oe ee ee ee ane Women Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, February 26, 1963 'tion Home and Schooi Associa: Little Theatre Presents. Play A' 4&S Meeting A large gathe: -' was welcomed by Allen, president of ti -* parents|of the responsibility in the J. A.|rearing of a child. -orona-|. Th Dr, Jackson's summary of the play bé defined that chil. A. ee IODE MAKES PRESENTATION TO SCHOOL Mr. 8. T. Finbow, vice- picture of Her Majesty t he pal of R. S. McLaughlin § 'veen, presen:=1 on behal* of liegiate and Vocational the Golden Jtbiiee Chapter, Institute, is seen receiving a IONE, by Mes. Joha Vivash, 'tion, at its February meécting. Mrs. Roy Rhodes announced the program. Dr. C. H, Jack- Son, psychologist for the Mental Health Clinic, introduced the playlet, "Fresh Variable Winds", presented by the Osh- awa Little Theatre, Members of the cast included Marjorie Rob- ertson, Gwen O'Regan, Ted Farrow and Geoffrey Crooks. The scéne portrayed @ domes- vicé-Tfegent ani. education secretary of the order. Oshawa Times Photo \tie scene with disciplinary pfob- UNITS, GROUPS AND AUXILIARIES \lems, involving two children from different homes, one par- ent from each home and an aunt, It emphasized the neces. MTH SCOUT MOTHERS' AU.X The February meeting of the lith Oshawa Scout Mothers' the Seniors, Mrs, Thomas Kerr in charge ofj¢rt Aldsworth and Mrs. Keith)sily for a father to take some |McMahon. Catherine Rubertson,| dren can be ifflueneed without any form of punishment for misdeeds, A discussion period followed. Mrs. Richard Donald thanked Dr. Jackson. The minutes were read by! Mts. John Schmara, vice-presi- dent, and the treasurer's report | was given by Mrs. William Sel- |by. Mrs. Allen thanked Mrs. W. R. Mills, 'social . convener, for her efforts, Mrs. Peter Ritzie will be social convener for the remainder of the year. Mr. William Selby, member-| jship convener, reported there! |ate 75 members on the list and a number of donations hve been The Oshawa DISTINGUISHED GUESTS A Couneil Knights of. Columbus held a highly successful Mardi Gras in St. Gregory's Auditorium | on Friday last. Some of the ob Se guests ate seen above with the dance chairman, Anthony Meringer. From the léft aré Métifiger ahd Mrs. Meringer; Grand Knight Francis Ganzi, Mrs. Michael Starr and the Whitby Council, and Mrs. Honorable Michael Starr MP; Ceanzi; Deputy Grand Knight Oshawa Council Anthony TTEND K OFC MARDI GRAS Mrs. James Tracey and trict Deputy James Cobourg. Oshawa Times Phot received. Auxiliary was held at the Com- munity Hall, Thornton's Cor- fiers. Mrs. Harty Sliter, extend- ed a welcome to all. There were 15 present with a representa: tion from the group committee. . Mrs, Everett Coedy, stamp eonvener, asked the members to continue saving stamps for posting to Ottawa to aid Scout work with the handicapped. Mrs. Arthur Joynt gave an ac- count on the Father and Son Mrs. Britton told of the course of study and the study book which is enjoyed by the children one Sunday a month and had a display of materials used. Mrs. F, A, Getz presents a mission: ary program tc the-senior Sun- day School once a month and described work done and the support given, Mrs. Ross Mackie thanked the speakers. Mrs, J, L. Pegg presided for the business session and an- UAW AUX: 27 The UAW Ladies' Aux. 27 met recently at the UAW Hall with the president, Mrs. George Thomson, presiding. Mr. Allan Schraeder spoke on the coming elections. A donation of $50 will be sent} to the Heart Fund. | correspondence. | Westmount UCW | Discusses Budget | At Group Meeting The ing for Roll call was taken by Mrs.| Schmara and the pafents at-! tendance count was won by ner. meet-| Mrs. Richard Donald, Mrs. | regular general Westmount theeting ad welcomed Miami Honeymoon Follows Murray-Hamilton Wedding jies and a corsage of gold roses |The bridegroom's mother chose The Roman Catholic. Church champagne brocade with pink Miss Luxton's room. Miss Lux-| of §t. Gregory the Great was|seed pearls. A crown of crys.