14 THEOSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, February 20, 1963 English Cup Classic Is Three Weeks Late By M. McINTYRE HOOD Special London, England Correspondent to The Oshawa Times LONDON -- Continued post- ponement of both English Cup and League games owing to the 'ong-drawn out and severe win- ter spell has forced the Football 'Association to take drastic measures never before even contemplated during a soccer season. The English Cup final the great climax to the season, has been postponed indefinitely. The F.A. Cup committee, faced with the fact that half of the third round games, scheduled for January 5, have not yet been played, leaving a back log of fourth round games to come, has taken action which it hopes will clear up the tangle of matches, even if it drags the February 23, will not be play- ed until March 16, The sixth round, due to be played on March 9, has been put back to March 30, No dates have yet been fixed for the semi-final round, or for the grand final at Wembley, which was set for May 4. The chances are that it will not be played until May 25, if then. QUEEN INVOLVED Arrangements with the Queen and Prince Philip enter into the fixing of the date for the final. They had already agreed to be) present at Wembley on May 4. With that date now out of the question, the Queen has indi- cated that she would still like to be present on whatever new date is arranged, so that it will rest between the Football Ass9- ciation and Buckingham Palace} ment of the semi-finals and final, will enable the clubs to catch up before the summer 's too far advanced, But with over 300 league games now in ar rears, I can foresee this being about the longest British foot- |ball season on record. UNDER-23 TEAM England and Scotland are-duc to play an Under-23 internation- al game at Newcastle on Feb- ruary 27, which is a Wednes- day, In spite of the certainty that, weather conditions permit- ting, there will be a full pro- |gram of league or cup games jon that date, the Football Asso- 'ciation has gone ahead with the |selection of the English side for that game. Feature of the selections !s that the team includes three players from Chelsea, the sec- By MARVEN MOSS Canadian Press Staff Writer Terrible - tempered Howie Young has skipped camp again. Detroit Red Wings said Young vanished Tuesday, missing a team practice, They issued a statement say- ing he would report today, but gave no details, other than that he had gone home, The defenceman was waiting for the hand of authority to fall when he left the camp of the National Hockey League club. Young's tantrum in a game against Montreal Canadiens in Detroit Sunday brought him a total of 27 minutes in penalties, giving him an all-time NHL seasonal mark of 210 minutes, The Red Wings still have 16 games to play. |CoULD BE SUSPENDED | The outburst also resulted in to come to a suitable arrange-|ond division leaders, and tWO\three automatic fines totalling soccer season on to the end of May. The draw for the fifth round) of the cup has been postponed} to March 5. And the games in| ,that round, originally fixed for ment. other players from that divi- $100 and made his case subject With 38 clubs still involved inj sion. It looks a useful side, but!t, a review by league president the third round of the F.A, is hoping that this rangement for the fifth sixth rounds, with postpone- full international team which meets France in Paris on thai| day. cup, the not the strongest possible, be-/Clarence Campbell, who could jew ar- cause some of England's top impose more fines or @ suspen-| and\under-23 players will be in the! sion, | | Campbell's interest in Young has another aspect. All NHL contracts carry a clause deal- ing with conduct off the ice. Young took off once earlier this season, disappearing for three days last month after a game in Chicago. Wings coach Sid Abel threat- ened severe punishment, but Young showed up and all was forgiven, Young's