$ Perens Space |25--Apt. & Flats For Rent |27--Real Estate For Sale - |27--Real Estate for Sale |27---Recl Estate For Sale |27--Real Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, March 9,1963 17 pace ; eel heveges es N, $10,700, brick bungalow, jarages SIMCOE STREET SOUTH, 786 -- five-/URGENT, MUST BE SOLD two-|695. DOW: f end Sores te neta." Parkins Apply" shove =" [690 down, Se ts Seles se Ae YOU TOO GUIDE REALTY 29--Automobiles For Sale' |32--Articles for Sale GARAGE pulteble tor aa Ot] BUILDING, 30° x 12', for storage snace|ven. Heated. Parking. Apply above Hforry--eall Roy eo. at "4, FARTS of 1955, Chevrolet, for, sale, in-| ABSOLUTELY tree! A brand new. floos oat, vicinity Mary Connaught light repair shop. Heat, p ---- urry. 725-6544, | ROOM aro oy, Buspete, $5 monthly, 'telephone 725-1948. | plied, $35, monthly, 728-4420, | WHITBY -- Basement apartment, part-| John A. J, Bolahood Ltd Foetigg thon eat ge ihe yggeoh 7 ENJOY incited cluding motor, 'Telephone 723- louive "AVENUE -- Store for rent.|ly Mee 9 and papmnuts bere acer Ot leeds, baat: No. CAN mit ee sar "+ New Offices |Bighteen feet wide by forty-four, Ad-|5 P.m. 723 ss Manilla 7R5. Telephone ---- Pangg NWS EAE T after 6, 723-4966, All day Sat- [ofting," apace i dosed. THeOh0% ganniy STREEE, Ww -- wees roms] $11 600)- $11,600 |rour - noom runssion, rickerns| BETTER LIVING | Ages' 6 room stone ond |S?" in Medical Center = pee bath second an rrelophene 1. ' U Beach, nime miles from Oshawa. $70 brick te ba low with 1957 PONTIAC convertible, V8, Star/gr patna #305 3 place OR RENT 987 : B | Cartier |Phone pkg yg haus ttached ga Simment naw, | Sete te ee ae eee [gsr etal Sag fg oe 211 Simcoe Street S. F --_______________| BUNgAIOW ON CAITler | phone 723-3186 after 6 p.m. AT attached garage, , | windows, \WAs-| posse" besten tenn ee ee TWO-BEDROOM apertment 1s | spart i with stove, fireplace. A good : neva, tettinceter "Cheer CEMENT BLOCK ment building, Power Store, King East, 40 ACRES of land, wilderness, 2000 , . nel Since, ros. "Air con istove, erator, ditioning. lephone Park South. Available July 1963 BUILDING 70' x 32' vicinity, Refrigerator, stove, parking) $1,000 down buys this well |feet on highway 12,'20 miles north of buy ot 3 ig Lape good. |e eee one : (i laundry facilities, Telephone 728- Whitby. $4000 or exchange. Write Post SO UTHWOOD financing. Call now, this ome (1957 . BUICK four-door harttop, auto-|THREE self - serve Con be tinished to ault 3 car garage ond | 7438 ' kept home, payments ore | office box 382, Oshawa. eager' eal won't last long. matic, power brakes, radio with rear Early Tenants. parking space. BLOOR Bast, 220, fourroom unfurnish-| less than $99 monthly in- |warrpy -- fourteen-room, brick _in- speaker. Perfect condition, Telephone f Useful as factory, ete. ed apartment, private entrance, private i . SUBURBS -- A good 5 room | 725-2018. be, ' |bath, newly decorated, heavy wiring, cluding your taxes, No qual- » reasonable HOMES bungalow on large lot with '|1957 FORD truck, tractor fully equip | VACUUM cleaner PHONE 725-5132 Dial 7233 2563 lone child welcome. 