| ton was presented with the ban-/the setting for the tharriage re- |cently of Kathryn Ann Hamilton and Kenneth Joseph Murray, UOW was| Howard Vann and Mrs. Joseph{both of Oshawa. The bride is the held Tuesday, February 19, at) France will serve on the nomin-|daughter of Mrs. Harold Hamil- Mrs. Clifford Pilkey read the)g p.m. in the church hall. Mrs./ ating committee. A number of|ton, Oshawa, and the bride. |Kenneth Markle opened th e| prizes remaining from the card! groomi's parents are Mr. and night will be auctioned at the Mrs. Elwood G: Murray of King. Banquet held on February 16, Mrs. Thomson spoke of the se bowling tournament and ban-|members, then called on Mrs. March meeting. | ston. | Restaurant, Simcoe self-appliques embroidered With) accessories and a pink corsage tals and pearls held a bouffant| veil of illusion and she carried a bouquet of red roses and ste- phanotis. The bridesmaids, Miss Joan Murray, Kingston; Miss Rose Marie Murray, Peterborough, and Miss Laurie Smyth, Ogh- street north. The bride's mother re. ceived in green silk chiffon over taffeta with matching accessor- The honeymoon was spent in Miami, Florida, and the couple are making their home in Osh- wa. For travelling the bride wore a three-pieté double-knit aqua and white suit, a brown topcoat; collared in mink and an ore! corsage. ; Guests wete present froth .|Brooklin, Myrtle, Kingston, Belleville, Peterborough, Sim- coe, Toronto, Kitchener and .|Port Hope. GOT GENERAL USE - owing api hg inte genéral use in North Atherieg about the time of the American Civil War. y! oe ACADIAN | CLEANERS Odourless Cleaning Shirt Specialists © Pick-up and Delivery rviee © Drive in Service © Same Day Service Vaults on Premises PHONE 728-5141 299 BL nounced the World Day of Pray- er in Centre Street Church on Mrs. Gordon Reid introduced|Friday, March 1, at 2.30 and the guest speaker, Mr. W .L.!7.39 o'clock. The next UCW Pierson, who is known in Osh-|meeting will be on Thursday, awa for his acive work in the/warch 21 at 2, Mrs. D. D. Scout Movement for the pastistorie presented plans for a 50 years. Mr. Pierson gave alpurret supper, "April in Paris" talk on the start and growth of|t) be held on Saturday, April Scouting in Oshawa, and wasle trom 4.30 to 7.30 for which acquainted with Thornton's Cor-licpets will be available. Mrs. awa, were gowned alike in ang tigue gold peau de soie with scoop necklines, three-quarter length sleeves and belied skirts. Headdresses of gold roses and pearl petals held their circular veils and Wedgewood blue iris ahd yellow shasta daisies com. prised their bouquets, Mr. James Jordan of West Hill was best man and tishering were Donald Sheehey, Oshawa, ahd John Murray, Kingston. A teception was held in the Rendezvous Room of the Plaza quet to be held in Brantford, |Harry Bennett, leader of Unit 1,) Refreshments were supplied] The Reverend A. G. Ques. ON Fee et ce tt ee Mes-lyy the mothers of Miss Elliot's|nelle officiated. Mr. John| available for 4 few more to go.\Carl Morgan assisted at the/.nq Miss Luxton's rooms, with|Driscoll, organist, played the Please call Mrs. John Gwil-/piano, The meditation was €f-|srade mothers, Mrs.~Joseph|wedding miusi¢ atid accompan- liams or Mrs. Reginald Ellis. {titled "Making Religion Real. \Maga, Mrs. W. R. Lean andlied Mrs. William Kinsman, s0lo- Miss Eva Latham, director bad gg feton bad received' social convener, Mrs. Peteriist, ' Women's Activities, New Demo-|the collection. Mr. en Ander-|p;,.; | : : cratic Party, spoke to the mem-|son showed a film entitled "ppis| Ritzie, in charge. The belie was gived in x bers and stressed ihe impor jis Fg ogg ig the Reset PRETTIEST WIDOW aa" Miko Mee bitde's pio ance women can play in poli-jen ran 'ard = commentat-) Y |to . * ties and the life of the com-|ing and a discussion period -fol-| In 1759 George Washington|ding gown was a full-length ners, having been Scoutmaster munity. \lowing. married Martha Dandridge Cus-|sheath of peau de soie with an - | Fs ] at ' : G. D, Andrews will be in charge Refeshments were sctved by| Mrs, Kenneth Markle presid-|tis, described by an acquaint- te ee oes ee there from 1920-1930. The pic-\o¢ gecoratin ' F g and Mrs. J. R. ed over the business meeting.|@fce as "the prettiest and rich- tures in his scrap book were of Leng in charge of publicity The|Mrs. Ellis and her committee. a Perey cal coat Ge perp est widow in Virginia." at the waist and heokline with e eile Ah. aschae Paka eat interest to the members. ts. Joynt thanked Mr. Pier.|Flower Fund Tea will bie utes and Mrs. Gordon Brown,| #0n May 15, Conveners have been he treabuter'é report [ appointed for the bazaar which) : and thanked all those who had assisted. PAINT AND WALLPAPER HOUSEHOLD HINT Snags in stockings Mrs. Reid and group served will be on Friday, November 1. refreshments. nelnainbaned . a by es. nts were serv {TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX.| jan § conv ip be! Mr. Jack Ballentine, treas- jurer of the church and a mem-| § ber of the Stewards, explained) avoided by drying the hosiery inside a towel which is placed The monthly meeting of the 7th Oshawa Scout Mothers Aux- iMary was held on Wednesday afternoon in St George's Parish Hall, Centre street, with Mrs. Jon Jenkins, president, presi- ding. Minutes and roll call were given by Mrs. John Kitchen and treasurer's report by Mrs. Stan- ley Painter. The Father and S0n banquet ts to take place on Febuary 23. Mrs, Robert Cormeal, Akela for A Cub Pack, was reported | to be in hospital. Mrs. Jenkins introduced Scout- ; master C. H. Collard who gave @ talk on scouting and showed a | film of the 1961 and 1962 Scout Camp at Halibarton. Mrs. Ger- | dl Sloggett thanked Mr. Col- a Refreshments were served by Mrs. Harold Davis. ST. ANDREW'S UCW | The monthly meeting of St. Andrew's UCW was held in the common room with Unit 9 in charge of the worship, pro- am and refreshments. Mrs. bert Aldsworth presented the worship service on the theme | that love freely given will be freely returned. Mrs. Lawrence ; gang "Jesus, Thou Joy of lov- me. hearts'. rs. . T.. E. Sutherland pre- sented three speakers on junior activities, Miss Sally Arm: strong spoke on the executive, | @ims and program of the Hi C | under their leaders, Mr. and| | Mrs. Donald McMurtry, Mrs, J. F. Britton is in charge of the Junior Messengers with A HAPPY BOY William Percy Taylor is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Taylor, Orchard View bou- levard. His grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Menar, Unit 9 convened by Mrs. Rob- ANN LANDERS Goldfish Secret May Leak Out i Dear Ann Landers: I am 10; Promise mom you'll take Nal years old. My name is Bobby. 1) responsibility for the care of the| have always wanted a dog but|fish. The water should be my mother says dogs are too|changed and the bowl should be much trouble and I'll have to|washed regularly. wait until I get married andthen| Dear Ann Landers: I'm 28, my wife will have the job. I/single, and have been keeping was even willing to settle for a) -ompany with a man 36, He has cat but mom wouldn't go for|been married twice but neither that either. marriage worked out. Fortun- I am not figuring on getting) alely ie has no children. married for quite a while so 1 I'm a little overweight and imade a compromise almost. I)could not win any beauty con- |saved money out of my allow-|tests. To be honest I never was jance of 25 cents a week and|very popular, even in my \bought two goldfish, I also paid) younger and slimmer days. This 10 cents for fish food. I named|is the only man who has ever one fish de Gaulle and the other|@8ked me to marry him. tish Macmillan because these| Kent is attractive, good com- men are very important in the| pany and gentlemanly. The big news and the goldfish look eal is he gets roaring over a rod to dry. | important characters. crunk two or three times a week My problem is I have kept|and then he's like a different the goldfish in a water pitcher| Person. under my bed since Saturday. I} My girl friend tells me no am afraid mom will find them.|marriage is perfect and that Please tell me how to. break/I'm too fussy. She says one day the news.--BOB I'll regret it. She passed up a Dear Bob: Break the news|chance to marry 10 years ago fast. Two such distinguished|@nd has been kicking herself characters as Macmillan and @ver since. de Gaulle do not belong under} Before you advise me, please the bed. remember the big three zero is rE p breathing down my neck and there is nobody else in sight.