mp nr ay nny RS eG Me a EE ge SIO al AiR A ORG BEES MORAL IODA BET EL TLE AGES GLE 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, February 8, 1963 S| THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS fE== Soturday 8 to 12 |16---Female Help Wanted |17--Male Help Wanted |23--Wanted To Rent SCOTT'S: ne BOOK By R_ J. SCO fEOL TIME cashier required. Apply WANTED aihythum cultarist (on amall| WANTED TO RENT -- Good tne. se: femaie, Own guitar ak essentt | Phone awa. "Immediately. A YOUNG WOMAN to ari light de- * poly Box'? sim, Osh- R \/ ( D| R ( | CRY ge af: livery truck. Write Box 324, Oshawa | ones sitter four o'clock. awa Times, : . . * > Times. LICFNSED. mechanics, good wages 24 Hou For Re wr aPalET REE r and bene! work NORTH AMERICAN WOODS JUNIOR STENOGRAPHER wanted for| ai) Mavornigee bosooag Wike box oan 'Oon, ARE FULL OF AMATIVE z law office, Write to Box 323, Th : Six-roo: house M/ : f : y » The Osh- FOR RENT -- Six-room farm : SILKWORM? DE, : ioe Times. awa Times, Base Line, half mile" east af hee, Loud ha B CAPERPLIARS al : a Ajax, » Accountants Fuel and Wood |Mortgages eee |TV- --Radio Repoirs Zi, oF oun. Re : [WAITRESS with experience required MECHANIC APPLE wit a Node an DNC phic : t i " 4 ' ST, 4 . r David's ve-in Restaurant, Begs LEONARD JAMES BROOKS, Certified | FACTORY ardwood cuttings, ie sale -- mr 009 mortgage, | 10| |VAN's TY SERVICE, Rensire 0G. SU) ae ; : d 4 Y .* |Dundas Street West, Whithy, 6604066" nee eee ee ee raneh Figo A "1 ' 9 ij 4 ces, 4 | " P i ie oom go Osh | stoves, fireplace JOshaws. area. 'Telephone Scarborough, 728-1206. Ky B . beat j SEWING TEACHER required, perme Class "A" License, Also Available March 1. Telephone 725-7708: Amburst 1-0384, RANTEED repairs to all makes Eda, . r i Ke : oe nent position, ail benefits, includes va BUNGALOW -- Church Street, three _ RAYMOND R. PROSSER, CA, Charter- i IRST AND SECOND mortgages, Sale dios. Thompson Elec- a VIN ; cation with pay. Training by company, ed Accountant, 906 Centre Street North, Household Repairs ~|fgrermente purchased and sold aoe: cs 9792. Fred. Py 4 F ' Apply in person, Singer Sewing Ma- B DY MA neat. Ol Satie: Sait eaten ne . Whitby, Telephone 668-5447. Guaranteed Repair "§ |Hennick and" Hennick, | Barristers, 31 ---- ry ANE SHARPHTAILED S chine Company, 14-16 Ontario Street,|. or family with one child. 723-7416, \ , Oshawa. ALBERT HOSMER chartered account. Ranges, Washers, Dryers, etc. TV TOWERS Seite GAL E TT With License FIVE-ROOM dou double house, hydro, hot hot Felons a2i"or wea." | ~-- DEDZIKOWSKI | FIRST AND oe, sound || HAIRDRESSER Must be experienced [fends tive mils IMPRESS THE ILSON and BURROWS, chartered 4 : | d ; Necountants, 14 King Street East, Osh- Repair Service Mortgage Antenna tet : PRESS bo For part ead" Geek yok 619) Sse _ -- ust be experienced chens, two three - piece King Street East . Wilson, CA; gh ae 'A. 728-7554. 15 Years with Thor -| | - pea Borie Complete bookkeeping service ange | LOANS | TRIO eo How Hof ARE For Appointment 20--Room and Board haem Pant giminanlaeaiae:s | | | | | | { vice. Complete bookkeeping service BLACKSTOCK, 986-4342 plow Mot An Fe f Rubidiomeeinoncan,.. 