728-5636. ifying necessary. tppointment, telephone Whitby ity 668-B11¢ all conveniences, good water ped, good condition, Telephone Bow-| 7) pio thew eng Ey. eggs all makes, : ee | PICKERING YIELAGE, modern oe MUsT 16 sail. White clapboard tou fouit room supply. magyilie 682-6005. brushes, hoses, guaranteed rebuilt me | ti nm walk-out * : : i 'arts, attachments, [mene Stove, washer, ayer, Niee| Telephone Bill Millar -- |house, fall bascmeds All Ses'over pas:| NOW AVAILABLE BURKETON -- 4 room home" {2M SRO metenh, seeatinte., etette-] ee caeiies Meike OF \gNRALLY LoChTaa---" cand 725-1186 eg ta eng ~ opened on Va acre lot with modern |Meautiful condition, Balance $497, Take|TYPEWRITERS, adders, os 4 LLY LOCATED -- -bed- > or Ajax, lect, * ; over payments of Pk) per month, or » chequewriters, ARE YOU IN NEED aurea in triplex building. WITH ktichen, 3-pe. bath and 14 x $450 cash, 728-4357, three hn h 24 garage, low down pay: pda Sen gd 8 : mor jephone 728- W. ToL C ment. 1956 CADILLAC Coupe ae Ville, A-1 eon. Ottics A MODERN OFFICE? ----sareanorsczrsammaren| Rel Eo STRIKE IMMEDIATE | secon mee i Ee, a a 'Street. BED, » single 'good epring THREE-ROOM heated basement apart- INCOME PROPERTY -- 13 5 pam, ar Abert yo ey S cate chest, ment, Range, drapes, private bath, en- POSSESSION rooms and store, commercial |1962 CHEVROLET Bel Air 'two door,| nut finish, $25: rea, trance. Near bus stop. Telephone 725- IT property, a steal at $11,900, |hardtop, radio, automatic, white walls| like new, 5325 after 6 p.m. . B00. mn 6 'room | 12000 _miles, 725-1347, ing table, a4 TEREE-ROOM apartment, 'builtin, eup- brick with hot water oil heat- |i889 PARISIENNE, | two-door "hardiop skirt, $12; bookcase," double boards and sink, heavy wiring. Avail- : | 18 / V8. automatic, radio, $1695, After 6|900rs, $7, Telephone 725-7142, it f able March 15. Apply after 4.90 p.m, j RI ing and gorage. Good quiet | p.m. 725-7292. BOATS We have available a suite © 163 Banting cite pen ouse ° street ond low taxes, ry ) PONTIAC Laurentian sedan, € evi: aa sort ALBFRT Street, 539, ma oor, three- DISTINCTIVE inder standard, radio, A-1 condition.| Boats; Srow-Grivers Tra- ; ' : " : 11,900, FULL PRICE -- pies. offices totalling approximately roame. apartmneet, peivels. sntzase Gad Sell $ $11,900, FULL PRICE, -- |ravesrs or #7 Durbam veler, Mason, ©. arson i 105 Cl : : Motors; : 00 feet Air condit- ie incall . eyo oy 2 p.m. Until 7 p.m. Things INDIVIDUAL 32 rec. room. All in immac- Special 38, Iilitop Auto Sales, King] Pena. Evie," Votre 10 square gis ment, Private PSone All i eodvent- This Week-End STYLES ulate condition, peters ve 3 4 : ee aetna | WARING. STORAGE & SUPOLY way i960 CHEVROLET Impala convertible : : 7 rs jences. Apply above. You Don t pote ' . Perfect' condition, Be: ioned, bright and served by ele |UPPER DUPLEX, extra large two) 1016 OLIVE AVENUE : FROM AS LOW AS Ha lh a bgee's otter, Aten 7 a: oc amaneal Brooklin, ri 655-364) tor in The Times Building. pees: "Gus cand weloane Call ; Need, $12,900, ideally situated for |18is PONTIAC. taurentan, 6 ylinder,| FREE ame ° lar eee eee UNO ON ARAGES | «Through An $13,245 brick, There lee eoparcty (eet se APmY at Mentiwvel] ANN OH! Burner Servies apartment, three - plece Aaeed : |bath, 'well heated central location, in! Directions: Go to King Street Oshawa WITH dining room and a good sized | i941 PONTIAC Laurentian sedan, aulo-| Free