own tools. Apply 1710 Charles Whitby, Ontario. 668-8511 OPENING for window and siding installer, ne of bus: man do w experienced If not you're not please apply. 728-2352 MECHANIC with Class A in Write Box 116, Times cleaners, Must Lady. canvassers with car: Dandy Cleaners, Whitby. 2582, WHOLESALE LEVEL Previous selling experience 4 necessity -- Salary and Com- Mission or straight commis- sion --- Company truck sup- plied -- Phone for oppoint- ment. Robson Motors Ltd. | } H | i | 207 Simcoe St, S.--725-5132 |3--Pets & Livestock |BEAUTIFUL baby | budgies, |Rug-Upholstery Service jtraining, talking strain. |CHESTERFIELDS and chrome chairs| road: 114 Elgin Street \uphoistered. Samples on hand. Altera- | THREE- YEAR-OLD, blac id tan fox! jtions and dressmaking, _ 723-9021. [Round male. rr ya es Lig IGEEBTER IETS Lo smereompnene | font, ree-year-old 14" fema eagle. CHESTERFIELDS and o old « chairs re-| | covered like new, Get the best for lexs {Apply eas ees. Drive. 2) ais. Jat Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe|PUPPY for sale, black, female, 12) South. Call 728-6451. Free ) estimate, | weeks old, moser 123-9901 Labrador |CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered,| et ever Telephone 723 like mew. Why pay more? Our rates! BOSTON Terrier puppy. registered, |are| reasonable. Satisfaction guaran-|00d marking. Deposit will hold until 'teed. Mattresses rebuilt, Oshawa Up-|Christmas. From 9 morning until 7 holstery Co 10 Bond W, V. Dial | evening. 725-1215. ELDS | "e-apnouster "| 4---Market Basket CHESTE FIELDS 'e., estimates. See ry teat te '| APPLES ; Spy and Delici- Apply Mrs. st \d b Phone EFFICIENT, wash your walls, anything anytime. excellent references. Call Mil., SCHOOLTEACHER requires work. Please contact Mrs. . Park Road South or telephone 723. | '14--Employment Wanted , ready for| COMBO - F phone 668-432; ive-piéce for ture 327, PETER | PAN DAY | NURSERY--Mon.| ay to Friday. 581 Simcoe Stree North. Telephone 728-2604. RELIABLE y day, 725-0953. willing handyman. Will clean your car, Have tools, Tele- | | } | j t woman wants | housework, ery fond of children. Tele- Harold Brownlee,| re-styleg. Free material for re-covering, Daiton -- Cortland 722- mais ous, wholesale prices at the farm. Townline Road [Bolsteriag, 75 Charles Street, |Glenosha Farm, on | North. 728-6908 1 OUTBOARD MOTOR '5--Farmer's Column | ip ULLETS, 50 Whiterock, ready REPAIRS AND SERVICE | Telephone Hampton 263-2068. TO ALL MAKES $2. each, le ASH on the spoi. Spec ializing in Scott Motors, {for dead and crippled farm sphone Collect. Hampton, McCulloch Chain Saws | Licence 149, SALESLADIES, with Position, _,|ply in person, Singer lay, | Ci SALESLADY, Highest prices paid|drygoods store. stock,| congenial surroundings COlfax) son. 321 Margwill Fur Farm, T yron e.|experience, Drygoods, }--frauls Help Wanted two, ages 25 | e of sewing, Salary and to knowle: commission. ompany, 14-16 Ontario Street for full-time position Interesting work for right requested, stating references. per Reply age, Ward' Oshawa Sales ond Service OSHAWA MARINE & SERVICE 1487 SIMCOE ST 728-0031 | | Your North End Texaco & Scott ig | |8--Hunting HUNTERS! Deer heads mounted, $22: | }birds and animals it Good vorkmanship Reasonable pric: » Taxidermist. RR Ontario. | 11--Articles For Rent | Claremont, Dishes, Cutlery, Glasses, Punch Bowls | Brandy - Wine - Cocktail Glasses lee : Roasting Pans DONEVAN AND FLEISCHM " tario Land Surveyor Commercial tue: Coffee Urns 725-5632, print, 11 Ontario Street. -- wan) 2argeant' S Rentals '| {HORTON AND ~ WALI felephone! 725-3338 E, veyors. 