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Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Mar 1963, p. 8

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Democratic Party candidate for Ontario Riding was pre- sented with a cheque for cam- paign funds by Mrs. George FOLLOWING HER address at the UAW Auxiliary anni- versary banquet on Saturday night Miss Aileen Hall, New Be An Equal Partner in Community Life NDP Candidate Urges UAW Aux. Members Local 222 and Mrs. Mrs. T. D. Thomas, the auxiliary. the reality now and taking ac- tion. Life needs a direction, a purpose, and I feel 'that women are constantly aware of this|Thursby, Mr. and Mr A handsome cheque toward campaign funds was presented to Miss Aileen Hall, New Demo. cratic Party candidate for On-} tario Riding as a climax to ial UAW Auxiliary's anniversary banquet on Saturday night. In a witty speech, well-larded | g | with apt quotations, Miss Hall|munity in which you are an/bers. : addressed the large gathering|equal partner." | Unavoidably absent of members and guests on Ae ae a \T. D. Thomas MLA, woman's position in Canada PRESENTS CHEQUE |wood Bradley, auxili today. ue "Legally we have ge with men," she said, 'but in) actual fact, many things found | Mrs: George Langa acceptable in men are looked) ™ e Ned ee tb | on with hotror in wonten, In|, Fresiding for the banquet,/ bree fields there is less than Mrs, Thomson welcomed mem-| TRIB! TE ccna FE women are law- bers and guests to the celebra-| equality. ident f sel Sratinnk tion of the 26th anniversary and|the auxiliary were ex yers, presidents oi cor porora(introduced those at the head|Mr. Malcolm Smith be ponicaans, | Cetng ltable: Mr. Malcolm Smith, | Clifford Pilkey. home and children is not a big ' } : ° vant.|president UAW-CIO Local 222,! A vote of thanks wa enough role. No one_ wants ahd his histor Mite. women to be unfeminine but) there is nothing unfeminine in thinking, forming opinions and expressing them clearly and} loudly." Miss Hall recalled the crusad- ing Suffragettes and added "We are not worthy of the name of! women if we do not take ad- vantage of their victory." RIGHTS BRING DUTIES "We have to realize that legal rights bring moral oblibations to take full advantage of the rights, We have a duty to be informed, to make independent judgment and to act. "T find it shocking," she de- clared, "'that there is an ex- emption clause that excuses women from jury duty if they| so desire and that many take advantage of it. If we really want equality, we must pull our weight in public life. "Women have a concern with} iti protecting life. Much social le- mort ce BE SHEED. gislation exists because of the promptings of women. Cana- dian women are interested in medicare, education and pen- sions. "Women are even more strongly concerned over the pos- sibility of nuclear war than are men. Women feel too strongly about the horror of war to sit back and see what will happen. The Voice of Women is an ex- pression for this need of facing |Black, Mr, Lawton, Mr. jor contribution to civilization, "T urge each of you to stand good wishes. from Scotland; Alderman Clif-|catering. . Eighteen Mrs. Pilkey; Mr. Russel Mc-/the evening was concl The achievements of the UAW|Hillsdale Manor and Clifford Pilkey at the 26th anni-| Hospital. versary banquet on Saturday night. In to the government introducing her iliary had continued to take an|States government. jAileen Hall,.and cont Community service included|the campaign fund. representation on the Oshawa} Various social funct General Hospital board; the TB) Committee, the Red Cross; the Tuck Shop at Hillsdale Manor and the Canadian Association of Consumers, Requests for treats for the senior citizens of the Golden Age Club were fulfilled. A luncheon was arranged for the students attending the Duke of Edinburgh