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Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Mar 1963, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, March 9, 1969 Call the Direct Classified Number 723-3492 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS: 8 A.M, to 5 P.M. Monday to F Saturday 8 to 1 BUSINESS. SERV ICE DIRECTORY Accountants (Building Trades Mortgages Well Drilling--Digging MONTEITH, M MONTEITH, RIEAL, and Co., arte' 728-7527, 135 Simcoe Bureet™ North, Oshawa, Ajax PLASTERING, rooms. A. W new work, gt ba 'oods. 725-5002. FIRST AND SECOND mortgages. Sale|} WELL DIGGING, deepening, cleaning. agreements purchased and s6!d.|Tile supplied, cement or galvanized WH 2-0890. Whitby MO 8-4131. HOPKINS, BEADLE and Co., Char. tered Accountants, ALL TYPES of building repairs, stoops, Gordon May 728-0394. roof sidewalks, Hennick and Hennick, Barristers, 31/| Gordon \ May, 728-0394. King Street _ jast, 723-7232. ~ W, WAR are WELL DIGGING BY PRIVATE and corporation monies to 172 King Street East, ¢ Oshawa, Onti 725-3509, Yate FRIED DER and Co, Ch Accountants. Licensed Trus- tees in Bankruptcy, 64 King Street East, Oshawa, 728-7371. ELECTRICIAN -- master, licensed, electric heating, Nichols Electric, 23-1612. appliance tees, pairs. 381 re- | gages pairs, alterations, water heaters, serv- re- Colborne loan on all types of mortgages: mort- and agreements of sale pur- Creighton, Drynan and Mur- (See heading "Barrister: MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30' TILE 668-2563----668-3809 WHITBY, ONTARIO chased, Immediate CREIGHTON, DRYNAN end MUR- DOCH, barristers, Solicitors, Ni 'Public, Bank of Commerce Buildin; Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, tario, 723-3446; di : and repairs, ne Construction 725-6937. FOR all kinds of roofing, construction specializing in hot roof- ing and concrete work. Call L and H Roofing and 204 CHESTNUT ST. WEST P.O. BOX 329 1--Women's Column Ist and 2nd MORTGAGE LOANS ANYWHERE eh eee Creighton, QC; G. M. Drynan, QC, 728-8554; G..L. Murdoch, 723-4768. Mort- gages and agreements of sale bought, sold and arranged. BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Service. Complete bookkeeping service. 184 Bond Street West. 725-0397. Res. 723-7605. MONTEIT H, MONTEITH, RIER Cartage JOHN'S ™ \ Oshawa, Whitby. Reasonable Fully equipped and installed, 728-3661 Dressmaking L, and) ------_---- 27, | ise Ee jax) tions, | Mrs." valtera-| ffing. Reasonable rates. Hldridge, 67 Montrave. 725-6476. RAYMOND B, PROSSER R, Ch, Charter. | CosTUMES, alterations, skirts, by igo fe be Street North, | shortened, pants cuffed. Mrs. A. Buti n | 187 Park Road South, 723-9565. 2 HOSMAR tered Oaeout ALTERATIONS and pant cuffing. Telephone 723-1221 or 668-5429, ! ply Mrs. WILSON and BURROWS, chartered! AND STORAGE, rates. ares in| PRIVATE PARTY TO Ap-| Richard, 373 Olive Avenue or 13-49: on brick, insul, or frame homes ond farms. LOW MONTHLY. PAYMENTS CALL MR. JAMES, MORTGAGE FUNDING 728-2868 | ~~ NEED A * Mortgage Loan? SPENCER AND SPIRELLA founda- tio garments. Individually designed, Registered corsetier, Mrs. J. Hender- shot, 324 Admiral Road. PERMANENTS on special. Page Hair dressing, 396 Pine Avenue. Telephone | MOBILE HAIR STYLIST MR. BERNARD Experienced, licensed ond fully equipped offers hair dressing services in your own INVEST IN Ist and 2nd MORTGAGES Accounta,ts, 114 King Street E Osh- | awa; Ronald F. D, Wilson, CA; G. Ed-} mond Burrows, CA. 728-7554. a R LEONARD JAMES BROOKS, Certified! ~ Guaranteed epairs Public Accountant, Suite 205W, bad Rang es, Washers, Dryers, etc. awa Shopping Centre, 725-9953. PEDZ | KOWSK | Repair Service 15 Years with Thor DIAL COLLECT BLACKSTOCK, 986-4342 Household Repairs -- Appliance Service SEWING MAC els by your r, le ine Centre, 329 Simcoe Street fouth, | and Low sale purchased, mortgage prob- Agreements for mortgages rates, home. Telephone for op- pointment for Mr, Bernard. to call at your home. } your SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK READS = "1 BEG You KINDLY, THOUGH MY VOICE 16 WEAK, PERHAPS "10 COME. AXD DROP A COIN. ; ll. 17--Male Help Wanted By R. J. SCOTT | TIOW MANY QUESTIONS WERE ASKED WHEN THE 4 SPANIEL 16 $O NAMED BECAUS 4KE COCKER WAS ATYPE DEVELOPED | 4 Hunt WOODLOCKSe | oa" | ry '12--Articles Wanted Atlas of Ontario China Doll, Old Jewelry, No Immediate lems gladly discussed fees. No waiting. service for quick results. 725-6854 | 2--Personal \iF YOU have a drinking problem, write | | Box 333, Whitby, or call 668-3034 or| | 725-0893, {DRIVING to ~Baskatchewan. "Teaving| o CALL 723-3211 EVENINGS 725-2539 linstruction IMARVEY DANCE | ACADEMY, _ |Tap, RAD Ballet, |now! 424 King Street West WHITE Sewing Machines 'Baton, 725-6122. Highland. Register (Oshawa Monday, March 11, Anyone in-/ terested kindly telephone 726-4336 | 'Musical Services PIANO, reed, pipe end organ tuning and repair appraised. J, Removal "of superfluous hair, Marie Murduff will be_ in Oshowo, . Mar. 18th, 19th, ~ electronte| Instruments | Hiddink, Ajax 42-1664 } SALES ---- SERVICE TOWN TOGGERY AJAX 942-5911 Auto Parts cane "SAVE AT WESTERN SERVICE CENTRE Repairs to All Makes LICENSED MECHANICS 145. King West --- 728-1607 "FIVE BAYS TO SERVE YOU" LILLIAN MAE MARSH, DEA, Dancing School. Ballet, tap, acrobatic, } kinderdance. Fridays, Satur- 723-7253 'e-schoo) Masonic Temple. |PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, 15 years' experience, By interview only {Act now. 725-1054 |STEEL HAWALL or Spi |lessons, Instruments supplied | Music Studio, King Street West. 728-0661 | MUSIC LESSONS -- ciassical and pop- ula piano accordion, violin, gui |saxophone, clarinet, drums, etc. A Music Supplies, 453 Simcoe South,! | 725-1501 | LEARN TO DRIVE -- Oshawa Driving School DAY or EVENING Late Models, Standards Automatics Dual Controjled OSHAWA AND WHITBY age loans available. CALL 728-0091 RICHARD H. . DONALD, BA, A. Barrister, Nose Public, 52% Simcoe! 'Mortgages ay Ap BUAKE ee oa } FI R ST Mortgage LOANS Telephones: Business 723-2201; Rest. dence 728-5373. Residential Property Mr. Warwick Mr. Vessey JOSEPH | P. MANGAN, a Forged 728-1653 GUARANTY TRUST MANNING | F. SWARTZ A AND ORAS Company of Canada MORTGAGE | LOANS Pins King 'Street East, dence, dial 723-4029. McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, Solicitors. Clients' funds available for Moneys for first Interest at 7% Open mortgages No bonus first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street North. 728. No charge for valuations ries C. MeGibbon, Mortgages and Agreements purchased. Moneys for second mortgages Fast service. M. F. SWARTZ 262 King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723.4697 mortgase|- es /MONEY TO LOAN Low Interest Valuations Arranged Barristers PALPH J RA and THOMAS sociate Barristers and Soli- King Street East. 728 6246,/ | ac; Rese ir tor, 3% Simeoe Street South. 725-9592. Residence 728-0264, 00 . SALMERS, BA, Barrister, Solici- 4% Simcoe Street North.) Residence 725-5543. | BRUCE V. MACKEY, BA, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Mortgage funds available. 36% King Street East. 723-1107. Res., 985-7163. LOUIS 8. