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Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Jan 1963, p. 5

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WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: Manager: Rae Hopkins 111 Dundas St, West Tel. MO. 8-3703 In the photograph above, one of the 'township's untsed Concession roads, about a mile west of Whitby, which Whitby Township's roads department, really means business when it puts up a "Not a Through Road" sign, HIP ROAD IS REALLY CLOSED incidentally isn't a through road, is completely blocked by a fallen tree, It is not kaown whether the tree is blocking the road merely by Husband-Wife Ends In Impaired Fine A husband and wife argu-)jyry was treated. He said in his Battle '@ ne wa' coincidence or whether it was put there on purpose to let motorists know they can- not use this show-covered road, --Oshawa Times Photo Malaysia Said | testified, ' Threat To Asia' | LONDON (AP)--The Philip- pines charged Monday the emerging: British - supported to the ground dislocating My|Malaysian Federation threatens ment led to a conviction for impaired driving at Whitby Police Court Tuesday. Robert George Geer, 33, RR 1, Claremont, appeared before Magistrate C, W, Guest. charg- ed with drunk driving, He plead- ed not guilty to the charge. Constable Whiteside of the Whitby Detachment, OPP, said he was called to a house on Highway 7, west of Br>oklin at midnight, Jan. 19. The officer said he found Mrs, Geer there) in a distraught condition. At her request, he said, she was taken to the house of a friend in Brooklin, At that time, Constable Whiteside continued, he saw a car driven by the accused approach at 10 miles hour, The officer said the car stop- ped at the house and on ap- ing the vehicle, he could a strong odor of alcoho! the accused. When asked it of the car, Constable testified, Geer said was taking him out of 3 fil] a5 23 then officer in the chest. officer added Geer swore en from the car after there was a scuffle with eeif, Constable Elgin and the accused. - suffered a dislocated ghoulder. He was then hand- ity ft : i cuffed and taken to the station.! 22 down and kick-! opinion Geer was intoxicated. Geer said he had drunk five pints of beer that evening be- fore driving with his wife to Brooklin, He said that he had an argument with his wife on the way and let her out of the car, He said that while driving through Brooklin later he saw the police cruiser outside of a friend's house and on stopping was accosted by the police offi- cer who called him a "wife |beater."' Geer testified the officer tried to get hold of him but was kicked away, He said the officer punched him in the mouth when he left the car, He added the two officers, "'grab- bed hold of me and threw me 'Up To No Good' Gets One Month An Uxbridge man was sen- tenced to three months in the county jail at Whitby Police Court Tuesday after a one-week remand for sentence, Gerry Allan Morgan, 22, an unemployed truck driver, was found guilty on a charge of pos- sessing a spring knife before Magistrate C. W. Guest, Jan, | the occupants of the house she was running away from her husband because he was drunk.) Constable Whiteside added) Morgan admitted having a Geer kept blaming his wife for/police record dating back to all the trouble. |1956, His Worship said, "a man The officer said the accused/with a record such as this and was later taken to the Oshawa/carrying a spring knife is up to General Hospital where his in-/no good". WHITBY PERSONALS Salvation Army Women's) Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Powell, --, a R cagny bye of St. Catharines were Sunday y, Jan. 31, wi in the form of a "Family Night" and open dinner = at heap og Be to the public, A film, "White|Mr. and Mrs, Trevor Down, Man's God", will be shown,/Trent street east. j This meeting will be in charge Miss D Dow h a in Reed. Refresh-| Tiss Dianne ney who has 2 Sia nag thing cng 29 jbeen stationed for the past three shoulder," | Nora Geer, wife of the ac cused, said that on the drive to Brooklin, one of the tires blew out and her husband had to change it in the driving snow She said she had used the jack previously and had not. return- ed the necessary tools to the car, Mrs. Geer said her husband was annoyed because of this and she asked to be let out of the car when he became angry. She added that she left the car at