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Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Feb 1963, p. 5

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WHITBY And DISTRICT NORTH OBJECTS é nd lafter Magistrate C. W. Guest : it Oul iCl O QS i him: "Your story couldn't |be accepted by anyone." To Stay In Joint EMO j Ontario County will again form a part of a jointly admin- istered Civic Defence Organiza- tion. Over objections by represen- tatives of the northern munici- palities in the county, Ontario County Council, on a 22-13 re- corded vote, Tuesday declared its intention to remain a part of the Oshawa - Ontario County Emergency Measures Organiza- tion. Council voted at its December! session to notify Oshawa City Council of its intention to with- draw from EMO in March of this year. County Council's December meeting, a full report of the year's progress and recommen- dations regarding the future of EMO, as far as the County is concerned, be prepared for pre- sentation to Council. Council's decision was prompted, in part, by urging by Edgar F. Beavis, executive offi- cer for Emergency Measures Organization, Ontario. | MUNICIPAL TEVR Mr. Beavis told council it is |necessary to conduct an EMO lat the municipal level. He said County Council had formed part of the Oshawa-Ontario County tered calls for a committee of representatives, including the warden and mayor of each council, and an equal number of appointees by resolution to con- duct the affairs of EMO. EMO, Mr. Beavis told council is to ensure the survival of the greatest number possible in the event of a nuclear war. The importance of EMO planning is shown in the fact the federal EMO has been placed in the Privy Council office and comes under control of the Prime Min- igter, he added. ATTACHED TO AG DEPT. g fin. f, SS ee ee ee ee Story Unacceptable Man Gets 2 Years a nearby farmhouse and got help. Sgt. Richard Bodley told the} court Morgan was found in the car with Judith Gaul and Shir- ley May as they ate a meal at the restaurant. Morgan's counsel, Mr. Me- Intyre had argued that the court must accept Morgan's story of being given the car keys if it was believable. | He said the story as given the| court by Morgan was rearon- able and should be accepted as truth, Said Magistrate Guest: "Mr. Mcintyre, I have great respect for your knowledge of the law, but Morgan's story couldn't be A 22year-old Oshawa man was sent to Kingston Peniten- tiary for 'wo years Monday Gerry Allan Morgan, who pleaded not guilty to possession of a stolen car had told the court he was given keys to the vehicle by a man in a down- |town Oshawa beverage room. | He said he didn't get the man's name and had met him only a few moments before, after accidentally knocking his table, Magistrate Guest told Mor- gan's counsel, Duncan Mc- Intyre, Morgan was bordering on being an Labitual criminal. Court was told Morgan had|pordering on being an habitual been jailed several times since} criminal." 1956 in places as far apart as} Morgan was previously con- Ends In Death ping spree late Tuesday after- noon resulted in tragedy for 70- year-old George Robert Gelling, 617 Green street. Mr. Gelling was walking from a bus stop to the home of his cousin, Mrs. Beatrice Copeland, 406 Brock street south, when he suffered a heart attack and died. Police said Mr. Gelling drop- Ped dead on the sidewalk, mid- way between his cousin's home and her next-door neighbor's house. Mrs. Copeland said she and her cousin had been at Oshawa Shopping Centre and were walk- ing toward her home, after get- ting off the bus She said she was walking a| accepted by anyone. |little ahead of Mr. Gelling when "His record indicates he is|She thought she heard a thud GENERAL ELECTRIC St. Catharines and Port Arthur] yicted of having possession of a for various offences. \spring-loaded knife, found on Police said Morgan had been|him when searched after he was found with two women sitting in|taken from the stolen car. a car, the property of Thomas|-- } Shopping Spree!: turned around to see her sin lying on the sidewalk. Dr. Kenneth Hobbs _pro- nd OU nounced the man dead at the | scene, Town Police Cpl. James Returning home from a shop-|parter investigated. In Ontario, Mr. Beavis said,|Holley, 719 Maria street, DEVISED BRAILLE SALES & SERVICE Conspiracy Charge Is Dismissed A conspiracy charge, involv- ing bookmakers from Oshawa and Toronto was dismissed at Ontario County Criminal Court at Whitby, Tuesday. Raymond Cole, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, February 20,1963 § street, Oshawa, appeared be- REDUCE TROOPS fore His Honor, Judge Alex. C.