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Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Mar 1963, p. 5

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WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Manager: Rae Hopkins Tel. MO. 8-3703 AILEEN HALL UNLOCKS DOOR TO NDP COMMITTEE ROOMS Party's the riding. She officially sre Allen Schroeder, her cam- her day in the classroom, candidate iss Hal opened her Whitby head- paign manager, Mrs. George Miss Hali's campaigning be- she has to take New. Democratic Ontario riding Dow 'Spiel ing curling clubs across the Aileen Hall, the Oshawa high school teacher seeking a seat in the House of Commons, has a busy schedule. After gins and time out to visit NDP head- quarters and committee rooms in different parts of quarters at suppertime Mon- day. With Miss Hall as she unlocks the door to the Brock street north committee rooms Brooks and Whiby's Deputy- reeve George Brooks. --Oshawa Times Photo 24 Rinks. Compete In Twenty-four rinks, represent- province turned up at Whitby Curling Club Saturday to com- pete in the annual Dow Brew- ery Bonspiel. : An Oakville Curling Club rink, skipped by Frank Bowker walk- éd off with the trophy after claiming 4544 points. Other winners in the 11 a.m. draw included B. Taylor's, of Oshawa rink, with 45 points, E. Avery's, of Toronto Avonlea Curling Club rink with 34 points and B. Meaks' of Unionville rink with 2114 points. Winners in the 9 a.m. draw included D, Mackintosh, of Tam O'Shanter, with 45 points, J. Cheevers, of Royal Canadian Curling Club, 42% points, D, Ablett, of Avonlea, 34 and H. McGee, Bowmanville, with 20 points. | 'Committee To Present New |Ofticer Slate sGes eat es isicein eos OAKVILLE RINK CAPTURES DOW 'SPIEL TROPHY An Oakville rink skipped by | Frank Bowker, Saturday took top honors in the Dow Trophy Spiel, contested by 24 rinks from all parts of the prov- ince at Whitby Curling Club Saturday. Presenting the tro- phy to the winning skip is Bill Reid, of Oshawa, Dow Brew- ery district representative. Looking on are, left to right, J. Humphrey, vice, H. Miller, ° second and J. Cameron, jead. --Photo by Stannett . | Ajax Lionettes Club held its) {monthly meeting at the home of | |Mrs. Evelyn Deering March 6. President Mrs. Brenda Wilson, welcomed everyone and chaired) the meeting. | After much discussion a com- mittee was formed to present a new slate of officers for the next meeting. It was decided to run a raffle for their March proj- SNIHL ACTION Hotel And Whitticks Battle To 4-4 Tie Bill Stacey came through for his club to make it 4-3, With only seven minutes re- maining, Whitticks appeared to be the winners, but Bartlett held up the entire team as he stopped numerous shots includ- ing two clear breaks by deter- mined Whittick players. Finally, Larry Batherson, at} Cooke, Huntley, Mitchell," Lyons. FIRST PERIOD 1, Meade (Forrester, Cooke) .... 4.10 2. D. Stacey (Grant, B, Stacey) Penalties: Cooke, 11.20, ove 18.05 holding, the 17.32 mark put in the equal-; izer and the game ended 44. Whitby Hotel go on to the final ject. The winners will receive a! ;voucher to the amount of $25/ jfor children's clothing. Tickets will be drawn April 6. Guests at the meeting were Mrs. Azzopardi and her daugh- ter Miss Marian, dancing teach- er. They were presented with suitable gifts for their services| | Playwright's Works Will Be 'On National TV Two television plays by Whit- by playwright, Leslie McFar- lane, will be seen on national By GORD FORRESTER were short-handed to end the Play-off action here at the)period 1-1. : j Whitby Arena Sunday night) The second period saw Whit- game with a four-goal cushion saw the Whitby Hotel and plied eggs np Se homed --_ to fall back on. tick Motors play to a 4-4 dead-|Ron Huntley fi rst one} lock. This being a best-of-three|giving his club a 2-1 lead fol-| 4 beheaded HOTEL semifinals the Hotel now ad-|lowed by Ted Lyons for a 3-1; Goal--Bartlett. p vances to the third and final| lead. Ph sn Pare Denier, F ; game to determine the winner. | Jim Mulligan counted the last| Jankowski, Pinch, Lehay. rendered during the teaching of | "Tr "Wwhitticks hope to see any|goal as he made an end-to-end| Forwards: roar B. Sta- the Can Can. ; more action this year, they willjrush, scoring from almost the|Cey, Great sha eamens, At the close of the meeting "have to come through with|impossible angle to end the sec-|Bryant, D. Stacey. freshments were served. The! ond period 41, WHITTICKS Goal-~Strong ; ; jmore than # one-goal winning winner of the door prize WaS'margin, for they need five In the final period the Hotel Gos ne. iii & pauneiee a ) vel038 jc H tie the ence: Mulligan, ane,| ©. ryant) . 