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Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Jan 1963, p. 10

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"Kenny Roberts (left), cap- first ating tain of the former Bowman- their new name, "Olympias', * ville Shamrocks, accepts the from Bill Dounoukos, a Bow- SHAMROCKS CHANGE NAME TO OLYMPIAS sweater incorporating manville restauranteur- whose of uniforms. interest in the sport led him to donate an entirely new set Windsor Owns Six Of Ten Top Scorers By THE CANADIAN PRESS Le leading Windsor Bull- dogs have legitimate claim to their position in the Ontario Hockey Association Senior A series with their forwards hold- ing down six of the league's top 10 scoring positions. Centre Irwin Gross, who has been scoring leader for much of the season, is first with 66 points---21 goals and 45 assists. -- ate Bob Brown, bd league's chief goal-getter wi 32, is second with 64 i Bulldogs' Lou Bendo is third with 48 points. Bendo has scored 21 goals and 27 assists. Chatham's Ted Power is a close fourth with 47 points on 23 goals and 24 assists and fifth spot also is held by a Chatham marksman, George Usitalo, with 21 goals and 23 assists. Leading goaltender is 'Chatham Maroons' Al Bennett with an average of 2.93 after 29 games played. His record in- cludes four shutouts, the best in the league. Hockey Player Busts Back In Orillia Game ORILLIA (CP)--Ray Gariepy, 34, former defenceman wit Hershey Bears and Pittsburgh Hornets of the American Hockey League, suffered a pos- sible broken back and paralysis to his left leg and arm Mon- day night when he was boarded in a Georgian Bay Intermediate A Hockey League game. Gariepy, who joined Midland Flyers recently, tried to body- check Billy Burtch of Orillia Terriers' but hit' the boards when Burtch dodged the check. --Oshawa Times Photo Terriers won the game 8-3. ; Sporting Scribes Nod With Halter By JACK SULLIVAN day? Should be have made it a Press Sports Editor |two-game total-point series? ' INTO (CP) -- Maybe! Those, and other questions Mang commissioner Sydney|/were kicked around after Win- 'Halter didn't realize it at the|nipeg Blue Bombers beat Ham- 'time, but he was in the soup injilton Tiger-Cats 28-27 in the some quarters no matter what|only two-day game in the his- decision he made regarding the tory of football in North Playing of the Dec. 1 Grey Cup|America, Halter called it off final in foggy Toronto. with nine minutes and 29 sec- * Should he have allowed thejonds remaining and with the jgame to start? Should he have|crippled Bombers ahead 28-27 called it at halftime? Should he/and ordered it resumed at have washed it right out andjthat point the following day scheduled another the following}when neither team scored a 'Wings Welcome g:"320-=. > oo - !Prodigal Howie Young dian Press in its 28th annual year-end poll how they though DETROIT (AP)--Detroit Red Wings relented Monday and ht it should have been handled. And, if it is any consolation to welcomed disappearing Howie Young back on the team be- the commissioner, they gave him a vote of confidence--with cause of a pressing need for de- fencemen. ) Sid Abel, coach of the Na- a few ifs and buts attached. tional Hockey League club» an- 48 FAVOR MOVE Forth-eight of the 121 who nounced the Red Wings' change of heart. He said Young would replied came right out and said play in today's exhibition game|have been allowed to start, but Condition following his four-day|point series and two others Halter played it exactly as they' would have done under the cir- cumstances. Twenty - nine others said the game should have been called at half-time. : Eighteen said it should not at Hamilton and in league/most in this category admitted games at Montreal and Tor-|that, otherwise, Halter's hand- 'onto later in the week. jling of the situation was fine. Abel said Sunday night that) Another 17 said the game should the Red Wings would leave/have been played to a finish. A "Young at home for the road|couple more said it should have trip to work himself back into|been made a two-game total- 'absence. He didn't play in Sun-jrapped the Canadian Football day's game in which Boston|League for not having sét up Bruins tied Detroit 5-5 with)legislation to handle such situa- 'three goals in the final 10 min-|tions. utes when the Red Wings' de-| The 48 who said Halter did fence collapsed. lexactly right i * Detroit has only four elcug uae' re Two More Names Brought Into Betting Scandal NEW YORK (AP)--Two more star names, Paul Hornung and Alex Karras, have been intro- duced as reports of a betting scandal continued to swirl around the National Football League. These developments came to light Monday amid rumors and conjecture: 1. That Hornung, back for the Bay Packers, was revealed as a friend and potential business associate of a man who admit- tedly has bet heavily on pro football games. 