past antics had him in frequent hot water with Abel's predecessor, Jack Adams, and at one point he was banished tc the minors, BACKED BY SKINNER Tuesday, however, Detroit's chief scout, Jim Skinner, claimed referees pick on Young, "I know a half dozen guys who should get more penalties. He named Carl Brewer and Bobby Baun of Toronto and Montreal's Lou Fontinato, who established the penalty minutes record Young smashed, Fonti- jnato's mark was 202 minutes-- set six years ago when Lou iplayed for New York Rangers, Said Skinner: '". . Howie is a full-tilt guy, Ile does everything out in the SPORTS MENU By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' WHITBY DUNLOPS knocked off Toronto Marlies 9-4 last night in, Whitby and thereby created a three-way tie for fourth place and a playoff berth in the OHA Junior "A" Metro League. of those old-time gents with the The win puts the "Dunnis" right up there in the thick of the running for fourth place and that coveted playoff berth and Bob Abbott was the hero of the piece with five goals -- and that's a lot of lamp-lighting even for one torch, on the gas-jet circuit. | Bonetti (Chelsea); Shellito |(Chelsea) and Jones (Middles- |brough); Venables (Chelsea), Sleeuwenhoek (Aston Villa) and Deakin (Aston Villa), captain; |Callaghan (Liverpool), Hill |(Bolton), Stokes (Huddersfield), | Dodson (Sheffield Wednesday) | and Harris (Burnley). WATCH LEICESTER | A new challenger for the Eng- \lish League championship has jecome into the running with a | splendid run of successes by |Leicester City, Le.cester have been more fortunate in being able to clear their ground that most clubs, and after beating Arsenal 2-0, they came back in The team to meet Scotland is: | McLaughlin's | * more-and-more, as you glance over the remaining games in the schedule, you can become convinced that when Oshawa Generals play their final game a week from this Friday night, that is going to be some hockey game. In the meantime, the Generals have chances to get off the hook, al exactly gift-wrapped. They play ronto this Friday night and we have to ocncede that one as a But on Sunday afternoon, Generals meet Brampton loss. , 7-Ups and that is a key game. of the twin-bill, Whitby plays Knob Hill Farms and the way . the Dunnies are going right now, with the Dunnies, in Whitby, their though said chances are not Neil McNeil Maroons in To- Friday night, second game we have to admit the strong la mid-week game to administer| ja 3-1 defeat to the champion-| ship favorites, Everton In doing so, they served no- tice to their rivals, Tottenham and Burnley, that they are go- ing to be in at the death. Tot- tenham still lead the league by one point over Everton, who have a game in hand. Now point behind Everton, and two points ahead of Burnley, who | nesse and referees don't see half what they do." | Senior, Junior The Red Wings don't play | again until Thursday night | Post Hoop Wins they meet Chicago's es ; . |Detroit. Tonigh bs McLaughtin Collegiate finally| sands Mon cel Liniet te emerged on the sunny side Of|Manie Leafs in Toronto and the score sheet in Intercollegiate] Boston Bruins against the Ran Basketball League play, when|on. in Now York. ing they won two of their three)" -- oe ee games over O'Neill Collegiate, on Friday evening. Only the OCVI Bantams pre- vented MCVI from making a clean sweep of the tri-bill. Paced by Mcllveen's 13-point effort, O'Neill Bantams whipped McLaughlin lads 35-19. The number 13 seemed to pop up frequently in the night's stat- Juveniles Take With 12-0 Win Leicester are in third place, one| istics, Karl Blackholmer potted |13 to lead McLaughlin Juniors to their 29-21 verdict over OCVI the season for MCVI Juniors. In the senior game, McLaukh- lin came out on top 43-33 but the win was not sufficient to qualify them for a playoff berth. Larry Plancke metted 20 |points in a brilliant perform- ance while Joel Palter gave him great support also, with