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Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Dec 1962, p. 9

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LODGES AND SOCIETIES PRINCE PHILIP CHAPTER The November meeting of the Prince Philip Chapter was held at Adelaide House, with Mrs. K. R. Wagg, regent, presiding. Mrs. C. G. Luke, secretary, read the minutes. Mrs. F. N. McCallum, educa- tional secretary, read the let- ters of appreciation from the students who had received awards from this chapter, The gifts for the school at Eau Claire are ready for shipment, Mrs. Wesley Piatti, treasurer, gave her report, Mrs, Alfred Austin, services at home and abroad, reported that a Christmas card had been received from the Korean stu- eident, and the 'gift had been 4 | sent, The volunteers for Hillsdale ™\Manor for January. will be Mrs, A. S. Whattam, Mrs. W. J. Bone and Mrs. Allan Annis, In the absence of Mrs. G. L. Beaton for World Affairs, Mrs. A. Austin read Mr. McIntyre Hood's paper. The volunteers for the nomi- nation committee will consist of Mrs. C. E. Hill, Mrs. E. J. Luke and Mrs. F. J. Peirce. Following the meeting, Mrs. K, R. Wagg entertained at tea with Mrs. A. Austin pouring and Mrs. C. S. Luke and Mrs. PUTTING PUNCH INTO A PARTY Fruit Punch and Parmesan Popcorn Perfect Pair si mst serving To Serve Young Guests During Holiday Season 'All Doubles Club "Tis the season to be jolly,| Garnish with thin slices ofjpan very hot. Pour in oil and and for preparing festive foods lemon and orange. make it very hot. 8 § t young! : Bee Ea whe call at yout Heus| . PARMESAN POPCORN Add popping corn, stir well, over the holiday season cannot Yield--about 1% quarts popcorn |MEn cover: pan. fais help but enjoy your hospitality.'3 tablespoons cooking (salad) Allow see ua shaking It is helpful.to have a good) _, oil : pan very q y ; recipe for party punch, one suit- ¥% cup popping corn , Turn into a large bowl and able for all ages, and easily pre- 44 cup butter or margarine, |drizzle popped corn with melted st ; butter or margarine, sprinkle ared on the spur of the mo- 'melted ao : Grated Parmesan cheese very generously with grated H . til Salt {Parmesan cheese and sparingly ere is a most versatile teat an electric frypan to 400|with salt. Toss together lightly punch which has as its base a . = dt 'xed light tea infusion, (an excellent degrees or make a heavy sauce until well m " and economical mixer), to ANN LANDERS '| which citrus fruit juices and dry gingerale are added. To accom-| pany this punch, try Parmesan! Popcorn. | Popcorn is so easy to make now-a-days in an electric frypan or heavy saucepan, and for the} Munching on 'Phone ar margarine could be reaueed| ~=LLeaves a Bad Taste and the cheese sprinkle omit- ted. They will love the job of} popping the corn, so do be gen- erous in setting up the supply.) PUNCH FOR A PARTY Yield--20 to 28 punch cups 4 teaspoons loose or instant Dear Ann Landers: I have) Three months have passed and been reading your column for ajI have been 100 per cent honor- long time and notice that some|able about the agreement. I be- people write just to let off|lieve my husband has kept his |steam. This is what I am doing.jword, too. But whenever he the regent. for her hospitality. Members Gather | At Christmas Party | The Patish Hall of St. George's Anglican Church was| jaglow with Christmas trees and decorations on Saturday eve. |ning last, when the All Doubles] jClub of the church met for the| jannual Christmas turkey din- Iner. Lighted candles, seasonal |'treats", and baskets of color- ed pine cones decorated the tables. Mr. Harold Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jeffery arranged the menu, | Dinner guests included the Reverend and Mrs. ¥. G. Ongley and the Reverend and Mrs. Leonard Ware. Mr. Ware |asked the blessing, A sing-song