To Ban Parking Near Crosswalks - Parking and "stopping" will not be permitted in the vicin:ty of mid-block school cross-walks. Council approved restrictions at 17 of these cross-walks Tues- day night. Dr. C. F. Cannon School -- Emerald avenue at east en- trance. Emerald avertue--south side -- between a point com- mencing 125' west of Paul street and a point ending 275' west of Paul street. North side between a point commencing 75' west of the west side of Paul street extended and a point ending 150' west of the side of Paul street extended. Ritson Road School -- Ritson road south at. the pedestrian operated signals -- Ritson road south -- east side -- between a point commencing 251' south) of Vimy avenue and a point ending 101' south of Vimy ave- nue. West side -- between a point commencing 51' south of the south limit of Vimy avenue) treet east and a point ending| stated. a point ending 15' south of the south side of Hoskin avenue. East side -- between a point commencing 65' north of the north side of Hoskin avenue ex- tended and a point ending 85' south of the north side of Hoskin avenue extended. St. Gertrude's School -- King street east at east corner of Farewell street. King street east -- north side -- between a point commencing 40' west of the east side of Farewell street extended and a pointing ending 110' east of the east side of Farewell street extended. South side -- between point commencing 90° west of the east side of Farewell street and a point ending 50' east of the west side of Fare- well street. Mary Street School -- Mary street north front entrance to lpchoot: Mary street north -- east side -- between a point |commencing 245' south of Brock extended and a point ending 201'!9-> count of Brock street east. south of the Vimy avenue extended. South Simcoe School--Simcoe street south front entrance-- Simcoe street south -- east side south limit Of!wect side -- between a point SEPARATE SCHOOL NEWS IN BRIEF Resignations of four teachers were accepted by the board. They were from Miss Janice Jubenville, resigning on doc- tor's advice, Mrs. Lorna Finley, Mrs. Joan Maly and Mrs. 5S. Borovsky. Resignations "had been expected" said Chairman Louis G, Hughes. GRANT SCHOOL USE | Permission was grantea to the St. Joseph's Parent - Teacher Association to use the auditor- ium of the St. Joseph's School for monthly meetings. Permis- sion was also granted to the St. Joseph's Cubs for use of the) auditorium once a week for Cub activities. BRICK FIRM WRITES | The board received a ietter, fromsthe Brick and Tile Insti-| \tute of Ontario advocating: the) juse of Canadian brick: for the} building of schools. Ontario) brick is as good, or better, than imported bricks, the - letter : | RECOMMEND NO ACTION ;|Ontario County branch of the lcommencing 45' south of Brock! The Traffic Advisory Councll street east and a point ending|/informed the .board it has /195' south of Brock street east.| recommended that no action be { st Avenue School --|taken in the traffic situation at nbc th|the St. Hedwig's School on Olive TAIL GATING CAN CAUSE BAD ACCIDENTS One thousand two hundred by tail gating--vehicles trav. months, This week is Safe ed: "It is better to plant and sixty-eight people were elling too close together and Driving Week and the Oshawa daisies than to push them up". | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, December 5, 1962 3 Christmas Gifts: Aid Patients | "A Christmas gift to a pati- ent in a mental hospital will add great joy to the holiday and. can increase his readiness to rejoin the community." Rev. Frank Swackhammer, president of the Oshawa and token of remembrance of kind- ly interest, can carry the mes- sage that the patient has a friendly community outside the hospital and may be his only tangible evidence of it and re- new his desire to return to it." "A small Christmas gift toa patient can be wonderful medi- cine bringing immeasurable j at the Holiday season and mu needed social confidence," he added. : Receptacles have