Juniors, It was the first win of Oshawa Juvenile All-Stars won their first round of the On- tario Minor Hockey Associa- tion "A" playdowns Monday night, taking Whitby Juveniles, last year's A-minor champions, in three straight games. They won the final game 12-0. Neil Armstrong and Ron Wil- loughby each fired three goals to pace the winners' attack. Stan Wallace picked up a pair, ' possibility that they'll knock off Knob Hill in this one--which would put them up in fourth place all alone. Generals -- not should -- they have to defeat Brampton on Sunday after- noon -- and if they do, that'll put the 7-Ups on the bottom of the heap and put "crucial" tags on all the remaining games in the schedule. x x x 4 FOOTBALL NEWS hit the Canadian sports pages today, even if it is a little out-of-season. Toronto Argos grabbed up Jackie Parker yesterday and they gave up five players and an X amount of cash, in the deal. Now we find Jim Trimble quitting Hamilton Tiger-Cats to join the Alouettes, at a big jump in salary, of course, Ralph Sazio, Trimble's assistant for many years, has been offered the Ti-Cats pilot house. It all adds up to a lot of pre-season material for the football filberts and by the time they get around to opening the season, the fans in Montreal and Toronto are going to be full of high hopes and expectations. Somebody had better deliver ! x x x = 4 BRIGHT BITS: -- Ray Sadecki has taken his salary cut and agreed to sign up again with St. Louis Cardinals... . HOWIE YOUNG was missed from the Detroit Red Wings workout yesterday. It could be that this time, the NHL may step in ahead of the Detroit club, to hand out some discip- linary measures. . . . QUEBEC'S Schoolboy curlers, sur- prising almost everybody, maybe even themselves, were all tied up for first place along with Alberta, as four-round win- mers and still undefeated, in the championship round-robin at Guelph yesterday. Alberta nosed out Saskatchewan 6-5 yesterday in one round and Quebec beat Northern Ontario 10-8. With Quebec facing some tough Western Canada prov- inces tomorrow, it could be they'll hold their spot as leaders ' but on Thursday and Friday, they meet the big tests. Alberta .is now favored to win the title, with the Sask. boys still ; very much in the running. ABBOTT SCORES FIVE have played two fewer games This all adds up to a tight struggle for the championship, with four teams involved instead of three. Everton seem to have struck a bad patch. Totten-| ham are sadly short of match practice on account of postpon- ed games, and if Leicester can maintain the form which has enabled them to win their last six games in a row, it will be a tight battle right to the end| of the season, whenever that |may come. Macaulay Chosen | To Captain Post | LONDON. (AP)--Col. Archi-| jbald Macaulay, 65, the man jwho has run the Wimbledon) |tennis tournament for the last) |17 years, has been named cap-} ltain of Britain's Davis Cup team. He is retiring as secre- ltary of the all-England club to| j\let some younger man run | Wimbledon. He will be the only man who| has ever captained both the} Davis Cup team and the Wight-| bowling for People's Clothing|for People's Clothing were as} man Cup team, the girls' squad) which duels with the United) |States each year. | Macaulay had the job of re- viving Wimbledon after the Sec-) 'ond World War -Dunlops Loose Power with singles by Stan Kolesnik, Andy Mathews, Terry Peters and Ted Gow. Oshawa led 7-0 at the end of the first period, picked up one in the second and added four more in the final stanza. OSHAWA--Bill Braiden, Don Gutsole Ken Bradley, Wayne Cheesman, Stan Wallace, Wayne King, Ron Willoughby, Ted Gow, Terry Peters, lan McNamee, Frank Cover, Ted Lutton, Neil Arm- strong, Barry Furey, Stan Kolesnik, Andy Mathews. WHITBY -- Gary Kennedy, a 14-point contribution to the win. Stan Kolesnik and Ron Bell, with 13 and 11 points re- spectively, were the top scorers for O'Neill. This