POON TE TLC Ce STS ST SEEN SEN GO CLT EE FU TSS CUERPO BOLE " oe er er br erty haa) * THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday Jonuery 9, 1963 13 : "WHITBY And DISTRICT prove With Flatz2sinssrsp Transport Driver | Minors Told 0" Ng ete : reakfast fit for a hicle and she too, was in an in- 3 e e Jailed, Fined To Leave |. rnin suas nowrat|tstated cenit ie who was seen driving along the; sgt, Fleming said the accused | Baseline road in Pickering/nad to be assisted over a six- i Toronto transport driver} OPP cog ge peg Ab Township with a smoking flat/inch step into the Dunbarton Tuesday sentenced to three|Onlock said he saw the vehicle tine, was Tuesday sentenced to|police Station. H. ibed i 00ze ne three days and fined $100 and|coarrc ron Ae gee Z $ and fined $200 and costs,|pass by in the eastbound lane as 4 ms an additional 30 days, when|he was investigating an acci- i costs, or an additional 10 days, asanetne dive yt Sig highly pleaded guilty to a reducedident, He said he stopped the} Magistrate Crawford W. Guest/when he pleaded guilty before Sparrow asked the change be ge of impaired driving. accused near Stevenson road,|Tuesday warned three Oshawa|Magistrate Crawford W. Guest| reduced to one of nbd aniy. : Edward George Prentice, 17/Oshawa. teenagers to leave alcoholic/to a charge of impaired driving. ing, to which see Id pl ; rie street, pleaded not) According to the officer, the|beverage alone until they reach} Ralph Sparrow, 39, 5 Maple guilty, » v Saving to a charge of drunk) vehicle was weaving from the|the legal age of 21 years, On|street, pleaded not guilty to al He said Set, Fleming did not e@ Ova. 'ore driving lane to the' south shoul-|the threat of jail sentences/change of drunk driving. He was fat aha bumper jack he: found i ' Witness Ernest G. Wessells, of|der of the highway as he was|when they appeared before him,|convicted on the lesser charge.|in the vehicle and therefore did ROYAL GUEST RINDLESS SLICED Bowmanville, told the court he| giving chase. He added the carjcharged with being minors con-| Pickering Township Police saw > oe car, a weaved at least three times|suming. Patrol Sgt. David Fleming told not know it did not work, ven in an erratic manner On) while he was following it. Charged are James oe the court he saw a_ vehicle Cc hway 401 Dec. 22. | Constable Onlock said the ac-|Aldread, 17, 276 Oshawa boule-|swerving across the road Dec. ADDITIONAL WHITBY 1-LB, ; According to Mr. Wessells, the| ....44 smelled strongl . rang ; ' y of alco-|vard south, David Arthur Bish-/16 and as the vehicle passed his PK Yehicle od tab a bho | and was unsteady on hisiop, 17, 279 Oshawa boulevard|cruiser, he noticed the left front NEWS ON PAGE 7 G, wee on 'in spy ee re | feet. Prentice's eyes were blood-|south and Ivan Martell, 17, 445/tire was flat and smoking con- hota € said cars! shot and he was unable to keep|Drew street. siderably. NY GET HIGHER PAY tempting to pass the vehicle his palance in a heel-to-toe walk-| All three were i i § J . placed on| According to Sgt. Fleming, bir alee ae 40 20: he pullea|ing, test given him at the de-/suspended sentence and granted|the driver signalled a right turn] WINNIPEG (CP)--The it TABLERITE PURE PORK SKINLESS into the Whitby OPP detach- tachment office. |probation for a peniod of one|then turned left, He said whenltoba Teachers' Society says! thent office where his wife re-|, 'He was in no condition tojyear. he stopped the vehicle, he noted) snout 8,500 teachers are work- ported the manner in which the drive," Constable Onlock said.) Town Constable Kenneth Ed-|\the accused smelled strongly of|, ine in provincial publié eehools Yehicle was being driven. He| Prentice was given a month wards told the court he saw the/alcohol, his eyes were almost .Y Pi 4,100 1-LB, said she copied the licence num.|to pay his fine and his driver's|trio in Whitby Dec. 22. All, he/shut and were watering con-|@t an average salary of $ | PKG Ber before they arrived at the licence was suspended for six|said- had been drinking in both| siderably, annually, a $50 increase from if Toronto and Oshawa. Sgt. Fleming testified the ac-!the previtus school year. police station. ae 'months, i "TENDERSWEET" BONELESS 6-OZ, VACUUM PACKAGE 49c oscar COLLI S g SONS| HAM STEAKS or SLICES"?! 49° SMOKED KIPPERS """"™ . 33° Cr ad TABLERITE -- CANADA'S FINEST RED OR BLUE BRAND BEEF : | SHORT RIB ROASTS :::" . gs ------ Sensational JANUARY i Fee CALIFORNIA'S FINEST TABLE VARIETY A TOTAL OF oe A | Y/ } y/ i =ae "s aN Bs Grade Emperor NO Ssaii ZZ |S? Grapes | 30.00 \i RECEIVE $6.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH Door Opening Special! ||| Door Opening Special! [iia Delmonte Drink "it, '2% THURSDAY AT 9 A.M FRIDAY ATOSAM. lh SURF DETERGENT jive size ae ! fe | S. C JEWEL SHORTENING ,°; °,. RECEIVE $4.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH Ladies' Smart : LADIES' MILLINERY 7 00 eh 2 2 CAD || renver cree No. 1 crave FACELLE TISSUE "Wi." our tutyco: fa HOSE PR. |] || NEW CABBAGE 2. 35° |) sS%08%im We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities §f CRISP CELERY wet ge has ae STALKS COOKED MEAT siiceo osx. pis. fe | ANCY GRADE REAL VALUE!! \ Jee LOOK! LOOK! | MCINTOSH APPLES 6-0T. 6% COOKING ONIONS "3.3. Sic" BASK. J | MEN'S LOOK! ore et OF 3s | Prices effective Jon, 9, 10, 11, 12 DRESS V7 nonce SKIRTS | SSS ate oe MANDARIN SAICO GOLDEN DEW e T D R E S S E S Beoutifully toilored of wool materials. Hl Qranges 2 'ix: 39* is A wi Ss | | GREEN GIANT FANCY PKG. Cc Special REDUCED Peas -- 3 l* HOSPITALITY AVAILABLE THURS., FRI. & SAT. ONLY Not all sizes. Broken ranges, some slight- & | ly soiled. Reg. Values to 9.95. 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