Sibi ee ee 8 eS ES FE PP EE SPS OY grey yi ve Cre rae reeata ta, tle | FOC ee RG St mere ja tart enongn reom. Bir set's not forget me famies: SLIP CUST PLENTY zealand Broadcasting Corpora- lle oe Has A tremendous increase in de-|Besides top-quality cutting, styl-| WELLINGTON, N.Z. (OP) --|tion, The $90,000 equipment was Co g mand for men's exclusive hairjing and perms, Rudy special-/The most expensive single item|@@maged beyond repair, styling actually necessitated ex-|izes in fashion wigs. He has aj0f cargo datnage ever known pansion, Rudy offers everything 'net jhere occurred when a sling RED CROSS HELPS from mén's. perms for manage- fully-trained staff of seven hair slipped on a case being un- e ; Bi Plans ability, to hair coloring, scalp|dessers and-this number willligadeq from a freighter, The Canada's Junior Red Cross , treatments and personality hair|increase to 15 when the newjcase contained electronic com-|84Ve assistance to. needy chile. styling. shop opens, puter equipment for the New dren in 23 countries in 1962. . "iS eS ARE TE OR TCE TN OC EESTI "26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Febriary 26, 1963 "Expansion and growth having, mechanics, electricity, and| been the key words: of the pastielectronics will be installed in} year," stated President P. W.\the near future. : Manuel, of Oshawa Missionary; Covering 4,800 square feet of} College, in an interview today./the industrial building is the| "We are seeking to expand our/new bookbindery. Under the : q facilities to extend further, op-|management of John Mulley, i portunities for student training,"|/{he Golden Rule Bindery spe- q he added. cializes in library, textbook, and q magazine binding. With "better , - n | % Oshawa Missionary College, a junior college; features also the| than $40,000 worth of equip- H \four-year high school general ment, they will eventually sar uae ee 4 | ceeeera tome raed i enon | ARE STILL. THE BIGGEST BABIES ment of Education. The school} On the campus the Loma is operated by the Seventh-day Leta Os ee B IN THE DECORATING 'FIELD Adventist Church of Canada, but ) there is no religious test or re-jalso by Mel-Ron of Whitby, F lquirement for admission, The|Wwhich employs an additional college also operates a four|staff for special manufactured e F teacher, 140 student elementary|goods. Training in food produc-) e re n ears school, The college offers a pre-|tion, dietetics, and distribution med course, a secretarial/and sales are part of the master course, a liberal arts course,|Plan. i J] and a pre-nursing first year} One of the special features of B t h 96 Ss ex ce E jcourse. in affiliation with the| Oshawa Missionary" mg is u we ave ear rien Branson Hosptal of Toronto. All a sg yd -- is. a ; i oh provinces re represent ude ay fel te oe spy open wall Ss bpd offices woodwork shop. ; jparts of the Commonwealth a deiatia vice ebMnindery. : > |several foreign. countries. beac rey seo saathtae ¥, PAI NTING | In the past a new printing! department. This actual training : ' jcourse and workshop have been! rows the classroom work, so : jadded, with a Multilith and let-tn. student is better able to ab- ; is a |ter press. The first class start-\.05) what he has learned by jed sixteen students. The Press| putting it into practice. does the college work, and gives esi RNR IA Sar RO : ; : bi PROFESSION opportunities for vocational itraining to boys in several in-| t] |dustrial classes. | Rudy S Ops | -A new industrial building with} '40,000 square feet of floor space,| s ts y jhas been constructed by Mel-| I S ] r /Ron Construction Company: of; n ty Ing ' PROFESSIONAL ) |Whitby, at a cost of $165,000.' fyolusive hair styling and , Bee will Rg approximately fashion wigs -- for both men 4 exes ) sixty workers when at full pro-|ang women -- are features of P . iduction. Since the workers will/Rgys F : ; in every way iki - ; |Rudy's Fashion Hair Styling and PRESENTATION TO GM |be living in this community, Not| Barber Shop, 364 Wilsons road GRANT DODD HOWARD SOUTER only