130 King Street East. 12--Articles Wanted |728-¥16} |H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario PIANO wanted by musical family! |Must have nice tone, good condition. | Land Surveyors, 111 Elgin Street Bast, {Looking for a good home for your Phone' 725-6881 TV -- Radio Repairs | , =| piano? MO 8-8033 'ONE thousand bales ciean, old straw! TV AER IALS ° sei ga tape aged ig a8 "i also} 00 loads manure. Please send full par DO WEAR OUT | : ticulars. P.O _ Box 35 Osha See ee || AGO WAROKING tO. Wants Dealer Formerly Aiax Marine Surveyors | | While weather ond prices are at their best { TRIO TELEVISION | | 171. BOND STREET EAST | . cors for . wrecking. Ports sole, also scrap iron and metals, etc,, bought Open Saturday all day. Phone 725-2311 -- 89 BLOOR E. for SHAW |p | | SALESLADY With proven ability in sell- ing ladies sports weay.: Full or part time. Highest sal- ary if you are qualified. Good advancement, pleasing _ per- sonality and good appearance. References required Apply in person SEIGNEUR'S SPORTSWEAR LTD. Oshawa Shopping Centre WAITRESSES WANTED Highest wages paid, Must. be experienced. Plaza Restaurant Simcoe' North Lansdowne Shopping Centre 728-2171 35, permanent Ap-| Sewing Machi ine} in in selling 5 Bowmanville, Ontario MA_3-3396 LIFE INSURANCE Wanted an experienced THREE-1 ROOM apartment, newly deco- life insurance salesman, capable of earning $7500 a year at least. Our contract is: the best in the business with a substan- tial over ride and renewals. We have unlimited leads for on oggressive sdlesman, Are you looking for a real career and future ? We have it! All replies will be answered and held in strict confidence. Write box 128 Oshawa Times. buildin: Street,| Times, aluminum 22--Storage Space 'arge vcl- iness means lot of work for experienced g¢roRE FOR licence for downtown, $65. down: | OFFICE incentive pian. Osh men wanted for door to door able be ex- lat B | 668-5825 YOUNG MEN -- 17 1023 TO ASSIST CIRCULATION "MANAGER in outside order depart- ment of large Canadian | Co. No experience neces- sary as complete training | given. Must be neat, single, and free to travel. Car supplied. Good starting salary, Plus bonus to qualify- ing applicants. Apply in person. NO PHONE CALLS J. P. LETROS _ KINGSWAY MOTEL | Don Howe UNIT 3 King Street East, Oshawa 10 a.m. to 12 noon 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. 3 Near south General Motors. Apply 320 jFrontenane Avenue. |ATHOL STREET - -|fortable bedroom, ver; [SIMCOE street, oe apart rtment, | heat and water supplied. Close tol rasanes. General Motors, 723. 21--Room & Board Wanted | a and churches, Telephone ELDERLY LADY, "abstainer, desires | SPAC IOUS three-room duplex apar ap room and board, main floor, all {acili-| ment, private entrance, bath and park- ties, with congenial adults, sone one ing. Anderson Avenue off Park Road. home evenings. Write Box' 120, Oshawa|Telephone 725-7876 27--Real _Estate _For Sale I me Ba including telephone. |BRIGHT, clean, three-room heated, up-|FOR SALE or rent.» jstairs apartment, $32 monthly, Baby|acre land. Near school | welcome vailable immediately, Tele-| offer. _ Bowmanville 263-: and Garages phone 728-7245. FOR Je or "exchange "custom built, REN' heated, jz GIBB STREET -- Four-room, one-hed- |three-bedroom ranch bungalow, with 360 sq. ft., close to/f00™ apartment with balcony. Avail-jattached garage. Located in Beau : thy. ft able January 1, all conveniences, close|Valley. Large living room with natural mon 7 to Shopping Centre. 723-1806. leans: Ultra modern kitchen and ments, Tutaiiney and unfurnished. ROOM and Apply 498 Simcoe Paar Apartment 1 five or or telephone 7: good board for two price quiet six-day week, willing to e warm © food, parking. Apply central, aioe. to Suit gentieman, ENUE -- » hot water year round, Adult home, Telephone 725-3205. Simcoe South, | Estate. "AVAILABLE newly rai - Wayaior service; bright, freshiy pain THREE po ll arc all fac' tiled floor. Can be available in D | ties. Centrally located, 163 W AG few days. Moderate rent, lease avail:| 1s Telephone 728-2359, area © Ask for T. L, Wilson, The ---- Building, Mary and Kine | TECUMSEH. near A. and P. Oshawa froom unfurnished: apartment, private ENT BLOCK building. 30° x 40°, |bathroom, near bus, schools. $75 month Highway 2, suitable for vallotte eareetone: repair or body shop. Apply 1200 Dun- das 'Street East, Whitby. Telephone | FOR RENT or seo-bedron| 668-8606. brick bungalow, large "sstenen, vicinity | of Wilson and Crerar, near public and BAe, separate schools, newly decorated. 23 --Wanted To- Rent = pediate Possession. $85 mont! FOUR room apartment. Please apply | 725-1721 Bank of Montréal, Whitby. Telephone |MeNAUGHTON, 229 -- Two furnished rooms, private bath, laundry fa jnear bus stop. Telephone 725-9685. 