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Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Jan 1963, p. 15

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Capt. Robert G. Neelin (left) of Camp Borden, Ont., TALK OVER NEW whose appointment as advisor to 26 Miltlia Group here was announced Wednesday, talks PoE oe Sich wine Feo My RRNA Tr Pee we . COMMAND over the new command with Major 'John Milani, of Lon- don, who has filled the post EERE since the group was formed last year. (CP Wirephoto) Second Gunnar Meet To Vote On McNamara By GREG MacDONALD TORONTO (CP)--Sharehold- ers of Gunnar Mining Ltd. will meet for the second time Fri- day to vote on a company pro- to acquire McNamara posal Corporation Ltd. Wednesday's journed to 2 p.m. Friday pend- ing count of a poll on a motion to adjourn until April 16. The meeting was told that ballots cast in the poll wouldn't be counted until late today. The motion to adjourn to the April date was made by J, H. Wainberg, counsel for a group of shareholders headed by Gun- meeting never got to a vote as it was ad- tion. that it be adjourned until dis- nancial report. He said everything possible will he done to stop the acquisi- tion and that the opposition "has no intention to drop this proceeding and we will go to trial as soon as possible." Mr, LaBine, uncle of Gunnar President Joseph LaBine, has been fighting the move since shortly after it was announced Nov, 27. He received a setback Brief Says Cuts In Taxes OTTAWA (CP) -- The Cana- @ian Manufacturers' Associa- tion, in a pre-budget brief to the government Wednesday, said the -- for cuts in cor- -- personal income is too urgent to wait on tions from _ the foyal commission on taxation. The association's delegation stated that corporate taxes "un- @oubtedly add to the cost of finished goods and make it difficult for the Canadian man- ufacturer to compete with for- manufacturers both in Can- oe A to . discourage initia- tive as well as to make it diffi- Urgent cult to achieve new capital for- mation in Canada. Carl Pollock, president of the association and president of Do- minion Electrohome Industries Ltd,, Kitcheer, headed the del- egation, which in day-long dis- nar director Charles LaBine who are opposed to the acquisi- Mr, Wainberg made the mo- tion after a shareholder asked closure of McNamara's 1962 fi- Wednesday in his bid to block the merger. BID FALLS SHORT Guaranty Trust Company of Canada announced before the meeting got under way that its bid to acquire 1,300,000 shares of Gunnar at $11 a share had been unsuccessful. The offer was made Dec. 11 on behalf of Charles and the Teck-Hughes gold mining group with which he had joined forces. The trust company said shares deposited under the offer were being returned to shareholders, Gunnar proposes to acquire McNamara for $16,000-000--half in cash and half through issu- ance of 800,000 treasury shares at $10 each. At -the meeting Wednesday Mr. Wainberg asked if the Tor- onto Stock Exchange -- which deferred approval of the issu- ance until a shareholders meet- ing could be held--now has agreed to approve the issue. Thomas O'Connor, Gunnar secretary, said the exchange has informed the company it will authorize the issuance if shareholders approve the acqui- sition. cussions talked with Finance Minister Nowlan, Revenue Min- ister Hugh John Flemming: Trade Minister Hees and Sen- ator Wallace McCutcheon, min- ister without portfolio. Mr, Nowlan later told ers he had discussed the brief in detall with the delegation. He said he was pleased with the warmth with which the as- sociation had commended the government for steps taken in the last year to encourage in- dustry and improve markets. TO PLAY BASKETBALL CLEVELAND (AP) -- Ernie Davis, former college football great sidelined since July with leukemia, was added officially report-| Wednesday to the roster of the Cleveland Browns' basketball team, Davis, under contract of the National Football League Browns, is reported to be in fine physical condition ogg the leukemia is said to be state of remission, BB tt has been arrested temporarily. Why Buy? When You Can RENT TOOLS ANG To Do That J Home or Pl ob Around Your ace of Business!! Everything to Rent From A Hammer ToACe ment Mixer! IF WE HAVEN'T GOT IT--WE'LL GET IT AND REN iT IT TO You! Do It Now! Rent It Now! --FROM-- STAN'S $ HARPENING & RENTAL SERVICE 227 KING ST. (cor. King & Burke) 723-3224 DO IT NOW... HAVE YOUR RUGS AND CHESTERFIELD SUITE CLEANED NOW... BY OSHAWA'S "HOUSE OF QUALITY" POLICY STATEMENT within ovr field ob ive ye coogi the best possible advice in all matters siness . . . to give our clients the best value per dollar spent... a never misrepresent our merchandise , . . to give ed courteous service before, during and after the sale . . . to refund your money within o reasoneble time, if « « « to give the best workmanship possib merchandise . . . to