several thousand; to withdra' THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, March 9, 1963 J _ within the ext week bed : tement that the! tions than does Trans-CanadajATC's passengers and: freight' unese tall ieee was|Air Lines and more than halflare on scheduled flights." * at a meeting with reporters after he had had a one-hour Sealers tena Warten Camp Oconto Established 1923 For Girls -- 5 to 17 years SAYS RCAF THREAT A private airline official said Riding, land sports, safe waterfront, Resident graduate physician and two nurses. Friday the RCAF transport 40 MILES NORTH OF KINGSTON command has developed into Canada's largest airline and Directors --- Mr. ond Mrs, E. C. Labbett, 3 Pine Forest Rd., Toronto 12 has become a threat to private FULLY ILLUSTRATED BROCHURE SENT ON REQUEST. territory orthern Quebec,|and the so-called "Caouettistes" and in omnes pyro --_ Social Bare Ws tgp fi are. per: Ds nog + io es The party' « controversial deputy lying the Social Credit] !eader. PP % 'ast election--| The disagreements az: said to "you have nothing to lose'--jarise from conflicting nae. r, Kierans said: 'You have|ments by Mr. Caouette ani . to lose." party leader Robert Thompson The. financier immediately|9 the nuclear weapons issue. hippin: June 18 President Jean Mar: gy Bc isee nd Princo hand of the CNTU came outli "sont of audiences in mar- against Social Credit, but party ginal farm areas and in eco- candidates nevertheless scored nomically-weak districts where wins in industrial ares 7h much of the Social Credit sup- Quebec City and Chicoutimi, port came from last June noi KIERANS OPPOSED In a few ings there are re- the|ported disagreements in party ne Nem Veneer, rig rons bay den dete een neuen an. ati oi e into Chicou-|tes", as Soc' -|unde = "a pn Social Credit ers are called in French Canada,'warden, Capt. P. C, Finlay. Confederation of Nations | Trade Unions--the former Ca- nadian and Catholic Confedera- tion of Labor--which does not support any party. but which leaves its affiliated unions free 0 do so, : Mr, Caouette replies there is no truth to their charges his party is anti-labor, A few weeks before the federal election last Soviets Agree To Cut Force In Cuba WASHINGTON (AP)--Soviet Ambassador Anette Dobrynin said Friday 'we will do what we promised we will do" on removing troops from Cuba. The Soviet promise is that several thousand troops will be withdrawn from Cuba by March 15, State Secretary Rusk told a press conference that some movement of Soviet troops from Cuba is under way and that Russian ships are in position Quebec Ponders Real Caouette BERNARD DUFRESNE With a month of hard cam- Dorr aat (CP)--For Que- paigning still remeinins ages oh becers, the big question in the' the April 8 socties, 0 ie federai election cam < pagent ay Every, bod A B ja age mi hd i edi and he now mag gel had offen- will fare, sive to answer his critics. Thi themselves:| Organized labor is on record will 'al drodit* ase some ofjas being irrevocably eet the 26 seats won last June? Or|Social Credit policies. + La will it win as many as the 60|cludes the Ae member Tr seats Mr. Caouette is psi fa Le yorsrene -- a rl ee' has 7S constin DP, and the 100,000-member GET NEW SERVICE FORT WILLIAM, Ont. (CP) A new service for mariners at the Lakehead is the ssutical examination centre veers pe seeking masters' and m certificates may sit for their ex- operators. H. Donald Cameron, Canadian Pacific Airlines exec- utive and president of the Civil Air Transport Association, told a service club luncheon: "Air transport command records more hours on overseas opera- Canada's Finest Health Insurance Opportunity Again Offered To Every Resident of Ontario health insurance plan Pays Your Doctor--From The Very First Visit gj] HOW CAN WE DO IT? 7 GENERAL PRACTITIONER OR SPECIALIST Tai health insurance opportunity is based on the same principles as rogular group inrum ance. The group in this case consist of all Ontario residents who join during the epecified Pays Your Surgeon--For All Operations medicall WILL PAY IN FULL # Yous than ever before, rates comparable with those of large company groups. THE CURRENTLY APPROVED FEES NORMALLY CHARGED BY YOU CONTROL YOUR POLICY'S FUTURE ONTARIO DOCTORS, THE FOLLOWING DETAILS ILLUSTRATE Continental Guarantees--Y our policy will never be cancelled or your benefits or premiums » THE WIDE COVERAGE AND THE BROAD RANGE OF PAYMENTS: 'changed because of the amount or number of claims you collect. Continental cannot * ; cancel ANY policy unless it cancels ALL policies issued under this special Ontario Plan, -- Based on 100% of the Ontario Medical Association's Schedale of Fees, 1962 M@ DOCTOR'S BILLS--For home, office and hospital--from the very You Have the Right to Cancel--Not only can you cancel