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Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Feb 1963, p. 21

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BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Oil Boom Site DIVIDENDS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Brazilian Trarciion Light and Powe Co, Ltd., six per cent Market Slightly Kelly Criticized By Real Caouette KIRKLAND LAKE (CP) -- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Pebruery 27, 1963 2 21 Press Criticized Supermarkets Said --_ In France Leonard (Red) Kelly may be Higher Tuesday (om uF 2: The stock rose % after a saan dead loss in Parliament, Real of 50,000 shares were sold in'Caouette, deputy national! this manner, \leader of the Social Credit Two special-sized transactions " h Canadian Celanese totalled ey pois ged ge ger $0,600 shares as the stock rose : 4 ah: wal oq meeting that Mr. Kelly, Liberal aad hihi ered err ock Wem ah aden frog 42,000 shares as {i dropped %,|"@2™ed good hockey player sive Conservative meeting here, Chemical recently announced an|2"4 1 admire him for this, but - Hamilton said Prime Min- offer to purchase Celemese on a|he doesn't know ABC about pol- ster Diefenbaker had asked for share exchange basis. ities. geared he making a Payer On 'index industrials gained) Kelly goes to Ottawa and)... Peal oe iheenioned Age 08 {0 589.85, golds .06 to 91.98|Sits there with his arms and|""p,0°Tibive: Sula tat and western oils .27 to 114.45|!e@s crossed and doesn't gay) pane: men in the press gallery Base metals slipped .38 tojone word." questioned about yy caanter, 197,17. Final volume was 2,931,-| Mr. Kelly ig a centre with|said they were not interested Toronto Maple Leafs of the Na- 000 shares compared, with 3,- 319,000 Monday. tional Hockey League. He en- Activity in base metals was|tered politics for the first time dull as International Nickel|in last year's federal campaign gained % to 64% after earlier|and has been nominated to searching a new low of 64%%,\contest the seat in the April 8 and Falconbridge dropped %. | vote. pfd, $1.50, March 29, record) March 15. Canada Iren Foundries Lid., common 25 cents; April 1, rec- ties to bring the gas to North-\or4 March 8; 1956 petal pid. western's pipeline, Expen-| vy : jitures for these field facilities! on April 15, record March nay reach $15,000,000. | The pipelne project was) started . early "4 ee, to overcome muskeg conditions which will be met on the route March 27, record March 18. .o Edmonton. Most of the mus-| Power Corporation of Canada keg is near the Swan Hills and|Ltd., 4% per cent first pfd, 56 crews are working quick'y tojccwts; six per cent non-cumula- complete the first section of the/tive participating pfd. 7% cents; project before thaw. April 16, record March 20; com- Construction will be an ali-Al-/mon 6% cents, March 29, rec- berta petiecs. sae pipe a he March 5. made by Alberta Phoenix Tube Piiditek Peaid' Co. couamse and Pipe Limited of [dmon- $3, April 1. record March 18. ton, Bannister construc- Price Bros, and Co. Lid, cP) -- Garteld Wet te the Canadian millionaire, was to have bought a mi = in a chain of 70 seporis French For Cynicism OUTLOOK, Sask. (CP)--Agri-|"'in that kind of trash," culture Minister Alvin Hamilton| In : Bey defence policy said Tuesday "'cynical hewspa- the Commons Jan. 25, per ea are brainwashing bg r Disteabaker closed by say- country,"" TORONTO (CP)--The stock market edged slightly, ahead during moderately light trading Tuesday. Early-morning losses among key industrial stocks were re- covered 2! mid-afternoon but minus signs. returned near the' close leaving the market only fractionally ahead. Industrial gains were led by Building Products, up a point to 28, after reaching a new high of 29 earlier in the session. Banks closed fractionally higher after following the mar- ket's see-saw action, A number of special - sized transactions -- large blocks of shares traded at set prices-- were featured among industrial issues, the largest taking place in Trans-Canada Pipe Lines Pipeline Built EDMONTON (CP) -- An in- creased demand for natural gas from an. expanding populatio; and petrochemical industry. in the Edmonton area 'has sparked construction of a $4,000,000 pipe line 10 the Swan Hills,*site of A'berta's newest oi] boom. The 116-mile, 12-inch pipeline ig being built, for Northwestern Utilities Limited, which serves Edmonton and 7 number of other northern Alberta con- sumers. The pipeline will tap an esti- mated 700,000,000,000 cubic fee: of natural gas reserves in the Swan Hills area. This is about equal to the). amount originally available in the Viking - Kinsella field on go prayer is. that we will be directed in this matter (of nuclear arms), Some may fidi-|ried cule that belief on my part. I dinent has been directed by God in the last few years, or there would have been no survival, I Hendershot Paper Products Lid., six per cent pfd, $1.50, ' the Canadian people will be able to say that, tion Company Limited of Ed-| monton will do the -- and) common 50 cents, May 1, rec. which Edmonton natural gas local labor vou saat ' ord April 2, service was founded in 1923.| The Swan Hills area came to) The Vikig-Kinsella field stilijlife six years ago when Home ye remains one of Northwestern's| il Company Limited and part:| 6 iners drilled a pair of explora- -- ¥ oem e tory wells. There now ate 800 wells capable a oil | phy seers WORK STARTED in the district. Two of the fields Operators in the Swan Hiils,|in the Swan Hills region, Swern Virginia Hills and Judy Creek Hills and Judy Creek, are fields, about 120 miles northwest mong the top 10 producing' ef Edmonton, now are building) areas in the province. -- gathering lines and field ian Croll Views Aer EAN | Socred Peril rvendet pec. 21: 102, 4) In Next Vote year ended Dec. 31: 1962, $4, $55,849, $1.21 a share; '1961, | a 642, 84 cents. WINDSOR, Ont, (CP)--The) alinor Mines Lid., yearjreal danger in the coming fed-) 'tea Dec. 31: 1962 $322,533; /eral election is the Social Credit) 1961, $308,771. party, not the Progressive Cov- Oshawa Wholesale Ltd., yeat|servatives who have already ended Jan. 26: 1963, $881,011; |"@iscredited" themselves, says Ta sare, See, ye $1.22.| Senator David Croll of Toronto. Selkirk Holdings year) Sen. Croll was guest speaker ended Dec. 31: 1962, $174,121, Tuesday night at the nominat- 41 cents per class A share; ing meeting which chose Herb] 1961, $175,567, 42 cents. Gray, Liberal MP for Essex West, to be candidate in ang Real Estate riding in the April 8 election. | Describing the Social Credit Firm Put In Receivership party as the "Caouette party," TORONTO (CP) -- Principal Sen. Croll said that although they had the balance of power, Investments Limited, one of the largest real estate and develop- they have no hope of gaining