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Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Feb 1963, p. 5

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WHITBY And DISTRICT Careless Driving 6-3 RECORDED VOTE Council Calls For Liquor Plebiscite with their meals, or in licensed| liquor question. He argued it is) On a 6-3 recorded vote, Town Council Monday night pushed through a resolution calling for the preparation of a bylaw ask- ing the Ontario Chief Election Officer for Ontario to conduct a vote in Whitby on two sep- arate liquor questions. The two questions to be put to the town's electorate, at a time other than a municipal municipal election time are: 1, "Are you in favor of the sale of liquor under a dining lounge licence for consumption with meals in licensed prem- ises?"" lounges. According to Deputy-reeve Brooks, should the liquor ques- tion be put to the people, it will be the first time in the town's more than 100-year history the electorate has been asked vote on it. had no doubt some townspeople lishment of liquor outlets. But, on the other hand, he said, there are many others who would be strongly in favor of it. to Deputy-reeve Brooks said he whatever that would be "bitterly opposed" to the estab- Appeal Dismissed Judge Alex C. Hall Monday dismissed an appeal by Wil- liam Sidney Carey, 35, of Fair- port road, Pickering Township, on a careless driving conviction registered against him last Sept. 4, by Magistrate Craw-| ford W.Guest, in Whitby Police) Court. His Honor ordered the penal- \ty imposed by His Worship \would remain yr tg ' Carey wi 5 an fine to say let the people have | costs, of on ces con |viction was registered. A second attempt to alter Whitby Town Council's way of doing business was rejected Monday night. Following his bid earlier this year Councillor George Bevan moved 'hat 'The agenda, includ-| ing committee reports, be de- livered to each member of coun- cil on the Friday afternoon pre- ceding each regular council meeting. SAME MOTION Sgt. John Pugh said the acci- dent occurred 100 feet west of the Highway 2, Fairport road intersection and was one foot south of the centre line. WENT FOR CANDY Carey said on the day in ques- tion he had taken the children to the service station for candy. He said he pulled slowly off the service station lot and as he did he saw a small car coming from the east. He said he knew he had time to turn into the) Practically the same motion highway in safety. twas introduced at the meeting According to the accused, hejheld Jan. 7 at which time it ;saw the red and white car com-|failed to get majority support. ing as he entered the highway|In a defense of his motion their choice -- but the impetus should come from the people. All good things," he said,|SAW GREEN CAR | "come from the people, They,| Witness Nana Muriel Brund- if they want a liquor vote should) age told the court she was west- petition council for it," Mr.|bound on Highway 2, last April/so he applied the brakes. He/Councillor Bevan said: Quantrill said. 20 and as she approached Fair-|said the Trantau vehicle pass-| '"'Under present procedure : 'OMES |port road, she saw a green car,/ed him on the right and as it/the Agenda for each regular een POnTLE facing west, pull out of a serv-/did, the back end of it caught|Council meeting is vr lice station and tufn straight/his bumperette: He said Tran-jcouncillor just prior to the He added in the number Of] onto the highway. tau's head was tumed at the|meeting. Under such conditions municipalities which now have} Miss B F h time of the mishap and he was|- : han these liquor outlets, the demand|,_ Miss rundage said t le ve-| ot tehi nag 4 }a Councillor has no time to study has come from the people --|hicle appeared to be making a)" ; bidastel shud Sarma sig _,|the items included in_ the According .to the accused, Agenda such as correspondence, given to} Bévan's Second Bid For Early Agenda Fails be to our advantage to revise our procedure in this matter." HOT LITTLE HAND Mayor Stanley Martin asked Councillor Bevan, "I know you |want to get the agenda into your, 'hot little hand' on Friday but how is it going to get there?" "By truck or messenger", was the reply. Seconder of the motion, Coun- cillor