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Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Jan 1963, p. 3

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HOCKEY POPULAR AT NORTH OSHAWA ARENA game provides the opportun- ity to relax from classroom worries and give full vent to or play hockey. This scene at the North Oshawa Arena shows that hockey is still Canada's national game. The This is the season of the year when Young Canada de- lights in getting out of doors to ski, sleigh ride, tobbogan Color TV Test | City boards, committees and commissions have been asked t d by Finance Chairman Walter eques e |Branch to submit their budget jestimates to the city treasurer sa |by. Feb. 14. HAMILTON (CP) -- Kenneth) POLICEMAN FLEES D, Soble, president of television) HOF, West Germany (Reut-| AUTHORIZE BORROWING station CHCH, said Tuesday he|ers)--A _ uniformed East Ger-| Authorization to borrow up to will seek permission next week man policeman and his fiancee $2,500,000 was given by council from the Board of Broadcast escaped into West Germany Monday night. Borrowing is Governors to conduct experi-/near here during the night and necessary to keep the city mental color broadcasts. He|asked for political asylum, po-|operating until tax money said the station's present equip-|lice reported today. starts coming in. ment can be converted for color EXECUTE FIVE a dy i vi Kcessive Po ap a 3 Rea ee SELL LAND PARCEL oe oe JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP)-- Both council and the indus- ma Five men have. been executed | iia] commission have ap- SHRINERS GIVE CHEQUE /|for an assassination attempt! nroved sale of a three-acre par- TORONTO (CF) & Bo im.[sen. 1, 10, on Fickiey ,St"|cel in the Industrial Park. to presse¢ with Toronto police|karno in the south CerobéS./r. M. McLellan for $7,500. Con- courtesy were the 50,000 Shrin-|Antara news yeast eat Ciditions include the proposed ers here for the organization's) Men died last ak adenine . warehouse must be built within 1962 convention, they presented firing squad in } ence t CaP- one year of the purchase date a cheque Tuesday for $2,500 to ital of the Celebes. 4 eir names gr the buyer has 'to sell. the the Metropolitan Toronto police ¥°re not: announced. land back to the' city at the widows' and orphans' fund. ANALYZE SPACE DATA same price. PICKERING (Staff) -- Chief 4|Constable Reg Parker of the Pickering. Township Police to- day confirmed that an 18-year- old Township girl was raped on Monday night. Police are still unable to talk |to the girl who was operated on Tuesday afternoon and has been under sedation since that time. Chief Parker said the girl was attacked in the south end of the Rouge area shortly after she \got off a bus from work. "She just got off the bus when a car parked nearby started honking at her. She thought it Leads Lacking In Rape Case 'iwas a neighbor's car and got into it." oe ey Be Tap EI eg gS peeping a sag ely Hip eg op eh THE OSHAWA TIMES, Boi Wednesday Jenvery 9, 1963 3 LABOR COUNCIL NEWS IN BRIEF The Oshawa and District Labor Council Tuesday night voiced in favor of offering moral support to postal work- ers who are seeking higher wages, RESOLUTION ASKED . D. "Tommy" Thomas, MLA, Tuesday night asked the} | Oshawa and District Labor}; |ounci to rer 4 resolution to |the chairman of the Select Com- drove her to her house, the | mittee on Municipal Affairs re- chiei said. | r \questing the deleti Chief Parker admitted thatlsp of the Municipal Acte his department did not have} any leads on the attacker. The B25 nie rin eg sy investigating officers are Sgt. /urer of the Oshawa and District Richard Bodley and Sgt. P./Labor Council, was appointed to Hollywood. |the Industrial Commission. 'and ---------- OM Festi to the council of the Ontario Federation of Labor at It was then, the Chief said, that she realied that it was not a neighbor. "The man told her he would drive her home. The assailant drove her near her house but) kept her in the car by telling) her that he had a gun." After attacking her, the man OBITUARIES the mony mecog Tuesay MOTION TABLED MRS, WILLIAM T. BROWN MADOC -- Ill for the past six months, Mrs, Olive May Brown of Madoc, widow of Rev. Wil- liam T. Brown, died suddenly Sunday, Jan. 6, in Belleville |General Hospital. She was in er, 74th year. Daughter of the late Mr. and "|Mrs, Robert Allan, she was born in Madoc township and --Oshawa Times Photo. | |had lived in the village for the |past 14 years, moving there Stock Market . {Frage Hamburg, NY. ae | § s member of - St.