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Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Jan 1963, p. 16

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can , ™ TPR ge A tne ntag nag emg png e S: "~~ @F eo P se we ew vw sa ™ et gf ath ny) nema AO th tl ae Tipe mS me et A, OPO CFE VO NI Et Soci tea acum tine fa OF el at Sal ge THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, January 30, 1962 ® Djefenbaker's speech was 80 000. shares. It remained un- ® A work meeting will be held 16 Gen Macklin Pipette that various deductions DIVIDENDS Tuesday Market changed at 36%. u Prizes at' tha taeeie or Mes. E. J. Run- . an be made from it, but he \ Hr IGHT baleres ate: vauA Baap oda ie T d M od Algoma Steel rose %, Bank) _- die to make "Bowmanville BUSINESS SPOTL. ibl ssa. caa Mitty We ceaen By THE CANADIAN PREss | LTade erate [of Nova Scotia %, Canadian F M ch Badges". The secretary was Ss Nsipie hae ed Peg Diefen-| Canada Malting Co. Lid., 50 Calaanes % and Moore Corpo-| £ OF ar asked to secure prices for a ' tae ie ooh ably tinaily|cents, March 15, record Feb, 15. TORONTO (CP)--Industrials|ration %. crests and bars for all be * r) is p Z, The Easy Washington Ma-|%2Ve & lethargic performance! Losers included Trans-Canada L D playing Minor Hockey in the "Mile Line Defence Policy|sstrssursesszence ts een, coasts 8 coms amid Madera, ading on thelr Les, off, Torneo! AUCKY DEAW Recreation iene March 15, record March 8, : minion Bank, 0 and Page- Plans were made for selli OTTAWA (CP)--Maj.-Gen. .w|2%4,,, Voodoo interceptor are)" Feonomic. «Investment .Trust| 'The main list moved in an|Hershey Tubes, down %. By MRS. A. L. HOOEY -- jiickets and Bo ed without 'any military value. BOWMANVILLE a winanv'lle badges H, S. Macklin, former adjutant- hat|C%, Ld. five per cent pfd. 6244 extremely narrow index range,| On the exchange index, indus- Sie a eltor the Littl National | anne V ail : The next inference was that|cents Feb, 28, record Feb, 14/88 gains and losses in key is-|trials rose .61 to 599.96, base|Hoch»y Mothers 'eld their regu- e Hockey se aeetar tnieres'| pene: sitiiiet nese, weve sues were fairly evenly divided|metals 1.32 at 200.61 and westiar_monthly meeting at. the League on "Young Canada . ently realized that adoption of|' se metals showed mostiern oils .76 a 08, Golds|Lion's Centre, Pr rs.|Night", Also for members of EDMONTON (CP) -- Cana-|son, Norman Wells and Inuvik|baker's controversial speech on sudions. brine tar Coutila' aiaiaat Pots w ye 4 OWN COMPANY |sirength, gaining more than aldipped .26 to 89.84, Closing vol-|W. H. Simpson welcomed the|the executive to officially dian 'National 'Telecommunica-|in addition to microwave andjnuclear arms in the Commons ctor James Mason has| point, ume was 3,428,000 shares com-|17 members ae tom: i ese it will build] Pole system linking Yellowknife|last week may prove a mile-jincrease the value of the de-|formed his own production com.| Atlas Steel provided one of pared with 4,123,000 Monda It was announced the prizes|S°>t equipment to the Little wen ile telephone-pole line|2d other communities around/stone on the way to a sensible|terrent, This was a step toward|Ppany and plans his debut as althe few industrial highlights) Base metals were strength- had been purchased for the National Hockey Le and down the Mackenzie River from crest Slave Lake via Hay -- er in| defence sanity. ow Ghee " partes wee pedis mers than 122,000}ened by gains of 1% and onellucky draw in March and will|Recreational Department. i ik. . e retired general says in : sory, also|shares, including seven big/point to International Nickel|/be o2 displ Y Gay River tp ina The line will require an esti-|an articlé written for the Ot- i Mero Mercy gtr Foval star, block transactions totalling 34,-land Falconbridge respectively, |cation, ee