184 Bond Street West, 725-0397. Res. | Residential Property YN Retin av etween ond J p.m, |eoaeert 723-7605, sales lInstruction TELEVISION 5 oe | GW, | StALon. Lanes | Telephone 723-9511 Furnished room for lady or 'gone FURNISHED 71 ee? ST. E. OSHAWA gs te rd -------- ne ha ae HOME 8-678) : CS i M4 "orien 70 40 100 DEGRELS. YOUNG LADY LARGE comfortably furnished room for lady or gentleman, parking facili- _ 4 aemnn aie >e ei ge 2241789 £ RIZOROS THOMAS R. STEPHANY, chartered) ~~ Mr, Warwick Mr. Vessey accountant, 189 Lawson Road, West| HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY Baton, Hill, Telephone 262-9340. tap, RAD Ballet, Highland. Register| 728-1653 YALE --FRIEDLANDER AND CO. |now. _424 King Street West. 725-6122 Chartered Accountants, Trus-| pRty. ent counsellor. | rv) ties, conveniently located, god meals, in Bankruptcy, c fia u Nien AND ASHES, NOT, LAVA, 18 FOR WORK IN aduit home. Hast, Oshawa, 728-7311. war teins ital GUARANTY TV TOWERS Su yr RESPONSIBLE FOR MOST OF THE DAMAGE. > 7 : 0 -- bese Bat ua coseuny located, fie» ovale ; AND CO., Char.|--- HrRRENORNTS ROWING CROPS AND LOSS OF HUMAN-LIY, O LARG comfortable double room, le for two months. $80 a gpd feng en Street) [LILLIAN MAE MARSH, DEA, DMA\| TRUST From GUATEMALA'S. ACTIVE VOLCANOES MUSIC ST RE single beds, suit gentlemen wishing monthly, Q East, Seiwa, Galas: 725.3509, |Dancing School. Ballet, tap, acrobatic, | E d Deluxe 4 © Bong Fee Sinn, Nae 1) 9d rab nr 2-8 Ace P henohan ay meals, lunches packed, J |pre-schoo! kinderdance. Fridays, Satur- 8 of Canada conomy an elux pply in Person parking. conveniences, Whitb: MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL. » ad days Masonic Temple, pacts sath d ra y | i 008, y CALL Co., Chartered Accountants, 728-7 a Priced to 'sult your budget. | 9t011.ISAM Tuesday St t North, Oshawa, es MUSIC ; leeas al and popu re ' | i a ac ite WH 20000, Whitby MO 64131 lar, dion, violin, guitar, sax » MONEY TO LOAN ' - d ois fe Female Help Wanted =| ASK FOR MR. ED, WILSON willing to shane stn for {wo & laundry, LLOYD METCALF ri New and ERMS ARRANGED 1 Es |central, Telephone 728-3396 ophone, clarinet, drums, etc WA required. Apply in ~ per jused instruments. Alto Music Supplies,| | WANTE D-- rolls of os older, vi |son, Genosha Hotel, 70 King Street/ WI oard, | . Auto Parts JERS Glencoe Btcest Gouth, Ta5. 180) Low Interest | Jeirculated cents, Will pay $2, each roll, $0, es Str LSON & LEE LTD, |EXCEPTIONAL board, private room, 728-4678 or after 5:30, Auto Parts fs pe f y 9 adults home, f th Monda SAVE AT WESTERN |~--~(EARN TO DRIVE | OSHAWA TV |iwcconusk_ "= tele Atte So mena aor --wonriag "Tova 27 SIMCOE ST. NORTH [Pity Sate "aveimat" Ata | 725-6983 . j eure SHAW.--s«S dresses given you as bonus. Just show) 'DREW STREET, 344 -- room: and|-- Gea? Rae aR 812 4 SERVICE CENTRE Oshawa Diiving Schoo! PART TIME board for gentlemen, close to Duplate, Repairs to All Makes DAY or EVENING | Residential | . SUPPLY LIMITED | AUTO WRECKING CO. [tat Mmrets, Rution Frock | Reon moe aS EOD ACE LICENSED MECHANICS | | 2 | . seabed (5 | ace ndar H H j k ; lexperience necessary. North American | pasos SIMCOE ' | Auten Oval mivolled | City ang District | 728-8180 | Bel tor nal oe Risto iron Fashion Frocks Ltd., 3425. Industrial | G RLS WOMEN j;room for gentleman, private bath | Lower Duplex 145 King West -- 728-1607 | : : | "FIVE BAYS TO SERVE YOU" | Valuations Arranged . | -- - ~ ° | Bivd., De L-292z, } a 39. jentrance, quiet home, lunches packed. OSHAWA AND WHITBY Summer Properties (Woy Driling---Diggtng | Oe re re bought |= "EXPERIENCED" 18 to 28 Good meals, "laundry, parking." AppIy| KING STREET EAST | WELL DIGGING, deepening, cheaning.