a stranger's house on the highway and her husband then followed her and grasped her by the arm to make her return) with him, | Mrs, Geer testified her hus-/Vigorously backing the rebel band was sober at the time./Cause. "IT would not have driven with! him otherwise,"' she said, The witness admitted she told) Describing Geer as, "the au- His Worship reduced the change with the option of 10 days in jail. Not In Car Drunk Charge Is Dismissed A Whitby man who parked his car beside the county jail was charged with drunk driving of it--North Borneo, jcroft confirmed in Parliament that 2,000 men of Britain's stra- tegic reserve had been put on 72-hour alert to fly to Singa- place troops in Singapore should thor of his own misfortune,"|it be necessary to send more forces to Brunei, There are 3,- to that of impaired driving and|000 seasoned British troops in levied a $50 fine plus costs/the three Borneo states now, asked if the move was linked with reports that 10,000 Russian trained massed in neighboring Indones- Asia's security and aid claim to a part Southeast formally | Informants said the British,| at opening sessions with : the visitors, rejected the claim to North Borneo and served notice they will push for creation by August of the Malaysia state. It would take in Malaya, Singa- pore and the British-protected Borneo states of North Borneo, Sarawak and Brunei. While patiently listening to the Philippine arguments, Brit- ain kept a watchful eye on the Borneo states. The British put down a revolt in Brunei last month but Indonesia has been Defence Minister Thorney- . He said they would re- Labor MP Emanuel Shinwell Indonesians . were ian Borneo, ready to seize SOLS POSSESS SSF eo' A Claremont youth who mas- queraded as a woman appeared before Magistrate C. W, Guest at Whitby Police Court Tuesday. Donald Benson, 19, pleaded not guilty to a drunken. driving charge. Constable Ernest Collinson of the Whitby OPP Detachment said he was on duty in Clare- mont on Hallowe'en, He said he saw a 1949 model car drive north from a service station in the village without lights, The officer said he followed the ve- hicle which halted after travel- ling 500 feet. Constable Collinson said the three occupants were all dress- ed in women's clothing. The ac- cused, driver of the car, he smelled of alcohol, was belligerent and used ob- scene language, = Hallowe'en 'Woman' Fined For Impaired The officer said Constable Austin Quinlan came to his assistance and after a struggle the accused was subdued and taken to the county jail, He add- ed that Benson was wearing high-heeled shoes but did not stagger although his walk did mot appear to be normal, In answer to cross examina- tion by Defence Counsel Russell Humphreys, the officer said there was quite a celebration in Claremont that night, He said there was a masquerade and bonfires in the streets. When asked what he thought when he saw the three men in the car the officer replied, '! did not know what to make of) them," Constable Collinson added the men were all wearing rouge and lipstick, When asked if there was anything out of the ordin- Third Offence r Draws 30 Days An Oshawa youth was Tues- day sentenced to 30 days in the county jail when he pleaded guilty before Magistrate Craw- ford. W. Guest to a third offence of driving while under. suspen. sion, Guy Lionel Gelinas, 21, of 24 King street west, the court was told was the driver of a 1942- model jeep which was towing a 1957. model car in Picqering Township, Jan. 10, Pickering Township Police Constable Robert Speakman told the court he saw the accused driving the jeep at the intersec. Belleville and stolen the truck, he two men then drove to dase Ae) vr 88 fer Br THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, January 30, 1962 § ary for the evening he said, "anything can happen Hallow- e'en", Benson said he had four holding a crokinole party in the church levening, Fbruary 8 at 8 p.m, Mrs, Lorne Puckrin who cele- Church Group {rer "sn, 'Satuaay.