17, \ocare wien Wena? ae Oge, Kapuskinski, | Penalties: Grant, tripping, Lilly Wilson. : : , |goals in order to go on to the The next meeting will be held | finals iscore with Holliday getting the i 'orwards: Meade, Forrester,|5.50. mamma SECOND PERIOD 3, Huntley (unassisted) .. 5.31 4 St. John Ambulance Division May Form i soon have its own) beaten man until he was able to;forts, working together to help Poodle & St. John Ambu-!go on his way. ease suffering, prevent aggrava- lance Conps, Charles Stafford, a) The beaten merchant wished|tion and promote recovery of netietia Wks Week. member of the Ohamber of|to pay the workman for, his|the injured and sick. "Tent thes Your Tenis Commerce and long-time first)services but he refused ac-; 'Men and women of St. John = ds Posy lige n.d aid man said Monday. cept anything. "Good deeds are;Ambulance are proud of their) re D th, Sa #8 Mr. Stafford sai¢) a meeting not for hire," the Bible points heritage and wear the uniform)"ing Dre' Pe ee | iva Bod will be held Ma 25, at Alliout, Mr. Stafford said. of the oldest. charitable bat ral Oa asta 2 ae P sentir Balto deme whelhcr 2 co7s|mey al wot ones, Joke ord tui. om coat fo cous and a ai. | Hall to decide whether a corps|men and women of the St. John | ford said. a : poh ain ide". | division would be feasible for'Ambulance Brigade are doing It is surprising," Mr. Staf-jhour drama '"'Killer's Pride' . Lyons (Mitchell, Huntley) ... 8.09 5. Mulligan (unassisted) .18,25 Penalties: Grant, tripping, 2.10; Grant, holding, 12.39; Mit-~ chell, tripping, 15.03; Forrester, tripping, 18.40. THIRD PERIOD 6, Holliday (Bryant) .... 4.25 7. B. Stacey (D. Stacey) 12.48 nies. Aaa . The first period saw Whitticks/first one narrowing the score 4-2. |take the lead on a goal by|----_-- -- |Meade which came very early} in the game as Whitticks open- -- | " tarring John Kerr and Fay! n he G ford said, "'the number of people| 5 '-- added the Chamber ue -- oe who will congest at the scene of "is backing the division forma-) ««ppeir black and white uni- tion and St. John Ambulance of-\rorms can be seen at parades ficials are interested in setting) up a division here. : } To date, Mr. Stafford said, 17 St. John trained cegetegy 9 have shown interest in the division formation in attend- jto move or clear the way for ance at a po ay "ages rw ne nb ifire, police and other emergency ganizational or inaugural meet-| a ee ap a wiv po ar gre ' " . ing. unseMishly of their time and ef-\for some of these pocuia ta ne| Others, he said, are expected 'or some of these people to be-| to be in attendance. Untrained) jong to one of the rescue vl personnel, after training, he pointed out, picnics and numerous other pub-| lic functions, Often, a St. John} Ambulance member may be}. tg ' 2 pron rendering assistance at PA Rollei ony pcagegoee United States later in the sea scene of a highway traffic a which cannot be explained eas-/ 4@Y. "Don't Shake Your eci-| IU.S. Steel Hour, May 15. top dramatic programs will include Paul Ford, starring in the Broadway com will be permitted to join the division and attend functions as members of the St John Ambulance Brigade. . 'However, Mr. Stafford points jthan just be an obstruction at|possibly Fred Gwynne, PERSONALS ine wore ' : This, he points out, is the rea- out, until these personnel are Rage "ak tee Dine son for the possible formation of ed to attend rehearsals and ta fully qualified they will not be| ang Entertaiment" at 6.30./2 St. John Ambulance division| ing sessions of his play in permitted to.hold division mem-| Wednesday, March 13 at 6.36)!" Whitby. York. bership and render first aid as-', m with' general convener, | Are You?'