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Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Jan 1963, p. 8

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gee 0 A DESSERT WITH DELIGHTFUL VARIATIONS Fltty, Crunchy Pecan Torte A Tasty Make- "You'll like the dessert we have planned for tonight. It's ied Fluffy Pecan Torte and kind of a cross between a pudding and a pie. We're parti- @ularly- fond of it because we ean make it the day before or early in the morning and it doesn't have to be refrigerated Gr babied along in any other way. . The sweetness of the pecans eombiies im a delightful way with the subtle toasted flavor Of 'crumbs of bite-size toasted corn cereal. This delicious erunchy layer is the perfect foil for the light and fluffy whip- ped or ice cream topping. Do 'tortes sound difficult to make? Wait till you read this recipe. It's one of those that ean be put together while you &re planning next week's sched- wle. "You simply make a meringue of egg white and @ugar and add chopped pecans end crushed bite-size toasted corn 'Cereal. When it's baked, éet it aside until just before servirig time. Then, top it with whipped cream or softened ice cream, That is the fluffy part of the dessert and also the part that an be varied according to your greative mood. For instance, the whipped cream can be fla- THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA Ahead Dessert with chocolate shot, thin choco- late curls or chopped pepper- mint candy. It's really kind of like making a new spring hat You have the basic hat. or in this case, the nut torte, Then you select the veiling and type of decoration. With the torte, you decide on the whipped cream or ice cream topping and add the flavoring and topping. You'll find that Fluffy Pecan Torte will perk up your family at mealtime just as your new spring hat perks up you. FLUFFY PECAN TORTE egg whites cup sugar 1 teasp baking p Dash salt 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup chopped pecans 3 cups bite-size toasted corn cereal crushed to 1 cup Heat oven to moderate (350 degrees). Butter generously an 8 or 9-inch pie plate. Beat egg whites until soft peaks form. Add sugar, baking powder and salt. Beat until sugar is dis- solved and meringue is stiff. Stir in vanilla, pecans and cereal crumbs. Spread evenly on buttered pie plate. Bake 30 minutes or until lightly brown- ed. Cool. Serve with ice cream or whipped cream and sprinkle with nuts, Yield: 1 (8 or 9-inch) yored with rum extract, pepper- mint "extract or mocha. Top it torte. Oven -Proof Glassware Washes Like A By ELEANOR ROSS Whether it's perched on a eupboard shelf or hard at work en the stove, the new oven-proof re is a high-fashion de- for any kitchen. From the cook's viewpoint, its . functional improvements ere just as delightful. Some var- feties.are absolutely unaffected extreme temperature s and can go directly from the freezer to the range without breaking. And the company that origi- Mated oven-proof glassware is continuing to provide the easy- @are 'features so dear to any homeimaker's heart. The' surface of the latest de- @igns is so smooth that it washes like the proverbial "dream." Skillets and saucepans now bave rounded corners for easy eudsifig by hand or in the dish- Washer. New features include lock-on handles which can be removed When putting the piece in the Dream damp cloth or with a plastic scouring pad. This same treatment will also remove any grayish marks left on the inner surface by spoons, egg beaters and potato mash- ers. Stubborn stains may be re- moved by soaking in household| bleach, according to directions on the bleach package. However, special treatment is required for those stains left in percolators when lime deposits from hard water are subse- quently darkened by brewing coffee» chocolate or tea. The trick here is to remove the lime deposits by using the percolator to boil water with a few tablespoons of vinegar added. Then wash the percola- tor in hot suds as usual. These sudsy beauty secrets for glass designs--right from the firm that makes *em--will do more than keep your oven- proof glassware beautiful; they will also assure the sanitary cleanliness so vital to any re- FOR TOMORROW You will be restricted now, especially where personal rela- tionships are concerned. Avoid strife and bickering, also a ten- dency toward aggressiveness. ~ In general, keep your opinions to yourself. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, the next year should be an ex- cellent one; not only from a fi- nancial standpoint but also be- cause of many fine opportuni- ties to make headway in your life work, You will have to do your part, of course, but such fine influences are presently governing your interests that it would be foolhardy not to co. operate to the fullest. Put your best foot forward, especially in September. Personal relationships are also under benign influences, which augurs happily for do- mestic and sentimental inter. ests; for social activities, too. Look for some excellent news during September; an opportu- nity to travel in August and September; also, if single, new romance in August. A child born on this day will be direct and fair-minded and will loathe injustice of any kind. DAY AFTER TOMORROW Personal relationships will be under fine aspects on Monday, especially where social func. tions and romance are con- cérned. In other matters, keep eyes turned toward worthwhile goals, even if you don't accom- plish all you plan. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If Monday is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that, if you have made the most of opportunities during the past few months--and are still keep- ing on the beam in the pursuit of worthwhile goals -- your chances of reaping a fine har. vest during the next year are excellent. Financial matters will be governed by exceptionally generous influences, and there is also indication of job promo- tion or business expansion. Personal relations are also under good aspects, and there is a possibility that a trip taken in August or September could prove highly profitable Complement Dress By Touch of Trim On Plain Cardigan Sweaters were never more in fashion -- especially as an in- tegral part of a skirt-and- sweater or dress-and-sweater merger! The "ensemble" effect is pro- duced when the sweater. sports a binding, decorative motif, or applique which "marries" it to its matching skirt or dress. While many such combina- tions will be featured this spring, the woman who wants to produce the same effect by add- ing a sweater to last year's spring dress or skirt, or vice versa, can do so via her sewing machine, For instance, say her ward- robe favorite is a brown and white silk dress. By purchasing a plain white~ cardigan and dramatizing it with decorative brown buttons, in the same hue as the brown of her dress, she will create a new two-piece out- fit. Or, if her wardrobe includes a plain cardigan or pullover, she may purchase at her local sew- ing center, or findings counter, unusual trim that harmonizes or contrasts with her skirt or dress. Such trim includes military braid, fringe and decorative rib- bon which may be applied down the front closings of a cardigan, for a Chanel effect, or to the sweater's bottom edge. If a new skirt or dress is on her sewing agenda, she may allow additional yardage when purchasing her fabric with which to trim a cardigan or from which to cut a floral a plique The owners of automatic zigzag machines will find it par- ticularly easy to stitch on ap- pliques and other decorative effects. ANN LANDERS Dear Ann Landers: I started to date Joyce in my freshman year of college. We were iasep- arable for 24% years. As you can imagine, we became too inti- mate for our own good and on three separate occasions I thought we would have to get married. I was willing to do the de- cent thing but she said she'd marry me only if it was abs>- lutely necessary because her freedom meant too much. One day Joyce handed my fraternity pin back to me and said, "I've lost. interest. Goodbye and good luck." I was deeply hurt. I haven't seen her since No- vember and have healed nicely, thank you. I'm dating several nice gals and am not involved with anyone. Yesterday Joyce phoned and said she misses me and wants to get married at once, The tone of urgency in her voice suggested she might be in a tough spot. I feel an obligation to Joyce because I was her first serious boy friend, but I have no desire to marry her. Am I a heel?--Loose Hanger Dear Loose: If you haven't seen Joyce since November the "tough spot' she may be ia has nothing to do with you. Consider yourself lucky to have unwound from this girl and let this be a lesson to you--as well as to others. Dear Ann Landers: My girl friend and I are both 16. She goes with a fellow named Tom. I go with Jerry. They are both nice guys, but they have com- LODGES AND SOCIETIES REBEKAH LODGE NO. 3 Oshawa Rebekah Lodge No. 3 held its regular meeting in the lodge rooms Wednesday eve- ning, January 23 with Sister Anne Cook presiding assisted fom is quiet and reserved and Jerry is the life of the party and full of jokes. turbed by "London Observer." the statement that English and European children show more respect for adults than Ameri- can children. The expression he used was "less cheeky." Why Stir The Ashes If Fire Is Dead? etely opposite personalities. We got to talking seriously about our fellows the other night and it turns out that I admire Tom and she goes for Jerry. I'm fed up on Jerry's jokes and she is bored with Tom's quietness. We would like to trade. This thought has crossed my mind before but 1 et had the nerve to mention it. the same way, how do you think we should go about it?-- FAIR EXCHANGE Now that I know she feels Dear Fair: You can't just trade steadies as if they were stuffed monkeys. Since both of you obviously are dissatisifed with your boy friends why not simply break up the steady arrangement -- which is for the birds anyway With a little luck Tom may come your way and Jerry may go hers. Dear Ann Landers: I was dis- the letter signed He made I've had experience with both groups and it is my belief that while English and European children may seem better he- haved it is a hypocritical type of behavior which does not re- flect their true feelings. They eg more terrified than respect- American children communi- cate more easily with adults. They are not stifled by an at- mosphere of rigid authority. They feel free to be frank and outspoken which is a healthier climate for an adolescent. The "beautifully mannered' chil- dren often seethe underneath with hostility. Their problems come later.