v THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Februcry 27, 1963 m1 president, Mrs. Petley, it was lounge, | The oldest piece of music ex-| 18th century song Sumer is I 10 J Soroptimists Mark rerved io the auests by "he TINTTS GROUPS, AUXILIARIES |i, osdens. as, Matcoim| tant with Eneish words Is the|men Tne" sal af presiden 7 7 cgregor, welcomed those pre PERSONALS Club's Anniversary) mrs. Bessie Locke, « club sen! end read a poem on "iv. New Battle Over member, gave a demonstration re , |ing". Devotions and prayer was The anniversary party of tw of floral arrangements with Wi cen ae B gyn oe ee Ein Pas gal al taken by Mrs. J. A" Geraiolie, Bi (0 ) hire A,B, clans, Contra Crowye Mrs ES. Aer, Ms soroptmit Cah of Ostawa an|commentary. Agra! Gel lg Scout Moun' ainlat|C. mame formed tect, Meyrawen, eaves). Birth Contro Park boulevard south, has re-|L. M. Champa and Mrs, John|GiSiect Wik Greece otha onlshewn She wae introduced by|Was_ held at the home of Mrs.|mittee in charge of supplies. | Poasunc' © THROF. | ENC PrANet Should birth control knowledge cently 2 sg ad go eg Matheson. Thursday night. Head table|Miss Kelly and thenked by payer gn Pig Mrs Maur. Br ere hing ia ae in Brace yee. | ghd tbe. means to make it five weeks with her brother, i { ice Gray, presiding arge arch meeting y ' F Mr. Peter Grandison, of Nagh-|,,D'. and Mrs. §. J.P illips, ital) ern Sodet ot thell, iOfMrs. R. J. W. Mackie. | 'hore were 13 paid members|with Mrs. William Alien and her, The World Day of Prayer shelve be sends aveiietn ville, Tennessee. While there Masson 'street, returned Sunday b i skaney: ira Olive pa. A report on the registrations) .14 two guests present, abelstants, meeting at Centre street church| al! families who want it? Who they motored to Fort Pierce, ja age -- ne ley, Miss Jennie Pringle, Miss Delt ag ager gg iooing Mrs, Gray read an article un| The "Eagle Patrol and her as-| 25 announced. in the community should supply '» Florida, where Mr. Grandison)iiey spent four days in San|Madeline Kelly, and Miss Mary)after, was given by the presi-|Parliamentary procedure, which|sistants convened the refresh- eg Leslie Beecroft took the inforthation? Read in March participated in the professional Petts and three days in|Lee. Also at the head table] qent 'and arrangements complet- had been mailed to-ali auxiliar-| nents. t tudy on Formosa which Read ler's Digest about the golf tournament at Port St.| vancouver. were the. guest speaker, Mrs.Jeq for manning the registration|!¢S by Mrs. Gordon Varnum, KNOX Was was followed by a film "Double| bitter conflict raging over this Lucie. On their return trip they Bessie Locke and president|gesk during the conference president of the District Coun- ; by a Hundred" shown by Mrs. complex problem. Get your visited Mr. and Mrs. William] yy. and Mrs. KE. J. Silver,|Miss Evelyn Moore. 'An keitetlod wis waved ad wilhtle The February meeting of the|Dancey. Mrs. Milton McEachern| Cony of Reader's Digest today Duncan, who. are spending the|Kendal avenue, have returned|, Following the cutting of the| 3), members to tena the open|,. Te minutes were given by| Afternoon Auxiliary of the WMS/Was commentator. -- 86 btticles of lasting interest winter at St. Petersburg,|from a three-week visit with|birthday cake by the charter] ving of the Rehabliltarion Mrs, Raymond Barbers. Shejof Knox Presbyterian Church; Mrs, Mc. Gregor closed the : Florida. their son, Mr. Lorne Silver, Conteredéa in Simcoe United|2!so read a letter from Courtice|was held recently in the church\meet'rg. ; é Mrs, Silver, 'Steven and Tom-|wick, returned last weekend|Church at 8.00 p.m. on Febru-|United Churon, Mrs. Peter Teas, birthday parties, wed-)my, at DeLand, Florida. Mr./after vacationing in Miamilary 28 when Dr. Gustave Gin ; ding ayer ica ge come ae and a: tae ine seit Florida, for two weeks. gras of Montreal will be the|tor of the Montreal Rehabilita- goings of guests are always of|panied on their trip by their ker. He i ti irec-' tion Institute. interest in this column. Write,|daughter, Mrs. Donna Copeland| The speaker at the March |e cee ere ete ee telephone or visit the social]and her daughter, Kathy. re = -- sey gs ; ith your item of ian Temperance will be| gage tally i nol Mrs. Harold Tripp, Celina)Mrs. C, H. Jackson of the Men-| Ladies! Be First! i street, had as her guests lastital Health Clinic. Mrs. Stanley] charge. Telephone 723-3474, a. week her daughter and grand-)Gomme will be the soloist and) Do