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Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Dec 1962, p. 4

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L682 ete tnaibe Ladies' high triple -- Monday, Re : hn Marjorie McFarlane 385; Tues-| By THE CANADIAN PRESS ; P] P D AISES | aay, D. smith 491; Wednesday, Rome -- Piero Tomasi Mar-| 'Plan Paper Drive | By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT |Humphreys, leader of the Sun-| |524, . Chicago--Robert J. Casey, 72 | Men's high single -- Monday,|a top Chicago reporter for 26 capacity for the Sunday morn-| The Christmas meeting of the Eugene Merrick have returned i : / P ing worship held at 11 a.m. Rev./Brooklin Women's _Institute,|to Maple Heights, Ohio after Matin 19; Felden Ie Fe ova ee a tannin ani soni, E. A. Winkler, Oshawa, direct-'been changed to Thursday, Dec,and Mrs. Jerry McGuire and)" ; ed the Senior Choir. 13 at 2.30 p.m. in the basemen'| their families, | Men's high triple -- Stan Mar-| Atlanta--Ed Danforth, 70, for-| The Sacrament of Infant Bap-) mas Around the World". Mem-\Perry on Saturday evening. |Don Chase 791; Ab. Gage 565. jtack. Dn Sree ae '|worship held on Sunday morn-|for a "Sunshine Sister" for the National Institute for the Blind, : z rere, j/ing, 11 a.m., Dec. 9. Christmas tree. This meeting is|reported that. a cheque for "§ H sy Yorn' vane SUPPER NIGHT : open to the public. Committee-/$513.10 has been forwarded .to : Polishers; Redics, Bedroom : in-charge, Mrs. Ernest Acton,|David. Hatton, Toronto. | ' : Suites, Chairs, Mattresses, | \7-p.m. in the Christian Educa-| The Brooklin Boy Scouts and! were Mrs. Jack Bookham, Mr tion Hall. All: units have. been Cubs will hold a paper salvage! Rae Laswick, Mrs. rea ! eae pecrongy, Age ood |WHITE GIFT SERVICE must be tied secure] i : : s ds y and injHoad, Mrs. Stan Croxall, Reg The annual White Gift Serv-|separate bundles for curb col- Fulton Art Hickling. bg ice of the Sunday School of/lection at 10 a.m. Morley tek" a Poe pad DARLINGTON TOWNSHIP You PAY TOO MUCH 1 * U b . d poreen Sweetman ™, Friday, | Shirley Yakely 183; Saturday, Brooklin Scouts xbridge = gave. sh! DERTHS Shirley Yakely 482; Thursday quis Della Torretta, 89, former and Friday, Shirley Yakely 460 foreign minister and Senate; and #41; Saturday, L. Morris|President. | s ' hine Unit of UCW. BROOKLIN -- The Brooklin|® By EVELYN HOUCK | 4 fi "*hurc i ' " PRINCE \J. McFarlane 274; Tuesday, B.|years and author of 35 books. '| United Church was filled' t0/ WOMEN'S INSTITUTE UXBRIDGE -- Mr. and Mrs.\'vnaarson 260; Wednesday, L.| Copenhagen -- Alsing Ander- S. J. Hillier delivered a mes-| scheduled to be held on Wed-|spending the past week visiting\»,,. i / ; : sage on "The Divine Concern'"'.|nesday afternoon, Dec, LE fen his sisters, Mrs. Bea More|*1'3 Saturday, Jack Ballinger pied by Germany in 1946; 31 lowing a cerebral hemorrhage. | . of Township Hall. A film strip Over 90 attended the ladies tin 554; J. Lankveld 672; L.jmer sports editor of the At-) BAPTISMAL SERVICE will be shown entitled Onna: night in the Legion Hall at Port|Andrews 662; Jack Scott 530;/lanta Journal; of a heart at-| tism will be 'administered DY bers have been requested to| H. L. Fair, chairman for the\j----, the Rev. S, J. Hillier, during/bring a wrapped Christmas gift}town of Uxbridge's Canadian} Refrigerators, Ranges, T.Y. * | Naki shite The United Church Women of/ vics Rileen Hamill Mrs. Ted Stevenson was the : " Brooklin will hold a supper champion canvasser, turning in ; eireton fades erg en meeting on Monday, Dec. 10 at) PAPER COLLECTION |$56.70. The other 19 canvassers fields, Lamps, Continental panto 7 ' | jinvited to attend. collection on Saturday, Dec. 8./Sheehy, Mrs.' Gerald. Greg | 3 d Record Pl 1! | " 5 | y, . Mrs. 22, ¢ | ers, Recor jayers Magazines and _newspapers|Mrs. Bob Montgomery, Miss TO THE ELECTORATE oF | ' If You Don't Buy It At Bad Boy's {Brooklin United Church will bi ee cet |sythe, Mrs, Lynn Fair, Mrs. Jim FOR RE-ELECTING ME Seld on Sunday, aagetcheg eae tie CHILLY THEFT BID |Stemp, Mrs. Wally Gould, Mrs. FURNITURE ja.m. in the Christian Education) popiian woop England/Ted Houck, Mrs. Jack Stemp TO OFFICE | Hall. | i |Mrs, John Harris, Mrs. W. Egan APPLIANCES | Special envelopes will be on (CP) -- On one of the coldest) and Mrs, A. Waller hand for donations, to be sent November nights Britain has! The Uxbridge five pin bowling Open Nightly (Except Saturday) 'Til 9:30 sc enacts known, a gang of thieves broke/-- Ladies' high single Monday, Harry Cylor KING ST. E. AT TOWNLINE 728-4658 VESPER SERVICE into a factory here. They left|JoAnn Peters 140; Tuesday, i a ¢ empty-handed--it was an ice|Norma Cray 227; Wednesday, : | cream factory. 'Shirley Yakely 228; Thursday, | The annual. Vesper Service o the Canadian Girls in Training will be held in the Brooklin) SANTA CLAUS PARADE INDIAN cviepu | = CANADA'S Karen Buday, RR 3, Bow- one of the members of the CHURCH CALENDARS -manville, dressed in an-Indian Indian tribe that will be in the | The United Church Calendars ' Quality DOOR costume and riding a saddle Bowmanville Santa Claus pa- |are now on sale and can be a pony named "Tina", will be rade on Saturday, Dec. 8. /purchased from Mrs. Robert} FULLY Cartwright School | | "FNED ; Ti Ti . ey a ones HILL Q pe ate, Cheryl Metcalfe,! Prizes for highest standing in JUST ARRRIVED OFF THE S.S. "in An ED * BLACKSTOCK -- Cartwright i sser, C it ics Scie 3 Bish School teachers and purls Rex MenoutAliee 'Taylor' and Davia Woten, Crade's: Janice | 11,000 SHEETS TOP QUALITY RANDOM VEE GROOV were greeted by a full house of/Brian Walker. Byers, Grade 10; Joe Reitsma, cana a Parents and friends for their Rev. Swann presented Sec-|Grade 11; Larry Hoskin, Grade! Commencement exercises in ondary School graduation diplo-/ 12. the Recreation Centre recently..mas to: Joan Bradburn, Law-| These prizes were donated by ¢ Dalton Dorrell, chairman of/rence Hoskin, Laurel Mackie,|Frank Hoskin, Mrs. George fhe school board, told of the)/Roberta Mackie, Elaine Mount-|/Blyth, Ray Ashton and Harold alterations and improvements|joy, Beth Strong and J ames)|Martyn and were. presented by th the school. Swain, Mr. Ashton. a «The Glee Club, under the ATHLETIC TROPHIES Mrs. H. Vine, president of In Crates of Approx. 30-Pes, direction of Miss Coryn Clarke} The Athletic trophies for the Nestleton Women's _ Institute, and with Sheryl Metcalf, pian-/Piejq Day champions were|Presented the Henry Thompson, 4 i 4' 8' i$t, sang four numbers. presented by Miss Clarke and|Memorial prize for the highest di¥* xX Rev. P. Romeril presented|Mr Godfrey to Dorothy/|standing in Grade 11 to Brian EETS Intermediate certificates t0:' Downey, Carol- Rahm, Laure]/Staniland, ' is: SH Aluminum eerie me on -- Ripe Mackie, Ray: Mountjoy, Bruce | : *OCK, Caro yth, Ma G rd: es 47 . . Ethie, Mary Bradburn, Mar- ibson and Floyd Argue. $3. Combination Doors s fis a, nes ainda') Door Prizes 'qigg'3 GOAT PREFINISHED MAHOGANY yoann seh an Dean, Donna Downey,/cheque for $50 from the Stu- EE aE re , tl to ches s| | -_--_---- Less than crate lots add 20c per sheet F ois. for the brary Four books Presented Rt 4' , 7s crate $3.97 ALL PRICES IN THIS AD. GUARANTEED $93.99 ea. : ormer \Camp family. wis = Youth Party R 4x 8's eric $4.59 ~apaemeenne z Rugged Z bar doors, Storms, Still To Run | The Wallace Marlow profi- os aad. eae ciency prizes were presented by yY MRS . W. SEY} | gjed 2 bet dean Home : Jim Marlow to Janice Byers) PICKERING BEACH --A searposnee srtn lve nd F Co il and, Pat Adams, Grade 10;|Young Peoples os esp 2 "4 4" > $ Joan Bradburn and Elaine was held at Paradise School