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Soil-| eitor, Notary. Alger Building, 37. King! Street East. 723-4943. Mortgage monies} available. GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Soii- citors, etc., 114 King Street Ea Dial 7 Residence Phones. 7253368. Terence V. 128-5832 mortgages J Keliy, acDONALD, BA , LLB, Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pab- lic. The Commercial Building, 286 King West, Oshawa, Ontario, Client park- ing available. 725-4716 or 725-4717, S, BOYCHYN and BI. Barristers, Solicitors, 3614 Ki. Street East, Oshawa; R, B. H phreys, QC;. G. 5S Boychyn, ¥v. A. Hillman, LLB. Office 721- Residence, 728-4326; Whitby, NHA and other funds available. Bookkeeping BOOKKEEPING services, income tax| returns, statements prepared. B.C. Ser- vices, 708 Newman Crescent, Whitby. j 668 - i Building Trades | CUPBOARDS OUR SPECIALTY. | New! building and repair work. Call Bill} Vroom, Whitby 668-4118. | YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. } Chimneys built and repaired, gas lin-| ings ifistalied, furnaces vacuumed Free estimates, 723-2997. RECREATION ROOMS, ns, re-| modelling, houses built, cupboards, ete. | A. _ Summers, 728- '72A5. | James 0' Malley | CONST. LTD. 723-7122 | Oshawa and District Home; OFFICE AND STORE Remodelling Specialists | Residential City and District Summer Properties Vacant Land Members Ontario Brokers' Association SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED 112 Simcoe St. North Oshawa, Ontorio--725-3568 Classified Ad Rates 25 WORDS OR LESS Better described offers get faster results. Cash Charge 4.13 2.48 figure or gilndonusane as one word. ie | 6 consecutive days 3 consecutive days. . Count each word, Box number If not paid within 7 devi. 'harak rate 'Gpaliad Professional listings only, 3 lines per month. Each additional line per month initial, (Not applicable for merchandise advertisements.) DEADLINES 5 p.m. day previous Classified 'Display .».2:30 p.m. day previous Births, memoriams, cords of thanks -- 9 a.m. day of publication Lost and Found -- .. 8:30 a.m. day of publication Cancellations 'and Corrections--8: 30 a.m. day of publication. REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors, in advertise- ments submitted otherwise than in writing, not for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement, nor beyond the price charge for a single insertion of the advertisement in which error 'occurs. The Oshawa Times reserves the right to classify advertising according to its proper classification. In the case of display advertisernents, The Times will not be held responsible for more space than that in which the actual error o¢cupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce al! adver- tising motter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisement if eny inoccuracies in any form ere conteined therein, OMA, r a | Pointing and Decorating ark | 20th. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appoint- ment. ELECTROLYSIS 723-464) \3--Pets & Livestock \PU REBRED beagle male, eight weeks old, papers, $25. 'Telephooe 723- 2747, | BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready ~ tor | Painting, Paperhanging \training, talking strain, Apply Mrs Optometrist i { --~ oe "Pleave Dominion _ alids Cc. H. TUCK, RO, Optometrist pay accounts at downtown Bank or 74 Burk Street examined at home. Dial 725-458 | | | DODD & SOUTER PAINTING AND DECORATING CONTRACTORS glassware, cool oil lamp, glass or china shoés. Will pay cash, ; Vera Lee's Antiques Hwy, 7 & 12, Greenbarik, Ont _Telephone Port Perry 985- 7723 SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wonts cars for wrecking Parts for sale, also scrap iron and metals, etc., bought Open Saturday al! day. Phone | 