and guaranteed if CONTACT | Mature, adult' preferred." Telephone East, turn et Hert's Hill on 723-3078. kitchen and all 3 bedrooms | matic, radio, V8, Will take trade and ° ood size. Re ee OE ¥ : im ore a gi AVAILABLE April 1-- three-room Grondview, shal right ia! 7 es $736 DOWN one be Kouaeat. Sonate ae 8132, aie Ba we 1953 OL ' Apr ve WARREN AVENUE -- .7 |radio, snow tires, good condition. #130| WESTERN Ol pee cor, ern een ee ere Sree: Classified Ad. |. room rug brick home with {or best offer. Telephone 728-0558, DIAL Nee . THE OSHAWA TIMES |Fa5-11i3 trom 3, parking, 5 7251868 W. ae Lamson > BALANCE ] N.H.A. double garage and paved wie VOLRSWAGRN deluxe, like "new. EAT Wh ; M ts 5 \ 725-1113 from 8 to 5.30 evenings, 725-15 ili a 7 z drive, Estote sale, call todty any extras 'elephone after at's Line? Seeeeee eee Te! py Boro Und 723-3492 MORTGAGE | eiaprescae, sot ma erate ; WILSON |rooms, unfurnished apartment, up- Y ini GMC 14 ton. 'sake ce truck. Good Buying and selling used fur- jeseres benz uty iting, Suit erepie. Telephone 725-1186 Is Your N.H.A. RESALE -- 3 bed- Mion. Apply 246 Bruce Giree! niture and appliances. For above. room home with large living 1952 PONTIAC,. good running condition, your needs phone, VERDUN ROAD, 165 -- self-contained, Lucky Number Compare these features room, family size kitchen and _ | $5. Telephone 728-2533, o ; "les . NTIAC convertible, Vet faiy} Valley Creek Furniture | Rent |two - bedroom modern apartment,| | with any other home beautifully finished recrea 1960 PO! 23----Wanted To Rent |25--Apt. & Flats For Rer hardwood and tile floors throughout, re- onywhere .., for beauty tion room, broadloom in liv- | Pomered, excenent cenisnm. 728-4401 or call at the store pi t-|frigerator stove; bus at door, Imme- i j - i ees RS ince oie with aeatiaent | MAIN FLOOR = One bedroom. apart diate possession, $90 monthly, Apply BUILDING. LOTS | risk allay one on ouean. hall and master 1962 PONTIAC Laurentian sedan, green, 16% Bond W ¥ . > Apartment 12 above. ' ' Se od ° automatic, power steering, radio, white- emerge on eee | mediately. "Tnebone niko ater 60° x. 65: fs NORTH WEST. MUST BE walls, other extras, Eleven thousand TELEVISIONS one if - iles. 725-4867. eveninys. 26--Rooms For Rent with trees, 2' overhang ' : males. Te Pee rats i é WANTED -- two - bedroom ag ir | mee WE HAVE THE GREATEST SELECTION, IN ing of the roof gives SOLD -- 3 bedroom brick 1950 GHEVROLET, two door, radio, Rebuilt sets, all makes Guar or ee ee Feo isbait with | SIMCOE ~ North, near four, comers, ONE OR TWO furnished bedrooms, Wil-| each home a spacious bungalow with finished rec- |heater, good transportation, $89, Tele-| Nteed. One yeor warranty 'king. Young Choisti tment, refrigerator Road South. Bi it Suit one : i : : i habe Possession April 1. Telephone prota "aaron oibse "path, private en ote: Tadles oc gentiomnen: $0: weeny. | TOWN, OF BUILDING LOTS. RAVINE sweep, a gracious reation room at only $11,- phone 666-4517. pol Bech Ad tube. We also 728-4335, |trance, 725-1932 until 6 p.m. 728-9780 RY ground - 'hugging look; 700, Only $2,500. down will ie 'VOLKAWAGEN ¢ deluxe" in, excel 9 Mek , H For Rent JONTARIO Street, 77, two . gurnished |FURNISHED rooms in private home, LOTS mot CITY LOTS a