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Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Mar 1963, p. 4

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CANADIAN CIGAR costing five cents is smoked by Agri- cultural Minister Alvin Hamil- ton during his speech in Minister PC Farm Policy ORONO (Staff) -- Minister of Agriculture Alvin Hamilton yes- terday said he would ask the help of Western Canada farm- ers in trying to bolster farm income in the eastern half of the country. He was addressing a Progres- sive Conservative rally for Dur- ham riding candidate Garnet Rickard in the village hall here. Mr. Hamilton said farm in- come in the west had gone up 25°per cent under a Conserva- tive government and 22 per cent in Ontario but that in the Mar- time provinces it had remain- ed low: "Can you blame me for say- ing my concentraton has to be in Eastern Canada?" he asked, He told the group statistics indicated 50 to 60 per cent of farmers in Quebec make less than $1,200 per year gross. "And in the Maritimes," he said, "the figures go as high as 87 per cent." : -*'We plan a program to build up the income of farmers work- ean look every other Cana- dian in the eye," Mr. Hamilton told the group. "Yes, this is a subsidy to Eastern Canada," he said. "These men have had it tough down there." Mr, Hamilton also told the meeting, a Liberal promise to sell western wheat at $2 bushel would mean ruin for) KEDRON -- The end of Feb.| day night. farmers in the east who have to! ruary was a period of strenuous) buy it. 'At the present time they're getting $1.98 a bushel anyway, so they won't vote Liberal for) two cents and bring ruin to) eastern farmers .. . they'll go| with me," he said. "Tf the price of $2 per bushel| goes on wheat," he told the meeting, "'you'll see the biggest| increase in costs you've ever) seen." | DENIES OBSTRUCTION | House Plants PC State to have a stable government.) designed to put Canada on the! path to progress." | sell C, Honey. Honey Attacks f BROO BLACKSTOCK -- 'The realjdespite the appeal of Liberal yinjer occupied the pulpit at issue of the election campaign|Leader Pearson to assemble! i is whether or not this country is| Parliament earlier. the Sunday moroing worship The Liberal party's policies are|sition to shorten the Christmas| ¢ « reat} Fecal was also ignored. of Lenten. studies This analysis was presented to, Says that the opposition parties the Cartwright Liberal Associa-) would not permit him to gef tion at Blackstock recently by|ahead with the nation's busi- Durham Liberal candidate, Rus-/ness," said Mr, Honey. Father-Son Meal At Kedron Church KEDRON -- The Father andjthe name of the patrol with the Son Banquet of the 2ist Cubs|most points will be placed on and Scouts now. includes so/the base of the trophy. i many people that it has out- Leapi grown agi Hall of Ked- onceaal Magy Ba -- Dale '. ron Church, A This year it was held in the Donald Werry, Bebby § mith, : Paul James, Peter Atkinson, Council Hall at Camp Samac,| Bruce Hl with the Mothers' Auxiliary do- Dale, Harvey Glover and) \ Larry Watson ing the catering. : At the head table were the| House Orderly Badges were) won by Ralph Barnett, Harley) guests of honor, and the people : ; : | who have made it possible for|2&¥is: Bruce MacDonald and the boys to belong to the Scout|7@7Y Grant. Movement. Larry Hopkins received his On Display At Brooklin -- By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT KLIN -- The Rev, S. J. ments A further appeal by the LIL Pe otha per iptv from the Bible, his message to the con- gregation was based on "The Questions of Jesus." The beautiful aria from |Beethoven, "A Song of Peni- tence," was sung very express- ively and solemnly by Mrs. "And now Mr. Diefenbaker "It is all too apparent to Striking back at the "obstruc-| Canadians now," continued Mr. tion" charges levelled by gov-| Honey, "that the real obstruc- ernment spokesmen in the past/tion was within the cabinet it- week, Mr. Honey stated: | self. Mr. Diefenbaker was grim- "The Conservative record is ajly trying to hold his wrangling succession «{f disasters which)cabinet ministers together, He have resulted in large budget-| was afraid to bring forward any ary deficits each year. They) legislation which might be the! have frayed the bonds of friend-| slightest bit controversial. Such ship with our strongest and)legislation might well have staunchest ally, Tiey have low-|opened up the cabinet dissen- ered Canada's status in inter-| sion to the full view of the. Cana- national affairs, And above all/dian public," concluded Mr. William Young, 'Kinsale, the| Among these were Ted Maid- guest soloist. 