| : E | FUBNISHED clean, comfortable room Longe masero, ' five , s Barristers AMeaicors |Tue supplied, cement or galvanized. | 725-2311----89 BLOOR E. | Work in our Oshowa office |for girl. Near Duplate and Pedlare, all| iving room 15' x 20', na- ] r |Money To Loan Ontario Brokers Association | 20rdon_May," 728.0304 es - ete | Steno ra hers 4 hours daily, Must' have |SRveniences. Telephone 728-0296. tural fireplace, wall to wall 7 cA S, BA, Barrister, Solici-|--- - - --j itario Brokers SOCIO tO i |13--Business Opportunities| g p BOOM and broadioom, dining area off tt a W. ~ WAR i BOOM and board for young single 4 Simcoe Street Nor D- pleasant voice. No experience man, Good food, parking, willing wet modern kitchen, Three bed- | es = = ne Se ref ace WELL DIGGING BY for rent, downtown Oshawa,| d 7 ; t : | | 5 ; I Friday onl share. Reasonable. Apply 81 Park} rooms, one large, t¢ ss AVID L. § > | approximately 22 x 55, full basement.| an ists | mecessary. Co y y e 9 'wo me gl Bed South. 725-958 - SUMMERLAND | Fees MACHINE Apply '28 Katser Erescent, 75-1212. | yp | sealt'S pirk, Road South dium. $140 per month, ine 7 | r " Aires dtloes Gates Bead c a D, BA, Barrister HT SECURITIES 1668.2569----608.3809 [RESTAURANT | business opportuni | Required 21--Room & Board Wanted | for 'water ond. lowm rait, eee oon iee, mu soucee -------- bila WHITBY, ONTARIO [eee oo ee | 725 - 184] reauires warm, comoriable room win] {enence- Possession April 1 North, 728-2801. ; | LIMITED 204 CHESTNUT ST. WEST |ther particulars by calling Howe and | For temporary assign- igs board te born Fe sagt ets etl To see call Bill McFeeters, a vontee Bh sod Sous | | P.O. BOX 329 _ tate mean! rail - ments. Oshawa area. home. Good pay. Telephone W hitb y Schofiéld-Aker Limited | j | CALL 728-0091 | Vacant Land RA H GREER, Associate Barristers and Soli- 112 Simcoe St. North -- a aa |17----Male Help Wanted 668-8281. Aas West, Ta0-aN8. STORE SPACE on Church Street, first fac ae Pp D 4 F eitore, 130 King eval ha 725.3568 BILL LEMON |floor for rent, equipped for Beauty Must be fast and accur A T $3 Srovens Specs laytime tig 4 Evenings BRUCE V. MACKEY, arrister, " : |phone 72 a | | U @) and Garages Bolicitor, } » Riteaueet Hae WANT TO SWEEP =| Musical Services | WELL DIGGING [ITALIAN GROCERY STORE and! Whitby 668- 8181 | |PARKING SPACE | ig cars Atar|2> APE. & Flats For Rent ace 1 985-71 jPIANO, reed, pipe and electronic Cleanouts, Deepenings, Com- jeauipment, Only $5,000 cash with 93,090) : 4.30 afternoons, 1: ADELAIDE v 3} ) KELLY, Barristers, Soli- DEBTS CLEA N? organ uns a. had Bs Tr bint Sianer work piles {worth of stock included. Owner leav. is a9 reps MECHANIC | Bast. bs Ss, apply 136 Colborne ory spertiiens, tenance 114 King Street East. Dial appraised. | Joseph Hiddin! one , jing country. Call Tony Siblock now, at| LADIES |StORE, i000 feet. Simcoe South, Ample | Dat! and entrance, main floor, newly ee Poe! " |Ajax 942-166; | 723-1121 Guide Realty Lid. Realtors} di ated, Residence eg Le PAY "EM ALL OFF WITH ONE | DIAL 728-09 | 1 |16 Simcoe South, LICENSED | parking, $175 heated, Schofiei-Aker. Adults: Write! Bot 302, and Dyess iC. 3 . Kelly, BA, 728-5832 LOW-COST, LIFE-INSURED -- \Nursing Homes | Have you ever thought | Apply in person to; fon RENT : - CHRISTIE AVENUE -- north-west seoe JAMES A. Mae BAL, btn ina: Sis ae Se ee ee i Tumey's Shell Service |Ajax shopping Centre, possession im|tat Oshawa; five rooms, heated, re- Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub- a ie | about selling | 962 SIMCOE STREET N. |mediately. Ajax, 942-0760; Oshawa, |{"ierator, range, hroadionas. Bus. Im- Oshawa, Ontario ;Salon, Suitable other business. 