Desmond Newman said the motion was not irregular or unreasonable if the cut-off date for correspondence was the Fri- day before meetings. He sugges- ted that the Police Commission could allow the distribution of the agendas by cruiser delivery. |WANT OPEN MIND "T want to come into council with an open mind," said Coun- cillor Joyce Burns. She said that this was not likely if there was a three-day period in which to read over council's business. Councillor Paul Coath stated, "THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Februery 5, 1963 § 2. "Are you in favor of the sale of liquor under a lounge licence for consumption on li- censed premises?" TIME FOR QUESTION |SHOT IN THE ARM Deputy-reeve Brooks "enhance |Whitby would town". Deputy-reeve George Brooks, would "give business in Whitby} motion, said the 'shot in the arm it needs'. 0 He added people can get alj| and try to do the same thing'. the man behind the he made it now because in his opinion it is time the question|the liquor they want now, pro-| in|cil, it would then become man pWREARD COLLISION said,|datory for council to seek a was put to the people. The time|vided they take it home has come, Deputy-reeve Brooks bottles. Furthermore, he said, to let the people make|licensed lounged would neither harm, nor increase liquor con- their choice. nor The deputy-reeve pointed out sumption in the town there are outlets for liquor in argued|that just because the area to that licensed liquor lounges injthe west , the| Pickering Township) voted He further argued they, permit c Reeve Quantrill suggested of Whitby (meaning | to | the establishment _ of liquor lounges, does not mean that Whitby "has to rush out "With a petition before coun- liquor vote, But there is no pe- tition before council demanding the vote," the reeve added. Reeve Everett Quantrill, who OSHAWA NOT SEEN FI the town now and people arejhas in the past been inclined to : ; SEE T Mr. Quantrill suggested that) now ready to vote on the ques-jagree with his deputy, was iNionaya a city of some 63,500 tion of having it served to them| complete disagreement on has not yet seen fit to hola a liquor plebiscite. {WHITBY SPORTS PARADE By GERRY BLAIR "The deputy-reeve,"' Mr /Quantrill said, 'says licensed jliquor outlets will enhance the jtown. I can't see where they} would enhance the town one bit.| "Furthermore, I would not} say the bars in Toronto are |busiest during business hours,"' Reeve Quantrill said in response} to the deputy-reeve's "shot in the arm"' remark. Councillor William Davidson, doyen of council, echoed the NOT MUCH FUN IN STORE Whitby Dunlops will derive as much pleasure out of meeting league-leading Neil McNeil Maroons tonight as a great white hunter would out of confronting a 40-foot boa constrictor equipped with only a thermos of coffee. This is not an unfamiliar feeling. All other Metro Junior "A" clubs, including Toronto Marlboros, the second best unit in the circuit, experience similar discomforts when obliged to perform against Maroons. Neil McNeil has been discarding its adversaries with comparative ease lately, and undoubtedly will continue to do so until schedule-closing. Marlboros, the only team that has been granted an out- side chance of defeating Maroons, have only accomplished this feat once thus far in seven engagements. Brampton Seven-Ups, who administered a couple of early-season setbacks to McNeil, took a tremendous thrash- ing, right in Brampton just last Thursday night. Knob Hill Farms, Oshawa Generals, and Dunlops received thorough beatings in their jast encounters with Maroons. The question comes to mind, as it did last season. . Will the Metro Junior "'A" league winners be able to cope with the Provincial OHA Junior 'A' group in the inter- league playoff this spring ? Metro league observers feel more confident this year, providing Neil McNeil is the representative, than they did last year around this time. St. Mike's didn't fare so well against Hamilton, but this year's edition, which, of course, is McNeil appears considerably stronger. Any doubts that may arise in my mind, (and I have over- heard more qualified hockey personnel state this also), are centred on the ability of their freshman coach Jim Gregory, and whether or