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Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Jan 1963, p. 10

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~ 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, January 18, 1963 ee ee eee & | titatsetir SERS EGE ES! By BRUCE STOVEL Canadian Press Staff Writer Montreal's largest crowd of the season turned out Thursda night to see the Canadiens crusi their traditional rivals, Toronto Maple Leafs, in the season's most exciting game on Mon'- real ice, Canadiens, trailing 3-1 early in the second period, scored five times in a row_and won 6-4, moving past the Leafs into second place in the National Hockey League standings, Fast, wide-open play kept the 15,305 forum fans breathless, =| Detroit Red Wings whipped Boston Bruins 5-3 in the only other scheduled game, Right winger Claud Provost was the key man for Canadiens, breaking a 3-3 tie early in the third period when he stole the puck near the Toronto net and scored an unassisted goal, Just 33 seconds later Provost assisted on the winning goal by ALEX DELVECCHIO tre, Tremblay banged in the re- bound for his 19th goal of the | FRANK MAHOVLICH later when captain George Arms| strong steered in a shot by cen-| with the win, kept Leafs from taking more than a $1 edge, Toronto's Eddie. Litenberger, left uncovered in front of the net, banged in the rebound of a blazing slap shot by Bob Nevin in the second minute of the pe: riod, Then Nevin scored less than four minutes later when he outskated Montreal defence: man Lou Fontinato and drove a low shot between Plante's legs, Centres Ralph Backstrom and ~ 7) Henri Richard tied it up $3 with goals late in the period, Richard's goal came on a ois age after Toronto star rank Mahovlich had, been } given a high-sticking penalty after crashing into rookie Claude Larose, who replaced the lajured Moore, SCORES ON BREAK Rousseau came in alone on Toronto goalie Don Simmons and beat him cleanly late in the period for Canadiens' last goal, JEAN BELIVEAU diens' defence appeared to col: Mahovlich Returns To Top Place By THE CANADIAN PRESS Big Frank Mahovlich, of Tor> onto Maple Leafs, picked up an assist in Thursday night's Na- tional Hockey League game in Montreal, as the Leafs were de- feated 64 by the Canadiens, to move into a first-place tie in the league's individual scoring race, ' Mahovlich has 23 goals and 21 assists for 44 points tied. with Andy Bathgate of New York Rangers with 21 goals and 23 assists, Gordie Howe of Detroit Red Wings chalked up one goal and two assists '1 the other NHL games as the Wings downed Roston Bruins 5-3 moving inte a te for third place with Johnny Bucyk of the Bruins, ; Roth players have a total of 43 pointsHowe with 21 goals and 22 assists and Bueyk with lapse completely, Only brilliant); Keon-scored the game's final 18 goals and 28 assists, line-mate Dickie Moore, season, tre Dave Keon, work by goalie Jacques Plante, Leafs came back five minutes) In the second period, Cana: who celebrated his 34th birthday goal 18 seconds later his 17th of the season, Henri Richard of Montreal DINKY KNEE HURT Moore had sat out most of the second period after a chronic knee injury was aggravated in a body-check by Leafs' aggressive Eddie Shack, But the 32-year- old veteran came back to pick the low comer with a deadly shot from 15 feet out, Tt was the 50th winning goal Moore has scored in his NHL career, Only teammates Jean Beliveau (58) and Bernie Geof: frion (63) and Detroit's Gordie! Howe (88) have scored more} - winning goals among current) NEW YORK (AP) -- Yogi "HATCHETFACE" Yankees Sign To Coach And Play Mahovlich assisted on Keon's;and Murray Oliver of Boston foal to move into a tie with/are ted for fifth place with 41 angers' Andy Bathgate for the! points each, league scoring leadership with! The leaders: | points; | GAP IW Detroit, centre Alex Del-|Mahovlich, Torento 99 21 ; Vecchio was the big man in the/ Bathgate, New York 21 2% | Wings' 5:3 win, He assisted on) Howe, Detroit 22 (wo goals and scored once him:| Bueyk, Boston self, Parker MacDonald, Marce!