'man, - Division Commissioner; The Brookln Horticultural|Rover Bob Corneal, Wilfred Society will meet on Sunday|Pascoe, Chairman of the Group evening, March 25 at 8 p.m, in|Committee; Rev. Ronald Love, the Christian Education Hall, |Scoutmasters Bill Werry, Roy Delegates attending the an-|Robinson and Ross Pettis, nual convention to be held on} A" Pack Leaders, Mr, and March 21 and 22 at the King!Mrs. Bob Dale, Bonnie Dale, Edward-Sheraton Hotel, Toron-|Bobby Dale, and Linda Scott; to, will submit reports. B" Pack Leaders, Mrs, Bruce Special feature of meeting) Macdonald, Miss Sue Apple- ton, Mrs, nea Artist's and Homecraft es, | Teddy Craig was presented) with his Toymaker's badge.) Charles Love received his badge for First Aid. A first year star |was 'presented to Brian Starr,' jand Third Year stars to Charies |Love, Bobby Powel] and Teddy | Craig. Cub Instructor's badges were ;presented to Bob Dale and Jim-, PAY UP DEMAND CARACAS (AP) -- The Ven ezuelan Chamber of Radio ant Television--including most ma jor radio and television station: in Caracas--says it will deny mention on the air to Ven ezuela's six major political par ties until they pay their adver tising debts of $35,000 "Ricksha 'CHINESE FOODS NOW OPEN Dining Room Service FOR FINEST IN CHINESE FOODS -- for --~ HOME DELIVERY free within city limits efter 4:00 p.m. PHONE 728-1676 ing on marginal land so ana | per! meeting of Ajax Council Mon.|last April, faced a press con- they have fostered distrust at home -. . tie distrust of a peo- ple whe have endured too long vacillating policies and non- leadership." Orono Monday. Progressive Conservative candidate for Durham riding, Garnet Rick- ard, lights up the homegrown Lauds 'cigar. Hon. Mr. Hamilton said that Canadian tobacco should be marketed through- out the world. --Oshawa Times Photo ae legislation. See | | "Under ou arliamentary| | Ajax Chamber system," he said, "the govern-| }ment is if control of the order! Pl P d lof business to be presented to ans ara e the House of Commons, The Op- | | position cannot present legisla- A E jtion and it cannot prevent the Mr, Hamilton told the group t aster government from presenting it. that western Canada had all é ota Mr. Diefenbaker and his follow-) gone Conservative in the last) AJAX (Staff) -- Ajax Council|ers have overlooked mentioning} election except for three rid-|passed a resolution Monday,/these rules of Parliament when) ings allowing the Ajax Lions Club to) they charge obstruction. | "And if we don't bring back|hold a Spring Carnival in the! "The Opposition parties re-| 45 seats this time, I'll eat this| Town of Ajax. jpeatedly asked Mr. Diefenbaker piece of paper," he said. The Carnival, sponsored by|to bring down the budget. He "This is no propaganda|the Lions Club, will be held by/failed to do so. . . as a matter speech made in Port Hope by| Bernard Shows on property near|of fact there has not been a anybody," he said, "Farm in-|Duffins Creek from May 28 to| budget debate for the past two) come on the average has gone) June 1, ; years. Opposition requests for up since we became the gov-| A fee of $100 per day will be|long range legislation to deal ernment, paid by Bernard Shows to the| With Canada's economic _ ills TRUTH NEEDED Town of Ajax. were also ignored," said Mr. Candidate Garnet Rickard Honey. who also spoke, called for more WILL SEEK FUNDS Mr. Honey gave two instances governmental assistance to the' Permission to canvass for\of the government delaying to tobacco industry, and said|funds was granted to the Cana-|call Parliament. He pointed out farmers should tell the truth dian Cancer Society at Ajax) that the government did mot con- about the industry. Council Monday night. vene until three and one half He said the number of farm-| The Society was given per-|months after last June's elec- ers in the province declines| mission to canvass Ajax from/|tion despite the serious foreign every year, but the ones left,! April 15 to April 20. exchange crisis at the time and produce more each year be-! cause of advances in the field. THANKS FOR SUPPORT MOSS LISTS PLANS 'The conservative government| Ajax. Council received a let-- LONDON (AP) Stirling jhas taken a more realistic|ter of thanks from the mem-| Moss, still not sure whether he approach to agriculture," the| bers of the Georgetown Council| Will ever race on the auto track former Darlington Towns hip)for Ajax's recent support for a| again, has announced he is go- |motion calling for increased|ing in for industrial design. He o Provincial grants to schools for|S@!d he has joined a designing Two Brownies mentally retarded children. _| firm and plans to turn out ev- } erything from a new automobile | PLAN EASTER PARADE to a suspender belt that won't } s K | The retail section of the Ajax|show when a girl wears a tight | on ron {Chamber of' Commerce was| dress. - |granted permission to hold the| The 33-year-old British ace, | P a ck |annual Easter parade on Satur-| Seriously injured in a crash on |day, April 13, at the regular|the- Goodwood racing circuit iference with a newly - grown |beard and scars still showing above and below his left eye. He has undergone two bone | grafting operations to correct a defect in vision resulting from | the crash. activity for girls and boys of} the Scout and Guide Move-| ments. The "A" and "B' Packs of the 2lst Cubs and the 2ist Baby Sitting Honey. Neil Malcolm, Blackstock was re-elected president of the Cart- wright Liberal Association. 42 KING ST, WEST = RRR TN will be the new venture entitled, |'? Bill Watson, "Cultural Corner." Those inter-|Jimmy Fraser. : : ested should bring house plants) The Mothers' Auxiliary was for display. represented by its vice-presi- _ a |dent, Mrs. Nelson Wright. and) my Fraser, [servauives of faiing to present] ELECTION SPOTLIGHT FRIDAY Attraction Extraordinary | The toast to the church was) jproposed by John Rose, and |Rev. Ronald Love replied. The! Montreal Riding i: LITTLE CAESAR and the CONSULS toast to fathers was proposed by, |George Taylor, and Stan Tay-| | Ted Maidman spoke briefly on, \the Advances in Scouting in the Battle Of Titcams: _ teva' tte" This is the second in a | series of daily stories on | constituency races of un- | usual interest in the April. 8 | federal election. By BERNARD DUFRESNE 30 boys to the present number) of Outremont, on the northeast: % over nine million boys in 72) ern slope of Mount Royal sur-|" pictures of Scout activities at| rounded by Montreal. \Camp Adventure in Haliburton! Mr, Lamontagne in 1958 and|jast summer, and of the Campo-| 1962 was a candidate in tradi-\ree at Camp Samac, and the jtionally Liberal Quebec East,/Drumhead Service were en- |home riding of former prime) joyed. MONTREAL (CP)--The more| ministers Sir Wilfrid Laurier!' A highlight of the evening] than 33,500 voters in Montreal Outremont - St. Jean, Liberal stronghold for two generations, are watching a battle of Titans in the April 8 federal election campaig Three are considered cabinet material if their parties win: Maurice Lamontagne, 45, Liberal leader Pearson's economic adviser; Marc Lacoste, 51, Progressive Conservative, prominent law- yer; and Mme. Therese Cas- grain, 63, former provincial CCF leader running for the NDP on an anti-nuclear-weap- ons platform. Social Credit candidate is lit- tle-known Leopold Savard, 47, former newspaper man making his first bid for election. Campaigning in quiet, resi- dential Outremont-St. Jean is done by pamphlet, by personal contacts at shopping centres and at teas and other meetings with small groups. No big ral- lies are planned. Once French - speaking and well-to-do, the riding now is a mixed bag of ethnic groups and of all economic cl Slightly n. of the four candidates) and Louis St. Laurent, but lost)was the presentation of a tro-| to Conservative and Sociallphy, the gift of Rover Bob Credit candidates. \Corneal and Nelson Wright to | As Liberal candidate in Ou-|the 21st Scout Troop. jtremont-St. Jean he succeeds} Each year a plaque beari \Outremont Mayor Romuald " _-- aba Bourque, 73, Liberal MP since 1952 who describes him as "my candidates" and says: "I shall do everything I possibly can to get him elected." Mr. Lacoste, an Outremont native and former deputy chief returning officer for Quebec, stresses: '"'My~ Liberal opponent lis an outsider imposed from labove on the people of the rid- jing." Mr, Lacoste lost by 3,630 {votes in his first campaign last lyear when the result was: 'Mayor Bourque (L) 10,134; Mr. Lacoste (PC) 6,504; Mme, Cas- grain (NDP) 4,308; Jean-Guy Laprise (SC) 577. | Mme, Casgrain