'ele ate, 5-699 --------|1--Women's Column | |PERMANENTS on special. Page Hair-| } | Glencedar | Sronetnss 396 Pine Avenue. Telephone) 725-5363, | vs | Nursing Home Ltd. |3--Personal * x xx x x xxx x x Profitable lic. The C al Building, 286 King mediate occupancy. West, "Ochewa, Ontario, 'Client park- One or Two Man sic eiae NE , Deitel 725-5810 1 x x x West, "Oshan a . Chent ae tex Se Business | ) | PRIVATE GARAGE for re rent, close to R ' 7 7" | K nd » fou ine Svat Weal Fee ag hens AVON '° OPPORTUNITY mony. Meer ae ee "MODERN la | | Columbus, Ont | FOR YOUNG MAN avauabie. 'immediate posscanien, Forts BON and BASTEDO, Barristers,| olumbus, Ontario | 725-0893, pace | i iar | available. Immediate possession, Forty ong chests" unds h Sensis fot] LOAN | x és A | Bamevalcor Ganerfluour | hate Sell and install, | out the details. Write: foot ceiling. Suitable for, toraltirg, etc. APARTMENTS 29 Simcoe Street } Chronic and Custodial { | EXTENSIVE TRAINING easonable, lecoff, 174 Ritson | xxx xR * x bs ete sed x ar citor, Notary, Alger Buildin x x Small Investments, Street East. 723-4943. Mortgage monies available. «xO xO x x x «MDCK t rth YOU have a drinking problem, write : 2 Ritson Rood North, ox 333, Whitby, or call 668-3034 or| Large profits It costs nothing to find first mortgages. Marie Murduff .will be in. | New Dynamic Product | Road Ssuth, Oshawa. Dial 25-3445, Oshawa, Feb. 18th, 19th, Sales aids, stock and train- P.O. BOX 512 North, 725-3566; Charles C. McGibbon, Patient's Core OFFICE SPACE | Quiet | | QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, { Has | i | | i I HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and WILL- THE BANK OF | Acapital _ingurdnce: Pian | 20th, Phone Genosha Hotel | jing included. Territory avail- ie ; : | STORE and FUTURE Residential Street | | MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 36% King | on these dates for oppoint- | able in our area Street East, Oshawa; R. B. Ham-| | UNusinee ' y sires. OCT. & Becky. BA, OC NOVA SCOTIA Nursing Care Payment Plan ment. | acd oHicein. Teronts Ww. A. Hillman, LLB. Office 721-5177; |-"-------------- | << } 1173; Residence, 728-4326; Whitby, Telephone | ELECTROLYSIS | Write to Box 426 aa eae ' GUARANTEED | Brooklin 655-4931 | 723-4641 __OSHAWATIMES LEGAL soph ce MONEY SERVICE : pene Ipameare cpeeeneoay ice DIAPER SUPPLY | SECRETARY { and Private Patients | OSHAWA I-EXPERIENCED | «OUTSIDE SALES FOR RENT Convenient To | . | Approximately 325 Sq. Ft. Park Rd. North | TELEPHONE CENTRAL LOCATION and King St. West 8 a.m. to 5:30 p:m. 723-2138 EVENINGS 728-9296 | REASONABLE | RENTS 725-0139 renee, oak : fee dence, dial ip ga el lla - H. TUCK, RO, Optometrist. Please| ie, Black and tan. Eight weeks old. --Wanted To Rent a ue accounts at downtown Dominion/Female, $35 each. Telephone Stuart, ------ $$$ '23 . JOSFPH P. MANGAN, QC, Barrister, |Bank or 74 Burk