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Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Mar 1963, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Merch 12,1963 9 Road Estimates Study Beginning TORONTO (CP) -- The On-,urer, engineer, assessor or as- tario legislature continued Mon-|sessment commissioner -- to day its scrutiny of departmen-|seek an open public hearing at tal estimates for the 1963-64/a council meeting, or closed fiscal year, approving $46,629,-|council meeting if he chose, to 000 for public works spending.|hear the case. It moves into committee} Another amendment intro- study of the transport depart-|duced would provide for fines ment estimates today. up to $2,000 or a jail term of Elmer Sopha (L -- Sudbury)|one year for persons convicted brought a statement fromjof destroying municipal voters' Works Minister Connell that/lists. "very definite" plans were be-|. A -third change would give ing made to solve a space short-|municipajities power to pre- age for members of the legisla-|scribe the minimum age at ture. The public works depart-]which a person could legally be ment has charge of the legisla-|sold fireworks. ture building and chamber. Other changes would give Mr. Sopha said the opposition|electors the chance to petition anteroom to the chamber is ajnmunicipal councils to have mu- "black hole of Calcutta" with|nicipalities divided into two or no windows to provide light or}more wards. Petitions would CHURCH GROUP PLANS BLACK AND WHITE REVUE ~ va easid only about half of the|'omes up to' 5/00. people, and The Happy Doubles Club March 18 to 20. The perform- organized the event. From club; Don Allman, director |official opposition's 24 mer. peed ety Ag yi ggerecth King iN i ' : ; ld squeeze into the|More than 5,000. If the council Sul cas "aia teens show og yory Pa enrd left are Vern Osborne, direc- of the minstrel shor and vs re the pose time. Mr.|40es not act on the petition, the present a = = = we i a ' . tor of the variety show; Frank Burrows, co-ordinator. |Connell said three 16-member| Matter would go to the Ontario , © in "Black 2nd White" in Cen- show. Shown in the picture are 7% P roups of Progressive Conserv- Municipal Board. « tennial Hall. of the church the directors and officials who Harry Souch, president of the --Oshawa Times Photo ina si gli tg HAIRSTYLING TROPHY IS PRESENTED fices 12 feet by 12 feet. DEATHS Did you ever get a haircut ing the first prize trophy for (right), of Oshawa, The event. : Seek M Liberal Pension EDUCATION BD. [rooms proviaed for'his_ par fron 8 canoe Tey ee Sas ec Gad ee oe ee rooms provided for his party Crean (left), of Toronto, was _ petition e Ontario Guild Ganosha. A total of 40 st k ore er I e€ S10 * |were 240 square feet and 300} By THE CANADIAN PRESS | ihat lucky. He is looking on as of Men's Hair Stylists from sag t ; ylists~ NEWS IN BRIEF square feet. Perey Pr a pad pon hairstylist Michael Galione, the hands g Dor anal entered competition. Bec etdepingthct st Mod ES is receiv- treasurer Rudi Secerbegovic Detailon Plan Explained Meee ae x cies Oh a pina ee esl ad = The Oshawa Boand of Educa-| First reading was given sev-|victed of plotting to resi- : tion has decided changes in cat-|eral amendments to the Munic-|dent de Gaulle; executed by fir- T PRICES CAPSULE NEWS og. : ' ' fit to| Bories in the secondary school|ipal Act Monday, one of themjing squad. : MARKE t ns SOLINA -- A new Liberaljwill be of immediate benefit to|:cachens' salary schedule will|permitting local municipalities] Kingston, Jamaica -- William : I 10 government will immediately) those who because age Se be made retroactive to Sept. 1/to require licences from any| Albert Read, 82, New Zealand| TORONTO (CP) -- Churning ' . introduce a_contrbutory pen- already rig-ce pn oad the sen.