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Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Jan 1963, p. 4

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_ Se ean ee @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Jenuery 18, 1963 May Establish City In South Pickering Lee ELSA STORRY Ron Desbin' moved a resolu: Councillor) uty "Give the facts," said Dep- Reeve Mrs. McPherson, "and let the people speak." the sale of industrial lands, a 5 per cent commission for Considerable discussion took og e said oid tht the hues on their lots must be 75 feet, and they ile not quite meet requirements, although the lot area exceeded) & the required 15,000 square feet. Mrs. Newell was referred to a proposed Committee of Ad: justment, which the Planning had recommended that Counell organize, Each Councillor was asked to submit a name to comprise such a committee at the next meet- UXBRIDGE -- rural calendar of Bo aM to On. tario County farmers was re- leased by the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture Office in Uxbridge. Saturday, Jan. 19, 10.00 a.m, Ontario County Rural Calendar ng|Exhibition Grounds -- Annual Convention, Ontario Soil and Crop, Improvement Association, Saturday, Jan, 26, 10,30 a.m., Manchester, Towaship Hall -- Annual Meeting for Ontario| j County Holstein Club, Speaker-- FINED $10, COSTS Dudley Farr, 120 Heron street, Ajax was fined $10 and co in absentia, during Magistrate's Court proceedings ursday, Api was found guilty of failing to stop at a red t while going west on King's crescent, 'OLD TYME. & SQUARE DANCING SAT. JAN. 19 C.R.A. Building SPEEDING FINE Magistrate Crawford Guest Sned Eddy Powers, RR 2, Pick- $15 and costs Thursday, absentia, for driving 42 miles soe hour in a 30-mph zone, Cannington, Brock District 'High School Homemaking Club Achievement Day for North O:- tario. Saturday, Jan. 19, 1.00 p.m., Brooklin, Township Hall --- An- nual Meeting for Ontairo County Junior Farmers' Association. Saturday, Jan, 19, 2,00 p.m., Beaverton, Town Hall -- Annual Meeting for North Ontario Agri- cultural Society. Monday, Jan, 21, 10.30-a.m., Uxbridge, Dept. of Agriculture Board Room -- Annual Meeting for York - Ontario Shorthorn Breeders' Association. Monday, Jan' 21, 1.30 p.m., Manchester, Township Hall -- Annual Meeting for Port Perry, Reach and Seugog Agricultural Society, Tuesday, Jan, 22, 8,30 p.m., Greenbank, Community Hal] -- January Meeting for Port Perry Junior Farmers, Wednesday, Jan, 23, to Fri- day, Jan. 25, Toronto, Coliseum, ------ TON. "Hits" are their business Dr. Max McLean, General Man- 100 Gibb St. ager, Eastern Breeders Inc, Tuesday, Jan. 20, 11.00 a.m., Beaverton, Town Haill -- Annual Meeting for Ontario County Hog Producers' Association, : Tuesday, Jan. 20, 10,00 a.m., Toronto, Seaway Hotel---Annual Meeting of the Provincial Beef Producers' Association, Thursday, Jan. 31, 12.15 noon, Uxbridge, Dept, of Agriculture Board Room -- Ontario County Soil and Crop Improvement Pro. ject Committee Meeting. February 4 to 6, Guelph, Fed- : 90 CENTRE STREET, OSHAWA erated Colleges -- Annual Meet- Saturday, Jan. 19th ing, Provincial Farm Safety FEATURING Council. February 5 to 6 DOUG WEEK'S BAND DANCING 9 - 12 P.M. -- 2.00 PER COUPLE Powers' opr was clocked on in which some of the|ing Bayly road Bylaws were passed appoint ing the 1063 Parks and Recrea- tion Committee in the persons Donald Hopkins, Donald Beer, 'alman Vizely, Gordon Shaver, Terry Ryan, Mrs. McPherson and Mr, Greening, Appointed for the Rouge Hill Community Park Board were Mrs, Ethel Hull, Raymond Traynor, James Hayes, W. G. Newman, George Range, Mrs. McPhenson and Hubert _Wank. One-Year Sentence For Abducting Girl LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Robert Larry Marshall, 18, was sne- tenced Thursday to one year after he pleaded guilty to ab- dueting an unmarried girl un- der the age of 18 by taking her rom her parents against their will. The girl was returned to her , "eee parents by police after twice REGINA (CP) Mathamat- leaving her home. She testified|!