Street. Invalids| Hampton 269-2473, iat "-- PICK-UP AND For Information } } | EMPLOYED woman desires immedi- Solicitor. Money to loan. "Office, 14% jexamined at home. Dial 725-4587 GHINUANPA panplesvareus sis, DELIVERY SERVICE | local downtown: office. | Sales Career {ately bed sitting 'room and kitchen, '| PARKWOOD MANOR DONALD BLAKE DODDS, barrister, GUARANTEE \Painting and Decorating _ eae eae ee ee el APPLY | Well esteblished "Oe pal claudia at eambne APARTMENTS and Solicitor, 244 King Street Kast ar | | ° Two: i : or : ene Telephone Business 'azn; Res! 1f not completely sat- DODD & SOUTER |BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready toi Low JnVestent awa Bronch. Office for sos COMVIGMORERS, oktinel Meeks ee 725-7272 7 a ; | Humphrey's, Boychyn | rei dence 728- PAINTING AND DECORATI |training, talking strain. Apply Mrs F y 8, Boycny © large Nationa! Firm ferred, Reasonable. Write Box 318, Y ND DECORATING jBroad, 114 Elgin Street East. No Real Estate or Machinery and Hillman, Bar and j desires to contact a Oshawa Times. 728-9217 Required immediately for CREIGHTON, DRYNAN AND Mur] isfied, return your ONTRACTORS DOC, Barristers, Solicitors, Notar. Goris y SIN RAS Oe [MEXICAN Chihahva, male, a local man, 25 to 45 Jes Public, Bank of Commerce Build-| loan within 30 days Painting, Paperhanging jowner would like to trade for same Involved | Solicitors 4 ing, $ Simcoe Street. North, Oshawa, Gyptex, Full Wall Murals Telephone 728-7120 |. | yeors old for soles: posi Ontarie. 723-3416;, Residences: T. Kk] at absolutely no cost | IN ray Painting an |MINIATURE poodles, black. seven| Apply | 725- 1177 | tion. | sales "experience OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS Creighton, QC; G. M. Drynan, QC, t | , i |weeks old, one male, one female, $100 | desirable but not nec- T2454; G. L. Murdock, 723-4768, 0 you. | 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY -- leach Telephone Whitby 668-4401 311 WILSON RD, S. = ear eor yy at essory. Excellent start- | DAYS 668-5862 TWO GUERN registered, ~ REYNOLDS | ing salary with oppor- Mortgages and agreements of sale bought, sold and arranged It will be cancelled NIGHTS 725-7426 lereshening in ch R. Carwardine,| TEL: 723-2139 ; i " >, IR? ' * | tunity for advancement. Bookkeepi ry without question and lPersonel Service Fenelia, Ontario, 1R21 | Extrusion Group cbenefit includ: PRINTED PAT TERN i BOOKKEEPING services, cnrome tax} without charges. SIGNS. show cards, paper banners ani|o----rarmer's Column |14---Employment Wanted Sales Company Ltd: ing hospitalization. Life 4671 peg AAS vhasactral aadk ats n. Poe coer Peepire. #. SC, work, at low prices. May Advertising. |FARMERS -- need tires? Gall wil FE TER PAN DAY NURSERY -- Mon- insurance and Pensio Services 668-8252. | : | > day to Friday, all or ha if 'day. 581 eae You get more than - é aaa Yes-6sti, or arenings To mia 'Simcoe Street North, 728-26 RE U | RES All inquiries in strictest Building Trades ODE 2N GR LL woth lls Hd anormal bas -- -- confidence. Reply to Box re trachinsichas!_ LBs Gand | casi cm ths cet Tas RELIABLE LADY Will take care of FOR ALL YOUR BUILDING require. cash at Crescent. M R | dead he spot. Highest prices i? | chitaren in her home by the day or 349, Oshawa Times,, ments and repairs. Cupboards a spe. ; Bar-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey Telephone Collect. Hampton Colfax} Week. Telephone 728-4528 | BOOKKEEPING giying qualifications cialty. Call Bill Vroom, Wh Whitby 668-41 18 Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home |3-2721. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. | i ALL TYPES of buliding repairs, roof Made Pies and Desserts j Licence 149 16--Female Help Wanted | ing, chimneys, fireplaces, sidewalks, * |QUANTITY of 'Rodney "oats. "and at NS N, | LEARN MEAT May, 728-039 | | We. DELIVER |straw for sale. Telephone 725-6837 ene yee Weg ¥ these MACHINE | Pi New work, repairs, FINANCE }. 348 nies RD. SOUTH [pees Hoag, Rossland Road West. j snack bar. Apply in person between 7] CUTTING remodeling, basements, recreation 25-3887 E TERED Arabian stallion and|#"d 10 p.m, Oshawa Shopping Centre) rooms. A. Woods, 94 "he (Paio-|Bowling Alley, Mrs, Keith O RA O fretted] 4 horse _ stallion Paio-| PE 1 R 20 men needed for class; in ' PECIALIZING | ead vepelne, mino), Stud fee $50. Billi Leggett Foy" | yThgleatc gael cli reat gone per 10 Simcoe S 728. 7312 [Plumbing and Heating : Glover's Road. 725.9783, --, MEDICAL | Oshawa and surrounding Dis- | | Free estimates. Call Harry 723.2413 i BING and seating supp, ee | | _Must be experienced | trict day or evening. Being YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chimneys! |Mortgages espa ssa aro Bok ay --Articles For Rent R -- p NI Good employce benefits. formed offering _ practical built and repaired, gas linings ins*alied, | ---- -- 2 i . : ? ae tua ECE ] lO S ] | the highi id ; . |PRIVATE and corporation monies to]255 Simcoe Street South Dishes, Cutl Glo training in the highly pai f | u en asse lurnaces vacuumed. Free estimates Y, s, field of meat cutting, mer- ver " loan on all types of mortgages; mort aa Gnhnine } 723-2997 is |ALL TYPES of repairs and remodel , : Telephone [gages and agreements of sale pur.|fve TYPES, of repairs and remodel Punch Bowls for Doctor's Office chandising and self - serve, jchased. Creighton, Drynan and Mur./ahie rates. Estimat Br Ww | Glass oe F - as es free . Dial 'andy, Wine, Cocktail Glasses | j |doch. 'See hekding "Barristers."?) 723-1193, J. Foley | 5 day week. Position avail- 725-3548 Act now. | eee re (>| REPAIRS and remodelling of al woer:| 'Coffe An | able on or about first week | | PRACTICAL MEAT | James O'Malley | MORTGAGE "Coffee Une' | new and kibed | mast rials, Resoonabie] in April. wear be ne | MR. BRENNAN | CUTTING and rates rtee | estimates Me- ' a courteous and efficient x- ema CONST. LTD. 723-7122 | LO A NS |Grath Plumbing and Heating |. Sargeant's Rentals | cues one aiicim. a ~ BOOKKEEPER _ | RETAIL SCHOOL ALL PLUMBING and heating 'supplies. | 725-3338 essential, Reply in own hand- Oshawa and District Home | Paci eat di Stark, Utd»). --<-- iting staring age' ond cul riage ie Plumbing, heating and Engineering RENTALS | writing stating age and qual- This position requires a cons- | Remodelling Specialists | Moneys for first rtgages | 255 Simcoe Street South nee | ifications to } cientious, industrious, bond- 1425. DANFORTH AVE, 7 Cortese sg ai ALL WELL oe : OF ALL KINDS | BOX 313 | able person with initiative. | TORONTO, ONTARIO . : Experience with Accounting } JOZN'S MOVING AND STORAGF,| 2 ysl $b lution But if you insist SANDING MACHINES OSHAWA TIMES Machine preferable, but ONO Ae Oshawa, Whitby. Reasonable rates.