| Richard, Montreal |Pronovost, Floyd Smith and/ Oliver, Roston Gordie Howe also scored for|Mikita, Chicago | HOCKEY SCORES Yogi The Bruins fell behind 3-0 in the first two periods, but came Ci 7 ten Teo Cardenas on the dotted back with two goals by Charlie line, Detroit Tigers signed SKIERS FLOCK TO LAURENTIANS Looking forward to a big hotel at St, Adele, Que. ~ day on the Laurentian slopes Everything is being done to = is Liane Newell of Montreal, cater to skiers in the Lauren- She is just setting out from her tians this winter, It seems to be paying off, too, as the players, Montreal centre Beliveau|to believe he Berra, who has led most folks reads nothing pitchers Howie Koplits and John Gregory and Chicago Burns and one by Johnny, Bucyk jin thet hind, STANDINGS weekend crowds that gather |failed to score his 300th NHL|weightier than the funnies, has there will attest, goal, but the big, smooth-skat-|cancelled his comic book sub- ™ White Sox lured pitcher Joel Horlen and outfielder Charley Maxwell into the fold, | With Bruins' goalie Ed John- ston benched in favor of a sixth attacker, Howe scored into the By THE CANADIAN PRESS (CP Wirephoto) jing veteran paced the Cana-!scription and accepted mem he H bership on the New York Yan- kees' board of strategy. 'SPORTS MENU =/@! By Geo, H. Campbell ae SPORTS EDITOR 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' MINOR HOCKEY Week In Canada moves into the Cana- dian sports scene next week, not actually next week, but starting on Saturday, Jan. 26. This is a big event with the = age-group hockey people in the country, There'll be special programs, boosting minor hockey, throughout the entire Dominion, embracing special hockey games, guests, church services, etc., and it's all in a splendid cause, "Rocket" Richard is going to be a guest out at Port Perry where they've planned a four-game program for their big night. Bowmanville, Whitby and Oshawa all have special feature attractions on tap for "Minor Hockey Week", This observance of Minor Hockey week, has developed into a major event, across the country and it's nice to know that around these parts, the men who give their time and energy to sponsoring hockey among the youngstes, are still ready to put out a special effort for Minor Hockey Week. Here at home, the Oshawa Minor Hockey Assoc, officers have some good plans also, which will be announced this next week. One of their events will be a special exhibition game between the local Juvenile All-Stars and Oshawa Generals and if anybody (and We mean, anybody) voices any objections to the Oshawa - Junior "A" players playing in our Children's Arena (which we taxpayers keep going) we will personally devote an entire column into blasting the local hypocrites into political obli- vion-- and that's not a threat, that's a promise! And make no mistakes -- we have the ammunition -- such as roller- skating, carnivals, wrestling, etc., none of which gets the same barrier that some poor "minor" gets, if he or she, happens to want to use "our" Children's Arena in the winter months, The policy under which our "Children's Arena' operates is an utter farce and we dare either their Commis- sion or the City Council itself, to defend this policy, on any public platform -- to which we gladly challenge any of their representatives to an open debate, They have set up rules which have been broken consistently and we can prove it. Now -- how about it -- does anybody want to debate the issue. -- say at UAW Hall? x x x x THE OHA METRO Junior "B" League plans an All-Star game at Lakeshore Arena in Toronto, next Thursday night, Jan. 24, at 8.00 o'clock and between periods, they'll have figure skating displays and other special entertainment. Coaches and managers have picked the teams, along with the League executive and the proceeds go to the Sportswriters and Sportscasters Assoc, fund, in aid of crippled children, There'll be medals for the players, donated by Ostrander's Jewellers and. the NHL will supply the referee anc other officials, Players on the teams in the Metro Jr, "B" loop have tickets, if you would like to attend. Bowmanville Pic- O-Mats, the closest "local" team in this group, in our area, has several representatives selected on the "Whites -- who will oppose the "Blues" -- in this game, Grant Wright; goalie; defensemen, Stan Westfall and Bob Watt; centre, Bob Bishop; wingers, Rick Switzer, Duan Rutley, "Butch" Dowe