been placed in strategic locations around town in which people can leave their gifts. They. include: The White Cross Centre, 187 Simcoe street south; The McLaughlin Public Library and the YWCA, Centre street, Oshawa. Gifts must be in to the three above mentioned localities on or before December 11. Members of the Pilot Club and other volunteers will be ready to do the wrapping on December 11, Plan Addition Canadian Mental Health Asso- ciation, said in commenting on the present campaign by the Oshawa branch of the OMHA for gifts for patients. "Christmas gifts are a uni- versal language bringing to- gether the giver and the re- ceiver in the joy of friendship and remembrance, There is a double joy and «meaning in gifts for patients where iliness deprives them of the presence of family and friends. Each parcel from outside represents a visit with a special friend for the patient unable to make such a visit or to celebrate Christmas at home." "Mental illness is generally accompanied by difficulty in relationships, When patients lose contact with friends in the community they naturally be- come more dependent on the 4 Hac -- between a point commencing)c ovenson road north at sou 55' south of Elena street and a corner of Ridgeway avenue --|av point ending 205' south of Elena street. West side -- between a point commencing 265' south of Mill street and a point ending 415' south of Mill street Holy Cross School -- Simcoe street south at south corner of West side -- between a point| Royal street. Simcoe street south -- east side -- between! ith side of Ridgeway avenue| The board will supply the St.| a point commencing 65' sou Stevenson road north -- east side -- between a point mencing 40' north of the south side of. Ridgeway avenue and a point ending 110° south side of Ridgeway avenue. commencing 90' north of the and a point ending 60' south of enue. A request has been re- ceived from the school for stcp com-|lights at a crossing opposite the) . The report stated there |school rs to be no real problem. jappea south of the/The volume of traffic is aver-| | age. | BUY TAPE RECORDER |Joseph's Senior Separate School of Olive avenue and a point|:n, south side of Ridgeway ave-|with a tape recorder, requested ending 215' south of Olive ave- nue. West side -- between a point commencing 75' nor'h of the west limit of Royal street and a point 55' south of the east limit of Royal street Albert Street School -- Albert street in front of school -- Al- bert street east side tween a point commencing 75 north of Wilkinson avenue and a point ending 225' north 135' north of Elm street and a point ending 285' north of. Elm street, Duke of Edinburgh School -- Taylor avenue west entrance to front of orig gn oe rapa ing 130' north of .McLaughlin| -- south side -- between a pointinig mast side -- between aj commencing '70' west of Bald- win street and a point ending 220' west of Baldwin . street. North side -- between a point commencing 20' west of the west side of Baldwin street ex- tended and a point ending 170' west of the west side of Bald- win street, extended. Duke of Edinburgh School -- ».jending »jroad point commencing 415' south of): of Wilkinson avenue. West side -- between a point commencing nue, Adelaide McLaughlin School-- |Stevenson road north at south end of school -- Stevenson road north -- west side -- between a point commencing 365' south of Rossland road west and a point 515' south of Rossland East side -- between a Rossland road west and a point ending 565' south of Rossland road west Dr. S. J. Simcoe street north at front en- trance -- Simcoe street north -- west side -- between a_ point lcommencing 280' north of Mc- Laughlin Blvd. and a point end- point commencing 260' north of Greta street and a point ending 1110' north of Greta street. Dr. S. J. Phillips School -- Philtips School --| by the principal as a teaching aid in the teaching of Latin, English and French. A request lwas also granted for the pur- chase of $50 worth of library books. ATTENDANCE