your policy at any time but, after you receive your policy and you are not 100% satisfied in every way, you may return it " within 10 days and your first month's premium will be immediately refunded. : first visit--general practitioner or specialist--without limit on the number of visits, @ SURGICAL OPERATIONS--as a result of sickness or accident, Ml PSYCHIATRY--Up to $25.00 for the first visit--$10.00 each visit _ 2, PAST CONDITIONS--Coverage for past condi which ° for 100 additional visits, you have had treatment or advice PRIOR to the date of your policy) begins six months after policy's effective date. ' including anaesthetist's fees. Here are some examples of payments made for operations performed by a general practitioner, assistant and anaesthetist: @ TONSILS AND ADENOIDS-Standard six month waiting period for removal of tonsils and adenoids. : Surgeon & Asst. Wrist Fracture wessceee $ 47.60.... Appendix...» * f becee a¥ " a * ! owl v Mi DIAGNGSIS--Inclading x-ray and laboratory expense to a limit of $50.00. No limit on necessary x-ray for fractures and dislocations, Mi MATERNITY--Covered after plan in force for 8 months, miscarriage after 3 months. Both husband and wife must enroll. Mi YOU ARE FULLY COVERED for both new and past conditions, 1, NEW CONDITIONS--Coverage begins immediately on the effective date of the policy. 2. Aneesthetist Mi MEDICALL DOES NOT COVER routine medical examinations or "check-ups"; preventive medicine such as vaccinations; expense * Anaesthe- tist, payment will be paid by Workmen's Compensation or other Government authority; oe ° . . ° ist's scheduled rate. THESE LOW MONTHLY RATES ARE ALL YOU PAY! A MESSAGE TO SELF-EMPLOYED PERSONS Medicall is of particular interest to professional people and sales representatives as it offers the individual the benefits of group insurance at group rates, One of the four plans detailed above will cover your requirements. No company address or association is. necessary. Here's All You Do To Join: aad 1. Fill out enrollment blank and' § attach cheque or money order § Soe fret month's premium; : "~% OnePlan Only) wepicat PLAN i a 2. Give them to yourown insure g "NCLOSED IS $3.50 effects of War. 1. Man or woman under 50 years of age $3.50 monthly Each person enrolling must make out a separate enrollment form. Man or woman 50 years of age or over $5.00 monthly 4. Both parents (any age) and dependent children under 19 years of age. '$13.00 monthly Only one enrollment form . One adult (any age) and dependent children under 19 years of age. -$10.00 monthly Each person enrolling must make Only one enrollment form out a separate enrollment form. necessary for each family. necessary for each family. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE, MEDICALL PREMIUMS ARE PAYABLE MONTHLY NO AGE LIMIT, NO PHYSICAL EXAM, NO HEALTH QUESTIONS . Enrollment ends midnight, March 12th, 1963 Your protection begins on March 28th, 1963 | ENROLL TODAY {| ! Mol ts enrtomeet fara Mates, EUEaieyEoceay Co, 10 Bio SE. Tere 8, Oa ; ENROLLMENT FORM FOR H (Check One Plan Only) wepicatt PLAN WITH CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY! 1 Wé 8 IS $3.50 PLEASE PRINT ' ATTENTION SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS Owners of small businesses, particularly those with too few employees to qualify for group plans, will find this policy the ideal one to cover themselves and the indi- viduals on their staff, Z . A ate enrollment is required for each member. Policies and monthly payment cards can be sent to you or your employee as fee Mat tis enaomant frm to Maal, Eonoedel Ecety Cn, 160 Blo St. E, Tere §, Oa "| ENROLLMENT FORM FOR : WITH CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY | W.6 a 1 PLEASE PRINT POLICY LAST vane ance agent or broker or any Continental agent-- Or mail to: MEDICALL, Continental Casualty Company, 160 Bloor Street East, Toronto 5, Ontario, No more information needed. Continental will send you your Medicall health insurance plan before effective date of March. 28th, 1963. '20 i fk eh i WE is Be ib { enctosen is $5.00 $30 ag -- ENCLOSED IS $10.00 i Moti [TTT TTTITTTT! MATL TN CARE OF (WT applicablay -- my will begin March # 2am, 1963, RE ; Enclose cheque or g Money order first yess month's premium mace] |NUMBER SMALE p> {OF DEPENDENT deur © | bere é 2 able to Continental q Casualty Company. hanenamamnamn: 4 i 1 1 1 1 a i 1 ' a ' ' 14 a i 1 1 i a & I a r a & 20 ENCLOSED IS $5.00 30 ENCLOSED IS $10.00 ENCLOSED IS $13.00 lunderstand that my cove erage will begin March 28th, 1963, Enclose cheque or money order for first month's premium pay- able to Continental Casualty Company. Gecmme COTTTT TTT FIRST NAME AND MIDDLE INITIAL «|_| | PS ie Ss es | 2 / .] MATL TH CARE OF (W applicable) Cnty rey | YEAR ba SIGNATURE b..