{of the year in which certifica-| magazine salesmen not resident/financier who promoted Que-leream and butter print prices ver AJAX (Staff) -- Council Mon- Tan gg lowed Pe Msc veggie eon Hh --y Roo hg a |tion of the higher a fe in fa Feng ong pect bec's La Maque gold mines. |were reported er cect ok os men eli ight turned back two capi-| Liberal ca' ; d n received. Teachers often pass nother amendment put self- as the egg market oper un- tal' works requests. from te um eral "Association. meet-|with 365. oe ie ig in the ease|* higher category after taking|service dry cleaning establish-| qsHOMBE GOES HOME | steady with receipts slightly in ' ' Ajax - Pickering District High): : in the Solina Community| of a married woman whose hus-|CMrses during the summer|ments under municipal juris-} garisBURY (Reuters). --jexcess of a light demand. Ti C t S School Board which totalled Tail Monday night. band is getting the extra $10. months. ae F ieccgea™ eines oma ag age ed ay iat dood ssh a phd Sl I lig I ly ¢ ! r nearly $800,000. Be, 3 Gs ; : t all Tan 'Geeas's Manan. pearlacslthe teter aif The, schoo a ro ers tas cecenlastenn' fcr iy 'i vould 'receive #75 a month, sag a municipal official--clerk, treas-/ioft this' Goultiers Rhodesian|culture on Canada grade eggs, for $166, 'or a four-room addi- ; "4 "People who are disabied| Miss Doreen Cooke was ap- capital today in a chartered air-|delivered Toronto, in fibre} WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--Two|following confirmation last tion to the Ajax High School] "The Liberal contributory pen-| Wnile taking part in the plan|P0inted head of the classics de- ' craft for Dlisabethville, his own|cases: A large 47; A medium! postmen here are pushing their| weekend of three more cases and $637,606 for a 19-room addi-|sion plan will be financed by| ing become unable to work will|Partment at the R, S. McLaugh- NET EARNINGS capital, accompanied his his|46; A small 39; B and C grades,| mail on shiny aluminum carts|of diphtheria in southwestern tion to the Pickering High) payments by employees and em-|}¢ entitied to the pension they|/in Collegiate and Vocational In- economics minister, Dominique|no market.. _|rather than straining under| Alberta. At least 19 cases have School. sat|Ployers, and therefore will be| wouid have received if they had] stitute. \By THE CANADIAN PRESS.|Dieur. Tshombe arrived here| Butter prices: Canada first|pyiging sacks. The carts being| been reported from the Magrath In sending back the capital)/self supporting. It will not re-|}.6n able to work to the age of "Canada Iron Foundries, year|unexpectedly Monday and had|grade: Ontario tenderable 51-/useq in the experiment are be-|and Fort Macleod areas during request, the council asked forjquire any additions to taxes,"|¢5_ $4,000 BEQUEST ended Dec. 31: 1962, $1,641,526, talks with the Rhodesian Fed-|52; non-tenderable 51%451%, in|ing produced by a golf cart|the current outbreak. Two chil. more information on what items/Mr.. Honey pointed out. The proceeds from the $4,000]§1.80 a share; 1961, $2,152,187,/eral Prime Minister, Sir Roy|light tradirg: Western 5174-52! manufacturer and can be folded) dren have died. are covered by provincial) |) 4 ex PLAINED NO RIGHTS LOST __._|bequest received from the Lily| $9.43 Welensky. (nominal). for storage in mail relay boxes. grants. © ' "No existing pension rights| acMillan Cowan Estate will be|----- LAUNCH MISSILE "We were a little taken back) "This plan will combine the| will be lost. The Liberal pen-|distributed to the top