16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Februcry 26, 1963 Carpet Firm - Keeps Busy Oshawa's newest and most|carpet sales consultant with ee Bas seer? , eee complete carpet centre, The| various stores, Sone in the Oshawa area and|Angus-Graydon Carpet Co., lo-) The main floor showroom 1s in General Motors of|cated at 282 King street west) jaid out in a manner to display, Canada Limited. opened their doors to the public|in one look, a major portion of The school is located at 5244|on Sept. 6, 1962. their rugs and carpets including Simcoe street north and has| 'The reception we received in|some excellent handmade im- more than 40 students enrolled|Oshawa was above all expecta-|ported carpets from India and in its many courses at the|tions, said Angus Parsons,|Persia, while the lower level is present time. Any business sub-| who, with his brother Mr. Grav-|entirely devoted to paint, wall. ject a student wishes to learn|don Parsons own the store. The) paper, tile and vinyl inlaid floor- is taught at the school. latter is no stranger to the Osh-| ing, School Has Top Record Canadian School of Business Progress Seen In Education In Stride With Oshawa's Progress Ed Mothersill wishes to thank all pro- executed by the Oshawa Board of Education. The opening of this school in wa: ED MOTHERSILL MCVI last ember far ex- ceeded expectations with 936 students registering. Opening of the MCVI relieved' Administrator - conditions at the O'Neill Col- legiate and Vocaticnal Institute,) An addition to the Dr. F. J. J, ROSS BACKUS Classes may be taken -either| awa public as he has served the dition to the ab e during the day or in the eve-|district for many years as a eae enter Hog snd ' ning and the tuition rate is the Gryles Glar a cone hams of the people of Oshawa and Dis- -- expensive M Ht Fi decorating service. Both Angus jacanadlan School of Busines ette rirm nas Grareon ome well qualities trict who have made NU-WAY is the only institution noe i province of Ontario which offers I G Their rug and upholstery; Preourse in advertising adminis} 48 WAFOWING = {eieaning 'plant, staffed with PHOTO SERVICE one of the lead- tration, Once a one - man show, Osh- skilled men, and the most mod. Lp ae _ Boe Fone: awa's Mette Plumbing now has pies pray fe oo over- modern equipmen | ee: me says Mr. Graydon Parsons, j H oe oe © otices on Celina street andl ine 'ne continues: "Wer ase ing photo services in the area. Anyone who has taken courses ines at a monnnd'h uotion pleased to be so busy in this Ane at the business school may re- Pie firm was stacted is 1951| highly competitive field. We feel : Beard. of Réacation page x bigest ged bee = by Val Mette, who operated that yg hd so eae of the a refres' . id trust of the public". ing a fee. a ne pes a. The pis ce ie "mer. cpoyd Fie princpal of tl ing company. Pen ehandising policy" has won na. FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE where a shift system had been|Donevan Collegiate Institute is|§ ils who work hard and are| Three months after he started tional acclaim and was cited in imag in operation. Transfer of tech-|now under. construction. Six new a '5 Gan ething willl his business, Mr, Matte says, he| 'Home Goods Retailing", a Na. mioal shops from this school to|class sonan wil be sited and a himest assuredly find a. posi-\began hiring "staff, He now has| tional trade weekly. * PHOTO Fl ISHI G 'urther ve| cafeteria, i i dadenis and teachers somelfacilities is expected early this|tion upon graduation, a staff of three. Since the opening of their H Hurricai . elbow room. year. e says Hurricane Hazel, that|store, many Oshawa and dis- Since last September the MCVI has been an attraction for many educational officials from all over the province, not cnily because of its physical qualities, The opening of the Hillsdale School has done much to relieve the Dr. S. J. Phillips School and Coronation School. Enrolment at the new school is 241. These Nu Way Photo Wins Praise wake of destruction didn't turn into good business for his com- pany. Mr. Mette's best business, he struck Ontario in 1954 leaving a/trict citizens have had the op- portunity of meeting the Par. sons brothers who don't believe in "High Pressure" selling. The quiet atmosphere of their store ©@ FILM DEVELOPING but also because of its organiza-|pupils were accommodated at ton. It is one of the first schools|the Phillips School and Corona- in the province that introduced|tion School until Christmas. the Robarts Plan, which was o| Expension of go into operation in the lower/school facilities says comes during wintertime| invites the public to see and se- Oshawa