Study Conference. Christmas gifts were distributed to the forgotten residents at tirees, As well as giving assistance to frllow $100; Children's Hospital, tarded Children's $50; Deaf Association, cer Fund, $50; Chest, $25; Hillsdale Manor, view Lodge, $25; Women, $50; Retirees Sick and bereaved president, jannual report. , Thomson, right, president of | --Oshawa Times Photo Mrs, John Turner, Mrs. George and through it can make a ma-| Farrow, Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Mrs. and -Mrs. up for your rights in the com-|Sawyer and Mr. Robert Cham-| | Miss Hall was introduced by| president; Mr. George Burt; Mrs. Clifford Pilkey and thank-| yr, Allan Schroeder, Mrs. Al- ed by the Auxiliary president,|jen Gilles, international secre-| who} tary who sent a telegram of| Greetings and compliments to S express- Kathy/ed to Mrs, William Shorten and Shaw, who arrived last week her committee for the excellent ford Pilkey, président Oshawa|chrysanthemum plants were and District Labor Council and/distributed as door prizes and | Neil, secretary - treasurer UAW!square and round dancing. | Financial Aid to Local Charities| | Revealed in UAW Aux. Report Womens' Auxiliary No. 27 were|Lodge and a wheel chair was|Clare Keith. presented in a report by Mrs.|presented to Oshawa General In May 1962 a letter was sent) report,|the erection of bomb sites on} Mrs. Pilkey said that the aux-|Canadian soil by the United active and keen interest in com-jassisted in the New Democratic munity projects and tried at all|Party campaign; held a public times to win the respect and|meeting for the candidate, Miss arranged for members and re- the auxiliary contributed as fol- lows: Oshawa Ge~>ral Hospital, Heart Fund, $100; Association, $50; Mental Health Association, I Community $50; Westmount party, $150, and others. were remembered with flowers. Mrs, Pilkey gave credit to the Officers and execu- tive, chairmen and committees jand members as a whole for jall the effort reflected in the Women Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, March 12,1963 7 St. Patrick's Dance Proceeds Assist Eastview Boys Club The Y's Men's Club held its St. Patrick's Ball last Saturday evening at the Kinsmen Com- munity Centre. All the proceeds are to go toward equipment for the swimming pool of the Boys Club at Eastview Park, which is in the process of being built. The large attendance danced to the music of the Cavaliers with Mr. H. Ransberry as the square dance caller and Mr. Charles Bovair, the master of ceremonies, Schoeneau, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Field. - Mr. and Mrs. John Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Grenier, Miss Susan Baker, Mr. David Smith, Miss Sharon Lang, Mr. Gerald Higgins, Mr- and Mrs. L. Wilson, Miss Evelyn Moore, Mr. Larry Ashton, Miss Kay McKenzie, Mr. Robert Kellar, Kellar, Miss Leona Thompson, Mr. R. M. Jones, Mr, and Mrs. C, S. Bovair, Miss Margaret 4 gee Mr. Gilmour Graham, fe i |Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Catalano, Fe gs ag ree ag - --_ Mr. Matthew Lapa, Miss Mari- Mrs. . Brandt; Mr. and Mrs.|!ym Bilenduke, Mr. Bernie Mu- Herbert Waite; Mr. and Mrs, R.|2¢e0, Mr. and Mrs. Thoma: J. Lymer; Mr. and Mrs. John Wolframe, Mr, and Mrs, Ronald Anderson; Mr. and Mrs, Ronald| Heard and many others. A. Gould; Mr. and Mrs. Leo- nard Jones; Mr. and Mrs, Em- est Thompson; Mr. G Pru- sinski, Miss Lisa Feldberg; Mr. Ted Bathe, Miss B. Kehoe; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ridout; Mr. and \Mrs, James Johann; Mr. and Mrs, W. Chesebrough; Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hubert. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Nelson; Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Dewsbury; Mr. and Mrs: J. Fry; Mr. and Mrs, Norman Skinner; Mr, and Mrs, C. A. Hewett; Mr, and Mrs. M. Beadle; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wallace; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ball; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goddard; Mr. and Mrs. Alan Attersley; Miss Doris Moore, Mr. Bernard Derry; Mr. and Mrs, Cyril Merlin; Mr. and Mrs, James W. Phalen. Mr. and Mrs. Norman J, Fur- ber, Islington; Mr. and Mrs. /Gordoi Young; Miss Dianne Bruce, Mr, Jack Whale, Isling- ton; Miss Bonnie Ganner, Mr. Frank Branton; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Collins, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Prince, Mr. Alan Norris, Miss Margaret McIiquham, Mr. and Mrs, Albert Barnes, Mr. land Mrs. Donald Garrow, Mr. |John Norris, Miss Sharon Gim- 'blett, Mr. Donald Pringle, Miss Marilyn Rowden, Mr, and Mrs. James Bertrand, Mr. and Mrs. John McReelis; Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cummer; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bailey. Miss Susan Blanchard, Mr. Murray Cluff; Mr. Douglas Col- bourne, Miss Linda Dearborn, Miss Judith .Tamblyn, Mr. Michael Basset, Miss Helen Laxton, Mr. Robert Grace, Mr. William Drayton, Miss Sharon Culley, Mr. Ted Stone, Miss Patricia Kinsman, Miss Gail Marshall, Mr. Grant Tamblyn, Mr. Paul Edmondson, Miss Linda Sanders, Mr. Robert O'Brien, Miss Judith Ilson, Mr. and Mrs. F, A. Reesor, Mr. and Mrs. John Francom, Mr. and Fairview) Mrs. T. J. Park, Mr. and Mrs. McNeil; | Mr. and) s. Harvey Ernest Basil} were Mr. Mrs, El- ary vice- REGENT At the annual meeting re- cently, Mrs. K. R. Wagg was re-elected Regent of the Prince Philip Chapter of the Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire. tended by and Mr, Students Perform Gymnastic Feats At H&S Meeting | The March meeting of the| Gertrude Colpus Home and School Association was held re- cently. The meeting was open- ed by the president, Mrs. G. A. Wandless. The secretary's report was read by Mrs. W. R. Renison; tneasurer's report by Mrs. Mer- vyn Anderson. Mr. Daniel Tomlinson, Grade) 5 veacher, was introduced. A group of boys who participated under Mr. Tomlinson's guid- ance, took part in gymnastics. They were as follows: Wayne Sudsbury, Ronald Baliski, Frank Cieielski, Kelly Laven- der, Hans Pflanzer, Bill Bolton, Ricky Bolton, Danny Chap- Pell, Lyle Henderson, Wayne flowering uded with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Williams, |Mr. L- D'Addese, Miss S. Lan- jsorm, Mr. Greig Loch, Miss P. Wilkins, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. W. Moore, Mr. Merven Jones, Miss Helen Wiggins, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Carmichael, Mr. and protesting Members Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Jones, Elgin street east, are the proud parents of April Christine, born last Friday evening, as she poses, at the A JOYOUS EVENT UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES ALBERT STREET UCW NO, 2 The monthly meeting of Unit 2 of Albert Street UCW was held in the Friendship Room of the church recently. : Mrs, Kenneth Mossey was in charge of the devotional period, taking 'Prayer' as her theme, She also read a poem 'The Ohallenge of the Church'. Mrs, Murray Burgess sang 'My Pray- er' accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Charles Naylor. Mrs. George Sanders presid- ed over the business meeting and Mrs, Mossey gave the min- utes. There were 12 members present. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs, Robert Bent. Discussions during the meet- ing were a supper at the fall bazaar and also a trip on June 20. Mrs. Sidney Williamson gave a report on cards sent out and Mrs. John Westlake re- ported on sending a gift to a member in the hospital. Mrs. Westlake was in charge of the Bible study. early age of 24 hours, with her mother, Mr. Jones is a photo- grapher with The Oshawa Times. Mrs. Gordon Colquhoun is to Clarke-Rankin be in charge of the devotional period at the next meeting, and Mrs, C. A, Lee and Mrs. Wil- SOCIAL NOTICE Rites Performed In SA Citadel Miss Barbara Jean Rankin,| Oshawa, daughter of Major | and Mrs. Marsland Rankin,| Vancouver, and Mr. Rober George Clarke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert George Clarke, Oshawa, were recently united in marriage in the Salvation Army} Citadel, | The ceremony was performed by Major Marsland Rankin as- sisted by Major Fred Lewis.) The organist was Mr. E. Kelvin) James with Miss Dorothy Stub-| bings as soloist. | The bride, given in marriage) by her father, wore a_ white full length gown with the lace bodice styled with a scalloped neckline and long sleeves. The skirt was designed of organza over taffeta. A rhinestone crown held her shoulder-length net veil and she carried a cres- cent bouquet of white feathered carnations backed by ivy. Mrs. Charles Davies was the matron of honor with Miss D. Joan Carrington as bridesmaid and Miss Jacqueline M. Butler as flower girl. They wore pink waltz length gowns of organza over taffeta fashioned with scoop necklines and capped| sleeves, and matching head-| dresses. They carried bouquets of small white carnations and pink sweetheart roses. Mr. Charles H, Davies was the best man with Mr. George W. Hester and Mr, Larry Piper as ushers. The bride's mother wore a} Salvation Army uniform with a corsage of pink roses when re- ceiving at the reception held in the Salvation Army Hall, The) brown and white silk print suit and a corsage of white carna-| tions. When the bridal couple left on a short honeymoon trip the bride was wearing a powder blue sheath dress, blue hat and black accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke are re- siding in Oshawa. | Out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs, Clarence McLean, St. Catharines; Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Rankin and Mr. and Mrs. Milheron, Jon Beal, Jerry Sokol- ka, Walter Tarasiez, Raymond) Parchien, Michaet Beharrell,| Freddie Ogden, and Jim Beal. | In the advanced group were: Ronald Bryant, Roman Malare-| zuk, Tom Gierman, Andrew} Startek and Bill Konkle. | Mr. Tomlinson and the boys| were thanked by Mrs. Robert! Beharrell. Two veople volunteered to at- tend the convention in April, being held in Toronto. Room prize was won by Mr.! Daniel Tomlinson's Grade 5 pupils. A film was shown titled Willie Catches On. It showed the boy's life from a baby until he enter- ed college and how unexplain- ed- events affected his way of thinking. _ The association celebrated its fifth anniversary. Special guest and past president, Mrs. R. M. Edmunds, cut the cake. {| Refreshments 'were served by the fathers and mothers of the Mrs. G. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. |C, Scott, Mr, and Mrs, A. Grif- fith, Mr. and Mrs. William Do- broskinsky, Mr. and Mrs, Wil- liam Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Andrews, Mr, and Mrs. Philip Pitcher, Mr- and Mrs. Leon Victor; Mr. and Mrs. Car! ributed to ions were financial unionists ruffles of nylon net cascading to the hemline, A pearl crown held her fingertip veil which was edged with lace and she carried a cascade of white car- nations. The matron of honor, Mrs. Joseph Pallone, wore a sheath gown of yellow silk organza with a' scoop neekline and -short sleeves. Her headdress was a matching veiled crown and she carried a cascade of pink and white carnations. The brides- maids were the Misses Lee Cas- sano, Grace Silvestri, Annette Alvara and Annette Gattelaro.