Grade 12 EPIDEMIC PASSING SANTA BARBARA, Calif. at the amount eligible for ajexisting Old Age Security Planjsion plan will not discourage pri-|-+ dents in the academic H nored B SARNIA (CP)--Public health}(AP) -- The U.S. Air Force grant -- $100,000 on the Ajax/with a contributory plan avail-| vate pension plans, or other Sav-l}anches of the Oshawa col- a ers Te (@) authorities said Monday that)/launched an Atlas ICBM toward High School," said council's|able to everyone. The program|ings for retirement by thoseligciates the Asian flu epidemic which hit}an unspecified target M finance committee chairman, A.|has ger Mgag one Pps Pinte who can afford more. + Semen : Sarnia nearly.a month ago has|night in what was de: as Weatherall. ; people with a decent pension at) this is a mational plan the con- w passed its peak, and it is|a routine training la 4 Mayor William Parish point-|the age of 65, while a person|tributions paid in relation to 10 ervey -- 12th Oshawa Scout Group pene to taper off within ed out that "I don't think we|who wishes to wait until 70 willlthe benefits received will be|, The plan for the board's cap- the next few weeks. They esti- can pass these things if the|be entitled to a larger pension.|considerably lower than anyjital construction in 1963 was re- ; : : mated that "one ou of every a y department of education does| 'The Liberal pension plan willl private scheme would require.|ferred to the building and plan-| 4. y9th Oshawa (Harmony)|and Assistant ~.strict Commis-jhe is doing regarding his work five persons in the city and dis-| MA WVU WAADIR AT not think some of them arelajso be available to those who| "The Liberal Pension Plan is|ning committee for study in con-|4.5.°anq Scouts held their an-|sioner of, Cubs, Mrs. Ada Har-|towards the various efficiency Saint hae Sun aftectad ' Taree Away Bded worth a grant. Why should the) are self-employed such as farm-|portable. Currently many pen-jnection with the city's request) "14 rather and son banquet re-/mon brought greetings from|badges. __ : Cm AWG) ratepayers in the town have tOlers, merchants, and profession-|sion plans do not permit a man|for cuts. cently, in the recreation hall of headquarters, which they repre-| Ernie invited all parents to CHANGE SLOWLY pay the whole works?" __ al people, the Liberal candidate|to take his benefits with him Harmony United Church, with! sent. pay a visit to this year's camp-| qoRONTO (CP)--There will "T think it is a good prin-|for Durham County, Mr. Honey|when he changes a job. The a Queen Scout Ralph Laxton act- oree to. see the various phases|),, no radical changes in men's ciple to keep the cost of these! stated. Liberal plan permits every Ca- Ar P ls ing as master of cerer-onies. HELPERS LACKING of scouting in action and to offer| jiothing fashions in the next buildings down," he added. nadian to participate in a nation Ca upl ang 3° Cubmaster G. (Gord) Bell out-| any suggestions they felt might é "As soon as the legislation is| 94 ; d with|,; baba HPT) : : few years, Robert Green, fash- Pickering District 1 High gf An force contributions to. tng) wide paneet Die is a ber ys ag oe py lined the activities of "A" Pack be helpful in the operation of ion loses of Playboy maga- Ente exten anneeeeenon --osereaenil ; ; F contributions, and those of the the trooping of the colors by|anq stated that this pack now|the troop. would include 12 classrooms, fis fund the" Liberal" Psy employer will follow him to the Pl ace High Patrol Leaders Barry Datoe,|has 36 members, Mr, Bell de- zine, said eects. se two laboratories, one music ; _|new job. Portable pensions will Ted Coulson and Cub Douglas) jioreq the lack of volunteer) PROFICIENCY BADGES ---- |come in small but meaningfu room; a gymnasium and cafe- me ee tntsting 04 Age Ten: eliminate the age barrier in in- Woodcock, The flag break was|loaders and helpers. The program continued with) details, rt ne jacket whe teria. The addition is planned to) 59, py $10 per month dustry where it is now difficult . conducted by Patrol: Leader! tp speaking directly to the|the presentation of proficiency lapel an = peace house 470 more students. 