amateur photograph-|after big freezeups. lect the latest in top "brand ers find Nu Way Photo Service, He said homeowners whose|/names" at complete ease. elementary|251 King street east, a practical|pipes freeze up call him to} The Angus-Graydon Carpet is an almost] way, . producing the finished a en ~ with his special ca wie its skilled staff and ades in many other schools|continuous process. Two more/Product. electric pipe thawer. splendid management are look- fast September. Integration of|additions are being planned for| This is the only photo service| Thought to be the only one of|ing forward to a prosperous * technical and academic courses|this year, a four-room addition|in Oshawa which develops andlits kind in the city, its the envy| year. ; has been made feasible by the|to the Adelaide McLaughlin|prints amateur rolls right there|of other Plumbers in Oshawa. It fact that they operate in the|School and a four-room addition|in the studio and for wholesale|was specially imported and same building. to the Dr. C. F. Cannon School prices. saves time and trouble for the The latest in Kodak equipment! Mette plumbers who use it NEW PLAN is used by owner and manager . ow, Not only at the MCVI, but also Company motto is: "We sell Still Serving the Citizens of Oshawa ~ and District! and District! SET8 SWIMMING MARE, |mdvin J. Mothers the best, and service the rest."" 1945 - 1963 at the other Oshawa h| PERTH, Australia (Reuters)| During the winter months Nu echools programs under sare --Satoko Tanaka of Japan set al way Photo Service can be call- For The Past 18 Years The Cadillac Hotel has enjoyed NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE 251 King Street East Phone 725-0364 plan are now being offered. All| World swimming record of two|eq "a cme man operation with|Printer has been added to Mr. four collegiates offer four and|minutes 28.9 seconds for the/Mrs, Mothersill helping. But/Mothersill's equipment. five year courses in the Arts|women's 220-yard backstroke) when summer rolls around and| All types of color film are and Science branch, while in ad-|here Monday night. Miss Tan-|shutterbugs are on the loose|handled but not done in the dition four and five year courses|aka's time also set a world rec-|again, extra help is taken on. |Shop. They are sent to Toronto. in the Business and Commerce|ord for the slightly shorter 200] More than 5,000 rolls are de-|| Mr. Mothersill has been in the branch are offered at the OCVI.| metres event. In both cases she| veloped during a summer month|business for 10 years. He has Technology and Trades is offer-|clipped seven-tenths of a second|and approximately 10,000 snap-|worked from his present loca- ed at the MCVI, and also the|from the records she estab-|shots are produced in a summer|tion for the past eight years. one and two year occupational|lished herself in Sydney eight! week's work. Previously his shop was located Programs. days ago. _ Since iast Christmas a contactlat 10 Richmond street east. Why Are People Buying From AN GU S$ {5 RAYD 0 N ? The Position of Being one of Oshawa's Finest and most Popular Hotels! A Message From The Management! The Management Wishes to Extend an Invitation to all The Public of Oshawa and Vicinity. For all occasions we will extend to you Our Personal Service ! Come and Enjoy our Modern Dining Room Facilities . . . Featuring Our Business Men's Lunch at 95c. All Modern Rooms at Reasonable Rates. Bath and Shower in Every Room. Special Weekly Rates. At this time we would like to thank our many residential and indust- rial clientele for the wonderful reception we have encountered dur- ing our first year in business. We believe, that by living up to the policy statement below will benefit both the client as well as our- selves, as we have experienced during the past. For the future, we will strive to serve you better, if possible, OUR POLICY STATEMENT: We pledge to give our clientele the best possible advice in all matters within our field of business . . . to give our clients the best value per dollar spent . . . to never misrep- resent our merchandise . . . to give you courteous service before, during and after the sale . . . to refund your money within a reasonable time, if goods are not satisfactory . . - to give the best workmanship possible . . . to guarantee our merchandise ... to conduct our business to the best of our knowledge and in an ethicol manner. Ancus-(GGRAYDON CARPET COMPANY 282 KING ST. W. PHONE 728-9581 Excellent Facilities for .. . e BOWLING BANQUETS ¢ STAFF PARTIES ¢ CLUB MEETINGS = © WEDDING RECEPTIONS, etc. CADILLAC HOTEL LIMITED 394 Simcoe St. South Oshawa 725-3743