not, he is capable of getting his club to their emotional peak, sufficiently to dispose of their provin- eial rivals. Victories, which come from so-called inferior clubs, have not proven beneficial to a club when faced with a more rigorous task, such as the inevitable tough competition "from their 'neighbors. But who's to say what the future holds for the Metro league. I called Marlboros by a landslide last season, and they flunked out, so perhaps I best wait, and see! GENERALS FUMBLE THE BALL Oshawa Generals didn't, by any setretch of the imagina- tion, enhance their playoff hopes by exhibiting their poor- est. effort in quite sometime against Knob Hill Farms, on Sunday afternoon at the Gardens. Generals carried their share of the play, until it came time to shoot, then somehow managed to fumble numer- ous scoring chances, especially with an advantage in man- power. They received a second opportunity at grasping the final playoff berth, when Marlboros humbled Brampton Seven-Ups in the second half of the twin-bill, and thus gave Generals the two-games-in-hand situation, and only four points back of Seven-Ups. This present portion of the 40-game schedule becomes the pressure stretch, for Oshawa, and perhaps, the younger members will not be physically strong enough to make the grade. It was evident that Oshawa suffered a physical beating as well on Sunday from the heavier Knob Hill club TOWN AND COUNTY . . . Generals' Ron Buchanan, who fell heavily into the boards late in Sunday's game, spent Sunday night in the Oshawa General Hospital for ob- servation because of a minor concussion. Ron was a pretty sick boy for a few hours following Sunday's game. , . . Kingston Frontenacs Junior "B" club ran roughshod over Trenton last night by the tune of 20-4. tenacs have performed with Oshawa Generals this season. Some of the Fron- ° BROCK Evening Shows Start 6:55 & 9:50 WHITBY Last Complete Show 8:35 invodes the world of ... CO-STARRING SHELLY WINTERS Recommended as Adult Entertainmadt ALSO -- SECOND FEATURE ATTRACTION "SECRET OF DEEP HARBOR" Starring -- RON FOSTER -- MERRY ANDERS reeve's remarks, He said he 'heartily agreed with what Mr.} Quantrill had to say" and added| he could not support the deputy- reeve's motion, or his thinking on the liquor question. BEVAN IN FAVOR Councillor George Bevan said) |he would support Deputy-reeve| Brooks and his motion because] "after all, the question of liquor! has already been approved by, the province and by other muni-| cipalities and Whitby has grown! up now and it is time, if the |people want liquor outlets they | should have them." | | The province, Mr. Bevan add- ed, has approved the distribu- tion of liquor in other forms. | RECORDED VOTE | On the recorded vote: Coun-| cillors Joyce Burns, Davidson! jand Reeve Quantrill voted agamst. In favor were: Mayor Stanley) Martin, Deputy - reeve Brooks! and Councillors Desmond New-| man, Paul Coath, Harold Slich-| {ter (who incidentally, seconded! the motion) and George Bevan. "Meeting Held -- Of Scientists 'In Geneva GENEVA--One of the biggest! scientific conferences ever held was formally opened today in Geneva's palace of nations. Nearly 2,000 scientists and technicians from 80 countries ai-) ended the opening session, The} two-week meeting, sponsored by the United Nations, aims to make modern scientific and. technological achievements | available to the poorer nations! seeking development. Conference President Malek-| lal S. Thacker of India sug- gested in his formal opening speech that a permanent brains | trust of scientists be set up un-| ;der UN auspices to promote} technical progress in the under-| developed countries. j Thacker, director-general of| India's Council of Scientific and| | Industrial Research, said: "A kind of world committee of wise men--a brains trust-- might draw upon all the vast fund of experience we are ac-| | cumulating . . . to help in pre- | paring and examining develop-| ment plans."' ] THANT SENDS MESSAGE UN Secretary General U Thant, in a message read by an| aide, said the conference was| "development decade"! which aims to help bring a new! era of human progress in the 1960s. In another message read at) | the session, Prime Minister Die-| y,| fenbaker said Canada is