conduct our business to the best of our knowledge ond in on ethical manner. are not satisfactory + to guarantee our AnsGus-(5RAYDON 282 King CARPET COMPANY _) 720.0:s IDB Attacked By Loan Firm Sales Manager FREDERICTON (CP) -- The sales manager and_vice-presi- dent of a private loan company said Wednesday the need for the government's Industrial De- velopment Bank has "long been filled," K. H, MacDonald of Montreal, an officer of Industrial accep- tance Corporation, said the IDB is posing a threat to Canada's private enterprise system. He told the New Brunswick Road Builders Association that he does not believe the IDB) fulfils the role taxpayers see for. it. If any void existed in Can- ada's financial system in 1944 when the bank: was set up-- "and I do not concede that it did"--it had "long been filled, and adequately so, by private enterprise--if not entirely, for the most part." "The IDB's own annual re- ports proves that most of its outstandings overlap with areas adequately served by other agencies long bfore the exist- ence of IDB," he said. Mr. MacDonald proposed that the organization become an "idea bank" to develop new markets, products, . ideas, re- sources, industries and educa- tional programs. FINNEY GETS AWARD British actor Albert Finney was named best foreign male} star of 1962 by the Academie Francaise. du Cinema. "i | i The 'DO IT NOW' Season is here again. © Theseason forimprovement jobs around your home, plant or business. ® Theseason when skilled workers are more readily available and, being more productive, give you better value for your dollar. y DON HANRIGHT . OTTAWA (CP)--Louis minsky has issued a wa ts ag jumping to conclusions when the Bank of Canada an- aia a change in the bank rate, The bank =P sh ggond 'anuing royal com on on and finance Wednesday when a fixed bank fan of a per cent was announced last June 24 during the exchange crisis it was seen--correctly-- as "a strong confirmation of a Baer change in monetary pol- But the same cannot be sald for the three subsequent reduc- tions to the present level of four per cent, Mr, Rasminsky said. In the three step - downs, ay alg aa RE HSS ual and tentative modification -|in the emphasis of policy rather than ae major turning points in policy with unambiguous im- plications for the future." He added: "If we were to develop a mystique about bank rate/bank prong -- which every that/change posed to be say- ing Retains 'about the Pi we will, I think false ex --, aha 'com cating t instrument by ; o stent bank." GOVERNS BANK LDANS In its practical application, the bank rate is the minimum charge made by the central -- on its -- loans to "what was under way was a more or less continuous, grad-' the chartered The Bank of eae, as Mr, Role For KITCHENER (CP)--Canadian labor is eager to join manage- ment and government in seek- ing solutions for Canada's eco- nomic problems but unions must be recognized as equal partners with management for best results, Wiliam Dodge, executive vice-president of the Canadian Labor Congress, said Wednesday night. Speaking at a community edu- cational session among repre- sentatives of labor and manage- ment to discuss economic co-operation, Mr. Dodge said economic co-operating must have full employment and a steadily rising standard of liv- ing as its goal. He added that for effective co-operation a high percentage of trade union CLC Chief Views Labor management should join labor and government in setting well- defined goals for the Canadian government, Decline In Bank Rate Said Misinterpreted Rasminsky revealed, feels it is best to leave the banks with an rote oogyll pew Ra money market to get cash--by calling in day-to-day loans or selling ury bills -- rather than i aera , directly on the central|t Tile. to why the Vale iw'is invariably kept higher than the leading money-market rate~ the average weekly yield on the -|central bank's auction of three- month government treasury s, From late 1956 until last June, the bank rate therefore auto. matically floated at uarter' of one per cent above the bill ay Pond yr Rg se as has en fixed a 'a the/the Bank of Canada, ~~ The ee rate still is used, however, in the central bank's : _ resale ae w mar) rane Pierce dr ae wi ey can borrow mon: from the Bank of Canada. 