2 for a man over 40, or a woman At F t ] Dennis Flavelle. The fathers fathers present, M:. Bell stated| badges. told a eon sent erent hr ans: IMMEDIATE BENEFIT over 35 to obtain a new job, es 1Va. were welcomed by Troop Lead-| that although w. are ail busy in) David Peacock was awarded -- it preres Boar d Bu d et Mr. Honey declared that this|Mr. Honey said in conclusion. : er Jobe Wotton, -- was said this et agg --o fi ~ Leaping pes Badge, niga tailored sult. | Ay _lby Rev. N. T. s should not be too to ying a Cub who goes up into UCKERS TO APPEAL g oe or wieanee eere After a toast to the Queen,/our youth. He also asked the/Scouts with both "Eyes" open. Boi (CP) -- An appeal Boost C t CITY AND DISTRICT ances last Friday as the Kiwa-|Proposed by Patro' *eader Ted/fathers not to wait for a special/The boy is then entitled to against the railways' so-called u nis Music Festival in Peter-|Coulson, dinner ye axed + goa to _ > this Baar dd vee thie, badge .on. hie, scout oeereed charges" will be taken e Oshawa Board : borough drew to close. the members e mi ile cause © volunteer] uniform. : =) Eien tee not pli at "a han hee ik --F phere yo ea Debbie Green, of Leskard|2Uiliary. With everyone welll their services now. aoe Pitee presentations were as vutie Ocenia yond a final figure for its 1963 budget,| sipped by Lloyd Short, won|Al Strike, Bowmanville: Jack|School, was awarded 8 marks|'©d and contented the kme ¥oe) He stated that several trips)/°COPS: tone badge, Ted|rated. The organization, na- Finance Chairman Stephen G.lorizes for high score with one|Coopman, Port Hope; Hugh|t win the class for rural[@PPropriate for # roushg SGihad been taken to local places of , "i rnsituctions Badge, Tetlitional spokesman for the pro- Saywell revealed Monday his|win in the bonspiel last Satur-|MacDonald and Colin Suther-|School girl soloists 11 years and|S°0® conducted oy the piano| terest including the police de- "Winter rt: 'badge, | Vincial truckers, said in a state. committee has cut an originallday at the Peterborough Curl-lland, Whitby, and Ross Muri-\under. Pamela Martin, Osh-|"4ed and abetted at the Planelpartment, and the fire depart, Ri k Bartlett " nd Ga Mae. ment it will contend that both increase of $370,342 over lastling Club. Other members of the|son, Pickering. awa, with 82 marks, 'placed|°Y H- (Bud) Laxton. ment, and the youngsters had Dor ld a ry MC-| the Railway Act and the Trans- year by $173,500. pink Ware Mr ahd Mra Kenl : third in the class for girl solo-|HEAD TABLE GUESTS taken a keen interest in the ac- Ent tes badge, Doug Za.|Port Act restrict the railways to The remainder, an increase of|petersoh and Mrs. Short, TWO REMANDED ists, 12 years and under. Kathy| Chairman Laxton officially|tivities of these two important] | norainers badge, Doug H0-)_ ine rates for only a single $196,500 over last year's budget, ; 5 Philip Druz, 750 Ritson road|Lovekin, South Darlington, with welcomed all present and intro- city departments. bib tie workers badge, Gary|Catload of freight and do not or about 85 per cent of a mill, $225 DAMAGE south, Oshawa, was remanded|g2 marks, was second in the duced the head table guests as Mos of the cubs are working Mai > 1d eeny, eames ere allow agreed charges--special is not final yet, however, be-) An estimated $225 property)to March 18 by Magistrate C.