was led by Mr. Edward Jeffery with Mr. Clar- ence Burgess at the piano, Wil- jam Murray then conducted a game of '"Password." The jteams consisted of Mr. John) |Kitchen, Mr. John Stead, Mrs. F. G. Ongley, Mrs. Robert |Corneal, opposed by Mrs. John | Hoskin are seen cutting the UNITED Mr. and Mrs. John Howard cake after their marriage re- cently in Harmony United Church. The bride is the for- mer Sharon Irene Williams, a . IN MARRIAGE daughter "of Mr. Kenneth Williams and Mr. | Hoskin is the son of Mr. and | Mrs. Howard W. Hoskin, all | of Oshawa. : and Mrs. --Aldsworth Photography | | | THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA essful in any be endowed with a sense of hu- mor and could be highly suc- of the artistic FOR TOMORROW Exhilarating aspects will pre- vail from noon on and, after a) somewhat "dull" morning, you) should feel mentally alert and) surer in judgment. This will be the time to launch new projects that require a bit of gumption. FOR THE BIRTHDAY | If tomorrow is your birthday, you will discover as time goes) on that you are in a period in| which it would be advisable to} launch constructive plans to ad-| vance all worthwhile goals. Fine| influences will govern new proj-| ects for several days, but do not} expect immediate monetary re- turns. Mid-March and late Oc- tober will bring these. Do all in your power, how- ever, to 'follow through" during intervening periods. Don't. let) your efforts flag. tea or 2 tea bags I'm an ardent club worker| kisses me he swears he can de-|Kitchen, Mrs. William Murray, 2 cups boiling water land spend a great deal of time|tect cigaret odor and this burns|Mr. A. James Allen, and Mr./month within the next eight 1 cup granulated sugar 1 cup orange juice 1-3 cup lemon juice 1 bottle (30 ounces) dry gin- -- a fe crazy. -- Ag hin acti dia The other evening one woman {nto a heated teapot; add_ boil- Citic sly on bolt ing water. Allow loose tea of/annoying me. I asked her out- tea bags to brew 5 minutes. lright, "How is the celery?"' She Pour the hot tea over sugarjreplied nonchalantly, "I'm not (loose tea should be strained), | eating celery. It's potato chips."| stir until sugar is dissolved.'Then she continued crunching. Cool. | Another woman who tipples a Po -- pe juices| good bit always has an ice cube} ea and pour over th. Frequent! he} a block of ice ina i e™ or ice cubes in a Stir in gingerale. on the telephone. I simply can't stand it when women eat while they are talking. That crunching over the telephone drives me iI hear the tinkling and gulping. What is the matter with peo-| me up. Do you think he does this to needle me or what? What can I do about it?--NO SMOKE SCREEN Dear No Smoke: Every hu- man has his own distinct scent. It may be that in the past your husband associated your scent with tobacco and he still does. There is the possibility, too, that your skin and hair absorb other' people's cigaret smoke, making you smell guilty. Dear Ann Landers: I know you are against announcements. I know, too, you don't think a person who gets an announce- punch bowl| cays "Just a minute. I have|ment is obliged to send a gift.|and. evenin | ¥ Agee) . : g. -Members large pitcher. to stir this Tom Collins. ping (ane this case be the excep.| tion? I belong to a large family. William Joyce. Mrs, William }Murray and Mr. William Joyce were the grand prize winners. The remainder of the eve- ning was spent dancing, which had been arranged, and was called by Mr. A. James Allen. Spot dances were won by Mr. and Mrs. Norman Roe, © and Mr. Clarence Burgess and Mrs. F. G. Ongley. During the business session, Presidents Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Dixon ob'ained the neces- sary help for the Sunday School Christmas party on. Saturday, December 15, both afternoon were urged to assist with the Va!en- tine dance, to be