2. That this same man em- ploys Phil Handler, assistant coach of Chicago Bears, and is acquainted with Bear fullback Rich Casares, who already has figured in the investigation. 3. That a bar business part- ner of Karras, ace defensive tackle for Detroit Lions, has been questioned about gamb- ling, presumably by FBI agents. 4. That the United States Sen- ate investigations subcommittee plans to look into the situation and that the NFL is continuing its own investigation. NO WRONGDOING Despite the developments, there still has been no disclos- ure of wrongdoing. News of the NFL's investiga- tion came into the open last Fri- day when it was reported that George Halas, owner-coach of the Bears and co-founder of the aad 42 years ago, had asked NFL commissioner Pete Ro- zelle to look into published ru- mors of a scandal. The NFL's official stand is that the investigation is one of several it conducts every year and that it will not discuss star haif- i Green -- in addition to HOCKEY SCORES specific individuals or cases. The concensus of league play- ers, coaches and club officials is 'oung. | . Young vanished last Tuesday) By THE CANADIAN PRESS that there is no substance to rumors of a betting scandal. However, it is known that wagering on NFL games is big business and has grown with the popularity of the league. The Chicago American said Abe Samuels, who admitted bet- ting up to $90,000 in a single football season, knows Hor:wng, Handler and Casares. QUOTES SAMUELS The newspaper quoted Sam- uels, lumber company owner and duplicating machine execu- ornung about 10 years and of- fered him a duplicating ma- CITY WANTS GAMES Go With Pan-Am Games In Sao Paulo In April SAO PAULO, Brazil (AP)-- American Games Commission, The fourth Pan - American Games definitely will go on as scheduled April 22-May 5 in this booming skyscraper city, says He is the key man involved in the preparation for the Games. He is optimistic that all of the problems connécted with the + as saying he has known)» Games will be settled by the time the first batch of the an- ticipated 4,500 'athletes and of- ficials arrive in this industrial metropolis of 3,500,000 people. Maj. Padilha said 22 nations, including Canada, the United States and all of the large coun- tries, already 'have confirmed their participation. Plans No Changes LETHBRIDGE (CP) -- Coach Bob Hamilton of Lethbridge Na- the official mainly responsible for the hemispheric competi- tion. "The city wants the Games, the state wants them, the gov- ernment wants them," said Maj. Sylvia de Magalhaes Padilha. Maj. Padilha, a former out- standing 500-metre hurdler, is a member of the Brazilian Olym- pic committee and the Pan- Tobacco Road MONTREAL (CP) -- Andy jate's goal - a » game pace was the hottest in the Na- tional Hockey League last week and wept the New York right winger at the head of the league's individual points list, Official NHL statistics re- leased today show Bathgate scored four times--an average of once a game--to increase his total to 20 goals and 22 assists. He is the second player to reach the 20-goal mark this sea- son, Toronto's Frank Mahov- lich, who picked up five points last week to narrow Bathgate's -- a single point, has 23 The league's biggest producer last week, Johnny Bucyk of Bos- four assists. Bucyk's linemate Murray Ol iver, who earned three points, is fourth with 36 and Bath- gate's lineémate Den A who salvaged only two assists, is fifth with 35. THREE ARE TIED Sixth is a three-way deadlock between Detroit's Gordie Howe: Montreal's Henri Richard and Chicago's Stan Mikita. All have 34 points, but they are ranked in that order because Howe has 15 goals, Richard 14 and Mikita 13, Canadiens' centre Jean Beli- veaun alone in ninth place with 33, also leads the league in as- ten, is in third spot with 38 sists with 27, By BOB MYERS LOS ANGELES (AP) -- The Argentinian Boxer Still Unconscious Alex weighed 212, Riggins, 192% and the Argentine was Goal A Game Stride Puts Andy Up Front Toronto centre ranke? 