your decorating early. Let us show Mrs. W. J. Goodswan opened|son from Paris, Ontario. Mrs-|Mrs, Howard Brown will lead ou' the latest in fashionable home a Night of Cards last Wednes-| Lewis Plodzien and Richard An-|the devotional period. decorating ideas, using the finest day evening at Christ Memorial|drew. While here, the members paints and the very tatest wallpaper Church, sponsored by the 6thjof Mrs. Plodzien's kniiting club) 364 Wilson Ra. patterns: Parent Committee. Mrs. Percy|presented. Mrs. Plodzien with aj RUDY'S $. -- 728-7021 i . Tresise and Mrs. Ralph Pinder|number of gifts at a baby) Oshewa's Only ASK FOR YOUR convened the refreshments. The| shower. I EXCLUSIVE HAIRSTYLING FREE COLOR SCHEME Percy Callies, Sats. ie _ Mrs. Michael Coe, Ritscr| FOR MEN PRESTO DECORATING ' th, and her sisters, Barber Shop SUPPLIES Cullough, Mrs, Faye Pritchard, road sou featuring: Hairstyling Mrs. George Edwards, Mrs.| Neva Fred McDonald. Amherst e Hair 'Colouring @ Hair Pieces I] 19 BOND WEST 723-4922 Trichol P Angus MacDonald, Mrs. Helen'Reid, Lancaster, New Bruns- dere. Ae die edad Gin = AB Right. Last three give Me days at Starr Furniture. We're Ge up our 10th anniversary sale with " FA wis tremendous slashing event. Hundreds more STORE HOURS | items to choose from. We expect to be rather busy, so shop ; early for your bargain buy. Opens Thurs. - Fri. and Sat. | Our best selling line. Made in Canada by General 'Til 10:00 p.m. j Freezers. SAVE AT THIS RIDICULOUS PRICE. For Your Shopping 1 AV E | ; Convenience \e $ $ s U ee ER % $ $ R aes | RNER KING & RITSON Da co |. BIG 17/2 CUB. FT. i | Stores months of food for the smaller family. f } 3 Fully guaranteed, Buy at high season prices and FRESH ib ' C | save on food and your freezer MEATY a | THE BIG BOLD 22!2 CUB. FT. MAPLE LEAF BRAND | Here's the ideal Freezer for the larger family. § Stores tremendous amount of food, BY THE les This Model sells for as high as 450.00. PIECE * | * | Turkey Legs & Thighs b AY ----__FREEZER FEATURE |Whole Loin of Pork « 59- CUT UP INTO CHOPS AND ROASTS TO YOUR OWN SPECIFICATIONS Lean Meaty Lean Butt : CHICKEN CHICKEN : is -- N\ : roncnaeKs | gg | pork chors | wine" 3, 1.00 | Sos. 3. 99° a * TELEVISION NEW KING'S BUCKINGHAM | The cream of the crop. Specially The Rutherford i purchased for this anniversary, The : f Biggest, The Most Beautiful, The MODEL 4874. This fine walnut cabinet . carton Queen of all Stereos, Feoutres: F.M. houses the Philco 23' bonded picture tube eeeene2020200 0 e Af and AM. Dimensions: 58" % 17" x : : : 30. Soft Lustre, Rich Walnut finish, j allowing safe, glare free viewing. Two 5 gs d Type "A" Ch 30 Watt speakers provide dual fidelity sound, Addi- JAY'S FANCY QUALITY vat tue function. : } : tional Philco features for more reliable per- cs? "PRICE $650.00, j formance include ladder grid tubes, -- ° ' ) in aerial, high voltage power, black leve' TOMATO JUICE 48-oz. tin , 4 for a >. $200 OFF ' al control, gated AGC and a new Safeguard system, SUNBRITE NG Perfect pictures in contemporary design U Ban 4 highlight the Rutherford. = = 1 Ib. pkq. . . » 92° aluminized tube. Extended life receiv- ; eceoeoseeove0eee pkg © i Piet ton ing tu WIN A TRIP CONTEST -- COMPARE WITH 77c¢ b ae: Ty volts Oy eae Gs |MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE =: 63: LAUNDRY RINSE--Compare at 85¢ FOR MEN ONLY BAKERY FEATURES Spruane's Old Fashioned Fleece rar 75¢ % 1.98 Value -- Gilette Foaming : : Sunbea i Bread Mix Loven Phy 4 65¢ E RY ITEM ne le Cea (shina gga RM Are VE Black Pepper 22 29° and 15 Super Blue Blades ous 10 TO PKG. Macaroni 18. 33c PKG. SOT Sap ot? fr Ae FROZEN FOOD Set SG. OF 9Q¢ ees IN THE STORE {/ By Westinghouse LUNCHEON SIZE FEATURES Do-Nuis i = Soa 10 oars99° Serviettes 2%, 39¢ P BARS " Another Anniversary Give Away. r Air-Wick SCOTTIES--Compare ot 2 fer 372 | Bong Zi, KONOMY Qe ee i Instant Spray ai V7 REDUCED b4- vou puy at Tissues 200° 29¢ BAG Cheese Slices pxc 32° Specie B . MIXED--Supreme Brand os be Off While They Last LAMP LIGHTERS 2-LB. BAG 12¢ Off -- Staffords FOR AUTOMATIC DISHWASHERS ff SPECIAL Vegetables rconiomy al Hot Chocolat iv 39° | Cascade nc. 63° | COME EARLY G.E. 25 - 40 and 60 watt Supreme Brand--ECONOM Dad's---OATMEAL--Reg 66c Value Thrift--LIQUID Light Bulbs 4so. 89° | French Fries 2° 55¢ | Cookies 2reec49° | Detergent "29% 29° FOR THESE SELECTED . BARGAINS AW ah &S SPROULE'S Gurcn.) _ SUPER SAVE AVE * | AI Ritson Rd. S. corner of KING at RITSON ROAD, OSHAWA a } _ 723-3343