725-2311--89 BLOOR E,_ WANTED SCRAP, IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS Raw Furs, Deer Skins, Metals (collect) TURNER 723- 2043 -- 723-2281 Gyptex, Full Wall Murals "| Broad, 114 Elgin Street East "| Spray Painting | PUPPIES, Golden Labrador Retriever, | "| 107 BYRON' STS, WHITBY |Eum'uscke Sia temutte tontsreas tas S DAYS 668-5862 |Port Perry 985-2850. NIGHTS 725-7426 'Personal Service | ODERN GRILL | Bar-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home Made Pies and Desserts. WE DELIVER 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH 725-3887 |PUREBRED BEAGLE weeks old, $15, hear 29 pups, , nine J. B, Cawker, Highway Manchester. Port Ferry:| H 52! | |CHIHDAHUA | puppies, ~ Tegistered, "| pr tag and white, six weeks oid | 668-9056 28-3604. ' lane -- Part an mare with |oolt, Also registered. Hackney stallion, | ltwo years old. Telephone Bowmenville| | evenings. 623-2192 |5--Farmer's Column BALED hay for sale. Telephone Bow- \manville 623-2202 {GOOD clean baled oat st rine and Heating \AL L PLUMBING and heating supplies. |Telephone "3521. Harold H. Stark) Heating and Engineer- treet South. Apply 668-3149. | FARMERS, need tires? Call Bill, your| |Dominion Tire representative. 725-6511} | or ev enings after 6, 725-7263 | REPAIRS an and remodelling of "all types.| CASH on the spot. Highest prices ia inew and materials. Reasonable|for dead and crippled farm stock | jrates. Free estimates, 725-1334, Me-\Telephone Collect. Hampton COlfax | srath Plumbing and Heating |3 2721 sarewal Fur Farm, Tyrone.| ALL PLUMBING and heating [Licence 245-C | Phone 725-3521. Harold H. Stark, Lid.) < Properties | RET | ----- y on} Plumbing, heating and r \-- | Se Ree See ee |MARINA AND BOATEL site, 1 |ALL TYPES of repairs and remodel.|Trent Waterway. Cement » Bas! ling, new and used materials. Reason-|Pumps, 12-room lodge now on property, | able rates, Estimates free. Dial! four acres in all. Best location we ever) 23-1193, J. Foley. listed, Stoutt Agencies Lid., Reaitors,| |140 Muskoka Street, Gravenhurst, \Collier street, Barrie, Ontario. 111--Articles For Rent Dishes - Cutlery - Glasses | Punch Bowls Coffee. Urns Silver Tea Service Silver. Candelabra Sargeant's Rentals __ 725-3338 | WHEEL CHAIRS \Ltd., Plumbing. jing, 255 Simcoe in, 10 |Rug- -Upholstery Service RU GS. chesterfields cleaned in you r home. Reasonable rates. Guaranteed) | satisfaction, 728-7057 CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re covered like new. Get the best for less) at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe} }$ uth, Call 728-6451. Free estimates. | CHESTERFIELDS ire-styled. Free | | | | | | re-upholstered and! estimates. Sce our! | material for re-covering. Dalton Up} : | poleteciog: 75 Charles Street. 723-7212. | |CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, like new, Why pay. more? Our rates; are reasonable, Satisfaction guaran-| |teed Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Up- Hospital beds, invalid walk- poeeare oes Bond | Weat. Dia ing, bedside commodes, \RE-UPHOLSTERING -- Gh id crutches also _-- slenderizing RE- LSTE :-- esterfields, machines and toll-away lehairs, antique furniture of all kinds,| re-finished, re-built, re-covered, All| beds FOR SALE OR RENT 725- 1644 | recovered, | | | | | | | workmanship guaranteed. For a free |estimate, call 728-3281; evenings call [fz 2439 and a representative will call No obligation, Kennedy Upholsiering RENTALS | OF ALL KINDS HOUSEHOLD EQUIPMENT-- folding chairs, hand planes, nail pullers, staplers, bolt cutters, tile cutters, caulking guns, tape recorders, TV sets, transistor radios, tile rollers, extension