24--Houses For Rent |BROCK STREET WEST --Two-room WHITBY. Terry Street, 413, atiractive| partment. completely furnished, sink, three-bedroom bungalow, large livin, ards, very clean, TV outlet. Tiled room, $100. After 7 pm. MO. 3 O11. = | throughout. Telephone 723-9691. FIVE-ROOM house, downtown location. |PRINCE ALBERT near Port Perry, {Available immediately, Telephone 725- five-room upstairs apartment, all con- 10310 before 6 p.m, jveniences, core ce | Port Perry, 985-2312. |LARGE modern | house, seven miles |north of Oshawa, $175 per month. Avail- able December 30. Port Perry 985-7007. \FOR RENT or sale, Whitby, 117 Beli | Drive. Three-bedroom, modern ranch bungalow. Telephone 728-2604 |SPLIT 1 LEVEL * bungalow, "three - jrooms, large kitchen, available Decem- |ber 15, $100. monthly. Sheriff Re al/- 728-1673 Times as refrigerator, automatic washer, dryer, paved parking. Near Shopping Centre. TV outlet. Apply 214 Cromwell. |OSHAWA BLVD. SOUTH--Three-room jbasement apartment, heat, water, TV aerial, private bath, $50. monthly. |Aduits. Telephone 728-8857. SIMCOE STREET NORTH, room apartment for rent, private trance and bath, wu ves aaa monthly. _Telephone 723-2) OSHAWA BLVD. } NORTH ree- kitchen cup-|room apartment, unfurnished, private working couple,/bath, entrance. Use of washer and Parking. $55. Tele- dryer, $70 monthly. Telephone 723-2807. 468 SIMCOE NORTH -- Two-room| apartment . to -- for three months 723-7: Telephone 875 rounaoon 7 self - contained on bedroom apartment in apartment build- jing. New stove, refrigerator. Avail- ----_. |able January 1, near downtown. 725- | 4569, Now Leasing |25--Apt. & Flats For Rent ated, facilities paid, taardé; adults, quiet lady. Abstainers. phone 728-2798. |TWO LARGE warm rooms, complete- ly furnished for light housekeeping, ingluding electric refrigerator and tele- jvision. Central to downtown and Shop. 'ping Centre. Suit ee couple, $15. | weekly, Telephone 72 5227, apa vrtment,| br Child welcome. | im-} hly. liming area, finished rec room and n. Owner will Fes trade. Carl en sen Realtor. Call 723-1 BUNGALOW ON HIGHLAND Immediate Possession ~"!$1500 Down $1500 Good clean home with new furnace, completely fenced in 'lot, Priced to sell at $11,900. Call Bill Millar CASTLE HOMES Live Better Electrically In a Medallion Home GOVERNOR hot water supplied, private bath MANSIONS ling entrance, $65., corner of Centre jand Baldwin. ed thin Phone 52-667. 110 Park Rd. North Oshawa's First and Only ELECTRICALLY HEATED APARTMENTS | TY. LER iT, 120 --Three-reo: | furnished apartment, semi-private bath- room, heat, light included, $0 monthly. 723-1202. BRUCE STREET, 943 -- three rooms and bath, private "entrance heated. {second floor, unfurnished. Before 6 o'clock, telephone 728-6781 |SPACIOUS, five-room apartment, wail to wall broadloom, stove and refriger- ita $120. _monthly. Telephone 728-52a2. E three-room and bath ap ent, Enquire About Other near Shopping Centre. Heat, stove, frigerato: vt TV outlet included. $70. features found only in | monthly, 728-5179. GOVERNOR MANSIONS |caNsDowyE" Da Drive, attractive lower, lone bedroom apartment, 'with exira for information call |storage room. All conveniences and fa- SCHOFIELD-AKER jcilities, Now available. Telephone 725- Limited | 2042. |[sELFCONTAINED four-roozn apart. 360 King Street West Oshawa, Ontario }ment, heavy duty wiring, water, ar monthly, Hampton 263-2068. 723-2265 ve, 68, trees "room un- F Osea' s Finest Park Lane Apts. -----..|bath and entrance, heavy duty range, 10 min. from Downtown Pokal apaniaers; $65 monthly. Apply be- ore 7.3 Foca or and January free rent rental, |two bedroom apartment, built-in range, refrigerator. Near General Motors South. Couple only. Tel 728-9194. KINGS COURT APARTMENTS AJAX No Lease Required. Spacious grounds Prestige location Attractive two bedroom suites Private balconies Elevator service Controlled entrances Garages Paved Parking Approximately 10 miles from wa. Opposite large Shopping Centre | near schools, churches, etc. Large One Bedroom $73 | "Two Bed 79 Daytime 725-7732 | hit hgusieckiey | | Evenings 723-9692 Howe and Peters Realtors TELEPHONE AJAX WH 2-200] _17--Mole Help Wanted -- PROCESS ENGINEERS & PROCESS TECHNICIANS _26--Rooms For Rent CLEAN single furnished room or house- "lBeeping room, close to south