27--Real Estete For Sale '27--Real Estate For Sale | FOR SALE three-bedroom brick OPEN DAY ingalow, two years old, near Apple Bue Gistrict. are down payment. Tele-| : AND EVENINGS Mary and Robert Sts. (TWO NEW HOMES | in' this desirable SCHOFIELD- AKER 360 KING ST. WEST HOME TO DINNER J. OCHONSKI CONSTRUCTION IN 5 MINUTES 725-6031 ation call Les Hail, days - 723-2265, evenings 728- WALTER FRANK rooms, "A-piece bath. Home 5513. ae eee REALTOR decorated. Toxes only 177 CHURCH ST. _THe OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, December ideale 25! Per nes Te RS RR NT NRCS ER 27--Real Estate For Sale \29--Automobiles For Se Sal $5,500, -- NEW three- bedroom ; cottage.| DON'T 1 miss sa tan | funt Read ° paren jail oonremenees, Ems ons Pad everyday in the Classified Section, and = Countr; a sta phone John' Moore, Omemee. too.bi46 neon E CONSUL 315 sedan - opetiens. duck or 'Toronte, HO 5-5437. ue finish with matching blu oes \aoociar This car is absolutely in new |BRICK bungalow, three bedroom, mod-|car condition, with modern car styling lern and spacious, good location. $74./and gas mileage up to 40 miles per monthly, principal, interest and taxes./galion, A sacrifice at $1545. Seaway Mo- Full price $10,500. Telephone 725-3568. tors lAd., Dundas Street West, Evenings. Brooklin 655-3853. |W! iby. LOTS. FOR SALE, two adjoining lots,|i954 BEL |49" x 115', zoned R3, in built up resi-| Alaska white, new top, new brakes and |dential section of the South East areainew exhaust system throughout, One |of Oshawa, Asking price $2,500. each./owner car, Excellent interior and body. Telephone 723-1121, Guide Realty 1im- |1933 Chevrolet seaan, good reliable car. | ited. or call at the office, 16 Simcoe!sickness forces sale. Apply 302 Cource- 22. ES ST te er ae and have the GIFTS to match! ®%00ACRE DAIRY farm, good soil, TILDEN -- ! lacres workable, 112 ft. barn, fully) equipped, 33-can milk cooler, silo, im-| CAR AND TRUCK _ |For Boys Trees and Trim 'For Sweethearts - |For Friends For Dad RENTALS j MU CUO NE RAR NORMS plement sheds, 1|1l-room brick houst, (All Makes and Models) A-CHRISTMAS GIFT HOBBIES & CRAFTS location. "Chevrolet convertible. 180 $10,200 with $2,000 down payment, For further inform- Sneigrove Co., IAd., 723- 9810. ee f-Sharp, Woodhue, Tigress FABERGE PERFUMES 7-Sharp, Woodue, Tigress, ° | wHat a Christmas present! A better home.. Find the one that means more 'happiness: and security for your family by reading "Homes for Sale" in Classi- nine miles to Oshawa, Call L. be CALL 725-6553 For Good Boys SUBSCRIPTION JOHN A. J 14 Albert St BOLAHOOD- REALTORS LTD. INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE ST, S. OFFICE HRS. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. MORTGAGES ARRANGED BOUGHT & SOLD SUBURBS Four room bungalow with three room basement oapart- ment, two bathrooms, two kitchens, basement aport- ment brings in $60.00 a month. Basement has pri- vate entrance. Lot over 300 ft. deep. Located off King St. East. For more -in- formation call Mr. Ratcliffe ot 725-6544 $7,900 FULL PRICE A comfortable 4 room home, completely modern through out, landscaped, heat, low taxes, low down pay ment ond monthly payments to suit your budget, Call Mr. Gower ot 725-6544 NORTH WEST to St Christopher School, 4 yr. old brick and | stone, 5 room, 3 bedroom, bungalow with 4 pe. tiled bath, in clean condition, close to everything, open to offers, reasonably low down poyment. Call Jack Appleby ot 725-6544 or 723-3398 move right in. Listed ot only 623-3393 ESTATE SALE | 200 acre dairy farm with | one-ton daily milk con- -| tract, $230.00 Home now vacant, | | BOWMANVILLE | | | | This