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FFFQaQsS, LAFF OtSLFLS ett Fa22 +t+t+ + [reese 42 : +1+ > § 5 + + | Ti+ Taeiete ain cane +[+]+ $ + + etn Bi itis re fet EigSbenoatteddlaiateey Hie "EphanbaBGdidifatgaté cdtidddsffiesasdaf? 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FHFELSE f Fetes +, Peet A [+413 TTLDD S++ 392 Tu 3 Wrocty Siri Ee g-f sengeigeseg*acgh aan fexonta-gs =" ak Siahadsaggongaing thsi EGEERS geil Zys-taa + StTTRT $1792 + atisteel eid Til+te1 14+ angaeés negangefectidgati abaaeuua sogot- 2h da " angdisSigeangetes*hegithsdazccun*i-ge5- 88 agsee 2 Eeeus | agése f gisz- ess Ti+tt oo FLLFF +1481 2zEhes Ta te aloe er . eit ystal aalt i Abitbl pr ah litt Hes, stat i nile ee enheae i iia in them, line om | "land I have the backing of ma- "ljority of council members, they 226,133 iet and fie! of Washing- hall workers re- an increase in production at the|ton, Ont., Mr. Stodart's partner ke the linking the field by rail nia. oin test » was: 725-1104 Chrysler 1,491 (1,- 614), 49,108 (45,792); Ford 2,942 national director of Feb. 1, record! 2 599), 115,790 (95,397); General NUPE, indicated the strike here 725-4303, J Parkerf denied this," Studebaker 240 (215), 5,685 (6,823), "17,948 (6,085). ding markets was quiet this week job to replace a dismissed I would imagine|#nd price changes were slight. employee will do so at his own Ne Steivs To Climb Pi] RES. MGR, ERIC R. HENRY, former Nazi on the site of a fi '1 concentratio# camp. MEMBERS OF THE TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE yor Barrie said the employ- OPERATING DIRECT LINE . ees were being used as tools by 'This is another irresponsible made in the past, Mr, Parker said following the} ultimatum that anyone who They are "deepty disap- pointed" the personnel commit- tee has not recommended re- "In this free country of Can- ada, we count as one of our The letter sent to Mayor Bar- rie by St. Thomas clergymen registers "a strong protest Mr. Parker said the NUPE , if you dojis considering possible legal ac- against the carrying out of such "It the city turn to work I can assure 10 ONTARIO When th NUPE, as their bargaining), "Mr. ril. Mayor Barrie said Friday, "but Production to date this year « will not lose their jobs and pres- On the provincial market the Province of Ontario 5%4-per-cent 1982 issue was quoted at 98% to 99%. Car production by companies this week and this year to date, American Motors 670 (852), 21,439 (8,353) j To TORONTO - MONTREAL Kernaghan & Co. Production consisted of 11,028 TORONTO (CP) -- Canadian IAN PRESS |cars compared with 12,028 cars On the government market the Trading was light on the cor- porate market and most prices were unchanged. motor - vehicle production this week is estimated at 13,008 The treasury bill averages in- Canada 5%-per-cent 196' issue creased for the third consecu-' erty of workers to collective lous," said Friday's letter from|bargaining with their employ- cherished freedoms the civil lib- Car Production Day-to-day money was short supply and ranged be- peal of the bylaw to permit rec- ognition of Local 841. Bond Market tween 3% and four per cent. Tra flooding project in which water drastic measures" as the ulti- matum. will not tolerate violence in the' the next day a letter ftom R. P. may. be used by the union as city. sial section of the act." crosses a picket line to apply' rie commented Friday. Cc. F. Corzel ear in brackets $0 Rintoul, {tion as a result of the ultima- tive week with 91-day bills quoted at 3.94 per cent com- per cent compared with 3.96 per cent. was quoted at 102.50 to 102.70, the 3%-per-cent 1965 issue at 98.55 to 98.70 and the 4%%4-per- cent 1972 issue at 954% to 95%. week, says the Canadian Auto- -|mobile Chamber of Commerce. is estimated at 498,799 units compared with 380,581 in the corresponding period last year --made up of 420,418 cars com- pared with 319,045 and 78,381 trucks compared with 61,536. rk/for a Energy Board of Ontario to con- struct 'a four - mile pipe! which would run from gg to the Ohesapea Railway south of pared with 3.84 per cent last week and 182-day bills at 4.08 units compared with 13,862 last with figures for last week and the corresponding period last Motors (163,418); 1, ) i The city hall employees re- ceived letters Thursday from city council's personnel com- mittee setting forth the ultima- tum. Dec,|@ wedge to repeal a controver- Barrie|Pe com- recent! New record y York Central railway right-of- way between St. Thomas and Courtright for $150,000 was a speculative move. ridicu- Parker by E. B. committee to Parker, field representative of the National Union of Public Employees (CLC) 31: 1962,)and 1,980 trucks compared with the employ- and Trust/compared with 12,024 last week "We are onlyjers," the clergymen stated. the ultimate ef- The program should be good for 10 to 15 years of produc- Vincent