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Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Jan 1963, p. 3

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MATTAWA FIRE LEVELS SIX BUSINESS PREMISES Smoke from a $100,000 fire hung over Mattawa, near North Bay, Ont., Tuesday, Six Harmony Scout Troop Fine Reports business places were destroy- ed or heavily damaged and six persons left homeless. Fire destroyed two buildings and damaged a third, It was be- lieved to have started in a Active Organization The members of the 12th Osh-) awa (Harmony) Cubs and Scout The first hike of the winter season took place Saturday, Jan |vide recreation and (2) give the boys experience in overcoming Troop are having a busy month./19, when members of the "2thjobstacles encountered in bush A number of events of impor- tance have been held. Oshawa (Harmony) along with other troops of the north-east travel, At approximately 3.15 p.m, Patrol Leader Dennis Flavelle|zone enjoyed 'an all day out-/camp was broken, then check- presented Terry Erwin for the investiture ceremony making him a Tenderfoot Scout. Terry became a member of the Eagle Patrol, ing. Despite weather the boys under the. direction Scoutmaster Ernie Jukes, hiked from Courtice north to a zero ied for tideness and to deter- mine that the site was left in | procedure. | The various patrols were then ~~. e+ ew ew Sito withdraw, Both were per- private garage at the rear of | one of the buildings. --(CP Wirephoto) | Presented _ RiKnox Encouraging reports, covering all phases of the congregation's activities, were presented Tues- day night at the annual meeting of Knox Presbyterian Church, Lloyd Pigden acted as chair-) of|proper condition as is scouting)man with Jack Taylor as secre-|tarded children should be the tarv, The minister, Rev, R B.| Milroy, conducted the devotion- David Gellatly, recently trans-|spot midway between Courtice|formed in columns for the hike al service, ' ' acl ' "k | vas reported the church). tt ds educatin rom the 43rd Hamilton,!and He xy arrived at|back to the pick up point to) It was repor same amount towards educating ferred f and Hampton, They i (Bo be loaded into cars and return- membership now stands at 456.|the retarded children as it does |During the year 25 new mem-|to normal ones, Mayor Parish Ont., Troop, was presented with his neckerchief, thus confirming/yarious patrols were deployed) ed to their homes. jon a tracking mission endeavor-- FORM CUB PACK his membership in the 12th Osh. awa (Harmony) Scout Troop! and a member of the Beaver Patrol. FIRST CLASS BADGE Grant Bennett and the campsite at 10 a.m. ing to bring back wildlife tracks made in the snow, | Another event of ensing 1 This|and indicative of the rising in- is accomplished by cutting out) terest in the Cub and Scout the blocks of snow and return-|movement, took place Jan, 8, David|ing them to the campsite where|in the Hanmony Public School the} when Cub Pack "B"' of the 12th/ bers were added to the roll, There were also eight weddings and 14 baptisms. Highlights of the year in- cluded a very successful visita- tion of the congregation in No- vember, the completion of pay- Ontario Conservation Authority, mer, is also back, in the same capacity, Elections were held Tuesday night at the first 1963 ing of Ajax Council, | Ajax-Pickering and Whitby As- lalla iin A ME i i <e -- te ee ee ae at a png ge Pye er PES OPTPO LISD PGES OOO GE ane ad Return Bennett As Authority Head Ross Bennett returns as 1963 chairman of the Central Lake His vice-chairman, Gordon Cor- meeting, Both men were nominated for the chairmanship and both tried suaded to stand and Mr, Bennett won by one vote, Mr, Corner took the vice-chairmanship by acclamation, Mr, Corner was also voted in as chairman of the Conservation Areas and Wildlife Advisory Board, winning over provincial appointee Fred Ellegett, Mr, Corner