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Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Jan 1963, p. 7

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oe pal Oa Se | Oy AE ot nt a dates sient a. tiacttin aiah init te a a adil ali PoP Sore Sane ge ; " . a 7 agra' ae 4 ine oe " cea fille. geen an Mel ae > CO RR LOO OP PSO rs ee ee 6 8 Oe ee OH fabric you fancy onto regular,pulls in the form of brass or shade gene tes -- plastic Hor 1 a y , to match fabric window shades|or any le dangle that strikes a ewees Womens oo to draperies or slipcovers, your fancy. Window Shades Reveal held the first meeting of the And if the homemaker cares| No reason why window shades "ghee Sanat eee New D rator Designs to spend the money, she can , ag A hd aaa or in- The business meeting was pre- By ELEANOR ROSS makeshift that the family toler-|have fabric or walipaper = J ceded by the annual pot luck} for many years, window\ates until the budget can afford sien -- on. viny SAILOR DOREEN supper, There were 14 mem-|shades were idered just aj Venetian blinds, 4 ge 9 fi ae LONDON (CP) le bers, and one guest, Mrs. F. G./functional accessor ow's that for convenience ( -- Canadian which the) EASY TO CLEAN and progress? soprano Doreen Hume has been Ongley present, . homemaker probably planned to _ of the features that ct ede an honorary member of 8, Brash, retiring}take down and replace a8 800N| makes the new shades so attrac-/ NEW TYPES the Royal Naval Association, conducted the meet-/as she got around to it, tive and worthwhile is the ease} _,There are ingenious new tyPes|ne honor was conferred for This is an attitude which the] with which they can be cleaned,|°f shades, too--short ones tOlcharity work in entertaining MARGARET HART GROUP The Margaret Hart Group of SALE OF ALL CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 728-8474 Mrs. L. SEO ae resident AND DRAPERIES THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Janvery 30, 1962 7|ing, Mrs, Donald Fox presented NORTH COURTICE H-S The North Courtice Home} losing our spirit of expecta-| and Schoo! held its first meet-|tion. as Gladman presiding. is to Immediate participation in Minutes were read by Mrs,|the salvation of souls, Charles Archer with Mrs, Barry|--All participation, even a cup Guild Dessert Bridge, held in the Parish Hall on St Johnson giving the treasurer's|Of cold water given in the Sa- the report UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES |senin'c" wit"*tcuten ; Mrs. slons, we are always in danger treasurer, Mrs. D, J, Crothers; of the nominating ommittee: president, Mrs, vice-prsident, Angus J, MacDonald; elephoning committee; Mrs, W. \ F ittington, Mrs. W. H, T. ing of the year with Mrs, Thom-|--~-The challenge of Jesus Christ AB wp Brown, Mrs, Robert J, Plans were discussed for the to be report, Mrs, Gordon Boomer in-|Viour's name has eternal signifi. Valentine's Day, Feb 14, at 7.30 troduced the guest speaker,|cance Mrs, Eber Snowden of this dis-| It was announced that further p.m, February meeting to be h eld at the home of Mrs, J. J. trict, who spoke on "Citizen-/opportunities to hear from the English ship," |Reverend and Mrs, Getty will The room counts were wonjbe arranged as they will be in by Mr. Larry Jameson of thejthe city visiting friends until North School and Mrs. Lenore} mid-February, dosenys a gpa _ or rather, kept clean, must have had conveyed 0) An invisible vinyl coating is -- aa dingy ee, the secret, This is applied over nnd "aang one something Olvarious fabric shades and re- correct, quires only that well - known For the very newest windowljeasy swabbing with a Srp shades on the market are a far|cloth to keep it looking fres' cry from the old type. and new, The new shades are designed) There is also a newly-devel- deliberately to be part of thejoped adhesive which makes it cover just the window space above an air conditioner, for ex- ample, or shades that hang from added height, room dividers, with your own fabric laminated to the shade cloth, To give extra interest, you general decor--not just an ugly!possible to lamimate almost any the ceiling to give the effect of You can also use shades: as|ie might add interesting shade|)) past and present members of the navy, 74 Celina St, 723-7827 Ladies' Wear Following adjournment, Mrs, J, A, Mitchell showed slides of a Carribean cruise, these were school, | greatly enjoyed by all, The} ae = - gu lg Mrs. 1ST BAPTIST thanks of the group were cx: | Hoar has won the banner since COUPLES' CLUB tended to Mrs. Mitchell and to! September, First Baptist Couples' Club|our hostess, Mrs, Burns, | : Another euchre 'will be held|met at the church on January |" or ei Take Your > at the school February 8 at 8/26 for the first meeting of the More articles of interest . p.m, jyear, Dr. Daniel Rogers opened] t women will be found on jthe meeting and Mr, and Mrs, 22ND PARENTS' COM. [D. H. Rice conducted the devo. Pages 10, 11, 12 and 13, -- ey Parents' goo ie ah period, eens 0! Girl Guides and Brownies} Mr. Rice stated that we need " Association recently held their/some 'Rules of the Road" for) STRICTLY UNDERCOVER | meeting at St. Paul's Presbyter-/adequate Christian living, VANCOUVER --(CP) -- Con-| fan Church, The group presi-| Dr, Rogers reviewed high-| servative Vancouver is hiding dent, Mrs. Russell Cummings, /lights of the past year, includ-|its tights under a bustle, Fash. | welcomed members present and/ing the Annual Christmas Din.|ion experts say that while girls] opened the meeting, ner for Senior Citizens of the;are buying those skin - tight! Mrs, Joseph Bolahood read/ church; the steak cook-out held/stretch garments which have! the minutes | and correspond: jn June at the home of Mr,|caught on swiftly elsewhere, ence. Mrs. G, A. Leavitt gave) and Mrs, F. M. McLellan; visit|they are wearing them as un-| ~~ oe a. - the|!® March of Dr, Charles Jack-| derclothing--not out in the open. | meeting was the quilt members| Me an are Ponta iy aay are planning to complete inlinces' ciate ece the imag. time for their spring tea inary sightseeing tour around The lucky hale was Goan We the world, held at the church Mrs, E. Bradley, It was do-|/" ple There was a display nated by last month's winner, (2. eautiful wares from India, Mrz. Gwen Kane shown by Mr. and Mrs. E, J. ' Pinto in May, and other out- NUPSE AUX, standing meetings. The NUPSE Ladies' Auxil- Groups were formed to com. lary No, 1, held its first meet.| Pose Limerick setting forth the ing of the year Tuesday, Janu-|™erits of the members of the ary 22, at Simcoe Hall, retiring and A supper was held for the tives, members, and the guest for the), The new executive 1s presi- evening, Mr. Colin Meinds, hon- dents, Mr, and Mrs, R. W. Barr; orary member of the Ladies'|Vice-Presidents, Mr, and Mrs. inion, S. J. Winsley; secretary trea. Later Sister S. Bowman surer,. Mr. and Mrs, George read the minutes and gave the| Bower; group leaders, Mr. and highlights of the past year: |Mrs, Richard Britton, Mr, and The adoption of "Sun Up", a|Mrs, H, R, Manning and Mr, Korean girl, through the Foster/@d Mrs. Lorne Craig, Parents' Plan; donations have| Sides taken by M. E. Chest. been made to Simcoe hall, J,j¢%, at some of the meetings Jablonski and Oshawa and Dis-|throughout the year were also trict area Easter Seal Counci!,/ enjoyed, Also a layette was presented to| Refreshments were served by Simcoe Hall. Mr, and Mrs. George Bower's) The auxiliary held two/ group. | euchres, a rummage sale, and for summer entertainment, a ew for members and their family, \ The guest for the evening | installed the new officers for 1963; president, Sister G. Craw-|) ford;- vice - president, Sister Fay Meier; secretary, Sister S. Bowman; treasurer, Sister J. Claus; reporter, Sister C. Gagnon; sick. convener, Sister L. Johnston; lunch, Sister R. Follest. Sister G. Crawford, presi-| | dent, welcomeed the new mem-| ' bers, Members presented Mrs, B. Norton, president, for 1962, wth a gift souvenir for her services, CALVARY W.M.S, "The challenge of God to each of us today, is to a wholeheart- ed participation in worldwide missionary endeavor, in full anticipation of an immediate) harvest." This was the message deliv- ered to the Women's Mission-| @ ary Society of Calvary Baptist noon. The speaker, the Rever-| 2, The Economy Pork For Roasting! FRESH PICNIC STYLE SHOULDER PORK ROAST b. oO R FRYING -- SHOULDER TRY STEAK ON A BUN EXTRA LEAN -- WELL TRIMMED TASTY WITH FRENCH FRIES! PORK STEAKS ».59* | STEAKETTES ».55°* TOMATO SOUP = 3s 35. INSTANT MIL-KO |= CASH SAVER!I--YOU SAVE 16c!l--SKIM MILK POWDER CASH SAVER! -- YOU SAVE 6c! OGILVIE OATS CASH SAVER!---YOU SAVE 6c! GREEN GIANT CASH SAVER!--YOU SAVE 9c! PUREX TISSUE CASH SAVER!--YOU SAVE 6c!--GREEN GIANT NIBLETS CORN CASH SAVER!---YOU SAVE 8c!