cords, floor polish- ers, vacuum cleaners, bissell shampooer, portable cooler, dehumidifiers, air condition- er, flight bags, megaphone speaker, strapping machine, | baby carriages, C.C.M. "ex- ercisers, sewing machines. CAMERA EQUIPMENT-- mm. slide camera, projector, slide movie camera, gun, binoculars. GARDEN EUIPMENT--Elec- tric hedge clippers, post hole augers, lawn mowers, lawn rollers, garden sprayer, seed- ers, lawn 'sweeper, fence stretcher, post drive, tree pruners, scythes, lawn area- tors, sod cutters, gorden tiller, flame gun. COMPLETE EQUIPMENT POWER TOOLS -- drill, skil saws, 8" sows, jig saws, routers, sows. | ra and Service ART'S GUN REPAIRS, Tegistered fire} jarms dealers. All types of firearms bought, sold and repaired, 24-Hour service Whitby 668.2497. OUTBOARD MOTOR | REPAIR SERVICE SCOTT MOTOR McCullough Chain Saw SALES & SERVICE OSHAWA MARINE SERVICE Simcoe North 728-0031 | 1487 |Surveyors fi, FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario) jLand Surveyors, 111 Elgin Street East j | Phone 725 6881 35 movie projector, Screen, sun- ltario Land Surveyor, prints. Comme: ll Ontario Street, 725-5432. |TV--Radio Repairs \RANTEED repairs to all makes| 'TV, radio, car radios. Thompson Elec- | tronics, 157 Elhott 723. 9792 Fred } {LOU'S TELEVISION SERVICE, Day or night calls. All work guaranteed {529 Emerald. ' Telephone 728- 5804. TV. TOWERS Antenna Repair TRIO * TELEVISION 171 BOND ST. E. OSHAWA | __ 728-6781 f TV TOWERS cn | Sharpening & Rentals Ltd. 223 K St. W., -Oshi Economy and Deluxe thee rials CAMPING electric bench chain | ---|13--Business _Opportuni William F, P. Smith, RR No, 2, "Whitby. eae \HAIRFASHIONS AND BOUTIQU Je're. looking _ for someone in this community who wants si ean their own coin-op- WESTINGHOUSE Laundromat equipped Laundry and | DRYCLEANING Store | We help finance. Call or write. ALD, Inc. | ALD CANADA, LTD., 25 Belfield Read, Rexdole (Toronto) Ont RO 6-7255 _ EXCEPTIONAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY A gigantic extension program provides thigvunique business opportunity (by a dynamic company to limited selected individuals or families, with or without experience what- soever, who wiil own and manage one of the most mo dern and exclusive MAISON DU MAXIM E FEATURING FAMOUS HELENE CURTIS PRODUCTS EXCLUSIVELY TAKE advantage of this once in a lifetime opportun- ity to become financially independent and to associate in a multi billion dollars, Statistically proven cintinu- ing booming service industry. This is a steady depression proof, year around lucrative business that can net $15,- "000 to $20,000. annually. Sensational new revolutionary approach, plus Maison du Maxim service methods will bring thousands of satisfied customers daily to Maison du Maxim Hairfashions and Boutiques, coast to coast, Complete training and start- ing assistance given by teams of award winning top pro- fessionals to unexperienced or experienced accepted ap- plicants alike. MANY other advantageous benefits, savings 2-4 promo- tional plans to boost far above average profits, No franchise fee is required Ap- plicants must have good credit rating, pleasant per- sonality and reasonable edu- cational background. Invest- ment for starting inventory and down payment on instal- lation and equipment will run at approximately $5,000 IF you can meet with the above requirements, have a> desire to own your own bus- iness and be your own boss, write today inciuding ad- dress and phone number to Dept. 17. Maison du Maxim Ltd., 355 King St. W., onto 2B, Ontario Tor- | WOMAN with six-year oer ibaa position. 