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Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Feb 1963, p. 15

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- SWEDISH CURLERS AT CAN Two members of the 27- above. They are obviously in member party of visiting Swe- doubt and find the Canadian - @ish curlers, who are touring broom strange. Oshawa's Al ' Canada and passed through Toronto last week, are shown "Parky" Parkhill, former OCA president, is shown holding the SET-UP Swedish-type broom while the two visiting curlers, Marie Bruneflod, Ulla Odlund, right, are holding "strange" Canadian brooms. --(AP Wirephoto) left, Ann- and WINNIPEG (CP) -- "If we should win the Canadian title we could set curling in Scotland back 40 years," said the skip. of Manitoba's championship rink. "Imagine, two left - handed Jews and two Ukr: rep- resenting Canada." The humorous reflection came from Hersh Lerner, a 29-year- old lawyer who will skip the Manitoba entry in the Canadian curling championships starting' at Brandon, Man., March 4, The other left-handed Jew is Lerner's vice - skip, Coleman (Cole) Staniloff. The right-handed Ukrainians who round out the foursome are' second Bob Lemecha and lead Al Dudar, both 22, a pair who) are said to be able to sweep all day and never miss a beat. All are members of the pre-' Oshawa Dairy, Tony's Tied In Juvenile Play By ALLEN BAILEY Tony's Refreshments an NHL BIG SEVEN By THE CANADIAN PRESS Gordie Howe scored one goal in. Detroit's 4-3 loss to New York Rangers Tuesday night and. became the National Hockey League's first player to pass the 30-goal level this sea- dj son. Oshawa Hawks Face Big Test Here On Thurs. Oshawa Hawks will be trying to make it two-straight tomor- row night when the yentertain dominantly Jewish Maple Leaf Curling Club. They have been together seven years and have curled as 'a unit in special bon- spiels prior to this season. But Curlers started as a club rink and curled all the way as a unit. The point of Lerner's remark is, of course, that curling is gen- erally believed to have been in- vented by the Scots (although the Dutch have also entered a claim) and the Royal Caledonia Curling Club of Scotland is still -- upon as the "mother' ro Rg If the Lemer rink. wins the Canadian title it will be invited to Scotland for the annual se- ries of international matches against the Scottish, American and Swedish champions. However, although three of the provincial skips in this year's Canadian championship| Ian. Baird of Nova Scotia, Doug Cameron, of Prince Ed- ward Island and Glenn Harper of British Columbia--have Scot- tish names, Canada-has never yet been represented in the in- ternational tourney by a rink skipped by a Scot. Ernie Richardscn has been abroad several times with his this year, for the first time, champs from Saskatchewan and \International Quartet Hopes To Set Scottish Back 40 Years Hec Gervais has taken his Al- berta rink over once. All the members of the Ler- ner rink except Lemecha are Winnipeg - born. Lemecha, a salesman, was born near Paris of Polish parents and came to Canada in 1949. He and Dudar| started at the Maple Leaf club as juniors. In earning the right to repre-' sem Manitoba, the Lerner rink won its zone competition and then took seven straight games in the double-knockout provin- cial championships before beat- ing Bob Picken's Winnipeg rink in a_ best-of-thrc2 playoff in straight games, 9+ and 17-12, "We don't play any special type of game," says Lerner, re-| ferring to the standard draw or takeout styles. "'We've found we can adapt quickly to whatever conditions we face and never plan on anything until the game starts. "On that swingy arena ice, we just set the rocks up and made them try to knock them THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Pebrucry 27, 1903 15 out. We knew we couldn't a takeout game so we didn't 'ive special sheets were laid in Winnipeg