--YORK CHOICE FRESH BAKED! -- REG, 39¢ WESTON OR SUNBEAM BUTTER RUFFS SAVE 4c! -- BROWN BEAR Danny the Dry Cleaner Says: CALL US FOR PROMPT PICK-UP and DELIVERY incoming execu- PHONE 728-5133 4 Centres to Serve You: @ 434 Simcoe South @ 249 King East @ 16 Bond West @ 688 Hortop PICKWICK Cleaners and Dyers FABULOUS, VALUE-SMASHING FINAL CLEARANCE THAT WILL APPEAL TO STYLE-CONSCIOUS AND BUDGET-MINDED LADIES CREDIT MINUTE JEWELLERS LTD, GREEN OR WAX BEANS 15-02, TINS 3 4 3 J SAVE Sc! -- AYLMER ASSORTED "WHITE or COLORED Styles and creations you'll adore line these racks with sensational values , . . they must 90, new spring stock coming in, YOUR CHOICE OF: @ SKIRTS & SLIMS @ PARTY DRESSES @ STREET a DRESSES @ SWEATERS & JERSEYS Over 100 garments to select from. Reg. 10.95 to 39.95 COATS - SUITS . . . plus-values thot 14-02, TINS 20-02. TINS PICKLES wars, 498 SAVE 17c! --- CHOICE DESSERT of 12 30° end Kenneth Getty is a former Oshawa resident, who, with his| wife, has been serving in India| as a Missionary for the past 13 years. i Speaking from the fourth chapter of John's Gospel, Mr. Getty pointed out, by the use|a@ of illustrations from his work int India. the following vital truths --In the work of Christian Mis- THE STARS SAY | By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Fine influences will govern personal relationships on the! morrow, The day will be a fire! one in which to encourage new) friendships, strengthen old ties| and to participate in social and recreational activities of any type. During the p.m., look for _ 8ome good word from afar, FOR THE BIRTHDAY | If tomorrow is your birthday.) X your horoscope indicates that! hy mext year should be an excep-| tionally rewarding one from a job standpoint. Within the next 12 months, re- solve to make better use of the! assets you have--especially the! creative abilities, and the quaii- ties of leadership for which your sign stands, Don't, however, al- low your innate sentimentality to influence financial decisions or dealings, You can make ex-| cellent progress in monetary matters--especially during the! balance of this month, March! and April, Use good judgment Except for brief periods in September and October, when you may be under some teasion, your perso nal relationships! should prove extremely happy during the coming year, and) your social life should be quit: stimulating. August will be fa-/ vorable to travel, Good periods for sentimental interests: This) month, next May and June A child born on this day will] be endowed with the qualities! to make a fine executive, play wright or doctor, 4 It CR 32 KING WEST Insured Free! Win her hand with this radiant Bluebird creation. Six guaran- teed perfect Bluebird diamonds aparkle from the hand-wrought settings. As Little As 10% DOWN BURNS EDIT JEWELLERS LTD. 723-7022 CREAMED HONEY 2-LB, MONO 55° PEARS 4 Tns 99° Biscuit Bargain! SUPREME ASSORTED FANCY BISCUITS FOUR VARIETIES CELLO PKGS, 3 oxcs, 89° Wc SIZE CHOCOLATE -- SAVE Ile BARS 6 ron 49° SUPREME FROZEN FRENCH FRIES 218. BSc POLY BAG REGULAR 57c! -- DISCOUNT PRICE! BAYER ASPIRIN BOTTLE Age (Tiley McINTOSH FRUITS AND © VEGETABLES FLAVORFUL & NUTRITIOUS CRISPY FRESH CARROTS "*' WAXED PURPLE TOP TURNIPS "°' MILD SWEET SPANISH ONION ONTARIO FINEST FANCY GRADE ST APPLES 6-QT. BASKET ¢ 1.L8, 49° hag 20° 1.L8, 6° NO. 1 ae 2% OF 48 CASH SAVER! -- YOU SAVE Se! CORN FLAKES 2 'xcs 53° SAVE 16c! -- IN CHIL! SAUCE WITH PORK CLARK'S BEANS 5 'i; 99° SAVE 7c! -- HEAT AND SERVE. . . KRAFT DINNERS 4 ,,,; 51° SAVE 24c! -- 8c OFF PACK . . . 63° GIANT SIZE FAB SAVE 4c! -- HUNTS TOMATO SAUCE 4 {ys 35° SAVE 3ct -- NUCOA 1.18. MARGARINE SAVE 4c! -- CLARK'S -- WITH GRAVY MEAT BALLS rn 498 SAVE 6c! -- BURNS BEEF 24-02. 39 BAR-X STEW vee SPROULE'S CORNER SIMCOE AT MILL BROWN'S MARKETERIA BROOKLIN, ONTARIO DUFFY'S MARKET 948 SIMCOE STREET NORTH MAPLE GROVE MARKET MAPLE SROVE, ONTARIO RED & WHITE SETS THE PRICE!\ will leave you breathless, check the amazing savings now at your finger- tips, AN EXCELLENT SELECTION OF: e@ SUITS @ SUBURBAN "All- Weather" COATS @ DRESSES, Knits, Wools and One-piece @ DRESSES, Silks and Crepes Reg. 16.95 to 59.95 .. WINTER FASHIONS FOR QUICK including balance of fashionable Ski Wear CLEARANCE FURTHER MARK DOWNS @ ALL SALES FINAL @ NO REFUNDS | OR EXCHANGES PLEASE LADIES WEAR LTD. Open Friday Evening Until 9 p.m. 72 SIMCOE NORTH Phone 725-1912

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