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Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Feb 1963, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Februery 27, 1963 GOOD EVENING By JACK GEARIN Nuclear Issve At High Pitch WORKS FOR PARTY, NOT NOMINATION -- CAFIK ' John Lay has-been campaigning hard for the Liberal nomination in Ontario riding, but Norman Cafik, who also seeks the honor, has not been idle exactly. "T have been working solid- ly for the past six weeks in the riding," said Mr. Cafik today, "and I have had a volunteer staff of 35 to assist me during this time. In this regard I might say that I feel confident I will get the nomination Thursday night at Whitby -- what I have been. concentrating on is preparatory campaign work for the April 8 election on 'behalf of the Party. The nomination is secondary to that." Mr. Cafik polled the high- est vote ever recorded by his party in Ontario riding in last year's June election with 16,051 as compared with the previous Liberal high of 11,285 achieved by Mr. Lay in 1952. "Mike" Starr registered NORMAN CAFIK the highest vote ever in the riding in 1958 with 26,887 as compared with his 1962 total of 23,158. Miss Aileen Hall scored the highest total for a NDP or CCF candidlate when she registered 14,461 votes in 1962 as compared with 13,806 obtained by John Naylor in 1957. Mr. Cafik, like Miss Hall, was politically unknown last year, which makes their performances all the more impres- sive. Mr. Cafik is of Scottish-Ukrainian origin; a former Tool designer and Tool and Die man, he is also a former presi- dent of the AEDTA (Association of Engineering Draftsmen and Technicians Association) at the John Inglis Co. Ltd., Toronto. ' MOZART OPERA RICHLY DESERVES LOCAL SUPPORT SPECIAL MEMO TO ALL CULTURE LOVERS: A most important date is upcoming next Saturday even- ing in the R. S. McLaughlin Collegiate and Vocational Insti- tute starting at 8:30 p.m. The Oshawa Canadian Concert Association is sponsoring the Canadian Opera Company in its production of Mozart's comic-opera, "Cosi fan Tutte' (which translated means "Women are Like That"). This is one of Mozart's most delightful operas, but the important fact to remember is this: Advance ticket sales for this event have been dragging and unless they perk up considerably Saturday night's show will be a colossal financial flop. This would be a sad commentary for a City of 62,800 which needs such attractions -- it could also mean that the Canadian Opera Company will toss in the sponge and forget Oshawa on future tours, as last year's performance of "'La Boheme" barely broke even at the box office. The hour is late, but not too late to remedy the situation. There will only be one performance of "Cosi fan Tutte'. It urgently needs public support. LITTLE NOTES FROM HERE AND THERE Norman Millman, Oshawa's "Father of Town Planning", is in the sunny south on a well-earned vacation. Know what reading material he took along with him ? -- the Damas and Smith Municipal Traffic Survey Report. . . , Labor Minister Michael Starr was busy Saturday morning buying a new suit in a downtown Oshawa store. Quipped a casual observer at the scene: "'I'll bet 'Mike' doesn't: go for any of these executive Bay street styles -- they're out of fashion in PC circles this year." . . . John Lay, who will seek the Liberal nomination in Ontario riding. at Whitby . Thursday night, served for 14 years with the Massey-Harris Company as a foreign representative and as Sales Manager for Latin Ameri- ca. DEBENTURE TOTALS TELL ALARMING STORY Did you know that the City of Oshawa's interest payments on debenture debts will total $9,281,668 for the 10-year period ending in 1967, if the municipality's current projected spend- ing plan is followed out ? Total debenture payments for the same period will be $23,150,863, which amount is exclusive of interest. Here are some statistics on this phase of our municipal spending: Year Total Debenture Payment $1,372,471 $1,546,764 $1,782,589 $1,961,909 $2,289,826 $2,477,611 $2,686,379 $2,848,379 $3,038,498 $3,146,109 ------e $23,150,863 Interest Payments $595,822 $657,083 $767,634 $821,401 $959,360 $1,007,175 $1,068,079 $1,104,307 $1,147,798 $1,153,009 Principal Retirement $776,649 $889,681 $1,014,955 $1,140,508 $1,330,466 $1,470,436 $1,618,300 $1,744,400 $1,890,700 $1,993,100 + 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 $9,281,668 $13,869,195 OSHAWA REALTORS WIN TOP AWARD The Oshawa and District Real Estate Board was award- ed a high honor this week at the annual convention of the Ontario Association of Real Estate Boards -- the Achieve- ment Award for 1962. = This honor was won in competition with 42 Provincial @asociations, all members of the OAREB. The award was made for such achievements at the annual Civic Night staged by the Oshawa Board. Sol Hyman, 1963 president of the Oshawa group, made the facial in Ottawa where the convention is being Don MeQuay accepted the award on behalf of the City By THE CANADIAN PRESS The nuclear arms debate is continuing at a high pitch in|where but in Quebec. Canada's election contest. In Toronto, Social Credit Highlights from the hustings:|Leader Robert Thompson con- Conservative Senator Grattan|ceded that he and his deputy O'Leary declared in Ham'lton|leader, Real Caouette, disa- that the Bomarc missile, which|greed personally on the nuclear Canada has acquired without/arms question. But he denied nuclear warheads, is "no damn!this meant a split in the party. good.' . Mr. Thompson reiterated his He said the defence cont-o-'Quebec declaration jhat he versy is a phoney election is-| would personally do all in his sue. |power to prevent Canada from In Penticton, B.C, Works Min-|becoming a nuclear power, ister Fulton said the nuciear| But, for the first time, he de- arms question; which precipi-|fined what he means by a nu- tated the April 8 federal: elec-|clear power--one that manufac- tion, is "'too serious to make it! tures weapons as opposed to one an election issue." |that employs such weapons for Liberal Mitchell Sharp, speak-|its defence. ing in Edmonton, declared that) INKS MUST HONOR efforts to turn the election into) : a plebiscite on nuclea. arms| Mr, Thompson said in an in- a i esi emoti.n-|terview that he still believes a te ne abate. Canada must honor its defence *| He said | New Democratic) commitments, "but I don't know \Leader T.-C, Douglas is mak-|What the formal commitments ing nuclear policy a central are. ' : 4 in the upiles becaise, Senator O'Leary said in his "he has nothing very much ese Hamilton speech that there is to talk about." {no commitment--only plans, larrangements and' proposals |BOTH SIDES OF STREET? made on the basis of conditions In Calgary, Mr. Douglas ac:|four years ago. Talk of Canada cused his three rival party lead- being "committed" to accept ers of "trying to werk both nuclear-tipped bomarcs is /non- sides of the street on the nu-|sensical and inaccurate," he clear issue." The NDP opposes said. acquisition of nuclear weapons) In Ottawa, former deputy de- by Canada. fence minister C. M. (Bud) ing the party favored defensive nuclear arms in speeches every- 3 jance" until Mr. Rowe, ap. {pointed by the. federal govern- Rowe Swearing In ment a few weeks ago, gets the . Said P ostponed approval of his doctor to return TORONTO (CP)--A swearing-|'°, Public life. _ in ceremony for Ontario's new} The premier did not elaborate lieutenant - governor has been|2" the circumstances of Mr, postponed because of the illness|°We'S illness. of W. Earl Rowe, Premier Ro- barts told the legislature Tues-| USE MOST OIL day. | The United States is the larg. Mr, Robarts said the cere.|est consumer of oil with Rus- mony, originally scheduled for|sia second and Britain third, today, "will be held in abey-|Canada is fourth. COMING EVENTS SOCIAL BINGO, St. John's Hall, Cor-/EQUIP, YOUR office the ner Simooe and Bloor Streets, Wednes-| way. look over the bai J otered Ib idee, Yooraey fi: 8 Dm. Everyone |e Classified section A welcome. NOVEL BIN THURSDAY EVENI 7:45 'at ST, GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jackson Sts.) Game $6, $12, $20 May 'be doubled or tripled $170 IN JACKPOTS * Door Prize $15 IRISH SUPPER RAGLAN U.C.W. SAT., MARCH 2 In Christian Education Building 5:30 to 7:30 P.M. Adults $1.00 Students 50¢ BADIO Park Association, Grenfell Av- enue, Euchre every Wednesday night 8 p.m. Admission 50 cents. 