-- CHATTANOOGA CHOO COO Dear Choo Choo: A two-time loser who gets knee - walking Grunk two or three times a week could hardly be considered & Spectacular candidate for marriage. Don't marry a man with an unresolved drinking problem or you'll regret it. Tell him if he can dry out (With or without help) and stay off the sauce for 6 months you'll consider mar- niage. But not until. Dear Aza Landers: I am a widow 58 years of age but could pass for 10 years younger. I've been alone for two years, am financially independent and my children are married. Women's clubs, teas and card- parties are coming out of my ears, To put it bluntly I hunger for male companionship, But how can a decent woman let a man know (without appearing brazen and cheap) that she would like to spend some time with him? the church's budget for 1963 comparing it to the 1962 budget and showed the importance of regular envelope giving and the! need for an c tive fund raising year. me | Mrs. Bernard Owen remind-| ed the members of the renewals for the United Church Observer. | Mrs. Alfred Fursey of the liter- ature committee reviewed the hand book, "How to Help Through Understanding," writ- ten by ' Josephine Robertson. Unit 2 leader; Mrs. Frank Ward, reported their group was sponsoring a Variety Night to be held at the church audi- torium March 2. Unit 3 will meet Monday, February 2%, at the home' of Mrs. Harry Gray, 108 Division street and Mrs. Ralph Boneham will take the devotional serv-| ice, A hot roast beef dinner will be held on Saturday, March 16,) 2" in the church auditorium with) % all groups participating. | Mrs. Carl Morgan read the! correspondenec 'in the absence! of the secretary, Mrs. Rupert! Harrison. | The World's Day of Prayer, would be held Friday, March 1,| at Centre Street United Church! w:'* morning, afternoon, ahd) evening sessions. Reports from! the first annual meeting of the! UCW held at Bowmanville were| given by Mrs. Gordon Brown and Mrs. Car} Morgan. | WITH THE SPEED With one local phone call you can reserve a room imme- diately in any Hilton hotel. STAY HILTON IN OSHAWA ASK OPERATOR FOR ZENITH 6-5400 FOR INSTANT RESERVATIONS Of information on Sales Wagon. With all seats tn passenger car. stove to the lake, or cargo space is 42 A fine gentleman I have known for many years lost his wite two weeks ago. I realize it's & little early for him 'o be lone. some, bit how can I let him know I'm around? Tle is very and wait, surely get to him first. Please give me some smart advice YOUNG AT HEART Dear Young: The smartest advice I can give you is to put away your hunting and fishing equipment and relax. If you've known this man for years, he Uxbridge, and Mr. and Mrs. ; knows you're around. Leslie Taylor, Sault Sie ! : Marie. William was 14 months | Nothing is more unattractive old at the time of this pic- |t0 @ bereaved widower than a desirable and if I just sit back! someone else will! and Group Meetings in all || HILTON-STATLER HOTELS | HILTON INNS HILTON HOTELS ABROAD AND OTHER LEADING HOTELS we RESERVATION SERVICE ture. --Phote by Homeby ipr , Over-eager female. '4 Or fold down the back seat and you can go into the cartage business. Take a kitchen to the rink. (If you like figures, the actual maximum load is 705 pounds.) If you want to pack food for the stove, or equipment for the team, there's another luggage compartment under the front hood. (Capacity: 125 Ibs.) One more convenience: this station wagon SRI edging eh RR le I PII NAR jaa "Ba STE " dde da bit more. If you've been waiting for a bigger Volks- wagen, it's here. The VW 1500 Station out of the way. (A Take the 1500 position, it's a five a thoroughbred.) a small hockey team The engine is in cubic feet, and the in winter or boil in the VW 1500 are SABYAN 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH dusty road with a load of lumber. Then give it a wash and it's ready to go anywhere in style. (It's like a workhorse with the lines of Any questions? Like where's the engine? traction, And it's cooled with air instead of water to eliminate cooling system problems. The Volkswagen has no radiator to freeze Performance and economy? The cruising speed and the top speed of has no tailgate. The VW's rear door lifts up hour, yet town and country gas consumption blessing in the rain.) Station Wagon over a . averages 33 mileg per gallon, Standard equipment on the VW 1500. Station Wagon includes bucket seats that adjust to 49. different positions; floor mounted gear shift; fully synchronized gear box; a clock; a side view mirror) windshield Washers; padded dashboard and sun visors; three ash trays; four arm rests. If you've been waiting for a bigger Volkswagen (for a little more money) it's at your nearest VW showroom ready for a test drive. And be prepared for one more surprise. This station wagon 'holds the road like @ sports car. the back to give better summer, the same, 80 miles per MOTORS TEL; 723-3461