on SALE SALE OTHER Oe een coy Maung, Gree Mahe ee ROCKWOOL [ ; ;} RUGGED 2 I Stock sizes 20.00 WIARTON, Ont. (CP)-- Mrs. Charles Smith, on be-| The eight to 12-year-olds danc- OOT ? mnnrnnnnnwe ' Former police chief Arthurjhalt of the Blackstock Women'sied and played games from 6.30 7F : , ch ed with for stitute, ' Les m. toy saradvizeh wih hin pdae'n"ndue"ece ree eter wre race SPRUCE STUDS | INSULATION | QGANY | name srano evectric NO. 1 GRADE G@eating a minor disturbance|nomics and Industrial Arts to\ten, Linda Sparrow, Nancy Sey-| following an argument at Mon-|Linda Kyte and David Wotton, mour, Fay Banks, Terry Elliott day night's municipal nomina-/Grade 9; Janice Byers andiand Jean Anderson. 5 CUBIC FEET 1/16" x9" x9" tion meeting, says he still in-/Bruce Beacock, Grade 10. The door prize was won by| ; CUPBOARD 1 99 / : tends to run for a seat on town! The ONO prizes for highest|Virginia Parker. Hostesses were Only ac VINYL ASBESTOS @ouncil to prove he has the/standing in Grade 9 went to/Mrs. W. Seymour, Mrs. R. Reid. C 4 : "guts" to be a candidate after|/David Wotten and Nancy Stani-| The teenagers' danced from Only Cc Per BAG PLYWOOD FLOOR 3/° 4 , | ANY QUANTITY 3/ a" x 4' x 8' TILE cents guing. They will appear in court) The Susan Saywell prize for} Door prizes were won by) 4 4 ye Six eoch in two weeks the highest standing in English|Benny Wilcox and Stephen Bar- DESIGNS What has happened in the past.|land and. were presented by(8.30 to 11.30 p.m. with Mrs. R.| ------ ile They Las : ) ~ "It's a good town for puh- and History in the school was|ker. Other prize-winners were| Wh I Th y L st ; : NO. 1 MAHOGANY $ 77 60 cycle 2.6 : ' Others at 9'/2c & ' Sheet a '. " a ee RO two men when they started ar-| ENGLISH PRIZE |vising. ~| Bystanders had to part the|Mrs. John Ballingal. |Reid and Mrs. R. Lewis super- I A A tage Not od ger ah rhein ge: Ee aeectelabad Seabee img atc INTERIOR DOORS Amp ih i 3 -782'0' "6" 25-PC. LOTS huck S.A. i greg ggite sce ARBORITE | cnirnonno pres Vac oc: ET 2x. CASHWAY 1-10 x 6-6 $4.15 § ° AND EAVES- cone ranty. a4 x66 ga77ee eS" E FORMICA "47 SHELL HOME 2-4 x 6-6 $4.77 : 28x 6-6 $5.13§4.94 fF sive | TROUGH ONLY $ 99 95! x 44' * seen 1008 Square Feet of wea ; | * CLOSED « 2Ax 9S. Sometes Living Space ee 49.71 All materials to close in | } | Sq. Foot h 17/0 yy, | DEC. 24th Save Gaall With geared Keychuck....... l / ' ume) | x open | i | comramrasave: | 61993 DEC. 26th No SECONDS ite : If ordering by mail please add 3% -0.S.T. and ¢ 50 SIR. ROBERT | te cover packing and mailing WRITE US FOR PLAN Bl R 25 CARTON LOTS Warearroor en WIRY, | INSULATION | greg? STORE HOURS | wor just DAILY 8A.M.to6P.M. | ~ PRIMED! CEI cid ig ATED | e BATTS @ % POPLAR BROOKLIN ill 5 P.M. f x DOUBLEC UY) Jo 2.59571 PLYOOD YARD querer rey Prernisuen DRY 77 5054. foots9.69 F Just Qe Sheet SINKS $7.95 t CEILING CORNER STRAINERS $1.80 1TA] ise (IN Small lots add 20c per carton SMALLER LOTS. $1.08, HIGHWAYS COMPLETE 8-PIECE TI LE AN [A ; y . WHITE SATIN oe fea Soa PD Phonsesssais 4 Bathroom'g3-% | * a Original Formula 5 _ SUGAR GIN dolar | LIKE A FREE PRICE LIST? |} MAPLE "A-1" Quality $ Aluminum . hiwes eeasaane && 12" x 12" or 16% x 16" BOS LESE SECO EOE ES | RANDOM sa aneon | | ine fill in and mail to Ble AJAX Asphal "Sos f = 3/ae Panelling CANADA CASHWAY LUMBER LTD. ; and Write Head Office: Box 330, Malton 4x7's YARD Shingles Screen boxe Your Choice indows square a ee $3.4] + $6.75 carton of 64 sce One e cmidiccdaveraccececceeee 4x 8's ON THOMPSON $ . . a? be $6.24 MORE CANADIANS GIVE BURNETT'S THAN ANY OTHER GIN [3 TOWNORRR. ........cccccee cece eeeee $3 98 ROAD PLEASE PRINT CAREFULLY. THANK YOU Phone WH 2-1221 SQUARE Just _wette for * an A Any Quentity Others $6.85 instructions CANADIAN MADE | @ a |

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