|, They wore identical gowns of Sick $50; Re- $50; Can. choir, $25; Fair- Voice of Christmas members Charles Braiden, Toronto; Mr. 15 Sherwood road east, ering, will be at home to their bridegroors mother chose aj! liam Wilson will be in charge AT HOME 0: refreshments. r, and Mrs. Elmo Disney, met recently in the UAW Hall with the president, Sister Ethel Thomson, presi : Sister Mary Turner, sick con- veiner, reported flowers had been sent to Sisters Christie and Ethel Fogel. Flowers were also sent to the late Brother Robert Bradley. Cards wore sent to Sister Jean Sloan and Brother Bright. There were four new members installed. It was decided to make a do- nation of $200.00 to the New Democratic Party, Tickets will be avilable short- ly for the Flower Show, to be held ptgrind B 22, at 8.00 P.m., at the UAW Hall. INHERITS ART 'i VANCOUVER (CP) -- Unpub- lished journals and by the late artist - writer I Carr have been bequeathed by Ira Dilworth, a former English professor, to Phyllis Inglis, his adopted daughter. U.A..W AUX, No, 27 Pick. hci;| 'The UAW Auxiliary No. 27! friends, neighbors and relatives) Ansus-Gra com Saturday, March 16, from 7.00 to 10.00 p.m, on the occa- sion of their 25th wedding anni- versary. @ Commercicl and Industrial Sites @ Leaseback @ Development Paul Ristow REALTOR USE MORE GAS | Italy's gasoline consumption CARPET 282 King W. 728-9581 RUG & CHESTERFIELD LEANING 52% Simcoe N. 728-9474 rose 21.1 per cent during 1962. THE WALKER GIRL SAYS: "Coad taste in Fashion need Robert Rankin, Vancouver, Brit- ish Columbia, brother of the bride. @ WEDDING PORTRAITS @ WEDDING ALBUMS --by-- GJraland. Studio 21 ATHOL ST. WEST 723-3680 pink silk onganza with scooped|@rade 5 pupils, i Michele Giardullo. necklines, short sleéves and short gathered skirts. Their headdresses were rhinestone tiaras and they carried -- cas- cades of pink and white carna- not be Expensive" "MARRIED Mr, and Mrs. John Kenneth Johnston are seen after their Trecent marriage in Simcoe Street . Pentecostal Church. The bride is the former Bev- erley Ruth Marshall, daugh- 4 y ter of Mr, and Mrs, Frank E. Marshall, Oshawa, and Mr. Johnston is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Johnston, Port Hope. Mary's Studio | And Maria Silvestri United In Marriage St. Gregory's The Great Roman Catholic Church was the setting for the recent marriage of Miss Maria Silvestri, daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Sil- vestri, Oshawa, and Mr. Michele Giardullo, Oshawa, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Giar- dullo, Italy. The ceremony was performed by Mor-ignor Paul Dwyer. | Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a full length gown of bridal lace with a scalloped neckline and _lily- Point sleeves. The bouffant skirt was accented on the sides by tions, The best man was Mr. Joseph Pallone with Mr. Romano Mauro, Mr, Joseph Mauro, Mr. Dominic Gattelaro and Mr, An-| thony Silvestri as suhers, The reception was held in St. Gregory's auditorium, Mr. and Mrs. Giardullo are making their home in Oshawa. REPAIRED ! ! WARNER WILLIAMS SERVICE CENTRE 17-B BOND E. 725-3531 Voice of Women extends a cordial welcome to the citizens of Oshawa to a public meeting ot McLaughlin Public Library Tues. Mar. 19th -- 8 p.m. Guest Speaker: Mrs. Helen Tucker Topic: 1. C. Y. -- (International Co-Operation Year) The Breathing Spell The Whole World Needs Endorsed Unanimously by U.N. in 1962 * NOBODY BEATS AD BOY'S LOW PRICES! No Matter Whether It's Furniture, ° Appliances, HI-FI, TV, Radios, etc. If You Don't Buy It At Bad Boy's YOU PAY TOO MUCH!! Fashi to New | | APPLIANCES Open Nightly (Except Saturday) 'Til 9:30 KING ST. E. AT TOWNLINE 728-4658 | BAD BOY tic: Pe Rr ARTIS Sins BONE Te Fe pert See en en A Ie ne ea And here' coat of style-conscious all wool in beige, red or blue. WALKER'S SHOPPING CENTRE OSHAWA 728-4626 ion is a look--not a price! s another fine example prove it, Our slightly flared Petite Sizes 12 to 16 29.98 Spring Millinery from 1.98

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