Arena for the pro- vincial championships and com-' petitors agreed the ice ap- peared to change end by end and was almost im) le to} predi ct. The result was that none of the members of the Lerner rink scored impressive percentages of their shots. Dudar hit on 61 per cent, Staniloff 60 and Lem- echa and Lerner 49. Staniloff, who calls himself! the "'old.man" of the foursome, is assistant manager. of a wool- lens-import firm and the en! married member of the a of whose members are c year-round friends. Lerner suffers from chronic asthma and was under constant medication during the provin- cial finals. He'll have his doc- SPORTS OUTDOORS By Bill Bero tor brother Arthur along in Brandon to treat him if he should have an attack during' the Canadian championships, THIS SHOULD BE NEWS! Show Interest In Marsh Restoration OMAHA, Neb. (AP) -- Jack Nebraska and Ben Jensen of Towa and Senators Roman Hruska of Nebraska, Karl Mundt of South Dakota, Wil- liam Fulbright of Arkansas and Jack Miller of Iowa, WILL COACH BATTERS TORONTO (CP) -- Dixie Walker, a former manager of English F.A. Will Import Argentine Soccer Expert adequate result. Tottenham won because they had Scottish inter- national John White at inside right. Never in a hurry on the slippery surface, he controlled the ball beautifully, and split the Arsenal defence with his perfectly timed passes. He was the dominating personality of the game. Leicester City had an expect- ed and easy 3-0 win' over Ips- wich to stay level on points with Tottenham, Everton, in third place, are showing signs of slipping. They were held to a draw by Wolverhampton, and have taken only two points from their last three games. None of the other challeng- ing teams were in action, but at the bottom of the table, Ful- ham, with Johnny Haynes back in England form, won a 3-1 thrilling|victory over Nottingham For- est to secure two valuable points to bring them even with Ipswich second from the bottom. The cellar team, Leyton ; Peacock, an Omaha sportsman, _ Oshawa Dairy moved into the) Howe's 31st goal also fead in the Oshawa Minor/shot him into a tie for the Hockey Association Juvenile/jeague scoring championship League 'round-robin playoffs at/with Stan Mikita of Chicago. the Children's Arena last night./Roth have 65 points, but Howe The Oshawa Dair yldds down-| ranks ahead because of his su- ed Beaton's Dairy 7-1, and) porior goal production. é Frog edged Hayden Macdon-|" 14, Bathgate of New York ald 3-2. collected one assist and moved up a notch, into a third-place tie with Chicago's Bobby Hull and Boston's Johnny Bucyk at 61 points, There were no other changes in the big seven. list. The leaders: Toronto Dow Kings, in the sec- ond game of their two-out-of- three Ontario Senior "B" bas- ketball semi-finals, at Oshawa's Donevan Collegiate, Hawks won the first game in Toronto, Sunday night 66-53 and will be looking to end the series on their home floor. The game will be the 100th battle over the five-year span of the Osh- awa club who have amassed 66 victories, 32 losses and one tie under Coach Fred Whalley, in- cluding two Ontario champion- ships. The Hawks have never lost an OBA play-off game on their home floor and certainly don't intend to break that skein to-\goal average and with one morrow. Big Bob Grier who|more game played than the had a bad night on Sunday/leaders. looked good in practice this} A break in the weather in week and should be a whole lot! some parts of the country en- better on the home floor. abled 24 league games to be Two of the Hawks were|played, but 22 were cancelled. named this week to the Ontario|All of the Scottish first division Senior League' All-Star teams|matches were cancelled, and with Brent Oldfield making the only three played out of nine in first team and Fred Reilly, the|the second division, second. Oldfield will likely draw the checking job on Warren|SPURS SPARKLE Reynolds, the Dow King's big} I