13th with $1, is the Player among the top 24 Rangers 6-0 Sunday night. HAS SOLID LEAD Plante has allowed 50 goals in 26 games, a goals-against average of 1.92. Runner Glenn Hall of Chicago has a 2.26 average, having let in 79 goals in 35 games. Chicago Sunday night put the Toronto holds the top rung of- " |New 'Orleans, getters without a penalty this bend ied - UP/the WBA committed the Toronto's 5-1 landslide over|tracts. teams into a tie for first place|have in the standings with 45 points. |divisions. ficially since the Leafs have|title last Sept. 25, won 20 of their 38 games so far,/terson in one round at Chi- Objections Withdrawn From Liston Rematch pert es sions on a, ee seas. Yaseen tnd ile Bruneau chairman be re would be posi- race as Canadiens whitewashed] of heart: 1. No. 1 contender Eddie Machen now is in 4 mental hos- piel, leaving Patterson as the lo. 1 contender. 2, Another member state fe nal breach of the areup's tules and regulations, wi return bout clauses in fight con- : 3. Other breaches of the han been committed in etpping Ba z Liston won the puzzled at the tragic outcome. Lavorante's opponent was a relatively unknown heavyweight from San Francisco, Johnny Riggins. 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of Athol) 728-9441 clock an 4 the scale nhac Mive comfortably ahead after four Bee need with 18 of 38 for the|cago's Comiskey Park. along but for a handsome young)rounds. 3 ' i i Montreal is one it behind 3 SIGN WITH TIGERS Manis fa Areentina UmelgeeMeD TO TIRE the leaders wiih 41, Dettolt ts] DETROIT (AP) --~ Plechers Py ' But, as referee Tommy Hart|fourth with 40, New York fifth|Terry Fox, Bob and angy Alejandro Lavorantelyerified later' Lavorantelwith $1 and Boston last with 21,/Bob Humphreys their now is in the fourth month Of seemed to tire toward the end! Detroit still leads in the pen.|1963 baseball contracts with De- unconsciousness. jof each round. Jalty department with a total of|tfoit Tigers Monday. Fox was The night of last Sept. 21 the) Just before the end of thél496 minues. Almost one-fourth|tM Tigers' ace relief pitcher 25-year-old Alex was knocked/fifth, Riggins caught Alex with . Anderson was ac- ' sei ug of the total went to Red Wings el in the sixth round of what| solid straight right to theldefenceman Howie Young, bad-|(ined last month in a trade aa Doni i an easy 10-|chin, man of the NHL, who has Henel Laspee Run Son vant is out. Lavorante, badly hurt, was|served 122 minutes. 'noer 62 Se 1908 pry 4 The next morning there was hanging on when the bell] The leaders: Denver of the brain surgery to remove a clot.|sounded. As the sixth opened G.A Pts..PiM| ciation lean Asso- Later there was @ second op-|Riggins landed a right to the B NY ' % : eration to relieve pressure on|stomach, and Alex fell back to-| Bathgate, one the ¢ brain. of the remova"2"@ his own comer. Mahovlich Tor 23 18 41 sisted va'| Then Riggins landed an over.|/Bucyk, Bos. 17 21 38 12 une Of the cial A"* inch section/nand right to the head. It didlOliver, Bos. 13 23 36 24) Metro Junior "A Through it ell, the six-foot not appear to be a Prentice, NY 11 2% 35° 16 > five boxer has remained un.|°T, knockout blow. But when it|Howe, Det f 19 34 «42 HOCKEY sonadseee. ee landed the referee jumped be-|Richard, Mt! 14 20 34 22 ae cee, rare Oe cod it a, the California Lutheran Hoe| Lavorante then elowiy|Geottrion, Mii 18 14 32 39 pital, where he was taken the|S!umped off his stool and col-/McDonald, Chi, 18 19 32 8 night of the fight, to @ regular et, tae eee ee ' arried from a , Tor. patient's room. streteher. ring OM Alviacdonald, Det 17 18 30 26 STILL HAS HOPE It was his third knockout in|Kélly, Tor. 8 22 30 2 Dr. J. Dewitt Fox, the neuro-|a row since March 30, De io, Det & 22 308 surgeon who was called in = - orc operate, says: nei} Sitainly wit not sive wl SHORGAS || BROWN'S pe. Bul know re wi e | a long period of rehabilitation, | HEATING & LUMBER & SUPPLIES KNOB HILL perhaps « year, possibly] APPLIANCES mo vs Dr. Fox described Lavor-| Industrial and "DO-IT-YOURSELF WHITBY DUNLOPS aa Commercial HEADQUARTERS" || Tuesday, Jan. 8th Alex is able to move a little|| The established, relicble Ges HOME IhpeoveunnTs 8:30 P.M. now and then, he said. Dealer in your eree. FULL. LINE OF Wh Viewers of the fight still are BUILDING MATERIALS itby Community Arene Adults $1.00 Chilton 250 725-4704 436 RITSON N. (Where Pavement Ends) tionals said Monday night he has no plans to ch the 12- Students with cords 30 man roster he originally picked to play in the Pan-American Games and world basketball Curlers Still Victorious Hamilton said in an interview LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Lon-jthe Nationals are shy on éx- don, Woodstock and Simcoe/nerience and need more top- curlers remained unbeaten at! notch competition but he de- the end of Monday's opening | nied a Vancouver story Mon- two rounds of play in the Zone|day that quoted him as saying 1 women's playdowns. ithe team "'possibly needs a few London's Highland quartet,)more new players" if it is to ski by Grace Ryan, de-/improve. feated the, Leamington entry,| The Nationals, who competed skipped by Renee Gallagher, |in an invitational tournament in 14-8 and then pounced on the|Manila last month, have reas-| Centralia foursome, skipped by 5embled here. They won five of Helen Burton for a 14-6 vic-|SiX_ games, losing only to the| tory. | United States, Peg Mcintosh skipped ved Woodstock team to a 9-4 first-| ()' round wir. over Pat Oliver's St.| 0 Connor To Scout Thomas team and, an 8-7 vic- r tory over Nita Smith's Sarnia] For Boston Bruins group, | The Simcoe foursome of Irene) Wren Blair, personnel direc. Freemian downed Sarnia 7-6 injtor of the Boston Bruins' farm first - round play and thenjsystem, today announced ap- handed St. Thomas a 10-8 set-|pointment of Ted O'Connor as back, the Boston ve ane scout Defending zone champion|for Oshawa, Ajax, urg, and London Curling Club was|Port Hope districts, = beaten 10-9 by Centralia, then|, O'Connor played Junior "A rebounded for a 12-6 win over hockey for the Oshawa Generals Leamington. -- |and professional hockey at Her- Third and fourth rounds in/SbEY in the American Hockey 3 aE 'League and Tacoma in the the round-tobin competition i$) Western Hockey League scheduled for today with fifth] Beri py ae : He also played under Blair for and sixth rounds Wednesday| overal seasons when the Whit and the seventh Thursday. hy Dunlops won tw 'Allon C oti The winner will represent the, ui the World Haske Ch be zone in the provincial finals at! pionship 7 nem: Weston. | Other area scout appointments also made by Blair are Lorne SUPPORT BOXING BAN |Ferguson, Pembroke District; Billy Watson, Ottawa and Dis- trict; Gary 'Young, Kingston- OSLO (Reuters) -- Norwegian authorities supported Monday a | | calling for a ban on/|Belleville-Trenton District, and lestional bd in all tive| Paul Jago, North Bay and Sud-/ otdic countries. The proposal|bury area. ag franchise for Louisville, Will be discussed next month by) All appointments are effective the Nordi¢ Council. limmediately Little Rock was to have joined the AA this year, but the league folded. "Tid rather not guess," he said, "hut the majors have agreed to pay whatever the cost will be." An earlier estimate placed the additional travel costs at |$78,000. si- Presi OPENS APRIL 17 The International League sea- son will open April 17 and ead Sept. 2. The 1962 season, in- volving eight teams started and ended a week later. The league will be divided into two five-team divisions, Richardson said. fe Buffalo, Richmond, Rochester. Syracuse and Toronte will com- i might after a game in Chicago) 'and did not return to Detroit until Saturday. : se Saskatchewan Senior Londoners To Get {Yoo ' Rezina 2 le Saskatchewan Junior : 4,500 Seat Aren a | stevan 3 Saskatoon 0 | Manitoba Junior » LONDON, Pigs CP) -- AG Beandon 4 Winnipeg Braves 3 a es Sey Lakehead Seni to cost $300,000, will be con- Lakehead Senior structed in East London, wil-|Fort William 3 Port Arthur 1 diam Boom, spokesman for a| Ontario Junior B group of London businessmen, |Dresden 7 Detroit 4 7 Monday. |St. Thomas 5 Tillsonburg 10 » Boom Pe oe, alta 2 Wallaceburg 6 start at end of] . Ontario Intercollegiate Bauacy. He sid the arena willl Osgoode Hall 7 York U 6 mot be used exclusively for) hockey, "but