rf THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Februcry 26, 1963 9 Chamber Rid To 3 s Com- unl merce was formed in 1928 with omm a membership of 483. During the past 33 years it has done much Every community needs some|'° help the growth of Oshawa. educational and cultural lines. overall organization which pro- Both the eT one motes civic pride and economic/sion and Community ac- growth; which helps the com- tivities had their beginnings s_ |Eimity to compete with other|with the Oshawa Chamber: of ep er S communities in attracting in- i dustry, commerce and_ ail the progressive things needed in altees ie = growing community. Fine irm The Chamber of Commerce j Movement came into existence|Oshawa as a ; to give expression to the busi-/commercal re - "s Meat Market has|ness man's natural instinct tojeducational meeds of Oshawa, ed Oshawa and District|improve the market and thelair service for Oshawa, promo- families for over 18 years with|community of which he is ajtion of Oshawa for new indus- the best in meats and personal|Part. try, building civic pride, "Know service. oor as a .y- Ey an Oshawa Better", "Boost Osh- : emphasiz _|dynamic changes in our s awa", dat artis fee his pork ton and economic order, Chambers) at the present time there are somltkere 'are two 'Shephard's|%, Commerce have becomelover 500 members in the Osh- Seat Markets in Oshawa to Community Organizations". Jawa Chamber of Commerce. for operation in t provide this personal service. A Chamber of Commerce is 8/phey are concerned and inter- District which includes Peter- "Meat makes the meal ana ----, a of the ested in keeping Oshawa a pro- : : ' t/ business community. gressive community. They are ay taaes te as pant Shephard's make the meat,"| 'The Chamber of Commerce is\qoing. this through their pro- . says Mr. Shephard. le. People predominantly of needs seven years. Mr. World is a people. People p a gram of work. A city a Vice - President of Boy Scout | Top branded meat, expertly|the business community, al-|healthy eccnomic and civic cli- District Council, Director of |Selected, properly aged and|though others are not necessar-|mate to compete. The members Ontario County Canadian |professionally prepared is whatlily excluded. There is a place| of the Oshawa Chamber of Com- Club, member of the Rotary |customers are in the, habit oflin Chamber of Commerce effort/merce are making sure . that Club' "Charter member of |Teceiving at Shephard's Meatifor all those who have the de-loshawa continues to have a NOMA, Lakeland Chapter, |Market. aie to inprove ae tone bs nee strong progressive outlook with member of the American Gas | Shephard's Meat Market also| The Chamber merce theslastic. cilia Association, member of the |provides a home freezer serv- organizes and directs the ener-/en * Canadian Gas Association |ice with custom cut meat being gies of those who believe, that] The members of the Oshawa and also the Natural Gas and | supplied. a community is worth living in,|Chamber of Commerce believe Petroleum Institute. Mr.| During the past 18 years Mr.lis a community worth improv-|that in making Oshawa a sound World sees as some of the |Shephard has renovated his|ing. It enables its members to progressive city that they are objectives for the Chamber |present store several times and|accomplish collectively what no helping to keep Canada a strong in the forthcoming year, an |last year he opened a new storejone of them could do individual- increase in the membership, 'at 909 Simcoe street north. ly. MR, CARNIE MR. SHERIDAN MR. O'DONNELL i MR. HOWE Vice President General Manager Office Manager - Sales Manager THE MEN BEHIND COMMERCIAL FOOD MART OFFER YOU CANADA'S MOST COMPLETE FOOD PLAN... We offer you the oportunity to compare our complete list of prices against any and all competition before any sales representative calls at your home. We carry a complete line of staples such as flour, sugar, etc. Since the average family buys only one freezer in a lifetime it will pay you to investigate the COMMERCIAL FOOD MART PLAN. Sample Onder MEATS - FISH SPECIALTY ITEMS BEEF 3--1 ib. pkgs. Cod 1--4 Ib, Frears Assorted Biscuits 2--3 Ib. Rump or Sirloin Roaste 3--1 Ib. pkgs. Ocean Perch 1--2 Ib. Wagstaffs Strawberry Jam 2--3 Ib. Prime Rib Roasts 3--1 Ib. pkgs. Smoked Fillets 1--2 Ibs. Wagstaffs Raspberry Jom 2--=3 Ib. Short Rib or Blade Roasts 4--1 Ib. pkgs. Commercial Coffee 10--1 Ib. pkgs. Assorted Steaks JUICES 1--10 ox. jor Maxwell House 9--1 Ib. pkgs. Lean Minced Beef 12 Tins -- Orange Juice Instant Golyen 3--1 Ib. pkgs. Stewing Squares 6 Tins--Gropefruit Juice 2--100 pkgs. Tea Bags 1--16 oz. jor Miracle Whip Salad PORK PROVISIONS Dressing 3--1 Ib. pkgs. Loin Pork Chops 1--3 th. pkg: Prosswoods Wieners DAIRY PRODUCTS i od 8 = ' 3--1 Ib. pkgs. Link Sausage 9 Ibs, first grade Butter ----3 ib. Cottage Ro! 2--1 Ib. pkgs. Beef Liver 4 Ibs. Solo Brand Margerine 3--1-Ib. pkgs. Spareribs 3--1 Ib, pkgs. Side Bacon 2 Ibs. Shortening or Lard POULTRY (month's supply only) aay! po and cones) 1--3 Ib. Roasting or Frying Chicken VEGETABLES : its ' wey osnly! v0l 1--3 Ib. Chicken Legs or Breasts 2--2¥4 Ib. pkgs. Green Peas HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS LUNCHEON MEATS 2--2¥2 Ib. pkgs. Golden Kernel Corn 2-24 & Tid 1--4 Ib. pkg. Green Beans % s. Tide ty ae 13h fi: ey ng : 2--6 6 boxes of Facelle : " a: oz, pkgs. Macaroni & Cheese 1--214 Ib. pkg. Mixed Vegetables ; panes i ' Canada's Steelworkers while striving for a 3--1 Ib. pkgs. Bologne 1--2% Ib. pkg. Carrots oh st totem Meld es 2 Family size Crest Toothpaste better standard of living know that the most recious of Canadian Possessions is our Free IF EATING BETTER FOR LESS IS IMPORTANT TO YOU HAVE ONE OF oii of life with liberty and equality for all . . . OUR QUALIFIED FOOD CONSULANTS HELP YOU TODAY. h " 4 : Working together throughout our land, they bd i bytes: ad noe nh par blag period for an average family of five that may be alter- are dedicated to one goc! above all others... ST = het TOTAL FOOD & FREEZER PLAN Per WEEK to make this nation a great industrial power... 25 THIS INCLUDES A 20 CU. FT. FREEZER and a power ¥ ~ ° world over. % -- y WITH A 10 YEAR GUARANTEE OTHER PLANS AVAILABLE AS LOW AS 12.50 WEEKLY | yurreo steewworxers ot america | COMMERCIAL FOOD MART 75 RICHMOND ST. W., OSHAWA SCARBORO -BARRIE LOCAL 1500-LOCAL 1817 C.L.C. LOCAL 2784. 728-7331 . . . BRANCHES IN AT 2-6601 PA 6-1831