REPORT The attendance of the Oshawa Schools varied be- last month, it was reported. The average was 96.08 per cent. NEED MORE STUDY A brief submitted by Separate School teachers to the board last month, dealing with salaries, has been studied by the man- agement committee, but study will take more than one meet. ing, Committee Chairman F, J Baron reported. It is hoped a jmeeting with the teachers wii! | be forthcoming later this month. killed in traffic accidents in not allowing enough room to Police Department urges all An example of tail gating is citizens to drive with care so they will not become a statis- tic. As one officer comment- stop in an emergency. Allow- ing room to stop is especially important during the winter seen in this photo. --Oshawa Times Photo Ontario during 1962, Two of these were in Oshawa. Some of the accidents were caused | | caine laine C Group Seeking that |Masson street at back entrance} |-- Masson street -- east side --| |between a point commencing/gchawa Separate School Board 110' north of Greta street and alhas improved over the past oma nt twee cite finance chairman J. B | de |Toppings reported. The board's POSITION IMPROVED The financial position of the Taylor avenue east eritrance tO) noint commencing 160' north of front of school -- Taylor avenue|Greta street and a point end- -- south side -- between a point! ing 310' north of Greta street. jindebtedness was reduced from $21,000 to $9,000, he said. He commended the board for "'put- | commencing 90' west of Guelph St. Joseph's School -- Simcoe} street and a point ending 240' street north at front entrance-- west of Guelph street. North|Simcoe street north -- west side -- between a point com-|side -- between a point com- mencing 40" west of the west!mencing 370' south of Beatrice side of Guelph street extended' street and. a point ending 520' and a point ending 190' west of|south of Beatrice street. East| the west side of Guelph street|side -- between a point com-| extended. |mencing. 420' south of the south] Duke of Edinburgh School --|side of Beatrice street extended Windsor street side entrance to and a point ending 570' south -- ebrac emir street = east! of og ~ _ of Beatrice side -- between a point com-)street extended. mencing 135' north of Taylor) Queen Elizabeth School avenue and a point ending 285'|Simcoe street north at front north of Taylor avenue. West|entrance -- Simcoe street north side -- between a point com-|-- west side -- between a point! mencing 185' north of Taylor;commencing 210' of avenue and a point ending 335'|Tecumseh avenue and a_ point north of Taylor avenue. ending 60' north of Tecumseh Harmony Road School -- Har- avenue. -East side -- between mony road south at the north'a point commencing 160' north corner of Hoskin avenue -- front!of the north. side of Tecumseh entrance -- Harmony road south|avenue extended and a_ point -- west side -- between a point ending 10' north of the north commencing 115' north of the side of Tecumseh avenue ex- north side of Hoskin avenue andi tended. CAPSULE NEWS Firearms Sale ting on the brakes'. PLAN NEW LIGHTING New lighting will be installed) in four classrooms at the Holy) Cross School. The work will be carried out. by Hill Cornish Electric Limited, for the amount of $2,358. HEATING FAILED | | Pupils at the St. Gregory's {School had to be sent home| | Tuesday afternoon, it was re- |ported, because the heating sys- \tem failed. Room temperatures! |were down to 54 degrees. Action! jis being taken to remedy the | situation. TO SEEK INTERVIEW A special committee of the board is investigating the can- cellation of approval of schools by the Ontario Fire Marshal's Department. Discussion with! jthe. Department of. Education! held recently was to no avail,| it was reported. The committee}! | will seek an interview with the} Ontario Fire Marshal personal- ly. Cancellation of approval was! considered unjust by the board. CITY AND | Curb Suggested TORONTO (CP)--A coroner's|McGregor range Tuesday, ki!!