Generali 'Motors, bus at door. Gentleman pre- ferred, Reasonable, Telephone 725-1228. CLEAN | large furnished comfortable | room for gentleman, willing to share,| twin beds. Breakfast optional, near jNorth General Motors. Telephone} 35-1300. Our Manufacturing Engineering Department has immediate opportunities for experienced processor engineers and process technicians, Duties include analyzing engineering. release. data to develop "!two Rooms arranging assembly operations developing all details of the work methods to be followed throughout the process, Preparing rough sketches of equipment , to provide basic information for tool designers, responsibility for the fabrication of tools ond equipment for operations, process sheets, the One ably automotive or various. assembly to five years' allied an asset Full company paid benefits of life insurance, ital plans Gre provided and hosp Please salary reply, to: Stating age Ford Motor Company of Canado, Limited Salaried Personnel experience in closely related work industries) technical training is a prerequisite and a university degree is education, Oakville Operations Oakville, Ontario | 728-705: K ETH STREET, 88 -- furnished bedroom, very central, downtown, op- posite General Motors office, adult [Rome Breakfast optional. 723-2357. and kitchen, apstairs. |Private bath, entrance. Suitable for ie couple or two single ladies or gentle- men. Apply 141 Church Street. |SoUTH END -- Large, clean furnish: jed rooms, private entrance and park- and .follow-up | in sequence, ing. Telephone 723-1359. TWO | large clean furnished | housekeep- ing rooms, private home, bedroom, kit- chen, cupboards, sink, refrigerator, near hospital and downtown, suitable (prefer- jfor girls. 7 28. necessary, Advanced | ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available .in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. NORTH PONTIAC INN Rooms, Single and Double. Television. Dining Room, Lunches Packed. is pension, medical experience ond present } METCALF Real Estate Limited 40 King St. East Dial 728-4678 DUPLEX $1200.00 DOWN Live practically rent free. Large 2 bedroom opartment down plus a. large sunroom, and a 3 room self-contained partment: up. po trance. Building in shape. Asking fe ALS 000. S00. Try us with on of: CADILLAC pees SOUTH $1900.00 down -- 3 bed- room bungalow, newly de- corated, broadloom in living room and 2 bedrooms, fenced and landscaped lot. A' real buy at only $12,300.00. Early possession. COLBORNE ST. EAST East of Oshawa Blvd, North - attractive 3 bedroom home -- all good sized rooms, nat- ural trim, well landscaped lot, quiet area. A real buy at asking price of $12,500.00. See this today. AFTER 5:30 CALL Joe Maga 5-9191 Ken Hann Dick Borriage .... 5-6243 ------_________« GUIDE REALTY Limited, Realtors 16 Simcoe St. $. 723-1121 V.L.A. 1,500 sq. ft. in this new ranch bungalow with 2 'acres of land on 'highway. Only $12,000.00. CASTLETON --- 5 acres, 8 room brick home with garage and tool shed, good well with pressure system. On good road, close to village. Only $8,000.00. THE COMFORT OF A LARGE ROOMY HOUSE -- is yours in this 7 room tri level Jo- cated on Fernhill. You will like the home like arrange- ments of rooms. and the large living room, plus the well planned kitchen, which looks out on the fenced yard with a patio and space for the children to ploy in safety. NORTH END -- Asking only $10,900.00 for this 1% storey home completely re- conditioned with a new forced air furnace 7' vanity in bath room, try our low down payment today. NEW SPLIT -- between Osh- awa and Whitby, clay brick, 3 bedrooms coloured bath with vanity. See this one to- day and be home for Christ- mas. Asking only $15,900.00 will take Jow down payment. MANCHESTER--7 rooms in this fine 12 storey home with hot water heating. V% acre of land included, double garage, school bus % a block away; asking only $13,500. Call today. $1,000, DOWN at Manches- ter -- Lovely 4 room frame carries for cheaper than rent. Very low taxes, low heating cost, this is one you should see. Call today to inspect. ee full particulars 'call 723-1129 7250078 |. Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

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