} | Selling Wave | pater' Presbyterian Church at Meas Madoc, and also belonged to St. TORONTO (CP)--The stock|peter's Church Ladies' Aid, the market ran into its biggest)wMs and the Women's Club. selling wave this year, but held/she was highly regarded in the the high spirits which moti- vate a teenage boy. up fairly well to close on the/ Madoc community. upside Tuesday. | She is survived by two daugh- Profit-takers drove the indus-|ters, Mrs. W. (Eileen) Polley,| trial index down more than two|Oshawa, and Mrs. W. (Anna| points in the final hour of trad-| Jean) Richardson of Edem,| ing but even so, the main list)N.Y, and seven grandchildren. | finished with a fractional gain.! Also surviving are two broth-| | Speculative action continued |ers, Field E. Allan of Madoc} |keeping the trading volume|township, and Malcolm Allan above the 4,000,000-share mark.|of Ameliasburg. | Among industrials, Investors) The funeral service was held Syndicate A gained 14, Inter-|at the Mackenzie Funeral provincial Pipe Line and Bank|Home at 8 p.m. Monday, Jan. of Montreal '%4 each and Domin-|7, A further service was held at} lion Bridge %4. the W. L. Froehler Home, Ham- Walker - Gooderham dropped|burg, N.Y., at 2 p.m. today. lone point. and Canada Cement|Interment was in Prospect and Power Corporation 14. Lawn Cemetery, Hamburg, On the exchange index, indus- N.Y. trials gained .05 to 588.72, golds! WILLIAM F. McNALLY 196 oo van -- saree ail William Frederick McNally 96.98 and western oils 1.29 atlaioq in Oshawa General Hos- 118.28. The closing volume was]... 4 4,053,000 shares compared with ag i pee ig Higgs | | A motion to form a commit- The funeral service will be|tee to investigate possible loca- held at the McIntosh-Anderson|tions for the farmers' market Funeral Chapel Friday, Jaa. 11,/was tabled Tuesday night when at 2 p,m. Interment will be at/ Hugh Coutts told members of the Union Cemetery. Rev.\the Oshawa and District Labor' Derek Allen, minister of St.|Council the Oshawa Shopping Paul's Presbyterian Church,)/Centre is considering taking will conduct the services. |the farmers back in the spring. GEORGE D. GLASSFORD | NAME 10 DELEGATES The death of George Duncan| Ten delegates of the Oshawa Glassford occurred this morn-jand District Labor Council will ing at his residence, 132 Centraljattend the Local 222, UAW Park boulevard north, in his| Weekend Institute at the Union 63rd year. He had been in fail-| Hall, Bond street east, on Feb. ing health for the last few years.|2 and 3, Courses varying from He was married in Oshawa in|parliamentary procedure to eco- 1954 to the former Margaret|nomics will be offered at the KIWANIS CLUB Following Tuesday's meet- ing of the Oshawa Kiwanis Club, Walter C. Famme, the retiring president, presented a cheque for $2,000 to Thom- as L. Wilson, president of the Oshawa General Hospital AIDS HOSPITAL Board, The cheque represent- ed the second instalment of the $6,000 pledged by the service club to the hospital building fund. --Oshawa Times Photo Millson. Mr. Glassford haditwo-day school. Speaker at a lived in Toronto before com:ng|social gathering Saturday, Feb. to Oshawa 11 years ago. He)2, will be the Hon. Douglas was born in British Columbia|Fisher, NDP member of parlia- and served in the First World! ment. War. ' | CITIZENSHIP MONTH Mr, Glassford was an indus- A ni ' trial engineer and for a number|,,"cbruary. will be Citizenship of years was employed by the| Month by proclamation of the} DUNBARTON -- The regular Moffat Stove Company in Wes.| canadian Labor Congress, it)morning service of worship at ton. In Oshawa he was employ-| 25 stated at the Oshawa and/the Dunbarton United Church ed at Houdaille Industries Lim.