is one of Ontorio's finest farms. Briek home, four bath- rooms, Thrée fireplaces, walk in freezer off Ultra Modern kitchen. Two room office at tached to house with two car garage. With separate opartment over office and goroge for help, The modern doiry barn has stable room for over. 100 cattle, with pipeline milking and outoma- tic stable cleaner. Town wat- er in all buildings. The en- tire farm is tile drained. And hes been a consistent win- ner in pasture and field crop competition. Adjoining the town of-Lindsay with three road frontages Totaling one ond eight tenth miles. Makes this especially interesting for sub division or commercial development. just low Close Must be sold ot once to settle estate ONLY $75,000 with excellent terms. SCHOFIELD - AKER LIMITED PHONE 723-2265 RAVINE SETTING I# you ere looking for something unusual in design and setting In @ beautiful hore, this is it. It feotures a beautiful ravine lot with ereek running through grounds, shade trees, rock gardens, etc. Extra large living room overlooking the ravine. Dining room, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Finished recreation room with walk out entronce, double cor port. Oil heating: Price right to sell = terms. For complete information, coll Henry Stinson, 725-0243 buy end sell with confidence HOWE & PETERS REALTORS 725-4701 67 KING ST. EAST 725-7732 RANCHER, attoched gorage, 3 bedrooms, dining room, stone fireplace, mony extras beautifully landscaped, paved drive, | open mortgage, $16,700.00. Terms. JANE ST. Brick ond stone, attached gorage, natural fireploce, nicely decoroted, a beautiful home to see. $17,900.00 and one mortgage. MacKENZIE ST. 3 bedroom, 2 yeor old ranch bungalow, -holly- wood kitchen, mohogony cupboards, $16,800.00 with -terms. SENECA ST. brick bungalow, 12 x 15 ft. ultramodern kitchen, tiled bath with vanity, rce room, pierson double windows. Inspect this one to-night. SOMMERVILLE ST. --- $12,900.00 --- moderate down payment, 3 bedrooms, aluminum storms ond screens, poved drive. $1,000.00 DOWN, 3 bedroom brick bungalow, oil heating, gar- age, $10,700.00 BRUCE ST. -- $10,800.00 8 room brick, mew furnace, newly decorated, some furniture included. COMMERCIAL, 6 room home, good condition, $10,500.00 with terms. $1,000.00 DOWN, 5. room bungalow, eluminum storms, $10,500.00 $500.00 DOWN, compact bungalow, $5,500.00 FULL PRICE $1,000.00 DOWN, § rooms, $7,500.00 ond $65.00 per month, 1 open mortgage, $8,900.00 --- 4 BEDROOMS, BE MODERN, TRADE YOUR HOME TODAY, MANY DIFFER- ENT PLANS AVAILABLE. WHITBY CLASSIFIED WHITBY, Terry Street, 413, attractive) WANTED: a garage for rent, Must be bungalow, large living room, {20 feet long and in Whitby. 723-4197. | $100. After 7 p.m. MO '8-501. |FOR RENT -- December 1, two-| NT trom 5 dwelling |storey, three-bedroom home. All con ies hon arage optional. Hill. Double garage. 1350 Dundas veniences, G. McDaniel, East, corner of Bowman Ave- crest cher. Whitby. Patch . 668-2311. nue, Whitby. $100. monthly, 668-2109. | TWO and four room apartments in apartment buildin, close to bus and schools, 1 acre of land, forced air furnace, FOR RENT -- Five-room bungalow in |residential area. No children. Apply at ;| 721 Newman Crescent or phone 668-5167 |USE a herbal laxative "for "quick is. Ample parking, close to services. $55 and $70. Whitby 668-5709. Pegg ite, heat-| pe SENT Toe belreom cats | Ty | Kion's Herb Tanlets 50 cents and $1.50 essed inelgrove Drug Store, Whitb d qualia, fan, perkins. washer and dryer, | druggists pee am san ec rimment "with | FOR SALE Christmas trees. St. Jorn's| WAIN floor: ed arneareter Central) Apalican Men's Club. Choice «reas. Cor-| ee ely anvate 965 "er of Victoria and Brock Sireet South go aged APARTMENT for rent, main floor, monthly. Telephone 668: TTY ali biankets,| tooms, unfurnished, heated, heavy Ls a-nagi igo Thex ers. 70 by 90,\Wiring. Adults. Immediate possession. | we Ss on bee x 100, $7,95.