* dome Plans Party on Saturday. -- here attended their recep- Mr. Bar Mrs, M, --_ -- By MRS, FRED PUCKRIN |returned from a month's with their daughter, Mrs, M. Any = Gnorik, Mr. Gnorik and grand- daughter in California, Mr, and Mrs, Wood, Toronto, visited ith Mrs, F, Roesch on Saturday, is basement on Friday Congratulations. to Mr, aad bottles of beer at his employer's house during the evening, He said that he, his employer Rob- ert Hockley and a friend, Henry Wideman, had all dressed up as women and gone to the mas- querade at the community hall.' He said they had driven through the village and were on their way home when stopped by the officer, Benson testified that he left the car and was talking to Constable Collinson when the other officer ap- proached and shoved him, He said he struggled with the two officers who then took him to Whitby, | GENERAL ELECTRIC Family Monuments Created To Individual Requirements STAFFORD BROS. LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 SALES & SERVICE Serving Whitby, Oshawe end surrounding eree, @ FREE PICK-UP @ FREE DELIVERY Independent Sales (Whi thy) Ltd, PHONE 668-2081 - " caeemenenentt Both Hockley and Wideman|~ corroborated Benson's evidence His Worship reduced the charge} to impaired driving and fined) him $100 and costs, or 30 days,| Pickering where the vehicle broke down, | A statement made by the ac- cused admitted the theft of a car in Pickering Village. The car was taken to Toronto where| DECORATING For FREE Advice and Color Schemes In vour Hame or in the tools were sold for $2, after| which the accused returned to) Belleville. \ | Magistrate C. W, Guest sen- tenced Curtiss to one year con- current on each charge and Maracle was placed on suspend: ed sentence amd probation for one year, STONE-AGE HOME Russell Cave near Bridgeport: Ala., was used as a ready-made| home by Stone Agers from/ our Modern Store. Coll... For Dey or Evening Appointments DODD & SOUTER Paint & Wallpaper Store 107 Byron St. S., Whitby Days PH. 668-5862 Evenings PH, 668-5066 Your Friendly C-I-L Dealer possesses a?* 9, BUDGET , WATCHING? f 5 St ese. cgsss8 $ Pl < - " Sad " ty S about 7,000 BC, tion of the Third Concession and Church street on the day in question. According to Constable Speak- man, Gelinas told him his li- cence was under suspension when he was- asked to produce| it, | Crown Attorney W. Bruce) Affleck told the court the ac-) cused was convicted twice last) year, once in May and once in) November, of driving while) under suspension. } His Worship warned the ac-/ cused a fourth conviction could | result in a $500 fine and six!) months in jail. | Two-Car Ride | Ends In Court | A ride from Belleville to To-/ ronto using two stolen cars led) two men to Whitby Police Court' Tuesday. | Dale Maracie, 16, of Belle-| ville and Frederick Curtiss, 23, of Acton, were both charged with the theft of an automobile from Pickering Dec, 21. CANADIAN NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR THE BLIND ANNUAL CAMPAIGN Beginning . . . Feb. 4th WELCOME YOUR CANVASSERS! For Further Information Phone: MR. H. HARE -- 668-2281 213 CRAYDON RD. WHITBY (Additional Canvassers Are Needed) BRING HOME ALL VEGETABLE Blue Bonnet MARGARINE IN THE THRIFT 3 Ib. PACK! An additional charge, break, enter and theft of a truck in Belleville was made against Curtiss, | Both men pleaded guilty to| the charges. | Evidence was introduced that) Curtiss had entered the prem-| ises of a delivery service in} Brunei. Thorneycroft replied that FREE there had been recent reports of outside interference. But he jtrol and that troop dispositions|} Oi! ¢ Have your furnace cleaned. free and guaranteed trouble-free all winter, if you purchase 'White Rose" unified fuel oil from Western "DIAL 725-1212 said the situation is under con- had been made to keep it that way, , at Whitby Magistrate's Court Tuesday, Albert Edward Fraser, 33,.107 Starr avenue pleaded not guilty to the charge. Constable Eric Erickson of the Whitby Town Police said! he found the Fraser vehicle al- most in the ditch beside the jail Dec. 1, The officer said he was on cruiser patrol on Victoria street when he saw the accused lean: ing against the side of his car. Sees OR Se mneved. years at RCAF Station, Mont Mr. and Mrs, John Craw-|Apica, Que., is now at the home forth, 122 Brock street north,of her parents Mr. and. Mrs./ this week celebrated their third/E. W. Downey, Dundas street) wedding anniversary. Their east. i. wi niet pa Wah Cam oney Nee Master. Lioyd Robertson of) ness. | | Brock street north celebrates Brian, son of M.r and Mrs. his birthday today. A happy Desmond Denyer, Centre street birthday to Lioyd from all his north, is celebrating his sixth friends. birthday today. For the occa- sion a family dinner has been) A meeting held at the home with