-| DISTRICT $50,000 TO CLUB reason, it is important that peo- ple come forward to attend these clinics. Some 400 donors are required for this December Clinic, and an appeal is sent out to all or- ganizations in Oshawa to send representatives to this Red Blood Clinic on Thursday. We are coming to the Christmas season when. most of us think in terms of giving. What greater gift could we give than a pint of our own blood, knowing that}. it would be used to save the life of a fellow citizen. Just 30 minutes from your busy schedule is required to do- nate blood at the Clinic, and this includes the time taken for regi- stration, testing, donation, rest and refreshments. There is no discomfort experienced in do- _|nating blood at a Red Cross Clinic, in fact any person in average good health between the ages of 18 and 65 may do. nate blood. Each of us has a certain re- sponsibility of citizenship. To what extent we fulfill our obli- gations and responsibilities is our own concern, but as mem- bers of a free demoncratic so- ciety it is our duty to do some- thing to enhance our "way of life"". Hete is an opportunity for each: of us to help our fellow. man by donating blood. that can save the lives of our famil- ies and fellow man. By keeping our Blood .Bank supplied with this blood we will be helping to save many lives. By donating Blood at a Red Cross Blood Donor Clinic the Blood Bank will be able to ans- wer the call any day or night when the need arises. Requests for this blood may come at any | | | Revision In Bill Of Rights TORONTO (CP) -- The citi- zens committee for Robert Ro- berts, self - confessed arsonist whose 24-year prison term was halved by the Ontario Court of Appeal in November, has ap- pealed to Prime Minister Die- fenbaker for a revision of the Bill of Rights. The committee, comprising 10 Toronto lawyers and a num- ber of Toronto citizens, today released the text of a letter sent to the prime minister earlier this week. "The decision to reduce the sentence to 12 years gives Ro- bert Roberts (or Ronald Mar- kle, the name he concealed with police co-operation to protect his family) the chance for a cure that was impossible under the crushing weight of the orig- inal sentence,"' the letter said. | | e | 400 Donors _ osrruares Council To Study Are Needed s- 5883", EMO Withdraw MRS: DONALD E. | thd ] re ee The memorial service ie! 1 Ta a AE | Mrs, Denen © dated tpeetal Ald. Hayward Murdoch told)the Cuban crisis. There was a y Inic | Saturday Dec. 1, was held Council Tuesday night he was|subsequent meeting, he said \Tuesday, Dec. 4. |'amazed to read in the napers'"|Tuesday night, which he did not ae ' that Ontario County had drop-|attend, The doors to the December] The service was held in the! ned out of the joint (city-county)| Red Cross Blood. Donor Clinic/chapel of the Armstrong Funer-|i ocency Measures Organiza-|NO INDICATION GIVEN will open Thursday in St. Greg-| a' Home, conducted by Rev. EA bene Bency ren ve | But he emphasized ory's Auditorium, Simcoe Street}/K, Moffat, minister of the Sim-) : there was no indication that North. A team of Red Cross|coe Street United Church. 'In-| The county voted to pull oul county representatives were workers from the Red Cross|terment was in the Mount Lawn ce want aunts yrs unhappy, Ser will be inic t er , ol ' ve dal ay to codes sl | Treasurer W. C. Manning's|, "Everything seemed fine at sata} | Pallbearers were Reg Burv,|jpcia) etter infortning city|the last meeting I. attended," December. Clinic for Oshawa! pyron Edmondson, Delroy Cop-| Council ony 'eopeased 74 ies he said. "They voted with us | residents. a __\pin, Burt Bradford, Maurice! yn 'ght. | recommendations; then they Each month a clinic of this| Hart and Lionel Hind hae eee agenda Tuesday night. lwint to count couheil 'd dia type. is held in Oshawa, as this| : | A member of the Oshawa] ay ahoubtace:: mang: ay is the one and only way in EMO contingent, Ald. Murdoch) ,, es |which blood that is 'nad by our| MRS. ALBERTE: GALES | ot ended