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Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Mar 1963, p. 5

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y WHITBY and DISTRICT Manager: Rae Hopkins Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Tel. MO. 8-3708 KATHLEEN ROWE STUDENTS PORTRAY THREE LITTLE PIGS Grade 1 students at Whit- by's Kathleen Rowe Memorial School this week turned to the stage to portray the story of the Three Little Pigs, for the entertainment of their par- ents, All students had some part to play but the pageant's four main characters are shown above, They are Joan Foote, Mother Pig; Jimmy Liepsig, Blackie Pig; Timmy Campbell, the Wolf. WHITBY PERSONALS Jack, son of Mr.. and Mrs. Jack Hetton, is celebrating his sixth birthday today. His com- anions of R. A. Hutchison | Mrs. F, B, Wishart, 118 Coch- jrane street, is opening her home | Monday, March 18, to the mem- bers -of St. Mark's United | Minister Celebrates 90th Birthday Tuesday School and friends wish him|Church Women Unit No. 8 for! Greeting cards, telegrams many happy returns of the day. Mr, and Mrs. William Dalby, 208 Warden Wilson, entertained at their home at a_ birthday party in honor of Mr. Dalby. Guests present were: Mr. and Mrs. Bob Johnson, Mr. and Mrs, L, McCoy, Mr. and Mrs, J. Wannamaker, Mr. and Mrs George Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. V. MacCarl, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dalby. The hostess served a cold dinner plate Vimy Ridge LOBA No. 639 is holding a "Euchre Night" this evening with conveners Sisters Evelyn Weeks and Dolly Ander- son, assisted by members of LOL. 4 Whitby Hi-C group held a meeting at St. Mark's United Church. Members of the session Mr, Hare and Mr. Brandon at- reading session was held. Whitby Christian Reformed Church Ladies Society Work and Pray attended the annual meet- ing of the Ladies Society Mary their monthly meeting. Mrs. J. | Wootton and Mrs. J. G. Tweedie | will be hostesses. John Gorman, 917 Centre jstreet north, is celebrating his birthday Monday, Best wishes |are offered to Mr, Gorman from \his friends, Mrs. P, G. Howard, Brock jstreet south, is opening her home Monday to the members jof Miss Florence Davey group for their monthly meeting. Sunday, March 17, Calvin, son of Mr, and Mrs. Earl Camplin, is celebrating his second birth- day. Friends of the family wish |Calvin many happy returns of ithe day, The Misses Sally and Beatrice Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Louis |Moase spent last weekend in Midland visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jones, Women's Christian Temper-| ance Union is holding its an-| nual 'Open Meeting", Tuesday, March 19 at St. Mark's United Church Hall. Prizes will be dis- and Martha of Oshawa. This took the place of the regular meeting. CLUB CALENDAR MONDAY, March 18 St. Andrew's Church Explorers Whitby Baptist Church plorers Co-Op Credit Union banking night lst Whitby Scouts Miss Florence Davey Group All Saints' Anglican Church Evening Guild John's Anglican Church Men's Club -- Greenwood Chapter St. Mark's United Women Unit No. 8 TUESDAY, March 19 Whitby Baptist Church CGIT Faith Baptist Church Sr. YP Red Cross work room Colborne Street H and § Asso- ciation Mark's United Women Unit No. 6 Ajax Kineites Women's Christian Temperance Union Fa Ex- St Church St Church WEDNESDAY, March 20 Red Cross Sr. Club St. Andrew's Presbyterian Children of the Church St. John's Anglican Church WA Benevolent Rebekah Lodge, 132 Knights of Columbus Council 4895 : Citizens Social THURSDAY, March 21 Whitby Baptist Church Cubs Salvation Army Women's Home League King Street H and S Association All Saints' Anglican Church St. Margaret Guild St. Mark's United Women Unit No. 3 and callers will be the order of © \the day March 10 when Rev. | Hugh Crozier, of Whitby, cele- brates his 90th. birthday. Mr. Crozier will receive his jcallers in his book-lined study lat his Athol street residence, The room contains many me- § imentoes of his 68 years spent in the service of the church as {well as books which he has |written on religious subjects, He was ordained in Tarbolton in 1809 and spent some years in the west before returning to On- tario in 1924, After service in Oshawa, Pickering and