office -and "want the power) without the responsibility." ment companies in Canada, has been placed in receivership. Mr. Justice W. D. Parker of "By their actions, words and| the Ontario Supreme Court has pretzel - minded thinking, they! (the Social Credit party) have) named accountant John C, New- land of Toronto as receiver-| put us in the position where we} manager on behalf of Crown! have to realize there isa great| and new danger," he said. "No matter what Caouette has to) Say about us having to lose,| Trust Company, trustee for} Mercantile Bank of Canada| which holds $10,000,000 worth of| Principal Investment mortgage) bonds. FEATURING . SPECIALLY SELECTED VALUE CHECKE'D BEEF Red or Blue Brand DOUBLE GUARANTEE At Oshawa Discount House All Merchandise is G d by Both the manufacturer and Oshawe Discount House THERMOS BOTTLES Retails et 1.98 THIS WEEK ONLY -66 We also corry @ full line of leek proof soup and coffee os jugs. NO DOWN PAYMENT At Oshawa Discount House Use Our Revolving Credit... Start an Acgount Now ! ! ROUND mae or ROAST For Meat Loaves or Burgers--Lean Minced GROUND CHUCK ». 59° Schneiders Famous Pure Pork Cello Pack SAUSAGE Sur" u 55* STYLE SAVE 8c!--CHOICE QUALITY Golden Peaches 43 oy .00 SAVE laine & WHITE Instant Coffee "2 1.00 JAR ALL POPULAR BRANDS Chocolate Bars SAVE 20c!----10¢ SIZE 12 sans 1.00 ALL POPULAR BRANDS SAVE 8c! s Cigarettes PKGS. 3 5201.00 SAVE 16c!---RED & WHITE Jelly Powders 12 xcs. 1.00 SAVE 19¢c!---BURNS CANNED Whole Chicken TIN 1.00 WESTON OR SUNBEAM Crisp 'N' Serve Rolls REG. 29 PKG. Be of 10 NEW MARKET PRICE SoTH NOW YOU SAVE TWICE -- WITH TRIM OR PRICE! BONELESS --- NO WASTE RUMP ROAST 9- GALVANIZED GARBAGE PAILS APPROX. 2.44 30-GAL. SZE McLEAN'S TOOTH PASTE 9% ECONOMY Bee SIZE JERGENS BATH SOAP No win 9 ote CHILDREN'S LINED PANTS Sizes 2 to 6x.| Retails et 1.98, 0,D.H. DISCOUNT PRICE 1.30. RE- 1 04 DUCED ANOTHER 20% , ae All Other Dry Goods 20% . Off t Sar Dry Goode 28: MEN'S THERMAL UNDERWEAR TOPS -- Reg. 2.39. ODH DISCOUNT PRICE 1.84 1,48 NOW ... 20% OFF eg. 2.49. ODH Dis- ci 1.87 COUNT PRICE 1,97. All Other Dry Goods Reduced Another 26% "TWIN BRUSH SLECTRIC FLOOR POLISHER AND SCRUBBER Retails et 39.95 19.97 NO WHERE ELSE CLEARANCE ON--35mm GERMAN CAMERAS NOW 50% DISCOUNT from the Discount Price MEN'S NYLON ZIPPER OVERSHOES NO = 3.77 WESTINGHOUSE AUTOMATIC Eleciric FRY PANS THIS WEEK 14,44 ONLY ATTENTION COTTAGERS AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC BLANKETS Single Bed Size 9.97 SINGLE CONTROL Double Bed Size 11.87 14.97 jdon't belHeve him." DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Ottawa -- Maj.-Gen. Guy. R.| Turner, 74, an engineer who} served in both world wars had) Ments defaulted, on payments,|sat in'on early planning for the | A. B. Bennett, president of] Allied invasion of Europe in the! Principal Investments, said in|Second World War. | an interview the company is| Evanston, Ill.