has been un- successful in a number of pre- vious attempts to win a federal lor provincial seat. Recently she jhas been president of the Voice Women anti-nuclear group but resigned that office when she became a candidate. yen Alt tHe heart and happiness ot wndalaneae | NOMINATED FOR 3 ACADEMY AWARDS fewer than half its people are French - speaking. It' includes ipart of Montreal and the city we ' 40 Babies Born Scouts paraded at Kedron Unit. ed Church on Feb, 24, The 20th Brownies and Guides and the 25th Brownies and Guides took part in the Ross- land District Church parade} Mr. Hamilton estimated farm-|held in the evening of Feb. 24 ers spent about 25 per cent of their total costs for feed grain for their animals. He also told the group a new at Northminster United Church. During the week an enrolment was-held by the 25th Brownies, at which Sandra Oakes and Deb.) Service Aids Kedron Church Brooklin UCW . Readies Dinner KEDRON The ladies of Kedron and St. Stephen's Churches joined together again this year to observe the World's Day of. Prayer on Friday, Mar. 1. The service was held in Ked- py MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT , ron United Church BROOKLIN Mrs. Robert] The special speaker was Miss|\Humphreys opened her home At Ajax Hospital AMERVYN LEROY rnc + na AJAX (Staff) -- A total of 40 ibabies were born in the Ajax- Pickering General Hospital dur- ing February, a hospital re- lease today said va The 220 patients admitted) w. came from the following areas: | EXPOR PLAIN Or FILTER TIP CIGARETTES bow (0668 8606645 e8 ley" typ." » Directed nd Chernegeagbed by desea 'Wosic by Jule Syme + Lytton by Staphen Sendhoin - Dirvetad by Morey Leftoy + Serengley by Leonard Ds by hs Love «bed Se Noni es Lat ROMI® ROMO hen We @ SHOW TIMES -- 1:45 - 4:10 - 6:40 - 9:00 PETROS Miss Laura Savage and Mr. 'Ajax, 80; Pickering Township, | D. Croxall. Miss Chrissie Simpson con- : sicaieenaeiteniaannineiaaaiaall F 4 oO 0 to-|bie Scott aged ints th 109; Pickering Village, 18; Whit-| ERENCE : -|bie Scott were rec into the! ..+ jBibidaded F I , ms 'ouritbin. 3: Oak: cat. pated of Ong one Gel wer raced i suey Mckee" Deaconess the rch mec the ate 'an eductona nc ©. ¢,voam"emmo.* O% STQOP UNITED STATES INTERF ; | ' "i i} : J ch,|Friendship Unit o Study 'The Creator' eke 'pt eae ' was selling across the country) The following week the girls en-| who spoke on the power oflrecently with an attendance of|"Creation". rey. id Other statistics included: Av NUCLEAR ARMS ! s PUT CANADA FIRST! i . joyed a skati t y A ; ae : pes pec . Oshawa patel nade North prayer. 24 members and visitors. An interesting story "An ar-|., Total out patients, 426; in pa e must think in terms of| 7 rch v i The service began with Mrs. Mrs, Robert Eckel presented |tist's conceptionof the world" tient X-rays, 124; out patient x- -an international market for Ca-|Church for cocoa and wieners , : son det 4 the § the ee Sa: whiners woes, Th: alas tah he told the/and rolls afterwards Ross Lee playing as quietjan educational review on was presented by Miss Savage. | °""' ' Groupe cee" he told the en The 20th Brownie Pack enjoy.|™U°°,, Mozart's "Prayer".[Bible Study, stressing "Atone-| A total of 46 home calls and|laboralony,. wameey aaa } ar, ; *|Mrs. Donald Gibson sang "The|ment" as the basic theme. 19 hospital calls we tad (ments, ; laborator | He added: 'There are plenty|ed ' tobogganing party on Wed-/King of Love My Shepherd Is".| Extracts from the book én-|in st yh we ee tient treatments, 80; blood! ELECTION MANIFESTO OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY of millions of people in the|nesday afternoon, moving.on to Leadership in the service was|titled 'Journey to Easter" read| month a Petes, transfusions, 32; minor opera-| Kelle Cinaiiens' There is only one issue in this election: Will American interference force Canada to accept nuclear weapons? Or will we reject that interference and put Canada first: : Shall we be masters in our own house, or will we be dictated to by Washington? a President Kennedy forced this election on us as part of his "get tough world who would like to get ajthe home of Tawny Owl Mrs. | j 27: major operations, 26; | ' i : '|shared by Mrs. Douglas Love|by Mrs. Alan Booth preceded' wy John Batty for Li tions, 27; major Q » 20; | bs eal a mild Canadian to- con Gace. for refresh and Mrs, Rodger Bishop, of\the study book entitled "On! agvised