| District Labor Council meeting} was conducted by the minister, ited until tle palirement: Later, | 1uesday night. "It is a Dr. W. A. McKay, 'assisted by he did odd jobs for the Shore|{or union members and labor|Mr. R. Pitcairn, organist and Gas Company. jeouncils and affiliated groups to|choir director. The choir sang He Was bvedesehsad by. Ge place special emphasis on their "Lo how a Rose is Blooming". idea oy Aone Muriel toes as citizens," said the an-|Miss Lois Davidson conducted ; ; the Junio: ion, Cain, of St. Catharines; ie + Conaregetns former Olive Shrigley of Barrie;| SEEK REPRESENTATION | ing One eid with ate ow and by one son, Ernest, He is) A letter will be sent to city| gram planned by the UCW et survived by his present wife. {council from the Oshawa and| 'A? Co ' a geen Mr. Glassford is survived by|District Labor Council asking) neig on Ae Oe a daughter, Mrs. Miles Free, |that the ODLC be allowed rep-| Ges Jr. (Norma), of Niles, Ohio,|/Tesentation on the planning|ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH Communion Service 'Held At Dunbarton By I. THOMPSON There are two sons living in board. Action was taken Tues-| The service at St. Andrew's }was conducted by the minister Toronto, W. Bruce and Gary "ay night at the request of | FARMERS TO MEET WASHINGTON (AP) -- Full reports of Mariner II's close-up TO STUDY GRANT The finance committee will WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) --The/igok at the planet Venus Dec. Canadian Federation of Agricul-/14 will be ready sometime in study a $100 grant request from illness of several years. He was in his 67th year. |W. and a son and a daughter, A son of the late Edward andj Ralph E. and Lucy E. at home, He is survived by two sisters: 4,357,000 Monday. Among base metals, Interna- tional Nickel gained 1% and) Agnes McNally, he was born in ecutive board member Pat Mc-| of the church, Rev. F. Conkey Closkey. Ald. Cliff Pilkey call-/Mrs. Marion McClement organ Hunters Took 4] Days Each To Bag Deer LINDSAY -- Organized resi- dent hunters numbering 2,846 spent a total of 14,243 days te bag 851 deer, it is revealed in statistics compiled by lands and forests department biologist Ed- ward Cox. Mr. Cox said Monday that the figures show that almost 17 hunter days were spent for each deer killed. ; The unorganized hunter spent almost 41 days to bag his deer, 1,169 hunters with 73 deer were recorded at the various depart- ment-operated checking sta- ed the planning board "one ofjist and choir leader, presided| tions. |at the organ, Non-resident hunters did the Canadian National Institute|Denison %4. Gunnar Mining de-|Qshawa Jan. 21, 1896, He was|Mrs. May Bowen and Mrs. the most important boards." ture will hold its annual meet-|fepruary, a spokesman for the ing here Jan. 22 to 24, it wass. space agency said Tues- announced today. day, LAUNCH SHIP HULL COLLINGWOOD, Ont. (CP)--| LONDON (AP) -- Film star|year will be $624. 324-foot-long hull of the|/Pier Angeli gave birth to a) F400-ton freighter Yancanuck!seven-pound, 14-ounce son by, _ TO STUDY REQUEST slid into Georgian Bay here|caesarean section Tuesday| Council's finance committee | Tuesday. The vessel, third night and was reported recover-| will study Peel County's request) owned by Yancanuck Steamship|ing satisfactorily. The 30-year-|for support of a resolution ask-| Line of Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.,/old brunette and her second|ing that premiums which many will be fitted out and super- husband, Italian band leader,municipalities pay (to the On-| structure built before the cer- Armando Trovajoli, were mar-|tario Hospital Services Commis- emonial second launching April ried in London last February.|sion) on hospital insurance to 10. They live in Rome. Lesage Says = Allegations | David Orlikow Ridiculous | Raps RCMP lcontinue membership in the PIER HAS SON ed be included as part of the |cost of indigent hospitalization. Councils are reimbursed for in-| | digent hospitalization costs but jnot for these premiums. CAN GO IN SNOW LONDON (Reuters)--Britain's first twin-engined car--one en- gine turns the back wheels and another engine turns the front wheels -- can plough through more than two feet of snow, the British Motor Corporation an- nounced Tuesday. The small car will sell for about $1,330. TURNS OVER BATON | CHICAGO (AP)--James C.) : Petrillo ended