|$70 monthly, After 5, 5, 668-2780 Exceptionally low prices. Mercantile | 840 DUNDAS Street East. Three-room Dept. St Store, 105 Brock North, Whitby. unfurnished apartment, Unheated, New ly decorated. $40 monthly. Apply at apartment No. 1 or call 668-8505 _| RECONDITIONED. student iypewrite:, joe year guarantee, terms. Hamilton ohare Office Equip., 13 137 Brock S. MO 8-5849 SEPTIC tanks cleaned. Walter Ward "333. Whitby: Three |204 Chestnut Street West. Telephone with refrigerator, | 2568. | Tele- DRESSMAKING, Suits, coats dresses, | alterations, slip covers, drapes, Fitting FOR RENT: Furnished light housekeep. |" Specialty, Mrs. Toms, MO 8.2372. ing room with private entrance. Tele-| |BRUCE Street, 235: Canadian home,| phone 668-2332 or apply 542 Mary Street/room and board with nome privileges Fast for gentlemen, share room a single ~ - beds. $15 for 5 S days. ._ 728-2592. Whitby s Only "Fuel [STUDENTS A toper valos, approx! Dealer carrying a mately 630 sheets of letter size typing) complete line of FUEL > *elief ROOM and board to suit young man.| Will do laundry. Abstainer. Telephone) 668-4708, TADY would like to do housework o ironing. Write to Box- 415, Times, Whitby. PALACE Street, room apartment range, (kitehen set if desired) phone Whitby 725-4302 WHITE newsprint paper in convenient ONLY Gs as Reduced to Sell | You cannot afford to miss this good value. All have three bedrooms, modern kitchens, newly decorat- ed. As low as $600. down Call Bill Millar CASTLE HOMES Live Better Electrically In a Medallion Home 57 acres, 8 room house, large barn with hydro, hot and cold water, small lake, good dairy farm with good milk quota, near Nestleton, with or with- out stock, $2800 down 8 acres, highwoy location, 15 minutes from Oshawa, good stone house, 6 rooms, bath, fireplace, oil heating, large shed, garage, good property. Price terms arranged $14,000 50 acres between Oshawa and Port Perry, good house, 3 bedrooms; modern barn with reasonable down poy- ment Call F. Hunter Phone 725-2974 JOHN F. De WITH Realtor NEWCASTLE 3341 S. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE 39 PRINCE ST, 728-6286 "EXECUTIVE AREA AT SUBDIVISION PRICES" Lot 71' x 116' in north west orea situated near high pric- ed homes, would have to be seen to be appreciated. "INCOME TRIPLEX" Three furnished apartments with an income close to $3,000.00 dolalrs a year, in- cluded also is a double heat- ed garage in an_ industrial zoned area "HARMONY HEIGHTS" Six room home situated in a modern area, close to public ond seporate school, and bus service, this home is reason- able priced for a quick sale, For further information on these homes call Lorne Hart- ford at S. D. Hyman, Real Estate, Phone 728-6286 "BELIEVE IT OR NOT 1961 Buick Le-Sabre| 2 DOOR HARDTOP | Power Luxury Equipped Only 11,000 Miles: Finished in beautiful two- tone silver blue and bombay blue Prior owners name on request ---. Deep tread master white walls Power steering power brakes ----- selector radio --- washers ---- back-up lights--wheel' discs --power pac, etc. Custom | Le Sabre interior appoint ments Cannot be told from new. Highest trade in allowance -- as low as $200 down -- terms to suit your budget. See Mr. Philp to in- spect. Robson Motors Ltd. TRAIN SETS TRI-ANG ELECTRIC $27.90 Up RACE CAR SETS SCALETRIC $46.90 Up Suddard's Cycle Shop ' 497 SIMCOE ST. S. 725-3979 CHRISTMAS JOY