wraps up the basketball season for both McLaughlin and O'Neill schools, leaving Central and Donevan teams to fight it out for top honors and right to compete for the COSSA crowns. McLaughlin's coaches, play- ers and the team supporters all feel that MCVI made a good showing in their first full sea- son of city-wide cage competi- tion. People's Clothing Nip All-Canadian Bowling at Bayview Bowl last Saturday, Oshawa People's Clo- thing took a 3-to-2 decision from| Team All - Canadian Mutual Raiv John Vester, Bill Jackson, William Thompson, John Thorndyke, Gerry Botten, Vic Toy, Craig Hilborn, George Clarke, Michael Sheedy, Paul Borchuk, Barry Gould. Ron Dean, | was high with a fine 340 follow- ed Orest Pidwerbecki 252. totals on the day Funds| showed People's Clothing with | team, which has seemed to have!5995 for 3 points while All| he Indian sign on them all|/Canadian had 5928 for 2 points. season, Highlight of the day's| Individual totals on the day rolled by Ron Swartz, which|Henning 919 for 38 frames, Sel was made up of games of 270,|Himes 813 for 35 frames, Earl 278, 388, 264 and 340 Jordan 667 for 30 frames, In the first game, People's Harold Ballem 1021 for 47 Clothing won with a score of|frames, Orest Pidwerbecki 811 was a five-game block of 1540 | follows: Ron Swartz 1540, Don | 11173 to 1130. Ron Swartz was | for 36 frames and Joe Vasko high for People's with 270 fol-|224 for 14 frames. lowed by Don Henning 256 and For All-Canadian, Herb Don- Harold Ballem 242, For All-|aldson was high with 1272 fol- Canadian Herb Donaldson led|!owed by Herrick 1111 for 45 with 252 followed by Hennick| frames, O'Bright 1152 and Speir 251 and Si Rizun 158 for 5/574 for 18 frames. frames of relief bowling. | People's Clothing were with. All-Canadian won a close one| Ut the services of John Trott in the second game due to the /ast Saturday who was bedded tremendous relief bowling of Al/ down with the 'flu. Speir who picked up the maxi-| As a resul* of last Saturday's mum of 180 pins in 4 frames|4¢tion, People's Credit Jewel- In Dart Loop 'of relief bowling. The totals|lers still lead in Group "B" with Aberman, Gerrit Hamer, Ken Tanghe,| | Wrist Slap Fear Caused 'Sin-Bad' To Disappear open, Those other guys have fi- | league-leading Black Hawks in HOWIE Opening Round Howie Leading Sinner's Column With 210 Minutes ' Hull doesn't take all the credit for it, but he's doing it just the same. | Ohicago's blond bomber has launched himself on a belated scoring streak similar to the lone that carried him to a rec- | ord-equailing 50 goals in the Na- tional Hockey League last sea- json. : Modestly, Hull heaps. praise lon linemates Murray Balfour and Bill (Red) Hay, saying: |"They do most of the work and I get most of the credit." At the half-way mark of the jcurrent season last Christmas, the Hawk left winger was tied for ninth place in the scoring race with a paltry nine goals. Today he ranks sixth with 28 |goals--only two behind the top |\goal getter, Toronto's Frank Mahovlich, Official NHI statistics re- leased today shew Hull's recent scoring surge includes 12 goals and five assists in his last eight | games, | Last season, Hull ranked 20th jwith 13 goals at Christmas, At this point last year he had 35 and went on to close out the {regular schedule with 50. TREND THE SAME The trend this year is the same, but Hull will have to im- prove on the goal-a-game aver- lage he maintained in the late stages of last season if he is to hit 50 goals in 1963. A goal a game starting now would give him 43. Tops this year is Johnny Bucyk of Boston with 59 points. Tied with Howe are Mahovlich, {Murray Oliver of Boston and | Jean Beliveau of Montreal. | The top goaltender is Chi- | 'Rundle Park Leads Section MONTREAL (CP) -- Bobby| ' |ern Conference for five players, Parker And Argo Dollar Discussion Opens Up Friday TORONTO (CP) -- Jackie Parker checked in'o town from Edmonton Tuesday nighi--in a happy frame of mind