and utility, Ron Moore, have all been chosen, along with team manager Frank Wilbur, It looks like a good "'go" and we trust both Bowmanville and Oshawa hockey fans will lend the event some support. seine SESSLER EE © - Modell Announces 'Pit Martin, Wayne Maxner Tied For Top TORONTO (CP)--Pit Martin of Hamilton Red Wings and Wayne Maxner of Niagara Falls \Flyers, each with 29 games |played, are tied for the scoring lead in the Ontario Hockey As- sociation provincial Junior A Standings with 32 points apiece. | In third place are Bill Inglis jand Yvon Cournoyer of Mont- real junior Canadiens with 46 |points, Cournoyer has played only 25 games, seven less than Inglis, The statistics released today by the league include Sunday's games, in fifth place in the scoring, has jthe most goals scored, 29, while Maxner is top in the assists de- partment with 36, Top goalie is Paul Goddard of Peterborough with a 2.61 goals against average a game, In the Metro Junior A scor- jing, Gary Dineen, Mike Corbett and Rod Seiling of the league- | leading Toronto Neil McNeil are }One, two and three, Dineen has 63 points for the jlead, including the top number jOf assists, 43, Corbett has 57 |Points, including the top goals, 27, and Seiling has 48 points, Grant Moore of the second. place Toronto Marlboros is fourth with 45 points, 'OLYMPIC RUNNER 'STILL WINS, 84 LONDON (AP)--Joe Dea- kin, who won the threé-mile race in the 1908 Olympics, is still going strong at the age of 84, The octogenarian won a three-mile race over snow- bound roads in the Surrey Athletic Club's Christmas Handicap Although given a. start over young competitors, Deakin beat most of his rivals in time with a clock- ing of 18 minutes 39 sec- onds "I'm improving," Deakin said. "My time is etter than when I was 80." Robin Roberts Gets Vote For 'Comeback' NEW YORK (AP) -- Robin Roberts, 36, who hit the end of the trail with Philadelphia Phil- lies and then was dropped be- fore he threw a pitch for New diens' }passing, gaining three assists. attack with precision Chicago Black Hawks remain _ _ Others signing were outfielder Willie Kirkland of Cleveland In- Mr, Lawrence Berra, a Yan- dians, pitchers Al McBean and kee since 1046, was officially National League WLT FAP 20 13 10 113 103 50 181913130 95 49 open net with four seconds left! to play, Tt was the S4-year-old star's eighth goal in his last five games, Chicago Montreal |in first place with 50 points, Ca- jnadiens follow a point behind with 49, and Leafs are a point behind them with 48, Detroit has 46 points and a comfortable 15-point bulge over fifth-place New York Rangers Bruins are five points behind Rangers in the league cellar But the Hawks have played two games more than Cana- diens and one more than the | Leafs, Detroit has played three fewer games than Chicago, TAKE 2-6 LEAD In Montreal, Gilles Tremblay gave Canadiens a 1-0 lead with the game little more than a minute old, Beliveau set up Bobby Rousseau on a two-on- one break, but Rousseau, appar- jently anxious to help Beliveau jget the milestone goal, passed {the puck back to the big cen- COCKY CASS CLAIMS | CHAMPION'S CROWN PITTSBURGH (AP)----Cocky Cassius Clay celebrated his 2ist birthday Thursday and boasted that within 10 months he'll become the youngest given his new assignmem Thursday when general mana- ger Roy Hamey announced that the friendly catcher-outfielder will be a playing coach with the world champions during the 1063 American League season, 'Yogi will coach at first base when he isn't playing," Hamey said, "But I want to emphasize that he is still a player, I think he can play about 75 games jnext. season, Manager Ralph Houk plans to use him as a part-time catcher and pinch hit- ter." Berra's signing was one of several in the' majors Thurs: day. Two sluggers signed con: tracts, Hank Aaron with Mil- waukee Braves in the National League and Leon Wagner with! Paul Henderson of Hamilton,|~~~ Pittsbungh and not his native Louisville, Ky., was ooca- sioned by his 1@-round bout Jan, 24 here with ex-pro foot- baller Charlie Powell, His heavyweight champion of the world in history, However, Clay, whose prophesies in the past rarely mother flew in from Kentucky for the party, | "I've had 17 professional | fights and