replaced Ald, Hayward Murdoch, Ralph Jones of Oshawa was returned as chairman of the Public Relations and Education: Council Grants $400 To Alden School Group AJAX (Staff) -- A grant of $400 to help cover the cost of training five Ajax children was approved at the Monday meet- The money, to be paid to the sociation for Retarded Children, covers a grant of $20 per month per child, Mayor William Parish said the amount paid by the Town towards educating a mormal child was approximately $275 a) year in Public School, | Councillor R. J. Wright said "T feel the amount spent on re- same as on a normal child," When Councillor Wright asked if the council could give the replied "this would seem to be the best solution but then you get into the old question of pub- lic and separate schools". | Advisory Board by acclama- tion, Edgar James returns as chairman of the Land Use, Water Control and Reforesta- tion Advisory Board, He beat Walter Beath, another provin- cial appointee, Ald, Murdoch noted that Whit- by, second largest Authority member with two representa- tives, had no representation on the executive (chairman, vic e- chairman and three Advisory Board chairmen), He moved that the executive have an additional member-at- large, The motion carried and| |. Whitby councillor Joyce Burns) | was appointed. The executive will remain at five:-members be- cause Mr, Corner holds two posts, Other reappointments: C, C, McGibbon, QC, as Authority solicitor; and Hopkins, Beadle and Co,, as Authority auditor, | a Ice Carnival | Big Success A colorful skating carnival was held last Saturday at Ger- trude Colpus Public School under the sponsorship of the Home and School Association. Despite the cold weather the children turned out dressed in lovely costumes, Of special note was a girl who used bananas as a head dress, Following the judging of the costumes and the races, refresh- ments were served by the par- ents, The winners of the were: Fanciest costumes -- Cindy Crew, Laurie Crew and Annie Labej, Funniest costumes Holodeyzuk, John Susan Mattis, Most original -- Wendy Weid- erick» Louie Wandless and Eliz- abeth Holodryzuk, RACES Girls, 5 and 6 years old -- events -- Nicky Jeffs and h Clara Kohary, Jamie Sutton, Boys, 5 and 6 years -- Bobby |Flintoff, Gary Wiltshire, Girls, 7 and 8 years -- Sherry County village of Bayfield in- dicates the size of the drifts-- some of them up to 30 feet of the congregation of South- minster DRIFTS 180 An aerial view of the Huron The fourth annual meeting United Church was eld Monday evening, Jan, 21, Following the minutes of the 1962 meeting, Lorne MacBurnie presented the treasurer's report showing an income for. the year of $5,534.97, Reports by the leaders of the , i nan eS *~ LATE HURON COUNTY high--that have been making travel all but impossible for a number of communities in the northern section of Western for the Session, Shona g! - er eee eer Ow meee mae oteg toe Ny 7 we re, SO ee Sag Sage Seana ae nar ARE ON RG et, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Jenvery 30, 1962 3 eneneenemenesnaah The Fellowship Group had social met 10 times during the year evenings, from a trip to see a TV show filmed to a Chinese dinner at the church. 10 NEW MEMBERS ranging Delmont Olmstead, Clerk of Session, presented the report of There had been VILLAGE Ontario where road crews have been battling drifting snow unceasingly for more than two weeks. (CP Wirephoto) Review Fine Year At Southminster Church Gyles Harrison, and Mrs, Royce Whittaker (representing the UCW), L. Colfas, Ron Heard and Earl Nelson, The Board of Trustees will be Lars Christensen, Kaymond Cruwys and Stuart Burgess. Mrs, C, R. Chambers was elected organist and choir di- Crowe received their First Class|they attempt to identify Badge on Jan, 15, This badge| Various imprints. is presented upon successful) The noon mea rector, Mrs, Royce