and anx- ious to talk contrac: with his new football empwyers, Tor- onto Argonauts. The same could be said of the Argonauts. Parker, triple-treat quarter- back traded to Argonauts by Edmonton Eskimos of the West- was flown here to appear on a television show and to attend a press conference. He and Argos will open contract nego- tiations Friday, The 31-year-old grid star was welcomed to Toronto in a style usually reserved for dignitaries Mayor Donald Summerville showed up in the Argo office to greet him. | | YOUNG cago's Glenn Hall, who leads} the Vezina Trophy race with a) | goals-against average of 2.34. | | Second is Jacques. Plante of| |Montreal, Canadiens have al-| lowed an average of 2.50 goals a game, | ship in the penalty department with 726 minutes when defence- man Howie Young broke the in- dividual record with a string of penalties last weekend. Young has served a total of 210 minutes, topping the former mark of 202 minutes set by Lou Fontinato in 1955-56 when the HOCKEY SCORES STANDINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS American League Eastern Division w F APt Parker will get tugether with managing director Lew Hay. man of Argos. : Parker, rated by many ex- perts as the greatest all-round player to perform in Canada, said he anticipates little trouble in agreeing to terms, He wants a contract that contains secu- rity.for him and hopes to sign for two or three years. The nine-year veteran of Es- kimos, who led the Western Football Club to three straight Grey Cup victories in 1954-55-56, said he hopes to be able to play "at top speed" for four or five years more at least. "When I feel I have reached my peak and can't play as Tf used to, I'll pack up. It's harder to play offence when you reach 35 but a guy with any natural ability to play defence can go on until he's 40," He reiterated that the reason he asked Edmonton to trade him was that playing in the East would open up better busi- ness opportunities for him and help him towards getting a coaching job eventually. Hayman said he and coach Nobby Wirkowski realized Hershey 2818 6197 154 62| Parker isn't going to make Ar- Quebec 28 24 4176 161 60 25 23 10 165 167 60) Springfield 23 24 8 204177 54 Baltimore 2227 7 161 203 51) Western Division | $218 5179 152 69| 23 24 6 181 182 52| Rochester 18 29 7 182 201 43 Pittsburgh 19 31 3 149 197 41 Tuesday's Result Baltimore 2 Quebec 4 Tonight's Games Rochester at Buffalo Springfield at Pittsburgh Eastern Professional WLT F APt 32.14 6 214 152 70 3114 8 219 165 70 Sudbury 20 21 11 214 214 51 St. Louis 1431 8 183 236 36 Providence Buffalo Cleveland Hull-Ottawa Kingston gos a contender in the Eastern -- Conference all by him- self. "Jackie has that indefinable quality to lead and the talent to back it up," Hayman said "But he's got to have help and we're not going to stop trying to get the players that are needed to get the job done." IS UNCONDITIONAL The five-for-one trade 1s un- conditional and stands regard- less of whether the Argo play- ers report to Edmonton, The players are halfbacks Joe Her- nandez, Jon Rechner and Mike Wicklum and linemen Bill Mitchell and Zeke Smith. Money was also involved in Tuesday's Result St. Louis 2 Kingston 4 the deal but Hayman declined |Chatham | Woodstock Friday's Games St. Louis at Hull-Ottawa Kingston at Sudbury Ontario Senior A WLT F APt 2511 1260 144 51 2113 3 204 131 45 19 20 0 108 182 38 Galt 13 23 2.139 188 28 K.