Christmas Concert| Office Girls Object nae teactaien teint at The Dr. C. F. Cannon Home thers Auxiliary held their regu- and Schoe! amocation bt | 'TO Clothes Hound Geko son: at ie an 3 meeting of the year in the r ey aus Chrisimas concert. mo -- prs oe * e kindergarten class room i m Bailey, presi- Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 728-8474 was filled to capacity with pa- " dent introduced the pnw ZA Bal wi te Bad Seknle Dear Ann Landers: The girls|purchased it within the first Mr. V B Pents Oe ear in the office are having a differ.|three sentences--if she wishes|°t: Mr. V. M. Brass, Akela of THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, December 31, 1962 The program was as follows: : know. the 23rd pack who spoke on : : é 9\ croup Recital" "Ten Little|°Dce, of Pinion. Will you please}you to know. I the Mfcntttioa(tle activities of the cubs and/ee. AY SOCIAL NOTES : See troubig of the Childron's We are agreed it is bad man-|should not be asked. Collar pinnae geld ~ = e f Clinic"? by 'the grade 4 and 5 ners to ask a friend how much|yanking is absolutely out. More. iSiained to: the mm others objects . of Mise Burkitt's pupils; group she paid for something. But howjover, it is sometimes fruitless, and alms of cubbing, followed Christmas day guests of Mr./Year's in Ottawa with her par-|recitation; 'Busy Shoppers" by oot cerae aga ge hat cod because fe. tin etter Grooeen Se by a question and answer per- and Mrs, Louis Lipshultz, Scar-/ents; Medical Clinical Instruc-\Miss Love's grade 4 pupils; the| chased? If the iiichentlba . seams. iod. Mr. Brass in conclusion borough, were Mr. and Mrs.|tors: Miss Yvette Gareau spent Nativity Scene by Mr, Findlay's bought at one of the swankier| Dear Ann Landers: We had a acon pose | bai ge a -- Christmas in Espinola with her seg PO ie fae ty ig ge no het peice ah pope a our omg | andI agen children that God punished Aunt John Knox, Mr, Jack Knox,|family; Mrs, Bruce Oldfield) Forsythe's grade 5 pupils; the nol os ans tc 0 TH ws oot et C8. D vas ok a iy Marie because she had done Miss Vickey Knox, Svern|spent Christmas in Oshawa|school choir under the direction Ph Ad Berd a : ag ' intured an ndapenahlia yee | something sinful. I don't feel it street; Miss Bonnie Pach, Rit-lwith her family; Mrs. Mary|of Mrs. Suwala singing, "The "4 wt Peace; py ee eee ltat She 'all aan he a 4 is right to put such ideas into son road north; Mr. and Mrs./peadie spent Christmas in| Holly and The Ivy, 'Good Christ- Je ee ge cgi te tor te od ip children's heads. We need your Potter Knox, Clarke street. P ian Men Rejoice', 'Tell It To|*°- ae © . et! opinion.--SAD FAMILY " Gorrie with her brother; Ob-|~he Mountains' and 'Silent One woman in. this officellife. , : Dear Family: A tamily reunion will be held|stetrical Instructor, Miss Betty| Night, Holy Night", Soest oven 90k. BO ES 77s the Vena aor e| Hot be told that tragedy is God's EVENINGS TILL this evening at the home of Mr.|Leask, spent Christmas in Sun-| After a brief business meeting|1\0,. "at the label. I say it's no-/man is married and has a fine|"@Y of Punishing people. They Mrs, Joseph Riordan Sr.,|derland; Pediatrics Clinical In-|the president, Mrs. Walter Pat- > net will then believe that all indi- how saceeh north, Members|structor, Miss Doris Wright|terson, extended appreciation to/POdy's Dusine ss where you|family. He is prominent in busi-|viguais who suffer multrtene 9.30 P.M. 1 present from out of town willlspent Christmas in Montreal|the teachers for their efforts vt 90 Bagg Mg gm Porad 'ibe Lit, emia. there! se bad. 'TH 6 Gr lca a Gatto a an cmd a eb ie Sbcibe|"Hlare" ne caw ate cme tom] eee Gakville, and West Hill, Alsolof Nursing Education, spent| Refreshments were served byl oon MANNERS FOR WORK. keep this information from ourjwhich is inevitable, they will FREE Dr. Cannon School] ANN LANDERS () Pupils Present ! UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES We i GOOD MANNERS FOR WORK-|11 and 13-year-old children. They|have the added burden of guilt, joining the festivities will be 17|Christmas in Galt. the root igh Meili, Serving ING GIRLS read the newspapers and all the|Tell your youngsters that gran en. Miss Shirley Hickey, student|were Mrs, Orest Krawchuk, Dear Madame President: A|'etails were in print. Also, their)Grandma is mistaken, that trag- ' assistant/nurse at St. Michael's Hospi-|Mrs. Peter Williams, Mrs, Leon-|/Woman who receives a compli-|{riends heard their parents talk-jedy can come to anyone, and te tae Seead, Me is editor|tal, Toronto, spent the Christ-|ard Calfas, Mrs. Cecil Marshall|ment on her haf, shoes or coat ye, Pag yen shar tout has nothing to do with how we 1 \of the African Challenge Chris-mas holiday with her parents,| and Mrs. Giles Harrison. will usually tell you where she|_My