5, refreshments. $6 monthly. High score, BINGO, Bathe Park, Eulalie Avenue, Thursday, 2 p.m. Euchre, Saturday, 8 p.m. é TO- NIGHT LIONS BINGO 8:00 P.M. JUBILEE PAVILION EXTRA BUSES FREE ADMISSION baw BINGO-Wednesday, Feb. 27th be a GLAMOR QUEEN CONTESTANTS These smiling lasses vied Frosh Queen of 1959, Carolyn land, St. John's, Nfld.; Susan | Campaigning in Quebec, Lib-|Drury, a Liberal candidate, ar- eral Leader Pearson. accused gued that Canada has commit-| the Social Credit party of hy- ments to participate in the procrisy on nuclear policy--say-| Western nuclear deterrent ee ' ~|against possible soviet atlack, | Prime Minister Diefenbaker| just returned from Britain, told} reporters he is ready to enter) the election fray, He plans to jlaunch his nationat campaign in | Winnipeg next Monday. | Meanwhile, the three other Merger Plans Felt In Canada 72"3,!:237'5,2 sectioncering TORONTO (CP)--Rt. Rev. F.| heading today to Moncton and H. Wilkinson, Anglican Bishop|Fredericton, N.B., Mr, Douglas of Toronto, said Tuesday plans| flying to Winnipeg, then driv- to unite British Anglicans and|ing to Beausejour, Man., and| |Methodists will encourage sim-|Mr. Thompson flying to Cal-) lilar plans here. gary and motoring to his home Most of Canada's Methodists|riding of Red Deer, Alta, were absorbed by the United) 33 | |Church in 1925 and Bishop Wilk-| inson said talks about merging] the Anglican Church of Canada and the United Church of Can- jada have been going on since) 1946. Talks between the Angli-| jcans and Presbyterians started |five years ago. The British proposals to bring} the Methodists back into the) Church of England, which they! Bishop Claims | Exporters Deny Taking Over Whisky Marke nounced Monday. suggested Tuesday that com-| Dr. Ernest Longn, secretary of| plaints that Canadian whisky is jthe geeral council of the|taking over the United States |United Church of Canada, said|market are all wet. The U.S. |Tuesday he too is encouraged|market simply-is growing, they by the British talks. said, and those who don't share) | "If there is a breakthrough|in that growth are poor busi- jin their conversationsn at this/nessmen. |poit," he said, "it could point) That was the defence of Dis-| \the way for us for the nextitillers Corporation - Seagram's! {step."" Limited and Hiram Walker- Dr. Ross Cameron, moderator, Gooderham and Worts Limited| [oF al of the Presbyterian Church in '9 urging the tariff commissio: |Canada, said he looks forward|to reject the: appeal hopefully to the success of the| licker Industries Inc. of Phila-| \British talks. delphia for quadrupling the) The spokesmen made fheir| present $1.25-a-gallon U.S. tariff comments in interviews. j}on Canadian whisky. | | Publicker charged that the| | CASPER, Wyo. (AP) -- The|two Ca adian companies-- proposed merger of the British|which together sell more than |Methedist Church and_ the) $1,000,000,000 worth of liquor in {Church of England could be a|the U.S. annually--have used jlong step forward in a move-|big profits to launch massive ment of almost universal reli-|advertising campaigns and un- jgious union, Bishop Glen Phil-|less the tariff is pushed up \lips of Denver said Tuesday. jagain "our indystry will soon | Bishop Phillips is chairman of|become the captive of the Ca- ithe Methodist Church Commis-|nadian distillers." sion of Church Unions; in active| This, countered the Hiram- |negotiation with represcntatives|Walker statement, is nonsese. of a similar commission from|The U.S. distilled-spirits market |the Evangelical United Breth-|had increased by more than 56,- jern Church, |000,000 gallons since 1953 to an Phillips said he is "delighted|estimated total of 256,000,000 Day-To-Day Operation {pending legislation will provide|lieve the OPP commissioner of|give the undertaking he (Mr. |Liberal Leader Wintermeyer| asked if Mr. Cass could give the legislature an assurance \"the Ontario Police Commission} |tions of the OPP." WASHINGTON (CP) -- Can-! Mr, Wintermeyer said that |left 219 years ago, were an-|ada's two top whisky exporters) _ 'Still Held | of Pub-| i |to hear reports of the merger|gallons in 1962. jwhich will be a natural reunion| While Cenadian whisky had since the Methodist Church!5.5 per cent of the U.S. distilled jcame out of the Episcopalian) spirits market in 1962, scotch }(Anglican) Church." 