-W. 13.24 2155 199 28 Tuesday's Result Windsor to say how much. Argonaut players would refuse to report to Edmonton, although Mitchell was unhappy because he said the' clubs were slow in advising the affected players about the deal. Kidd, Crothers There was no indication the" Detroit took over the leader-| |Kitchener-Waterloo 4 Galt 5 Tonight's Games Woodstock at Chatham Galt at Windsor Ontario Junior A WLT F APt Niagara Falls 2711 6 180128 60 Montreal 2313 9177 132 55 Peterboro 19 14 14 132 110 49 Hamilton 2018 8181 161 48|Canada's hopes in the United St. Catharines 12 22 10 141 192.34] States National Amateur Ath- Guelph 831 6 139 227 22/letic Union indoor meet at New Run For Canada In USNAA Event TORONTO (CP)--Bruce Kidd and Bill Crothers, Toronto's track sensations, will carry Canadiens' defence man was playing with New York. The Leaders GA Pts PiM 59 20 48 66 36 A 35 28 30 37 44 28 31 33 Bucyk, Boston Mahovlich, Tor Howe, Detroit Oliver, Boston Beliveau, Mtl Hull, Chicago Bathgate, N.Y. Mikita, Chicago 22 Stars Move To Second Round On Series Win By ALLAN BAILEY Oshawa Bantam All-Stars ad- vance into the Ontario Minor Hockey Association's secon round of playdowns, after down- ing Belleville 9-2 in the Chil- dren's Arena last night. They won the two-game total-goals series 14-6. This city's midget All-Star team took a nine-goal lead in the first game of their series by swamping Belleville 10-1, In the bantam game, Larry McAvoy, Mike Hewer and Bill Morrison fired two goals each to lead Oshawa to victory. Don Bowen, Terry Ostle and Darryl Hudgin counted singles. Richard Ellis and Dale Duval were the Belleville goalgetters. Glen Elliott scored three goals to lead the Midget All-Stars at- 58 58 58 58 56 10 55 55 --Cts«GL 3 Knob Hill Flin Flon 2 Weyburn 3 | - Nova Scotia Senior | New Glasgow 3 Moncton 4 | ' ellchs \York Saturday night, For Kidd, the meet will be his last of the winter season. Fred Foot, his coach, said Kidd, 19, should be helped in keeping his honor standing at the Uni- versity of Toronto by the break from his rigorous schedule, He also intimated Kidd had de- veloped a minor foot ailment which rest would improve. Crothers, 22, a U. of T. phanmacy student, will run in the 1,000-yard event. He has won eight consecutive races at 1,000 or less and captured the 600-yard event in the same meet last year. Tuesday's Result Niagara Falls 2 St. Catharines 2\ Thursday's Games \Guelph at Montreal \St, Catharines at Peterborough) METRO JUNIOR A PWLTF A Pts. N. McNeil 3529 3 3227 8761 \Marlboros 3520 9 6 183 125 46 371218 6 107 135 32 $511 21 3 137 185 25 Oshawa 341019 5129 187 25 Whitby 37 921 7 152 216 25 Metro Toronto Junior A Marlboros 4 Whitby 9 International League St. Paul 2 Omaha 6 Eastern League Philadelphia 4 Charlotte 8 Saskatchewan Junior |Brampton (Moncton leads best-of-seven semi-final 1-0) Windsor 3 Halifax 6 (Halifax leads best-of-seven semi-final 1-0) Saskatchewan Senior Yorkton 5 Moose Jaw 3 Western League Spokane 4 Vancouver 3 Portland 3 Calgary 2 Ontario Junior B Wallaceburg 4 Windsor 1 Ingersoll 5 St. Thomas 3 (St. 'Thomas leads _best-of- seven semi-final 3-1) | Central Alberta Edmonton 3 Lacombe 2 Red Deer 0 Drumheller 4 Ottawa-Hull Junior A Hawkesbury 7 Smiths Falls 5 (Smiths Falls leads best-of- PLAYOFFS Thursday, Feb. 21, 1963 7:30 P.M. BELLEVILLE PEE WEES vs OSHAWA PEE WEES seven quarter-final 3-2) AB To B ish Duk , counted his second goal and) chowed All-Canadian 1233 com- Oshawa Children's Arena Admission Adults 50c - Children 25¢ |30 points followed by Stanley I.,| The following are results Of| tack, Gary Bradley picked up Hull Hawks 6 Ottawa P. 5 Abbott his fourth and fifth in pared to 1208 for Peopl 's. Her- Knob Hill Bowl 20, People's|games played Feb, M4, in the two and Jerry Dionne, Gary (Hull leads best - of - seven the interval. lrick had 308 for All-Canadian|Clothing and All-Canadian Mu-| Neighborhood Dart League: | Dionne, Phil Solomon, Doug Sut- quarter-final 3-2) | John Went, Marlboro goalten-| - Ri *»»| tual Funds 19 each, Motor Cit Rundle No, 2, 4, \Woodview) : : é | Allan Cup | j , bs {followed by Rizun 253. For ' 0 y . ton and Jim McGraw scored | 4 der was weak in the Duke's net! pegnie's Clothing Don Henning 17 and Bowlerama 8, |No, 1, 1; Southmead No. 1, 3,/singles. Steve White scored the Ottawa M. 8 Athens 1 | while Ray Reeson, the Whitby) was high with 308 followed by| This coming Saturday, the|North Oshawa 2; Southmead| tone Belleville tally '| iret of 'a best-of-three se. netminder, put in a strong per-|Ron Swarts 278 and Earl Jov.