--Professor Mel-) making arrangements to meetiville Herskovits, 68, interna-| the payments which would in-jtionally known anthropologist! volve private refinancing of the/and founder of the first univer-| company. sity program of African studies| Principal Investments, con-jin the United Sta'es at North- trolled by Mr. Bennett and his|western University in 1947. brother, D. FE. Bennett, has) Kansas City -- Arthur Guy) built several Toronto shopping) Empey, 79, author of Oven the} plazas, is planning to construct|/Top, a book which sold almost! a %-storey circular apartment!1,000,000 copies and was made| tower in central Toronto andlinto a movie. controls a West German firm; Quebec--Alexandre Barnette, | which built an 8-store plaza|88, a pioneer in the distribution near Frankfurt-#m-Main. of petroleum products in Que- Principal Investments soldibec. voting control in United Prin-| Chieago --- William J. (Pep) cipal Properties Limited to For-/Kerwin, 68, veteran boxing an- eign Power Securities Corpora-|nouncer for the Illinois State! tion of Montreal two years ago.| Athletic Commission. UPP owned four shopping cen-| Kentville, N.S.--Col. Robert| wean ba egg feud --- in Lg pee, 71, former deputy r, ur, Sudbury|Nova tia agriculture minis- and Kingston. ter. KODAK HAWKEYES CAMERAS ee fring Hg 11.98 7.77 The trust company applied for the appointment of a re- celver when Principal Invest- BRAND NAME CHOCOLATE BARS Rowntrees, Nelison's, ete. Only at 0.0.H. Bins 33° ELECTRIC SOLARAY HAIR CURLERS THs weer serciat,.., 6.66 NOXZEMA INSTANT LATHER SHAVING CREAM 1.25 ye ONLY AT ODM. 728-0311 -- OPEN 10 A.M, -- 10 P.M, DAILY -- SATURDAY 10 A.M. -- 6 P.M. 1038 KING ST. WEST (ATOP MOUNT LAWN CEMETERY) OPEN 'TIL 10 P.M, EVERY NIGHT -- CLOSED MONDAYS DOUBLE CONTROL Double Bed Size NEW TEXAS No. 1 GRADE CARROTS 2 cette CALIFORNIA RED EMPEROR Neo, 1 ous GRAPES us. PRESH TENDER--NO. 1 GRADE ' BUNCH 29° BROCCOLI POLY bas 25° REDUCED ANOTHER 20% Off Our Row. Discount Prices, WORK BOOTS with Gro-Cork" soles and Goodyeer 035 8 a7 WOMEN'S STRETCHY SKI SLACKS Compare et 8.95. 0.D.H. DISCOUNT PRICE 6.57 5.27 REDUCED ANOTHER 20% All ether dry goods 20° off our regular discount prices, Retails at 10.95 NO WHERE ELSE ONTARIO YELLOW No. 1 GRADE Magic Dollar Features "YOU SAVE 156! GEM MARGARINE 1-lb. sa | pkgs. ee YOU SAVE 7! KENNEL CLUB DOG FOOD 10 FOR 4 feel the -Softness! . * oe? . . teeceeer® YOU SAVE 3c! CATELLI'S MACARONI or SPAGHETTI BX Ld od | . . . . * *Peessenee® White Swan Bathroom Tissue Is the softest paper that ever dressed up a dainty bathroom. That's because it's spun to be soft. Spun to be strong, | too. And sensibly perforated so the kiddies can't waste it. White Swan Tissue. Prettiest tissue you've ever touched, YOU SAVE 1361! TOMATOES oa WHITE SWAN - Pink - Yellow - Aqua - White. In single, double and four-roll packs. pe BTTLS. THE &.8.20DV COMPANY RED & WHITE HOMOGENIZED YOU SAVE Me | : Peanut Buiter 3's: *] Sardi ardines MIX 'EM OR MATCH 'EM! BIRDS EYE FROZEN 15-on. $ | Peas or Kernel Corn 59 *::-- BONUS BUY!I--YOU SAVE 11c--2c OFF PACK... COOKED nema | BONUS BUY!--YOU SAVE 16¢!--- WHITE OR COLORED TISSUE BONUS BUY!--YOU SAVE 16¢c!l-- 0 JUICE 4' *] TO] OMATO SAVE 11cl--6 VARIETIES Chicken Veg., Chicken Gumbo, Chicken Noodle ce, Cream Mushroom, Cream Chic! hon JAMS or J BONUS BUY!--YOU SAVE 23cl--POUCH PACK BONUS BUY--YOU SAVE 30c! KETCHUP 5 7 we. F YOU SAVE 11¢---BURNS YOU SAVE 4c! 2-LB. c DAINTY '= RICE ne. OD DUFFY'S MARKET CORNER SIMCOE AT MILL BROWN'S MARKETERIA MAPLE GROVE MARKET MAPLE GROVE, ONTARIO BILLIONAIRES YOU SAVE Set ' ron $] YOU SAVE 13¢! SP AGHETTI Lipey's 15-02, WHITE SWAN 8+«*I TOMA FANCY QUALITY YLMER SOUPS 6': *1 YOU SAVE 25c1-- WAGSTAFFE 20, JARS B | MONARCH MIXES = 7 na 1. £. D. SMITH'S CHUCK WAGON DINNER 2 =. 75° SPROULE'S 948 SIMCOE STREET NORTH BROOKLIN, ONTARIO & WHITE SETS THE PRICE!

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