728-541 COMPTOMETER operator, ed, Oshawa resident,' desires work to do at home pendable service. PETER PAN DAY |day (9 Friday Simcoe Street DEPENDABLE handyme jing, | pairs done, | Mil, 728-1993 | RELIABLE jchildren and ) | working mother |Telephone 728-2725 r Would 'live in RELIABLE. woman n will babysit by. "the | week or do housework by the day |phone 725-6662 Tele-' experienc: achine, Fast, de- 728 3845. NURSERY, or half dy Telephone Wall wash-! basements cleaned, Re- Any job welcome. Just call) owns Telephone all th. windows, OMAN will jook after light housework fo South-east preferred Phone 723- 3224 Priced to suit your budget. TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY "LIMITED 728-8180 hold the key to Extra Cash friends } perience Fashion Frocks, Ltd., | 16--Female Help Wanted ~|AMBITIOUS » | ready-to-wear. Good salary Apply Box| | Sal. . Oshawa Times. sales. girl for ladies'. KLY for wearing iven you as bonus North American Fashion No canvassing necessary Frocks investment, ex North American 3425 Industrial L.4008 Montreal 39. ~| WAITRESSSS required |16--Female Help Wanted Apply in per- json, Genosha Hotel, 70, "ing Street aged woman for light house- Sleep in preferred. Quiet Telephone 725-2914 |WANTED -- reliable woman to care {for baby in our home while mother |works, Transportation necessary, Tele- |Phone 728-7410 after 3. | home. _|RELIABLE woman wanted for coffee | |shop, no nights or week ends. |Silver Grill, | Whitby | RELIABLE WOMAN to come in and jcare for small baby, five days weekly, mother works. After 6, - call 823. Apply | 1628 Brock Street South, CED and reliable woman! for general housework, five-day week, jfrom 8 to 5 p.m. After 5 p.m., call | 723-4114. | SECRETARY "for small business. Apply jto Albert Randall and Sons Ltd., 412 Ic hestnut Street West, Whitb) | RELIABLE housekeeper, over 35 varia jold, to live in, and care for two school- age children and 17-month-old baby. |Telephone 725-7547 between 1 \p.m |SALESLADY, age 25 to 35. with some! jexperience in posting or bookkeeping.| Permanent position, salary and com-| missions. Apply in person, Singer Sew- ling Machine Co., 14-16 Ontario Street,| y | Oshawa | WOMAN who can drive to call regu- |larly each month on established Studio Girl Cosmetics clients in and around Oshawa making necessary deliveries etc., three or four hours per day. | Write Studio Girl Cosmetics, Dep |cDM 840 LaFleur Ave., Montreal, 32. EXPERIENCED _ WAITRESS Steady Days Apply in Person, Manager MALL RESTAURANT Os howa Shopping Cc entre WAITRESS WANTED Full time. Experienced. Apply in Person BO-PEEP RESTAURANT _Oshawa Shopping Centre _ | | LADIES | NOW IS THE TIME | To look into the Avon | Opportunity. | Write today for interview P.O. BOX 512 OSHAWA Dental | | | | | | | Nurse Young women age 18 to 38 to be trained as Assistant to Dentist Grade 12 Education >referred. Typing ond references re- quired. Reply in) own handwriting giving age, education, pre- ;| bonus arrangement. lovely | Just show} to} vious employment, experi- ence, marital stotus or obli- gations and list telephone number Box 420 _OSHAWA TIMES | ATTENTION YOUNG WOMEN Between 18 and 40 years. | | Ideal part-time work, 4 | hours a day, 5 days a | week. Guaranteed salary. | $1. an hour to start plus | | | Call between 9 and 11 a.m.) 7 and 9 p.m. 725-7512 | | gH |17--Male Help Wanted |WANTED IMMEDIATELY enced male teacher for tutor, Telephone 728-2653 TOOL & DIE MAKERS For local industry. $2.68 per | hour plus fringe. benefits P.S.1. group insurance. Paid holidays etc. Age no deter- rent experi Grade 7 | | CALL 725-6523 17--Male Help Wanted 17--Male Help Wanted ENGINEERING. ASSISTANT REQUIRED FOR