|. STOCKHOLM (AP) -- Swe- Hall charged with, "unlawfully|den, which now has 700 men did conspire and agree within the United Nations force in Ernest Midgley, John R, Riggs The Congo, will replace them and Reginald Dann to keep|With 500 men in April, the for- common betting h éngage| eign office announced. in bookmaking and record and register bets". Cole pleaded not guilty to the charge. The three men named in the indictment appeared as witness- es for the defence and denied any conspiracy. Midgley said that documents produced in court as evidence were his rec- ords and were not connected with the accused, Midgley said Cole was a bet- tor and not a bookmaker. His Honor said there was not sufficient evidence to establish Family Monuments STAFFORD BROS, LTD. 318 DUNDAS EAST 48, Christie and dismissed the charge. the guilt of the accused Cole 668-3552 YOUNG MODERNS SAY... in a} EMO is attached to the Attorney north Oshawa drive-in restau-| Louus Braille of France intro-| General's Department and|rant. duced his touch system of read-| comes under the direction of the| Holley told the court his car|ing for the blind in 1834, Attorney General. had been stolen at knife-point by Whitby's Deputy-reeve George f EMO partnership and had found e ittee on Emergency Meas-| that partnership unsatisfactory. ures, Tuesday recommended reef However, he urged the muni- County continue in the joint) .inaj reeves and deputies to re- EMO for a trial period of one| ain in the partnership, under However, a warden's special Serving Whitby, ca ced surrounding area. @ FREE PICK-UP @ FREE DELIVERY year. "SEEMS ADVISABLE" The committee, spearheaded by Reeve Earl W. Martyn, of Reach Township, recommended it "'seems advisable" to con- tinue the joint EMO in conjunc- tion with Oshawa. la new agreement. He suggested there "were too-many gaps in the joint EMO agreement. -- "The agreement was not tight enough, but a new bylaw has been developed -- one which I ifeel will assist," the provincial EMO executive officer said. Brooks, chairman of the town EMO said he felt EMO is an organization which will serve a purpose if it is ever needed. "However," Mr. Brooks said, "the 'bug' is nothing for EMO volunteers to do while they are |waiting for something to hap- pen."" He suggested EMO should 2 in January. He said the man bound him) with tape and left him in the! bush. Holley said he crawled to| ADDITIONAL WHITBY | For FREE Advice and Color Schemes in your Home or in our Modern Store. Coll... For Day or Evening Appointments | (Whitby) Ltd. | PHONE 668-2081 Goes ts Poet aor intone DECORATING mo Sales TROPICAL CLEARING OUT | : y hich Furthermore, the special com-| The new bylaw under which) i vclude something within its EMO will be adminis framework to maintain interest among the people. iz Mr. Brooks suggested EMO mittee recommended, prior to!the joint should be in the position of call-| ing in EMO volunteers for as- AFTER 3 TRIES : Bevan Wins Early ws. on" Agenda Battle FISH SPECIALS = 49 SWORDS EACH ALL MERCHANDISE COATS and SNOWSUITS | DODD & SOUTER Paint & Wallpaper Store 107 Byron St. S., Whitby Days PH. 668-5862 Evenings PH. 668-5066 Your Friendly C-I-L Oealer NEWS ON PAGE 27 FREE Have your furnace cleaned free and guaranteed trouble-free all winter, if you purchase "White Rose" unified fuel oil from Western Oil Co. DIAL 725-1212 100 Black TETRAS ANGELS Reeve J. J. Gibson, of Port! Perry, told council it has been|-- brought out numerous times be-| fore that it must have a moral] time lucky George Bevan It was third for Councillor Monday. - Whitby Town Council saw the victory of the councillor over the critics of his scheme to have agenda and committee reports ready for councillors before the bi-weekly meeting. Councillor Bevan made a mo- tion that: the agenda, including committee reports, be delivered or mailed to each member of vance information a councillor is virtually unable to clearly de- bate the items to be discussed. "I also contacted Mrs. Eva- leen Barker, Chairman of the Toronto Board of Education, and she advised me that the 48 hour period between receipt of the Agenda and the Trustees meeting was standard practice obligation to do something for| each councillor's own munici-! pality. The county, Reeve Gibson| said, has a safety engineer to| supervise building and ensure| its safety and EMO is actually | supervising the tearing down of| buildings in the event of war or| disaster. He said he felt EMO with School Boards. I found that this same practice is even stan dard with our own Whitby Pub-| was every bit as important as| having safety engineers. But, Mr. Gibson. added, in ARNOLD'S 115 BROCK ST. NORTH, WHITBY Just North of the Four Corners OPEN THURS. 