husband's mother told our'stand in the eyes of God. Se . gee tian Magazine in Lagon,|Mr. and Mrs. James Hickey, - , a3 | Nigeria, West Alice, is home on|Albert street, . furlough, She will be the guest x z HONEST DANNY IS TWO speaker at the WCTU meeting|, Miss Patricia' Brewer, St. Let's Have a Party GO Woo this week at Simcoe Street Michael's Hospital, School of Dishes, Cutlery, Glasses, Nursing, is spending the Yule- Master Daniel Joseph Dumais, Simcoe street north |United Church. tide holiday with her parents, \{ Punch Bowls, Stemmed Wine TO Dumais is celebrating his sec- ang grandson of Mr. and Mrs. | The following staff members Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brewer, ag Poremag ig ogy Ansus-GRAYDON | bgt B E A U T Y L i] U N G E C A L ond birthday today. He is the "|Gibbons street. | ARCOE'S son of Mr. and Mrs. David Joseph Dumais, Penetang. of the Oshawa General Hospi-|\/000nS sirce Silver Candelabra. CARPET COMPANY 'i VISIT OUR KING ST. & ot ¥. = 282 King W. 728- tal will be spending their holi-ig Silver Tee Service. ner PHONE HURRY-UP DINNER HOUSEHOLD HINT oa tastructors: Mra, dack, Col WARNER WILLIAMS hg Her nus a, cuesTeRriELD NEW DOWNSTAIRS SALON 728-9191 Oshawa's Biggest , 25, 30, 44, 55,753 For dinner in a hurry bake| When purchasing a dress orjjeran will be spending New Si ainapal ' Osknlie's coset 'techlondbile L individual servings of meat loafjany o'her garment, test it in)Year's in Oshawa; Miss Lil- SERVICE CENTRE Cup Sizes. OU ol Pach tore. and: technicione pte gh peg Ne Seipaclonced_ opera: in a muffin pan, say food ex-|motion. Sit vn, ys ge lian Douglas is spending the marten ipo ean Sargeant's Rentals home or in. out an Cell us today for en eppointment. Discounters ; perts at Macdonald Institute,jup high, etc. If it joesn't feel|Christmas holiday in Jamaica IMCOE NORTH Our New Num : perph' The children will Iove|right then, chances are it never| with relatives; Miss Margaret| 178 BOND £. _ 725-3531 Phone 725-3338 ber 723-1143-4 APPLIANCES & FURNITURE this. will. Lenfesty will be spending New . cae Prizes Galore PARENTS | THE RULES ARE SIMPLE ! -- HERE THEY ARE OF THE Parents of the FIRST and SECOND babies born must reside within the city limits of Oshawa (in this instance the City of Oshawa to be interpreted to include Harmony, North Oshawa, Westmount and East Whitby). nob oniet to ao bed tee aha of the wags one pln biog bogs * New Year's Day, 1963, yg. doys, must fill in the form OUR GIFT which appears elsewhere on these pages, have it certified by the ician in attend as to the exact date and precise time of birth, ae ; and brought or sent to the Oshawa Times not later than noon on Wednesdey, January 17, 1963. ' ; : TO THE PARENTS OF THE - ay ha be accepted unless accompanied by the completed certificate cut from this issue of the Oshawa Times. Child must be born : Fl RST BABY in wedloc 3 Born in Oshawa in 1963 The cnnouncement of the winners of the gifts will be made as soon as possible a WILL BE after January 17, 1963, in the Oshawa Times. Three judges will be appointed A py mM sng Q & by the Oshawa Times and their decision will be considered final! REDWOOD HANGING PLANTER FOR HOUSE PLANTS : Born in Oshawa in 1963 || "Woe Sor Men Shon" Watch to see who our First WE Te CORRE te Will. be Our are Happy to present ? % Citizen boop Wh "SS ya Wha 77 Pleasure To Donate A (24 Bottle) Case Of SPORT SHIRT To Oshawa's ( 7 for '63 is! | 16 ceunasr. 723-2312 "a ° " i Pepsu-Cola To the Father of the : First Baby . | 2 TO OSHAWA'S "For Those Who Think Young" FIRST BABY of 1963 Smith Beverages || Ben in Oshawa in 1963 || surtasie eirT » FIRST BABY Limited OF 1963 FAREWELL AVE. OSHAWA --FROM-- | | ip ome ! FLOWERS DUNN Ss Young Moderns , A SUITABLE GIFT OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 38 KING ST. EAST 723-7428 With The Compliments Of DELIGHT =* || A&W DRIVE-IN OSHAWAYS ih ot or extends DOWNTOWN OSHAWA ee Congratulations || | | FIRST BABY 9s IN 1963 We, at Burns, will join in welcoming the FIRST NEW YEAR'S ARRIVAL by giving OSHAWA A Beautiful Bouquet baby the first pair of SHOPPING CENTRE tfeves EZ BABY SHOES % A&W Drive-In are proud to present a $3.00 food voucher to the proud ; R B R d & 5 parents of the First Baby of 1963. Are pround to be able to present tothe happy parents s is ee ons ' of Oshawo's first baby to be born in 1963 a $5.00 baby FLORISTS Meet the Burger Family ot... : gift certificate -- With this, they can choose from Look for tha Braht Ora fing! = . . Walker's vast selection of items in their wonderful baby rp) TO TO THE MOTHER OF THE FIRST BABY OF THE =! OSH AWA'S YEAR, BORN IN OSHAWA GENERAL HOSPITAL WE WILL GIVE... ; 1012 KING STREET WEST 725-1131 ht ee : . department 163 BLOOR STREET WEST 725-2512 || 1327 SIMCOE ST. NORTH OSHAWA . KING & SIMCOE ST. i