that is the group's Ontario Intermediate A main objective right now." Midland 3 Orillia 8 'TEN-TEAM LEAGUE : By JOE REICHLER NEW YORK (AP)--The In- ternational League officially ac- Indianapolis and Little and adopted a 152game schedule Monday after receiv- ing a promise from the major to absorb the additioral welling costs involved in its at expansion to 10 clubs. "International League Tommy. Richardson reluctantly yielded to the majors' edict to accept Indian- Little Rock,- two of Association, said he not estimate how much) additional travel cost would to until a thorough com- was made between the and 1963 schedules. the ands To Take In 2 New Clubs promise the Northern Division and Atlanta, Columbus, Indian- apolis, Jacksonville and Littié Rock will make up the South- ern Division. Teams will meet each divi- sion rival 18 times, nine games at home and nine on the road, and each team from the other division 16 times. "The two division leaders at the end of the season will play in a best-of-seven series for the International League pennant," said Richardson. "The second place teams in each division also will meet in a_ best-of- seven series, with the second- place winners and the first- place winners meeting in an- other best of seven for the right of play the Pacific Coast League! champions in the Junior World nerfs in the International League and the American Association met in the Junior World Series. been given assurance players will receive the same treatment as whites, Although he did not say who gavé him that assurance, it was believed he got it from Ford Frick, in a conference between. the league Pp Monday morning. HAS NO WORRY president of the Indians, said he|players in Little Rock. was no longer worried about the integration issue because of as- surances from Frick. Paul said the commissioner assured him "our Négro play-| érs will receive equal treat- mént in Little Rock," and "we have avivised him that we no longer have objections to our Jacksoaville farm club playing in Little Rock in 1963." Earlier, Arkansas Gov. Orvall E, Faubus refused to comment in Little Rock on remarks made Saturday by Paul about the in- tegration issue.: Paul said he would not vote extra' travel funds for the Jacksonville club until Faubus assured him that Négro players would be given Paul, the same treatment as white In past years, the playoff win- Richardson said he antici- ited no segregation problem in ttle Rock, declaring he had Negro resident and the commissioner In Cleveland, Gabe POPULAR One last opportunity to purchase our Rec. Room Special ! Full 12' x 18 HERE'S WHAT @ 480 ey ft. of beautiful pre- finished Lavan Rotary V-grooved Mahogany Plywood @ 216 sq. ft. of Vinyl! Asbestos Tile, colour of your choice. @ 216 Md Aad Acoustica! Ceiling @ 2 Recessed Lights. @ 3 Receptecies. NO PAYM JUNE 1s ON OUR DEFERRED PAYMENT PLAN ALL ORDERS OF $100 OR MORE CAN BE FINANCED ON OUR DEFERRED PAY- MENT PLAN ... NO PAYMENT 'TIL JUNE Ist, 1963. SHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LIMITED Head Office and Showroom COURTICE PHONE 7 Repeated By completely installed in your home "A713" Tile ¢ best fit the requirements @ One Door of your family! @ Complete trim, finishing me- terials, hardware, ete, FREE @ 1 Switeh i 4 will be furnished . . . you @ Complete instellation by skilled ereftimen sat ber and pay only this contract meterials fully guarenteed by price . no hidden we ucts. "extras"! ml MODERNIZE NOW and § DEMAND "Rec Room YOU GET - FREE PLANNING SERVICE Oshawa Wood Products' consultents will help you plan your Rec. Room to ESTIMATE SERVICE A complete cost-estimate ENT TIL t, 1963 AVE! is Can Be YOUR KITCHEN A mojor part of the thrill of having a new kitchen is having it personalized to your individual tastes and planned to save you time, money and energy. OUR HOME MODERNIZATION CONSULTANTS meet your individual needs DO IT NOW AND SAVE $$$ No Payment 'Til June Ist, '63 On Our Deferred Payment Plan Beautiful Spice Bar FRE for your remodelled kitchen .. + in choice of birch or mahogany Open House--Jan. 17th 7:00 p.m.-9:30 p.m. | St thous Medovolecting Gghisltste ie ta be heal oe pitas your questions . .. MANY SPECIALS WILL BE AVAILABLE ON THIS OCCASION, 28-1611 Oshawa Sho PHONE Centre 617 et

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