will this aid the school, | outh f F : : ; it wi yroll of| Gordon Riehl, right, presi- at Oshawa of the McLaughlin Laughlin, James M. Roche, al ger aeoecade ot Gouarsl Proprietor Rudy Secerbegovic dent of the Oshawa Chamber Carriage Company. The pre- executive vice-president, GM |i, the community business life.jhas been at his present location ° of Commerce, presented E.H. sentation, which took place at Corporation, E. S. Hoglund; |A special room set-up has been|for two and one balf years but You will see just what we mean when you have DODD Walker, president of GM of ; P . Hak. wicanan ° larranged for the teaching of|announced that he must soon Canada, with a bronze plaque a testimonial dinner at Osh- vice-president and a group and our work is' lwaodwork classes. Previously}open a second shop, next door versary of the establishment tended by Col. R. S. Me- --GM Photo |and industrial classes i weld- cause business is expanding and rie aici eae mane AT a : | home or in our store. a "C ome On Over Your Friendly G5 Dealer and Have a COKE!" || Dodd & Souter ie DECOR CENTRE THE FAVORITE DRINK (mm Open Fri. till: 9 p.m. ---- Pree Delivery commemorating the 85th anni- aWa's Genosha Hotel, was at- executive of GM Corporation. |,-6q quarters will be modifiedjat 366 Wilson road south, be-| & SOUTER do your decorating or color scheming at your 107 BYRON ST.S., WHITBY PHONE 668-5862 _ OfBoth 'Teen-Agers | i; i ---- and Grown-Ups i} -- Progressing with Oshawa Everywhere! ! : CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED EL Ae a la ae a aa . ~" Announce another "FIRST" in the concrete products industry. The installation NEW HOME OF HAMBLY'S BEVERAGES, BOTTLERS OF COCA-COLA in our Brooklin plant of a "Fielding 400-ton" hydraulic press brings to the citizens of this district for the first time offered in Canada, sidewalk, patio slabs and curb- ing of exceptional high quality at the lowest prices. 43 YEARS SERVING THE CITIZENS | 1 q 1 |i] quauiry compatanue ro NATURAL STONE OF OSHAWA & DISTRICT! Le @ MASS PRODUCTION FOR BEST PRICES fc © FACTORY PRE-CURED UNDER IDEAL CONDITIONS I' was in the year 1919, just 44 years ago, that HAMBLY BEVERAGES © CQMPLETE SELECTION OF SIZES joined with the COCA-COLA Company and started the manufacture of ; @ WIDE CHOICE OF COLORS the most popular soft drink in Oshawa. TAKE HOME A CASE OF iia weiekao tau i 10 his tat ia tial m the most modest beginnings, 10 years ago, this firm has grown ome D uring these many years, the Company has grown and as a result huve @ KING SIZE! the undisputed leader in the precast concrete field for many miles around the been forced to seek larger quarters many times over, owing to. the in- FAMILY SIZE! Oshawa area. creased demand for 'Coke'. Their last move was into this new and mod- sd Y : ern plant about two years ago at 385 Bloor Street West in Oshawa. Equip- -- OR -- Some achievements we are proud to look back aid Sa ped with the most modern bottling facilities, this new plant too at the NEW 16 02 COKE! @ First to Manufacture a one-piece septic tank. present time is operating at peak capacity due to the increased demand. e "Ub. 2 @ Today -- Canado's largest producer of concrete septic tanks. A large fleet of t rucks deliver not only Coca-Cola but TWO other popular @ Originator of products, equipment and many methods now standard new beverages "Fanta"' and "Sprite"' to many points as far t in the precast concrete industry. as 40 miles from Oshawa. ; @ First to manufacture precast sidewalk slabs. ® bdo home of DURA STEP -- this trademark is your assurance of quality. We are indebted to you: our customers and suppliers in the district -- the fine business relations we have enjoyed with you has built our solid reputation for reliability. Yqur confidence is sincerely appreciated. BEVERAGES ~ (Oshawa) Limited @ TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU @ WITH COCA-COLA ITD: HIGHWAY NO. 12 AT BROOKLIN | YONGE ST. AT NEWMARKET 385 BLOOR ST. West OSHAWA 723-2733 "----"PHONE 655-3311 PHONE 895-6781