an Veutergehcy" meet-| They might have had the |hospitals can be replaced, Un-| The death occurred at theling of the joint EMO during courtesy to let us know their lless this blood is donated from|/Qshawa General Hospital this) decision by letter," he said, | public-spirited _ citizens, the|morning, following a serious ill-| "but the first I knew about it blood bank would not be able to|ness of 10 days, of Florence was when I read it in the loperate, Humans are the only|Swithenbank, beloved wife of paper." |source for this blood, it cannot -- "F ag eng oge Council decided to have its : is\;who made her | wn BE ; Hite ee et rite at that poo-lson at 98 Conngdght: trent, was| own EMO representatives in in her 81st year. A daughter of the late Mr. jand Mrs. Alfred Swithenbank, the deceased was born at Leeds, Yorkshire, England and was married in England. She came to Canada in 1911 and lived in Lachine, Quebec,. for a number of years afd then in Windsor, Qnt. She came to Oshawa. on et retirement of her husband in Mrs. Gales was a member of Christ Memorial Anglican Church, Besides her husband, she is survived by a son, Stanley, of Oshawa; two grandsons, Gary and Walter; a granddaughter, Mrs. Gwendolyn Read and two} great-granddaughters. The memorial service will be held at the Armstrong Funeral Home at 2 p.m. Friday, Dec. '7, followed by interment in Osh- awa Union Cemetery. The Ven- er*ble Archdeacon H. D. Clever- don, rector of Christ Memorial Church, will conduct the serv- ices. Friends are asked not to call at the funeral home _ before Thursday. FUNERAL OF EDMUND F. PLOWRIGHT The funeral service for Ed-| mund Frederick Plowright, of) 178 Church street, who died Sun-| day, Dec. 2, in the Oshawa Gen-| eral Hospital, was held at the MclIntosh-Anderson Funeral Home at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. | Rev. L. W. Herbert, minister] of King Street United Church, conducted the services. Inter- ment was in Mount Lawn Cem- jury recommended Tuesdayjing a French army lieutenant.| The city's $50,000 gift to the Nour, and when the blood is|etery. night that firearms should not/Three other French be sold either through telephone|were hurt as well as one Amer-|been budgeted over two years,|20ut how it will be used. orders or by mail order with-|ican. The four Frenchmen were} out a police permit or proof of| NATO troops. age. The jury found that Ter- rence Ross, 13, of Toronto, shot and killed himself accidently with a .22-calibre rifle he bought! Pontecorvo, Italian-born atomic through a telephone order scientist who defected from placed with a Toronto depart- Britain to Russia in 1950, has, ment store. been recommended for a Lenin ae Prize, the Soviet news agency ADDS TO COUNCIL Tass reported Tuesday. The! OTTAWA (CP)--Trade Minis- recommendation was for. his ter Hees introduced a resolution work on the "problem of weak LONDON (Reuters) -- Bruno]! Finance Chairman E. F. Bas- tedo revealed Tuesday night. tion toward the $360,000 'struc-| |ture which will house an Olym- |pic-size swimming pool and a gymnasium, This addition to Simcoe Hall facilities will be | built in Eastview Park. | AWARD CONTRACT | Alcan Colony has outbid two, Clinic hours Thursday will be from 1:30 to 4:30 and 6 to 9 in . |The city gave "official appro-|tte evening. Support your Red AWARD TO PONTECORVO | val Tuesday night for the dona. TSS, be a Blood Donor. soldiers| Boys' Club building fund has 'here, there is never a doubt! The pallbearers were Lloyd) \Chapman, Milton Chapman, | \Stanley McDonald, Ronald Burt-| ich, Robert Plowright and John' Plowright. | | | SOMETHING NEW UNDER THE SUN | Brand new on the market: a doll that tans in the sun. Don't store your childrens' | NOT MARRIED | A story in Tuesday's issue of} The Oshawa Times erroneously | said Raymond Essery of Pacific) avenue was married and the| father of a child. Mr. Essery) is not married and has no child. | The Times regrets any embar- "But surely, Mr, Prime Min- ister, this decision was reached by a