Whittaker will be church _recordi: secretary. Harold Wheeler was elected Superintendent of Sunday Schools, A. G, Nelson was elected press secretary, NEEDS ILLUSTRATED Rev. John Porter, -- a flip chart outlined the n of our church for the present and the probable needs for the future, He stressed the work of the Sunday School and the youth groups, The Sunday School teachers will have to do more planning because of the program which has been pro- posed for 1964 by the United ohmhe ladles of the UCW e ladies of the served lunch at the conclonion of the meeting, Oshawa (Harmony) was/ments on a new pipe organ and was cooked at/fonmed, the certification of two mem- causa tole a | ' i sibers, Peter Gilbert and Ronald t Tenderfoot,|the patrol campsite by the boys) The boys and _ their parents Pe thagu pee ages bo first fo. and consisted of soup, potatoes,|were welcomed by 'A' Pack/Dancey, as students for the mins) tests and climaxed by a journey|ot chocolate, cake, etc, Dishes|Cubmaster Gordon Bell, wh ojstry. = with another applicant. "lwere then washed (we hope)lexplained the purpose and aims| Decreases were noted in the we es . ; ; t cubbing. enrolment, attendance and a " : soly.|Chiplick, Bus Bowms. |been $689, Two bazaars had "a oem aise. rected bis Cree ice thetagh the ict on el On, bohait of the 12th Osh./Offerings by the Sunday School), Wentworth County resolu AG . y a|bres ; ; ' Girls, 11 and 12 years--Susan| been held, cook books had been > tion calling for the Ontario}. \ } Susan) J : | stre: " g -jawa Scout Committee, Chair-j!t was reported the enrolment) -0" vd (Carroll, Debbie Medinski. produced and sold and Christ- Ti ie nae Sante ed before sing to' safeqaralman Lawrence Cre' a wet[T@N, coal iH, excuave of the Coverment to prob the wreAon, ome MedNet Res" caras habeas tien of 12 proficiency badges./% he omed the new pack into the|Adult Bible Class. During the|tnd sale o. mindralbased 00 cuark, Roger Norton, CHOIR REPORT pian i el eR tg Following is. an instruct oop and thanked the parents/Year << Pentre hago pot ta fa Ontario Conserva.|. Boys, 13 and over -- Bob| The Choir Report by Mrs. mb hary f " vas giv |for bringing the boys on their/cates, ible Study Tests, and): eee a eae tah |Locke, Bill Konkle, C., R, Chambers, showed 14 Myas"aibo yeerered ts "ane the rite qeceesary te ebraie frst night. as ase: "43 memory work and catechism|tion Authority Tuesday night. | OCS" Konkle. : eee members at present, The : , _ he resolution ; i : Sout i-| After the introducti {| Were recorded. Included. int amount of $104.38 in the choir nail, aver to madly doc} ing Sons. wiahee scouting profl lupe "Rack Gibnemar Ralph The board of managers re-|was a plea that the province Sink AGteunt had: bean taraan Grant to have earned the camp.| A Warm-up game was con-|McCullough, and Assistant Cub.|Ported that, with the assistance) and 0 Cac. Ne over to the Organ Fund. er's proficiency badge, along| ducted in which a race is held|master Jack Hoskia, the first}! the women's association, the| sources a onan ey the The Sunday Schoo! report was with the trackers and pioneer over an obstacle course, the/official meeting of "B". Pack : . jwest hall, primary and begin-|forces to tell given by Mr. Harold Wheeler, badges. purpose of which is to: (1) pro- was under way. ___|and decorated with the major/tion in provincial waters. BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- A Cubs groups meeting at the church were given as follows: United Church, Women by Mrs, Delmont Olmstead, presi- dent of the group of 14 women. Boys, 9 and 10 years -- Fred/The total income for 1962 had two weddings, 19 baptisms, 10 new members and 10 members received by certificate of trans: fer, Three complete visitations had been made during the year, Mr, Olmstead ponted out that the highlight of the church year had been the purchase and dedication of the