a colorful 48-year| QUEBEC (CP)--Premier Le- or e ay career as a union labor leader|sage has termed "ridiculous" Tuesday, in tears and chokedjallegations by Opposition! (Q~rawa (CP)--David Orli- with emotion. The 71-year-old) Leader oa pg Figs of kow, New Democratic Party| Petrillo turned over the baton|Stock market coup ia MP, has told Justice Minister! as head of the Chicago Federa- a pare p Temgagyin De Bea Fleming the RCMP should have} i Musicians (AFL-CIO) to/%€C S_ private y 3 A AF a Bates geal brongeaorg from him in|Slated for takeover by the pro- made public its assurances that an upset election last month--| Vincial government. Barney Richards, 57, a band-| Mr. Johnson said on a CBC leader. : free -time political broadcast f oe that it would be "'interesting to CHARGED IN SLAYING know who is going to profit ROCHESTER, N.Y. (AP)--A\from this market coup," which welfare recipient was accused/he said had increased the value Tuesday of raping and killing}of shares of Shawinigan Water an elderly widow Monday night..and Power Company by $40,- Alfred C. Taylor, 45, a resident 000,000. of the Monroe County Home| Premier Lesage and Infirmary, was charged! day: with first-degree murder in the) «Not only is this ridiculous slaying of Mrs. Bird C. Minor, ' put it shows striking bad faith." © women inher 70s. If there had been a market MARK ANNIVERSARY coup, shares would have ATHENS (AP) -- King Paul 'zoomed upwards" before Hy- and Queen Frederika of Greece dro-Quebec's offer to acquire observed their silver wedding the shares was announced. But anniversary today, attending a they had not, Mr. Lesage said. thanksgiving service in the pal- He said the unexpected an- ace chapel. No public celebra-'nouncement of the offer was tion was planned. made to avoid speculation "and FATHER, SONS DIE we have avoided speculation KYOTO, Japan (AP) A father and his five sons die today and three others were in three 0 Tobacco Buying jured when a fire gutted a : --|Ruling Awaited Appointments Are toronto (cp)--a decision on whether tobacco buyers op- Made By Board erating at auctions at Aylmer, Delhi and Tillsonburg will be The Oshawa Separate Schoo Board, at its first business 1 allowed anonymity will be made by the Ontario Farm Products mei ofthe year, made S2/Qhuirman George k, Mec oe to several civic bod \said Tasilay. / t to represent the) The board considered the ioarate 'School Board on the| question at a meeting here but Oshawa Board of Education'Teached no decision were Robert Nicol and Rt. Rev, Names of firms buying to- Philip Coffey. Mr. Nicol will re-| bacco at the three centres have place. R. J. Murphy. Msgr. Cof-|always been disclosed since the fey has been a representative|auctions started under the con- on the Board of Education for trol of the board in 1957 many years. Mr. McCague said Easton Egerer and Edward recommended the change at ¢ Clarke were appointed repre-meeting with the board last sentatives to the library board. | week. In the past opposition has Planning Board representative|come from most buyers, partic- will be Trustee W. J. O'Neill.|ularly those buying for export,| Among other business was albecause they want to know the decision by the board to pay|type of tobacco they will be Separate School teachers on the' completing with and what firms Mr. Orlikow, member Winnipeg North, made- public letter to Mr. Fleming following Monday's statement' by RCMP Commissioner C, W. Harvison,} with the minister's approval, that the federal police force has no derogatory record on Lionel} Orlikow, a Winnipeg school teacher. The teacher. was interviewed by the RCMP in connection with a conducted tour in Winni- peg last October of a group of United States students. They visited the Manitoba headquar- ters of the Canadian Communist party. The MP said he had first taken up the incident privately with Mr. Fleming and _ that) neither he nor his brother com- plained of any improper threats! or suggestions by the RCMP. "T did, however, raise with you 'privately the possibilities) based on other cases which are pretty common knowledge to many people that information| which the RCMP receives does] become available to American) authorities and has been used