Brian's grand-of Dance Chairman Bob Wright parents Mr. and Mrs, C. B./finalized plans for a dance to Goold attending. jcommemorate the third Aani- versary of the Whitby Knights Conveners for the Rebckah of Columbus. The Azzopardi Or. Lodge No. 132 "Euchre Night" /chestra will play for the dance to be held Friday, Feb. '1 in the commencing at 9 p.m. Saturday, TOOF Hall are: Mrs. Wanda/Feb. 2 in St. John's Parish Tizzard and Mrs. Greta Camp-|Hall, Palace and John streets bell. There will be door prizes|A buffet lunch and_ refresh-/ and prizes for lucky winners./ments will be served. Everyone R will be served. (welcome. BROCK Evening Shows at 6:55 and 9:20 wHiTeY Feature at 6:55 and 9:25 IN A HUNGRY HURRY TO LIVE...LOVE...AND WRITE! | ¥ - - rN - Hie % ~The Battier" Color by DELUXE ZtBeE+SeSExze Constable Erickson said Fraser smelled strongly of alcohol and his speech was slurred, Fraser said his car had bro- ken down and he had been pushed by another vehicle. He added that he had consumed part of a bottle of wine while waiting a tow trick as the night was very cold, His Worship said that Fraser was not in the vehicle when found and on the basis of the evidence dismissed the charge Sunnybrook Chaplain Is K of C Speaker Faithful Navigator Leonard Weeks of Monsignor Bench As: sembly directed the 4th degree Color Guard in procession to Mass at St. John the Evangelist Church in Whitby. Mass was celebrated by Rev. M, Dodd, of Sunnybrook Hospi- tal, After the Corporate Commun. ion, Father Dodd addressed ihe Color Guard, members of K of C Council 4895, Whitby, and members of Columbian Squires Circle 1548, at a breakfast in the Parish Hall, Father Dodd stressed the spir. itual help that could be given) patients by visitors co-operating with the priest in a hospital or similar mstituhon Spiritual committee chairman, Brother Dave McGinnis, was thanked by Sir Knight James Smyth The committee, managed by Brother Thad McCarthy, who served the guests at breakfast was commended by Sir Knight Frank Canzi, current Grand ARNOLD'S 115 BROCK ST. NORTH, WHITBY Just North of the Four Corners OPEN THURS. 'TH 8 -- FRI, 'TIL 9 -- WED, 'TIL 6 P.M. ALL MEATS FRESH CUT FROM GOVERNMENT INSPECTED PLANTS SIRLOIN WING T-BONE Steaks 79: RUMP ROAST BEEF . PORTERHOUSE STEAK or ROAST... .Ib 89c Hundreds of other items all at Clearing Prices for this Sale Only JAVEX BIG 32-0Z, POLLY BOTTLE TO CLEAR -- ONLY 19° For @ crystal STAINLESS STEEL 4.PC, Cannister Seis Compere 18.95 7.97 Cleerout Price NOW . s Aquarium Fully enclosed In rubber for silent operation. REG. 8.50 -- NOW 6.49 eleer equerium Pumps Insulated Boots Perfeet for the outdoorsmen, full lece, steel e@ "9.97 REG. 12.95 ONLY COMPARE | ENAMELED, CHROME TOP 4.PC, Cannister Sets REG. 8.95 -- 3.97 STEAM IRONS & TOASTERS 9.79 NYLON INSULATED Knitted collars and cuffs. 2-PC., REG. 18.95 -- NOW 13.97 8.95 -- NOW CLEARING AT 6 TRANSISTOR RADIOS Limited Quentity. Complete with case. Reg. 21.95 - ONLY 16.97 | SHUNK OF GOLD Cheese Slices °-"29c WALD"S BONELESS | CHICKEN 277; 59¢ FRESH PORK LEG ROAST WHOLE OR SHANK 'oe 55¢ SLICED RINDLESS BREAKFAST BACON 4 4 C MINCED SHOULDER STEAK ib FRESH BUTT PORK CHOPS PRIME RIB ROAST BEEF _, 69°| FRESH HAMBURG STEAK FRESH WIENERS 3 POUNDS FRESH BRAISING. RIBS $1 00 FRESH CHICKEN WINGS . SLICED PEAMEALED BACON is. 89° Country Sausage Doak Liver 25° LB, ELECTRIC Floor Polishers Double Brushes SUNBEAM 24.95 Ge. 29.95 Tropical Fish Specials ! ! NEON TETRAS GREEN SWORDS Black Lace Angels. Reg. 1.95. NOW Dwarf - TOP QUALITY, LAMINATED Steel Edges REG, 24.50 -- ONLY 17.97 HOCKEY SPECIALS Boys' Head Helmets, Swedish style. High impact poly, Reg. 5.95... NOW Senior eee Rep. 7.95 . . . NOW Boys' Hockey GLOVES AW leether, armoured thumb. Reg. 5.95... Senior all leather, fibre euffa, Reg. 9.95. ONLY FOR 99° 1 ONLY -- GE. Vacuum Cleaner TO CLEAR -- ONLY 69.97 Assorted colors, talking strain. CLEAROUT 2 9 7 20% OFF AN po Hockey Reversible Coats for hunting or streetweor, Reg. STAINLESS STEEL AQUARIUMS $M GAL, 3. y 7 REG. 6.95 -- NOW -- This Week Only -- LIMITED GUARANTEED SINGER CANARIES REG. 9.95 -- NOW 6.97 23.95 end 29.95 16.97...19.97 Now ELECTRIC, MUNROE & EAGLE HOCKEY REG, 12.95 -- NOW 7.97 QUANTITY ALL GIFT WARE ITEMS % PRICE PORTSMAN' CORNER 103 Byron SHOT GUN SHELLS REMINGTON & PETERS St. S., Whitby 20% OFF Knight of Whitby Council i

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