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Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Jan 1963, p. 8

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, Januery 18, 1963 Remar, Mrs, Harold MacMillan, vice-president, and Mrs, Or- mand Yourth, right support, of Court Charlene Canadian Buzz Sessions Offer Parent: UNITS, GROUPS | Chance To Air Family Problems, Parents of pre-school and school-age children will soon be able to avail themselves oi ex- pert opinion and advice on rela- tive problems at a series of dis- cussion sessions organized by the Family Life Education com- mittee of the Oshawa and Dis- trict Home and School Council. Undertaking the direction of these sessions which will be PRESENT CHEQUE TO CRIPPLED CHI -- LDREN'S FUND in aid of the Crippled Chil- dren's School and Clinic es- tablished there, --Oshawa Times Order of Foresters, recently presented a cheque from their organization to Harold Mc- Neill, director of Simcoe Hall, Photo SOCIAL NOTICES RECEPTION Mr. and Mrs, Harry S, Pal. mer will be happy to receive their: friends and relatives at Adelaide House on Saturday, January 19, 1963, from 3,00 io 5,00 and 7,00 to 9.00 p.m. on the occasion of their 50th wed. ding anniversary. ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs E, M.. Pilkey of Ste. Anne-de-Belleyue, Que- bec, announce the engagement of their daughter, Pauline Mar. garet, to John Edwin Higgins, son of Mr. and Mrs, E. G, Higgins of Sudbury, The mar. riage will take place in St, John's Anglican Church in Moose Jav, Saskatchewan, on Saturday, January 19, ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs, Gerald M, Doyle, Oshawa, annovnce the engagement of their daughier, Mary Eileen, to Mr, Donald W. Mastin, son of Mr, and Mrs, Ian Mastin, Oshawa, The wed- ding is to take place on Satur- day, February 9, 1963, in the Catholic Church. MARRIAGE rectory of 'Holy Cross Roman The marriage of Irene 0,| | Lemon and Albert W, Rundle, both of Oshawa, took place on Friday, January 11 at 4 o'cleock in the manse of Harmony Unit- ed Church with the Reverend N. T. Holmes officiating. Rundle-Lemon |Rites Solemnized | The Reverend N. T. Holmes. ALBERT STREET, UCW Unit 1 The regular meeting of Unit 1) of Albert Street United Church was held in the Friendship Room, with Mrs, Ross Clark! presiding and Mrs, Mervin Mor- rison at the piano, in 'he ab- sence of Miss Bernice Quinn, | Mrs, Ross: Clark opened the| meeting by reading a poem en-| titled "My Only Plea'. Mrs,| |Wicks, officiated at the marriage cere- mony of Irene 0, Lemon, Osh- awa, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Brown and Mr, Albert W- Rundle, Cshawa, son of Mr, and Mrs, Herbert Rundle,' Hampton, The | cere mony took place in the manse| of Harmony United Church. Attending the bridal couple were Mr. and Mrs, Russell After a reception at the San- dalwood Restaurant, Mr. Mrs, Rundle left for Toronto and will be leaving for Florida and|FOR THE BIRTHDAY BIRTHDAY Glynis Don Peel, of Mr, and Mrs, Graham Peel, Gaspe avenue, is cele- brating her first birthday to- day, She is the granddaughter of Mr, and Mrs, Archibald Don and Mr. and Mrs, Charles Peel, all of Oshawa. THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Well-co-ordinated and method- ical efforts should pay off now; concentrate on tasks from which you can derive financial benefit. One admonition; keep cool- headed daughter If tomorrow is your birthday, things should go well in your CHARMER Her great-grandparents are Mr, and Mrs David Mar- shall, Stirling, Scotland and ; Mrs, John Graham and Mr. Charles Peel, both of Oshawa, --Ireland Studio will be governed by exception ally generous aspects, Opportunities to travel could broaden your horizons consider- ably in July and November, and there's indication of an increase in your personal popularity and prestige in December, Where business matters are concerned -- and this includes job advancement and-or finan- cial gain--our best months will be July, October, November and December, Make the most of opportunities during these pe- ANN LANDERS Dear Ann Landers; Have you ever wondered what goes on with the married women who work the graveyard shift in our plants? I recently joined this jolly set and have had a good opportunity to observe. During lunch hour and coffee break I witness the same type of pairing off you'd expect to see in a college cafeteria, You can always find the same couples eating together, laugh- Ing, chatting, and acting very chummy, indeed, Nobody can tell me this is good clean fun-- wholesome company spirit, One gal even brings lunch for the guy ~-- fried chicken and corn fritters, The baloney and cheese sandwiches his wife prepares go into the trash can, I wonder what the husbands of these night-shift wives think goes on in these factories; They are stuck at home with the kids every night while Ma is. having herself a ball, Why don't these bubble - heads get smart and keep the bimbos home where they belong?