| action in Group "B" takes place|No. 2, 3, Woodview No. 3, 2;| Oshawa Bantams: Bull, Wayling, war.|Ties in Ottawa district competi- formance. Reeson robbed Duke} gan 122 hed 5 frames or relief @t the Motor City Lanes. in Storie 3, Woodview No, 2, 2; ted Senyk, Don Bowens Frank Sawyer. | tion.) marksmen of at least three! ; Oshawa, when People's Cloth-| Rundle No. 1, 3 and Fernhill 2.|Hewer, Terry Smith, Terry Osile, Ted) R, | Dionne> Walter Grabko, John Salowski, By KEVIN BOLAND Whitby Dunlops moved into a three-way tie for the fourth and final playoff spot in the 'Metro Junior "A" standings 'last night when they trounced § | : Toronto Marlboros 9-4 in Whit- : by Arena. J. Houston, * Whitby ace, Bob Abbott, led | +the: Dunlop scoring parade and 7 'subsequent march to fourth ; place with five goals. He is the third player in the Metro ranks * to accomplish the feat this year. Marlboros' Brit Selby and Osh- awa Generals' Terry Vail are th : other two members in the five- ' goal circle. + Oshawa Generals have a 'slight edge in the race for the ' final playoff spot, howe ver. They hold one game in hand 'over Brampton and three over the Cinderella Whitby club who started the season with a 17- :game winless streak. Dunlops held a strong edge in, -- during last night's game. 'They spread their attack even- 'ly, scoring three times in each «stanza. Selby, one of the three who «belong to the five-goal circle, 'turned in a three-goal effort to! star for the Dukes. | BOB ABBOTT Wayne Weller was the othe Dunlop marksman. Rick Foley, opened scoring a ed the other Duke marker, from reasonably close distances|when Abbott, while Selby's were goal-mouth!and Bill Collins. scored efforts. Abbott led Dunnies to a fi goals to open and close|} first period jead with two goals.|third period scoring. Collin: Me 8.02, Dunnville (charging) 16.14, F Marlboros' burly rearguard, | the 10-minute mark. Selby scor- : Whitby stretched their lead to) !"- Abbot's goals were scored|five goals in the second period ia. Brian Fletcher goals in the second period on point-blank shots. went; de| People's Clothing, with a score Dunnville, Foley, McCloskey, of 1235 to 1172. Ron Swartz lorwards: McKay, Selby, Mil-| paced People's to this win with Watson, Moore, Carleton, Ellis'. brilliant 388, followed by Ear! WHITBY: Goal: Reeson; defence:| i Carnegie, Hoffman, LaRue, Tremblay; Pi es and Sel peg 144 forwards: Fletcher, Gay, Abbott, Daven|f0r five frames or re lef bowl- port, Collins, Everett, Wilson, Mar-| ing. Pe) Te cntan | For All-Canadian, Herb Don- 10.00, aldson led with 317 followd by 10.18| A! Speir who again came 33.12\ through with 165 for 4 frames 16.60 of relief bowling. » mons, comany 1144, Peoples Clothing captured the Collins (falling on puck)| fourth game with a score of 1198 to 1112 for All-Canadian, Orest Pidwerbecki led in this game o.s4|£OF People's with 284 followed "| by Ron Swartz 264 and Don it: ? 12.55) Henning 251. For All-Canadian, TP aepaltics Tremblay" Ctrippingy| Al Speir again picked up 150 2,08, Watson (unnecessary roughness) pins for 5 frames of relief bowl- 17-11, Weter nD PERIOD --_| ing followed by Herb Donaldson &. Martboros, Selby, He el and Fred O'Bright 240. nen) 18 The fifth and final game was 10. Whitby, Collins | (Marshall. Davenport) 1a.12\taken by All-Canadian with a by, Abbot score of izdi to 1183 for Peo- whuey por ple's. Amos Herrick led All Ca- 15.48 nadian with 295 followed by 19.39, O'Bright 278 and Donaldson 261 roy, . Martboros, Selby (McKay) |. Whitby, Abbott (Collins) Penaities -- 'oley (crogs + checking) 16.40, Ridley (slash- ing) 16.43, SECOND PERIOD t} 19.11 (Hoffman, Wilson) 13. Mariboros, Selby (Milroy, Stemkowski) 30, Abbott (elbowing) 3.45, Carnegie | (slashing) 8.06, Everett Chooking) 9.18, S$' Collina (tripping) 18.30, |pins in 8 frames of relief bowl- ling. For People's, Ron