--NICHOLAS J.P. Dear Nickey: I agree that Did You Marry The Wrong Man? Materially well-off women in North America are expressing] disturbing signs of frustration ane envy, according to an ar- ticle in a national magazine. In- herent in their attitude is the un. spoken conviction that life could be beautiful if they had only married someone else. Some sociologists attributed! this "disenchantment in mar- riage" to the phenomenon of To- getherness, which unrealisitcal- ly picturec every husband as a comfortable combination of sym- pathetic helpmeet, ardent lover, constant companion and cheer- ful family provider. Sociologist Dr. Peter C. Pineo of McMaster University observ- fed that unforeseen changes in situation, personality o: behav- ior contributed most to the dis- enc ent that frequently oc- curred after five years of mar- riage, and that the drop in satis- faction was largely concerned with the fact of being married not with esteem for the spouse as a' person. The overemphasis on roman- tic love was another cause of disillusion in marriage, the re- port found. It was noted that in North America it was customary to believe that this kind of love was the only possible foundation for the perfect marriage. be flattering to the adult but can be damaging to the child. Children should not be terri- fied of their parents. But neither should parents be ter- rified of their children. I be- lieve in a give and take re- lationship, but the parents on' take too much--guff, at is. , CARPET COMPANY 282 King W. 728-9581 RUG & CHESTERFIELD CLEANING Our experts will clean "respect" rooted in fear may by the Vice-Grand, Sister Ada 'onkin, The District Deputy presi- demt, Sister Flossie Ball, made her official visit to the lodge She was introduced by Sister Viola Keeler and welcomed by the members. In her address, Sister Ball stressed the need for more visits to the sick and shut-ins and requested the mem- bers not to neglect this duty. The Vice-Grand gave a re- port on the sick members and all were wished a speedy re- covery. After the meeting concluded, refreshments were served to the banquet hall by Sister E. Farrow and her committee. Sister Evelyn Fickes arrang- ed a game with prizes won by Sisters Mary Yeo, Lucille Gibbs, Irene Walter and Elizabeth Parm. The Sisters were requeseted to bring in articles for the auc- tion sale which will be held in March. from both romantic and social standpoints. Domestic and so- cial interests should prosper for most of the year ahead. A child born on this day will be highly intelligent and could succeed as a teacher, musician or lecturer. When you need "HOME-NURSING" Call a V.0.N. Nurse SVERYONE" dishwasher. Incidentally, this feature also makes stacking easier. The. manufacturers suggest that soaking in soap or deter- gent suds will usually loosen any food particles. However, if food has been overcooked, Spots can be rubbed away with @ bit of scouring powder on a ceptacle used for food. WARNER WILLIAMS SERVICE CENTRE REPAIRS TO ALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES! 17B BOND £E. 725-3531 REGISTRATION NIGHT Monday, January 28th 8 P.M. TO9 P.M. OSHAWA GENERAL HOSPITAL This course will be conducted by Registered Nurses. There is no fee for this course. os Here's to the HEALTHY HABIT! Be happy, go healthy with plenty of good rich milk. Make sure you drink three full glasses every day, with meals and at snack-times, too. Try all our top-quality dairy products soon. You'll like them! BE SATISFIED... with a treot from Ideal Dairy Products complete Dairy Treets . . « including Ideal Dairy Buttermilk and Ideal Dairy Orange Drink! QUALITY DAIRY PRODUCTS OSHAWA, ONTARIO GOLD 2% COSTS 4c DRUG STORES | OPEN THIS SUNDAY 12:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. JURY & LOV 8 KING ST. EAST 360 WILSON RD. SOUTH LAW PHARMACY 1204 WECKER DR. ELL LIMITED 723-2245 | 725-8711 725-3525 THE OSHAWA JAYCEES WOULD LIKE TO Shank Everyone WHO CONTRIBUTED TO THE RECENT "TOY TIME" CAMPAIGN IN OSHAWA AND DISTRICT! 5000 Toys were collected for needy children and distributed. For their support . . . we are deeply indebted to the following organizations: THE CAN THE SALVATION ARMY SIMCOE HALL ADIAN CORPS THE OSHAWA TIMES RADIO STATION C.K.L.B. 7 THE CITIZENS OF HILLSDALE MANOR THE SHELL OIL CO. OF GANADA LTD. DRY CLEANERS Don't let Europe get one day Send for this brochure! 16 colour page ot fun & facts on Europe '63... yours fromTCA Or, if there's a really determined yen for Europe | already on your mind, why not make this your next move--send $2.00 in cheque or money order with the coupon and get TCA's PLANATRIP KIT as well: 5 fact-filled guide books on Britain and Ireland, France, Germany and Austria, Switzerland, Italy; a PLANATRIP map of Europe; budget sheets; folders on customs and tour, plus other useful information to help make that trip come true. Mail this coupon today for your FREE brochure and the PLANATRIP KIT to TCA PLANATRIP, Box 598, Montreal 3, Quebec. degree OSH MAIL TO: TCA PLANATRIP, BOX 598, MONTREAL 3, P.Q. oO Please send me FREE TCA's 16-page, full-colour brochure on 1963 travel in Europe. o Please send me TCA's complete PLANATRIP KIT to help me plan my European holiday in detail, Cheque or money order for $2 enclosed. an Name wise > Address City My travel agent is Talk to your travel agent or TRANS-CANADA AIR LINES DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA--WHITBY--BROOKLIN 300 DUNDAS E. WHITBY 668-3304 Many Needy Children In Oshawa Had a Merry Christmas . » « Thanks To Your Help. FRED BALL, President. DON NETLEY, Chairman Civic Affairs For TCA Reservations Howard Travel. Bureau AJAX SHOPPING PLAZA 668-3161 942-6690 Meadows Travel Service 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 723-9441 " 28s ein eR acl ale AEE Ky eritiras Se

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