COUNT paved driveways, con- put you in this home with Taloptibna phil keg wry 000 cai cKeen's 24--Houses Fo woos, third floor, furs | ladies preferred, Near hospital, laundry veniert. kitchen. with 5% NHA mortgage that biti es Used Furniture 426 Simcoe $. PICKERING BEACH, two - bedroom|nished housekeeping room, second floor, facilities. Telephone 728-1855. | «= ESTATE LOTS -- V.L.A. LOTS -- LARGE separate breakfast room carries for $96. including | [958 OWSMOBILE 88, two-door hard 725-5181 or 725-6457 house, gas heated, immediate posses-|employed adults SIMCOF. Street North, large furnished : ond built-in stove and toxes. Call mow for inspec- |imntic radio coe platen Immaculate sion, $55. Telephone Ajax 420205. _| SACHELOR apartment, one bedroom,|room, suitable for lady or gentleman! OR SMALL--WE HAVE THEM ALL. : : tion. 5715, ' THREE-BEDROOM house, recreation| suitable for couple, Townline North,/Available now. Telephone 723-1300. oven included; mainten- 608-5715, et | McCULLOUGH room, private drive and garage Bus|s65, Heat and hydro included. Tele-/QSHAWA motel (formerly Tremeddan ance: free, colored al- 1960 PONTIAC sedan, excellent condi- stop: at door. Close to schools, $90| phone 728-7680. 92. Motel) weekly rates, rooms, single and uminum siding with 15 ggg ie = ----, " tion, whe, Wale, snow oui * any- LUMBER CO. LTD. monthly. Telephone 728-2591 I®TTSON Road North. 34, two furnish: | double, Hot water heated. Television. WILSON REA yeor guarantee, gen- 's ere. \ -- = Complete line of BUENA | VISTA -- F'78-room m bungalow ed rooms, suit working couple, one or| Telephone 723-9761 vine Bo alae brick, premium! hey are a ways In int VAUXHALL Suver "i Re oe eae fine et. with kitchen, two oedrooms, livingitwo ladies or gentlemen. Telephone/ HEAN Avenue, off Wilson Road South, f orn ic tile wells demand, this one is situated wher, blo: er, snow tires, 9595. "WHERE SERVICE room, three-piece bath. Available April 723-481 ae Spacious furnished room, light house- WA SHOPPING CENTRE 725-6588 pea % the beth on @ fenced and beoutifully . |Telenmone FARGO N Te MES FIRST" 1, Telephone 723-7416 NEW three-room oll heated apartment. Keeping if desired. Suit one or two la-| OSHA : Ly MIR Le n treed lot, a comfortable two |CAR RADIOS, special, 1063 Chevrolet THREE - BEDROOM brick house, Will| Main floor. Two outside entrances. dies. Telephone 728-4597 room, self-storing storms 4 C 4 by ni ith fi and Pontiac, push-button custom in the 1276 SIMCOE Si, N. sell-or rent, Available March 15. Tele- Private patio, tiled kitchen and bath-l99 ELGIN STREET EAST -- farnlah: ond screens, high fash- bedroom bungalow with fire- dash. Complete with aerial, $59.95. phone 728-1492. room, stove, refrigerator, parking. 723-/eq rooms, bedroom and kitchen: Re- : j lace in- living room, Finish- _|Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond West. (West Side) ioned plumbing fixtures iid sheds. 