'TIL 8--FRI. 'TIL 9--WED. 'TIL6 P.M. Jj FRESH CUT FROM GOVERNMENT INSPECTED BEEF Beautiful Male BETTA'S, each .. 1.49 3% Gal, Stainless Steel Acquarium -- Reg. 5.50. NOW ONLY.... 3.97 PUMP & FILTER SETS Complete - electric motor fil- ter, charcoal, glass wool and HALF PRICE! CLEARING OUT Sweaters -- Dresses -- Slim Sets © BARGAIN TABLE SPECIALS 50°» 2.00 OT AAT CE DS WHITBY STORE ONLY YOUNG MODERNS 135 BROCK ST. SOUTH 668-5022 lic School Board. |order to have a successful EMO "How much more corrobora-jeach municipality must be pre- tion do we need to prove the/pared to do something for it- wisdom of adoy"1g this sera self, iz the motion he| Reeve Everett Quantrill| Reeve Wilfred H. Gould, of vai Tae ant I contacted] stated, 'if council was in favor/Uxbridge, told council he be-| $ different municipalities. Since) of this I would agree." Coun-|lieved the people from the! then I have contacted an ad-|cillor Joyce Burns pointed out/northern parts of the county so| ditional 4 municipalities, All 12,|there was no postal delivery to) far have received nothing from with one exception, follow the|her home at weekends, "besides,/ EMO in the five or six years it ral principle of the Motion.| this agenda would mean nothing has been in operation, p -Clerk ol 2 mpemban. received in,the). Because of 'this, he said, he 'oronto, advised me that ail, : felt he could not support the agenda are delivered in time} Reeve Quantrill moved a1/committee's recommendation to be received 48 hours before| amendment that the agenda be| But, he added, if EMO head- the meeting concerned, and this) made available at the town hall/quarters were more centrally also applies to Board of Control| at 4 p.m. on Friday before the/located, instead of at Oshawa council at his home address so as to reach each member not later than 48 hours prior to each regular council meeting. tubing .Reg, 9.95 6 97 f G rentenae CORNER 103 BYRON ST. SOUTH C 5 g C 1 block west of 4 corners Ib : 3-lbs. SIRLOIN OR WING STEAKS [ BREAKFAST BACON THE WORD OF GOD FRESH HAMBURG STEAK Meetings. | "Subsequent to the second de-| meeting. "Tf I can get the minutes and! Municipal Airport, he felt he| may be .in favor of the to the Department of Municipal] should not have to come down tion. Affairs, and in a discussion with a high-ranking official, I was advised that the practices of de- livering Agenda to members three days prior to the regular Council meeting is|to lobbying among councillors. | municipal almost universal. He expressed the opinion that without this ad- here like an affice boy," Coun- cillor Bevan countered. |. Mayor Stanley Martian argued before the meeting could lead The motion was carried as amended. WHITBY PERSONALS Dinner guests Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Guthrie, RR 2, Whitby were: Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rose, Mr. and Mrs. Duard Rose and daughter Judy, Markham; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mitchell, and family, Richmond Hill; Dearld Rose, Port Credit; Miss Mar- garet Hogarth, Kingston; Murry Rose, Kingston; Miss Nancy Dyake, Unionville. The dinner was in honor of Dearld Rose and his fiancee, Miss Margaret} Hogarth, who will be married this summer in Winnipeg and will establish residence in Cal- gary. Gerry Fitzgerald is celebrat- ing his birthday today. Friends of Mr. many happy returns of.the day Mrs. P. Hachie, 910 McCul- lough drive, has been visiting for the past week with her mother, Mrs. M. Mears and also was a guest of Mrs. D. J. Cootes of Orillia. Belated happy birthday wishes are expressed to Collingwood Hamilton, 111 Brock street, who celebrated his birthday Valen- tine's Day. Mr. and Mrs, Eric Halton, 135 Lupin drive, celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary Feb. 19. For the occasion they enter-| tained at their residence for| friends and relatives. The cele- Fitzgerald wish him) brants received flowers, gifts, and were presented with a sil-| ver tea service. Present were: Mr, and Mrs. Fred Halton and family, Len- don, Ont.; Mr. and Mrs. Basil) Churehyard, Pickering; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bowden, Mr. and Mrs. Steward McLerie, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Godfrey, Mr. and Mrs Jack Adair, Whitby; Mr. and Mrs, Jack Frost, Mr. and Mrs. Desmond Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Weston, Mrs. Gwen Squair, Mrs. Florence Diederick, Osh- awa; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bailey,) Clarement, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Patterson, Brooklin; Mr. and