¢s education in Saskatchewan she first learned Marshall was|is experiencing a gradual revi- married when his wife went to|sion which will eventually mean| her parents' home. Despite the visit, she continued to see Mar- he complete cheage jn its teegh- shail and during one period of|!"& The emphasis will be on| three weeks lived with him in| how problems are solved rather Toronto. 'than producing | an answer, place, members felt that a.10 per,cent commission, since the parcels were small, might make the selling of industrial land more attractive, Councillor Greening was in favor of offering a 10 per cent rather than 5 per cent and in- creasing the price of land to cover it, "Once we have some land sold,' he said, 'for one or two industries, other industries will follow." "Paying 10 per cent is a lot cheaper than hiring an Indus- trial .Commissioner," said Reeve Scott, Councillor Mowbray was in- terested in whether a 10 per cent commission would be ac. ceptable to the Department of Municipal Affairs. Said Reeve J, S, Scott: 'I feel poy there are a lot of well-infonmed to study the feasibility of divid-|people who who think it should be ing Pickering Tow , north] split." : from south, at the Third Con-| 'It may be," he added, "that cession, a city should be created in the The motion was passed, with|south part of the Township. All Couniclior W, J. Greening's op- of the aspects have to be con position recorded, along with sidered." an amendment to the motionMOTION FOR CURFEW LOST 'That Council first settle the) A motion to adjourn Council tentative lines of demarcation) meetings at 11.30 p.m, submitt- between the proposed parts of/ed by Councillor Ross Deakin, the Township, the questions re-land seconded by W. J, Green specting which st and reling, was lost. The motion re- ports are required, and that nO/commended spending the first persons be engaged to study' hours on expedient matters, be report without prior specific)and if important iness was roval of Council.' not completed, that a motion neillor Milton Mowbray could extend the time. stated that he could not go) "I feel we are gathered here along with the original motion to transact the business before because the terms were broad.!ys and regardless of the hour, "T don't know what is meant " by "experts", he said, the carro Porn gta ithe eae Before any action is taken, "We are talking about an ex-| "Jf you have a definite time Clerk L. T. Johnston will as- penditure of a fair amount of/for adjournment," said Council- certain what commercial rates money," said Reeve J, Sher-lior Hubert Wank, 'you spend|2™@ Permitted. man Scott. h more wisely." John G,. Ellwood, and Real yours tae sk id <a he| Estate Agent Mrs, Gladys FIVE FACTS ages pl Spang ne evening| Newell appeared before Coun- "T don't think there has been bie Raper. Ail malin ya. cil, explaining that the former enough clamor for splitting the) ipa ne rat on nay for|#d purchased a lot in 1959 township, said Councillor aye ae tinge te concluie the| Which he had been led to be- Greening. 'I don't fee) that Wicciee 8 Paes wan in a residential area, people can afford the large sum" e had looked forward to build- that must be expended." nae yg oe de aa iY ing on it, and was now financial- Councillor Deakin said he did Cousin anit qt is not|. Prepared' to erect a home, not believe they should wait un- lr neon i a. the tax.| 22 had been refused a building til the clamor comes, but, that|!@T eh x oon tired peo.|Permit because a bylaw passed Council should be prepared| Payer Dower something when|!" 