|solo class for girls 10 and|follows: C. (Chuck) Dafoe, as-|towards their first "Fwe" with a Chemis "badge, Peter ©: low rates granted by the rail- /n this bedroom, cause it does not take into con-|damage was sustained in a col-|W. Guest, Monday, on a charge] under ct t scoutmaster; Barry|feW trying for the second] y; u ae > it b: ra ie ways in exchange for a guaran-| # on : sideration the adjustment ofjlision, Monday at King street|of abandoning an animal in dis-| Cary ; ; Da st trol leader: Jack Hos-| =¥e". Withar Ce ee percentage of a shipper's we'd like to mention, teachers' salaries. Salary nego-|and Wilson road. No injuries|tress. Also remanded for two aie Wight; South Derting-| Defoe, iy Nea bmaster "B" pera i traffic ji tiations are underway now. were reported. Drivers involved| weeks was Frances and John|'0n, with'83 marks, was second tar hep " bars ll, assistant UNIQUE OCCASION , bog cndess bedae, Mike Kise. : One thing merits Trustee Saywell said manylwere Barbara Joan Brown, Lot|Fialka, 303 Ritson road south,|i the girls' solo class for con-|Pack; Mrs. Jean Bell, aoe ait lent: Bell, called attention to| ean, Gary MacDonald and Bill] part VOTE APPEAL items have been deleted in thel1g, Concession 2, RR 3, Bow-|charged with selling liquor. |testants nine years and under.|°ubmaster "A" Pack; 0. Beli.ithe fact that it was indeed| Vodden. interest of the city's economy.|manville, with an estimated $150 It is hoped further cuts can be made in the realm of main- tenance. Board Chairman George K. Drynan said atfer the meeting various trustees have spent a total of nearly 24 hours on bud- get considerations and many ad- ditional hours of delibera- tion are expected before the board comes up with final fig- ures Wednesday or Thursday. CHANGE MEETING DATE It has been announced that)|Hampton, was second in the Eastview Park Neighbor-|class for violin soloists 14 years its|and under, They had marks of damage and Wilson Neil, Var- coe's road north, RR 3, Bow- hood Association will hold meeting, commencing in April,|82 and 81, respectively. on the second Tuesday in each CHESTERFIELD FIRE Oshawa Fire Department re- ported five routine ambulance} calls occurring during a 24-hour first and Richard Skoreyko, Oshawa contestants won all three placings in the class for period, Monday. were called to 397 King street out a fire in the arm of a chesterfield. HOSPITAL REPORT Ajax Cagers violin solos, 16 years and under. Mimi Wiatrzyk was first with 83 marks. Elizabeth Dyer was second with 81 marks and Jud- ith Ann Kashul was third with 80 marks, Mimi Wiatrzuk, Oshawa, was|Cubmaster "A" Pack; Rick and Brad, the two little Bells; Mrs. Ada Harmon, assistant district commissioner, cubs; Mrs. W. Coulson, president mothers aux- iliary; Rev. N. T. Holmes, min- ister Harmony United Church; E, (Erie) Jukes, scoutmaster; H. V. Laxton, secretary group committee; G, Hester, district cubmaster; Ralph McCullough, cubmaster "'B" Pack; J. Maiel, assistant scoutmaster and Bob- by Maiel; Mrs. Jean Deegan, unique to see two complete fam- ilies at the head table, namely Assistant Scoutmaster Gerry Deegan, who came out of hospi- tal this afternoon to attend this banquet with his wife, Jean, As- sistant Cubmaster "A" Pack and their three sons, Michael, Patrick and Brian. Gord Bell, Cubmaster "'A" Pack, his wife, Jean, assistant Cubmaster "A" Pack, and their two boys, Rick and Brad. Cubmaster of 'B'" Pack Ralph Special attention, Electricians badge, Rick Bart-| MONTREAL (CP)--The Ca- a lett. Metal workers