6 ~ hear Maple Grove, _\frigerator, built-in cupboards, sink FOR YOUR NEW HOME by Crane, homes com- ed room in basement. Hot | 725-6511. _ eines ae 728-4688 ot} furnace, nd cold water. No|GONANT | STREET, 163 -- three unfur-|Suit couple, Adults preferred. Park- leiaiy ch : ted. homes woter oil heating, garage, a 1956 OLDSMOBILF sedan, power plumbing Telephone 7 725-5000. nished rooms and bath. Suitable for|ing. Apply above address. pletely decorated, , " re aie brakes, power steering, hydromatic,, SPECIAL 1963 SCOTT SEAR hopping Geaize, King Weat,| #dy. $90 monthly. Apply after 6 p.m ATTRACTIVELY CONSULT orchitecturally designed small down payment and the ty 4 original 58,000 miles, $50 down, Private. balance in one nm mort- 4094, ALUM M A Five large rooms, private entrances,|SIMCOE NORTH, 74 -- 'Three - room| by Venchiorutti & Ven- ope Telephone 728 LUMINU BOAT cold water in kitchen, chemical closet, furnished, heated apartment Suitable} s hierutti. To ensure gage. Asking $9,000. i962 MONZA coupe, fully equipped, ten fi ie. $75 monthly. 'Telephone; FURNISHED ROOMS : $45, Evenings, 725-0860. Aa ag mon 'elepho 12 ft Car Top Model. 7% thi nd ile: Te be BLOOR Street East, 212," seven-toom| Avoilabl h : JAMES O'MALLEY io Magli Fp thing aoe LIVE, hae a ranged. $2,305. Whitby, 668-5909, h.p. fishing Scott. Motor. A is wey partr tf vailable in private home. s Hy t erhops your 'amily Os 5 aEN, i ones mot eer See hail A gar 33 Gated," epecioas| Call between 5 and 7 p.m. STRUCTION LIMITED oe oat have grown ont you need a larger | with ratio, #200 cash, fn ~~ COMPLETE $499 " E liable |Tooms, have electric refrigerators and N a ra: products home, robably you have 725-1357 ar haan Sr son toe a or two|st0ves, Six miles east of Oshawa on 82 PARK RD. co been used. also progressed financially | 1954 CHEVROLET, good running order, OSHAWA __ MARINE |Highway 401, $75 monthly. H. Glecoff, jamilies. Tw: ichens, two leg ai e | feel Or for good body, new tires. Custom radio, eens. References: Apply Herman|!7%4 Ritson Road South, Dial 725-1445 NORTH 723-7122 Ad caida ek and feel thot you can afford jfood bady, new, tree, AND SERVICE bet me, s,| Hillside: refrigerator, washer, dryer, ASK FOR T. L. |FURNISHED bachelor apartment, A tommalio Wanemis.|..1487 Simcoe North 728-0031 * sony neq brick | chen, _ bed-sitting-room, tile ath. | -|27----Real Estate for Sale hie, selon oie ae location, In ony cose. hare pig not vl inted. . : NICELY ge RATED five-room bric stove and refrigerator, television | . | a li ' telephone are ready for is @ property thet deserves sion, rebuilt motor, newly pain . $300. bungelow, wajf-out I Lesout t TY ser |patiet, hot water. Adults only, _Care-| SEVEN: 'ROOM "tease oe oy ae We are also specialists in lnwhediate use thneudhe discos Sted in a | Days, Bowmanville 623-3761; evenings, DRAPES fal. Availa' . Sou itby es spit a . . : you . 7 Motors. Telephone 728-0718 phar, Mace Speen Mt Slt panne tease, home, office and store remodelling out the community, All fine section of Whitby, this , » alean, pp | SIX acres, fiveroom house, three-plece f e) h d Di trict hydro and split level with attached gar- od Smid pe gs 40 Mode 25--Apt. & Flats For Rent | bath, attached garage. Barn 24' x 40'. 3 or snawa an Istric connections bi , ; age offers living room with | after_4.30. .| Abstroct, Colonial, og so ! MODERN, one- and two - bedroom | Oshawa Ss Finest Small stream, near school and store. wood homes ore netural ~ fireplave dini 1953 CHEVROLET panel. truck, good nd Floral Patt: ' wall to wall broad | Demner anxious td'sel. Give Us an alter. underground. Roads, fom, modern kitchen, 2p, |tites, motor, directional signals, $125 or babi SrtlGA LY BE! id on 0 lly laundry Tclities it aw down payment. Peter Feddema i a wers, sidewalks and a n kitcnen, 2-pc. best 'offer. 