A, a special press confer- Friday to say Mr. Parker. Gas and Trunk Line Ltd., common seven passed under section 89/have the legislature repeal Sec ultimatum to 17 striking Ml employees giving th Dec. 27 to return to wo' of the Ontario Labor Relations/tion 89. now is under way in the Rodney field and "is bound to Gas and Oil Company GRISLY FIND KIEL, Germany (CP)--Work-' ers excavating for an office' DIVIDENDS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Alberta Co, Lid., Class A 25 cents, Feb. 15, record Jan, 18. frave been duped H, Stodart, president of an ha The city has a bylaw on its|the NUPE in its campaign to LONDON, Ont. (CP)--W. D.jright - of - way route the land Brittain of Wyoming, the On-jwhich crosses their fields "'at The city does recognize the union's Local 35, representing 34 works and parks employees The employees released a statement Thursday night em phasizing they have full confi "This is, of course, day, while the seven Centre- "We are holding it because e think it will be wanted," he said, "Basically, we are buying a right-of-way to eventually be By THE CANAD) Brifish Mortgage »» year ended Oct. "|$283,646; 1961, $235,941. ; Comments by Mr. prompted the Seen In Oil Field tor of drilling and production,/the pipeline rights. excluding the local from recog- e e Production Hike Rodney and Clearville oil fields|in Acme, has applied to the nition. the employees would be fired if they returned to work. interested in returning to nor- ters Friday. Mr, Parker said not choose to return to work, "Tf the oil output grows in the areas as we think it should, it will eventually be more eco- McCabe Grain Co. Ltd., com- Reynolds Aluminum Co. of send out a second batch of let- mon 35 cents Act, which gives it the right of bring a considerabe increase in the rate of production, useful in the construction of an oil pipeline from Rodney and Clearville to Sarnia. General Bakeries Ltd., mon 10 cents, Jan. 24, Jan. 9. purchase of the 78-mile the entire field will be under a flood program. But we can is pumped into wells to push the about 600 barrels of crude oil oil out. who also went out on strike has confirmed the probability of 7 for higher wages. BUYS RAIL LINE mitted his company's "In a year, D. the city only guess at fect." books nia by pipeline than by truck." nomical to take the oil to Sar- building here found seven skel- etons. The building is going w An- 9.00) 3 inion Cem-|agent. Anthony Soe fants for all day for won the same with service December 24, i be at the the whole in accepted Funeral Hig g ag Interment Oshawa U: 'Twins or CHAPEL Kindness beyond price arrangements and CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 IN MEMORIAM fags Ht isd af ale He ee a . ithin reach of all 728-6226 390 KING STREET WEST -- In loving memory of & i g a 5s ig é for oe By tie GERROW FUNERAL yet w LOCK'S FLORIST Funeral floral requirements occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING 22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, December 22, 1962 tome. spted unk MeCABE > who/CALLS RIDICULOUS mother, Catherine a dear December 22, 1957. by and Manson passed a' memory of 8/the committee. -- In loving son Vin-/mal operation and Cath-/-. wipassed away De- and who 1987. nvered -- In loving memory of ajin recommending to council'tum. mother 22, and sadly missed daugh! Lorri In memory Ber.) We climb; hand in His aine, Kevin of a lov- grandfather, who passed were weary, 22, 1959. ate stood open » Harold, eember --Ever reme mice and and Carol Dawn. 8 a pedeese December et goia,| About 240 wells in the Rodney wealth /field currently are producing be with/in southwestern Ontario. daughter grandchildren of a lov- me fel Le Ha a i i Kells dete ene L. 'wife and NEWS IN BRIEF hit in Bay aspati ee ee ee ee 4iCanada Ltd., pfd. $1.19 Feb. 1 "|record Jan. 1. for allicents, Dec. 29, record Dec. 28. Lamarr. in Ontario Nov. 1961 $69.1 we Jan. 15. he suffered -- Debits debits spinal fractures in a fall at the down basement 1959, was due Led $32,522,100,- money with- accounts in Oct. 1962 1962 ational nurse, al- , 52, a voc her fall ow, 19, hee SEE ee. Hil eal: fe 5 gainst her by aly, by Miss Debits Against fternoon classes andjLimited of Toronto, has ad- the federal govern- a music centre oper- youngste: in orchestral work, oper- etta and choral singing five * leased home. Mrs. Lois banks other than ac- a week. Children under 15|Acme days attend ai DISMISSES SUIT LOS ANGELES (AP)--A jury ruled in favor of Hedy Lamarr Monday in a $150,000 damage suit brought a from deposit Son aes Gen FREE MUSIC TUITION MONTREAL (CP) -- Les Hi- Debits represent The company plans to rent or Bank Accounts sell back to farmers along the evening sessions are held for older children. 1962, debits total 000 fale ne ee ee EERE OMe eee ee eee te eee Re! be meee chartered counts of 4 OO AEE ee tee Re net aE