deter-| mined to play a full part in }accelerating economic and so- | cial development in the coming| decade. | He said Canada's efforts to | assist underdeveloped countries| |demonstrated the determination | | of the Canadian people to play] their part in the effort to ac celerate economic and social de velopment Cost of the conference is ex- | pected to reach $5,000,000 and} | copies of reports and documents! |already submitted weigh 200) i tons PRESENT STATUE | CAMBRIDGE, England (CP) |The Belgian government is to present a bronze statue to Cam-} bridge University's Chur ij} 1 The se, a five-foot "ollege igh nude cz d Gul is the work of Ernest Wijants.| inot from the members of coun-|U-turn. Then she said, she saw il. }car involved, told the court the| ald, | have a red and white car eastbound)the witness saw him at the last|committee r or new by-|,, r and feared the possibility of) Minute and made a turn to the|jaws, and foots ae, If I am interested enough in becoming involved in an acci-/ Tight. that he is not qualified to in-\2?Y item of business which dent, therefore she pulled onto) Ten-year-old Victor Carey,|tejligently discuss or vote on|°2™Mes uP I get here before the Fairport road to avoid it. son of the accused, said he told|ihese matters {council meeting and read the According to the witness, the his father no cars were coming) wi, three-davs-or jreports or correspondence." He green car's speed appeared to/from the west before he pulled). 04 would permit councillors et orm, the motion could be "consistent" from the time, out onto the highway. He said a\P9Sed would permit councillorsionen the door to 'lobbying it pulled away from the service;Cat came over the hill when|,0 study tort or 2 ad: among councillors." station and on to the highway. his, father entered Highway 2 See ee uceungs, and) «t see no reason why the po- Family reunion :;; by Long Distance: it's the next best thing to being there! opening her home to the execu-| \tive members when conveners| and officers will submit their annual reports. FREE @ FREE PICK-UP Have your furnace cleaned free §! @ FREE DELIVERY and guaranteed trouble-free all Bite nied uel hese were |] Independent Sales Se. (Whitby) Ltd. DIAL 725-1212 PHONE 668-2081 Callers over the weekend at home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Simpson, 306 Henry street were} SALES & SERVICE Serving Whitby, Oshewe and 'surrounding eres. his father « applied the| Would allow discussion based ice shoul fr4 brakes. The car then struck his|Study and facts. This would Roave Everett Geemran eid Miss Brundage said she did father's car, Victor said. help to speed up the discussions| 9.4 1, anyone wanted to see not see the collision, but she! His Honor, in dismissing the '" Council, and the taxpayer|.) 'item of correspondence they cused came to her car immedi-|evidence of the independent wit-|4l!. matters were given proper|poud, 4, 1 oo ately ahh ibe crash, at which|ness, there was something|Consideration by Council. | : time she told him she felt she;wrong with the driving of the -- BENEFIT TO COUNCIL should be a witness to th oi id MOTION DEFEATED rl e acci-| appellant. "After a very short discussion|,,.% 2% effort to save his mo- "It could have been me that was hit," the witness said she} I presented it at our ty the iowa if the Frida dood, told the accused. She added meeting Jan. 7. HoW-ljine was met. "I do poy bene- Carey said "that fellow was PERSONALS ever, I am sure our procedure] rit t9 council." he argued, "and e should now be revised, and inlone of the municipalities that When the driver of the red, jorder to determine if I am on|y contacted has the agendas de and white car came to her ve-' Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Keave-|the right track I contacted the|iivered by police" ' " hicle, the witness said, she nay and family of Port Credit|offices of the Clerks of eight!" ., ya! iil gave him her telephone num-| were guests Sunday at the home| different municipalities. Tam far trom pleaped winl a Witness to: the ancient, kes : reports just before council meet- . Henry -street, wedi Aho re hag rang ings I cannot vote intelligently ati Eola iiss' Brosh Michele, daughter of Mr. and ron © ouniined in tis "™MO0-/on them," he