Mrs. John Jarvis, Unionville, and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Mat- thews, Toronto. An evening of dancing was enjoyed, followed by a delicious cold supper served by the host- ess, also a three-tiered nicely decorated cake was enjoyed by all. Mrs. Floyd Clarke, 123 Eliza- beth crescent, is celebrating her birthday today. Best wishes are offered to Mrs. Clarke from all her friends. Lucie, daughter of Mr. and| Mrs. John Cra. forth, is cele- brating her second birthday to- day. Friends of the family wish Lucie many happy returns of the day. BROCK Evening WHITBY : ae SECOND FEATUR Last Complete Show at 8:30 IBARIC CONQUEROR WHO EVER PILLAGED THE WORLD! AS A OERTENTE TILE NEAL PELE ELEN BE NA AL OCIIIS LASSEN TES + ELEONORA ROSS! DRAGO + GUY MADISON 'IMMITATION GENERAL' Starring --GLENN FORD---RED BUTTONS--TAINA ELG Shows at 6:55 and 8:30 moat JACK PALANCE EASTMANCOLOR | CINEMASCOPE A GIMUS PRODUCTION -- emmas tw BED A ARISES --ALSO-- E ATTRACTION "I don't think I can support nor i? I think the northern : municipalities, can s it,"' Council|that receipt of the documents| Mr. Gould said. ean tte He was right. The northern voted with joint EMO it, ? leaders him -- against the continuing. EMO's budget for this year| | Was set at $35,000, of which-Osh-| j|awa and Ontario County will] the re-| be each pay $1,750 and mainder of its cost will borne by the federal and pro- vincial governments. FRESH WIENERS : oint | feat of the Motion Feb. 4. I went) accounts before the meeting J) Emergency Measures a gag FRESH BRAISING RIBS FIRST GRADE CREAMERY BUTTER 55:| Ib BLADE ROAST PRIME RIB ROAST SHORT RIB ROAST C Ib 09 In the very nature of things man cannot know God, the Creator of the universe, unless God reveals Himself to man. Man left to himself wouid have os many ideas of God and his purpose concerning mankind os there are men upon the face of the earth,-and none of them would be The Hebrew Scriptures testify thot they are the word of God and concerning them Christ said, "Thy word is truth" Vohn 17:17). On the sorface they are but the record of the lives of certain individuals with whom it is stated God dealt, and the history of the Israelites and prophecies relating to them, but hidden therein is to be found the truth concerning the origin of man and God's plan and purpose concerning man and the way in which he will carry out that purpose, which revelation can be found nowhere else. Christ and His apostles made clear the Hebrew Scriptures and the ent: ean Cash your cantile an chandise. Mercantile De "The Store With es Even Baby Bonus d enter Conte 105 BROCK N., Cheque At Th st For $25.00 in pi. Store WHITBY The Log Front" Further! e Mer- Mer- ecencentnn OTe cuss siti re New Testament is the record thereof (Isa. 8:20; Luke 24:27; Acts 26:22). Seek therein and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you. True Christians know what they believe and why they believe it and have a "'thus saith the Lord" therefor. All creation speaks of the knowledge, wisdom and power of God Almighty, the Creator of the heavens and of the earth (Psalm 19). Yet there are those who though they will allow it takes intelligence to build a log shanty will not allow that it took any intelligence to build the living tree from which the logs were obtained. The tree. just "happened" by the low of nature. A law without a lawmaker? 'Shall the work say of him that made it, He made me not? or shalt 'the thing framed say of him that framed it, He had no understanding? (Isa, 29:16) "He that planted the ear, shall he not hear, he that formed the eye, shall he not see ?" (Psaim 94:9). Christendom, while claiming to believe in Christ, has been and is so brain washed by its philosophies that men who have never read the Scriptures, let alone know what they teach, deny them as being the word of God, "He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him' (Prov. 18:13). Others have read them only to criticize them, without any thought of seeking to understand them. Well do the Scriptures say, 'The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God" (Psalm 14:1). He is so blind he has not even the beginning of wisdom ond under- standing. "The fear 'reverence) of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom" (Psalm 111:10). It is only by meditation upon God's word, His law and precepts, that one can gain the spirit of a sound mind and have God revealed to him in wisdom and understanding, Any wisdom, so-called, that is not based upon His word will perish, it will come to naught (Iso. 29:14-16). "To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them' (Isa. 8:20). If a