'whisky had 9.3 per cent. WEATHER FORECAST Cooler Thursday For All Areas Forecasts issued by the Tor-| Eastern Lake Ontario, Hali- onto weather office at 4:30 a.m.|burton regions: Cloudy with Synopsis: A low-pressure sys-|snowflyrries tonight, clearing tem approaching lowa_ willland turning cooler Thursday. bring cloudiness and possibly| Northeast winds near 15 Thurs- some light snow tonight to day. southern Ontario. It will turn) Northern Georgian Bay, Al- cooler Thursday in all areas. |goma, Timagami, sor Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie,| White River regions, North B southern Lake Huron, Niagara) Sudbur southern, AY.|White River ... int . Walling, 20, of Windsor, the Callaghan and Virginia Me- | for the title of "Glamor winner. is 'surrounded from Hugh, both of Rochester, | Queen" at a fashion show held the left by: Nancy Shaw, N.Y. Assumption University. Windsor; Betty Ann Suther- 7:30 P.M. ST. MARY'S AUDITORIUM STEVENSON'S. RD. NORTH 16 GAMES OF $8 1 GAME EACH--$10, $20, $30, $40 SNOWBALL--57 NOS.--$160.--$20 CON. $5.00 FOR EACH HORIZONTAL LINE $10 ADDED EACH BINGO SHARE - THE - WEALTH 50 EXTRA 2 CARDS 25c or 10 for $1.00 __FREE ADMISSION -- EXTRA BUS SERVICE | OSHAWA JAYCEES 'Monster BINGO Thursday, Feb. 28 20 GAMES AT $20 -- 5 GAMES AT $30 1 -- $150 JACKPOT $20.00 PER LINE PLUS $50.00 PER FULL CARD 2 -- $250.00 JACKPOTS JACKPOT NOS. 51, 56 $10 PER LINE PLUS $200.00 PER FULL._CARD IN 51, 386 NUMBERS. THIS WEEK PLUS $25.00 CONSOLATION PRIZE $150 TOTAL PRIZES GUARANTEED IN THESE TWO GAMES EARLY BIRD GAME EXTRA BUSES DOOR PRIZES Red Barn, Oshawa das WHITBY BRASS BAND BINGO -- CLUB BAYVIEW, BYRON SOUTH, WHITBY WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27th EARLY BIRD GAME -- SHARE-THE-WEALTH --(CP Wirephoto) House Debates OPP's TORONTO (CP) -- Attomey-jdespite government assertions, "At the present time and un-,~ General Cass has indicated that|that the commission would re-|der the present law, I cannot the authority for him to concen-|part of his duties, the commis-|Wintermeyer) has asked for," trate the day-to-day administra-|sion had simply taken over hoth| the attorney-general said. tion of the provincial police in|of the commissioner's former) However, the proposed legis- the hands of a new provincial| roles. : : lation "will allow me to give police commissiontr. | The Liberal ender sae he ne pndertaking i he asked ; jcommission, set up a e lastifor," Mr. Cass. added. pear aga pay ety 'session, had been intended by| He repeated a statement he| . -/the government to assume the|made in the 'House Monday responsibility for advising the|night that one of the principles |police forces of all Ontario mu-jof contemplated changes in | nicipalities, | OPP organization would be that| He said creation of the com-)the force's head should have the| |mission, althoughprotested by; rank of a deputy minister and) the opposition as "premature"}be responsnible to the House at that time, might have suc-|through the attorney-general, ceeded in leaving the OPP chief wHLL HAVE DEPUTY |free to devote all his time to} Mr. 'Cass added Tuesday that being chief constable of the pro-|the commissicner under the re- vincial police force. jorganized system "wouldn't be | However, as the opposition}a policeman." But he would jhad warned, Mr. Wintermeyer| have a deputy commissioner un-| |said, the commission 'did walk|der him who would be "a top) '1 and take over the OPP lock, | policeman." | | stock and barrel." | The attorney - general again Mr. Cass told the House that|denied opposition allegations| a ' ia TORONTO (CP)--Details of|he could not disclose details of/that the government has a "po-| Bus Leaves Oshawa Termiral----25e" Return' =" increased provincial subsidies| Pending legislation affecting the) litical pipeline" to learn of some municipal' roads will be re-/OPP until the report from the\of the recommendations Mr.