held. at Oshawa airport on February 15 the| For those who are single, any |should be excellent for romance and marriage and, for all, next June and July will be exception- ally propitious where other per- sonal relationships are con- cerned. Gare should be exercised dur- jng the current month, however, lest impulsiveness and lack of emotional control lead to rifts jwith friends or family. Some; |good business news should get you off to a fine start in 1963. | A child born on this day will | ; | Beles, | the ultimate in design "and quality ) Ah Swedish Stainless by OO GNSE I at fine stores throughout the world, Write for folders, In- cluding "The Gense Story", and the name of your dealer. | SAMACO TRADING utp. I j 1604 Bayview Ave., Toronto Street | KEEP TURKEY FROZEN The annual problem arises when people win or are given frozen turkeys a week or two Jom L PERSONALS Mrs. William Ferguson, Sylvia street and Miss Mary Siblock, Farewell avenue, are leaving on Friday to spend a three-week vacation in Miami, Florida and Nassau. Among the guests attending the Hollis - Vienneau wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Theriault, Mr. and Mrs. Orville McCaughey, Mr. and Mrs. The- adore Lawson, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Girard, Miss Theresa Conlin, Mr. James Smith, Mr. Douglas Girard, Miss Marie Parkinson, Mr. David Savage, Mr. and Mrs, Donald Mce- Naughton, Mr. Douglas Hillier, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mowat, the Right Reverend Paul M. Dwyer, Mr. and Mrs. Chambérlain, Newmarket; Mr. and Mys, Wayne Parker, Peter- borough; Miss Lauza Chamber- lain and guest, Jerry; Mr, and Mrs. Adrien Vienneau, Totten- ham; Mr. and Mrs. Gien Skuce, Amherstburg. Out of town. guests at the Coe- Lee wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Cassidy, Green- view; Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Brien, Bowmanville; Miss Evelyn Coe, Mr. Martin Glos:er, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Coe, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dil- lon, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Coult. hard, Trenton. Phillip) 15. LEGION AUX. 43 The Women's Auxiliary, Royal Canadian Legion Branch 43 held the weekly meeting with president, Mrs. Norman Mc- Evers, presiding. The financiai report of the bazaar held re- cently was given by tréasurer, Mrs. Cameron Oke. Sympathy was expressed to Mfs. Arthur Elliott, whose hus- band passed away last Sunday. Catering report was given by Mrs, Charles Anderson. The Christmas party will be held on Décembér 18 at 7.30 p.m. Exchange of gifts, not exceed. ing one dollar, and name of giver, to be put inside the gift. The children's. Christmas party willbe held this year in the Legion Hall on December Tickets may now be pur. chased for the installation din- nér to be héld on January 15; the price is $1.10. Members reported sick -were Mrs. Martha Smith and Miss Hazel Waring. Mrs. Edward Bouckley con- ducted the election of officers and executive for 1963. They are as follows: President, Mrs. Norman McEvers; Ist vice- president, Mrs. Alyn Elliott, acclamation; 2nd__ vicé-presi- dent, Mrs. Charles 'Anderson, acclamation; _secretary, Mrs. Charles Lamb, acclamation; treasurer, Mrs, Cameron Oke, acclamation; sergéant - arms, Mrs, Lioyd Burkett, age; clamation; executive, five elédte? ed: Mrs. Frank Davéy, M Robert Williams Vermoen, M: der, Mrs. Chi dard bearérs: Mrs. Davey, Mrs, Earl Smit lala, ae fe ys a ors, Mrs. lam Hu bi Mee, Herbert Bathe, Men ele Jacklin; pianist and press Mrs. William " | WILSON } FURNITURE BIG BONUS | SALE NOW ON SCATTERMATS 1.19} 20 CHURCH ST, 723-3211 ai) gp bn te be. uf a tendencies LELLER S RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS 5s CHRISTMAS SPECIAL ! 