back-door route . . . be- cause the Ontario Court of Ap- peal saw no infringement of the Bill of Rights, or indeed of any law of Canada, in the trial whose conduct appalled citi- zens," Markle, 31, of Toronto, gave himself up to police April 7, was tried without counsel later in the month, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 24 years in prison April 30, again ap- pearing: without counsel, vestigate and Ald. Murdoch sug- gested meeting with county officials before any report is made, SET UP IN 1960 Set up in 1960 the joint EMO was broken last month on a county council recorded vote: 26 were for pulling out and only eight voted to preserve the organization, At that time Whitby Town. Lovelock charged that Oshawa always had a greater represen- tation at joint EMO meetings and, therefore, a greater voting power and "it is Oshawa who decides where the money is to be spent." Mrs. Lovelock 'said Oshawa okayed a 40 foot long, eight foot deep culvert at Oshawa Air- port which EMO co-ordinator Lt. Col. F. S. Wotton requested. "If Mr. Quantrill reeve Everett Quantrill) wants to live in a culvert, OK, but I don't," she said, ship's deputy-reeve Mrs, Myrtle hospital .and on- relationships look more and more hospital for the satisfaction of needs normally provided by the community. Eventually they may see the hospital as their permanent community providing all the shelter, friend- Ships, recreation and even Christmas cheer that they ex- perience, Their rehabilitation may be endangered by this "'institutionalization." A. Christmas gift from a friend in the community -- a 'Autos Kill Two Deer PONTYPOOL (Staff) -- Two deer were killed in separate accidents near here Tuesday night, says the OPP Bowman- ville detachment. The first accident occurred at 6.10 p.m. at the Pontypool cut- off on Highway 35. The deer was struck by a car driven by Ron- ald David Douglas of Peter- borough. At 830 p.m. about a mile south of Pontypool, another deer was struck and killed by a car driven by Ernest Gilkes. of RR 2, Newcastle. Duvall, of Orono and will be sent to a Home for the Aged in the county to give the senior citizens a feed of venison. available there. They tend to to the The cancasses were given to Deputy Game Warden Jerry At Holy Cross A six-room annex or addition to the present Holy 'Cross School is planned by the Oshawa Sep- arate School Board. A motion was adopted at a special meeting of the board Nov. 28 to accept an offer to bear the cost of the school made Nov. 15 by Rt. Rev. Monsignor P. Coffey on behalf of the Holy Cross parish. The press was not informd of either of these meetings. The motion read as follows: "That the board accept Msgr. Coffey's offer as presented at a special board meeting, to build a six-room school on the present property (where the Holy Cross School is located) and that Msgr. Coffey accept te- | Sponsibility of the debenture payments." Frank E. Shine, business ad- ministrator, said this morning it he: not been decided whether the six-room unit will Be an annex, or an addition. TWO FIRE ALARMS Oshawa Fire Department of- ficials reported the past 24 hour period as very quiet, Two minor fire calls were answered, to 1133 King street east and 39 Royal street. Neither call prév- ed to be serious. Five ambul- ance calls were also answered. Dat that thousands are of RU-EX C today. Mix it with a quart of water, a the atal fuls 2 times a day. Often within 48 hours-- lief is ined. the pains do not quickly leave and if do not feel better, return thi ity and RU-EX will cost you nothing. the sole judge as RU-EX is sol: jon cans JURY & LOVELL LTD. Oshawa, Whitby, B ille Lemon Juice Recipe Relieves Arthritic & Rheumatic Pain If you suffer rheumatic, arthritis or neuritis pain, try this simple inexpensive i . Get a can 'compound, a 2 weeks supply ire. of 5 lemons. It's easy! No trouble il and pleasant. Take only 3 tablespoon- you =| NU-WAY by your (Whitby +B ist on a money back guarantee. Over NOW IS THE TIME To have that carpet or