. ; Family "What's worse," he added,| Tree" will also be seen in the jemengency, groups and be able WHITBY to render assistance, rather)edy hit, 'Never Too Late", and) jthe scene of tragedy," Mr. Staf- lanky "'cop" of "Car 54, Where Mr. McFarlane has been ask- p- New re. Market Closes Downslide For Monday |Wray, will be presented on barf ; ; j Jane Wyman show over Channel | a tragic accident, just to stand} A land watch. This is something? Buffalo, at 11 a.m. Wednes-| son and is scheduled for the of morning and early afternoon losses were clipped but the U.S. Steel Hour is one of the stock market closed on the 7 "y in downside American television. The cast now during moderately heavy trading Monday. One of the -major industrial losses went to building products, down 1% to 26%. Canadian Wes. |tinghouse dropped a point to 26 ;and banks moved generally | lower, Royal Bank slipped 5%, Mont- al % and Toronto-Dominion % and Imperial Bank of Com. merce and Nova Scotia closed sistance. , : At + be. sald St John| MTS. Clarence Freek, assisted Ambulance approved first aid) training courses may be obtain- ed locally. It is from the gradu- ates of these courses the divi-| Salvation Army Women's| sion will draw its membership. Home League members of Outlining the need for a brig-| Whitby are attending Uxbridge ade division here, Mr. Stafford} Party Meeting this evening. sageevied St dean Amindacce) Mr. and Mrs, Mal Femis,| "Good pr cdot yng Dovedale drive, spent the} weekend in Cornwall visiting PARADE By GERRY BLAIR by Mrs. Leslie Reed. Tickets ; may be obtained from 4 W's| © ' WHITBY T members. } : } unchanged from Friday, The! latter hit a new low of 695 in jearlier trade but recovered the | % loss later. | | Laura Secord, Distillers Sea-} }grams, Dominion Foundries| jand Steel and Walker-Gooder-| }ham all declined. in a %-to-8;/ | range, | Gainers featured Canadian| | Tire, up 1%, Shell Oil % and| |Canadian Husky %, | On index, industrials fell .57 Sipes. relatives. Many hundreds of years ago,| WHITBY NE OLONG RIES Mr. Stafford says, a travelling) Mrs. Hughie King and her " EDS WIN TO PROLO SE Turk Broda and his Toronto Marlboros don't want to to 594.21, golds .49 to 91.30 and base metals .27 to 199.50. Final) yas TORONTO (CP) -- A number |- ed up with everything they had to offer, Bill Bartlett, Hotel's goaltend- | er, played a sensaional game he prevented Whitticks from perhaps tripling the score, Later in the period, Di ck Stacey scored while Whitticks | ~d KR we "| o -- =. SSSss a J Ka MiP merchant was set upon by|granddaughter, Susan, of Osh- thieves, was beaten, robbed and|awa, were Monday luncheon left dying on the roadside. guests at the home of Mrs After a time, the Biblical) Agnes Johnson, Byron street story rélates, a workman, on "orth, his way home, heard the man's Mr. and Mrs. Re s Mr. Ss. g Hewson, po leo gdbape gi the | 745 Burns street, after the eve-| | ning service in St. John's Angli-| can Church, entertained a WHITBY DAY-BY-DAY group of friends. During the evening Allan King played the piano and the group sang sev. eral hymns. At the close of a most enjoyable time, the host-| WRONG DATE ess served light refreshments. | It was erroneously reported| Callers over the weekend at| in Monday's issue of The Osh-| the e of Mr. and Mrs. Wil-! awa Times, Whitby Figure|liam Simpson were Miss Jane Skating Club's 10th annual win-' Devereux, of Toronto, and Mr ter carnival will be held at/and Mrs, Bernard Hansen, of Whitby Arena, March 25. The Scarborough. | date should have read Thurs- day, March 21. volume the highest since Feb. | take too much for granted as they approach tonight's fourth |18--was 3,361,000 shares com.