watched a truly gun for tomorrow night's game. Of course, a repeat perform-|at ance of the fine efforts by Fred| Arsenal by 3-2 to stay on top of Reilly and Carl Cheski in Sun-jthe league. Spurs had the day's game could finish the To-|sparkle but Arsenal had tena- ronto crew. If the series goes to|city and fight, and a third game, it would be fh would have been a much more says he is getting increased/Toronto's Imternational Base- support for his "foreign aid for|ball League Maple Leafs, will ducks" proposal. rejoin the Leafs og spring Peacock said Monday game training. Walker, in his prime a leading hitter with Brook! directors of Saskatchewan, Man-|Dodgers will, be. batting ta {toba and Alberta have written|structor at the Daytona Beach, him that they are interested in|Fla., camp which opens March his plan to restore marshes and 15. Walker, who is also batting potholes in the Canadian prov-|instructor and scout for Mil- inces with money from the U.S,|Waukee Braves, will be on loan Eighty - five per cent of the|t0 the Leafs as part of the ducks using the central and|Working agreement between the Mississippi flyways are hatched|*Wo clubs. in these areas of Canada where drought conditions have cut deeply into the duck population. With Haynes back in the side, I look to Fulham to pull them- selves up into a higher league position. OTHER DIVISIONS In the other divisions, posi- tions are unchanged. Chelsea lost 10 at Cardiff and the sec- ond place team, Sunderland, went to Derby hoping to win but had to be satisfied with a draw, which shortened Chel- sea's lead to five points, Third division leaders, Peter- borough, were snowed out, and second place Swindon drew at Watford and are now only one point behind the leaders, with a game in hand. Bournemouth; Coventry and Notts County were all winners to tie for third place, one point behind Swindon. Oldham, third division lead- ers, were surpri: beaten 2-1 at Exeter but Brentford lost 3-1 to Darlington, so Oldham re- tain their seven-point at the Orient, drew 1-1 with Manches-|top. None of the other teams in ter City, but are still two points/the first eight were able to below Fulham and Ipswich./play. Herrera will be coming to England in June to play the leading tutorial role at a spe- cial course to be held at Lillie- shall, Argentine-born, raised in Morocco, and famous as man- ager first of Barcelona and now of the Milan team favored for the Italian championship, Herrera is ranked as one of the top personalities in conti- nental football, and the F.A.'s director of coaching, Alan Wade, feels that he can teach English coaches and trainers a great deal. BLANKET FOR ARSENAL Arsenal intend to spend about $40,000 to equip their playing field with an electric blanket like that at Murrayfield in Edinburgh, to keep their pitch in perfect condition despite snow and ice, The wires for it will be laid during the summer and it will be ready for use next winter. In addition, Arsenal plan to have their terraces and stands heated, to instal an extra 6500 covered seats, and to complete- ly cover over t* "= practice pitch, which has a surface of red shale. In all, these impr-ve- ments, to cover the next three years, will cost Arsenal some thing like $360,000, but will make Highbury the most mod- ern football ground in Britain. | Phil Solomon and _ Darryl Leach: fired a pair of goals each to lead Oshawa --Dairy's * attack. Glenn Elliott, Jerry Dionne 'and Doug Sutton each scored a goal. John Plews notched Beaton's lone marker. Eugene Supryka, Gary Kitch- en and Bruce Norton were the Tony's goalgetters in their squeaker over Hayden Mac- donald. Ron Cullen and Ron Chapman scored for the losers. RO OBIN STANDINGS to The Oshawa Times LONDON -- Tottenham Hot- spur are hanging on grimly to the top spot in the first division of the English League, As their closest challengers they have} Leicester City, even with Spurs on points, but well behind on G A Pts $1 34 65 28 27 65 30 31 61 28 33 61 24 37 61 22 38 60 15 44 59 Do you need a LOAN UNTIL PAYDAY ? $50 FOR 2 WEEKS COSTS ONLY 47: Howe, Detroit Mikita, Chicago Hull, Chicago Bathgate, New York Bucyk, Boston Oliver, Boston .