I've won 'em ail, a ; rates, pitcher Lee Stange and YOGI BERRA Los Angeles Angels of the American League, Aaron had 45 homers and 128 runs batted in last year, while Wagner re- corded 3? homers and 107 runs! batted in, | Cincinnati Reds got relief pitcher Bill Henry and short: Fronts Blow First Spot Opportunity By THE CANADIAN PRESS If a hockey team proves its; mettle when the chips are down, then Kingston Frontenacs | 2115 6199119 48 10.13 8105 100 46 New York 1923 T7198 a Boston 8 25 10 122 176 26 Thursday's Results Toronto 4 Montreal 6 Boston $3 Detroit 5 Saturday's Games Detroit at Montreal Chicago at Toronto New York at Boston Sunday's Games Montreal at Boston Toronto at Detroit New York at Chicago Eastern Professional wh Toronto Tom Butters of Pittsburgh Pi- Detroit In the next NHL action Satur: day, Detroit is at Montreal, Chi- cago visits Toronto and New York is at Boston, Sunday, Montreal plays at Boston, Tor- onto is at Detroit and New! {York is at Chicago, outfielder Pedro Oliva of Min nesota Twins and pitcher Dick Elsworth and infielders Mack Kuykendall and Herb Newman) of Qhicago Cubs, LEADERS BEATEN Sunday Night Industrial Hockey League Activity Hull-Ottawa =. 11 Susie Bill, Whittick's squad who) got time for tripping and hold-| Niagston 28:11 5 162 123 51 are presently enjoying a seven: ing, | Sudbury 1G. 7 171 188 a gome winning streak, edged the} This game might have. been St. Louls 822 6110 160 22 unlop club by a 3-2 margin,|/the opposite, as a considerable Thursday's Result Ron Huntley led the Whittick! amount of time was lost due to Sudbury 4 Kingston 4 team to victory firing two of/an eye-injury to goaltender Har: Tonight's Game ue Bre pou post foaltonder! mon of Harry's, on a wild shot Sudbury at Hull-Ottawa artlett, | Y rn . . r @ third goal was) believed to be deflected, Ontario Senter A scored by Gord Forrester, while! wae . his club were short-handed two) TANNERY JOLTS Woop's Wut nave teat eel a ieee : ea m » of the} sor PF a yl were! Sunday Night Industrial Hockey] Woodstock Batherson Each Club had exe League, was handed their first/Galt ceptionally fine goaltending as) (¢/eat of the year, at the hands) KW, Bartlett for the Dunlops and/°! the, determined Tannery) xSarnia Strong for Whitticks had their) 'e&™ 32 . |X-withdrew from league Bernie Guindon for Tannery Thursday's Result sopped an equal amoun of Started his team toward this Windsor 4 Kitchener-Waterloo § shots. |win with the first goal, others Sunday's Game x jg | Went to Miller and Olisuk, Galt at Chatham LARRY'S VS HARRY'S Wood's lone goal was scored) Kitchener-Waterloo at Windsor stopped an equal amount of have proven false, qualified his prediction with a big if--- | that is, if Sonny Liston, the | current titleholder, will fight him, "T have 10 months to break | Floyd Patterson's record of | being the youngest champ in history,"' Clay smugly told a gathering of reporters, friends j and relatives at a downtown | hotel, 'And the only thing that is naturally,' said the third. ranked heavyweight, 'In 12 of them I've predicted the exact round I would knock out my opponent," Clay said once he gets a orack at the title, it will re- main in the family for a long time I figure I'M be champ for about 10 years,"' he chortled. "And then I'H let my brother are a long way from proving! themselves, They couldn't do it | Thursday night with most of the chips in their corner and a full house in their hand, The Frontenacs were ahead 4-2 over Sudbury Wolves with }eight minutes to play in the |game and the leadership of the} Eastern Professional League at} Stake Larry's handed Harry's a 3-4 by thei in a hard-fought game.