5 LBS. DELICIOUS CHRISTMAS CAKE PACKED IN GAY HOLIDAY WRAPPING BUY ONE TO-DAY! COME BACK FOR MORE! ONLY 2.00 | DOWNTOWN -- 21 SIMCOE ST. §. PHONE 723-2294 TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS: @ OPEN TILL 9:00 P.M. FROM NOW UNTIL CHRISTMAS @ » is, iF «J 73 m~ AL) 7 | EXCEPT SATURDAYS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE PHONE 723-2209 before Christmas and have no} lfreezer space for storing them. } |ple that they have to eat and|For almost 40 years I've been|under the auspices of the King iIt might pay to rent a space at ldrink while on the phone? Or|sending graduation gifts, wed- lam I getting finicky in my oldjding gifts, baby gifts, birthday |age?--FUSS BUDGET jand Christmas gifts to dozens Dear Fuss: People whojand dozens of relatives. My munch, crunch, and gulp on the|youngest daughter was engaged phone are rude and they ought/for two years. Her fiance came lto be told. (Personal confession: |home last month and they hur- I blushingly admit I've done itjriedly decided to be married. | myself!) There was no time for wedding Dear Ann Landers: My hus-|invitations, so we sent announce- band and I are in our early 30s.|ments to sixty close relatives. Street Doubles Group. a nearby Frozen Food Regen Plant, the cost is usually very GOGGLE EYE renssoabls. It is the safest place Behind your skin goggles, let|to keep the bird in good condi- there be eye cream on your lids.|/tion until needed, or if the Keeps those tiny squint lines in weather is cold a shed or un- check; gives your lids a pretty,/heated garage may serve. A dewy look all the while it's|turkey should be cooked within doing good. Don't rub it in --|twenty-four to thirty-six hours |press'it on! after complete thawing. We both had hacking coughs for WIFE PRESERVER [ith lie Seats Bobby pins will hold a hem|;amember exactly when our more securely than regular pins coughs started. Upon learning when you are basting. that we were a five-pack-a-day family, our doctor suggested we cut down on cigarets. HOUSEHOLD HINT | gift. We did not send announce- |ments with the idea she would jreceive gifts. We just wanted |people to know. What do you |think of the small return?-- URT Dear Hurt: If you sent the The young couple received one} We decided it would be easier| If a dress or blouse bulges at} cut out smoking completely|announcements merely t the back, it usually means the|to neckline is too high. Sometimes shoulders and back can be rais- ed to improve the fit . le \packs into the Hudson River. |why be hurt? than to cut down. So we took a|people know, then you have ac- LANVIN THE BEST PERFUME PARIS HAS TO OFFER K | li RESGES SGE'S MEN'S POLO SHIRTS Mirical finish, combed cotton polo shirts long sleeves with 2 button cuffs, placket neck opening with 2 buttons, permasta in collar, one pocket, assorted colors in sizes of 3M, 4h. ONLY 3.98 SATISFACTION. GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED '2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER OSHAWA DOWNTOWN SHOPPING CENTRE OSHAWA : joint oath and threw our last|complished your purpose. "| | CRESCENDO, the new Eau de Lanvin, presented in an exquisite .gfluted flacon. 4 02z.--$9.00 Eau de Lanvin, Spray in an elegant black and $7.50.Refilis: $6.00, $5.50 The "LANVINETTE" new golden flacon with an inscribed Jewel Box designed by Cartier, CRESCENDO, ARPEGE, RUMEUR $5.50, PRETEX- TE $5.00, MY SIN, SCANDAL $4.50 28 KING ST. EAST PHONE 723-4621 OPEN TILL 9:00 P.M. FREE DELIVERY ... now In a new ONE POUND package. Canada's Favourite Digestive ... 2 eo a ae BS oN gore Te ae oe oe oe oe oe Peek Frean's 1-lb. package now joins the famous 8 oz. Peek Frean Digestive In any package, Canada's favourite--the best Digestive biscuit ever baked, Baked to perfection, wrapped for protection by PEEK FREAN makers of famous bisculte STK SERS eR PA TTS RNR AT oS SS RC RRMNRINET TBS

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