| Oo Cnorge TOF valuati on the best... Call ba : tN cee training can be provided | Fully equipped and insured. Telephone} Mortgages and Agreements oscillating sanders, disc sand- . s | 728-3661. purchased GUSCOTT PLUMBING ; ers, belt sanders, floor sand 00 Ing or | The duties involved in this Hl UPHOLSTERY | Moneys for second mortgages | and EATIN : ers Position are: = | Fast service A G Limited | prumsers Toos -- cies | . | Handling substantial sums of alterations, pant cuff M. F. SWARTZ 207 Simcoe St. S---725-5132 | cleaning rods, pipe vise tri- art . time 1: eey. | FOREMAN | pes. Reasc : Bath "a7 Park R dS 65. | ' t 5 bod, pipe wrenches, pipe cut- | Maintainir subsidia ac- Baie. ar -- ie =| e's Sai, Parag Rug- Upholstery Service | ter pipe threading dies, | EMPLOYMENT ce eo . 4 , CHE STERFIELDS and old chairs re-| toilet auger Maintaining ~ - comprehensive Upholstery foreman want- tions, pant cuffing. Reasonable rates Mrs.' Eldridge, 67 Montrave, uae 723-4697 overed x i Get the best for ea PAINTERS EQUIPMENT -- | HOUSEHOLD | set of accounting control | ed with knowledge of pat- ' Classified Ad Rates wi aie es stepladders, aluminum exten- le peedtas tern making, time study, BABY $ PETS CHESTERFIELDS recovered.) Sion ladders, ladder jacks, | FINANCE Dealing with substantial ond =| and line production meth- By ALICE BROOKS 25 WORDS OR LES like new, Why pa Gur, rates| < steel scaffolding, . compress. i Better described offers get foster results are reasonable. Satisi guaran-| , spray guns, wallpaper | osan opening fora | varied disbursements | ods. State experience and | All baby's pets _ desing ; Applicants are requested to up on carriage »r crib cover, i | Cash teed. Mattresses tarpaulin blow salar holstery Co., 10' Bond 1 ' . Y. | 1 G cormpcitive: d6y8. 6 ch vse cess ces 3. 75 : = ~ » Propene torches STENO 2 CASHIER | apply in writing, giving de- | gay colors, Each motif in simple} 3 consecutive days 2.25 : ier te aa hag wl ire Pe eae | WELDING EQUIPMENT -- | tails of education, experience | HOWARD PARLOR |stitchery. TIME TO SEW lf not paid within 7 days, charge rate applies, jrefinished, rebuilt. recovered. Ail work-} Acetylene welding outfits, | COMPETENT TYPIST and availability for interview. FURNITURE | Pattern 7090 ; directions; | Professional listings only, 3 lines per month > bs eusreswoed. For a tree € 290 amp. electric welders 728-3281; evenings call 728-| jtransfer for 9 motifs about | By ANNE ADAMS Coch nt cmplicable for merchondie advertisements.) |= | 'a representative will call. No] BUILDERS EQUIPMENT -- WITH OR 'JONES and GREER serra, DIVISION OF STAR|inches. Instead of an oval,' Tittle girls like to be ready coke ppt fi sper menth: Ne tion. Kennedy Upholstering Lid | cement mixers, finishing tro- - | | WITHOUT SHORTHAND | BEDDING COMPANY, | Motifs may de done in blocks. {for sunny-day fun -- and the Rrnnbe en Be Lene Tenmamated ea Wels, wheel Dorraws, 'electric | 130 King Street East | THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins){ outfit they choose is this prin- : a me : " |material for recovering. Dalton Up-| Vibrator, air compressor, aod Sppeersoee, | peasing Oshawa, Ontario | lfor this pattern (no stamps,|cess dress and button-on bolero. oor DEADLINES : : bolstering, 75 Charles Street T7212 | -- ---- had oneal, } perncity and. th ay 17--Mal H Ip W d "REXOALE ONT eiass