2 THE conawa TIMES, Thuredey, Jenuery 10, kG TORONTO. et Saltz- man, CBC television weather- Saltzman Reprimanded For Remarks On Fascist man-interviewer has been rep-| used rimanded for accusing Quebec doom Adrien Arcand, 63, of vicious lies about the people, Donald Mac- director Donald, of pub. city said Wednesday, The Canadian Jewish Con: rad ig protesting informally a interview with Mr. Ar- baa that was conducted b; Prof, John a £ ig | na versity of Toronto 23 ft use on the show 701 gery Hn month. J. 8. Midanik, community re- lations committee chairman a Jewish Congress, "We recognize the right of the CBC to interview whom it will, But we do question the wisdom of reviving Arcand at this time. There was no news value in b bim here -- from Jew: YOUNG THIEVES VANCOUVER (CP)--Twenty- one boys aged between seven have admitted being members of a ring involved r{ stealing car emblems to use as rings and belt buckles, hag he as sae for almost 20 ee tewhat is oe pe point in having has been repeating al) his life?" MAY BE USED LATER Mr. MacDonald said after the interview was on tape it was Mth eentvorsaiy of 'Hitler's to power, Mr. Saltzman was in aed Sat ta and hea: r, a professed Fascist, the Jews, He accosted Mr, cand after the interview and oe him of telling s, Mr, Arcand was leader blue-shirted National party before his internment five years during the World War. 5 7 3 3 WINNIPEG (CP) -- peg Blue Bombers, professional football him air the anti-semitic Mes he|ower Mr. Yohe said management should take steps to improve management -labor co-opera- tion and to form a strong and widely oe seer employ. ers' Both Mr. Dodge 'and Mr. Yohe were members of a labor-man- agement government mission to Europe last summer sponsored by the National Productivity Council of Canada. The mission studied the role of labor and management in the economic ee of countries vis- ited. DOIT NOW Support the = Help yourself body works .. fits, Do any of time help your community to greater prosperity. When every- quickly ot a possible saving dur- ing the winter months... Winter Work Campaign and at the same . everybody bene- the following jobs organization in the labor force is necessary, Mr. Dodge also said any con- jsultative machinery shouid be representative of recognized central labor and management bodies in Canada. He said the N.Y. Tax Evasion Counts Dismissed NEW YORK (AP)--J. Tru- man Bidwell, former board @ BUILD A RUMPUS ROOM @ REMODEL THE KITCHEN @ BUILD A REC ROOM government should recognize this machinery for advice on general economic policies and technical problems such as productivity. SUPPORTS IDEA R, V. Yohe, t of B. presiden F. Goodrich of Canada Limited, also supported the view that Tobacco Growers Sales Reported TILLSONBURG, Ont. (CP)--/ti The Ontario Filue-Cured To-/ke; bacco Growers Marketing rd reported Wednesday sales of 1,416,356 pounds. of tobacco at an average 48.04 cents @ : 18,199,816 pounds pound To date, melieas been sold at an average 2 cents. chairman of the New York Stock Exchange, was acquitted on income tax evasion charges "Vorteg the trial, which began before Judge Thomas F. Croake and jury Dec.'6, the govern- ment tried to prove that Bid. well, 58, and his wife had filed returns for 1956 and 1057 with intent to evade some $55,000 in taxes. The Bidwells testified that cry «yp egg on A and charity contribu- claimed Lh an = ions, from large sums of cash Kept in a. steel bor in a lowe, safe deposit box, tons, cabinet in Bidwell's office. Stephen E. Kaufman were fictitious. Bidwell still holds a seat on the exchange. ® The season when many firms offer discounts. ® The season when many other things can be done to advantage----such things as maintenance of lawn and garden equipment, electrical ap- pliances, outboard motors and automobiles, as well as dry cleaning of drapes and rugs and replacement of upholstery, to mention but a few. © Theseason when you can help your community to create employment _ during the traditional winter lull. When everybody works, everybody benefits. Do it this Winter For advice and assistance get in touch with your local National Employment Office en by a federal court @ INSTALL CUPBOARDS @ MAKE INTERIOR ences ooniteeces a , and a file Assistant U.S. Attorney charged many of the claimed expenses LET US HELP YOU! Whatever build heve in Ml ee a Se ILL. oe Roem ea es til May °63, & BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. 1279 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE 728-6291 Open Deily 7 A.M. till 6 P.M. Fri. till 9 P.M. wes Best News Pye EVeN 3 t "~ Pods Growing families = == S2S<- -- ste = Issued by Authority of Hon, Michael Starr, Minister of Labour, Canada 436 RITSON N. Ever for | | snp [roblom Th Our heme planning department tc ready te assist in remedeling problem homes, off the way frem eriginel plans te financing, end emn- tractors, let we help yeu solve your problemt if you are erowded for living space @ room addition ean be built on your home fer ST re are often in need of an extra bedreem. Utilizing waste attic space is the solution. An average room about . 1 ee pip can be designed and built in your home for about. RECREATION ROOM Are you in need of additional space for entertainment? A fine recreation reich gabon eg basement for about . ' 516 |r, Per bo Per Month "40 21 ain See Us For Free Advice and Counsel. No Obligation. BROWN'S LUMBER & SUPPLIES | PHONE 725-4704 TTTTTTT TTT TTT TTT eet rr EAE ECEMS A HHYYRR TRIPE RAE eA ee

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