to prevent Canadian citizens) from entering the U.S.,"' the let-| ter said. | | said Tues- HOSPITAL REPORT Following is the report of the Oshawa General Hospital for the week ending Jan. 5 admissions, 299; 17, female 23; discharges 246; newborn discharges, male 31,} female 20; major surgery, 84;] minor surgery, 118; eye, ear,) nose and throat, 36; treatments and examinations, 150; casts, growers |2 physiotherapy treatments, 215 GOOD FOOD Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12-2P.M Hotel Lancaster for the Blind and whether to)clined 35 cents to $39.30. |Canadian Federation of Mayors|over as the speculative feature, When his health permitted he land Municipalities. Cost thi S| jumping 1414 cents to 52 cents on ja turnover of more than 500,000 shares. cover indigents and unemploy-| | his brother is not suspect as a) of hard work are what David security risk earlier than it did.| Tocher, a resident of Fair- for| view Lodge calls the. secret a| for his long life and his youth- | celebrated his never married and had resid-|/Kate Perry, of New Liskeard tookjed in Oshawa ail his life. |There is one brother, Samuel |Glassford, of Niagara Falls,| worked as a metal finisher at/and three grandchildren. gig Oe ea ' | A memorial service will be r, McNally was a veteran of the First World War and also|rerd # en ee | served with the Canadian Arm-| uneral hapel Friday, Jan. 11,| ed Forces during the Second |at 3.15 p.m., with Rev. D, Allen, Association Arcadia Inquest Rules Shooting Death | | 1} age ] a Justifiable World War. jpastor, of St. Paul's Presbyter- He is survived by two sisters:/ian Church, officiating. .Inter- MONTREAL Mrs. Ralph Calnan (Hazel),/ment will be at Oshawa Union ing of Thomas Bowers, 35, has Mrs. William Lott (Gladys) and|/Cemetery. Friends are asked to|been ruled justifiable homicide a brother, Gordon McNally, all/kindly omit flowers in favor of by a coroner's jury. of Oshawa. donations to the Heart Fund. | The jury heard evidence Tues. --------------|day that Arthur Chabot, 64, |Bower's father-in-law shot and N 2 ol killed Bowers when the latter Hanna, Nancy end Eri oO" broke into ht Verdun Home, a or Gaken P The victims' estranged wife, 5 : Lorraine, 32, told the jury the Mr. and Mrs. Stafford Cos- ; : vay, F ris, Ronald : shooting Monday night ended By MRS. E, LAVIOLETTE a. Paratioas in fe Belge months of terror. Mrs. Bowers COLUMBUS A family|the home of Mr. and Mrs, 2%d_ her three children lived Christmas gathering took place) Rey, Wickens with her parents, at Mrs. T. Fletts. The guests) jy and Mrs. Stanley Naylor. Judges of the court sessions were Mr, and Mrs. Douglas) were supper guests of Mr. and|ad waraed Bowers twice in the Flett, Murray, Marie and Linda|yrg William Nesbitt recently,|!@st two months to keep away of Solina; Mr. and Mrs. John|---- ---- --__..-- |from the Verdun residence. Flett, Candace and Julie of} Mrs. Bowers testified her hus-| Brockville. Mr. and Mrs. Ron-| | STOLE POLICE BOOK band had called her at work ald Flett, Peter and Paul of} LEEDS, England (CP)--A 15-|quring the day time and again. \Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Rob-|year-old boy was charged here| "He told me that he didn't lert Flett, Janie and Isabelle.)with stealing a library book! mind dying but that when he Miss Grace Austin, Miss El-| called "Police Law." went he would take me and my nore Miller and Richard Aus- ' father with him," she said. tin of Toronto visited with Mr.| wit ites 0 and Mrs. Grant Webber and) BIRMINGHAM, England (CP)| a? Welsh Nationalists are expected} | | Scott's were: Mr, and Mrs. Bob Family Reunion | Held At Columbus' 95 YEARS YOUNG Fresh air, sunshine and lots EXPECT PICKETS | Mrs. Eliabeth Stark's guests|14 picket polls here when voters TO SECRETARIES | recently were Mr. and MTs:ldecide whether the Welsh Cly-lRemind the boss thet learning Fred Taylor, Paul, Lynn and |Eric of "Toronio: 'Mr aah Mrs wedeg Valley in Montgomery-'to dance at an Arthur Murray Jamie Stark, Jim, Sharon and| nye 2nould be flooded to ™ "-|Studie. fe goed enarcice end fn, 'aniGa Mr" and Mes Earl| Vide a reservoir to bring water 11% Simcoe St. S. the fact he 95th birthday Tuesday. Mr. Tocher was born in