623-2068, Custom Made k | A t Realtor, Bowmanville 623-3644, GRAND OPENI sewers, powder. room and den (or 128-5282. ar ane p S. | | PRIVATE SALE -- save reai estate i : Expertly Installed curbs ore installed -- bedroom) on the main floor. 1954 BUICK two-door "hardtop, me motor ee . ' all paid for by the dev- ; |and body, good shape. Radio, power 10 min. from Downtown ie Sungalow. Professionally land: This Weekend i Up: few steps to three good steering, tranamission defective. Best eloper; churches, libra i d KINGS COURT scaped, aluminum storms and screens, hosaiiel recreation J sized bedrooms and 4-piece offer sells, 668-5126. M an a Attroctive two-bedroom suites. pene ret peice. low aowa par APARTMENTS s da |SRANDViEW vuLtaGe sew ther ROTH CONSTRUCTION ities, supervised swim | Rome and well worth your RENAULT- "| DRY GOODS pacious grounds EW VILLAGE -- new ming pool, modern shop- |GRANDVIEW VILLA thre: ing eo, natant ieee inspection, PEUGEOUT-AUSTIN i, nae Pn, eo Model Homes For 1963 public, separate, junior LOOK WHAT. $12,500. will Parts and Service 74 CELINA STREET and see the plans. Prices from $13,400 3, 2 ; R . high ond high schools buy. Lorge bright modern STATHAM i Piivate boleonea = Nia aa a i ey y esl and Located in Prestige are, already established kitchen with neturel reas BA. SERVICE PHONE 723-7827 Elevator service 23-1133 be sastinels ortnwes rea. oy hig three bedrooms a DeA733 ond rea A : irections: w R ind turm North one block and bath. Beautiful rec. room phd hl | HARRY MILLEN. 7g ne Dag hoy tit gtd hi Wasdale oa you BUILT BY peo belt ContieGhy teeka 1959 Chevrolet _ ntiques dal cia ie GRANDFATHER'S HALL . Paved parking | REAL ESTATE OPEN 1:30 UNTIL 8 P.M. V. V. DEMARCQ ee en storms and BISCAYNE CLOCK 150 kinds of wood, Large One Bedroom $7 | 728-1679 Properties Limited TAUNTON ROAD WEST 4 . door standard, radio, built in 1914-1915 , $200, Two Bedroom $79 Don Howe | 261 CADILLA : JOSEPH BOSCO, Realtor 5 ACRES AND A CHARM- All new tires. Must. sell. TABLE, BASSWOOD, DROP- Evenings 723-9692 | LAC AVE. S. Go west on 401 to Ajox, bl Phar daeatorostg os se Whi tb 668- 8371 LEAF, six legs, needs some Bs i Licucsltven tates | oh ee On TELEPHONE: 728-7377 i de corese, at City | Whitby AJ -2001__|_Howe and Peters Realtors _ Prestige location Approximately 10 miles from Oshawa Controlled entrances Opposite large Shopping Centre Garages neor schools, churches, ete. imi i es ha refinishing large kitchen, living room, limits. Beoutiful large mod ern kitchen 27 ft. livi two bedrooms. Owner anx- _ nus to Seuthwood, room, nicely finished ee TILDEN . EARLY AMERICAN PINE | | ious, low down payment. To ; room, aluminum storms and CHEST, 2 small drawers, 3 " . | MODERN | inpet al yond MODEL SHOWING Exclusive Agents S55 cle wc RENTALS long drawers, medium size rons PIS | APARTMENTS | tomo moniawe street} BY ANDREW SCHMIDT A. E. LEPAGE | sci stati" | Au nein awvioa | Vera Lee's Antiques Owner hos been transferred eG For full particulars cal] 723-1121 CALL 62526559 Hwy 7 ond 