--NOT FOOLED Dear Not Fooled: Yes, that's some ball those married women jare having--hbeating their way: jto work at midn'ght, on buses! jand.streetcars, And when they }get home at 8:00 a.m., all they Sees Night-Shift Wives As Double-Crossers I don't care how careful a person ts, it's impossible to re- turn a dress or a palr.of shoes in exactly the same condition, A seam goes here, a little spot shows up there, a bead comes off--something is bound to hap- pen, 2 For years this woman. has asked to borrow everything I own, from an evening coat to my new wig, Never once have a peace gs | based mutual respect iaunciration could be a lasting and reward- one, We've always 'been fond of each other, : Will you speculate as to a marriage of this kind be accepted by our family friends? Would they think 4 strange? Do you feel it wi yore out? Thank you.----COUB: Dear Cousins: Some states will not permit first cousins to marry, Check and determine if this Is true in your state, If it is, then go to a state where yo may be-married, ron T see no reason why you want = a hoot this ou accepted by" your friends, If they are good friends they will be delighted. I borrowed anything from her. Last night did it. 'ty husband and I went to a dinner party, A half-tipsy woman came up to me and said, 'Now wasn't that big-hearted of Verna to let you wear her dress?" I said nothing but believe. me I was boiling. What excuse can I use to re- fuse her after all these years, without making an enemy?-- PIGEON HOUSEHOLD HINT Dates are always popular and can be served in many ways, Snip them into salads; add them to muffins, pancakes, waffles or cookies or keep some fresh dates on hand for nib- bling Dear Pigeon: You don't need an excuse, Just/tell her you've sr ntnnetcnenty decided to stop lending your clothes, If she wishes to put a period to the friends'vip because| she can no longer use you, then) you havent' lost much, Dear Ann Landers: My first) cousin and I are both in our) early 50s, Neither of us has ever been married, We are mature) MON. ,. FRI. and sensible people who feel) |have to do is get the kids ready for school, wash a few clothes, \iron a little, clean the house, jand fall into bed, | | promise you, Big Mouth,| if their husbands could swing it financially, 95 per cent of these galls would be at home. | Dear Ann Landers: This prob- lem concerns a close friend of mine, I like her a great deal, but she has one fault which is} irritating, She asks to borrow my clothes, be highly impressionable and, if gifted in a literary sense--which is highly probable--inclined to-| ward writing in a sensational style. Danny the Dry Cleaner Soys: CALL US FOR PROMPT PICK-UP and DELIVERY | ay PHONE 728-5133 4 Centres to Serve You: @ 434 Simcoe South @ 249 King East @ 16 Bond West both informal and informative will be Mrs. Grace Heard of the Guidance department of Mc- Laughlin Collegiate and Voca- tional Institute. The first ses- in_ February. _|personal life this year, Social Herman Laxton took 'Faith' as} and romantic matters will be her theme for. the devotional) period, The scripture lesson was| GOOD FOR BLOOD funder excellent influences dur- taken from the Gospel of St.| Foods that supply iron are/ing. the first six months of 1963, Luke, Chapter 7, verses 1-10, Injneeded to give the body rich|With the possible exception of riods, since the months between will come, more or less, under the heading of 'routine."' Those} in creative and scientific work! will find that mid-September launches an excellent six-month FUEL OIL... CALL : sion will be held on Thursday, January 24, from 7 to 9 p.m. and there will be eight to ten sessions in the series. The course has beeen ar- ranged by the provincial execu- tive of the Home and School Association and is designed to help parents understand and accept the schvol-age child. Among the key points of dis- cussion will be: the family automobile ; discipline in the home; allowances, homework, progress in school and family} values and relationships. Mrs. Heard explained: that this course has been effective in Montreal for the past 20 years and has proved of great value! to parents and teachers. "After years of laxity and/ the 'freedom of expression' school of child upbringing, the pendulum is swinging back," she says, "and parents who were brought up in the free style are at a loss themselves |to) forestall than to eradicate." her talk on faith, Mrs The treasurer, Mrs.. Earl Adams reported a total of $478.14 was handed to the UCW, Unit 1 to be in charge of visit- ing the shut-ins for January, Mrs, Earl Adams took charge of the Bible Study, in the ab- og, 9 William Crumb, e book "The Word. and The MRS.GRACE HEARD jway" is being studied during to know how to apply discipline|the Bible Study period, and yet allow the child enough| Mrs, Ross Clark closed the independence. jmeeting with prayer, "Parents are realizing, as Refreshments were arranged teachers have realized, that vb) poe, "gered Mag Bi -- a dulgence fosters precocity and| William Cooper. : eap attitudes which are easjer KNOX WMS The regular meeting of the ate Mrs. Gordon J. Jackson ane] Atcernone Auxiliary of the Wom- Mrs. Ross M. Edmondson and| on s : issionary Society of Knox furher information may be}; yeh goer Church was held obtained from them or from|!",the church lounge. The president, Mrs. A, H. the presidents of H d . F artnet Kbapedziions. ome and'Dancey, opened the meeting ith others on the committee} KEEP IN TRIM Successful Dieters Share Their Slimming Secrets By IDA JEAN KAIN When you are torn between longing to lose and craving to eat fattening food, dieting is an uphill struggle. You lose two pounds and gain back three.