organ, . The Report of the Board of Stewards was read by Mr, Royce Whittaker in the ab: sence of Mr, C, R, Chambers, OFFICERS ELECTED The election of officers for 1963 was the next item on the agenda, The Board of . Session will consist of Delmont Olmstead, Raymond Cruwys, Lionel Gould-| ing, Ken Harmer, Stanley, Parks, Art Sheridan, Alfred] Spencer, Ken Rosamond, Har! old Wheeler. Newly e lected) members are Tony Zurawell, | A, G, Nelson, Stuart Burgess, Mrs, L, Christensen and Mrs. C, Cornelius, The Board of Stewards was) elected as follows: B, von Min-| den, Royce Whittaker, G. W, Bayliss, Lars Christensen, SHORGAS | HEATING & APPLIANCES Industrial and Commercial The established, reliable Ges ler in your area, 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of Athol) | Davis, Karen Farrell, Boys, 7 and 8 years -- Mor- Would Ban jean ge Jimmy Carroll. : Detergents 12i%s,' sas apne Newcastle Youth Wins Court Case -- Surs MORTGAGES Ample Funds for Ist MORTGAGES 2nd MORTGAGES We Also Purchase Ist and 2nd Mortgages N.H.A, LOANS ARRANGED You Will Find OUR SERVICE IS FASTER OUR COST IS LOWER SCHOFIELD-AKER Limited 723.2265 -- 728.3376 After Hours 728.3376 ner's departments were panelled|Seriousness of detergent pollu- The highest attendance during : : ORS? | ial : the year was 95 children, Queen's Scout, Ralph Laxton |portion of the work being done) Framers of the resolution | yeweastle youth ~-- a charge! 'The Explorers Report was and Queen's Scout Brian Wilson |by members of the church. The|point out that West Germany sateen ee ra ia Rg a were presented with the ventur- jhalls and staircase of the new|licked this problem by banning] » dismissed in court) in Rt absence of Mrs, A, G, . 4 aS Nelson, There are 22 girls at- for the planning, carrying gut) ithe generosity of the Quilting/they claim organic-base deter- Pasay Re § Es eag fe : and recording of a journey over:| ounte Y |Group. The manse was also/gents with equivalent cleansing| heen Ung er he hadireceived a Certificate of hose th t t a e y wife to get their car off the Recognition trom. the Beard of chose the water route. « | It was reported that $31,390 oa | 4 2 This proficiency test differs Natur. li leae palbed fob all, wun ae ae The resolution calls these/road after it had been left over- a silver baptismal bowl to the th purpo '¥imineral - based detergents the church end have sung an : | | e The car, which was on Con- ' : ney in that the trip is more PCV Ch } amount $4196 was for missions |i Be 'gen' mT .¥ was : extended and must be planned ar e bers of 24 nature clubs, affil- Nilne ces See ae certs ernL cnren @t Curt tows: during the church services, | ' iated with the Federation of On.|of $30,000 for the coming year.'"by natural or artificial purifi-| driven by Sebastian Sweet, De- The CGI repert was given) order to demonstrate the boys A vote of appreciation to Mr. cation methods." lhaminer i » s , r : 1 planning ability, his ingenuity) Magistrate . B. ne soca * 856 birds of 99 species during a are eight girls in this group.! journed a charge against 4. ©./the annual Christmas bird cen.|Scott, clerk of session and en: . . ; ' i ris! : ; The presentation: of these in:| drach te tha tnacdne. pate, reads the resolution: but hcp ellen Bhalla apart have included, making signia attest to the persever- ington, under the PCV act, until) Chatham, east to Brockville and : has a cumulative effort -- caus- & the cat! various articles for the baz: February 12, to "'get to the bot- north to Fort William-. Port ee : i | tion of the wearer, and these The following officers were inland waters Had pr dpe and! wiener roast and a Mother and Scouts are to be not only-com-| The company is charged with A highlight of the census was elected saad Repdaebottesiatdne Daughter banquet. having an overload of 5,100) the first Ontario sighting of the "3}: Oe achievements and for