during ak canta "ae It terms the project has been tawa Citizen that from its in- 7 termed 'one of the most am-|mated 50,000 poles, 40,000 of caullit, HORAD 'hen giver the CF-104 might have to be bitious land line communications|which will be used in tripod discarded, or converted to other: projects since completion of the|construction in areas where ape at huge Rage gpl uses than to wage nuclear war, § AVINGS G ALORE AT Alaska Highway system." muskeg, rock or permafrost Pons ni ved in panic in the/and if so it was encouraging. Construction of the Northwest|Tules out single - pole installa-| (™#80n- . Territories line will begin this|tion. ih gobo DP iestiens SPROULE'S SUP ER SAVE yedr. There are no roads along the si ~~ oo F ae i et When completed in 1965, the|Projected route and a major Pinted States Air For a ots ; : task will be the surveying and satin dae SO STOP AT system will provide simulta- curred in by our own RCAF, neous long distance telephone, construction of a wmter trail and backed by the great Amer- FRESH CHO! E teletype, air operational andj@cross the varied terrain. ican industries that feed on it." Cc weather communications to Fort} The line, to be known as the}. 'The general says much of Mr. Simpson, Wrigley, ree pe petseerpcygrd ie apoB ed Norman Wells, Fort Go ope} parallel the river for all but the CAR : and Inuvik, last 90-mile stretch into Inuvik. WARNER WILLIAMS 202 King W. 728-9581 C m High frequency radio commu-|s7ocK POLES BROADLOOM A nications will link Aklavik, Fort]" 'phis will permit stock-piling SERVICE CENTRE y AT McPherson and Arctic Rediof poles and other materials be od tag At. a ; SPROULE'S River to the system at Inuvik.|carried by barge and will pro-|p ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES sure ae , E b. Cost of the line is estimated] yide access for summer main-|-- 17-B BOND E. - 725-3531 at more than $2,000,000. tenance. ' _-- PICNT now has focal dial tele: SHOP GLAZIER'S & SAVE {MM PLENTY OF FREE PARKING BREASTS CORNER RITSON AND KING phone exchanges at Fort Simp- AND and Saturday Readiness CONTINUE THEIR GIGANTIC WINTER RIB aims 'Til 10:00 p.m. PREPARED For Your ROAST CHICKEN FRESH NECKS and BACKS 19° CHICKEN WINGS 2-LBS. ... 3-LBS. CHICKEN NO. 1 QUALITY LIVER HEAD CHEESE 3-LB. TIN Shopping By DAVE McINTOSH Convenience OTTAWA (CP) -- Generally overlooked in the hullabaloo which followed Gen. Lauris Nor- stad's press conference remarks here Jan. 3 was'a recommenda- ticn by the former NATO com- mander in Europe in the field| Of conventionn: weaputs. This recommendation has taken on added _ significance since last week's Commons de- fence debate during which Prime Minister Diefenbaker said more and more emphasis must be placed on conventional weapons, Gen. eg ~-- oe in the early days o! com- ry coe three omy brtaaées to eo ae - ¢ wiag ary te word rion he defence of Western Europe. r or e elections One brigade is stationed in West arly c Germany while the other two are held in reserve in Canada. The general said he would ad- vocate the stockpiling in Europe of equipment for the two re- serve brigades in preparation for any emergency in which these brigades would be air- lifted overseas. He said equipment for three American reserve divisions has been stockpiled in Europe and that these formations could be flown overseas in civilian as well as military aircraft and be in the line in 10 to 14 days. REACTION COOL Initial reaction to this pro- posal in the Canadian defence department was cool. The feel- ing was that there is some doubt that reserve brigades could be moved to Europe in time to get into action, even if their equipment was already there in advance, However, since then, govern- ment circles have been discuss- ing the possibility of creating an airborne brigade which could be flown quickly, with all its equipment, to