Bicycles --- C.C.M. Skates, C.C.M. -- Bauer. Let us be Santa. Christmas Eve Deli- very. Wilson's Cycle Shop 106 COLBORNE ST. E WHITBY -- 668-3746 Bowmanville, Ontario For Mom SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-942) RENAULT -- PEUGEOT AUSTIN Ports and Service STATHAM MOTOR SALES Dealer for. Renault 59 KING STREET WEST 'ae For a Christmas Spirit Wear A Gay Corsage 59c to 79c Hang A Wreath on the Door Christmas Wreaths $5 up Colorful Outdoor Wreaths "| Christmas Door Knockers $3 up. REED'S FLORIST 1014 King Street West 163 Bloor Street West Telephone 725-1131 723-7712 Buying or Selling Holiday Services | Try pARELLY..DISNEY. USED CARS NOW OPEN 409 BROCK ST. SOUTH Whitby -- 668-4291 TOP QUALITY GUARANTEED USED CARS TRADE UP OR DOWN LIENS PAID OFF Superb Luxtiry Compact The Safe Way To Celebrate the Holiday Season RIDE WITH MERCURY TAXI 725-477 | 14 ALBERT ST. Oshowa's Most Modern Tax! FIDELITY PROTECTION SERVICES LTD. Commercial, Industrial, Retail Protection Service 728-0490 or Call Collect Toronto EM.6-8597 Trained, uniformed Securities Guords. Radio Patrol Cars, Courteous Experience. FOWLER FORESTRIES| | fied today. Pruned & Forestry Grown Scotch Pines All sizes - Wholesale & Retail 306 KING WEST and 192 al ROAD Pine Hill Gardens Poinsettios from $2.00 Christmos Arrangements from $2.50. Trees from $1.00. Spruce treated for needle drop, Pine on No. 2 High way between Oshawa and Whitby 668-4348 SCOTCH PINE HAND PRUNED ALL SIZES 2,000 TREES YOUR CHOICE $2.00 OSHAWA (GARDEN SERVICE CHRISTMAS TREES 1962 CORVAIR 700 SERIES. 4 DOOR For Girls Just traded in on new 1963 Acadian ---~ Custom deluxe Corvair interior appointments --Absolutely in showroom condition --. Dual renge au- tomatic ---- Selector radio --- deep tread white wall tires ----see and drive this very scarce luxury compact today ICE SKATES C.C.M. and BAUER White --- All Sizes $9.95 to $14.95 Suddard's Cycle Shop | 497 Simcoe St. South 725-3979 --highest trade-in allowance ---as low as $200.00 down --terms to suit your budget. For Home See Mr. Darlington to inspect. Robson Motors Ltd. Bowmanville, Ontario The Home Of 29--Automobiles For Sale BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) 723- 4494 Res. 725-5574 WILL SELL AS NEW 1959 Chevrolet Safari 4 DOOR WAGON Power Luxury Equipped Any Reasonable Offer A true show piece--finished in beautiful nassou blue and snowcrest white ---- _ strato flash V/8 milemaster en- ginezdual range automotic-- selector radio power brakes --- whee| discs -- ~-- washers ---- power pac etc. Other extras. Beautiful safari custom deluxe interior appointments. Prior owner's name on request. Absolutely in showroom condition highest trade-in allowance As low as $200. down Terms to suit your budget See Mr. Philp to inspect Robson Motors Ltd. Bowmanville, Ontario M ------ae ee J WANT TO BEA HAPPIER DRIVER? BUY A NEW CAR NOW WITH A LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED Good Used Cars "Before You Buy Give Bill a Try" BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY 668-474] and 668 4025 A DREAM BOAT 1961 Buick Electra 225 CONVERTIBLE Power Luxury Equipped Executive Owned Finished in beautiful beige _metollic - with superb beige rolled vinyl bucket 'seats equipped with twin turbin dynoflow Power steering--power brakes power window and seats: pecial German - blaupaunt radio deep tread white walls and many other luxury appointments ---- prior owner's nome on request Save money dollars on this beoutiful car, Top trade al- lowance Easy GMAC terms. See Mr. Darlington to inspect. | Robson Motors Ltd. fawn T.V. TOWERS $59.95 and up For Christmas OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY LTD 361 GIBBONS 728-8180 Bill Leask FURNITURE FOR CHRISTMAS KITCHEN & DINETTE SETS SALE PRICE'$29.95 UP Layaway Plan-Easy Terms BARONS' HOME FURNISHINGS 424 Simcoe St. South TOWERS INSTALLED $49.00 AND UP LEN & LOU'S TV 728-5804 a FOR DISTINCTIVE AND UNUSUAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS STEREOS FURNITURE ACCESSORIES VISIT, RELLY'S DECOR LOUNGE 32 KING ST. EAST OSHAWA 728-5153 [CIRCULATION DEPT. | 1259 SIMCOE NORTH 723-3222 Open Evenings Inside Showing PRUNED From our Greenhouse FLOWERS; POTTED PLANTS Gift Certificates For Flowers VAN BELLE GARDENS FREE DELIVERY BOWMANVILLE. 623-5757 SCOTCH PINE Premium Grade, Pruned by Professionals to look Natural, All sizes, COLORED TREES White, pink, blue, green silver ond gold Tree stands, tions Trees inside for your Comfort Member Ontario Christmas Tree Growers Association. A. W. RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE 1015 KING ST, E. 725-1764 lights, decora- CHRISTMAS EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR Yes, an Oshawa. Times Christ- mos gift subscription makes every day Christmas Day for its recipient. The daily arrival of the Oshawa Times is a con- stont reminder of the Christ- mas Spirit and.of your Best Wishes ond Thoughts Just call or mail your instruc- tions to the OSHAWA TIMES 86 King Street East, Oshawa 723-3474 An attractive Card will be sent to the recipient announc- ing your gift BY MAIL Ontario Province 1 Year $12.00 6 Months Other Provinces and Common- wealth: 6 Months '" BY CARRIER: | Trees and Trim Bowmanville, Ontario JAKE & BILL'S | GARAGE | authorized VOLVO dealer TUNE UP AND AUTO ELECTRIC SPECIALISTS paper (news print) for only $1.00. Ap-| Oshawa Times Office, Whitby | "Blue Coal" in various sizes, Semeat - Solvay Goke Dundas Street West. Cannel Coal, Stoker Cools. Briquettes ond Charcoal Hardwood and Softwood Siebs, Texaco Fuel and Stove Oils, SAWDONS' (WHITBY) LIMITED 244 Brock St. South 668-3524 Whitby 100 ft. rolls, suitable for picnic -tables banquets, etc, Available at the Circula | Tie tion Department, per roll Oshawa Times. corner ¢ Have your furnace cleaned free this Fall. ond guar- anteed trouble free oll win- ter. If you purchase "White Rose" unified fuel oil from Western. Oil Compan DIAL 725-1212 XxX x xxx x " Fult line of batteries, snow tires, exhoust systems, rod oy - hoses, ond whatever your | car needs for the cold weath- | er season. General Repair end Fina Service 499. RITSON RD. S. THE BANK OF 728-0921 NOVA SCOTIA 'e| (Continued on Page 26) | 728-6410, No, | GET YOUR CHRISTMAS TREES NOW Nicely Pruned Spruce, Scotch and Red Pine All Sizes Fron 50c -- $1.00 HOWARD MILLSON ENNISKILLEN 263-2607 CHRISTMAS TREES PRUNED Scotch Pine, 9 ft $1.50 each HARVEY SINGULAR 16 Darlington South No. 2 Highwoy Spruce 1 Yeor 6 Months CHRISTMAS TREES -- Flambeau and Aphrodesia - FROM $3:75 KARN DRUGS Ltd. 28 King Street East 723-4621 CAMEO BAN-LONS SIZES 16 TO 20 Short Sleeve 2.99 Long Sleeve Pullover 3.99 Cardigans 4.99 ERWINNE'S SPECIALTY SHOP 11 SIMCOE SOUTH |For The Family | GET STARTED OIL PAINTING THIS CHRISTMAS Easels, Paint Sets, Canvases, Brushes, Pallets, Sketch Pads, Oils, Paint by Number Sets EDGAR'S Decor Centre; | | | | | | | | .