|Beliveau, Montreal Gross, Bennett Earn OHA Sr.'A' Silverware GALT (CP) -- Windsor Bull- dog centre Irwin Gross and 'Chatham Maroons goalie Al Bennett nailed down the top in- awards as the Ontario a pepe Association peg A Toront og -|League season came to a close|/oronto, so the Hawks don't -lover the weekend. want to lose this big battle. gg Mg he | Gross wrapped up his second| "im, ,mauld, fend, them into SPORTS IN BRIEF bringing in an, Argentine bora james, the Canadian Amateuistraight league scoring season| yop 1 Starting next football coach, Helenio Herrera Swimming Association an-|titie with a total of 102 points. ; vigor pamnced Sunday. Bennett won the Nat Turofsky I will be interesting to see TRY NEW EXERCISES 'The Games are to be held in| Trophy with a goals-against av- Siw Rtg -- ' - Bg orie TORONTO (CP)--Toronto Ar-| BUFFALO (AP)--The world Paulo, Brazil, from Aprillerage of 2.83. opponents, perform against exchigonauts of the Canadian Foot-ctampion New York Yankees now manager of the top Italian team, Internazionale of Milan, to pass on his soccer know-how pea team: Sandy 'Gil- a Windsor 'clits which tallied other on the Oshawa fioor.|ba!. League plan to use isomet-|will play the International Ralph Hutton, and Jack|299. goals and won the league -- is 8 p.m. at Done-jric exercises when they open|League all-stars in an exhibition egiate. their training camp this sum-|jbaseball game here Aug. 19, to English trainers and coaches. Kelso, all of Ocean Falls, B.C.,/title by four points over Cha- Aldy' "Meinhardt, Vancouver; |tham. The powerful Bulldogs mer. Argos trainer Don Coch-|Tommy Richardson, IL presi- Dan Sherry, Hamilton; and Ed|had seven men in the top eight Nei hborhood ren, who has been studying the|dent, said Monday. The game g subject since last season, has/|Will be played in Buffalo's 34,- The following are results of : Vancouver. ag including the first Cazalet, nh ga! + Mary|three. ..|000-seat War Memorial Stadium, he wens eam sent the players isometric exer-l ie of Buffalo Bisons of the games played on Feb. 21, in the Oshawa Neighborhood Dart : Second to Gross, who led the ; Marjon ' ih th pare ree league in assists with 69, was cise instructions sheets. The ex-|r7, ercises involve tensing of the League -- Southmead No, 1, 4, Rundle No. 1, 1; Fernhill 8, program in Canada. The money' would be, used to build dams and lakes to restore the sloughs] i in southern Saskatchewan and southern Alberta. Peacock said he has been promised the support of Repre- sentatives Glen Cunningham of 1963 JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTORS NOW ON DISPLAY 353 PH. ee SHINS we $50 to $5000 SUPERIOR 17 SIMCOE ST N. 725-6541 Saturday Yo ts coon 'Wednesday to 8:00 p.m. Other evenings by appointment 17 OFFICES IN ONTARIO ALL-STAR GAME SET PITCHER INJURED WEST PALM BEACH, Fila. (AP)--A weird accident gave Jim Constable, left-hander call- ed up from Toronto Maple Leafs : méret, Vancou- linemate Bobby Brown, who gl er Ps picked up 96 points and led the hich flexed b Madeleine Sevigny, Montreal; i in goals with 41. The ei sd ; i = ah and Sharon Pierce, Prince Ru-|Bulldogs captain, centre Lou ther pushing or pulling +> pert, B.C. r. Bendo, was third with 83. against @ solid object or each A spokesman for the associa-|), br rin Wien Ted tea other. roke the Windsor monopoly,|Woodview No. 3, 2: N " f the I t amateur]; . 