Sunderland, 35 miles fulness, despite (CP)--The_ kill- somewhat better. Sixty - four hunters spent 324 days in the woods, which figures out to slightly more than 10 hunter days in bringing home the ven- |ison. | The overall hunter camp suc- Reagg wage is -- waged rise CRAFTSMAN DIES a counts from hunting NELSON, B.C. (CP) -- John|°2™Ps are tabulated, the biolo- Mucha, 88, well known as aj SiSt said. trapper and violin maker, died! About three-quarters of adult here. He started to learn violin| deer killed were "aged" by the making as a youth 75 years ago| department crews. in his native Czechoslovakia. | This check revealed a sharp drop in number of two-and-a- half-year old deer, thought by the de ent to indicate a large winter kill in 1960-61. Sanus MORTGAGES Ample Funds for Ist MORTGAGES 2nd MORTGAGES We Also Purchase Ist and 2nd Mortgages N.H.A. LOANS ARRANGED You Will Find OUR_SERVICE IS FASTER OUR COST IS LOWER SCHOFIELD-AKER Limited 723-2265 -- 728-3376 After Hours 728-3376 Saas The Junior Congregation was conducted by Mrs. George Brown assisted by Miss Mary Beth McClement. The Ladies Aid and Women's Missionary Society held a joint service recently. | DISEASE DANGER LONDON (CP)--A committee of the British Medical Associa- tion suggests in a report that veneral disease may increase in Britain if the country enters the) European Common Market. The| report says immigrants often) have the disease and terms of! the market would give them "greater mobility." --- SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES Industrial and Commercial The established, reliable Gas Deoler in your area. 31 CELINA ST. {Corner of Athol) 728-9441 north of Whitby and saw the | Stephenson of Oshawa and stan-|!" pepeland: pioneer era in the Whitby area. He farmed all of his working years. ley Wotten. Miss Anne Stinson) {was home with her grandmoth- er for the holidays from Toron- to. | Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Glaspell] and family; Mrs. /D. Yellow- --Oshawa Times Photo lees, all of Taunton visited Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Powell. Mr. and Mrs. John Hodgson of Brandon, Manitoba, visited with their uncle, Oliver McCul-| loch for a few days recently.) Mr. and Mrs. Norman Leger-| ton, Don Mills, visited with Mr.} and Mrs. Frank Smith and Mr.) and Mrs, Walter Dowse recent-| ly. Other visitors were Mr. and) |Mrs. James Bellinger amd Ellen of Toronto and Miss Mar- jion Palmer and Harry Palmer jof Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scott, and Linda joined a family party at the home of Gerry Glaspell. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray LIE DETECTOR WILL CATCH YOU How accurate is a lie de- tector? 'In the hands of a trained person, the known error will probably be less than four thousandth of one percent -- which means it is 99.996 percent accurate." You will be one hundred percent delighted with the results you get by letting Oshawa Times Classified ad sell the good usable appli- ances you have no further need for, Our trained ad writer will list them for you and the added cash will help you get that "extra" you have been wanting Dial 723-3492 and.start your ad today. 394 SIMCOE PEAMEALED COTTAGE ROLLS 69 | LEAN, MEATY FRESH PORK END BLADE births--male |= NOW FRESH PORK 15th of each month, instead of/are purchasing it in southwest the last day. Jern Ontario, SHORT CUT (Ist 4) PRIME RIB ECONOMY -- 6&7 PRIME RIB : BONELESS SHOULDER POT ROAST BONELESS ROLLED BRISKET IS THE TIME To have that carpet or chest- erfield cleaned professionally in Oshawo's Original Carpet Cleaning Centre where fully guaranteed satisfaction is assured Phone 728-4681 NU-WAY RUG CO. LTD. 174 MARY ST. 79: 39 69 To FRESH PORK BUTT LEG OF WITH OSHAWA'S TOP REALTOR JOHN A. J, BOLAHOOD Ltd. REAL ESTATE -- INSURANCE 725-6544 e HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS e 4 SHOULDER SKINLESS MAPLE LEAF SAUSAGE TROUDE FOOD MARKET, ST. NORTH EXTRA FEATURE FREE FRONTENAC ICE CREAM Buy One At Regular Price 25 PINT AND GET ONE FREE! e EXTRA FEATURE CHICKENS FRESH KILLED OVEN READY 2a -3 LB. AV. EXTRA FEATURE Mushrooms NO. 1 BUTTONS 69 49 39 45 49 3 a 4

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