| | |Roach royal commission on| Justice W. D. Roach will make) $450.00 SPECAL : led when the highways oe besa was received. lin his. report, | Se aohatad ta ie ineisaiaee | | $20 EACH HORIZONTAL LINE--$100 FULL CARD Highways Minister MacNaugh-| $250 ADDED IF WON IN 55 NOS. OR LESS 5 GAMES AT $30 -- 20 GAMES AT $20 TWO $250 JACKPOT GAMES ; e ton said Tuesday. 'aa tie Misuse Of Funds 1) Ist 56 No, 2nd--No, 51--$30 Consolation that will not interfere with the ad- inistrative day-to-day opera- ministrative day y of woudaiias $1.00 Roads Subsidy Hike Details Door Prizes ical position already gives enough daylight hours. Regina -- The Saskatchewan health minister and his prede- cessor--who quit the CCF cab- inet and later joined the Liber- als--clashed over the province's compulsory universal medical care plan. Walter Erb (L--Milestone), in his first speech as a Liberal member, said the plan itself is chronically sick. The govern- ment had "presumed to ram Mr: MacNaughton annual convention of the On tario Good Roads Association that he could not as yet elab- Ch orate on the changes promised g in the speech from the throne) arge Nn Dv. $1.00 ADMISSION INCLUDES ONE CARD i he c t session last aie current sessi By THE CANADIAN PRESS |6. Mr. Watkins said most Al- Children Under 16 Not Admitted : "However, very shortly these} A hush settled over the Brit-|berta residents live in urban pen, changes, most favorable to the|ish Columbia legislature Tues-| areas and favor daylight time in| ION muicipalities will be fully dis-|day as an opposition member|the summer, but Mr. Colborne] LIBERAL NOMIN closed .when' the estimates are|tabled an affidavit and other|replied that Alberta's geograph-| tabled," the highways minister|documents alleging the Social it said, | Credit Abe ag of Zc: pee | He quoted a section of the thousands of dollars for high- throne speech which said the| Ways work that was never done 7 IGHT. 28 FEB. 8 P.M. highways department in the| It big by a pate by eat TO MORROW N G : ; next year would 'place even|dramatic legisialive ac of Hi h h | Whi b greater emphasis on assistance|the day, as seven of Canada's Henry , ig rs 00 : it y to the municipal road systems |legisiatures continued their sit- b y of increased and ex-| tings. : : ' tended. subsidies." | 2 BC. Premier Bennett, gut 'To nominate a cantee to contest Ontario The province has surpassed|Of town, was not available for +e the Liberal Party. the Ralkent Roman empire incomment. But Highways Minis- Riding for the He ania road building activities, Dr.|ter P. A. Gaglardi said in a tele- Robert F. Legget- of the Na-|phone interview from Chicago tional Research Council told the|the charge "'is another one of convention. He said the Roman|these great smear campaigns empire had 50,000 miles of first] that the opposition has been class roads. Ontario, with 85,904/trying to put on for a number miles of roads and streets, was Of years. ' slightly ahead of the Romans) In other, more placid legisla- in mileage. jtures, there were these high- ee lights: Edmonton -- Two perennial subjects got equally perennial rejections. Ernest Watkins (PC --Calgary Glenmore) intro- duced both. Public Works Minister Fred |Colborne said his department is thinking of wiring the legisla- ture for sound amd tape-record- ingn of legislative sessios, but has not yet decided whether 22 22 18 St. Catharines .... TOFOMO .....00000 |Peterborough ..... |Trenton |Killaloe .. |Muskoka . Kapuskasing ..... down the throats of the doctors and the people a medical care act which was unacceptable to the (medical) profession." | Mr. Erb said the CCF and its successor, the New Democratic Party, considered itself a "cut! above all other parties in polit-| ical morality, virtue and reoti-| tude,"' but when their bluff was called "these paragons of virtue lose their saintly facade." Health Mininster A. E. Blak- eney accused Mr. Erb of mak- ing "unwarranted slurs on the/ qualifications" of doctors prac- tising under community clinics! set up. by citizen groups through: out the province. The Dynamic Voice of Women in Parliament ALL LIBERALS AND THE GENERAL PUBLIC ARE CORDIALLY INYITED. This time, make certain, This time, work and vote Liberal. ONTARIO RIDING LIBERAL ASSOCIATION FACTORY such a system is feasible. The| And, Mr. Blakeney said, the) House Bh