-| playoff encounter with Whitby Dunlops in their best-of- | pared with 21579,000 Friday. | seven Metro Junior "A" league semi-final series. -- | Dunlops make a habit of bouncing back from near ob- FREE | livion when least expected to do.. ; They trail Marlboros 3-0 in the series, but a combination phy diene' tomate ih of a possible let-down after their tremendous stretch drive J winter, if, you purchase "White J) for a playoff berth and influenza striking three or four Oil Co. key performers may be the reason, and both factors may DIAL 725-1212 vacate Dunlops shortly before the 8.3Q starting time. Bill Collins showed signs of shaking the 'flu when he fired three goals in the latter stages of Sunday's 7-4 defeat, and he could be back to his peak once more tonight. Also Marlboros have been the least consistent club over the 1962-63 Metro schedule, and they could be ready for another skid. It was around this time of year last season when Marl- boros were cruising along with a comfortable 3-1 series lead over St. Michael's College Majors when they folded, and dropped three straight to the Irish. POWERFUL MAROONS MAULING KNOB HILL In the other Metro Junior "A" semi-final series, Neil McNeil Maroons appear to be getting stronger after the 101 pasting handed to Knob Hill Farms at MLG on Sunday. Maroons passed the puck around at a dizzy pace with Knob Hill players finding it difficult to maintain possession for any length of time even when they enjoyed a man ad- vantage. A As if Maroons didn't have enough goal-scoring power with Gary Dineen, Mike Corbett, Bill MacMillan, etc., they now boast additional sharpshooting with newcomer Steve Monteith, who performed in the Intercollegiate league with Varsity Blues this season, Monteith moved in alongside the league's leading point man, Dineen, and impressed greatly by scoring three goals. TOWN AND COUNTY . . . Elmer Tran, who played with Whitby's Junior "A" club last season, had himself a very productive day last Sunday. In the UAWA league which plays at Bowmanville on Sunday mornings, Elmer scored five goals, then went home, ate lunch, came back to the Whitby Community arena and led Durno's Garage to a 10-8 victory over Fleming's Shell with four goals and three assists. Durno's lead the best-of-five Whitby Mercan- tile league finals, 1-0, Second game goes at the Community arena this Sunday, . . . Uxbridge Black Hawks will have a lengthy wait 'before meeting further OHA Intermediate "B" competition. It seems their next expected opposition from the northern country, Parry Sound, decided they'd call: it quits for this season. '"'B" clubs in Western Ontario won't (pe finished their playoffs for approximately three weeks. DODD & SOUTER is your new We'd like to call fo your attention A truly happy 'modern invention, /t saves you worry, Running and hurry: It's Bell's convenient KITCHEN EXTENSION! Save countless steps--get more things done --order GENERAL ELECTRIC SALES & SERVICE Serving Whitby, Oshewe end surrounding cree. @ FREE PICK-UP e@ FREE DELIVERY Independent Sales (Whitby) Ltd, PHONE 668-2081 Helen Visser and Ina Jean Harbron, students at Henry Street High School, were host- TRAIN AT FAMED SPOT esses, Saturday, at a surprise) SOTTO IL MONTE, Italy| party for fellow student, Jen-| (AP) -- A seminary to trainjene Bown, 112 Kent street. | priests for Roman Catholic for-| Attending Jenene's 16th birth.' eign i will be built onjday party were Henry High) grounds adjoining the house/classmates. The hostegses had! where Pope John XXIII was/the Bown home gaily decorated | ' born. for the occasion. ; Crlnixn DEALER Another new Fle-glaze Dealer to give you the wonderful Colorizer service. 'Visit the store soon and see the big new Color Album of 1822 colors in all . paint finishes. You can "dial yourself a color-scheme" with the Color Harmony Selector and try all the other exclusive Flo-glaze Decorating Aids, 0.H.A. METRO JUNIOR "A" PLAYOFF HOCKEY WHITBY DUNLOPS vs TORONTO MARLBOROS (4th Game--Best 4-7 Semi-Final Series) Tues.,. March. 12th - 8:30 p.m. Whithy Community Arena ADMISSION $1.25 -------- Evening Shows At 6:55 & 8:30' BROCK 'yning Shows WHITSY st Complete Show at 8:30 'AN THEIR HANDS FREDRIC MARCH THEY HOLD LIFE AND DEATH a VISIT THE NEWEST FLO-GLAZE DEALER SOON DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE FREE DELIVERY WHITBY ALSO -- SECOND FEATURE ATTRACTION "IN THE DOGHOUSE" With LESLIE PHILLIPS--PEGGY CUMMINS Starts 6:55 and 10:05 668-5862 | 107 BYRON ST. S.

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