1961 had zoned it as indus- with the facts and figures. He| the _ ia Soealbt chine it Sver|tTial land. The lot is situated said he did not know whether] "litte Vee ay in hel Between two houses, and Mr. el was in favor of splittng or|? cr od paeadegl | evening.' Reeve Scott admitted that Elwood felt that he could nei- an fies build on it ner sell it, since 1 think this is a topic which| industry would not be desirous jafter midnight things do not pale £ : we need to investigate this| cet the same consideration they om situating between two resi- year," said Councillor Mow- dences. Besides, he stated, the bray. "Not just a matter to do earlier in the rite d and : 7, said that he endeavo: to engage experts, but for. Council get the meetings over by 11.30 taxes on it had doubled. The Ontario Municipal Board to come to some tentative con-|8 clusions as to the approximate| ~~ not always with success. had approved this particular area as industrial, lines of division. Then Council|CONSIDER 10 PER CENT Councillors agreed that zon- could decide who should be cail-| COMMISSION ing imposed hardships on in- ed on for a report, so that we! Township Solicitors recom-|dividuals and since it had OMB maintain a' certain measure of|mended that an agreement be |signed for the Township to pay my at Township Council re- that experts be engaged Gala, Fun-Filled WARDEN WALKEY Earl Walkey, Reeve of Clarke Township was ac- claimed Warden of the North- umberland - Durham Counties earlier this week at the County Council meeting in Cobourg. Warden Walkey, 49, has served on the Clarke Town- ship School Board and Clarke Township council for 12 years without an election. Board Room -- Women's Insti- tute Leaders' Training School. Thursday, Feb. 7, 8.30 p.m., Brooklin, Township Hall -- Feb-) ruary Meeting for Brooklin Jun- ior Farmers. ,CHANGE MATHS COURSE BETA SIGMA PHI PHI PHI CHAPTER takes pleasure in announcing BLUE & SILVER BALL Friday, February Ist, 1963 9 P.M, TO 1 A.M, in St. Gregory's Auditorium with CHARLES COCHRANE ORCHESTRA PRIZES ° PROCEEDS TO CHARITY TICKETS AVAILABLE through members or et Henderson's Book Store $3.00 per couple -- Dress Semi-Formal Va nh = FAA TRA IA ze Fe LEARANC ew A ee This Is It! TOMORROW is the LAST DAY to cash in on the Biggest PAINT & WALLPAPER SALE ever held in this area. THE "LINCOLNAIRES" Acclaimed Canada's Top Group with the New Sound in Music. MR, VIC. THOMAS M.C. Dancing ... 9 to 1 a.m, approval it would be difficult to rezone it. The matter will be ~|looked into further by Council- lors, who will consider if any- thing can be done. Mrs. Newell cited two other cases, where purchasers were ------ Last Day _ FINAL - ~ ieee il la WaDLADy | BILTMORE 19 - DED SATURDAY MATINEE--1;30 P.M, ONLY! 4 MARK OF ZORRO" GIGANTIC!" Weare Tt Aeeoet 'BEGINS WHERE THE OTHER BIG ONES LEAVE OFF! "OUR GANG" COMEDY | PLUS -- 3 CARTOONS ! We at DODD & SOUTER have a Color to make your home more beautiful, with Stylist Mrs. Lillian Durnan from the Flo- colorizer, see how you can create new GRANT DODD Glaze Color Studios in Toronto at our Decor Centre today and tomorrow to help you choose colors or to color scheme your whole house. Come in! See how easy it is effects and, take the opportunity to dis- cuss your decorating problems with this qualified consultant, ~ HOWARD SOUTER || FULL WALL MURALS - BIG DISCOUNTS } Sunworthy WALLPAPER (READY PASTED) OCCASION | 1, PRICE SALE verte Merrett 20% or FOR THIS SALE ONLY DODD & SOUTER 107 BYRON ST. SOUTH DECOR CENTRE One Block West of The Four Corners Turn South WHITBY --- Don't Forget! GP PAINT IS ON SALE and FOR THIS soar rancy Res The personal! story behind a sex survey from the ul eal tag tag arm soet tomes TECHNICOLOR? controversial best-selling novel PHONE 668-5862 TIMES - 1:00 - 3:10 - 5:20 - 7:30 - a Open Friday to 9 p.m. SUNDAY -- 2:00 - 4:10 - 6:20 - 8:30

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