badge, Bob Mc- Conkey and Pau! Risebrough. Wood badge, Bob McConkey and Paul Risebrough. Draughtsman badge, Rick Bartlett, THREE QUEEN SCOUTS Highlight of the evening was the presentation by their fathers, of Queen Scout badges to John Wotton and Tohn Hall. nadian Chamber of Commerce says it is launching a Canada- wide, non-partisan campaign to get Canadians to vote in the federal election April 8. DIPHTHERIA SPREADS FORT MACLEOD, Alta. (CP) Health officials have started an immunization program at schools in Magrath and Welling It saves you worry, Running and hurry: It's the convenient BEDROOM EXTENSION! JF YOUR HOME 1S B10 ENOUGH TO LIVEIN, 17'S B18 ENOUGH FORA BEDROOM EXTENSION f 70 ORDER YOURS, JUST CALL : x ..|Grant Bennett was not able to . ® a assistant cubmaster; J. (Jerry)|McCullough reported that this " i ; Board Approves Following is the report of the Win Series _James Tomlinson, Oshawa,|Deegan and three little Deegans,| group was started Jan. 8, 1963, eb oigee J mip Slept nied eration caren Uomaee Oshawa General Hospital for finished second in the violin|Brian, Patrick and Michael. |with a membership of 17. This 8 P BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH . d ; ' ' : , with a school play. 12-2 P.M the week ending March 9: : jclass for contestants 12 years} Finance Chairman J.C. Vod-|/number has now risen to 21 ' ; 72 P.M. Jamboree Trip Admissions 337; births, male 23; | _ AJAX (Staff) -- Ajax Cagers| and under with a mark of 78.|den reported that through the|cubs. Ralph made a plea for|<Zh¢ Povs also received their i patel | aneacter valid r Saturday won a two-game total-|Douglas Woodcock, Bowman- i h l ; : old Cord indicating that they Members of the Safety Patrol female 26; discharges 349; ma.|>2! t ; inst the Pet . . K, combined efforts of the group|leadership help from any inter- bad earned 16 orolic! |jor surgery 107; minor surgery|P0iMt series against the Peter-| ville, was third with 77 marks|committee, mothers auxiliary,|ested mother or father. : p ony have the Oshawa Board of Edu-|/"7 borough YMCA Blues in a bas-|in the class f ano accordion. badges. cation's approval to attend the| 147; eye, ear, nose and throat/,othali tournament held at; 3S lor Beano sccondion-ithe fathers and the boys them-|, QUEEN SCOUTS It is significant to note that F -|41; treatments and examina- ists 12 years and under. selves, the 12th Oshawa was in|" Safety Patrol Jamboree in Ot-|* : Peterborough. | tawa next May. Patrollers se-|tions 116; casts 27; physiother- ; ; E. (Ernie) Jukes, Scoutmas-|this troop has produced five 4 | a very healthy financial state 5 - P lected for the trip can leave|4PY treatments 398. the ne Gee he Ae and would be well able to meet peal i My nh bow is indicative of te high calle f school early on May 10 to board) yysrroRS AT ROTARY _ | however, won the series with an What To Do -- te the Coming) Fe could mnnounde Wat Wh bare of leadership and training the the moming train. Visitors at the Monday meet-| overall score of 127 to 107. three new "Queen Scouts'. oys are receiving. 7. 0% The request to have thé ts ¢ ing of the. Rotary Club of Osh-| Ajax now advances to the On- A Sasabonsam? VOTE OF THANKS For the benefit of the fathers oon troop gave a very fine oS a wes Ce awa included Peter Cote, Osh-|tario Basketball Association In- Patrick Deegan thanked the|Present, Mr. Jukes explained|@SPlay of scout and cub work . 7 Tender EATN AC ay x termediate "'D" Quarter finals Even though a sasabon- |iadies for a most appetizing din-|that the troop is made up of|!