| occasion she shared a piece of, The way to take the resistance) out of dieting is to view slim-|ters. ming fare in terms of rewards.| The gal with a goal wins! | If you are 20 or more pounds} overweight you no doubt regard) the excess as causing you to} look and feel older than your] birthdays. Carry on with that! thought and look upon second! helpings and rich desserts as| being directly responsible for your fattening fix. From this perspective you can suddenly) decide--nix! Let this idea take root in your mind and you can look at a rich dessert as a bobbytrap. The words of triumphant die-| ters carry conviction. One| happy middle - aged reducer Wr | "You asked for suggestions! that help make dieting easier.| I want to vouch for the fact that! a bit of psychology applied to| turning down excess food really} works. Oddly enough a teenager! pointed the way for me. This school girl decided desserts and! chocolate bars were the reason) she wasn't having dates and young fum.. . . and that did it for her. "One night when I was on the verge of cutting myself a gen- erous wedge of cake. I abruptly | got up from the table and went straight to my clothes closet. I! pulled out a favorite dress in size 16, which I couldn't then get into with a shoe horn. My goal was to wear all those size 16's in my wardrobe. I made it! Now I find that after I'm away from the table I don't miss the extra food I've passed up .. . and I feel so proud of myself!" In a cafeteria line-up, a work- ing girl uses this discipline. She} passes by the desserts and| WARNER WILLIAMS SERVICE CENTRE REPAIRS TO ALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES! 178 BOND £. 725-3531 | focus jwith a poem, "Another New Year," followed by a hymn, Mrs, Leslie Parkes took the devotions and prayer. The offer. atory prayer was given by Mrs. D. M. Polson. The annual meeting of Presby- terial, on January 24, will be held in Roger's Memorial Pres- byterian Church, Toronto. Mrs. A, H. Dancey brought a takes the main course, telling) flip chart on the history of the herself she can come back later} WMS work which dates back to fora piece 'of pie if she still) 1864 and on two anniversaries in wants it. By this plan she has/ 1964. |Saved calories and cash. On one} Mrs Dp. M. Polson gave a paper on the Okinawa Islands, which are 1850 square miles in size and supports more than one million people. Mrs, Leslie Beecroft present- pie with two other happy die-| | Reducers point out that the! way one feels about dieting! makes all the difference, When| ed the. nominating committee you resent the need to give up| Teport. favorite foods and let your mind). The Reverend R. B. Milroy awed on thts 0) : jinstalled the new executive for ane i aspect of diet, You! 1963: president, Mrs. Malcolm ' thinking in terms of depri-/ McGregor; Ist vice-president, vation. Thinking that way, you|Mrs. Leslie Beecroft; 2nd vice. do not even enjoy the good foods) president, Mrs. Leslie Blair; you can have and s'im down--! secretary, Mrs. J. A. Swindells; soon you are back to overeat- treasurer, Mrs. D. M. Polson: bie. 8 welcome and welfare, Mrs It's excellent psychology to W. R. Archer; Glad Tiding sec- attention on what youjretary, Mrs. Milton McEachern; want and picture the rewards |bale secretaries, Mrs. F. 0. Be a winner mentally! Mcliveen, Mrs. W. R. Archer; ident epecmamere --------=_ | pianist, Mrs. David Douglas MOBILE HOSPITALS The new president, Mrs. Me- MOSCOW (Reuters) -- A hos- a Sn ae etn wie pital on wheels, complete with) ---------- operating table and. anesthetic equipment, has beg . rolling off the assembly line at the Riga} bus body works, the Soviet iron sources. news agency Tass reports. Fifty) have already been built and. 400) more will emerge this year. SAVE $20.00 ON '63 LICENCE McMi coverage from cMURTR CARPET COMPANY 282 King W. ae 428-9581 BROADLOOM, DRAPES, TILE, PAINT AND INSURANCE WALLPAPER 723-3722 MISSING ! Quite a few good Canadian dollars from the price of suits, coats, sports jackets and seasonal merchan- dise at Johnston's / Yearly Sale starting Thursday, January 17th, 1963. Anyone finding a few dollars are advised to call at Johnston's and make those dollars say "Uncle" -- You can really save on quality merchandise at Johnston's at 8 Simcoe N. Laxton {healthy blood. Beef, liver, kid-| brief gave many thoughts to live by,/ney, and heart are dependable| tember lyour family and home interests! A child born on this day will during mid-Sep-! periods | late November, and cycle of accomplishment. PERRY @ 688 Hortop PICKWICK DAY OR NIGHT 723-3443 9.30 P.M. i's etl FREE HONEST CAL KING ST. E. ot VARCOR'S RD, PHONE 728-9191 Oshewa's Biggest Discounters APPLIANCES & FURMITURE : | Cleaners and Dyers it's Red Cap time... enjoy Ontario's . favouri

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