Swartz i game was won by ing take on Bowlerama Limited, Appoint Fracas To Coaching Staff EDMONTON (CP) -- Gino Fracas, a linebacker with Ed- monton Eskimos of the West- ern Football Conference for the last eight years, has been ap- pointed head football coach at the University of Adberta, the university's athletic board an- nounced Tuesday, Fracas succeeds Clare Drake, who remains as head coach of the university's hockey team. Fracas, 31, a native of Wind- sor, Ont., joined the Eskimos in 1955 from the University of Western Ontario. He joined the staff of the school of physical education at the University of Alberta in 1960 as an assistant professor. ONCE WAS FORT The cathedral city of York, Romans in 71 AD as a great military fortrers, | Doubles |Pope 2 P. Crawford 3, N. |Nicholishen 3, F, Parsons 2, John Wyatt, M. Germond, B. Germond, L. Williams, D. Wil- liams, B, Cole, L. Cole, Ralph Ruth Hopson 2, 0. Clark, N. Pullen 2, D. Donald, F. Donald, W. Dowe, E. Major, P. Pelow, D. Pelow 2, E. Pelow, A. Pelow, D.. Moss, P. Fayle, M. Rae, D,. Rae, L. Rae, T. Rae, T. Hele 2, V. Graves, S. Har- man, M. Muir 2, J. Hele, O, Twine, T. Twine 3, V. Ross, G. Bryant, L. Shobbrook, B. Thompson 2, C. Magill 2 and K. Snodden. Baseball 1 Inning -- T. Twine 6, A, Muir 5, S. Harman 5, P. Fayle 6, D. Pelow 7, 0. Clark 5, R: Hopson 5, B. Clark 5, M. Germond 5 and M, Wilson 5, High 3 Darts -- F. Parsons 100, O, Clark 100 and L, Cole 100. Standing 3rd Section -- Rundle No, 2, 8; Woodview No. 3, 7; Storie 6; Southmead No. 2, 6; North Oshawa 5; Southmead Selby notched his second and Penatties -- Stemkowski (tripping)| while Bill Neal picked up 219| England, was founded by the No. 1, 5; Rundle No, 1, 5; Fern- hill 4; Woodview No. 2, 3 and i |Woodview No. 1, 1. Hopson, B. Clark, J, Craighead,|™ | Darryl Hudgin, John Hewed, Larry Mc 0 voy. |. Belleville Bantams: Paul Smith, John Menary, Don Smyth, Clifford Scott. |Larry Moore, Dale Duval, Richard ee John Holgate, Ted Harrington, Ron Hannah, Peter Fleming, Jim Cock- rm, Bob Beecher, Bill Wickens. Oshawa Midgets: Ralph Moore, Alien Trotter, Gary Dionne, Doug Barr, Dar- ryl Leach, Glen Elliott, Bob Robinson Doug: Balson, Wayne Bradley, Jim Mc- Graw, Jerry Dionne, Gary Bradley, Bob Waters, Phil Solomon, Bill Pokosta, Doug Sutton. : Belleville Midgets: Bob Moon, Steve Ethier, John Murphy, Larry Stewart, Karl Hannah, Steve White, Paul Flem- ing, John Smith, Doug Dickey, Bob A renowned research institute has found a unique healing substance Lancaster, Gregory Moore, Bill Hallam, Jim Pringle, Rich Lare, Perry Soule. with the ability to shrink hemor- rhoids painlessly. It relieves itch- 1963 JOHNSON OUTBOARD | MOTORS NOW ON DISPLAY 353- S PH. |) KING 723- w. OPEN EVENINGS | | MITH PORT 9311 | ing improvement." Pain was | tions, Relief even occurred in cases ing and di fort in and speeds up healing of the injured, inflamed tissues. One hemorrhoidal case history after another reported "'very strik- promptly and gently relieved... actual reduction or retraction (shrinking) took place. Among these case histories were a variety of hemorrhoidal condi- of long standing, and most im- portant of all, results were so thorough that this improvement Announce New Healing Substance... Shrinks Piles, Checks Itch Exclusive healing substance proven to shrink hemorrhoids... and repair damaged tissue. many months, This was accomplished with a new healing substance (Bio-Dyne) which quickly helps heal injured cells and stimulates growth of new tissue. Bio-Dyne is offered in oint- ment and suppository form called Preparation H. In addition to actually shrink- ing hemorrhoids, Preparation H lubricates and makes elimination less painful. It helps prevent in- fection which is a principal cause of hemorrhoids, Just ask your druggist for Pre- paration H Suppositories or Pre- paration H Ointment (with a special applicator). Satisfaction guaranteed or your was maintained over a period of money refunded,