Bee | by 49 to 9 a mo-|"ecord showed that Mr. Erb had) tion calling on a, verbatim re-|Said in 1961, while introducing port of debates and discussions. lg et medical , el wou nA no way inter-) FUENE ROWN Rey VOTE fere with the status of doctors,| A motion calling for a pleb-jor the quality of medical care. | iscite on daylight time--to be| 'That's what I thought then,' held during the next provincial/replied Mr, Erb, "but experi- electionn--was tured down 45 to|ence proved different." gad diiron rctEne mH aR Monroe . |e tonight, seme light ee Suntly nd colder Touredag. oun Forest é jlikely, clearing and turning) Winds becoming northerly this\tomiee' Let ie she, wer jbut_@\cooler Thursday. Winds north-| evening. . . Timmins +++... Hew 4 § Well," said/east 15 Thursday. Northern White River, Coch- Talks Designed! ah of Toronto, re-| Western Lake Ontario region,/rane regions: Turning colder. To Improve |Sonal supervisor of the citizen-\Poronto, Hamilton: Cloudy to- Sunny Thursday, continuing CLEARANCE regions, Windsor, London:|today, Ohseryed Temperatures Low overnight, High Tuesday: Dawson .. 3 22 Victoria: sscocssres 51 Edmonton .oys++e+ 41 42 i ship and immigration depart- night but clearing and turning|cold. Northwest winds near 15. Indians' Lot ment's Indian affairs branch. | "ooler Thursday. Winds north- , LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Offi- ¢ials concerned with the social and economic standard of liy- The underlying theme of the prosrem was to get to know the! an and his problems better,| ern |recognizing that soe Indians|Clouding over this afternoon. A|St. Thomas to become assimilated! few with the rest of society as soon| clearing want ing of thern Ontario Indi Tuesday launched a four-day discussion, the first, of its kind ip the region, designed to make recommendations to improve the Indians' lot. , The three-year program they are devising would put southern Ontario Indians "in the position where they will not only have an educational standard equiv- Breakfast, Lunch, Dj BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12-2 P.M. Hotel Lancaster seit} as p to re' Mayor Gordon Stronach told if the officials he had lc from his service with the RCMF| that Indians will respond favor- ably if given "a sense of com- pletion among themselves." There was a need for hetier communication with the Indian. sad a4 'east 15 Thursday. Northern Lake Huron, south-| Georgian Bay Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, High Thursday: regions| Windsor .. - 1b 20 snowflurries ; tonight but)London ........... and turning cooler) Kitchener , while the rest want| Thursday. Winds northeast 15 Wingham .... in on ree | Thursday. Hamilton .. REGINA -persesvess 28 Winnipeg .. oe Lakehead ....... Sault Ste. Marie White River ....., -11 Kapuskasing 3 North Bay .. 3 Toronto ... 3 NOW THERE IS A BETTER DEAL for YOU in AUTO INSURANCE well over 1000 New Customers HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL |FUEL OIL... CALL PERRY |B DAY OR NIGHT 723-3443 | 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4653 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS placed their car Insurence with us in 1962. Why not investigate end seve money. SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED 360 King West 723-2268 SHORGAS 1 Is THE TIME HEATING & APPLIANCES Industrial and Commercial The established, reliable Gag Beeler in your area. 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of Athol) 728-9441 erfield cleaned professionally in Oshawa's Original Carpet Cleaning Centre . where fully guaranteed satisfaction is assured. Phone 728-4681 NU-WAY RUG CO. LTD. 174 MARY ST. ii | | | To have that carpet or chest- ff) HAWAII! leaye any day YOU wish FURS! New Fashion 1963 Styled Furs of the Finest Quality at the Lowest Prices Ever! Many At... 14 DAYS 2" 485,10 AS INCLUDES: air transportation and first class hotels, (based on double Occupancy). Extensions possible, slightly extra, BOOK NOW Four Seasons Howard Travel Travel OSHAWA PHONE PHONE 668-3161 728-6201 942-6690 HALF PRICE OR LESS! MARTENS FURS TS KING STREET EAST ° + += 'Opposite Hotel Genosha

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