$6.50- | For Shut-Ins For your Christmas Flowers and Plants JOHN BURTINSKY'S FLORIST 668-3334 124 Dundas W. Whitby Holiday | Fun LITTLE | BUCKAROO. RANCH 34 King St. West | 723-735) "Everything In Sports" For The Future | 2685 Eglinton Ave, E. Ho-Railway sets (ond supplies 5 ond up Lego Building Sets $2.50 up ° Model Kits .65 up Mosaic Wall Murals $2.95 up Scrolls, Copper Tooling, Art Supplies and mony other items, Moil orders invited, Scarboro, Call 267-1321 For The Best in Bargains Today and Every Day Shop The Times |-- Classified Way | Telephone 723-3492 "CHAMPS" For Him AT Bolahoods Sportshaven 61 KING ST. EAST | | [PING PONG TABLES | Complete with top, base, | balls, bat ond net. | $24.95 COMPLETE | MILLWORK AND ° BUILDING SUPPLY 1279 Simcoe N. 728-6291 GIFTS TO TREASURE NASH JEWELLERS New nome brand Watches. Bulovo, Gruen, Waterproof Rolex-Oyster. Guaranteed for | one yeor regardless of break- - 195 SIMCOE S. _723- 9433 VISIT US! SPORTS EQUIPMENT GAMES FOR ALL AGES GIFT SPECIALTIES CAMERAS : DYtl) 3 FIRESIDE CORNER 205 BOND ST. WEST OPEN EVERY EVENING - SHOES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY DRESS SHOES CURLING BOOTS COCKTAIL BOOTS SLIPPERS, ETC. Shop for Christmas gifts of Comfort and Pleasure. DAVIDSON'S 31 'SIMCOE NORTH 'Holiday Food Order Your Christmas Fowl from LITZ PROCESSING PLANT Special Rates for quets, Bowling Alleys. 117 Bloor St. E. 723-4722 Ban- Christmas Feasting Place your orders now for | TURKEYS - GEESE - HAMS Local Fresh Killed Meats Home Cured Hams and Bacon Seafoods | Reasonable Orders Placed Previous Day Delivered FREE GATES MEAT MARKET 22 SIMCOE STREET NORTH Telephone 723-3732 |For Friends RELIGIOUS CHRISTMAS GIFTS Nativity Sets, small, medium, large 25¢ to $10. St. Joseph Missals $3 up Rosaries --- Pearl and Crys- 25c ot $15 Statues ---- Pictures -- Wall je The best place for a woman to. shop at Christmas is PEOPLE'S CLOTHING STORE SPORTSCOATS---HATS GLOVES--SHIRTS SWEATERS--TIES A distinctive selection. 36 SIMCOE ST. N. 723-3612 A Chri stmas Gift For Him AND SERVICE Scott. outboard motors ae Full gear shift. 3.6 $185 mae Scott weighing 39 $299 Ibs. 7.5 h.p. MeCulloch Chain Sows F $154 1487 SIMCOE ST. N. 728-0031 Your North End Texaco & Scott Deoler FREE! TOP COAT CAR COAT with the purchase of any SUIT PRICED AS LOW AS $49.50 USE YOUR CREDIT OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT NO DOWN PAYMENT AT DUNN'S Two Locations: 36 KING E. (Downtown) and OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 'For Dad TO THE . OSHAWA TIMES Is @. yeor- round gift ond a daily reminder of good- will for your friends and relotives who ore oway from home. THE CIRCULATION - DEPT KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA 723-3474 Will be pleased to act upon your instructions. For Her ome abesieniod SOME you've been through 4 an inexpensive Classitied As. Other family wants thet bike keeping. Get in touch BE CHRISTMAS PRETTY For Your: Beauty Comfort Convenience 725-9572 BARBARA'S BEAUTY SALON 75 | Celina Street ATTENTION MEN! Famous Elna Sewing Machines Specially priced for Christmas Oshawa Sewing Centre 329 SIMCOE SOUTH 728- 2391 "Gift Certificates FOR SHOES, SLIPPERS, CURLING BOOTS Enclosed in Plastic Miniature Shoe for the tree. At BURNS SHOES | KING AND SIMCOE STS, OSHAWA MARINE | USE OUR LAY-AWAY THRILL. HER WITH A GIFT CERTIFICATE For A Personally Selected FASHION WIG Her favorite hair Style Ready to Wear Saves Time -- Saves Money Prices $100 Up CREATIVE STYLING © BY JOHN 198 King Street East 728-0951 Christmas Parties and Banquets Reservations 725-2737 $1 to $10 PARKVIEW Variety Store | 98 OLIVE AVENUE | Mrs. Victor Bachand, owner | tal Plaques MOTOR LEAGUE BRIGHTEN FATHER'S CAR, FOR CHRISTMAS WITH A NEW PAINT JOB $39.50 UP PROSKIN AUTO BODY 83 Ritson S. 723-2632 LICENSED MECHANICS _S OPEN 8 A.M. TO 9 P.M. FOR THE MOTORIST 'Why Not Give A Gift Wrapped Membership In The ONTARIO Only $15.00 per year 728-8334 - 725-7422 Try, An Oshawa Times Ci Spotter Ad Today ONLY 16 SHOPPING DAYS LEFT UNTIL CHRISTMAS ES ARs Rs Rs Sh Res hes a ne a es Ss SSR