3, 2; North Osh of the International League last , den boon oF aon rag wicking - 80 Pat ly 39!awa 3, Woodview No. 2, 2: CHOOSE DATE September, the dubious distine- Suoee fo. the" PahvAunerican anna ann 6 ass oo he Foust Rundle No. 2, 3, Storie 2; South-| DAWSON CREEK, B.C. (CP)jtion of being the first Milwau- Games because 'the dates con- ion ene schaitiog with 109 mead No. 2, 3, Woodview No. 1,/The 1968 Canadian indoor speed-|kee Brave to get hurt in spring flicted with their studies. nr gag ; yee skating championships will be('Taining. Constable was batting The three included Sara Bar-| Real Chevrefils. Tomm . Doubles -- L. Cornish 2, J. held in this northeastern British|! an intra-squad game Monday . ber of Brantford, i hdifaieee, Jack Coltalie' an oreo 5. Praag Beak Cotambia community March 18. base cr Ping Pag ri , Saou, Bo, al am, win Short B Sar. oar Pao", OST tee oa Bat te big cage wat S3 points respectively." [Ruth Hopson, O. Clark 2 17 [Seed Skating Assoc'ation, says|peing used and the ball hit an ey ers |": opson, 0. Clark 2, D.Jevery speedskating club in Can-|!?00 ailing and bounced back - ennett, who led in shutouts|Rae, L. Rae, 'T. Rae, H. Fayie|*Ve™, inst to bruise Constable's nose, 7 six, surrendered 130 goals|3, Bubbles Kitchen, L. Cole, B,|202,. 08S been invited to send n 46 starts, 9} Mat skaters. Star Forward Cole, Bob Kitchén 3, N. Pullen 4, F, Donald 2, F. Parsons 2, I. YESTERDAY'S Jimmy Mcllroy BURNLEY, England (AP) -- The Burnley soccer club has). STARS Goulding, J. Goulding, N. Nich- olishen 2, B. Crawford 2, P. Crawford, Mike Wilson, V. Graves 3, R. Harman 3, S. Har- man, T. Hele. etaggered British fans by offer- By THE CANADIAN PRESS Baseball 1 Inning -- R. Har- man 5, B. Crawford 7, N. Nichol- No, 2, 11; Woodview No. 3, 9; Southmead No. 1, 9; Southmead No. 2, 9; North Oshawa 8; Storie 8; Fernhill 7; Rundle No. 1, 6; a No. 2, 5; Woodview jo. , 3 BROWN'S LUMBER & SUPPLIES LTD. "DO-IT-YOURSELF HEADQUARTERS" + tng to sell Jimmy Mcliroy, its . @tar inside forward. The 3i-year-old Northern Ire- Jand international turned up for training at Turf Moor Stadium Monday and was called to the of manager Harry Potts. "Mr. Potts told me that fol- a meeting of the direc- Camile Henry of New York, who scored three goals--one on a penalty shot--as the Rangers came. from behind to beat De- troit Red Wings 4-3. ishen 5, J. Goulding 5, B Lay- coe 5, Bob Kitchen 6, H. Fayle 5, B. Clark 5, L. Shobbrook 5, a" 6, P. Pelow 6, K. Snod- NEW HOMES & HOME IMPROVEMENTS FULL LINE OF BUILDING MATERIALS 725-4704 436 RITSON N. (Where Pavement BRAKE SERVICE Oshawa's FINEST Make! ee tee W. L. HOUSTON 67 KING W. -- PHONE SRE BSE OSHAWA'S TOP TIRE TRADER SMALL TRUCKERS ATTENTION @ 600-16, 6-ply Heavy Service DOMINION ROYALS & Trades. inst. 650-16, 6-ply Heavy Service DOMINION ROYALS & Trades. inst. High 3 Darts -- T. Rae 100, V. Graves 100, B. Crawford 100. MAY MISS GAME Standing 3rd Section--Rundle peony oy elna _ against Toronto Maple Leafs in has helped to make Toronto Wednesday, a Hawks ot Knnland's lnc [anes cal Monday, Meae- the last four years. H will take to the ice today to In 1960 it won the English Lea- reached the quarter. test his left foot, injured several in the European Cup, | 22¥8 880 arue gamer tr Hanley xd! SHORGAS : HEATING & APPLIANCES Industrial and Commercial The established, relicble Ges Deoler in your cree. 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of Athol . 728-9441 Fish biting... friends calling... it's Red Cap time again | es.time to take the bottles off the ice and share that all-round Rea Cap Ale taste! Time to enjoy the satisfying deep-down taste of Ontario's favourite ale, So, set em up...snappa cappa Red Cap today! P Carling Red Cap Ale © BUDGET TERMS to suit @ NO RED TAPE... We do our own financing iG DATE 'AWA (CP)--The Royal dian Legion's annual curi- championships will be run at Port Arthur, March 18-22, announced Friday provinces will have in the bonspiel, won r by the Townsend rink The Townsend rink dy been eliminated in y this season and defending its title. & ls, /~ DOMINION TIRE STORES ie DOMINION TIRE STORES LIMITED 48 BOND WEST (Corner of Church) 725-6511 Ete i TIRES i!

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