COMPRESSOR MANUFACTURER Located at Port Hope Must be capable of producing own drawings. Some electrical experience required. Reply in writing to CHIEF ENGINEER, DUNHAM "BUSH OF CANADA LTD., PORT HOPE MAN -with printing experience, knowl- edge of Ludlow desirable, Steady work, 'Atlas Tag Co., Bayly Street, Ajax, Ont. OPPORTUNITY -- local firm has open- | ing for a bright young Whitby in, 22- |40. No previous experience necessary. {Starting salary, $350, to 5450 monthly, with future increases in six months, Write in own handwriting to Box 613, Oshawa Times, Whitby. EMPLOYMENT OFFICERS : National Employment Service Unemployment Insurance Commission Oshawa, Ontario. Salary: $4410 - $4950 Documentary evidence _ of high school graduation will be required Several years of experience related to the duties of the position, For full particulars as to residence, qualification re- quirements and application forms see Posters on display at the National Employment Service and Post Office. Apply before MARCH 15, 1963, to the Civil Service Commission, 25 St. Clair Avenue East, Toronto 7, Ontario. Competition number 63-T- 601 should be quoted. INSURANCE TRAINEE Interesting perman- ent position. Claims and supervisory sales work and 5) Good education and moture judgement. Attractive. working condi- tions ond employee benefits. Starting Salary $4,000 to $4500 per annum. Age about 25 years. All replies treated confiden- tially. Please write giving de- tails to district manager. CO.OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION 286 KING STREET WEST OSHAWA 'CAREER ~ LIFE AGENTS Interested In Discussing Agency Management Aviong established, progres- sive Canadian Life Insur- ance Company, would like to talk with successful Life Insurance Agents, who hove two or more years field ex- perience To the right mon we offer: The highest commission, truly vested contract Plus a Production Bonus. _ An opportunity to own your Life Insurance Agency. Company assistance to get started Vested contracts for Agents Company assistance in selec- tion and training of Agents. Completely new portfolio, bosed on (1958 C.S.0. mor- tality tables. Attractive sales material. Reply in confidence to: BOX 418 Canadian Aluminum Products career HAVE OPENINGS For Several Salesmen Past experience helpful but not necessary. Guaranteed. draw plus come mission and bonuses. Transportation not essential halpful but Thorough training progrom given. Age no barrier if you are ambitious. If you want to earn a bet- ter than average living, and you want a permanent posi- tion with @ future for ad- vancement. Personal interivews will held at our office, be March 7, 8, 9, 11th. | Thursday and Friday 10 A.M. to 1 P.M. Saturday 10 a.m,.to-2 p.m. 299 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa -- 728-7586 AAA-1 TEXAS OIL Company needs man over 30 as traveling representa- tive. Write F. O, Swallow, Pres., South- western Petroleum Co., Box 789, Fort Worth 1, Texas. EXPERIENCED HARDWARE SALESMAN Mechanically minded, Apply to Personnel Office (upper level) T. Eaton Co. Ltd. | Oshawa Shopping Centre Oshawa, Ontario YOUNG MAN FOR OFFICE WORK Must be neat in appearance, alert and ambitious, with at least Grade 9 education. OPPORTUNITY FOR FUTURE ADVANCEMENT Apply in person Mr. Robert Young Circulation Manager THE OSHAWA TIMES Everybody Knows: Oshawa's Top Salesmen Are Times Classified Ads lis Years of Age or Older! EXPERIENCED lubrication man for service station. Wage an incentive. In- surance bt its. Write Box 422, Oshe awa Times. ACTUAL sone in Canada, . Euro ay. Room, C32, Am pe. Information Centre, Boylston St., Bo: EXPERIENCED manage service