® enlighten the fathers regard- age ber gg Rader tn and will compete against either} S4™M is said to bring good |no» and expressed the group's|Seven patrols, with the seventh| 8 their boys' activity. olice De- -TRIM BEEF Kingston, Belleville or Cornwall.| luck, few folks would want |anpreciation of the work in-|being made up of first class], With the sounding of Taps by TRUE Ms aS partment. It was felt the dele- oe ill ge as High scorers: for Ajax in the} i, 28 4 mantel omament. | oived in preparing this ban-|Scouts only, Alex Witham. and the lowering 12 KING E 723-3633 ig Maatige ong at night 'hast Saturday game were Garry| Eifigies made by the lauet Mrs. Wm. Coulson, presi-| He stated that one of the best|f the flag by Dennis Flavelle, GRE % s . ' Ashanti of Africa show it to An i ; another very successful father é Newitt, 17, Garnet Watchorn, 15, ; F dent of the mothers auxiliary,|ids a father can offer his son ey : year. Washington $ Ron Burnett, 11 and Reg. Daze. ad . er piggr Pheri with replied that the mothers appre-|is to give encouragement and|4%d son banquet' came to a M t S ials! Wed & Th rs The board also gave approval Top marksmen for Peterbor.| 10" hair, bloodshot eyes |oiate the opportunity to be of|Show genuine interest in what C!0se. | ea pec H e urs. to a scheme whereby ele- and long legs with spiked : . : mentary schools will function as Ist Base Great caey Vincent" ny ah ON aah, Bek thing to ao Coe See ee clearing houses in a sale of : ; rt in the 'affairs of the group. SIRLOIN ; : é ld be to offer it for sale |?" ; T-BONE ve Lineup -- Ajax: Newitt wou » ) a Mr. Holmes expressed his lb Cc chocolate bars by the Safety WASHINGTON (AP) Joe Watchorn: Das. Woods. Roo in a Classified Ad. That's oa ak ; bl f , ' A , Boor- . chunch's vleasure at being able = WING Patrol. The proceeds of this sale|J udge, Washington Senators off, Dickson, * Cardwell, . Peter- the way to have good luck, i i to sponsor the 12th Oshawe : are to go towards expanses of tig ay engl baseman. borough: Vincent, Wood, Baker, a son aigee Wish to | (Harz.ony) Cubs and Scouts and leave any day mp. tack after shovelling snow at his Kennedy, Butcher, Louellette, 4 ' wished them well in the future. YOU wish CUBANS INDUCTED home. He was 68. Trim, Ash, Hempstead. District Cube -- © Hester SHOULDER 14 DAYS |] ts THE TIME eight members of the anti-Cas-| in 1934, played 18 of his 20 years tro brigade that unsuccessfully in the majors with Washington. invaded Cuba in 1961 were in-|!W° years later he became COIN CHANGER |] HEAT WITH OIL || NEW HOME PORK CHOPS 2 _. ' SLICED lh DIXON'S || SPEctauists |" 485.10 ffeicssccusc.c.cill SIDE PORK ™ Oshawa's Original Carpet INCLUDES: cir transportation and first class hotels. (based on double Cleaning Centre . . . where | | eer cute: bol ep satisfaction is 5 ia x | on i/ HA BOOK NOW Skinless Wieners 2 lhs. 79° | | ducted today into the U.s,|coach of the Georgetown base. Army, They planned to leave|all team, a position he held immediately for training at Fort| for 20 of the next 22 years. He Jackson, S.C, retired in 1958. FUEL OIL | MUSKOKA RESORTS SERVING OSHAWA OVER Phone, 785-050) ' fi 50 YEARS for automatic delivery || Paignton House, Milford Manor, Four Seasons Howard ; - 24-HOUR SERVICE Travel Travel NU-WAY FREE! BUY 4 LB. SAUSAGE x MEAT FOR $1.00 GET 4 lbs. FREE! MIAMI, Fla. (AP)--Seventy- Judge, who ended his a I by our metered trucks Delawana Inn, Fern Cottage. SEE For information and summer |) Walmsie & Magill Phone DX OIL CO, é ; reservations .. . i 9 KING ST. EAST | 313 ALBERT ST. etn OSHAWA 668-3341-42 PHONE: 668-3161 OSHAWA, ONT. TRADES ACCEPTED PHONE RUG CO. LTD. PHONE 668-3161 723-4663 728-6286 323 King St. W. 728-6201 942-6690 176 MARY ST,

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