| R, Weatherbee paced Larry's, the Montgomery, defeat scoring two goals while others went to Crawley, and Brant, For Harry's, the honors were/and also to the goaltending of SY) a plit_by Black, Lewis, Stealey nd Bosley. r top ace, Clarke, | Only penalty in }went to R, Barriage, for tri ping. Credit for this win was due }to a tremendous team effort Barriage, who siopped numer. ous attacks on what appeared Three penalties were handed|to be sure goals, down as. Crawley for Larry's got the gate for slashing, while Hoard and Maule for Harry's Woods, 20, Whittick's | Larry's 16, Tannery 12, Dunlops 10. Harry's 7, (Rudolph) take over like the Kennedys down in Washing: ton." holding. me back is Sonny Lis- ton. He's afraid of me." Holding Clay's party GEN. McARTHUR 'But I Will Return' Has His Problems Fivcwe who recently moved to NEW YORK (CP) -- Before! The aig ee AAU ----_ {0 Sudbury from Rochester of the Gen, Douglas MacArthur got terms once before, in a meeting) , i PR ates around to yo the problems arranged by Attorney-General Amorionn League, ves the of the Japanese, someone had/ Robert Kennedy, the president's|SPatkplug for the Wolves, He} to drop a couple of atomic brother, but they fell out again scored early in the second pe. bombs on them almost immediately riod and again at 12:58 of the He won't have the same pow-) The AAU is the international third, Gord Labossiere got his ers of persuasion going for him representative of the U.S, on) 19th goal of the season and Friday when he embarks on ajvarious international sports/George Usitalo, up from Chat} new peacemaking assignment,/bodies, including the key sport ham Maroons of the Ontario) trying to put an end to a 24-/0f track and field, The NCAA| Senior loop on a five-game trial, year amateur sports war. wants its own federation to take got his second in three games, | President Kennedy, who over this role in track, baskets! Joannot Gilbert' of Kingston! jnamed the old soldier to settle Dall and gymnastics, sent his total points to a league.| jthe controversy between the To throw some weight on its|leading 3? when he scored two Sudbury scored two goals in }less than two minutes 'to gain a 4-4 tie and hold the Fronten- acs to only a share of first) place, Kingston has &1 points,| jthe same as Hull-Ottawa Cana:/ }diens, | | Third-place Sudbury, 1@ points; jback of the leaders, meets the! ;Canadiens in Ottawa in te night's only scheduled game, JARRETT BAGS PAIR in | der pinnings | stems? MEN WITH KNOBBY KNEES SHOULD STICK TO SLACKS NEW YORK (AP)--Men, do you have knobby kaees? Are you bow-legged? Do your un- look like pipe If so, stick to slacks, Don't wear Bermuda shorts on the golf course, This is the. admonition of Oleg Cassini, the New York designer who charts the styles for Mrs, Jacqueline Kennedy, and other celebrities, Cassini, who used to drape cinema lovelies in Hollywood, was asked by Golf Digest magazine to look inte the wild attire worn on United States golf courses, He was aghast Of the men, Cassini said: "They will mix incredible col- ors and patterns and never know what eyesores they pre» | sent," OF the gals, he said: "Women, too, wih combine stripes and plaids, polka dots and prints on the golf COULSE, Speaking of Bermuda shorts for men, Cassini said: "My feeling is that if they have welbshaped legs and if they wear the entire ensemble they can make a fine appear ance, But if, horrer of hor rers, they affect Rermuda shorts with Rishaped under. pinnings and with those short ankle socks, they invariably give the appearance of having Just left the planet Mars." the game Pp Ontario Junior A WL FAP iagara Fails 17 & $12) 9138 1S 8 710? 8137 1510 71M 97:97 Bh Tila St. Catharines 816 7101 14223 Guelph 621 5 9818717 Thursday's Results Niagara Falls 2 Peterborough @ 'St, Catharines 3 Hamilton 7? Tonight's Games St, Catharines at Montreal | Hamilton at Niagara Falls | Peterborough at Guelph | Western League | Kdmonton @ Los Angeles 3 | Tuternational ;Omaha 2 St; Paul 4 IN Peterboro Montreal Hamilton Kastern League | Greensboro 3 Long Island ? | Saskatchewan Senior | Moose Jaw @ Saskatoon 10 | Neva Scotia Senter New Glasgow 2 Moncton 12 | Windsor 3 Halifax 6 | Cape Breton Senter |Galee Bay @ Sydney 5 NOHA Junior A | Garson-P'bridge 8 North Bay 9 Ottawa-Hull Junior A Smiths Falls 4 Otiawa P. 1 Hull 3 Thurse 1 | Pembroke 4 Buckingham 10 | Metre Tereate Junior A /Maribores § Rrampten 2 | _ Manitoba Junior ;|Wmnipes R. 2 Brandon 6 Ontarie Junior B Dresden 9 Leamington 5 London 3 Tillsonburg 15 Peterborough 9 Gananoque 4 = ' York Yankees, was. named to-/ Amateur Athletic Union and the|side, the NCAA has recom:/goals, Don Blackburn got his\- Brown Ss ew ed |day as the United States athlete| National Collegiate Athletic As-/mended its athletes stay out of/25th marker of the season and| who made the greatest come-|sociation, hasn't suggested that|AAU-sanctioned meets, includ-)Wayne Connelly his third to! : back of 1062. |he general resort to more.than|ing the big indoor meets under! round out the scoring, : CLEVELAND (AP)--Blanton|since 1954, has been serving as} Roberts, who found new life conventional weapons in induc-)way in the East, The major! Kingston took a 20 first! = Collier, new head coach of/business manager of the Club.