the ex-| : ' A. H. Dancey, Grant McIntosh, 0 ll L y ample they are setting for the! Darlington Weigh Scales at 7:45) orn species was seen on Dec. 22 William Dobroshinsky, George; nl la aw er EXAMINATIONS other members of the troop. (a.m. November 27. Wi),|5umeson, Wiliam J. Armstrong, PHONE 723-4191 ag ee se thed heen of Oe eke liam area, by members of the|) by appointment Parties are free to all students t oad consis § xes s * aitate* | e Thunder Bay Field Naturalists land Tony Groen. | M a 134 856 Birds read by Mrs, Lars Christensen er proficiency badge, awarded agistrate . building were decorated through| mineral - based detergents and by Ag di tendi lary. Tt h ending regularly. ey have land or water. Ralph and Brian completely redecorated properties car. be produced, been asked by another man's Christian Educati h a ristian Education, have given ' : ight, from the first class test jour- congregation. Of this\*nacie cane ng DON MILLS, Ont. -- Mem. basic cause" of detergent pol-| thems on different occasions a ban ee ee The meeting adopted a budget/be broken down and purified|ship, was struck "by. a car e BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --|tario Naturalists, counted 134,. by Mrs, G. W. Bayliss, There] Milroy was S y . Aa 3 3 1 } and. resouroebatness. ' y was proposed by R The detergent does not dissi-| Robinson was behind the Their activities during the/ Armstrong and Sons Ltd., Leam-| sus. Qyer 700 observers,' from ance, fortitude aad determina- q OFFICERS ELECTED ing algae build-up in lakes and Ff the road. aars, two bowling parties, a| tom of this Arthur took part. mended but admired for their Board of Managers -- Mrs EYE : | pounds when checked at the Mountain Bluebird. This west: PARTY NIGHT! | the Port Art a vil. : Inspector Lowry told the court gla a dose BR QAM LG re ee eee Pousias | Loses Appeal x McDonald, Calvin Blake Seniors Win Over Donevan By BRIAN WILSON and BILL MOORE McLaughlin Collegiate and Vocational Institute played Dr F: J. Donevan Collegiate Insti- tute last Friday night. The Mc Laughlin boys were beaten in two of the three basketball games. However the MCVI Sen- iors handily trounced the Done- van squad by a score of 55 to 42. The game was followed by a sock dance. Our congratulations to the Sock-Hop Committee which again produced an excel- lent dance | of mixed apples., He said accord- ing to the bill of lading present- ed at that time by the driver, the shipper was F, T. Bailey, Campbellford, and the consig- nee, Campbell's Vinegars, New Toronto, A company spokesman denied any knowledge of a shipment from Campbellford, and present. ed a bill of lading which Inspec. tor Lowry claimed as "an en- tirely different shipment." GAME HUNTING COURSE POPULAR The annual Game Hunting Course at North Carolina Club. It occasionally breeds as far east as southwestern Mani- | toba, Regular wintering grounds include Texas and Mexico, al- though there is one winter rec- ord in Minnesota, "Northern finches", such as the Evening and Pine Gros. beaks, Red Crossbills and White-winged Crossbills were conspicuously absent over the southern part of the province, according to James Woodford, Ontario Naturalists' Managing Director, who compiled the cen- suses, Commonest species observed were Starlings, House Sparrows, Herring Gulls, Black . capped Chickadees, Snow Buntings, Teustees -- F. T. Lamble, C R. McIntosh and Robert Mills Auditors -- Gordon Riehl and James Cuthbertson. _ Following the business meet- ing refreshments were served by the wives of the members of Session and board of managers. MARKET PRICES TORONTO (CP) -- Churning cream and butter print' price were reported unchanged today. The egg market opened steady with receipts adequate for a fair demand i Country dealers are quoted by the federal department of az- TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario Appeal Court rejected an appeal Tuesday by an Orillia lawyer convicted of assaulting and ob-! structing a Metropolitan Tor-.