unit O eee potty nose and throat oper- policy". He hopes Lester B. Pearson, will head a Liberal government and REN Kedron, and Mrs. Stephen Say-|Asia's Rim'. iLenten book Holy Trip To Ireland Watch For... "Come well, Mrs. Carson Heard and| Mrs. E. Kay reviewed high-|Spirit" by Ri i | Mrs David Duchemin, of St,|lights of the Oshawa Presbyter-|yras now Bhat Prgprenie) | Stephen's, jial Rally held recently at Bow-\29 cents, | An innovation this year was a|manville, stressing the activi-| Mrg Lloyd Stephenson read ee by, Mrs. John K. Glover. Sev-|Sented by speaker Rev. Tong. cared for the Lower mothers attended| were made during the month of} F Shown To Group onl ladies small; The secretary noted that 11, |children in Hall/home calls and 15 hospital calls) while their By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT {cation for the March meeting of| the service upstairs. BROOKLIN -- The Faithful|ABC Unit of UCW. The leader, ~~ --------S i Workers Unit of UCW held its|Mrs. D. E. Hamer, chaired the March meeting in the form of|business session. Mrs. Pilkey, a pot luck supper recently, injassisted by Mrs. Hamer, pre- the Christian Education Hall. j|sented the worship service on Approximately 50 members,|"God the Creator'. Debenture Of husbands and friends sat down An interesting report of a pre- to supper. Special guests in-\vious general meeting of the cluded Rev. and Mrs. S. J. Hil-| UCW was reported by the lead- $22,500 from the Friendship Unit lier, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hol-\er\ Several members reported Mis, Ruby Sonley and M nal liday, and Rev. and Mrs, R. | quilting was done during the AJAX (Staff) -- Ajax Coun ment hy Sonley a el Of McClure of Presbyterian\month. The crib quilt was com-|Cil authorized the issue of $22,.|D°008°- ebruary. Mrs. Don Roberts, social con- vener, announced "Smorgas- bord" sponsored by the Brook-| lin UCW, will be held on: Fri- day, March 15, in the Christian Education Hall, Tickets on sale now, she said. Joint conveners appointed to) plan arrangements necessary Connell OKs |baby sitting service, organized|ties of the missionaries, a8 pre-|brief article with reference to | \for life' | t} 1 } | i | "Stewardship and Recruiting". bring the hated nuclear weapons to Conada. To accept nuclear arms would An article entitled 'Education undermine Canadian sovereignty, torpedo disarmament and increase the danger of nuclear war. The Liberal Party is the pro-American party. Defeat it! The Diefenbaker Tories, feeling the pressure of the people and not completely willing to prostrate Canada to Washington on this issue, resisted Kennedy's brutal demands. But the Tories are split. Many of them support American policy. By itself, a government headed by Diefenbaker will be no guarantee that Canada will not back down before American pressure. Social Credit with its anti-labor program, held the balance of power in the last Parliament. That must not happen again. The best outcome of this elecetion would be the return of o majority of MP's who are against being pushed around by the USA, and who are against nuclear arms for Canada. : CHRYSLER | Announcement revealing the great need for ministers, schools and churches in Trinidad. Mrs. S. J. Hillier spoke brief- ly on work of Christian churches in Korea. A total of 450 chap- | lains were serving in the Army,| Airforce and Navy in Korea,| and a total of 18 per cent of draftees were Christians. H THURSDAY'S GIANT FIRST-RUN ; ( $ Church, Whitby. A brief business meeting was, conducted by the leader, main' \pleted, and another is in pro-|500 cess, Mrs. Ralph Milner presented in debentures on the credit of the Corporation to be repaid | by the town at six and one-half to arrange committees and food|an interesting and educational| cent interest per annum at supplies for "'Smorgasbord"'. Rev. R. McClure showed colored slides of his recent trip to Ireland. He provided a com- mentary'on customs and points of interest he visited, SUNSHINE UNIT Mrs. Lioyd Johnston opened her home recently for the monthly meeting of thé Sunshine Unit of the UCW. Twentythree members _re- to roll call, reporting that 57 calls were made dur- ing the month of February on sick and shut-in members, and hospital patients. The theme of worship service was "The Holy Spirit and the Early Church". Mrs. Sydney Lockyer read excerpts from the Lenten Book entitled "Come Holy Spirit', dealing with 'The Promise', "The Fellowship" and "The! Mission of the Holy Spirit'. ABC UNIT review of the Study Book, "On Asia's Rim', COMING EVENTS The Home and School Asso- |Ciation will meet on Tuesday, March 19, at 8.15 p.m. at the Meadowcrest Junior School. Wil- liam S, Manning, chairman of the school board, will 'show colored slides of his recent trip to Europe. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The Brooklin Women's Insti- tute will meet on Wednesday, March 27 at 2.30 p.m. in the basement of the Township Hail. Program will be in charge of Public Relations Officer, Mrs. W. A. Heron. Mrs. S. Cawker, Port Perry District President of South On- tario Women's Institute, will pay her official visit. Guests will also be present from Kinsale and Myrtle branches. Committee in charge, council Monday night. The money will cover the cost {of local improvements already ;completed in the area of the | Duniop plant. | Residents in the area who will benefit from the new im- provements, including roads and other services will be re- quired to repay the $22,500 loan, The $22,500 has been borrow-| ed by the Town in order to the contractor who installed the services. Appoint Member To Court of Revision AJAX (Staff) -- A bylaw ap- pointing Raymond Henshaw of |17 George street, Ajax to the |}Ajax Court of Revision was passed at Ajax Council, Mon- | day night. pay|to entertain the winners to din- Plans \ were completed to/4 serve refreshments at the gen- jeral UCW meeting to be held ¢ \ir. Apri! ana the committee was appointed. As a money raising project jto provide funds for activities |for the unit, it was unanimously |\decided to renew the 'Penny Collection" which was a suc- jcess in 1962. | The Unit will divide into two |Sides "collecting pennies" un- |til the end of the year. The money collected will be totall- Daring Drama and Excitement! AUDIE MURPHY --in-- --with-- ' ' KATHLEEN CROWLEY James Robinson Justice CHARLES DRAKE Edward Judd DOORS OPEN BILTMORE NOW? "rt / Deadliest Undersea Battle Ever Filmed! "MYSTERY SUBMARINE" not accept nuclear arms. many others look to the NDP to come out fighting. | To contribute to this, the Communist Party is ru pledged to the following platform: ed and the losing side will have So 9 /ner. The April meeting will be held at home of Mrs, Ralph | Thompson, Committe in charge, |Mrs. Don Roberts, Mrs. C. Pil- key and Mrs. E. Van Roessel. |LEND-AHAND UNIT The Vend-a-Hand Unit of Unit- jed*Church Women, met recent- |ly at the home of Mrs. Vernon Wilson. : The leader, Mrs. Jack Pat- jterson, exiended greetings to 22 members and visitors in attend- 3. Withdraw from NATO and NORAD and . | gateway | to hell! | Ss without war. progress. 5. An independent Canadian economic policy prosperity of our country and of all mankind. ne eee & Let's Be Masters In Our Own House! Mr. Henshaw was appointed|ance, ' |to replace John Sanna who sub- Mrs. Edgar Croxall led wor- The ladies parlor of th- Chris-/Mrs. William Nesbitt and ge oe his resignation from the) ship service based on "The Sci- tian Education Hail was the lo-'B. McPhaden, court earlier in the year. ence of Creation" assisted by , COMMUNIST eam MOR Inserted by The Oshawa Club, Communist Party of Canada What is needed in the next Parliament is a strong group of MP's holding the balance of power, able to compel rejection of nuclear arms. : New Democratic Party MP's pledged to opose nuclear arms, could hold the balance of power in the next Parliament to make sure that Canada will The trade unions are officially against accepting nuclear arms, They and f it does that, it can win more that the one million votes it received last June. Labor must lead the nation to peace and independence! inning several candidates 1. No nuclear weapons for Canada or for her armed forces overseas. Stop American interference in Canadian affairs. Canadian indepen- dence in economic, diplomatic, trade and military affairs. work to abolish. terror weapons, for disarmament, peaceful coexistence, world trade, a world . Unite French and English Canada in a new pact of Confederation between equals, to strengthen Canada's solidarity for peace and to put our economy to work for peace and peaceful trade and to give every Canadian a job. We do not want the murder weapons here! Let us work for the peace and NATIONAL COMMITTEE, PARTY OF CANADA. AOvVT. 2 7

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