station, State lence, age and schooling to Box, we) Oshawa Times. OFFICE CLERK With General Insurance knowledge, experienced only, apply in writing, iSACKVILLE AGENCY LTD., \BOX 146, PETERBOROUGH LEARN MEAT CUTTING 20 men needed for class; in / Oshawa and surrounding Dis- trict day or evening. Being formed offering _ practical training in the highly paid field of meat cutting, mer chandising and self - serve. Act now, PRACTICAL MEAT CUTTING and RETAIL SCHOOL Please write 1425 DANFORTH AVE, TORONTO, ONTARIO HO 1-7545 18--Male or Female Help Wented _ EXPERIENCED PROOFREADER Applicants must have least grade 12 education. | | at | | Apply superintendant GENERAL PRINTERS LTD. _57 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA "723-2233 |20--Room and Board H for seven days, for two gen jtlemen, willing to share, single beds, jcentral. Telephone 728-3396, | ROOM and board in private home, lady or gentlemen, home cooked meals, five minutes walk downtown or shopping centre. 723-2338, ROOMERS WANTED -- light | house- ante if preferred, two blocks from ers, Telephone 728-2467 for | {partic ul: ars. \sia. EACH for seven days, for twe |gentlemen, willing to share, single |beds, central. Telephone 728-3396. |PARK Road South, 109, single room {for gentleman, Parking space available, |$7 weekly, Telephone 723-1830 |NEAR DUPLATE and bus, clean, quiet |home, good meals, laundry if desired. Lunches packed, Parking. "ee | preferred, Telephone 723-12 |ROOM AND BOARD for two you |single men, in clean, quiet nome. jfood, free parking. Willing to share, | Apply. 81 Park Road South. |PRIVATE ROOM with board, sevene jday week, laundry, TV pri \Close to town and' buses, Girl come, 173. Ritson South, wele SIMCOE AND Be. AND area, quid room. Good lunches packed, | Private bath and entrance. Home priw ileges, Laundry, parking. Gentlemen, | Apply 708 Carnegie Avenue. |22---Storage Space: | and jarages 'BUILDING, 30° x 12 for storage epaq@ sup or light repair shop, Heat, hydro 'plied, $35 monthly. 728-4420. 'HEIRLOOM FINERY By ALICE BROOKS Small but precious! Delight a bride or friend on her anniver- 'sary with a dainty doily. | Luxury of owning real lace-- 'your reward for knitting cob- iweb-fine doilies carefully, Pat- tern 7251: directions; 8 and 8- inch doilies. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins), for this pattern (no stamps, please) to Alice Brooks, care,of The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft Dept., Oshawa, Ont. Ontario res dents add lc sales tax. Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS. 1963's Biggest Needlecraft Show stars smocked accessories --it's our new Needlecraft Cat. alog! Plus over 200 fresh-to-you designs to knit, crochet, sew, weave," embroider, quilt. ifree pattern. Send 25c now! | Want-Ads Don't | | Cost-They Pay Plus | NU OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS PRINTED PATTERN ~~ Terrific Topping By ANNE ADAMS Newest fashion coverage -- easy-sew jacket tops skirts, slacks, shorts, bathing suits! Let your imagination roam--choose vivid prints, . colors. | Printed Pattern 4654: Misses® Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. Size 16 ice with hood 25% yds. 35-inch; without 1% yds. FORTY CENTS (40c) in coins ce stamps, please) for this pat» itern. Ontario residents add 1¢ {sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE MBER. | Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, Pat- \tern Dept., Oshawa, Ont, Just out! 304 design ideas plus jcoupon for FREE pattern--any jone you choose in new Spring- |Summer. Pattern Catalog, Send 50c now,

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