ended. : , Miss Brundage Mrs. Alex Brown is celebrating| ,,... ; | rec said, "Mr. Carey got into his/her seventh birthday today. Her| "Six municipalities have the|pevar' aed tcconoee Meer he peers north on Fairport!and friends wish her inary | eran an i plained prem tha rent iy coal wer tase roac {happy returns of the day. |noon preceding the regular Mon- yan' ' Witness Alfred Trantau, 27, i |day council meeting. ol athlon cod of Glenview road, Pickering) Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wood) "phe remaining two munici-| of Brantford, spent the 7 Sahil | EDINBURGH (CP) -- A med- Carey vehicle came out of the weekend as the guests of their| wondey coat geeceaine 'Helical exchange scheme has been service station lot, made a U-\uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs,| "onda Je rung. ___|formed between the Edinburgh turn onto Highway 2 and side-|Ernest Courchesne, 610 Dundas| |! W&S assured by all eight! school of medicine and the In- Trantau said he was unable : ber of Council considers it most) heen selected as the centre for to do anything to avoid the col- Doreen, 12-year-old-daughter essential to have his agenda large-scale social developments lision, He added he "had no\°f Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cour-jaround three days in advance] ji, western India, Lecturers wil! place to go to avoid being nit|Chesne suffered a fracturedlof the council meeting. 'visit Baroda and students will brakes or 'h él ;¢;borne School and friends wish) . icinaliti pte oe bb ad ' rn have hit her a apeedy tecovery. of these municipalities had a zg x complete re-appraisal of its Pro-| TAKE TO COURT Kinette Marge Richards, Hur-\Cedures, and these new rules| GENERAL ELECTRIC "When I asked the accused|l¢Y road, Ajax, is opening her| Were established. I feel it would) : it, he just said 'take it to court'| Kinettes Club for an executive and took off," the witness said.|eetms. According to the witness, the accused never stopped before) +, knew someone was going tolMr, and Mr: | sash : Mr. s. Bernard Hansen, | get it." He added, if he hadiscarborough, and their daughter| applied his brakes he would|Mrs. S. P. Bendott, of New| have hit the accused "deadipritain, Conn., U.S.A. heard it. She added the ac-jappeal, said "according to the Would have the assurance that| dent. 7 r ida' sare: motion' wae defeated| won Councillor Bevan said there HITBY sure coming fast." ber and told him she would belof Mr. and Mrs. J. Smyth, 906| "I found, without exception, | He prevent set, Wash 4 ae car and drove away. She said)/companions of St. John's School|Complete agenda delivered by) nee ia teeoe ot ta ait Ga Township, driver of the second|and children, Sandra and tne [Paities mail the agenda earl AID INDIAN STUDENTS swiped his vehicle. street west. |municipalities that each mem-|dian state of Baroda, which has and he did not apply ankle, Her companions of Col-| «About four years ago each come to Edinburgh. what he was going to do about|"ome this evening to the Ajax] aie entering the highway and he! centre and was afraid he would) BELL » Long Distance Area Codes speed your call! They're listed in the front pages of your phone book. i Killed the children im Regent of Viscount Green-| Carey's car. wood Chapter IODE, Mrs. F. W. Pickering Township PoliceBrowne, Dundas street west, is | OVER 300 ADDING MACHINES, TYPEWRITERS AND CASH REGISTERS IN STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM. OFFICE EQUIP. SERVICE PROBLEMS? Having trouble getting prompt, dependable, guaranteed service work done on your typewriter (manual or electric) Adding Machine, Cash Register or Duplicator? Even large jobs such as complete overhauls, wash outs, refinishing, etc. can be handled by our modern, fully equipped shop in 2 or 3 days. Smaller jobs in less time of course. We service all makes including Olympie, Underwood, Smith Corona, Remington, Royal, National, Allan, Clary, Burroughs, Add-o-x, Totalia, 1.B.M., Victor, Rex-Rotary, Stenocord, Paymaster, Berkel and many others. Remember All WORK IS GUARANTEED Te Your Setistaction, MILTON OFFICE EQUIPMENT Open Mon, te Set. -- 9 A.M. till 6 P.M, 137 BROCK ST. SOUTH, WHITBY 668-5849

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