any trouble area. Defence officials say there is one big drawback to such a plan: The uneconomic use of air transport. Such an airborne brigade would require a fleet of planes which would necessarily stand idle most of the time. NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Bulolo Gold Dredging Ltd., 6 mos. ended Nov. 30: 1962, $309,- 300; 1961, $232,500. Crown Trust Company, year ended Dec. 31: 1962, $405,205, $2.70 a share; 1961, $365,580, $2.44. Sterling Trusts Corporation, year ended Dec. 31: 1962, $261,- 617, $2.32 a share; 1961, $251,- 140, $2.22 Norstad Urged : L t = Sy & RED BRAND STEER BEEF--CANADA'S FINEST GRADE f | A _ WF HOURS Reserve Unit Pp RIME age a TT acon PLENTY OF FREE PARKING RED BRAND BONELESS LEAN TRIMMED BUTT POT ROAST PORK CHOPS FREEZER FEATURES RED BRAND STEER BEEF CANADA'S FINEST GRADE RED BRAND HIND QUARTER © ».59* RED BRAND FRONT QUARTER .. 47° CUT AND WRAPPED FOR YOUR FREEZER AS DESIRED FREE r gaeee LADIES' Our Entire Stock of WINTER COATS DRESSES All from our regulor stock of attractive Reduced to low, low prices to clear to and modernly styled coats . . . some make room for new spring merchandise with the latest fur trim collars. arriving soon. At these prices you can't Values to 49.98 Values to 69.98 afford to miss them! SALE SALE Values to 19.98 Values » 24.98 29.98 44.98} 7.98 12.98 CHILDREN'S LADIES' Coats, Coat Sets CAR COATS Snow Suits, i ws we a een ie select from. Sizes 8 to 20 in the lot, all Car Coats reduced. For boys and girls, all drastically reduced REDUCED TO REDUCED TO 1/,, PRICE VV, PRICE /2 and more Compare at 49c--KAM LUNCHEON MEAT = 39: Compare at 35c--KRAFT DELUXE CHEESE SLICES 29: SUNBRITE LB. PKG. € Compare at 49c--MAZOLA 16-0Z. BOTTLE ¢ and more LADIES' Corduroy SLIMS Sizes 10 to 20, NEAT STEW = 29'; DOG FOOD | --PAKERY FEATURES io 15-02. | Sunbeam. * Pillsbury Compore at 35¢ TINS § Butter Fiutis CAKE MIXES 3 FOR 89° Reg, 59c Value Jay's Fancy Tomato Juice} 12 topks. 35- Stafford's 12c¢ Off CHOCOLATE '= 39° 2° $1: ome 30c Off King Size DO-N UTS TEABACS «..59°; TIDE 1.29} 12 topks. 29: LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIALS MEN'S DRESS SHOES GIRL'S SHOES a. All. leather with sturdy neolite soles; Broken ranges but most sizes in the lot. strap over instep. Sizes 8 to 13 and | All leather in many modern and smart and 2 including half sizes. Compare at styles, Regular values up to 5 44 4.98 pair. 14.98, CLEARANCE bd CLEARANCE PAIR MON. ,. FRI. BOY'S LONG SLEEVE T-SHIRTS LADIES' SHOES With self collar; attractive plain shades Clearing compiete lines of casual ond of fine, long wearing combed cotton. dress shoes. Choose from 2 price ranges. S:izes 8 to 14. Compare at Values to 4.98 Values to 6.98 2 99 1.98 CLEARANCE SAMA... 5; " SALE... a 9.30 P.M. Fi" al HONEST @ OPEN A BUDGET ACCOUNT .. . Shop on Easy Terms at Glazier's FRESH WHITE (SMALL) Cc @ ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING AT GLAZIER'S @ FAMILY ALLOWANCE and PAYROLL CHEQUES GLADLY CASHED § Er 7 0 U i i | « KING ST. E. et VARCOE'S RD. 7 ae P E A * <a} GLAZIER'S AVE me 728-9191 : zur, @} wg | SUPER SAVE \_T raiser Mm Discounters 498 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH ACROSS FROM 725-3411 APPLIANCES & FURNITURE hittin onda cm lfcorner ofr KING at RITSON ROAD, OSHAWA CHILDREN'S SOX CHILDREN'S SNOW SUITS Broken sizes and ranges in the lot, so This is a clearance of better lines. Bro- shop early for best selection. Velues to ken ranges in sizes 2, 3, 3x and 4. 49% pair. y Values up to 9.98 4 CLEARANCE PAIR ........ CLEARANCE 99 WiZV1D dOHS MEME ONDVd 3344 40 ALNGTd MEM aAvs 3 s.uaizvio d0Hs MMMM ONDIuvd 3384 40 AINa1d MMM 3Avs 9 S.aaIZVI5 dOns PLENTY OF FREE PARKING (MM SHOP GLAZIER'S & SAVE MME SOPLENTY OF FREE PARKING (9 SHOP GLAZIER'S & SAVE

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