& AON LANDERS Why Seek Reason In Women's Fashions? \ Dear 'Ann Landers: What is the American fe- ; high-fashion nut should all wear and judgment is "The Look" is in. squatty women drown tweeds. The boot de- we inches of 'leg from shortie-who should try for longer look. The giraffe- ype gets herself up in leopard spots and tiger stripes and looks . jopened, I can holler my head A friend who came here re- cently from Japan said, "How do American men tell their women apart? They all look alike." Why this craze for same- ness? Are we becoming so neu- rotic we wish to lose our iden- tity? Please explain. -- OMNI- BUS Dear Omnibus: There is no explanation for the way women get themselves up, and there never was. In the 90s females suffered tortures in boned cot- sets. They wore tons of hair, layers of underskirts and high buttoned shoes. Style satisfies the woman's need to be "in." In what, ex- actly, no one has been able to|tional fare, but there is still say. Dear Ann Landers: I read re-|mit their kids to look at any- cently that you have received more than 500,000 letters. I'll bet this will be the strangest letter of all. I am he happiest woman in the world. My husband died last month. He finally drank him- self to death. The children no longer look at me with sad eyes and ask, "What is the matter with daddy that makes him so mean?" I no longer have to lock myself and the little ones in the bed- room to protect us against their father's brutality and physical violence. Can you imagine what it does to a 12-year-old boy to have to help undress a father who has passed out and drag him on to a bed? I have always supported the family, How much easier it will be now with no liquor bills, jail fines and attorney's fees. On Thanksgiving I truly had some- thing to be thankful for--FREE AT LAST Dear Free: I would be hard- , 7) iP) Beige or ecru curtains can be re-tinted with a strong solution of tea or coffee. pressed to select the strangest letter I've ever receivd, but yours is surly one of the most heartbreaking. How sad when a father dies that there should be rejoicing. Dear Ann Landers: I sup- pose the solution to my prob- lem has appea' in print some place, but I've never seen it. It is a headache which many mothers must share and I ad- mit I don't know how to cope with it. What can I do to get my nine- and ll-year-old children away from the TV set? Their lessons go unfinished. Books received last Christmas never have been off and it does no good. They watch everything and anything. Getting them to bed at night is a chore. I know they are not getting enough sleep on school nights. Please give me, some help.-- HEAP O'TROUBLE Dear Heap: If the off and on buttons on your set don't work, you can always pull the wall plug. TV viewing should be con- trolled, both in terms of hours spent and programs watched. You wouldn't allow your young- sters to eat garbage would you? Then why let them fill their their heads with it? TV has a great deal to offer children in the way of educa- plenty of junk. Parents who per- thing and everything are dere- lict in their responsibilities. HINT FROM THE ORIENT Add a few quartered canned water chestnuts to your favorite poultry stuffing. The crunchy texture adds a new note to the dressing. To help the turkey skin to brown nicely, add a tablespoon or two of Soya Sauce to the dripping in the pan dur- ing the last hour of roasting and bastet turkey two or three times. Don't add salt to gravy without first tasking as Soya Sauce is very salty. ' OCCASION @ WEDDINGS @ ANNIVERSARIES @ BIRTHDAYS @ SPECIAL OCCASIONS @ FREE GIFT WRAPPING We | 12 SIMCOE ST. S$. osnawa | onus RETAILERS TO THRIFTY TOY VALUE! 36" WALKING DOLL With lace trimmed panties, socks ond shoes, various shades of saron rooted hair, © perfect playmate for every little girl. CANADIANS Pizae VISIT OUR FOR COMPLETE SELECTION TOYLAND USE ONE OF OUR . CONVENIENT "Charge- It Plans" OR SIMPLY LAY IT AWAY BOTH STORES OPEN UN EVERY NIGHT EXCEPT SATURDAY'S FROM NOW UNTIL CHRISTMAS! TIL 9 P.M. @ DOWNTOWN -- 21 Simcoe St. S$, -- 723-2294 @ OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE -- 723-2209 eae Rel gd scan ck ad e THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, December 7, 1962 ig Beautiful 3-Piece Bedroom Suite 20 © Handsome, six-drawer double dresser ® Fully adjustable, bevelled mirror ® Extra roomy four-drawer chest © Exquisitely styled bookeace bed ® Durable, non-stick nylon drawer guides ® NO MONEY DOWN ... PAY NEXT YEARI t... 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