|with Baltimore Orioles and ing them to settle their differ./eastern colleges have complied, period lead and led 32 goi Cleveland Browns, says the Na-| Collier said that basically he| wound up second in earned run/ences, drastically curtailing the felds.|inig the third eeng tional Football League club has)pians to have the quarterback|averages inthe American! But a government spokesmani===~=CS~--"'"'"'<"'"i'"i'i'i'"i<i<sistC SY ite his third-period & some weaknesses, but that he] call the plays, a major change|League, edged another baseball said Wednesday MacArthur has Cecnen sean Rh e ms speri a apse, hasn't had time to give muchifrom the Brown regime.|veteran who surged back fromauthority to impose a settle. |Manaeten geale Bruce Gesbte thought to personnel. Brown' i i ' : Mi . ROSTON (AP)--The 17-manjwas in good form, stopping 42 | n's practice of sending inja bleak campaign, Stan Musial,)ment on the AAU and NCAA in ; "We need big interior line-jall the plays from the bench!in the annual Associated Press! their battle for control of major|@™ateur hockey team that wil} Shots compared with 33 by men, a big running back and/had been criticized by the fans! poll, amateur sport in the United/represent the United States in/Zerey Cheevers of Sudbury, good receivers," he said Wed-|and some of the Browns' quat-! The Oklahoma football team, Stat CLEARANCE We're Overstocked PDOMINION TIRE STORES E L | NUST BE CLEARED t AAT YT \ pieetes nesday after he was named to! terbacks. succeed Paul Brown, who had Collier, 56, was coached the team since it WaSifrom backfield coach organized in 1946. "It remains|three-year contract at to be seen if we have enough announced salary, ieeiaet bouncing back to an Orange promoted) Bow! berth, took third spot. San| pic Games. under a/Francisco Giants, given up fer an _un-/ dead before they finally won the National League pennant from Las Angeles Dodgers in the last - Collier's appointment was an- nounced at a press conference! by Arthur B. Modell, Browns' ~ president, who bought the club : for $4,000,000 im 1961, po gy ay we have to do BASKETBALL SCORES inning of the last playoff game, were voted fourth PREP FOR TOURNEY OSLO (AP) -- Norway's na- Modell also announced that Harold Sauerbrei, former Cleve- cage land. sportswriter, succeeds National Association Brown as general manager.| Boston 110 Chicago 93 Sauerbrei, with By 'THE ASSOCIATED PRESS syodon to tidnal ice. hockey team held a 22 tie Tuesday night in the first part of a two- day world championship warm the Browns! New York 113 San Francisco 100) up match. tes rather than jeopardize the world championships at S. prospects in the 1964 OlVM/ stockholm in March was named The 'boiling dispute has led to, Uestay by coach Harry Clev-| a boycott by almost all college OP: former Boston University athletes of the current eastern ceseh, jindoor track season and some) Rob Allen, a Brookline, Mass., Strong charges aimed at offi- : lcials of the rival groups. policeman, will manage the "Gen. MacArthur was picked '&@. f jwith the idea of settling the) The team is to leave New matter once and for all," the) York Jan. 29 and will visit government spokesman _ said, | Brussels, Prague, Moscow, "If the two sides aren't able to| Warsaw, Vienna, Zurich, Mu- get together, the general will/nich, Copenhagen, Gottebors U FORD | IN OSHAWA Sales & Service 333 KING Sort Ww, PORT OPEN EVENINGS make a decision and that will and Oslo before going to Stock be it." tholm March §, \ 3,000 TIRES @ NO PHONE PR Come im prepered te buy. No @ EASY TERMS 10% Down -- No payments till February -- We're te heave you use your credit, (Ne outside financing, you ently with us) a ICES @ New Competitive (other brands teken @ Snow Tires 48 Bond West (Corner of Church) LIMITED Baie STORES DOMINION TIRE

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