12, Greenbank, Ont. We believe that Governor | Quiet -- , Limited Realtors Qpen deily 9 8 sini ee AOU Telephone Port Perry 985-7723 and i nxious to receive of- 1) ny a.m, to pm. i Monsions ore the most lux- Residential Street fers. on this beautiful home THIS WEEKEND T Line 924-0755 j ae SPOT CASH" oronto Line Guide Realty Limited urious apartments and. offer Convenient To | ine select area of city. To PAID FOR the most outstanding feo- | Park Rd. North inspect call Syd. Goodfellow, FROM 2 P.M. to 5 P.M. Ajax Line 942-0180 Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. S. Good clean cars, Trade up PARKWAY tures in the City of Oshawa, | pee King St Wass 728-1679 evenings 723-7335, or down, Liens paid off, | DODD MOTOR SALES TELEVISION Pe ee. (|: REASONABLE ' | _ FEATURING 1963 LAYOUT Trae tet narmecag| SPARK RD SOUTH land RCA, VICTOR 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. RENTS | METCALF The items included are so vastly different that words room house, Have good down payment, cannot describe them. "You must see them for your- Write Box 15, Oshawa Times. _ ~~ YOUR VOLVO DEALER OFFER THE MOST TELEPHONE es | Real Estate Limited self", Try Selling Your. Home _ JAKE & BILL'S ue, A MUST ? eerie EVER IN TEREOS Schofield-Aker 'PARKWOOD MANOR | 40 King St. East : eeiea:, whi il APARTMENTS Dial 728-4678 VISIT WITH US AT THIS SHOWING List With AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 20 watt AM and FM wee 725-7272 PRINCE STREET DIRECTIONS: South on Wilson to Taylor -- East on Taylor -~ GUARANTY ~ wee rhe, Oshawa | cr ART AT $249.95 723-2265 728-9217 $13,000.00 with only $1,800 to Poplar then South to Model. \ n : dawn: BOW vou this lovely 6 TRUST "BUYING OR SELLING Plus $50 Worth Of WHITBY CLASSIFIED = inicio ee: | S. D, HYMAN Real Estate Ltd. conanv orcannon | TED CAMPIN | ST=RFEREE ory's. separate school, This Call Now MOTORS One Yeor Free Service on home features a living room | dining room, kitchen, and 3 728-6286 728-1653 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA Pers ary ey bag : os | large bedrooms, plus a 2 @ « . . contained apartment" Be water, host [eae avai eolrenee. "Avanabia Ins | room apartment that rents O S a Wa AFTER HOURS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 ing. Hot and cold water supplied.|mediately. Apply 225 Green Street, for $70, a month, paved BILL COLLINS 668-8716 30--Automobiles Wanted 723-3043 Available March 15. 5. Telephone 668-3914. Whitby. crm eke ' drive and garage. This one | - FURNISHED room for rent, sul Ken FOR SALE. levee housn - won't last. 29--Automobiles For Sale =--§ "AKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars tleman. -- quiet, adult home Quite $95 takes it. Needs aint and | some -- for wrecking. Highest prices paid. : central. Cedar Street. 