area he and Mrs. Crozier retired to Whit- by in 1937. Mrs, Crozier died in 1954, a \year after the happy couple celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. Rev. and Mrs. Crozier have two children and two grandchildren, : He. ia now prouc 1e fact that he is a een In spite of his formal retire- ment Rev. Crozier still takes} summer charges and is also} well known as a speaker at ser-| HUGH CROZIER tributed to the boys and girls winners of the essay on "'Tem- perance"', | An executive meeting of Col- borne Home and School Asso- \Ciation was held at the home of |Mrs. E. Corby to make arrange- ments for the regular monthly Presbyterian| meeting, Tuesday, March 19,/ Park Vista Ratepayers Asso- when the guest speaker will be jJ. Eilbeck from the Depart- jment of Education Community Program Branch of Ontario. | There will also be a Marionette |Show arranged by pupils of the school Gary, son of Mr, and Mrs, |Kenneth Dudley, is celebrating jhis eighth birthday Monday, |March 18, His companions of R. A, Hutchison School and friends |wish him many happy returns of the day Ontario County South Region- al CWL "Day of Recollection" will be held Sunday, March 17 'in St. Francis de Sales Church, Pickering beginning at 1 p.m. This will be conducted by Rev. Kevin Scott SG Minister of Regis College, Toronto, This day of recollection has been ar- ranged by Ontario County South Spiritual Convener Miss Verda Packer. Any ladies wishing transportation should contact Mrs. Greg Carter. Sunday, March 17, Danny, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gra- velle, will be celebrating his Lith birthday. His friends and companions of St. Theresa's School wish him a happy birth. A special meeting of All Saints Afternoon Guild will be held Monday, at the home of Mrs, Cassells and Miss Barnes. Lorne Johnson attended the |Credit Union Convention held at |Royal York Hotel, Toronto. On Saturday Mrs. Johnson joined idance. vice clubs and other organiza-| ions, }« ' Belated happy birthday wishes) Fp. WERE PLUME jare extended to Wendy, daugh-| (Getter Kine! ter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin) Jordan, who celebrated her | third birthday Friday, March 15, PLUMBERS OF THE nd $0 FOLKS o ciation is holding its annual 'St. |Patrick's Dance" this evening jin the Royal Canadian Legion Hall with Gordon Kyle and Alex Hall as chairmen. Social con- vener is Mrs. Alex Hall assist- ed by Mrs. Gordon Kyle, Mrs.| R, Macintosh, Mrs. B. Kerry jand Mrs. B. Malless. A buffet supper will be served and Jack Dodds. and his orchestra wili provide the dancing music Mrs. Grant Bainbridge, the, former Gena Howard of Whitb7,| granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs.) P. G. Howard, 506 Brock street 'south, visited them this week |She resides in Elliott Lake. AUXILIARIES Reimer, Brownie Pig; Ronnie | Reed, Whitey.Pig, and Clive | --Oshawa Times Photo | Cy FOR MEN ONLY | UNCLE JOE'S TROUBLE I don't think should ff Unele J drink th ee yeu keep offering Uncie Joe a drin | Why not, Phil? He can refuse if he likes. | I know, but maybe he doesn't want to--and you know what 3 | lot of trouble he got into when he was drinking. | I certainly do--I just offer him a drink to be hospitable. He can | have ginger ale if he wanis. d He wes practically an alcoholic wasn't he? It's no wonder that Church/ her husband for the banquet and|Joe has had a lot of disappointments in his life. That's why he BROCK WHITBY Feature Attraction Starts 7:15 and 9:40 Also -- Colored Cartoon -- Sport and Comedy Evening Shows at 7 and 9 ~--Setu day Matines of 1:50 | Maybe his drinking hetped cause his disappointments. ie eke oy pered oe woes. Now, since he's been off | tt for @ year, aera getting along better i ao alee kn -- miei | Do you think it will Inst? - Yes, I think it will--because I noticed when I offered him that drink before dinner, u problem licked. --what an alcoholic is? --what are the danger signs on the road to alcohol addiction? --what can be done to help a man or woman with an alcohol problem | tegain control over their lives? ||--that you can get this kind of information from a dependable, govern- | ment sponsored source by writing to:-- The Education Department, Alcoholism & Drug Addiction Research Foundation, Box 1666, Terminal "A", Toronto, Ontario <j r : he refused it without a second thought. I think | St. Patrick's Presbyterian Church Choir and Two by Two Club members held a '"'St, Pat- rick's Night' Thursday evening in the church hall attractively idecorated in the St. Patrick's theme. In charge of decora- tions were Mrs, Castle Smith, assisted by her mother, Mrs. An- drew Muir and Mrs, W. J, S. McClure. Upon arrival in the hall Jan- ice and Randi, twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs, Castle Smith, distributed colorful shamrocks to all present. Rev. W. J. S. McClure very ably acted as Master of Cere- monies, The program was ar- ranged by Mrs. P. N. Spratt who accompanied at the piano for the choir to render several well known Irish selections, the audience also participated in the singing of Irish songs, Soloists wire: Alex Ridell, Mrs, Evy Smith, Miss Glenna Kirkwood, a duet by Ross Gib- son and Noel Mowat, Art Craw- ford and Mrs, Catherine Ran- dail ' Mrs. Connelly and her pupils in colorful appropriate cos- tumes performed in - several \Lrish dance numbers, At the close of a most enjoy- 'able evening Rev, McClure ex- |tended thanks to all who parti- Choir And Club Mark St. Patrick's Night cipated and attended, in turn Mr, Robson thanked Rev, Mc- Clure for a job well done. Social convener, Mrs, Dick Heard, assisted by members served refreshments' and a friendly time was spent. LEGION LADIES AUXILIARY The Ladies Auxiliary Royal Canadian Legion held its busi- ness meeting Wednesday, March 13. Due to the weather attendance was down. President, Mrs.. Earl Ormis- ton, chaired the meeting, Dona- tions for the Fall Bazaar were brought in by Mrs. Elmer Ar- cher, April 24 is the date set for the Whitby Auxiliary to enter- tain the Zone Auxiliaries. Mrs. Ormiston will be in charge of entertainment and Mrs. E, Hum. phey will be lunch convener. A draw was held and won by meeting will be in the form of a social in. charge of Mrs. Leon- ard Beckely and committee, The meeting closed with the singing of the "Queen", FAITH BAPTIST YPS | .Faith Baptist Church Sr. |Young People held its weekly meeting Tuesday evening at the church. The meeting opened with the Mrs. Walter Norris. The next WHITBY DAY-BY-DAY GUIDE. COOKIES During the next two weeks Brownies and Guides of the Whitby District will be taking orders for cookies. This is the only appeal made and the funds singing of choruses, Beverley Manuel was in charge of the program. Testimonies were given by |Bill. Wilde, Jim Shearer and Paul Dale. A word of prayer was given, Miss Manuel then conducted a spelling bee and a game of char- jade was played. | Barclay Bateman gave the message of the evening from Matthew chapter 25 titled "Our responsibilities as Christians with talents given to us by God," Paul Dale closed in prayer. Next week's meeting will be in Men's Committee of Oshawa to be held at Whitby Church at 8 p.m. Also a film will be shown. INCOME TAX . RETURNS Phone 668-8252 708 Newman Cres. Whitby charge of Christian Business| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Merch 16, 1963 § of Guiding' or Brownie who calls and sup- port Guiding in Whitby, . SCOUTS SAY THANKS Whitby Boy Scouts wish thank the householders for a very successful "Paper Drive" last Saturday. Over 17,000 pounds were collected. The FREE Hove your furnace cleened fi winters reheee "White r, you -- pul . unified fuel ol! from Western 0, DIAL 725-1212 raised help all units next Raver in Ontario, Welcome the Guide|April 13, Easter Saturday. \ipertdtaseninssuictieceenchesti tinder cial Ambulance Division for the Town surrounding district there will be a public meeting drive will be held ~ Family Monuments LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 - NOTICE To all parties interested in pening @ St. John Whitby and | Mon., March 25th--8:15 p.m. © GUEST SPEAKER e x 'The Anglican Old Parish Hall ' Cor. Centre & Dundes St, W., Whitby SPONSORED BY... | The Whitby Chamber of Gommerce GENERAL ELECTRIC SALES & SERVICE Serving Whitby, Oshewe end surrounding eree. @ FREE PICK-UP e@ FREE DELIVERY Independent Sales (Whitby) Led. PHONE 668-2081 | For That New Spring | SUIT | Why Not Try... | | USS MEN'S AND BOYS' SHOP 129 BROCK ST. $., WHITBY Tailored to Measure by e 5 LEISHMAN @ HOUSE OF HOBBERLIN @ TIP TOP TAILORS r aaa THE CORPORATION OF Town of Whitby ot its regular Grand Trunk Street described Grand Trunk Street with the THENCE easterly along the Street THENCE westerly along the Street to the intersection th Victoria Street; 2nd dey of March, A.D. 1 Let's All Go To Church This Sunday! Whitby C THE TOWN OF WHITBY NOTICE of ROAD CLOSING TAKE NOTICE that the Council ef The Corporation of the meeting to be held at the Town Hall, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby at 8 p.m., on Monday, the Ist day of April, A.D. 1963, proposes to poss a By-law to close the following read allowance for vehicular traffic. ALL AND SINGULAR thet certain parcel or tract of land and premises situote, lying and being in the Town of Whitby in the County of Ontario and bei composed ef thet pert of es follows;-- COMMENCING et the intersection of the southerly limit ef southerly limit of Victoria Street southerly limit of Grand Trunk Street @ distance of two hundred ond fifty feet (250'); THENCE northerly at right angles o distance of sixty-six feet (66) more-or-less to the northerly limit of Grend Trunk northerly limit of Grand Trunk ereof with the southerly limit of THENCE southerly in a straight line « distance of sixty-six feet (66') to the Point of Commencement. DATED at the Town of wy in the County ef Onterie this JOHN R. FROST, Clerk. hurches FAITH BAPTIST 419 Brock St, N., Whitby 9:15 AM. Radio Broadcast 9:45 A.M. Bible School Hour Speaker: Pastor Johnston Special Music Morning: Young Men's Trio Evening: Mr. Vern Wright ALL WELCOME ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN Corner Byron & St. John Rev, W, J, S. McClure, 8.A., Minister Mra, P, N. Spratt, Organist 11. AM, Topic: "DOES IT WORK ?" Nursery (Intent Care) Beginners' Classes Junior Congregation. EMMANUEL REFORMED REV, GERRIT REZELMAN THIRD CONCESSION WEST * OF HIGHWAY 12 Z 10:30 sas ENGLISH SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL 2 P.M, DUTCH SERVICE 7 P.M, ENGLISH SERVICE EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOME ST. MARK'S UNITED CHURCH . Mo Smith, B.A. 8.0. v. A.M, Butler, B.A. Mra, J, Beaton, A.R.C.T, 11:00 A.M. "THE RESURRECTION" SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 AM, Juniors, Intermediates, Seniors 11:00 A.M, Nursery, Kindergarten, Primery Junior Congregation WHITBY BAPTIST Colborne Street West at Centre) : Minister: REV. JOHN McLEOD Organist: Mra, W. &. Summers, A.T.C.M. 11:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M, THOMAS -- THE DOUBTER GOSPEL SERVICE Bible School meets ot 9:45 a.m. with classes for all Baptist Young les Unien meeting ot 8:15 p.m. All le -. cordially Young invited to atten The Company of the Apostles | No, 8 | | | | | this spring and summer, to settle the balance . copy today! | Now there's no need to be a big | spender to enjoy the riches of Europe! This new BOAC Val-U-Tours Booklet, hot off the press, shows how your holiday budget can take you to Europe tempting array of escorted Val-U-Tours --best value ever offered, anywhere! The amazingly low prices include all expenses--even tips! And you can budget almost your entire holiday--Val-U-Tour and air fare! Pay only 10% down, with up to 24 months BOAC's Fly Now--Pay Later Plan. Shown here is just one of the wonderful bargains in this fascinating free Val-U- Tour Booklet. Mail coupon for your This Summer! Best value ever in EUROPEAN TOURS! ~ GET THIS FREE BOAG BOOKLET TODAY! Shows you the any time, . . thanks to il 32 King Street West, Toronto, Name. ( erimisu OVERSEAS AIRWAYS CORPORATION Please RUSH me my copy of BOAC Val-U-Tour Booklet. Ontario 119 Address. City, * Travel Agent. ALL OVER THE WORLD BOA TAKES GOOD CARE OF You il ~ sa ~® 9:45 A.M.--DECISION SUNDAY 11:00 A.M. & 7:00 P.M. DONNA PIPER Choir Singing -- Quartet Singing Great Pentecostal Services TO-NIGHT 7:45 P.M.-- ZONE YOUTH RALLY Evangelist Donna Piper 307 BROCK ST. N. Rev. Maxwell PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE WHITBY Case -- Pastor DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA -- WHITBY -- BROOKLIN 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY 668-3304 MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH BOOK THROUGH-- OSHAWA 723-9441

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