chest- erfield cleaned professionally in Oshawa's Original Carpet Cleaning Centre . . . where fully guaranteed satisfaction is assured. Phone 728-4681 RUG CO. LTD. 174 MARY ST. | | EERIE, AUTO in the Commons Tuesday night interactions of elementary par-|Other construction firms for a/ rassment it may have caused) outgrown toys, clothing or to increase membership in the'ticles and the physics of the| Sewer, watermain and granular furniture. Let Oshawa Times him. National Productivity Council to 28 from 25 and said he hopes Claude Jodoin, president of the Canadian Labor Congress, will rejoin the group. Mr. Jodoin re- signed several months ago, say- ing he disagreed with the coun- cil's terms of -reference. PICKS UP REFUGEES KEY WEST, Fla. (AP) -- The U.S. Coast Guard Tuesday picked up 25 Cuban refugees fleeing their homeland. Contact with their boat was made some 30 miles southwest of here. LIFTS MARTIAL LAW SEOUL (AP)--The South Ko- rean military junta today lifted neutrino," Tass said. | OFFICER RETURNED | | HALIFAX (CP)--A Canadian) naval officer missing for more| jthan six months was returned| here in custody Tuesday night) to face possible discip!inary ac-| tion. Lieut. Oliver Grenon, 35-! year-old formér weapons officér! aboard the destroyer - escort Kootenay, attempted to conceal! his face from - photographers jafter arriving at the Shear. jwater Naval air station near |Dartmouth, N.S. CROWD HAILS JACKIE - NEW YORK (AP) Mrs. base contract. Successful bid was $27,709 for work to be done in three city subdivisions. HOSPITAL REPORT Following is the report of the! Oshawa General Hospital for) the week ending Dec..1: admis-| sions, 339; births, male 26, fe- male 21; discharges, 330; 'new- born discharges, male 29, fe-: m*le 19; major surgery, 95;| minor surgery, 129; eye, ear,| nose and throat, 75; treatments and examinations, 135; casts, 19; physiotherapy treatments, 377. POLICE CYCLE. DAMAGED A motorcycle, driven by Con- Classified Ads sell these Still-good things for you and bring in welcome extra cash. Buyers are looking for these articles now, so dial 723- 3492 and get your ad start- ed today. EYE EXAMINATIONS PHONE 723-4191 by appointment F. R. BLACK, O.D. 136 SIMCOE ST. NORTH ONTARIO RIDING FEDERAL P-C ASSOCIATION ANNUAL in the Legion MEETING Hall, Whitby | LIABILITY INSURANCE PREMIUMS AS LOW AS 25.00 PER YEAR @ Budget Terms Available @ Easy Monthly Payments Schofield-Aker Limited martial law, in effect since the)Jacqueline Kennedy walked into|stable Gary Joseph Patton and May 1961 coup that brought the|4 cheering demonstration when, driven by Kenneth G. military rulers to power, The|She arrived ata Broadway the-|Swinson, 49 Westmoreland ave- action came 12 days before a|2!te Tuesday night to see Lord nue, collided on Simcoe 'street new. constitution proposed by Pengo, A cheering crowd of}north Tuesday night. Constable 360 KING WEST PHONE 723-2265 THURSDAY, DEC. 6 8 P.M. "Special Guests: HON. MIKE STARR--M.P. Ontario Riding TOMORROW, DEC. 6th--1:30 to 4:30, 6:00 to 9:00 P.M. at ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM, SIMCOE ST. NORTH Regular blood donors are urgently requested to attend with or without an appointment junta t to a refer-|1,000, mostly women, was on|D. E. H, Walton estimated dam- port Whee oe to's |hand as Mrs. Kennedy arrived.|age to the car, which had back-| They broke through a police|ed from a driveway at. 574 Sim-| cordon and only a wedge ma-|coe street north, at $25. The| noeuvre by police and secret|police vehicle was extensively! MISSILE EXPLODES EL PASO, Tex. (AP)--A Nike ERIC WINKLER--M.P. Grey-Bruce Riding Everybody Welcome Gerry Osborne Ralph Schofield Reg Aker WE ARE DESPERATELY SHORT OF ALL NEGATIVE TYPE BLOOD We need 400 bottles of blood to replenish our blood bank Ontario Progressive Conservative Association @ AMPLE FREE PARKING e Hercules Missile expioded 590)servicemen got the president's|damaged at the front end. There feet above the jaunching pad atiwife into the lobby. were no injuries. \