668-2383, work wired, Appy tos bem avenue, GOLFVIEW HEIGHTS : : 'ae FREFECT, an wed wr Shepherd Boat FOUR room unfurnished apartment, y Ridges. -- Let us show you plans of 8 @) E S S 'Taa-1900 after 6 p.m. 100 CARS WANTED plus recreation room. Heat, hydro in-| ,paRTMENT TO LET - i 0 a ie this cial: Inboard 18 ft., two years old, Se, Sage noe Teese ree fg geo | homes ond enn oh re 982 COLBORNE ST. EAST IMES KELLY DISNEY Buying a New Car? | 215 hp. interceptor, lke FOR RENT -- Threededroom brick Heat, hydro supplied. South Whitby.) Rd. North and South of Adel- EXECUTIVE RANCH WITH ATTACHED GARAGE USED CARS Sell your retitryitie FE ng new, about 40 'hours runn- bungalow in quiet residential area. per month. Apply 1437 Byron Street} Gide St. Homes built to your 409 BROCK ST. S. Talk "Cash to the 4 ing; twin trumpet horns, Phone 668-5404 ag seed apa ee (Souths --_---- ----| specifications by S. Jackson AND PAVED DRIVE. VERY LARGE AND WELL : WHITBY--668-4291 Car Dealer and' SAV ST Brown hound dog, | ™m Son ode spotlights, Reytheon gas de- SMichy nicabed room' be pRGRRE ICES tise heen an Ne at nese i Ase oh He hit FINISHED REC. ROOM, AND MANY OTHER FEAT- Cars bought and sold TED CAMPIN MOTORS éonivenient location, in adult home.|East Whitby. Finder phone 668-4496.| ° ingalow with all e a nt Liens paid off 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 tector and blowers, electric Telephone Whitby, 668-3976. Reward '| at $12,995. with $1,000. URES. COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. Trade un br dawn pe tes. puna comnieulite 10 365. ONE . b DRESSMAKING: down, "Suits, coats, dresses, Always Top Quality $ ALL CASH $ side' curtains, rear mooring king, heat, hydro, tiled 3-piece bath. Mrs, Toms. 668.2372 DUPLEX i nd fr Fri ) Gintoy ean ots. Piece bath.! a specialty. Mrs, Toms. 668-2372 U This week end from Fr day, March 8th, down. Liens paid off. cover complete paki April 1. $45.00 monthly, Apply 66/668. 2563 Se ee | SEPTIC tanks cleaned, Walter Ward.) $15,700. -- 5 room brick Waite at acid veneer bu low pl - : er rage, specia iniess Ae. mon cee, | plete 3 room 'basement eb 2 P.M. TO 9 P.M. DAILY A | Good Used Cars | NICOLS MOTORS LTD. apartment, warm and dry, includes} alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fittin , cockpi f : mn : The Home Of For clean cars we deal up or SNe Sree oe eye FOR RENT two-room apartment, avail-|204 Chestaut Street West isc h fot 4 512 BROCK ST. N.. WHITBY steel shaft and strut; many t have you ould ortment d ome 'eotures, nd a z a AVON secre seine er Ge pe. both, fenced yard end LOCATION -- GRANDVIEW GARDENS -- EAST Before You Buy 688-8001 other extras, ¥. o 1. patio, 2 nice rooms "mar ' s """ Need immediately, ladies ogg Ge ORES Aono ea id ad po ain rslaton f? Dhillon bh Se Pee Crees Ione" ieee 31--Automobile Repair re ee , ice on calls, Walter Ward, Chestout nice rec room a new ie a Ee ee eeEMen ae wae) . ay : BILL WHITTICK |" Houston's GARAGE | SAMITH SPORTS mbition rn money. | unturnis 'auaaey feclition. One r NI ' Good income, part rei month 30, Wig stret. aren a OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE GUIDE REALTY, LIMITED Tod ay MOTORS LTD. and 'SERVICE STATION Write : Diol 728-4678 BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- 353 KING STREET WEST "Write: | 1109, sec ETE BRAKE SERVICE TEREEROONipsRmcar "uae tar| Dick Berrioge, Joe Mage, REALTORS 146 coven td N. Me, CML aes | TELEPHONE Fea nent P.O. BOX 512 freon 4d See ss Ken Hann, Lioyd Metcalf, GENERAL REPAIRS OSHAWA sey, ae or arver, Parking provide Jack Osborne. 16 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH -- 723-1121 4 67 KING ST. WEST 668-4741 and 668-4025 723.7822 (Continued en Page 18)