teaching is based upon a true foundation it will lead to further truth. If it is based upon a false premise it can lead only to further error. The philosophies of this world are based upon a disbelief in the Word of God or upon a false man. Hence the chaotic condition we see in the world politically, economically and religiously. | conception of His character, His plan and His purpose for today, God declares, "So shall my word (the Hebrew Scriptures) be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which | please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto | sent it" (Iso. 55: 1.1), What then has God by His word accomplished ? His word, at the appointed time, brought forth from among men Jesus, the promised Messiah, and speaking of His baptism into the will of God David prophetically said, "Lo, | come (in the volume of the book it is written of me), to do thy will, O God" (Heb. 10:7;. Psalm 40:7, 8), By it He was begotten of God's spirit and by it He.was guided and directed in all His ways, saying, "The word which ye heor is not mine, but the Father's which sent (commissioned) me" (John 14:24). God's word has brought forth, and is quietly and without show bringing forth, Christ's true fol- lowers; they too, being begotten of God's spirit through the word of truth (1 Peter 1:23), The time has now come when it will shortly bring forth all-Israel, the Israel of God, the twelve tribes, (the ten tribes of Anglo-Saxon-Celtic peoples and the two tribes of Judah and Benjamin), the whole house of Israel, purged and purified as by fire, a "people for His name" (Jer, 33:7-9), by which and through which He will bless all the nations of the earth with knowledge, wisdom and understanding, until every knee shall bow to Him and "every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father" (Phil 2:9-11). God tells us in His word that from the very beginning He determined to make man -- not some men but all men -- in His own image, after His own likeness, and in that purpose He will not, He cannot fail, for the love of God will in due course constrain all men to worship Him in spirit and in truth..As a part of this process of creation man seemingly has been allowed to have his day and way, culminating in the times in which we now live as described by the Apostle Poul over nineteen hundred years ago when he said: "This know also, that in the last days (of the reign of sin and death) perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blas- phemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away" (2nd Tim, 3:1-5). Man from the beginning has slandered God; destroyed One another, deceived one another and opposed one another and so in the Scriptures man is spoken of as the devil (mean- ing slanderer); the dragon (meaning destroyer), the serpent (meaning deceiver); and Satan (meaning opposer). God prom- ises that He will utterly destroy this wickedness from the face of the earth but the sinners themselves (all mankind, for whom Christ died) He will save and bless with life, truth and righteousness. We are now living in the closing days of man's aliena- tion from God, brought about by Adam"s disobedience, and just an old building must be destroyed before a new one can take its place so this present world order, : political, financial and ecclesiastical, must be wiped from the face of the earth to make room for God's Kingdom of truth and righteousness and the fulfilment of Christ's prayer, "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven." The government of that Kingdom will be headed up in Christ. Associated with Him will be men of faith and faithfulness called forth and chosen of God down the stream of time. "The government shalj be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this' (Isa, 9:6, 7). Of this government Daniel also testified, saying: 'And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever" (Dan, 2:44), And so ultimately God through His word will gother all nations unto Himself, to the end that He may be " in all'. "For God hath concluded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all. O. the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out! For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been his counsellor ? Or who hath first given to him, and it shall be recompensed unto him again? For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to. whom be glory for ever. Amen. (Romans 11:32-36), W. F. Salter, Haliburton, Ontario, Canada The writer will be pleased to supply a copy of this article and other literature on the Scriptures, free upon request.

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