va ade: bake grap of Sew it in etandaiin player qinae ford ods san is p.m, Goy previous * pumps, portadie heat- } . bday dd A ! -- le . Classified Bispiay 2:30 p.m. day previous Sales and Service | ers, steel scaffolding, electric | public a ale Help Wante | R iThe Oshawa Times, Needlecraft! weave. me ieee ee Oo ack da ~---- -- ee one ' j Dept., Oshawa, Ont. Ontario) Printed Pattern 4671: Chil- Births, memoriams, cards of thanks -- 9 a.m: day of pu on.) OUTBOARD MOTOR Taller 'eeahic team, | FOR AN INTERESTING PO- DRAFTSMAN REQUIRED ! | residents add Ic sales tax. Print| dren's 'Sizes, 2, 4, 6, 8. Size 6 | Lost and Found -- 8:30 a.m. day of 5 ior ike ee ae 5 23 'ie hbo gs : REPAI Vi maso iy "hte ; SITION IN PLEASANT MO. lainly PATTERN NUMBER, loutfit 23% yards 35-inch. Cancellations and Corrections--8:30 a.m. day of publication, | on P yng | masonry saw, building jocks, | DERN OFFICE, PROVIDING _| iach (anes es Se op Pe ; FORTY CENTS (40 cents) in REGULATIONS | McCullough Chain: Saw 1 chain Hoke mmitek saw. lke ALL THE LATEST IN -EM- | echanical draftsman required for detail | 1963's Bigvest Needlecraft\C%"S (no stamps, please) for The Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors, in advertise SALES & SERVICE | tric plane, tarpaulins, 14! PLOYEE BENEFITS, YOU ARE | work on jigs and fixtures, and general of- Show stars smocked accessories|t@s Pattern. Ontario residenes n bmi otherwise than in iting ot fo han bands " NVIT LY TF s S tax, ments submitted otherwise than in writing, not for tt | OSHAWA MARINE | bandsaw, 4' joiner, sand INVITED TO APPLY TO | fice duties. it's our new Needlecraft Cat-|2dd one cent. a _ rect insertion of any advertisement, nor beyond the blaster, power tamper, power jplainly SIZE, gle insertion of the advertisement in which : ibys hh | jalog! Plus over 200 fresh-to-you| ~ m : gle insertion of the advertisement i SERVICE post hole auger HOUSEHOLD } Secondary School education essential. A minimum |designs to knit, crochet, sew,,ZRESS, STYLE NUMBER. error ¢ s 1487 Simcoe North 728-0031 i | Send order to ANNE ADAMS, The Oshawa Times¢ reserves the right to classify advertising STAN'S | of two years experience preferred. jweave, embroider, quilt. Plus care of The Oshawa Times, Pat according to its proper classification. Surveyors e FINANCE j AAdcsie toblies 46 |free pattern, Send 25c now! jtern Dept., Oshawa, Ont. In the case of disploy advertisements, The Times will not be u Fim A AND 7 OLLOFE, Ontario | \Sharpening & Rentals Ltd Sing along with the happy | Just out! 304 design ideas held responsible for more spece than thet in which the actual "ented ala eet, ee sa plus coupon for FREE pat error occupies The publishers endeavour' to reproduce all adver. |Prone_725-688). _ ae 223 King St. W., Oshawa | CORPORATION A. M. z ATOMICS CANADA CO . LTD. | | ho | tern -- any one you' choose in ' é sage Bi dient DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMA s | spat folks who have discovered N ) tising matter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisement jing Lend Surveyer' Come t coe soa BLOCK "'D | | new Spring - Summer Pattern if eny inaccuracies in ony form are contained therein. |print, 11 Ontario Street. 725-333 Phone 723-3224 j | Os HAWA SHOPPING CENTRE | PORT HOPE, ONTARIO | what a Want Ad can do, Catalog, Send 40 cents now, ' ; | | | } } | | | {