| onto policeman who was inter.) viewing a 20-year-old girl about} an alleged abortion ring, Lawyer Gerard T. Kelly, 36, had been fined $500, with the alternative of two months in jail, by Magistrate Frederick Thompson. The lawyer had attempted to enter a closed room in the Orillia police station last July 25 while Det, Sgt. William Quen- nell and a Pickering Township constable were attempting to! take a statement from a_ girl! suspected of having undergone F. R, BLACK, O.D. 136 SIMCOE ST. NORTH et the Arthur Murray Studie. 11% Simcoe St. S. 728-9441 S HRS 04 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Tree Sparrows and Pine Siskins an abortion | A struggle took place when the lawyer was refused permis. State College (Raleigh) at- tracts sportsmen from. all over. Purpose: to teach nov- ice and experienced hunters to handle guns safely and get maximum results. Cost: $175 for room, _ board, guides, dogs and hunts If you're in the sporting equipment business, shoot your profits up with a high- powered, daily Oshawa Times Classified Ad. Re- member, people who read Classified already have desire to buy. Dial 723-349 today to be sure your sale message gets to them riculture on Canada grade eggs, delivered Toronto, in fibre | HOSPITAL REPORT cases: A large 37; A medium | Following is the report of the 34; A small 29; B and C grades,|Sion to advise the girl in pri. |Oshawa General Hospital for|no market. vate, Kelly was knocked to the the week ending, Jan. 26: ad-| Butter prices: Canada _first floor and Sgt. Quennell suffered missions, 347; births -- male 30,| grade: Ontario. tenderable §1-|% Cut over his eye. : female 25; discharges, 331;/52: non-tenderable 51,% in light! newborn discharges -- male 27,/trading; western 52 (nominal) female 28; major surgery minor surgery 123; eye, ear, nose and throat, 66; treatments RE - SALE SPECIALISTS Our yearbook is in the de velopment stage with all com mittees now working. The heads) of the committees are: adver tising, Grant Southwell; grads,| Linda White; humor, Gary Stev- ason; form news, Jim Waduck;) parliament Ted Morrison; boys sports, Jim Pearse; girls sports,| Janet Finley; clubs, Myrrh! Jackson, and dances and social affairs: Barry Kory If you would like to work on our yearbook staff, apply to any| of the aforementioned students./ This week, your yearbook will zo on sale. It will be a com- plete record of MCVI's first year. It will be well worth your investment of $1.25. Buy a year-| book and you will be buying a} treasure. chest of memories .. This is the most important year- book we will ever print! GOOD FOOD Breokfest, Lunch, Dinner BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12-2 P.M. Hotel Lancaster » ~=--s EXTRA FEATURE SNOW WHITE Mushrooms CHRISTIES BROOKSIDE 'BREAD ? 1 24.02. LOAF Margarine TULIP EXTRA FEATURE e HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS e SPARE HIBS ». 9 69% } com 49 793} sHoULDER 59: 09 49: | runic FRESH PORK 69: 4 C > oven reavy lb $ BUTT b 45 S 6-8 LB. AVE. 4 OSHAWA'S ORIGINAL CARPET CENTRE at Nu-Way, carpet and broad- §) loom has been a specialty for 18 years . . . with thousands of yards on display to select from, PHONE 728-4681 NU-WAY RUG CO. LTD. 174 MARY ST. LEAN, MEATY BLADE SHORT CUT Ist 4) PRIME RIB ECONOMY--6 & 7 BONELESS SHOULDER POT ROAST BONELESS ROLLED BRISKET 3: and examinations, 167; casts 41; physiotherapy visits 372 | Treatments 577 COIN CHANGER a ? s a me eet tin KINDNE BEYOND PRIC R YET WITHIN + REACH OF ALL" GERROW ') FUNERAL | CHAPEL 390 King W. 728-6226 S rc SAUSAGE SLICED OR BY PIECE BOLOGNA CALL 728-5123 LLOYD REALTY (Oshowe) LTD. 101 Simcoe North SEE Walmsley & Magill 9 KING ST. EAST OSHAWA, ONT. MAPLE LEAF SKINLESS C Ib Realtor

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